What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Also logistically, the Navigator song package is useful. Like, even for not going to new systems or whatever, speeding these things up can be the difference between a SDF getting wiped out defending against an attack before the Fleet arrives to help them, and a SDF holding out long enough to have a core to rebuild from in the aftermath, etc, etc.
The requirements are largely shared, apparently. I think there was only one Melody swapped out?
Yeah it uses Community instead of Humanity iirc so it's still 2 actions to get all the Melodies with one shared with the Navigator song. Just well to Sing the Song also requires an action and I don't really feel like we have enough Choirs to really have one on everyone one of our ships to act as Navigators anyways so again why the super focus on Navigators?

Like each colony system has a Choir stationed on it for psyker finding and training anyways so Astropathy should be easily implemented but Navigators have more issues that that.
Yeah it uses Community instead of Humanity iirc so it's still 2 actions to get all the Melodies with one shared with the Navigator song. Just well to Sing the Song also requires an action and I don't really feel like we have enough Choirs to really have one on everyone one of our ships to act as Navigators anyways so again why the super focus on Navigators?

Like each colony system has a Choir stationed on it for psyker finding and training anyways so Astropathy should be easily implemented but Navigators have more issues that that.

Apparently our method doesn't work like Navigators do, so much as it's about forming roads through otherwise neighboring Warp Routes to make travelling them easier and safer. It does mean we can't just ignore routes and just plot a course from anywhere to anywhere, but it presumably has its own advantages.
for the Armiger War Dog, would it be possible to upgrade its design in the future? Maybe make the weapons interchangeable? Add a storm bolter to the claw? Maybe a twinlinked pair of hellfire lasguns to the chain sword? Maybe replace one of the melee instruments with a shield?

If the Armiger War Dog lives long enough and goes through enough pilots, would one eventually gain sapience and sentience? If so, would they want to keep fighting? Retire into something in the civilian sector like botany? Construction? Ballet?
for the Armiger War Dog, would it be possible to upgrade its design in the future? Maybe make the weapons interchangeable? Add a storm bolter to the claw? Maybe a twinlinked pair of hellfire lasguns to the chain sword? Maybe replace one of the melee instruments with a shield?

If the Armiger War Dog lives long enough and goes through enough pilots, would one eventually gain sapience and sentience? If so, would they want to keep fighting? Retire into something in the civilian sector like botany? Construction? Ballet?

It's a branch of Knight, which are effectively light Titans. Just having One means that developing further models is made so much easier.
[] [Plan] Military Rewards
-[] [Military] Karnivore Sanctification And Manufactorium
-[] [Military] Raise Two Specialised [Heavy] Unit - [Choose: Ogryn]
-[] [Chapter] A Suit Worthy Of The Name (1.5/5)

Military] Begin Military Operations (Assign Unit/s) (Choose Location/s) (Designate Objective/s)
-[] (1/1) Cradle Medium Engineering Unit
-[] (1/1) Cradle Medium Assault Unit
-[] (6/6) Droman Coral Medium Assault Unit
-[] (2/2) Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition Unit
-[] (2/2) Corcrat Heavy Mechanized Assault Unit
-[] (1/1) Budget Arms Light Tank Unit
-[] (3/3) Lamenters Space Marine Squad
-[] (4/4) Lamenters Space Marine Scout Platoon
-[] (3/7) Celestial Choirs
-[] Task Fleet Alpha
(6x Aries-Class Corvettes, 1x Lupus-Class Torpedo Destroyer, 1x Crux-Class Missile Frigate, 1x Libra-class Light Carrier, 2x Taurus-Class Troopship (0/8 Capacity))

-[] Scout Fleet Alpha
(4x Circinus-Class Scout Sloop)
-[] Kil'drabi Auxiliary Fleet
(2x Pact of Our New Path Battlecolony)
-[-] Lamenters Chapter Fleet
(3x Risen Dirge-Class Boarding Ships (0/3 Capacity - Space Marines Only))
Assault done or do we need to keep redeploying them?
Military] Raise Two Specialised [Light/Medium/Heavy] [Infantry/Mechanized] Unit - [Choose: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn]/ Construct A Warp Ship - [Choose a Desi
Does this mean we get double action in raising units in this action now?
If we make an action to raise more teaching facilities to raise more existing military units would we slowly increase in military units like we do with Melody?
[] [Plan] Military Rewards
-[] [Military] Karnivore Sanctification And Manufactorium
-[] [Military] Raise Two Specialised [Heavy] Unit - [Choose: Ogryn]
-[] [Chapter] A Suit Worthy Of The Name (1.5/5)

Assault done or do we need to keep redeploying them?

Does this mean we get double action in raising units in this action now?
If we make an action to raise more teaching facilities to raise more existing military units would we slowly increase in military units like we do with Melody?
A Suit Worthy of the Name should only be expedited once we have Heavy Industry 5. The results of the power armor project will be inferior if we do not have Heavy Industry 5 (and thus unlock RnD).
And surely such a period of consolidation wouldn't be interrupted by outside forces seeking easy prey, not in this setting :V

There shouldn't Be significant outside forces running around at this point! We've closed the Ork salient down to a single choke-point, we just need to colonize Itani and we can lock it in. We should have at least a generation or two to build up our strength.
There shouldn't Be significant outside forces running around at this point! We've closed the Ork salient down to a single choke-point, we just need to colonize Itani and we can lock it in. We should have at least a generation or two to build up our strength.
TBF, there's the Minor Xenos we know nothing about, the Pirate Haven, the Imperials who are probably going to get curious why the massive Ork invasion they have been expecting for over 2 centuries now hasn't arrived yet.
TBF, there's the Minor Xenos we know nothing about, the Pirate Haven, the Imperials who are probably going to get curious why the massive Ork invasion they have been expecting for over 2 centuries now hasn't arrived yet.

We were told the Imperials aren't going to question it, the Minor Xenos are a OSM, and the Pirates... Well, that's something, but if they could expect to take on an entrenched system, they'd probably have done that rather than hiding in deep space.
No, the units are still on Luteus Prism', but you could yank them away. Military re-organization will be a part of the upcoming Constitutional Congress.

One System Minor, at least as far as we can tell.

That's not nothing, but it does mean they probably won't explode out like the Netherlands in the "Oceans draining" scenario.
Wait, I'm looking at them map and there's an Eldar thing on Droma, is that a Craftworld?

Also, what's going on at End of the Line? It only shows three stars, what are they?