What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] Plan: Civ Inf XII, do not abandon Voxx Primus

man, all that civ industry is going to be nuts for awhile, hopefully we get some *really* good goodies once we hit level 10...after we have to redo all the actions to get void industry to level 10 again so we can have 2 light cruisers as part of a planets defense force.

just hope the hive would be worth it.
[] Plan: Civ Inf XII, do not abandon Voxx Primus

Yeah next turn is something like trade action with Shipwright's, Voxx action then a floater which could be:
1. Preaching to the Ashan.
2. Missile research
3. Building some new Knights.

I'm not in favor of building out our fleets until we can get the next generation of ships up and running.

@HeroCooky is there a way to designate specialist fleet types so we can take advantage of the increased efficiency that comes along with it? Like a scouting fleet or a infiltration fleet?
Problem is naval strategy is build strategy. Ships will always be outdated by the time they leave the shipyards.

There's no reason to wait on ship building honestly. The ship designs we have are good enough except for the Leo.
[X] Plan: Civ Inf XII, do not abandon Voxx Primus

man, all that civ industry is going to be nuts for awhile, hopefully we get some *really* good goodies once we hit level 10...after we have to redo all the actions to get void industry to level 10 again so we can have 2 light cruisers as part of a planets defense force.

just hope the hive would be worth it.

Level X was pretty good with Void Infrastructure, it's part of how we've achieved naval parity with Imperial equivalents despite having a fraction of their experience in the field.

Civ Inf X should be pretty special, since there aren't really many factions out there who would even bother, especially given how it becomes more difficult to raise Inf when you hit major milestones in it. We know the Tau for instance cashed in on their own All-5 to supercharge their research rather than invest in long term gains, and while that let them be very aggressive for a while, it meant Sleeping Titan is going to be hurting them that much more, while we used our Sleeping Titan proc to round out our build a bit more.
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[X] Plan: Civ Inf XII, do not abandon Voxx Primus
-[X] [General] Jolly Economic Co-Operation - [1 Remaining]
-[X] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure VII
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure VIII
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure IX
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure X
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure XI
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure XII
-[X] Switch ISC to New Dawn R&D
[X] Plan: Civ Inf XII, do not abandon Voxx Primus

This is gonna get us the next level and we might even get more ISCs which would be wild...tho I do wonder what would be better. ISC buffs(stronger effects on the existing ones) or more ISCs
[X] Plan: Civ Inf XII, do not abandon Voxx Primus

This is gonna get us the next level and we might even get more ISCs which would be wild...tho I do wonder what would be better. ISC buffs(stronger effects on the existing ones) or more ISCs

More ISCs, even if we "Only" get three more, that's still three more Infrastructures we can economically bring up to the X breakpoint. We only have one more left at that point which would be a slog.

Realistically, I doubt a Rank X Civ Infrastructure perk is going to just be "Exactly the same as the Rank V equivalent"
[X] Plan: Civ Inf XII, do not abandon Voxx Primus

This is gonna get us the next level and we might even get more ISCs which would be wild...tho I do wonder what would be better. ISC buffs(stronger effects on the existing ones) or more ISCs
We've been told that the second level ISC perk would both gets us three new ISCs and allow us to have two ISCs active per turn. That could be pretty strong if we have ISCs that synergize, or if we have passive ISCs.
If we can get two ISCs per turn it might be worth an action to switch the colony ISC to passive colonization
@HeroCooky is there a way to designate specialist fleet types so we can take advantage of the increased efficiency that comes along with it? Like a scouting fleet or a infiltration fleet?
That is indeed possible. In fact, if you would look at the update where you created the SBGs, you will note that sich was explicitly called out for.

None of you made one. So, pay an Action if you want the fleet-build discounts.
[X] Plan: Civ Inf XII, do not abandon Voxx Primus

My next turn plan is:
Shipyard automation
Ship Equipment Standardization 1/2 - autoloaders
Ship Equipment Standardization 2/2 (banked research)
Voxx action

[] [Chapter] A Ship Worthy Of The Chapter (1.5/4)
The Lamanters are building their flagship in 5 turns and i like to have the autoloaders research done before then so it can be included.
Thinking about hull sizes, destroyers provide by far the most firepower per cost possible.

