What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[][Civilian Government] (Resolve the Issues listed or ignore them. Resolve other issues you foresee or don't. Write: [No Change] to change nothing.)

Hmm, with the Communication we could basically write that into a promise, that we'll figure it out within a century. We're already 5/6ths of the way to the transportation.

With the name, not sure.

With the single leader, I'm against it, but I don't quite want to just go "No change."

What are examples of the kinds of internal emergencies that people are worrying about, @HeroCooky , just so that I can think about how we would address them anyway.
Hm. For the military reorganization. Could we do something like this?

Name: Army Combat Group
-Up to 4 units in an ACG (to fit in a Taurus)
-Each unit in a ACG will be from the same origin (i.e. Cradle, Corcrat, Bastion, Droman)
-ACGs will have the bureaucratic support to maintain the units
-Trained as a combined arms force
-ACGs will have regular training with other ACGs to maintain cross-compatible training and tactics

Basically taking some cues from Battletech's Regimental Combat Teams
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What are examples of the kinds of internal emergencies that people are worrying about, @HeroCooky , just so that I can think about how we would address them anyway.
Planets rising for Chaos, ecological collapse/planetary-scale destruction thanks to deep-strike attacks, massive economic upheavals, ecological collapse/planetary-scale destruction due to natural/industrial causes, assholes trying to rise up, people trying to murder everything via stolen Warp Ships, etc.
Well either way I'm gonna say no to a knight house. Purposefully making nobles and giving them an important role to play is just asking for us to be screwed over in a few generations when the descendants turn into elitist assholes.
Honestly, I think this is the best idea. Knight Pilots are going to be Elites, so I'd 100% be behind a tradition/ritual that, when a Pilot graduates from training and first bonds with their Karnivore, they get a Death Mask of their own face placed over the 'head' of the Knight, signifying their now lifelong bond.
Might end up with some Warp duckery that makes them live on in the like the elvetdo with their wraith knights.
With the single leader, I'm against it, but I don't quite want to just go "No change."
Yeah, not a single leader, but perhaps we can think of a war-time council framework instead.

def opposed to forming a knight house for the reasons listed in the updoot
Yeah, though I am in favor of setting up to Knight Academies. Just anything that doesn't encourage asshole, inbred nobles from forming and gaining dominance.
I say we don't make Knight Houses cause they suck and Gundams are much cooler :\/

But seriously if we can figure out a way to make knight size mecha that aren't as picky I would be all for that instead of having written in Knights right now and being stuck with them.
[][Knight House] (Will you create a Knight House or not? If you do, expect a follow-up vote to decide the specifics, like coat of arms, motto, colors, etc.)
Honestly, not sure why we'd copy the Imperium here.

Most of the benefits of the Imperial system can be replicated using our own homegrown eugenics, with Knight genelines rather than houses, and centralized academies rather than parent-child tutelage. And since we can make mevhs, the whole heirloom inheritance structure is also fairly redundant.

Just like we "produce" pilots to fill out our carriers, we can produce mech pilots to support each army

A mech is just a jet with a very low stall speed, after all...
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I dunno about this, every time we've used them we've kinda done a grab-bag thing with 'em...

Hmm, we could still specialize with them and use them together. Like say, Corcrat ACG focuses on mechanized combat (mechanized infantry supported by tanks, highly mobile), while 1st Droman ACG acts as the heavy infantry and assault force and then use them together via 2 Taurus transports.

Cradle's ACG acts as a specialist shenanigans force with a grab bag of specialized units.
One difficulty is... this is Warhammer 40k. There's a war going on RIGHT NOW, in fact!
Then let me rephrase that as an Emergency-Council, us suffering our "in case of emergency, break glass" Council where the Candle Keepers' existence is at stake. I don't know how to put the specifics so I'm gonna leave that bit to you and Alectai since y'all are good at that
In the knight house, can't we just make it a military matter, like idk make them a Super Elite force or something it will make communication,logistics and transport more easy, and we could divide them in Home Guard and one that is on campain just for protection against some rebelious leader, i mean i understand the why on the matter of separating the Knight from the military for them to not have a lot of power and just do a coup, but i don't really think we have that problem here or well i hope that we don't
Most of the benefits of the Imperial system can be replicated using our own homegrown eugenics, with Knight genelines rather than houses, and centralized academies rather than parent-child tutelage. And since we can make mevhs, the whole heirloom inheritance structure is also fairly redundant.
My sibling in mecha worship, that is a Knight House with a fresh coat of paint.
Could we do a riff on space marine organizational structure, treating knights in a similar vein to space marines for the purpose of organization but fulfilling a different role?

