What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I will note that we'll have to retrofit a BUNCH of our ships if we complete Spinx before we upgrade the Libra T's, that currently use 10 out of the 25 DP.

Now, it might well be worth it, but I'd just like to point that out.
Also I think we have gotten to the size where we are developing a whole ass Choir per turn. That's kinda nice. I know at 50 we start out developing melodies so that's useful
[] Plan Full research
-[] [General] Research
--[] Shipyard Automatization
--[] Ship Equipment Standardization - [1 DP Equipment] (0/2) x2 - autoloaders
-[] Free Action: If our efforts in subverting Voxx Primus are detected due to our Choirs getting noticed in the Warp, tell 'em to lay low and point one of the dozen hanger-on gangs at some nearby Psykers unwilling to become a part of the Celestial Choir. When they are dead, have the gangers deliver the Psykers to local Arbites or Ecclesiarchy to sell their bodies and evidence of their psyker nature for cash or goods. Then do nothing but silently listen for a decade or two.

This leaves us with enough banked research for another 1 pointer but keeping it banked to put on the second part of the automation tree next turn.
They seem to building up at a rate of 4 cobra's per turn so i think we have three turns to research auto loaders, design new ships and then fill out Charlie

@HeroCooky If we standardize autoloaders this turn will the A Ship Worthy Of The Chapter (3.5/4) include them?
must get BSG's evenetually...and get strong enough to prepare for a death-war...and punch out the damn nobles in a massive uprising.

we should also look to keep on slowly grinding and preping for the massive fuck you against the imperial remnant.
Pretty much my suggestion.

[] Plan: Keep calm, Carry on.
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Sphinx .5/.5
--[] Werewolf .5/3.5
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[] Silence
--[] Grounding
-[] [General] Research:
--[] Shipyard Automatization
-[] Free Action: If our efforts in subverting Voxx Primus are detected due to our Choirs getting noticed in the Warp, tell 'em to lay low and point one of the dozen hanger-on gangs at some nearby Psykers unwilling to become a part of the Celestial Choir. When they are dead, have the gangers deliver the Psykers to local Arbites or Ecclesiarchy to sell their bodies and evidence of their psyker nature for cash or goods. Then do nothing but silently listen for a decade or two.

Despite my notes of worry about refitting ships, I think this is my choice. I would add assigning Spinx to Ultima Sigritta, however.
Anyway, since automation seems to be in vogue today, I'll also make a case for these :

-[] Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures
(Gain: Improved Servitors.)

Servitors are basically the core of all Imperial and Imperial-esque automation, so upgrading those will allow for widespread improvements.

-[] Mind-Machine Interface Re-Examined (0/2)
(Greater Insight into already existing MMI methods and links.)

Meanwhile, improved MMI should greatly benefit the knights who do rely on that kind of thing.
Bonus point, it also improves the cornerstone of our navy, the thules.
But yeah, my vague thought is, this turn this plan by @blankmask .

[] Plan: Keep calm, Carry on.
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Sphinx .5/.5
--[] Werewolf .5/3.5
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[] Silence
--[] Grounding
-[] [General] Research:
--[] Shipyard Automatization
-[] Free Action: If our efforts in subverting Voxx Primus are detected due to our Choirs getting noticed in the Warp, tell 'em to lay low and point one of the dozen hanger-on gangs at some nearby Psykers unwilling to become a part of the Celestial Choir. When they are dead, have the gangers deliver the Psykers to local Arbites or Ecclesiarchy to sell their bodies and evidence of their psyker nature for cash or goods. Then do nothing but silently listen for a decade or two.

