What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Also, RE Designs, the Crux-S also uses 7 DP out of 20, so it has a lot of room to be improved.
And yeah, I agree with the improved Scout Sloop (even if the best version of it, the third version, will have to wait for the Orrery), but I do think for the Frigate it'd be better to get an even-better Crux.
I'm open to it, really depends on if @Alectai wants to wait for the autoloaders. If he throws up a new Crux design I'll probably toss it in.
Save on Autoloaders for the Crux-T, that plus some other mods will make it an absolutely beastly screening ship.

[] Sagittarius-Secundus (S) Class Lance Frigate (v1.5) [20DP] [2FP]
-[] 1.800 Meters (+1)
-[] Width - 400 Meters (+2)
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Double Hull
-[] Shields - Two Arrays
-[] Weapons - 1x Light Prow Lance/3x Medium Lance Turrets(-12)
-[] Equipment - Armored Prow/Armored Lifepods/Lattice Hulls/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Refractive Hull Coating (-11)
A/N: Disco Ball Sagittarius is a go.
I put this in for now. It looks like a mean little ship that would supplement things likely! Unfortunately it's not in our SBGs, so that means we won't be making many of them in bulk soon, and if there's a viable Crux redesign that would probably be better.
so a question, do we get another trait by getting this to 15? because right now its only 3 away from that.
Actually we're 4 away, we're only at Food VI right now

And really it's more like 8 actions, thought we might be able to cut those actions needed if we get Agriworlds.

Though that being said, I think we should try slow-boating it towards Civ XV since another trait would help

A new and improved Saggitarius might be really cool, but there's a reason we don't have any of them in our fleet currently, because by modern standards they have a cost of -5 DP.

Not 5 DP, -5.

So they've basically been all but phased out of service.
I know, that's why we're designing new ships that could be useful now
I put this in for now. It looks like a mean little ship that would supplement things likely! Unfortunately it's not in our SBGs, so that means we won't be making many of them in bulk soon, and if there's a viable Crux redesign that would probably be better
Well, I think the Sagittarius could fit in as a Heavy Frigate.
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I'm open to it, really depends on if @Alectai wants to wait for the autoloaders. If he throws up a new Crux design I'll probably toss it in.

I put this in for now. It looks like a mean little ship that would supplement things likely! Unfortunately it's not in our SBGs, so that means we won't be making many of them in bulk soon, and if there's a viable Crux redesign that would probably be better.
That's fair. Here's my proposal for the Crux-T then if we want expediency for ship production.
[] Crux-Tertium (T) Class Heavy Frigate (v.1.5) [20 FP]
-[] Length - 1.800m (+2)
-[] Width - 500m (+1)
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Medium Double Hull (-1)
-[] Shields - Two Arrays
-[] Weapons - 4x80m Torpedos/2x Medium Missile Batteries/3x Light Missile Turrets (-8)
-[] Equipment - Missile Swarms/Lattice Hulls/Armored Life Pods/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Macross Missile Massacres/Internal Security Systems/Ship Shrines/Auto-Loaders/Cluster Charge Missile Store (-13)
A/N: All ze missiles!
Circinus- Secondus Class Scout Sloop
-Length 1.200m (+4)
-Width - 250m (+3)
-Acceleration - 8 Gravities (+0)
-Armor - Single Hull (+2)
-Shields - One Array (+0)
-Weapons - 2x Light Missile Batteries (-2)
-Equipment - Ship Shrines (-1)/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations (-1)/Emergency Maneuver Engines (-1)/Missile Swarms (-1)/Enhanced Supply Generation (-1)/Stealth Engine Dampeners (-4)/Refractive Hull Coating (-2)/Tuned Shields (-1)/Spacious Crew Quarters (-1)

Cost: 6 DP, therefore fitting the Scout Cost Requirements. Has two more to spend somewhere.
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Circinus- Secondus Class Scout Sloop
-Length 1.200m (+4)
-Width - 250m (+3)
-Acceleration - 8 Gravities (+0)
-Armor - Single Hull (+0)
-Shields - One Array (+0)
-Weapons - 2x Light Missile Batteries (-2)
-Equipment - Ship Shrines (-1)/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations (-1)/Emergency Maneuver Engines (-1)/Missile Swarms (-1)/Enhanced Supply Generation (-1)/Stealth Engine Dampeners (-4)/Refractive Hull Coating (-2)/Tuned Shields (-1)/Spacious Crew Quarters (-1)
I think we should wait on the Circinus upgrade until we get the Celestial Orerry which is meant to help improve our Scouting.
I think we should wait on the Circinus upgrade until we get the Celestial Orerry which is meant to help improve our Scouting.