Or is that already what Knight Houses are, I'm not clear? At the least, maybe make them space bound rather than planet bound like we have the Lamenters if we go that way.
The first issue is the lack of interstellar communication, though the Celestial Choir assures the assembled representatives that they will have a solution within a century at most. As dissatisfied with the answer as some may be, pushing further on the issue is recognized by all as foolish. One does not meddle with the Warp and expects it to stay passive.
no idea how we are supposed to adresses this other than be patient and wait
... I'm not actually against Knight Houses in this context?

Operating an elite combat walker requires a whole new breed of skills and talents, especially ones handled using the methods we have access to. This isn't a Sentinel that can be driven with two levers and a set of footpedals, these are basically psychic communion links that can Gather Experience over time.

The tricky part is going to be giving them rights and responsibilities that discourage them from being pieces of shit. Mind you, Imperial Knights in general are legitimately some of the most upstanding dudes in the Imperium On average (With the obvious caveat of averages and extremes and so forth). Realistically, locking down critical choke points is already going to require a lot of home-grown industry, and if we also bolt on elite combat walkers making their home there? Well, that's a good Fortress World as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, broadly speaking, the communications issues aren't a critical issue yet, but they will become one soon. I think a promise of making a priority of developing a solution in time for the next convention will probably make do for now. Other adjustments can be made--I'm not the greatest at civilian based business.

That Being Said. Militarywise, there is actually good reason to let people keep their home colors going on, rather than melt everyone into a single monoculture. It keeps them engaged in society rather than isolating with them, which is a good step on the way to keeping people from going off their rocker. Gimmie a sec to sketch a placeholder together with.
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Not really?

It kind of lacks the entire house aspect.
I fear that at this point we're looking at definitions of "house" so wide that they are entirely misleading.
It's basically the same as the Thules. It's just instead of reproducing the natural way they're all a bunch of clones. Which arguably is gonna make the elitism problem even worse b/c all Knights of say, the Kappa geneline, are going to look down on everyone else as inferior for not being Kappas since they don't have to worry about trying to find and marry someone else to continue the line.
Not really?

It kind of lacks the entire house aspect.
I fear that at this point we're looking at definitions of "house" so wide that they are entirely misleading.
Kinda yes tho? Gene-Lines are literally just...genetic lineages. Just instead of having children you just decant another clone to raise as a pilot. And many Knight Houses do train their scions in academy-esque environs, learning how to do stuff in groups easier to do and far cheaper in the long run in case your Knight says: "Nope. I ain't bonding to you!"

And you will still have a massive heirloom structure due to the fact that you produce 15 Karnivores per Action, and your pilots will likely die before the Knights. If not in combat, then by age, and thus the Knight gets handed down to the next generation.
Kinda yes tho? Gene-Lines are literally just...genetic lineages. Just instead of having children you just decant another clone to raise as a pilot. And many Knight Houses do train their scions in academy-esque environs, learning how to do stuff in groups easier to do and far cheaper in the long run in case your Knight says: "Nope. I ain't bonding to you!"

And you will still have a massive heirloom structure due to the fact that you produce 15 Karnivores per Action, and your pilots will likely die before the Knights. If not in combat, then by age, and thus the Knight gets handed down to the next generation.
Do we need to call it a 'house'? We could just create an institution that people join and part of joining is you get genetic therapy to help increase the chance a knight bonds with you. And if it doesnt you could get funneled into like, the officers corp or the support crew or whatever. It confers no title of Nobility upon you, you get no privileges beyond peoples gratitude that your stopping bad things from murdering them with extreme violence.

Like everyone who joins gets in line to try to get bonded because if Knights are picky, we cant afford to be. But the rest of the institution is made up of those who do not get bonded.