What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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So I am noticing that the planet does have a Psyker that is at like Delta Psyker levels minimum. Primaris Psykers aka Psyker Lords are powerful. Choirs would still be a challenge to them though
So, we know now that the Van Zandt Duchy has actions. They just discovered a cabal of powerful psykers on one of their most valuable worlds.

They are almost certainly spending an action next turn to purge Vox Primus, with the full force of an action by a multi-subsector polity, because that's what a dogmatic polity would obviously do. I think we should spend an action to help hide our operation on the planet instead of only veiling our psykers. I feel like the free action is not enough, because they are probably going to send a multi-billion strong army to kill everything in the Underhives that looks funny next turn instead of specifically hunting for Psykers.

The free action plus dampening will probably save our Choirs, but I feel like it will leave the rest of our operations on the Hive World to burn.

I highly doubt they're going to go that far. There were already hundreds of psykers present, just untrained and weak. If we feed them a couple dozen of the ones we had to put down as too dangerous, then they'll just think those folks were a little better trained than usual and call it a win while our psykers hide under the melodies of silence and grounding. This sort of thing is still in the scope of Cerberus stamping out garden-variety cults automatically, not of them informing us of a grand Heresy that needs a full action to eliminate.

It's also neat that each of our actions seems to ~double the size of the infiltration.
[] Plan Final turn for Chapter autoloaders
-[] [General] Research
--[] Shipyard Automatization
--[] Ship Equipment Standardization - [1 DP Equipment] (0/2) x2 - autoloaders
-[] Free Action: If our efforts in subverting Voxx Primus are detected due to our Choirs getting noticed in the Warp, tell 'em to lay low and point one of the dozen hanger-on gangs at some nearby Psykers unwilling to become a part of the Celestial Choir. When they are dead, have the gangers deliver the Psykers to local Arbites or Ecclesiarchy to sell their bodies and evidence of their psyker nature for cash or goods. Then do nothing but silently listen for a decade or two.
-[] Free Action. Station the SBGs Centaur and Sphinx in Ultima Sagritta, and instruct them to be enthusiastic in destroying incoming enemy scouts.

This leaves us with enough banked research for another 1 pointer but keeping it banked to put on the second part of the automation tree next turn.
They seem to building up at a rate of 4 cobra's per turn so i think we have three turns to research auto loaders, design new ships and then fill out Sphinx with the new carrier design

HeroCooky comfirmed that if we standardize autoloaders this turn will the A Ship Worthy Of The Chapter (3.5/4) will include them.
As the ship is at 3.5/4.0 it will be completed next turn so after that adding autoloaders will take a refit.

Can someone post my plan when the voting opens, i be asleep by then.
Nope. Voxx is now at twelve Cobras. Nothing more than that. Oh, and the Black Ash Clan is having a Civil War again.
Huh, how long has it been since the last civil war with the Black Ash Clan again? Might be worth a look.

Lady Governor Omamsi van Grim Dracentia de Larraal Hattie Vetesese Suri Consenho Scalle van der Snipe gingerly stabbed her fork into the small fruit on her plate; the flat thing quickly speared and brought it to her lips, where she took a singly dainty bite, eating a portion like a lady ought to, as she delighted silently in the taste of the fruit. From the sweetness lightly overshadowed by the sour notes replacing them after a second to the consistency of the pulp within her mouth, to the delight of knowing there would be yet more to come, it was all delightful.
Ah yes, the unnecessarily long names in the Noble portion of the Imperium. And the Governor of the Hive World. Also this now making me crave fruit again, curse you QM!

All too bad that she could not allow herself more than one of these treats per day after her work was done, else she would end up like her dearlydepartedandmuchmissedfather, and nobody would like that, her the least. A healthy body ensured a healthy mind, and she took to great pains to ensure both were in ample supply. Even if the exercises were the worst parts of her day, by far, and she had to deal with that dreadful Lord General Sebulustu. Really, what had her dearlydepartedandmuchmissedfather thought when he had elevated a commoner to that position? He was so...uncouth and brash, always eager to expand the PDF and SDF, chasing after any tail that would permit him to "clean up the Underhives" like that could be done.

