What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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and conveniently, it can actually split in half and still have each formation be combat effective.
Thats 15 ships though, so unwieldy.

Actually, with some +/-1 to ship types (-Leo, +Libra, +Frigate, -Destroyer) you could make the fleet divisible by 3, resulting in very convinient and granular 10 ship fleets that can be combined and split as needed!

Additionally, we have so many destroyer equivalents.
Words are heavy frigates though? They have two steps weaker armor than Crux but are larger by that amount.

Also they seem intended to escort the battlecolonies rather than be taken away into fleets without those... actually no fleet proposal includes BCs, other than as a possible Scorpio substitution, despite their massive logistical capabilities? Are they meant for specialited task forces? I wouldnt be against but the mass of metal that is any of the proposed could surely use at least one battlecolony per as a permanent part of the fleet.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jun 13, 2024 at 2:31 PM, finished with 23 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan: A Pie in the Sky
    -[X] Designation: Sector Battle Group (SBG-(Insert Task Force Name Here) )
    --[X] 4x Heavy Cruisers (Leo and its descendants, can potentially be mixed up a bit as new designs roll out, but this is the baseline)
    --[X] 8x Carriers (Presently the Libra-T)
    --[X] 6x Line Holders (Presently the Scorpio, Kil'drabi Battlecolonies can substitute in this role, sacrificing striking power and agility for sheer durability,.)
    --[X] 8x Heavy Frigates (Presently the Crux-S, a flexible, solid escort weight that can serve as a fast reaction force)
    --[X] 4x Corvettes/Destroyers (Presently the Aries-S or Lupus, though Kil'drabi Frigates can substitute here as well)
    [X] Sure, here: (Star Trek - Your Choice on timeline)
    [X] Sure, here: (Sage of Legends - Invaders or Nordamark)
    [X] Sure, here: (Origin System - Warframe)
    [X] Sure, here: Star Wars the Clone Wars
    [X] Gleaming Wing Fleetgroups
    -[X] 3 Leo-Equivalent Heavy Cruisers
    -[X] 5 Light Carriers
    -[X] 4 Pathfinders
    -[X] 4 Scorpio-Equvalent Light Cruisers
    -[X] 8 Heavy Escort Frigates
    -[X] 8 Torpedo Destroyers
    -[X] 12 Screening Corvettes
    [X] Sure, here: (Armor by John Steakly - send some Lamenters. I wanna see one talk to Felix)
    [X] Sure, here: Warhammer fantasy, Sylvanian border, End times
    [X] Sure, here: TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest) , A Yeeni Exploration Team visiting the upcoming Winter Solstice Celebrations
    -[X] include a first contact diplomatic-chocolate kit + standardized seeds for stranded explorers
1 - Saga of Legends
2 - Star Trek
HeroCooky threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
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656.M42 - Women As Guides
The Order of the Nurenor Roses is a cult risen from the edges of society filled by those who cannot, or won't, become part of a society equal under the glory and benevolence of the Star Child. They come from all sources where the system can fail both them and society at large, deliberately or without ill-intent: former noble houses that refused to change into something acceptable under the Star Child by claiming blood rights to the lives and well-being of those formerly under them, soldiers that were discharged for unactable behaviors that were not yet criminal, maladjusted survivors of trauma that fell through the cracks, those deemed mentally repugnant by society for their actions and views on topics such as children, gender roles, the status of non-humans within Federation society, and sexuality, and many, many more.

The spiritual practices of the Roses are, at best, hypocritical, and at worst, enough to warrant the death sentence without due process, as they engage in every level of cult activity usually only reserved for Chaos Worshippers despite not harboring more than the usual percentage of corrupted individuals within their ranks as expected of fringe cults.

They believe that women should be in charge of all matters, spiritual and psychic, and men capable of utilizing the Warp in psychic phenomena should be killed. Men should be in charge of the material running of a nation and family, their labor "ennobling" their "emotionally stunted" minds by providing a way for "them to raise their soul from the cloth of the mundane." 'Women as Guides, Men as Labor' is one of the most commonly found phrases within their scriptures.

They also engage in "Ceremonies" called "The Mothering," where a large number of their female members gather to "receive the blessing of motherhood" by engaging in group sex with men under various guises of legal debauchery. Unfortunately, the only way Cerberus has managed to pinpoint those events somewhat coherently is by back-tracking outbreaks of STDs, and outlawing those events to stop the spread of the Roses would make criminals out of innocents. The ratio of Consent vs Coercion that happens before, during, and after these orgies-in-all-but-name is also highly debated, especially when it comes to new members, as drugs also play a role in these events. That rumors occassionally emerge about one "Mothering" organized by adults yet attended mainly by teenagers, primarily made up of their own children further to bind them into the cult and those teenagers they wish to recruit, has done absolutely nothing to combat the suspicion of Chaos Corruption within the Roses.