I think that we can do that for a Tertius, because if we're waiting to upgrade our Scout Ships for that, it'll probably be, at soonest, 50 or 60 years from now.

Plus, with the Destroyer Automation, we can churn out at least a few of them in the meantime.
Circinus- Secondus Class Scout Sloop
-Length 1.200m (+4)
-Width - 250m (+3)
-Acceleration - 8 Gravities (+0)
-Armor - Single Hull (+0)
-Shields - One Array (+0)
-Weapons - 2x Light Missile Batteries (-2)
-Equipment - Ship Shrines (-1)/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations (-1)/Emergency Maneuver Engines (-1)/Missile Swarms (-1)/Enhanced Supply Generation (-1)/Stealth Engine Dampeners (-4)/Refractive Hull Coating (-2)/Tuned Shields (-1)/Spacious Crew Quarters (-1)

Cost: 8 DP, therefore fitting the Scout Cost Requirements.

I'd rather wait until we can shake loose that new module, because that's tailor-made for the next draft of Sloops.
I can see us using two scouts in the mid term a 8 DP fast to build that scouts nearby systems and a full 16 DP scout that has the new module that is used for the longer ranged exploration.
[] Libra-Quartus (Libra-Q) Light Carrier
-[] Length
- 4.200 Meters
-[] Width - 550 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 5 Gravities (-1 DP)
-[] Armor - Medium Double Hull (-1 DP)
-[] Shields - One Matrix
-[] Weapons -2x Medium Bomber Hangars/1x Medium Fighter Hangar/1x Medium Mixed Hangar/Anti-Voidcraft Defenses (-6 DP)
-[] Equipment - Strict Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Handpicked Pilots/Automated Fighter Re-Arming Procedures/Armored Lifepods/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Ship Shrines/Veteran Crews/Enhanced Strategeum/Tiny On-Board Manufactory (-17 DP)
Why Anti-Voidcraft Defenses on a ship with so many potent fighters to shoot down ordinance with? Also out of ordinance only strikecraft are long ranged, and those are our thing. We have bigger problems if enemy bombers get near a Libra. Also you could increase its firepower by a half with those DP by taking two more hangars.

I can not agree with manufactorums on a ship so imporant and heavily specialized with mutually stacking multipliers when you could multiply its already awesome firepower further and our strikecraft research by taking experimental strikecraft for 3 DP instead. These ships are the heart of our fleets. If you want a patrol ship best design something with more endurance equip and less specialized anyway.

You are also missing the half cost off emergency manevouring thrusters if you are interested in surviveability.

I can not support this design.

[] [Frigate] Andromeda Minor
-[] Sketch (Purely Optional)
-[] Length
- 1.600/1.700/1.800/1.900/2.000 Meters
-[] Width - 350/400/450/500/550 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Single Hull/Single Hull/Thick Single Hull/Thin Double Hull/Medium Double Hull
-[] Shields - Singular Emitter/Two Emitters/Three Emitters/One Array/Two Arrays
-[] Weapons - 1*Light Macro-Cannons
-[] Equipment
- Hymns of the Machines : 10 DP , Emergency Transition Warp Breakers, Armored Bridges, Light Macro-Cannons
Cost : 20/20 DP
But why downsize? 4 FP per 10 ships in no great cost, and we really want to keep the choir and the navigation capability safe.

-Aries-Secundus-Class Corvette : Which we can't redesign anyway, since it's holy.
Yes we can, it sucks.

4 Medium Hangars already felt a bit pushing it before with its previous mass, so I'm worried of running into Problems if we keep it the same size.
Medium Hangars are 2 DP weapons so Frigate sized so I highly doubt that more than 4 would cause issues on a cruiser, but lets ask.

@HeroCooky at about what number of medium hangars would problems start on a base size Light Cruiser?

Anyway, a thought for a new carrier.
A combo of a light missile turret, cluster ammunition stores, and Missile Swarms could let it sweep clear the skies before sending in it's fighters.
Missiles benefit enormously from specializing into them. Most weapon systems do, but missiles especially so. If you want missiles refit Crux.
So I am seeing a problem in the longer term ie our expansion routes...the most peaceful one is the Ashan Families and bringing them into our federation. The next peaceful one is the Shipwright's alliance and then it's violence all the way down.
Man, the thread exploded while I was having lunch.

Onto the topic, I don't think we should worry too much about keeping the Scout designs cheap. Because they are counted as Destroyers, meaning we can automate their production and produce one per turn no matter the cost.
....the Vans use Psykers?