Then again, the man did have his advantages, and it was always a good day when she could throw him at some useless fob who thought themselves important enough to order her around with how the military ought to be organized. Even if his obsession with logistics and feeding the troops was a bore at the best of times. The troops of the Free Dutchy were made up of her Hivers, and they were more than happy with the rations and corpse-starch given to them, and anything more than that, even if it were something she wouldn't even dare to touch, would have them praising her like a Saint!
oh, so she killed her father to get the position after he started hiring based on merit and skill as oppose to within the Nobility or houses. I do wonder what the PDF and SDF are looking like if the guy was eager to expand it? just land more jobs that gave food and such for the underhivers or what? Sadly I think this one will live long since she is careful about her food consumption and exercising, still a typical Noble. So maybe for another 4 or 5 turns we have her running the show.

LOL it sounds like the man might have been a perfect recruit for the Ultramarines if they found him. And damn, so it wasn't just padding for the ship crews for dangerous tasks, the Hive World is their major recruiting Center for troops as well. Which makes sense as the only thing a Hive World makes is manpower to use. So that does give her a lot of soft power to throw around and demand things in exchange for the numbers of troops. And HAH, yah they're happy with that shit because its something they can eat. She'll be in for a rude awakening if we mange to get more and more of the populace in our camp and we are swaying them with real food. So damn, the chocolate really is a tactical nuke for the population of this... world.

QM, please. tell me, Can we sell chocolate down there like its crack? or are we already doing it to win over some of the gangs and such?

Speaking of which..."Bring the map," she ordered into the room, her invisible gaggle of servants immediately moving around with nary a sound like they were trained to do. Servants ought to be seen, but never heard. It only took them seven-point-four seconds to bring forth and unfurl the map she requested once daily during her little treat. Upon that large banner of cloth that had taken a team of master seamstresses several months of non-stop work to complete was her planet, with all its Hives and all the interiors of the Hives depicted in perfect detail. Humming and still tasing the delightful sourness of her favorite fruit, she took the laser pointer from the plate offered by a servant and hummed for a moment, looking at the map in concentration. She had done the lower left yesterday, and she didn't feel like going to the upper right, so maybe...center middle-lower area? Yes, that sounded like a plan. And with that, she pointed the tiny stick at the map, the red dot illuminating some insignificant area within Hive Draconus.

"This one," she said, and enjoyed the furious scribbling of the various Administratum Servo-Skulls recording her choice for her daily charitable efforts, knowing that an additional ration filled by her specifications and adorned by her visage and the crest of her House would be delivered to all within that Hab-Block or Manufactory. Of course, selling the rations or defacing the crest of her visage was punishable by death, but that only meant they had to be careful when opening the packages. Something even th-

"My Lady," her handmaid softly spoke a step behind her, bowing forward to hold her head level with hers. Usually, she would not be happy to have her thoughts interrupted, but the girl knew her well enough that she would have waited, so this had to be important. A gesture of her hand allowed her handmaid to continue speaking without fear of punishment. "Psyker-Lord Shem Al-Abdazzah is urgently requesting to meet you. He waits before the doors as I speak."
So much effort and resources for a damn map, very much in line for her. Ah so this is charity part where she make show of how she 'totally' cares about them and as way keep people looking for it. Though given how its shown here, I do hope this isn't near our territory yet. And seriously? you have to avoid tearing the packaging around crest of the rations? that's some bullshit but fitting with 40k Imperium.

Hold Up. Psyker LORD? well damn, they changed up things with that then. and for a 5/5 dogmatic too. then again you gonna give some treat to encourage and keep loyal the people who guide your ships. And shit, I think we got made.

This...did make her pause for a moment. Not only that, he had been allowed to walk this far, even if he was the Psyker-Lord of this Sub-Sector and more than 300 billion souls within, as such a thing was not done. So, either he was trying to finally murder her after being corrupted by Chaos (very unlikely, he would have blown up the Upper-Hive Spire just to be sure, cautious as he was), or something had gone very wrong. "Let him enter," she spoke, and the doors opened before her lips had even closed, the man marching into her dining room upright and imperial, coat fluttering behind him. He also had to be a drama queen because being a psyker and reading the minds of her servants was apparently not enough. "I believe I told you to stay out of the minds of my servants. They are mine, after all, not yours," she idly commented, thinking he would have some witty comeback or make a funny face in return. He did neither, speaking gravely and harshly.

"Tell me that you have an explanation as to why my disciples detected what they are very sure is a Cabal of Rogue Psykers right within your Underhive?"
I thought there was 700 billion people on Vox Primus last time we got numbers on it? was that a mistake or have they 'recruiting' so many people to fill the armies of the Dutchy?
Also no note our colonization of the world. that's good as it buys us another turn at least.

