What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I mean "Imperial Warriors are just Built Different" is just baked into their culture. The "Roll X take best Y" is just for being Dogmatic shitheads, which lets them get away with a lot less than other people do. We can compensate for that by stacking modifiers but there's ultimately just no way to match their Dice Shenanigans without being Dogmatic either.

Their rando ganger conscripts are better than our professional soldiers in skill, but the best skill in the universe doesn't create victory where it's Actually Impossible, if the mismatch in quality gets high enough.
A Song that Hits their morale hard enough could force them to use their "kill everyone not sufficiently dogmatic" trigger that leaves them taking worst dice instead of best.
By the way, that's not even REMOTELY what what HeroCooky said came off as. The post he rated where I suggested it was comparing it to the Chapter, where they automatically got progress every turn whether we took them or not!

This could be the case. But I think it could be read as working either way.

What they said was:

2. The Knights will gain an Auto-Ticker Action next Turn.

This could be read as
-The Knights production action will gain an auto-ticker function starting next turn
But it can just as easily be read as
-The Knights will get an action next turn to start an auto-ticker for Kharnivor production.

Both are equally valid readings with the information Cooky has currently given us. And if it is the later, then as I said, I would not at all be surprised if the thread chose not to start said ticker for literal in-universe centuries, considering our track record with choosing automated systems in this quest.

The only auto-ticker we have was literally given to us for free so we would actually use one of our core capabilities that Hero has crafted for is, or are run by sub-polities operating within our nation.

Allow me to quote HeroCooky from the last time we neglected Voxx Primus.

We're already talking about a timeframe of, "With an action every other turn it'll probably be 2-3 centuries, maybe more" and you're like, "Oh yeah, we should change to doing it every three decades"

If Cooky hadn't given us the single turn boost to Knight Production I wouldn't have made my plan-probably wouldn't have even voted, cause I've got no real problems with your plan, and I won't be overly upset if it wins.

But I want to take advantage of this limited time opportunity to give our ground forces a big shot of capability because I think it will be more valuable to us long-term than pushing back the schedule on taking Vox Primus by 1 or 2 turns will harm us.
Should we try to do this soon:
-[] Shipyard Automatization
(Gain: 1 Destroyer every Turn.)

I'd like to, but I highly doubt we will.

Tho if the Knight action does turn out to be something we have to invest Actions into to get rolling, we might be able to campaign for a 'themed turn' around Automation with Destroyers, Knights, and Faith Infiltration Automation getting started all at once, or at least starting to get started.
So the knight buff is just temporary for this turn? It seems to be worth it in that case, tbh the Voxx infiltration could be put off for a turn, we're still in the under hive and haven't really expanded past the small gang stage if I remember right, and we're not going to war for a few turns so it can be delayed since the infiltration hasn't really hit a important point, they'll be forced to rely on local stuff which is fine if we can get over a 100 knights for cheap now.

At most we can double the Voxx actions in the future to buff the infiltration. Also is Voxx a imperial made hive world? Or is it made by ancient humans? If it's the latter it'd be worth investigating the depths of under hives.

[X] Plan Fortress Doctrine
[X] Plan Fortress Doctrine

We can always just start doing the vox stuff every turn for a bit if speed seems to be an issue.
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I mean, I'm in favor of doing Voxx stuff every turn because it's critical to seizing the initiative against the van Zandt's. The longer we give them time to sit and recover the more hellish it's going to get. Yoinking one of their most productive worlds and invading their heartlands ASAP is the way we prevent this from grinding for generations.
So I've been taking a look at our SAG compositions.

We have a lot of Mechanized units and not a lot of Infantry units that aren't light.

So when we get to expanding our army we should focus on medium and heavy Infantry formations since I think those will perform better in the tight confines of a hive.
So I've been taking a look at our SAG compositions.

We have a lot of Mechanized units and not a lot of Infantry units that aren't light.

So when we get to expanding our army we should focus on medium and heavy Infantry formations since I think those will perform better in the tight confines of a hive.
That is something to keep in mind and to have people look at the sheet to understand what we are dealing with. In this case, we do need infantry and not too many our or SAG's are that, so we might have to spend an action to raises a few units of the SAG to be infantry.
Yeah putting together a few Infantry-Focused SAGs to help spearhead the push into Vox Primus would probably be a good idea.

Maybe something like:
Heavy Infantry Regiment:
-2x Heavy Infantry Assault
-1x Heavy Infantry Demolitions
-1x Heavy Infantry Engineer

For 3 or 4 of the ones we'd get from the action?
Yeah putting together a few Infantry-Focused SAGs to help spearhead the push into Vox Primus would probably be a good idea.

Maybe something like:
Heavy Infantry Regiment:
-2x Heavy Infantry Assault
-1x Heavy Infantry Demolitions
-1x Heavy Infantry Engineer

For 3 or 4 of the ones we'd get from the action?
We could also use Ogryn, those Big Bois would be of great help in urban conditions.
[] [Military] Create A [Blazing Sun - 8x War-Packs] or 6x SAGs - [System/s] - [Weight: Light/Medium/Heavy] - [Type: Infantry/Mechanized/Tanks/Augmetic Legion] - [Classification: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn/Kil'drabi]
Again with the update and change, it will be 6 SAG's for one AP spent. I would suggest while we do include Voxx Primus in our planning not structure ALL the SAG's with Hive Cities in mind and not just copy paste for all of them. 3 Different templates with mix and match, Maybe with some meant to support the other.

