What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] The Fifth Droman Convention's Guidelines on Interstellar Faith

With better effects alongside updated artwork and descriptions/fluff (like in song), yes.

How flexible are the Melodies. Like, are they more like a single spell or are they more like a single class of things/grouping of related things? I kinda got the latter vibes, but I realize we never really had some formal Explanation (TM). Or if so it was a while back.
[X] The Fifth Droman Convention's Guidelines on Interstellar Faith

How flexible are the Melodies. Like, are they more like a single spell or are they more like a single class of things/grouping of related things? I kinda got the latter vibes, but I realize we never really had some formal Explanation (TM). Or if so it was a while back.
is there any way to get it to 11 points so we can destabilize choas even slightly with malal cause he represents self destruction then again having the number for another choas entity on out theology is kinda a bad idea
[X] The Fifth Droman Convention's Guidelines on Interstellar Faith

The faith is built one step at a time, and the faith will be what holds the federation together.
If we get a Faith Turn, we are absolutely rolling out the Pegasus-class, and I will fight anyone who tries to tell me otherwise.

what is the Pegasus-Class? If it's smaller than a Heavy Cruiser then we should be able to build both whatever it is and do an update to the Aries to make the little things even more bullshit. Boost the size, defenses, and speed without losing out on DP, slap more Faith Equipment or even just normal gear into 'em, and we might well have the single most ton-for-ton dangerous escort vessels this side of the Great Rift (Eldar and Necrons excluded, of course).
what is the Pegasus-Class? If it's smaller than a Heavy Cruiser then we should be able to build both whatever it is and do an update to the Aries to make the little things even more bullshit. Boost the size, defenses, and speed without losing out on DP, slap more Faith Equipment or even just normal gear into 'em, and we might well have the single most ton-for-ton dangerous escort vessels this side of the Great Rift (Eldar and Necrons excluded, of course).
Iirc the Pegasus class is a Heavy cruiser with heavy firepower and protection with a mixed hanger that's been boosted a lot including experimental strikecraft deployment. Basically making a Hero ship design like various mecha animes' base ships (i.e. White Base or Argama from Gundam universe)
Iirc the Pegasus class is a Heavy cruiser with heavy firepower and protection with a mixed hanger that's been boosted a lot including experimental strikecraft deployment. Basically making a Hero ship design like various mecha animes' base ships (i.e. White Base or Argama from Gundam universe)

Huh. So we'd have to commit 2 actions to make it in the single turn we'd have for the Faith Turn...we'd still have space in the FP budget to make an update to the Aries-we'd have 12 FP to work with using 2 actions; spend 8 on the Pegasus heavy cruiser, then have a full 4 left to work with. We could make another 2 Destroyers and a Frigate.
Ooof, I see that leaving Qualch's Forge to its own and not doing the job was the reason for the last part that we abandoned those believers and the silence was reward for their faith and offer to help take the world.

Still, this doctrine will nail down the approach and what we will need to do once we do.... I just REALLY hope there would be a whole Sector Uprising someday where we need to send the entire Navy because of decisions.
Ooof, I see that leaving Qualch's Forge to its own and not doing the job was the reason for the last part that we abandoned those believers and the silence was reward for their faith and offer to help take the world.

Still, this doctrine will nail down the approach and what we will need to do once we do.... I just REALLY hope there would be a whole Sector Uprising someday where we need to send the entire Navy because of decisions.

It was a miscommunication, we beat ourselves up over it, it was canonized as basically "The information our decision makers got made the Magi look a lot more reasonable than they were."

Let's not bring the dead horse back up, but learn from the loss.
A blessed turn has such a low chance of happening let's not focus overmuch on it. I just hope we get a couple turns of Jolly Cooperation off before the next thing blows up.
Not sure if anyone has suggested these designs before, but some thoughts I had since I can't fall asleep. No harm no foul if they never get used.

[] [Destroyer] Urchin-class Mine-Layer
-[] Length - 1.500 Meters
-[] Width - 350 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 8 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull
-[] Shields - Three Emitters
-[] Weapons - Small Mine-Layers, Anti-Voidcraft Defense
-[] Equipment - Zero-Emissions Protocols, Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations, Ship Shrines, On-Board Supply Generation, Spacious Crew Quarters, Armored Lifepods, Tuned Shields, Advanced Alloying

A quick, small mine-layer with some stealth equipment. Idea is that it can operate ahead of the main fleets undetected, mining some strategic/tactical areas without the enemy noticing. Otherwise it can operate within Federation territory to mine our defensive lines when needed.

[] [Light Cruiser] Martyr-class Uplift Ship
-[] Length - 4.000 Meters
-[] Width - 500 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 3 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull
-[] Shields - Three Emitters
-[] Weapons - Medium Hangars [Mixed]
-[] Equipment - Icons to the Faith, Orders of the Guiding Hands, Medical Deployment Division, Yeeni Auxiliary Engineer Division, Small On-Board Manufactory, Luxurious Crew Amenities, Chapels to the Five

An auxiliary ship that is only supposed to move into a system after we've fully won the local void war. My thoughts are that it is there to look after the local civilian population both during and after the fighting on the ground, providing faith and medical services to those in need. The manifactory can help with supply until local industries have been built back up. My idea is that its mostly staffed by civilians and Faith Orders, so having both chapels and crew amenities would be prudent for those not used to life aboard interstellar ships. It is over the DP limit by 1, so HeroCooky would need to provide a detriment, which I'm sure they've had some planned for us for a while now! Since my vision is that ideally it wouldn't ever be in harms way, a detriment shouldn't really be too much of an issue.
How flexible are the Melodies. Like, are they more like a single spell or are they more like a single class of things/grouping of related things?
Melodies encompass more a general thing, like Fire, which a Choir then bends its Narrative within the Warp to suit their needs. Like making it into a stream of fire across a battlefield, or into small points of heat to quickly sear the wounds of the wounded, or just making cold temperatures tolerable by warming people up.

Melodies work by a Choir singing [Fire, but...].
Melodies encompass more a general thing, like Fire, which a Choir then bends its Narrative within the Warp to suit their needs. Like making it into a stream of fire across a battlefield, or into small points of heat to quickly sear the wounds of the wounded, or just making cold temperatures tolerable by warming people up.

Melodies work by a Choir singing [Fire, but...].
In the future I'd really like to experiment with Songs. We really haven't done much with them yet, and there are a lot of possible benefits. I'd like to see what a Progress, Innovation, Hope, Technology song would do, for instance.
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