..... Fucking hell, did we seriously trigger whatever detection system when we sent the choirs? In hindsight sending 5 choirs may have been a little much. Sending A choir I think would have been enough. Though I will say its weird how they found our Choir right away. Maybe they detected the songs we sent back once they landed?

[] [Blazing Sun] Every World A Fortress (0/32)
No longer left aside.
(Gain: 1 War-Pack per Action on a Planet.)
Fucking hell, I know we'll have more in the long run but damn that is a lot of actions. Glad its an auto-ticker and we just have to put 1 action to start it.

You are up to around ~110 million people, with gangs slowly starting to flock to your banner for food, guns, and safety. And the sent Choirs have not noticed that they were noticed, that is another Melody. They have noticed several hundred Psykers (only 11 were of Choir Quality) and took them under their wings or put a few hundred rounds through their bodies.
Wooooo we breached the hundred million mark but holy shit it does not seem that much when the population of the planet is somewhere between 300 and 700 Billion. Its a good base and not sure HOW effective the last action was with infiltrators and the like. Ten years would be enough but who knows how they are working to set up the various gangs Downfall. Is that what's happening QM? or is the ongoing wars between gangs lasting decades and our insurgency there just on the sidelines waiting for the right moment? Also should we be preparing to send a massive shipment of machinery, hydroponics, and the like to help prepare for a massive influx?

Which Melody was that?

.....OH, holy shit how did the Dutchy not see all of THOSE in the UnderHive? Were we just caught up in a purge or witch hunt and they found the.... motherfucker. All our Choirs have around 200 years of experience and training and a certain level on the psycher levels. even if they are not an Alpha or Alpha plus, even a Beta or Delta with 200 years to train would fling out shit that looks like Alpha or things you didn't know psychers could do and they were never taught to hide or lessen it. They think our Choirs are natives and raised on Voxx Primus, so nautrally with the powerful Psychers in groups and such, and then in looking in more finding pyschers around them or just finding a lot more when going into the underhive it makes it looks like a Psycher Cabal formed up. Not the truth but close enough its worrying for us.

And this was several hundred just in OUR territory, while its more reasonable to assume they came to our territory from others due to a promise of better conditions and acceptance with us then others, its still a lot of pyschers that popped up.

Like, you know what you're doing. We've played the entire game in action economy hell. We barely have time to explore anything. Write-ins tend to go well, except when we've apparently compromised our entire mission and might as well not have bothered going to Voxx Primus at all, apparently!
To be honest, we have had the options for it and received confirmation from him that I and other brought up before. Its a gate to the things further down the tree, its locked behind that option and we don't get to just look at the stuff further down the tree, only get to do that once you start it. I and other have stated this is the case many times. Same thing with Servitors upgrade, its IS there but always action cost and focus on immediate returns rather than on unsure future returns. The Voxx mission isn't a bad one just we jumped the gun too soon and believed too much in the Meme of the Imperium of their incompetence. We made a mistake, lesson learned and we'll try to salvage things.

I, actually, do know what I am doing, thank you very much. You do have time to explore stuff, the problem is that you are apparently under the impression that you need to annihilate Van Zandt in a Death War instead of making yourself look too strong to attack. You can do that, by the way. Just park two BSGs next to them and blow up any scouts that come your way. They ain't gonna keep throwing ships away if you do that.
YES. this has been my thing and what I say a few pages before the update. I didn't WANT to colonize the planet that leads to Voxx Primus but since we did, just build up static Defenses. do a write in for Orbital Defense Stations and build up, like how Voxx Primus did early on. I would say to build up Orbitals in addition to the BSG's stationed there. Maybe make it a military planet or outpost to founded instead.

Still I think given we have 3 BSG's It'd be better to build up enough Orbital to make up for a SBG and keep on there. I will this, if I don't see a Plan this turn doing, I WILL make plans from now on putting that in there.

As for the Psykers getting noticed, yes. That is what happens if you send 25 Psykers capable of using the Warp to collectively fry a Battleship to a crisp in exchange for their lives to unto a planet of a nation that goes: "Fuck Insurgents This Turn." Tell 'em to lay low, slot in the Grounding Melody, and you will be able to avoid the danger until people grow bored.
Yahhhhh, I got to that conclusion thinking on it and it makes sense. these are decently leveled pyschers with 200 years to get their shit together.

