What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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is federation technology good enough for sex change surgery? imagine pointing out that the difference between a man and women is signing a form and waiting for a 2 month que to change genders
What do you do?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)
Save the teenagers & newly converted. Deprogram them.

Hunt the rest.

Have a public awareness campaign about STD testing, cure-ing, and prevention.
With the standards of living they should have condoms available.
Unless Nurgle re-creates STD regularily, it should be possible to eradicate them.

And a public awareness campaign about the ability to report incidents.
If the victims have nowhere to turn to, or don't know how, we are failing them.
The ratio of Consent vs Coercion that happens before, during, and after these orgies-in-all-but-name is also highly debated, especially when it comes to new members, as drugs also play a role in these events. That rumors occassionally emerge about one "Mothering" organized by adults yet attended mainly by teenagers, primarily made up of their own children further to bind them into the cult and those teenagers they wish to recruit, has done absolutely nothing to combat the suspicion of Chaos Corruption within the Roses.
It really doesn't matter What flavourful of chaos cult, if they are at all. Not only are all of the chaos gods ( the roses ideal male population might as well be a khornate SPAWNING pool) perfectly adept at warping these kind of religious a-holes who already practice double think around to their cause, their doctrine outright contradicts not only common sense, but the droman creed!

If it was JUST seeing the star child as a female, that honestly fine, imo that would come under a matter between you and the star child.

Attempt to force the creation of a gender based caste system? Using drugs on teenagers to force motherhood and essentially lock them into the cults?

Nah fuck them, the younger members need therapy, the older members need a cell and to be kept Far away from children.
Yes, the adults may have been raised in the cult, but that does not mean that we should let the cult continue. The cult should be forcibly disbanded and all the cult members forced into therapy. The kids should be seized.
Oh oh oh, For the irony, We could Sentence the Older members of the Cult who are DOING this shit to penal colonies.
You want to make a caste system? Physical labour is a "male" Job? Screw you, spend the rest of your natural life doing the very thing you fault comfortable sentencing the people you saw as beneath you to doing.
Kids and the recently converted should be pulled out and put into therapy. Everyone else should either be jailed or executed except for people with extenuating circumstances. At least the Hivemind has reasonable sects. This shit is just a rape orgy sexism cult. Also yeah raise awareness for STDs and maybe sex education as well.
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So something like this?

[] Pluck the Rose's petals
-[] Outlaw the Numeror Roses cult in its entirety and let Cerberus deal with the upper leadership
-[] The new converts and underage members should be taken into deprogramming therapy
-[] Preach sermons emphatizing that everyone is equal under the Droman Creed, no matter their gender
-[] Start an information campaign on STDs and general sex education
Yeah, this is as bad as the Imperial Syncretists. We shouldn't give an inch to anyone who wants to induce divisions in the body of the faith. The Aetherical Cog guys were whackjobs, but at least they weren't trying to make a gender caste system.
What do you do?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)

This is just a rough idea I have:

[] Authorize Cerberus to track and arrest every single member of the Order of the Nurenor Roses by all means at their disposal. Grant Cerberus the authority to temporarily take local PDF forces under their command to provide the manpower needed to raid and arrest Nurenor Roses' cells and meetings. The Nurenor Roses' views on gender and caste should be used against them to help identify suspected members and cells, by working with local choirs to identify women psychers suspected to identify with the Roses, or at risk of falling to their beliefs. Men psychers who have been murdered, or died in mysterious accidents should have their deaths investigated thoroughly to determine possible Nurenor Roses involvement as well. These should, with a combination of luck and skill, provide additional leads for Cerberus to track down and arrest many members of the Roses. Once arrested, members of the Roses should be placed in detention centers separate from the general populace, where they will each undergo a thorough psychiatric evaluation and begin deprograming. Attention and care should be made to recognize that many, if not most, of the adult members of the Roses were forced into the cult as children. Time and effort will need to be made to rehabilitate these adults and show them the trauma they underwent as children, and how their current belief systems are a reflection of that trauma that they were forced to adopt. They should be regularly encouraged to provide information on other members of the Roses, to help break the cycle and prevent anyone else from experiencing what they went through. Those who joined as adults should focus their deprograming on the route causes that brought them into the clutches of the cult: coercion, drugging, and any number of systemic societal pressures that have left them vulnerable to predations by cults like the Nurenor Roses. These should address these underlying issues and be provided with the resources to overcome and throw off the shackles that made them susceptible to cult indoctrination. Those who refuse to deprogram, are deemed unable to deprogram by psychiatric evaluation, or show absolutely no remorse for their beliefs and actions should be tried within the justice system for the crimes they committed, and sentenced accordingly. Those found to be corrupted by chaos should be treated accordingly. Any and all children found should undergo deprograming specifically designed for their age brackets, and placed with suitable foster families that have been informed and trained to care for them. It should be recognized that tackling the Nurenor Roses it not something that can or should be done in a quick manner. It will take time and effort to thoroughly root out every cell and member, and to then follow through with deprograming people who were forced into the cult.

