What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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@HeroCooky are our alien friends still on the frozen moon in the droma system or did they leave after they built there first battle colony? and if they left does that mean we can colonize it? and since it in our capital system do we need to spend a ap on the colony ship to be able to colonize it?
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Nah, we actually have a civilian economy worth a damn, the Tau do not. Just about everything they do is for the service of Expansion and serving the needs of the continuing Expansion. Think of them like trying to do a Great Crusade but with an actually sane timetable rather than "I need to conquer the galaxy in 100 years, damned the costs", and the ability to actually force willing compliance from their citizenry thanks to the Ethereals, so there's no meaningful dissent or infighting among them.
what if we make all out games into shooters, piolet simulators, management sims, and other such games that are just training programs for actual jobs?
lets make Hell divers-expy game, lmao
make our civilian economy have secondary benefits.

say is their anything we might want to copy from the tau policy wise? like that specialization and regimentation thing, should we copy that?
what if we make all out games into shooters, piolet simulators, management sims, and other such games that are just training programs for actual jobs?
lets make Hell divers-expy game, lmao
make our civilian economy have secondary benefits.

say is their anything we might want to copy from the tau policy wise? like that specialization and regimentation thing, should we copy that?

Video games are not a great tool for preparing people for actual war. Maybe stuff like drone based warfare, but that's subject to interception and hacking, so it's only really worthwhile if your doctrine revolves around it or you do some Real Bullshit to ignore the consequences (Like the Cybernetica literally just having punch-card battle tactics and techniques that they physically plug in to their Robots, and thus have no signal to hack) Even the fucking Tau only use drones to supplement infantry with useful support abilities, not a replacement for infantry.

We're sensitive to losses, so a highly professional, highly equipped force is our best bet. We also are a Cybernetic Friendly faction, which means we can augment career soldiers more than baseline humanity is willing to tolerate. Chances are good we can at least hit Skitarii level without issue, and we might actually push past that.
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However, if we want to continue to punch above our weight we'll need to unlock RnD so that we can get better equipment. There's only so far that we can go with Imperial hand-me-downs, especially for our ground forces.
However, if we want to continue to punch above our weight we'll need to unlock RnD so that we can get better equipment. There's only so far that we can go with Imperial hand-me-downs, especially for our ground forces.

All-5s are of importance only a step below locking in Itani as our fortress system, yes. We can't afford to be putting it off anymore.

I also think Military should be the last one, if only because we probably want Medical and Heavy up First so we can fish for unlocks from them before that final step.
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I know what the Imperium would do. Lives are meaningless, throw a few million people in the grinder and then ship a few billion in to exploit the newly opened up territory.

If your argument agrees with the Imperium on a matter of value statements, your argument is a bad one
Oh don't pull that crap on me. If I really was as bad as the Imperium than I would have been advocating for taking all 4 worlds no matter the cost. But no, I realize that it would be incredibly wasteful in both effort and lives, which is why I'm narrowing it down to one, the world that is arguably of the most value to us intact.

And really, "we're not the Imperium so we shouldn't spend any lives ever" is your argument. I'm not arguing that our people are expendable and we should throw millions into a grinder for negligible gains. I am saying we use them to secure a resource, that being a habitable planet that MIGHT have some hidden secrets, but if not is still worth it.

Since we're getting personal here, how about you stop with this grandstanding holier-than-thou attitude you're giving me b/c I'm actually planning on using our military for its intended purpose, or did you not think that any of our troops would be making planetfall when you wrote up this plan for Operation Green Ebb? That it would all be over in just a turn, a quick victorious war to eliminate the Greenskin threat?

I realize that trying to take a planet won't be simple and a good bit of our people will die trying to take it, that's how wars go, but I also realize Exterminatus-ing every world is not conducive to our goals of expansion, and that the more we turn uninhabitable, the more AP it will cost, which will in turn limit the amount we can do. Everything has a cost, the name of the game isn't "One Sacrifice at a Time Against the Galaxy" for nothing, and contrary to your belief, I DO care about the lives of our people and I feel insulted with you comparing me to the fucking Imperium for wanting to do a standard planetary conquest instead of orbital dropping everything just to be safe. Is this the kind of reaction we can expect from you with if we encounter any hostile world without any sympathizers exploit? Just be more Exterminatus happy than the Inquisition and try colonizing the ashes b/c you're just so self-righteous and overprotective of our people?