OH COME ON! this turn?! they HAD to do that action THIS turn? I wanna see the Nega-Quest of this were a quest that went all Dogmatic is reacting to this and assuming Chaos or the like while still needing to put out a dozen more fires.

Yah, in hindsight we REALLY should have gotten Silence and Grounding before going on this but we got cocky and lax, believing the Imperium couldn't notice this with how chaos cults, genestealer cults, and the let tend to fester down there until its ready to explode. We thought we could do the same and we didn't take the precautions needed. I do push for a Melody gain this turn for both Silence and grounding.... I just hope we don't make the song accidently into a 'No pyscher besides us' field.

Most Psykers AFAIK don't have access to Rejuvenat as we do, so for them having lived their entire lives there and suddenly encountering something new, it'd make them interested enough to investigate.
Yup, as stated ALL of our choirs when they appear on the Free Choir part are ones with 200 years of training and getting their shit together. A thing most pyscher don't have besides eldar and that gives us a massive advantage. So yah getting discovered by the Dutchy's would make them investigate because those don't just pop out of nowhere.

-[] Free Action: If our efforts in subverting Voxx Primus are detected due to our Choirs getting noticed in the Warp, tell 'em to lay low and point one of the dozen hanger-on gangs at some nearby Psykers unwilling to become a part of the Celestial Choir. When they are dead, have the gangers deliver the Psykers to local Arbites or Ecclesiarchy to sell their bodies and evidence of their psyker nature for cash or goods. Then do nothing but silently listen for a decade or two.
Oh sweet, Glad we got this and I didn't realize there were THAT much more as well there. Shit, the Hive World are just breeding grounds for this shit aren't they? Thank You QM.

It's b/c the more powerful the Psyker, the more they stand out to others with Witchsight, and those that are part of a Choir are pretty damn powerful, like at least Gamma or Delta level. And we sent 25 of them all to one place.
Wait is THAT how it works? I didn't look into that stuff but witchsight is a thing like in Witcher? or maybe Assassin's creed with their sights? Huh, that would explain a lot now and how our Choirs would look to them.... Yah I think we way overshot it by sending Five choirs. i get wanting to do 5 every chance we get but we should have tested the waters first with one before sending 5 at once. sending one choir every decade or so. Oh well.

Dreadnoughts - 0% Strength
Chief Librarian: N/A
Oh right, was looking at the informational about the Lamenters while looking for something else and noticed these. Is the reason they don't have a Chief Librarian because our Choirs snatch all the Psychers? and what do we need to research or do in order to be able to create Dreadnoughts?
[X] Plan: Keep calm, Ramp Up.
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Silence
--[X] Grounding
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Shipyard Automatization
-[X] Design New Voidship Classes
--[X] Libra-Quartus (Libra-Q) Light Carrier
--[X] Cassiopeia-class Support Ship
--[X] Circinus- Secondus Class Scout Sloop
--[X] Sagittarius-Secundus (S) Class Lance Frigate
-[X] Free Action: If our efforts in subverting Voxx Primus are detected due to our Choirs getting noticed in the Warp, tell 'em to lay low and point one of the dozen hanger-on gangs at some nearby Psykers unwilling to become a part of the Celestial Choir. When they are dead, have the gangers deliver the Psykers to local Arbites or Ecclesiarchy to sell their bodies and evidence of their psyker nature for cash or goods. Then our choirs should do nothing but use the new melodies to hide themselves and our infiltration from the authorities for a decade or two. Additionally, request that our agents write up feedback and recommendations for training to be incorporated into curriculum to train future missionaries & infiltrators.
-[X] Free Action. Station the incomplete SBG in Ultima Sagritta, along with several extra destroyers, and instruct our forces to be intimidating and enthusiastic in destroying incoming enemy scouts from Voxx Primus.

I want to use the experience of our existing infiltrators to develop this whole 'infiltrate and subvert' methodology and adapt it into a pillar of our expansion. This will hopefully help additional Voxx infiltration go better, and can be developed further as we keep going. We're like chaos, except bearing chocolate, medicine and the star child instead of all that chaotic shit, don't ya know. I know we've got the propaganda office, but that's overt. It would be nice to have a covert version like @One Autumn Leaf suggested that subverts designated territories (not the Ashan or Shipwrights).

