Wow, Making a 1 dp equiment standard? Thats Great! Setting aside the ability to use that for getting Pilot traits for all of our carriers without having to pay for them, letting us just do MORE on a carrier, It would let us put armoured Lifepods, Or advanced alloys or gravimetric engine modifications and make them utterly standard. That so good!
Cost going up everytime makes sense, Because the ability to mount Armoured life pods, Gravimetric modifications and sister genelines, 3 DP on every ship is impactful and if that stayed at 1 action, That would be so silly lmao
The Big ones IMO is Armoured lifepods, Advanced alloys and Sister genelines. That means our ships survive from things they shouldn't, Our Crew survive from things they shouldn't and gives the great flavour of the clone sisters, as well as a higher baseline for every ship with hangars. Our ships and crews surviving from thing that Should by all right kill them lets us either stay in a fight for longer, Or give our crew time to evacutate and thus make the crew of the next ship just that much more experienced.
equipment standardization is SO good! At least for the first and second I think, Maybe even the third before we hit diminishing returns.
The heretic action refund would mean we could dump 5 actions into Equipment standardization, effectively get 6 actions out and make 3 1 dp Equipment standard on all ships going forward.
I think I am leaning heretek now
EDIT: If we can't standardize techs effected by doctrine penalties, Could we Standardize DP 2 techs that are effected? Can we standardize Emergency manuver engines or Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations because our doctrine would make them 1? Equipment standardization is Silly and I want it now.
EDIT: 2, Thanks to raptor for pointing out it probably starts at 5 actions, Still good just not, Mash the button three times good, and notably heretek would still buy us a full action.