Then next turn: 1 Design Action, 1 Research action (might as well get the Servitors and put us at .8/1 as well), and 1 Heresy Action.
The troops of the Free Dutchy were made up of her Hivers, and they were more than happy with the rations and corpse-starch given to them, and anything more than that, even if it were something she wouldn't even dare to touch, would have them praising her like a Saint!
This is just a side detail, but this is a good sign that the Free Duchy probably doesn't have another massive Hive World lying around to murderize us with if something does end up happening to Voxx Primus. Obviously it doesn't make our job (or the current crisis) any easier at this point, but it should ease some of the worries I've seen in the thread a bit.
Hmm quick aside @HeroCooky with regards to the remaining heresies. Would completing them unlock a faith turn for us? Also how dangerous are they getting?
No, and they aren't doing any terrorist bombings. But they are growing.
@HeroCooky If we standardize autoloaders this turn will the A Ship Worthy Of The Chapter (3.5/4) include them?
I will say yes, but only because I like the Lamenters. And also because I am the one making their ship, so that would be one thing less I have to worry about. :V
[] Libra-Quartus (Libra-Q) Light Carrier
-[] Length
- 4.200 Meters
-[] Width - 550 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 5 Gravities (-1 DP)
-[] Armor - Medium Double Hull (-1 DP)
-[] Shields - One Matrix
-[] Weapons -2x Medium Bomber Hangars/1x Medium Fighter Hangar/1x Medium Mixed Hangar/Anti-Voidcraft Defenses (-6 DP)
-[] Equipment - Strict Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Handpicked Pilots/Automated Fighter Re-Arming Procedures/Armored Lifepods/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Ship Shrines/Veteran Crews/Enhanced Strategeum/Tiny On-Board Manufactory (-17 DP)

The Fourth--and debatably complete--generation of the Glimmering Federation's mainstay carrier, the Libra-Q makes use of advanced shipbuilding techniques learned from the Alliance in order to build a larger, more agile spaceframe with vastly greater protection--both against enemy ordnance and against enemy escorts that might try to make a run. This is achieved through the integration of a sophisticated point-defense suite, and improved alloys allowing for a dramatically tougher armor belt and shielding system. The major strides internally come in the form of an integrated manufactory that allows for field repairs and fabrications of munitions and small craft, as well as a dedicated Flight Command Chamber where senior officers can better oversee the battlespace and direct its elite Thule complement to the most critical targets. All in all, the designers of the Fourth Generation Libra are more than satisfied with its performance, and suspect it will be a very long time indeed before any great improvements can be made to this design within the limitations of a Light Cruiser's hull...

This aside though, if we go Grounding + Silence, and then push Ship Autoloaders, that'll make the Lamenter's new battle barge even better, and open the way for some very, very nice Fourth Generation ships. The Libra-Q I just put together here won't benefit, but that's because I think we've hit the limit of how awesome a carrier you can get on a Light Cruiser's budget.
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This...did make her pause for a moment. Not only that, he had been allowed to walk this far, even if he was the Psyker-Lord of this Sub-Sector and more than 300 billion souls within
…Also, hold on, 300 billion? The numbers given for Voxx Primus previously was 700 billion. Unless they're just straight up not counting the Underhives, or the 300 billion is a miscount on their part and the 700 billion is objective.
[] Libra-Quartus (Libra-Q) Light Carrier
-[] Length
- 4.200 Meters
-[] Width - 550 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 5 Gravities (-1 DP)
-[] Armor - Medium Double Hull (-1 DP)
-[] Shields - One Matrix
-[] Weapons -2x Medium Bomber Hangars/1x Medium Fighter Hangar/1x Medium Mixed Hangar/Anti-Voidcraft Defenses (-6 DP)
-[] Equipment - Strict Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Handpicked Pilots/Automated Fighter Re-Arming Procedures/Armored Lifepods/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Ship Shrines/Veteran Crews/Enhanced Strategeum/Tiny On-Board Manufactory (-17 DP)

The Fourth--and debatably complete--generation of the Glimmering Federation's mainstay carrier, the Libra-Q makes use of advanced shipbuilding techniques learned from the Alliance in order to build a larger, more agile spaceframe with vastly greater protection--both against enemy ordnance and against enemy escorts that might try to make a run. This is achieved through the integration of a sophisticated point-defense suite, and improved alloys allowing for a dramatically tougher armor belt and shielding system. The major strides internally come in the form of an integrated manufactory that allows for field repairs and fabrications of munitions and small craft, as well as a dedicated Flight Command Chamber where senior officers can better oversee the battlespace and direct its elite Thule complement to the most critical targets. All in all, the designers of the Fourth Generation Libra are more than satisfied with its performance, and suspect it will be a very long time indeed before any great improvements can be made to this design within the limitations of a Light Cruiser's hull...

Why not go for Elite Crews instead of Veteran Crews? Which I suppose is specifically also a question about the value of Tiny On Board Manufactory's, since that's where the DP would have to come from to make up the difference.
Why not go for Elite Crews instead of Veteran Crews? Which I suppose is specifically also a question about the value of Tiny On Board Manufactory's, since that's where the DP would have to come from to make up the difference.