Edit: This plan was changed to replace the Crux-T with the Sagittarius-S, since I wasn't aware the Crux-T design was based around having autoloaders completed.
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[X] Plan: Keep calm, Ramp Up.
[X] Plan: If you're going to do this, do it right.

This has automation, ergo it has my vote.
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[X] Plan Silent Autoloaders
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Silence
--[X] Grounding
-[X] [General] Research:
—[X] Ship Standardization (Autoloaders) x2

-[X] Free Action: If our efforts in subverting Voxx Primus are detected due to our Choirs getting noticed in the Warp, tell 'em to lay low and point one of the dozen hanger-on gangs at some nearby Psykers unwilling to become a part of the Celestial Choir. When they are dead, have the gangers deliver the Psykers to local Arbites or Ecclesiarchy to sell their bodies and evidence of their psyker nature for cash or goods. Then our choirs should do nothing but use the new melodies to hide themselves and our infiltration from the authorities for a decade or two. Additionally, request that our agents write up feedback and recommendations for training to be incorporated into curriculum to train future missionaries & infiltrators
-[X] Free Action. Station the SBG Sphinx in Ultima Sagritta system

This gets us those Melodies we need and those Autoloaders just in time for the Lamenters Flagship

[ ] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes - [Available: Destroyer (1 DP), Frigate (2 DP), Light Cruiser (4 DP), Heavy Cruiser (8 DP)] - [8 DP]
We've got 2 destroyers, 1 frigate and one light cruiser on the docket!
Though you should know, the Crux-T design on there is based on if we have Autoloaders standardized. If you go through with the plan with them as is, we're going to be giving the Crux-T a detriment since it's 2DP over budget.
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[X] Plan Silent Autoloaders

I'm against the Crux T design in plan Keep Calm and Ramp Up. That design should remove the 3 light missile launchers and add in Anti-Void Craft defenses plus add the two points free elsewhere.

Cramming in so many guns into a ship is a bad idea.
Though you should know, the Crux-T design on there is based on if we have Autoloaders standardized. If you go through with the plan with them as is, we're going to be giving the Crux-T a detriment since it's 2DP over budget.
... ah. Thank you. I was not aware. Let's swap it to the Sagittarius design, since the Crux design I was quoting on seems a little half-baked. Sorry for the edit!

It's probably better this way anyways, since the Crux's were initially designed as lineholders when we were playing in the little leagues. Now they're skirmishers, but the Sagittarius is potentially better in the harrasment role since it's longer-ranged.
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... ah. Thank you. I was not aware. Let's swap it to the Sagittarius design, since the Crux design I was quoting on seems a little half-baked. Sorry for the edit!

It's probably better this way anyways, since the Crux's were initially designed as lineholders when we were playing in the little leagues. Now they're skirmishers, but the Sagittarius is potentially better in the harrasment role since it's longer-ranged.
Ah, whoops, that was just me math-ing wrong. Yeah, best just switch to the Sagittarius-S for now. We can wait for the auto-loaders for the Crux-T.

[X] Plan: Keep calm, Ramp Up.


The Libra-Q is right, but I've made my feelings on the Cassiopeia not really being a great choice before, and upgrading our Sloops right before we get better scouting gear hurts me.

Sagi design isn't bad though, fair is fair. Dunno why it doesn't have Ship Shrines though. If anything, I'm worried it's too undermassed for having four guns on it, but I guess people saw my lack of response as tacit approval?
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I do have a stealth raider destroyer sitting around if you want to replace one of them.
[] Dorado Light Corsair (v.1.4) [16FP]
-[] Length 1.200m (+4)
-[] Width - 200m (+4)
-[] Acceleration - 8 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Double Hull
-[] Shields - One Array
-[] Weapons - 4x80m Torpedos/1x Medium Mine-Layer/1x Light Plasma Macro-Cannon Turret (-6)
-[] Equipment - Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Emergency Maneuver Engines/Enhanced Supply Generation/Stealth Engine Dampeners/Zero-Emissions Protocols/Emergency Transition Warp Breakers(-18)
A/N: A complement for our Chamleon (ha) infiltrator frigate. The Dorado leans more into a raider and interdiction role meant to sow discord in an enemy's logisical routes like the U-boats of old. I unfortunately had to drop Ghosts to make this one work and subbed in Zero-Emissions Protocols instead.

Or... instead of the 2 destroyers, sub in a flak frigate.