That said I don't think we were ever given much on how a Kil'drabi would be like/fight.
We could also use Ogryn, those Big Bois would be of great help in urban conditions.
Augmentic Legions would probably be useful, and the Kil'drabi could have some niche uses in some of the extreme environments of a Hive world.

That said I don't think we were ever given much on how a Kil'drabi would be like/fight.
They specialise in extreme environments.
Sabotage Units will focus on raiding and disrupting the enemy with lighting raids and plundering logistics; Assault Units will punch through the enemy in weak points and sow confusion with overwhelming firepower; Engineering Units will focus on creating fortifications and using turrets, mines, and barricades; Demolition Units will be comprised out of heavy weaponry squads with plenty of explosives, from mines to rockets; and Ogryn Units will be Ogryns armored in heavy metals and armed with shields and Beatin' Sticks led by soldiers with spiffy hats that will not be disobeyed. Kil'drabi Units can go into temperature enviroments Humans would require special equipment with ease. Infantry Units consist mainly of boots on the ground, while Mechanized Units are equipped with vehicles that increase mobility and durability at the cost of logistics and all-terrain capability, with Tanks allowing a myriad of armored spearheads or operations to proceed, and an Augmetic Legion consists of cybernetically enhanced humans, equipped with high-end implants and prosthetics that set them far above the human baseline, allowing for far more dangerous deployments. Light Units are better for low-logistic scenarios, while Medium Units rely more on regular shipments and strike a good balance between supply consumption and effectiveness. Heavy Units rely on solid logistics to continue working while offering an equal force concentration in return.
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I was thinking of something like 3x Heavy Infantry and one support regiment like a medic corps and so.

And maybe a fully support SAG.
That said I don't think we were ever given much on how a Kil'drabi would be like/fight.

Going through the SAG list, we only have 3 Kil'drabi units total so far: 2 Heavy Sabotage units in Drona and 1 Medium Mechanized unit with no specialty in Terrore (none of the Terrore units have a specialty, not sure if this is an oversight on @HeroCooky part).

Just going off of this and their equipment loadouts, I'm assuming they prefer Medium-Heavy units with plenty of vehicles or dakka.
Honestly speaking we should hit those automation actions as soon as they come. Getting a destroyer a turn doesn't sound like much until you consider how many turns it lets us not do shipbuilding which is a good thing or how much FP it would save by not having us make destroyers letting us build other things. We are getting to the size where not having automation is starting to work as an active detriment

Edit: Like imagine how many actions we don't have to spend because SAGs happen mostly in the background now. Welcome to the power of automation and the glories of a state that has mechanics working in the background
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[x] Plan: The Hammer on the Imperial Syncretists
-[x] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[x] Centaur (1/2)
---[x] When completed, Battle Group Centaur is to be assigned to Ultima Sigritta.
-[x] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
--[x]Ultima Sigritta - Sira (Mesa and Savannah), Itani - Grubbub (Low Shrubs and Fog), Gnatiila - Smug (Outback and Canyons)
---[x] Ultima Sigritta/Sira is to be colonized as a primarily military colony, with focus to be given as a priority on building defenses, shipyards, and SDF.
-[x] [Faith] The Great Heresies
--[x] The Anti-Particularists

-[x] [Free] Place 1st Barbarun SAG, 1st Ikatun SAG, 1st Diablan SAG, 1st Brigach SAG, 1st Semumrum SAG, 1st Valhidem SAG, 1st Lights SAG & 1st Labors SAG on Ultima Sigritta for defense against incursion.
-[x] Switch to [New Dawn R&D]

Late plan I know, but, uh, the bit at the start feels kind of... Imperium-y. Just a thought. These guys kind of seem the most Imperium adjacent. Probably need to do something about that.
Hey @HeroCooky what do we know about Voxx Secundus in general? We could buy some time by doing some sabotage or the like.
...damn, forgot to make a Map. Will make one once I am back home. But that system has a trinary of Agri-Worlds which feeds Voxx Primus.
none of the Terrore units have a specialty, not sure if this is an oversight on @HeroCooky part
Only for the Augmetic Legions. The Ogryn and Kil'drabi are already "specializations" so to speak.
Would that also activate the passively raise development to 10 aspect as well? 🤔
They specialise in extreme environments.
We were told they would basically have heavy weapons mounted on their back like the Elcor from Mass Effect.
Oh well shit, given what the QM said about the swings in temperature on their ships that would work well. So extreme environment specialists, nice. I think it'd be worth to having a few more medium to heavy formation of that.

...damn, forgot to make a Map. Will make one once I am back home. But that system has a trinary of Agri-Worlds which feeds Voxx Primus.
Man, it'd be SUCH a shame if someone took that. :V

But we now know their food source is right next door, so there is that. Maybe we can more more cargo in the open if we fake it being those Planets.... only to get caught because we will can't hide the chocolate and we refuse to give up our chocolate!
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