Basically we need to approach this with as clinical a mindset as possible. Cults prey on the vulnerable (both adult and child), and even those near the top of the hierarchy are often victims themselves within long-lived cults. Going in and killing any adult member should be an absolute last resort when deprograming and rehabilitation have proven success records.
Question have we been doing that "every 100 years we have a big meeting about changing our government that has probably grown and changed greatly" thing in the background? Cause if our navy was having trouble dealing with our multiple subsector size I imagine our government that iirc was last changed when we went multiple systems in a single subsector probably needs updating too
Yup, this sounds like a good place to apply jackboot. A good plan should start with somewhat aggressive prosecution, expecting resistance, and then apply our surrender protocols:

Separation 1: By Former Patron.
Those who have any disease that we can't immediately recognize are to be quarantined carefully, and killed if they show any hostility, with the body burned and purified, as it might carry some strange and horrifying exception to fundamental medical reality. Similarly, we should keep in mind that those who worship Rot are different than those who worship Slaughter or Excess, and each needs to be kept away from 'triggers' and regarded as a risk for these reasons. Those captured who are soldiers are to be considered Prisoners of War of High Danger, and even those who are not are to be considered carefully... though even the worst prisoner is to have food and medical care until or unless it is decided that they are to be executed by firing squad.

Separation 2: By Task Or Deed.
Those who fought in the name of Chaos or who were especially eager for slaughter must be separated from either the reluctant or those who were fundamentally not important.

Separation 3: Among Them.
It is the case that if you have 500 sinners in one community, you have a community of sinners. Instead, for those who willingly surrendered and have not been found to have committed the most vile deeds, we will create Repentance Communities, places where those who wish to redeem the lost and make them Found again. By mixing the faithful and the faithless and creating a model Star Child town, complete with plenty of chapels... and yet also having it being guarded by the fiercely faithful against subversion, we can give these people a taste of the Federation life: food, medical care, houses and all other Quality of Life amenities equal to that of any citizen of the Federation. To those who were captured or who did greater evils, we must keep them spread out. That is to say, a Repentance Community might have 200 such Chaos people and as many or more good Glimmering Federation Citizens devoted to the cause, and especially to be created and encouraged are Orders of Repentance that can peacefully help run these areas, and that can be trusted to provide lists of the devout and the devoted to further people them thus that each sinner lives in a community filled with Faith. But those who either went too far (but not so far as to be executed) or who had to be captured should be held such that there are no more than a dozen at any location, the better to individually monitor them.
-Addendum: Let it be known that those of each of the false Chaos Gods have different needs, and as you might be careful drinking around those who have challenges with alcohol, so too should the communities be made and run with the awareness of what might tempt one, but not another...

Separation 4: Separation By Inquisition.
Those left over, those who fall into the cracks, are to be investigated and tried. Those found too guilty or too corrupted are to be executed, but if there is a chance to save them without granting dishonor to their victims, it must be investigated. Therefore, the Orders and groups involved in this Inquisition must come not only from those preaching Mercy or Justice but also from those who believe in both.

Separation 5: Time.
Conversion can be forced and may have to be, but it also takes time for Faith to take root in the heart. At the end of each year, those in all of the categories are to be evaluated, those doing well and Finding Faith potentially to be moved up, those who are backsliding to be pulled away such that they cannot help others backslide, with the ultimate goal that all who can be saved... and who are WILLING to be saved, will one day be full-citizens released from the Repentance Communities.
-Caveat/Note: The well-being of those who care for, imprison, or judge these people is essential. They are to have regular mental health check-ins with uninvolved people (as well as medical check-ins, considering the risk of disease) and are to be rotated out of their duties every so often as best as possible.
And to think, this was just the middle of the road Heresy, and the others we've addressed were even worse off.
And to think, this was just the middle of the road Heresy, and the others we've addressed were even worse off.

Eh, I always found them to be repugnant since we got the descriptors, I just found them to be middle of the road in terms of Damage and influence they could gain over the Federation as a whole. Unlike the Cog and the syncritists, The Roses Best source of recruits will either be preying on the young, Or raising people in the cult. I heavily doubt in their abilityto recruit among the normal male population.
If we gave them 700 years, or a millenium, MAYBE they could have had enough indoctrination and mimicry of the quiverful movement to actually gain influence in the political narrative, But that still put them relatively far down the totem pole in turns of spread compared to The syncretizes who had Sub sectors worth of possible recruits, Or the cog who could recruit among the inttelecutal elite, and then gain sway via servitors and forced experimentation, not to mention a decent pitch in the first place.