[] [Frigate] Felis Flak Frigate [20DP]
-[] Length - 1.800 Meters (+2)
-[] Width - 450 Meters (+2)
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Medium Double Hull (-1)
-[] Shields - Two Arrays
-[] Weapons - 2x Anti-Voidcraft Defenses/2x Light Rotary Macro-Cannons Battery/1x Light Rotary Macro-Cannon Turret (-10)
-[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lattice Hulls/Auto-Loaders/Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions/After-Burner Macro-Shells (-13)
A/N: My attempt at a flak frigate. Its primary role is as an escort for HVT's of our fleets, taking highly accurate potshots and intercepting any light raiders, voidcraft, torpedoes, etc. trying to get at our backline.
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The Libra-Q is right, but I've made my feelings on the Cassiopeia not really being a great choice before, and upgrading our Sloops right before we get better scouting gear hurts me.
Apologies, I don't think I saw that earlier when you posted it. Can you link that post or describe the issue again? It's a destroyer that if we build a dozen or so of them will serve to blunt infrastructure losses, carry out humanitarian missions and generally act like a pseudo-trait. Having the capability to deploy mobile missionaries, doctors and infrastructure capacity is powerful, helping us diplomatically and in expansion.

I think it's inarguable there's a lot of potential for a support ship, though I could see an argument for something like the Anthikera Class Engineering Vessel if you also wanted it to serve as a ship support vessel that can do repairs.

I do have a stealth raider destroyer sitting around if you want to replace one of them.
At this point I don't want to swap out designs again. If you want to swap it out make a new voting option and I'll probably back it in addition to my own.
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Apologies, I don't think I saw that earlier when you posted it. Can you link that post or describe the issue again? It's a destroyer that if we build a dozen or so of them will serve to blunt infrastructure losses, carry out humanitarian missions and generally act like a pseudo-trait. Having the capability to deploy mobile missionaries, doctors and infrastructure capacity is powerful, helping us diplomatically and in expansion.

I think it's inarguable there's a lot of potetnial for a support ship, though I could see an argument for something like the Anthikera Class Engineering Vessel if you also wanted it to serve as a ship support vessel that can do repairs.

Because it's trying to be an Andromeda and a Taurus and is worse at both of those jobs, that's why I dislike it. If you want a proper support ship, commit to the bit, don't try to cheese the game mechanics and go "Well let's just make a Destroyer do this!" and expect that to go well.

In fact, let me show you how it's done.
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Well, here's my version of the plan. I agree with @Alectai that the support destroyer design is trying to do too much for such a small platform. Maybe if it were a light cruiser size and focused on one or two of things max.

[X] Plan: Simmer Down and Plan Ahead
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Silence
--[X] Grounding
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Shipyard Automatization
-[X] Design New Voidship Classes
--[X] Libra-Quartus (Libra-Q) Light Carrier
--[X] Felis Class Flak Frigate
--[X] Sagittarius-Secundus (S) Class Lance Frigate
-[X] Free Action: If our efforts in subverting Voxx Primus are detected due to our Choirs getting noticed in the Warp, tell 'em to lay low and point one of the dozen hanger-on gangs at some nearby Psykers unwilling to become a part of the Celestial Choir. When they are dead, have the gangers deliver the Psykers to local Arbites or Ecclesiarchy to sell their bodies and evidence of their psyker nature for cash or goods. Then our choirs should do nothing but use the new melodies to hide themselves and our infiltration from the authorities for a decade or two. Additionally, request that our agents write up feedback and recommendations for training to be incorporated into curriculum to train future missionaries & infiltrators.
-[X] Free Action. Station the incomplete SBG in Ultima Sagritta, along with several extra destroyers, and instruct our forces to be intimidating and enthusiastic in destroying incoming enemy scouts from Voxx Primus.
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[] [Heavy Cruiser] Aquarius-class Logistics Cruiser
-[] Length
- 5.400 Meters (-2 DP)
-[] Width - 1.000 Meters (-2 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 3 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Bulwark Hull
-[] Shields - Two Lattices
-[] Weapons - 1x Medium Fighter Hangar (-1 DP)
-[] Equipment - Armored Life Pods/Ship Shrines/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Medical Deployment Division/Orders of the Guiding Hands/Large Repair Bay (-23 DP)

This is not a ship designed to fight in the line, it's intended to sit with the Andromedas in the back, because its job happens when the fighting is over. It is big, chonky, maximum sized, and still hits 3 gs of acceleration in spite of this. That being said, its armament is just a token force of fighters.