More campaign endurance and allows the Libra-Qs a potential future position as a long range patrol cruiser, especially with a proper escort. I think Fleet Strategeum + Veteran Crews is probably better for their intended role though than Elite Crews, since the former is about upping our Leadership and Coordination effect, which is important for a dedicated carrier.

5 Gravities + Superior Gravimetric makes them very hard to chase by anything that they can't shoot and scoot away from, and the advanced CIWS lets them check any similar strike craft attacks on them while also giving resistance to torpedoes even beyond their CVP
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[] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [16 FP Banked]
Ships are produced at these rates: Scouts at 1 FP, Destroyers at 2 FP, Frigates at 4 FP, Light Cruisers at 8 FP, and Heavy Cruisers at 18 FP.
You can refit for 19 FP: One Leo-Primus to One Leo-Class Vanguard, Two Libra-S to Two Libra-T, Three Crux to Three Crux-S, and Four Taurus into Four Taurus-S in one Turn.
(Gain: Chosen Fleet.)

[ ] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes - [Available: Destroyer (1 DP), Frigate (2 DP), Light Cruiser (4 DP), Heavy Cruiser (8 DP)] - [8 DP]
From what we can tell, thanks to our history, what information we, the Kil'drabi, Yeeni, and the archives of our planets tell us, the difference between a prosperous interstellar polity and one naught but ash is the strength of their navy. At the moment, we have the beginning of a proud Void Fleet, yet purely defending against our enemies is a great way to get ground down into dust over time; we need to be able to bring the fight to them.
(Information: Ship Classes requiring more DP than you possess take more than one Action to design.
Gain: Newly designed and built Ship Class/es.)

Anyway, throwing an idea plan in the ring for some contention.

Step 1, take design, and (If I understand it correctly), use this to design 1 Light Cruiser, and 2 Frigates.

The Light Cruiser is a refit of the Libra-T.
The Frigates meanwhile, are a common refit of one of our designs (I'm thinking the crux), and then, crucially, a redesign of the Andromeda as a smaller ship

[] [Frigate] Andromeda Minor
-[] Sketch (Purely Optional)
-[] Length
- 1.600/1.700/1.800/1.900/2.000 Meters
-[] Width - 350/400/450/500/550 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Single Hull/Single Hull/Thick Single Hull/Thin Double Hull/Medium Double Hull
-[] Shields - Singular Emitter/Two Emitters/Three Emitters/One Array/Two Arrays
-[] Weapons - 1*Light Macro-Cannons
-[] Equipment
- Hymns of the Machines : 10 DP , Emergency Transition Warp Breakers, Armored Bridges, Light Macro-Cannons
Cost : 20/20 DP

At cheaper cost, we can then use our banked FP to replace every single andromeda in the fleet, with a smaller, faster, dodgier ship.
Not too happy with the design for the smaller andromeda, but it's something to think about.
Also, on a slightly lighter note, @HeroCooky , I've always been a bit bugged by these:

-[] The Particularists
The Droman Creed emphasizes the different qualities and roles of each of the Five, encapsulating the Co-equal Oneness of the Five-One, One-Five, yet some believe this to be a Pantheon. For the Particularists, this is the furthest from the truth, as they believe the Five-One to not be co-equal within their shared Divinity, but One-As-Five, mixing everything into one being by denying the uniqueness of each Five to not deny the Oneness of them all.
-[] The Anti-Particularists
The opposite to the Particularists, they have twisted this section of the Creed to its utter limit: I believe that these Five, Omnissiah, Emepror, Motive Force, Body of the Faith, and Star Child, are Indivisible and One, and Two, And Three, Four, and Five. They believe one can pair the Five-One according to their "Co-Equal Hierarchy," represented by a square with four edges and the Star Child in the middle. In this, they claim that the Emperor and Omnissiah are on the Left and Right of the square, with the Community of Faith and Motive Force in the lower left and right, relating to each other in their respective roles and relations as they come together to create the Star Child.

I'm pretty sure the descriptions are exactly reversed. As the name would imply, the Particularists would believe in the particular qualities of the Five and etc, whereas the Anti-Particularists "Deny the uniqueness" of each Five. Opposite mirrors of each other, as you wrote, but I think you got the opposites crossed?
Do the Adherents and then when we have a turn free, do both the remaining Heresies at the same time. Particularists and Anti-Particularists should be taken at the same time because they are so opposing each other.