I figure if these cults weren't doing horrible shit, they wouldn't have come to Cerberuses focus as such problems. what the rose does it horrible, But they are also a faction that couldn't snowball as fast as the first 2 IMO, Making it harder for them to influence our governmental structure.
They believe that women should be in charge of all matters, spiritual and psychic, and men capable of utilizing the Warp in psychic phenomena should be killed. Men should be in charge of the material running of a nation and family, their labor "ennobling" their "emotionally stunted" minds by providing a way for "them to raise their soul from the cloth of the mundane." 'Women as Guides, Men as Labor' is one of the most commonly found phrases within their scriptures.
fucking hell, they're going Bretonnia and Kislev. and that's dumb as hell to kill the Male Psychers when we can safely train them and cuts our choirs down due to it. Not to mention how the Starchild Prophet Teeln is male, so how do they explain that? the Mothering is just.... jeez. that needs to end.

.....by the way did we ever get around to getting therapy and other mental health additions into the healthcare system?
fucking hell, they're going Bretonnia and Kislev. and that's dumb as hell to kill the Male Psychers when we can safely train them and cuts our choirs down due to it. Not to mention how the Starchild Prophet Teeln is male, so how do they explain that? the Mothering is just.... jeez. that needs to end.

.....by the way did we ever get around to getting therapy and other mental health additions into the healthcare system?

We did, it's just beneath our level of abstraction. We probably know it by how there's not any new Heresies rising.
[] Plan: Kick In The Door
-[] Outlaw the Numeror Roses cult in its entirety and let Cerberus deal with the upper leadership
-[] After the cult is defeated, apply the Provisionary Cultist Surrender and Imprisonment Guidelines to all members of the cult
-[] Preach sermons emphasizing that everyone is equal under the Droman Creed, no matter their gender
-[] Start an information campaign on STDs and general sex education

They're not Chaos, but there's no reason we can't apply those guidelines to here as well. I'm slightly worried of blowback depending on how powerful the cult may be, but I'm willing to accept that. We can't let this kind of doctrine slide.
They're fucking TERFs, aren't they @HeroCooky ?
Yep! Unless you are mtf, then it is a tragedy of nature that needs to be corrected.

...but if you are ftm...the less said the better.

Also, non-horrible fun-fact: as you are preaching the Star Child as They/Them, Non-Binary folk are fully treated as a normal thing.
Heck I wouldn't be surprised if the Kil'drabi are unisexual.
They are. For them, Male/Female/Third/Other is mostly cultural terms they change 2~3 times in their lives.
I wonder what'll happen if we throw a second action at our therapy program? How's our first action coming along?
They are doing good! Just look at how you didn't get any new cults to look at!
is federation technology good enough for sex change surgery?
With Med V? Yep. With Med XV it'll be as easy as fetting chucked into a tank and walking out your selected choice two months later.
Question have we been doing that "every 100 years we have a big meeting about changing our government that has probably grown and changed greatly" thing in the background?
The next is at 700.M42.
So something like this?

[] Pluck the Rose's petals
-[] Outlaw the Numeror Roses cult in its entirety and let Cerberus deal with the upper leadership
-[] The new converts and underage members should be taken into deprogramming therapy
-[] Preach sermons emphatizing that everyone is equal under the Droman Creed, no matter their gender
-[] Start an information campaign on STDs and general sex education
Could we additionally do a campaing on informing people where to get help?
Looking at their ritual orgy and the consent question, if we haven't gotten any reports about people that were involved but didn't want to be, that sounds suspicious like survivors not knowing where to turn.
Question have we been doing that "every 100 years we have a big meeting about changing our government that has probably grown and changed greatly" thing in the background? Cause if our navy was having trouble dealing with our multiple subsector size I imagine our government that iirc was last changed when we went multiple systems in a single subsector probably needs updating too
Note that the Government system was explicitly planned with scalability in mind.

It should work for a single station, or multiple sector. Just need to have the appropriate number of tiers.
I'd just like to note that the Roses are heretics against Teeln specifically and that ought to be noted somewhere in the plan.
That's a good point.

[] Plan: Kick In The Door v1.1
-[] Outlaw the Numeror Roses cult in its entirety and let Cerberus deal with the upper leadership.
-[] After the cult is defeated, apply the Provisionary Cultist Surrender and Imprisonment Guidelines to all members of the cult.
-[] Preach sermons emphasizing that everyone is equal under the Droman Creed, no matter their gender. Note the importance of both Teeln and Bnuy, man and woman, to the development of the Glimmering Federation.
-[] Start an information campaign on STDs and general sex education.
Could we additionally do a campaing on informing people where to get help?
Looking at their ritual orgy and the consent question, if we haven't gotten any reports about people that were involved but didn't want to be, that sounds suspicious like survivors not knowing where to turn.

Note that the Government system was explicitly planned with scalability in mind.

It should work for a single station, or multiple sector. Just need to have the appropriate number of tiers.

It's also every two-hundred years, not every hundred.
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