Given that and the insane damage and volume of fire that fully equipped missile launchers provide, there seems to be a synergy there, both for damage output and point defence saturation.

Sadly given the way our FTL functions burrying our enemies in swarms in destroyers and their missiles is not viable, but it should work for an Aries refit and especially for a defense ship.

Armored Life Pods/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Ship Shrines costs 3 DP. Maximum missile equips 7 DP currently, though we can get more with a research action for even larger than 12x multiplier. This leaves a destroyer with 6 DP for weapons and other before stat sacrifices, meaning up to 72 DP worth of firepower so about 14x as much as Aries Secundus.

Leo could also drop the Hangar boosts and macrocannons for 3x12=36 DP worth of missiles for over four times the (non-torpedo) firepower, though ideally it would scrounge up a few more DPs for missiles somewhere.

We could likely get up to some crazy stuff with an ordinance doctrine. We even have the battlecolonies to mamufacture reloads.
That is indeed possible. In fact, if you would look at the update where you created the SBGs, you will note that sich was explicitly called out for.

None of you made one. So, pay an Action if you want the fleet-build discounts.
I think people misread the vote prompt? I sure did.

The only question is, what would that look like?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)
(Write in the number of ships within an SFT, what classes should be within, what specific roles need to be filled (4 Carriers should be the minimum for your Doctrine; have this as a freebie by me), and a naming scheme if you desire.)

Because this seems to call for what specific roles need to filled within the Standardized Fleet Thingy, not for a bunch of specializers outside of that.

And though it would be one thing to assign a Task Fleet to a specific front and leave it at that, the planners and think tanks believe that a step beyond should be taken: creating Standard Fleet Templates and Specialist Fleet designators. The first would encompass what a typical fleet of the Glimmering Federation looks like, from the number of ships to the classes (or equivalent roles) within, which, incidentally, would allow for a far more accurate threat analysis for the High Council and the Admiralcy. In addition, procurement of a fleet would be quicker and less costly if done wholesale instead of piecemeal, thanks to the wonders of macroeconomics raising their heads. At the same time, the latter would be a place to store and order all vessels that are either a hindrance in void battles or have uses outside the typical responsibilities of the navy.
I guess you're referring to the specialist fleet designators here, but there is no indication within the vote prompt that we should have proposed those at that time.
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[X] Plan: Civ Inf XII, do not abandon Voxx Primus

man, all that civ industry is going to be nuts for awhile, hopefully we get some *really* good goodies once we hit level 10...after we have to redo all the actions to get void industry to level 10 again so we can have 2 light cruisers as part of a planets defense force.

just hope the hive would be worth it.
With the right trait pick, we don't need to invest actions, as slumbering Titan would be upgraded and fix Void Infra back to 10.
I think people misread the vote prompt? I sure did.

Because this seems to call for what specific roles need to filled within the Standardized Fleet Thingy, not for a bunch of specializers outside of that.

I guess you're referring to the specialist fleet designators here, but there is no indication within the vote prompt that we should have proposed those at that time.
Well...fuck. That should have been in there. :/
As the main advantage is we get more then 36 Fleet Points from a single build action for a specialised fleet to make sense it needs to cost more then that.
The closest i can think of would be a invasion fleet, with 4x transports, 1 FTL ship, 2 carriers, 4 Frigates to escort them all
But that feels both few ships to win on its own but to many for a landing force that is escorted by a Sector battle group

Might want to return to this concept after the next round of ship design if we can fit in a invasion support ship with Medical Deployment Division and Orders of the Guiding Hands
If we're going for specialist fleets, we should look into designing a ship for EWAR/Intel purposes, just fill it to the brim with sensors and electronics and let it go wild.

And maybe some sort of interdictor if that makes sense? Something that can mess with the enemy's ability to enter or leave the Warp.

Probably going to need a lot more research for the last one but the first should be doable.
Voting will open in 20 minutes