Let me rephrase that....The 5/5 DOGMATIC Imperial nation, employs PSYKERS and isn't just a "kill ''em all" Imperial nation?

Color me shocked, at least now we have more reasons to push deeper into the Underhives now and closer to the DA tech levels below the surface. Either we do that or we die :)

Also we could learn the Silence melody to help create a song to hide our Choirs.
So I am seeing a problem in the longer term ie our expansion routes...the most peaceful one is the Ashan Families and bringing them into our federation. The next peaceful one is the Shipwright's alliance and then it's violence all the way down.
There's the Black Ash Clan. While they are kinda assholish, we could try some diplomacy with them, or at the very least find a House to back in the next Civil War they have.
Let me rephrase that....The 5/5 DOGMATIC Imperial nation, employs PSYKERS and isn't just a "kill ''em all" Imperial nation?
If you want to be an Interstellar Nation worth a Damn, you NEED Psykers or some really bullshit tech. Even the Black Templars, the most fanatic Space Marines who hate everything that isn't a pure human, begrudgingly make use of Navigators and Astropaths b/c they'd be screwed without them.
That's fair. Here's my proposal for the Crux-T then if we want expediency for ship production.
[] Crux-Tertium (T) Class Heavy Frigate (v.1.5) [20 FP]
-[] Length - 1.800m (+2)
-[] Width - 500m (+1)
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Medium Double Hull (-1)
-[] Shields - Two Arrays
-[] Weapons - 4x80m Torpedos/2x Medium Missile Batteries/3x Light Missile Turrets (-8)
-[] Equipment - Missile Swarms/Lattice Hulls/Armored Life Pods/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Macross Missile Massacres/Internal Security Systems/Ship Shrines/Auto-Loaders/Cluster Charge Missile Store (-13)
A/N: All ze missiles!
Circinus- Secondus Class Scout Sloop
-Length 1.200m (+4)
-Width - 250m (+3)
-Acceleration - 8 Gravities (+0)
-Armor - Single Hull (+0)
-Shields - One Array (+0)
-Weapons - 2x Light Missile Batteries (-2)
-Equipment - Ship Shrines (-1)/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations (-1)/Emergency Maneuver Engines (-1)/Missile Swarms (-1)/Enhanced Supply Generation (-1)/Stealth Engine Dampeners (-4)/Refractive Hull Coating (-2)/Tuned Shields (-1)/Spacious Crew Quarters (-1)

Cost: 8 DP, therefore fitting the Scout Cost Requirements.
Added both to my plan. The new Crux has so much firepower.

So I am seeing a problem in the longer term ie our expansion routes...the most peaceful one is the Ashan Families and bringing them into our federation. The next peaceful one is the Shipwright's alliance and then it's violence all the way down.
Yeah - maybe after this turn we refocus away from the van Zandt's for a moment. Slowboat Voxx, get our second fleet built, then start to preach more to the Ashan & Shipwrights. I'm hoping the Cassiopeia will help a ton in the Shipwright's Alliance especially. They still have ~Imperium quality of life, humanitarian missions there should buy us a lot of goodwill, popular support and converts to the Star Child.
On the bright side, our under under hive will be even harder to detect now. Especially if we make a stealth/grounding song later. Imagine 20 Choirs just laying in wait. Whole continents would just crack underneath them.
There's the Black Ash Clan. While they are kinda assholish, we could try some diplomacy with them, or at the very least find a House to back in the next Civil War they have.
Honestly I am all for creating the Department of Espionage now and doing infiltrations. We have already started gaining experience from this place so making a department for it is great. It's CIA time...without the many atrocities ideally
So, we know now that the Van Zandt Duchy has actions. They just discovered a cabal of powerful psykers on one of their most valuable worlds.

They are almost certainly spending an action next turn to purge Vox Primus, with the full force of an action by a multi-subsector polity, because that's what a dogmatic polity would obviously do. I think we should spend an action to help hide our operation on the planet instead of only veiling our psykers. I feel like the free action is not enough, because they are probably going to send a multi-billion strong army to kill everything in the Underhives that looks funny next turn instead of specifically hunting for Psykers.

The free action plus dampening will probably save our Choirs, but I feel like it will leave the rest of our operations on the Hive World to burn.
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but I feel like it will leave the rest of our operations on the Hive World to burn.
We have over 100 million followers, and they will also probably follow the warning to lay low.

So while the cult in Voxx will take a hit, unless the very core gets exposed they will probably be able to recover and maybe even take advantage of the purge to grab the recently scorched ground.