If there is any hope of the members of the Nurenor Roses being saved from their damnation, it is by ripping those victims forced to become perpetrators out of their grasping hands by all means possible while damning the rest for their actions. The Order of Cerberus recommends nothing less than hunting them into extinction.

What do you do?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)
They don't smell like a chaos cult tbh. Slightly slaaneshi but not really? I think we can just exercise the blasphemy and anti-coercion laws a little better on them, and they'll slowly become less and less heretic over centuries.
Wow these people clearly are a few screws lose, the whole "mothering" thing gives me the shivers.
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I think the Roses should be outlawed and their lower members sent to deprogramming therapy.

Maybe we could also have sermons on how gender doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things? After all, gender and sex can be changed and we are all equal in the eyes of the Star Child.
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Wait I thought a bit their whole kill men with pysker means they would attack the miracle child! We must protect the boy!
The problem with the Roses outlook is also that we might run into unisexual (certain insects, lizards, snakes, crayfish) or sequential/simultaneous hermaphrodite (clownfish, plants) species which might fall under the Star Child's Umbrella. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if the Kil'drabi are unisexual. How are you going to divide everyone into two genders if species don't have two genders or can change genders or have fluid gender roles?
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No, because some of them were kids and forced into it. They do need to be dealt with and the adults are to be likely killed if they have done illegal actions.
I think it's a Nurgle cult.

-the focus on refusing the new changes of society (no more nobles houses, xenos are accepted)
-the acceptance of the ones that are unloved, no matter the reason they are unloved
-the strict roles of men and women
-the Motherings: a nurturing role turned toxic
-as you climb the ranks the role of abuser and victim of the cults are the same
-the spread of STDs, despite our good medical care

Edit: it's not the archetipal Nurgle cult, but I think they fit the vibes of the toxic, stagnant and all-loving GrandPapa Nurgle.
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Damn, there's a lot of weird and wrong stuff with these beliefs, I'm not sure how they can reconcile their beliefs with many parts of orthodox belief. Like the following section.
They believe that women should be in charge of all matters, spiritual and psychic, and men capable of utilizing the Warp in psychic phenomena should be killed. Men should be in charge of the material running of a nation and family, their labor "ennobling" their "emotionally stunted" minds by providing a way for "them to raise their soul from the cloth of the mundane." 'Women as Guides, Men as Labor' is one of the most commonly found phrases within their scriptures.
This all seems entirely irreconcilable to mainstream doctrine. Like, what's their opinions on Teeln and Bnuy? Was Teeln just an exception to the rules? Was Bnuy wrong in how she built up and organised the Choirs? There's so many foundational aspects of proper doctrine that the Roses couldn't possibly survive denouncing but are in complete opposition to their stated beliefs that their doctrine by necessity has to be a mess of contradictions, exceptions and hypocrisies. I can't really see them as much more than a cult preying on the vulnerable and I don't think there's much salvageable from their beliefs. Hopefully we'll have better luck salvaging the innocent people who have fallen into their grasp.
No, because some of them were kids and forced into it. They do need to be dealt with and the adults are to be likely killed if they have done illegal actions.

Just as a point of clarification: the very first time we learned about the Roses was in year 570.M42, and it is now currently 656.M42. That means it has been almost 100 years since we as questors learned about them, but they potentially could have been brewing in the background for a bit longer than that. There's a good chance that a very large percentage of the current adults in this cult were also children forced into it the same way they are currently forcing new generations of children. Something something trauma is a revolving door something something.
The only bloodline that have shown any psychic and factual diffrence are those of space marines, and comparing their relationship to their primarch to well normal mortals is straight up stupid.
And even it is not Perfect see traitor chapters and loyalists from traitor legions
These gals are undeniably batshit, like advocating for the death of any psychic male? As in "kill off a number of actively or potentially useful assets because "muh gender stereotypes""?

Burn it to the ground, and remind them that Teeln exists and that he was very much a guy, and reaffirm the stance of Star Child being genderless, maybe even point out the hypocrisy of their beliefs by pointing out the Thules aren't spiritual guides but are "laborers" like the men they hate.