What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Adhoc vote count started by Doccer on Mar 20, 2024 at 5:29 PM, finished with 88 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Lock down Itani
    -[X] [General] Construct Something
    --[X] Food Production V
    -[X] [General] Colonize (Itani-Magdab) (0/2 Actions) x2
    [X] Plan: A Song of Three Centuries Progress
    -[X] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete)
    --[X] Song
    -[X] [General] Construct Something
    --[X] Food Production V
    -[X] [General] Colonize (Write-In) (0/2 Actions)--Itani
    [X] Plan: A Song of Three Centuries Progress
    -[X] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete)
    --[X] Song
    -[X] [General] Construct Something
    -[X] Food Production V
    -[X] [General] Colonize (Write-In) (0/2 Actions)--Itani
    [X] Plan: Home Is Where The Hearth Is
    -[X] [General] Construct Something
    --[X] Food Production V
    -[X] [General] Colonize (Silista X) (0/2 Actions)
    -[X] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (The Home) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete)
    [X] Plan: War and Food
    [X] Plan: Begining of the 30 years war
I honestly don't think Itani is so desperately needed to be locked down in a single turn that we should weaken our Void Industry right at the start of a war to lock it down in a single turn as opposed to two.
I honestly don't think Itani is so desperately needed to be locked down in a single turn that we should weaken our Void Industry right at the start of a war to lock it down in a single turn as opposed to two.

Honestly, the sooner we start, the sooner it becomes productive, but I do understand your feelings, that's why I approval voted your submission too.
[X] Plan: War and Food
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Military Industry III
--[X] Food Production V
-[X] [Military] Karnivore Sanctification And Manufactorium
Reading up on Knight-titans, the Karnivore is in the smaller type of Knight-titans. It'll be a pretty damn good unit once we've got it in production. And when we've finally unlocked RnD we can look into making a ranged version of it because the ion shield (think something like the pinpoint barrier from Robotech/Macross, limited coverage but can move the coverage to defend against threats) would go great with ranged firepower.
Since Guiliman is up and running around trying to hold things together just even a bit longer, that means that the Ynnari are around as well and the Eldar are even more fractured politically.
In terms of making the wardog NOT look like it chaos tainted brothers, Possible head replacements include a Big daddy/Diving suit esque Bell head with a Intimidating Spotlight For an eye, Or Possibly a flat Welder like Mask (Bonus points if we can integrate a Promethium thrower somewhere onto the design.)

Other Head options Could be a Make up of just Normal faces, Like a Iron death mask. Biggest problem with that is that is the artisanship involved... On the other hand, Its a armiger, Artisanship can be a plus and it not like its a Lasgun. Artisanship Like having the Amiger's with Death masks inspiring faith can be a bonus when fighting warp beings.

Part of Me wants to Just replace the Dog skull with an Alephant skull, And go fpor a similar searchlight Idea to the diving suit in nose (Because it looks like a cyclops) But that doesn't push it far enough away from chaos wardogs in imagery.
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In terms of making the wardog NOT look like it chaos tainted brothers, Possible head replacements include a Big daddy/Diving suit esque Bell head with a Intimidating Spotlight For an eye, Or Possibly a flat Welder like Mask (Bonus points if we can integrate a Promethium thrower somewhere onto the design.)

Other Head options Could be a Make up of just Normal faces, Like a Iron death mask. Biggest problem with that is that is the artisanship involved... On the other hand, Its a armiger, Artisanship can be a plus and it not like its a Lasgun. Artisanship Like having the Amiger's with Death masks inspiring faith can be a bonus when fighting warp beings.

Part of Me wants to Just replace the Dog skull with an Alephant skull, And go fpor a similar searchlight Idea to the diving suit in nose (Because it looks like a cyclops) But that doesn't push it far enough away from chaos wardogs in imagery.
I mean, the two gun armiger literally has a cyclops eye.
In terms of making the wardog NOT look like it chaos tainted brothers, Possible head replacements include a Big daddy/Diving suit esque Bell head with a Intimidating Spotlight For an eye, Or Possibly a flat Welder like Mask (Bonus points if we can integrate a Promethium thrower somewhere onto the design.)
Or we could replace the dog skull with a dog mask. I think its the fact that its a skull that sets off the 'might be chaos' alarms.
I mean, the two gun armiger literally has a cyclops eye.

Yeah But so do the imperium warglaives, The karnivore is the only armiger pattern with a Skull Head, Which makes it incredibly distinctive. moving Ours to a Mono-eye does loose some originality, but It helps do some Obviscation because plenty of armigers both traitor and non have mono eyes.

Personally, I think Maccabian Janissarie style Deathmasks for the Armiger would be more interesting, with The death masks possibly being made in the Image of Saints, or even the Pilots Themselves, But We have plenty of aesthetic options to move our armiger a couple degrees of separation away from its origins.
Just give it a stock armigear head and make both melee weapons combi weapons. That way it can both range and melee without people suspecting its origins too much.
The death masks possibly being made in the Image of Saints, or even the Pilots Themselves

Honestly, I think this is the best idea. Knight Pilots are going to be Elites, so I'd 100% be behind a tradition/ritual that, when a Pilot graduates from training and first bonds with their Karnivore, they get a Death Mask of their own face placed over the 'head' of the Knight, signifying their now lifelong bond.