The whole reason I'm cut down the planets we're invading from 4 to 1 is b/c I don't want our people to get massacred so much, but I also recognize that the more AP we can save, the more shit we can do and I sincerely fucking doubt that even with the extra AP to get setup that a Hostile World will be as productive as a perfectly Habitable World. And yes, I do think a coupe AP is worth risking our people's lives over b/c that is almost a turn's worth of actions I'm trying to save here.
All-5s are of importance only a step below locking in Itani as our fortress system, yes. We can't afford to be putting it off anymore.
As a reminder to players who aren't 40K aficionados, it is possible to travel off the lines, but it's harder to do so as part of a fleet and arrive in a coordinated group without some substantial investment in warp assets. Fortress Worlds are primarily useful for stopping the usual churn rather than high-level dedicated efforts (unless they're on stable routes through persistent stationary warp storms, in which case they become absolutely vital to maintain). So even in ordinary conditions if we nail down fortress systems on every access point we'll still be maintaining in-system defense fleets to deal with random drop-ins and to increase the scale of effort needed to mount a successful off-route assault -- which is to say that we don't have to worry about specifically losing back-line defenses if we establish fortress worlds.
As a reminder to players who aren't 40K aficionados, it is possible to travel off the lines, but it's harder to do so as part of a fleet and arrive in a coordinated group without some substantial investment in warp assets. Fortress Worlds are primarily useful for stopping the usual churn rather than high-level dedicated efforts (unless they're on stable routes through persistent stationary warp storms, in which case they become absolutely vital to maintain). So even in ordinary conditions if we nail down fortress systems on every access point we'll still be maintaining in-system defense fleets to deal with random drop-ins and to increase the scale of effort needed to mount a successful off-route assault -- which is to say that we don't have to worry about specifically losing back-line defenses if we establish fortress worlds.

Perks of Universal Application to our Infrastructure. Every system is hardened against opportunistic raiders. Fortress Worlds are there at major chokepoints to discourage mass incursions that expect to get there at the same time.

Anyway, voting's open, here we go.

-[X] Request Authorized
--[X] Send Vox Messages, and any other tricks our people can come up with while preparations are under way however, to see if we can identify and extract any survivors from the Ork Occupation. It's a long shot, but it's worth risking if we can save anyone still. Star-Child preserve them and their memories for what we must do.
-[X] Request Authorized all worlds but "Looty Place", which shall be fought for.
--[X] But just in case anyone is actually still alive down there, on approach, send some signals -- vox and anything our folks can come up with -- to give any survivors a chance to send word to us for an extraction. You have strength enough between your own forces and the Lamenters to run an ad hoc evacuation, especially with Celestial Choir support. It's not likely, but there's always a chance, and we would not deny it.
-[X] Request Authorized
--[X] Send Vox Messages, and any other tricks our people can come up with while preparations are under way however, to see if we can identify and extract any survivors from the Ork Occupation. It's a long shot, but it's worth risking if we can save anyone still. Star-Child preserve them and their memories for what we must do.

say can our void fighters and bombers act as fighters and bombers in an atmosphere?
I think after next turn where we def need to spend 2 ap on colonaing we should have at least one ap on colonizing every turn cause the the benefits of bringing whole new world into our dominion each turn l(at least until all the nearby worlds that aren't filled with hostiles are filler up) way too good to pass up especially since we are really close to unlocking some great benefits once we get our scale more high

-[X] Request Authorized
--[X] Send Vox Messages, and any other tricks our people can come up with while preparations are under way however, to see if we can identify and extract any survivors from the Ork Occupation. It's a long shot, but it's worth risking if we can save anyone still. Star-Child preserve them and their memories for what we must do.
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-[X] Request Authorized
--[X] Send Vox Messages, and any other tricks our people can come up with while preparations are under way however, to see if we can identify and extract any survivors from the Ork Occupation. It's a long shot, but it's worth risking if we can save anyone still. Star-Child preserve them and their memories for what we must do.
-[X] Request Authorized
--[X] Send Vox Messages, and any other tricks our people can come up with while preparations are under way however, to see if we can identify and extract any survivors from the Ork Occupation. It's a long shot, but it's worth risking if we can save anyone still. Star-Child preserve them and their memories for what we must do.
Ladies, Gentlemen and other lovely people, one moment to try presenting an argument yet again.