It's real upside is being able to repair virtually anything we have in the Void right now, and to provide key logistical support on campaigns, extending our endurance dramatically by being able to repair anything that doesn't need yard time in the field, while being able to provide major sophontarian support to the ground. It's also more practice at building Heavy Cruisers, which is a nice bonus.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is "If you want a dedicated Logistics ship that isn't going to run into Problems, it can't be significantly smaller than the ships it's working on". Battlefleet Koronus is very clear about the Compromises involved with making what amounts to being a mobile logistics vessel, and that boils down to "This ship needs to either be a macro sized freighter or a Grand Cruiser to begin with, and then it can't equip proper guns on its flanks because the Spacedock Components are too chonky"

Is it good? Hell yes it's good. If the ship doesn't need yardtime, this can probably fix it in the field, and it likely can manufacture heavy components to boot.

But you can't get good performance in a repair ship without building BIG.
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[] [Heavy Cruiser] Aquarius-class Logistics Cruiser
-[] Length
- 5.400 Meters (-2 DP)
-[] Width - 1.000 Meters (-2 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 3 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Bulwark Hull
-[] Shields - Two Lattices
-[] Weapons - 1x Medium Fighter Hangar (-1 DP)
-[] Equipment - Armored Life Pods/Ship Shrines/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Medical Deployment Division/Orders of the Guiding Hands/Large Repair Bay (-23 DP)

This is not a ship designed to fight in the line, it's intended to sit with the Andromedas in the back, because its job happens when the fighting is over. It is big, chonky, maximum sized, and still hits 3 gs of acceleration in spite of this. That being said, its armament is just a token force of fighters.

It's real upside is being able to repair virtually anything we have in the Void right now, and to provide key logistical support on campaigns, extending our endurance dramatically by being able to repair anything that doesn't need yard time in the field, while being able to provide major sophontarian support to the ground. It's also more practice at building Heavy Cruisers, which is a nice bonus.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is "If you want a dedicated Logistics ship that isn't going to run into Problems, it can't be significantly smaller than the ships it's working on".
Huh, I personally went with a more lightweight design since we're still struggling making heavy cruisers in a timely fashion.
[] [Light Cruiser] Capricornus Light Fleet Tender (v.1.3)[25DP]
-[] Length - 4.000 Meters (+1)
-[] Width - 500 Meters (+1)
-[] Acceleration - 5 Gravities (-1)
-[] Armor - Medium Double Hull
-[] Shields - One Matrix
-[] Weapons - 1x Medium Fighter Hanger (-1)
-[] Equipment - Large Repair Bay/Small On-Board Manufactory/Yeeni Auxiliary Engineer Division/Ship Shrines/Armored Life Pods/Medical Deployment Division (-25)
Huh, I personally went with a more lightweight design since we're still struggling making heavy cruisers in a timely fashion.
[] Capricornus Light Fleet Tender (v.1.3)[25DP]
-[] Length - 4.000 Meters (+1)
-[] Width - 500 Meters (+1)
-[] Acceleration - 5 Gravities (-1)
-[] Armor - Medium Double Hull
-[] Shields - One Matrix
-[] Weapons - 1x Medium Fighter Hanger (-1)
-[] Equipment - Large Repair Bay/Small On-Board Manufactory/Yeeni Auxiliary Engineer Division/Ship Shrines/Armored Life Pods/Medical Deployment Division (-25)

You only need one of these per battle group, realistically. That's affordable.

Building Big is the only way you're going to get anything halfway resembling good performance out of a Large Repair Bay however, you can't fucking do serious work on a ship that's in the same weight class as you are.
You only need one of these per battle group, realistically. That's affordable.

Building Big is the only way you're going to get anything halfway resembling good performance out of a Large Repair Bay however, you can't fucking do serious work on a ship that's in the same weight class as you are.
That's fair. I'll defer to you on this ship specialization.
[X] Plan: If you're going to do this, do it right.
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Silence
--[X] Grounding
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Shipyard Automatization
-[X] Design New Voidship Classes
--[X] Libra-Quartus (Libra-Q) Light Carrier
--[X] Sagittarius-Secundus (Sagittarius-S) Lance Frigate
--[X] Lupus-S (PENDING)
--[X] One More (PENDING)

Going to get started on the designs right now.
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