I think we can all agree that spending a century through grinding warfare is simply unacceptable, for we don't have the manpower to waste and even if we did the costs in terms of lives would be grave indeed. But to orbital drop every world would leave us with ashes that would cost us a lot of effort to make efficient.

What I propose is a compromise to spare us lives and effort, and that being to attack the Looty Place and Exterminatus the others. Yes, it would still be sending our troops to war in a multi-decade effort, but it will be significantly less costly than going for all of the worlds and we'll be able to actually settle a world in good time, which will sooner provide benefits and save us a little more AP for us to use on other projects. Such as new melodies, more industry, or more ships.

[X] Request Authorized for all worlds but "Looty Place", which shall be fought for.
-[X] But just in case anyone is actually still alive down there, on approach, send some signals -- vox and anything our folks can come up with -- to give any survivors a chance to send word to us for an extraction. You have strength enough between your own forces and the Lamenters to run an ad hoc evacuation, especially with Celestial Choir support. It's not likely, but there's always a chance, and we would not deny it

But for those feeling a little greedy, we could also just go for Gnatiila as a whole.

[X] Request Authorized for Itani, but Gnatiila will be fought for
-[X] But just in case anyone is actually still alive down there, on approach, send some signals -- vox and anything our folks can come up with -- to give any survivors a chance to send word to us for an extraction. You have strength enough between your own forces and the Lamenters to run an ad hoc evacuation, especially with Celestial Choir support. It's not likely, but there's always a chance, and we would not deny it
[X] Request Authorized
-[X] Send Vox Messages, and any other tricks our people can come up with while preparations are under way however, to see if we can identify and extract any survivors from the Ork Occupation. It's a long shot, but it's worth risking if we can save anyone still. Star-Child preserve them and their memories for what we must do.
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No, you have a mutation, you get sterilized. You can still adopt children, get yourself another of your gene-line decanted (if part of a Cradle Gene Line), or just adopt your partners child as your own, but you yourself will not make children. There is too much deep-seated cultural trauma within the Cradle to allow such, and that is your political and spiritual center right now.

On the flip-side: you don't shoot mutants on sight!
Damn. With our acceptance of the mutants I thought we were above that by now.
Got it.

-[] Request Authorized
--[] But just in case anyone is actually still alive down there, on approach, send some signals -- vox and anything our folks can come up with -- to give any survivors a chance to send word to us for an extraction. You have strength enough between your own forces and the Lamenters to run an ad hoc evacuation, especially with Celestial Choir support. It's not likely, but there's always a chance, and we would not deny it.
I will vote for this.
-[X] Request Authorized
--[X] Send Vox Messages, and any other tricks our people can come up with while preparations are under way however, to see if we can identify and extract any survivors from the Ork Occupation. It's a long shot, but it's worth risking if we can save anyone still. Star-Child preserve them and their memories for what we must do.
Seriously, I know the whole "I have a good feeling" about Looty Place isn't the best argument, but I think logically out of all the planets that one has to be the one that has the most value. I mean, even the Orkz think it's special with what they named it. Even if there is nothing of actual value left, it could make for good archeological finds. But disregarding all that, it is bound to be inherently more valuable as it is than a smoldering rock, and it will save us on more AP which will allow us to do more things.
-[X] Request Authorized all worlds but "Looty Place", which shall be fought for.
--[X] But just in case anyone is actually still alive down there, on approach, send some signals -- vox and anything our folks can come up with -- to give any survivors a chance to send word to us for an extraction. You have strength enough between your own forces and the Lamenters to run an ad hoc evacuation, especially with Celestial Choir support. It's not likely, but there's always a chance, and we would not deny it.

Anything of value that we could recover from a planet that's been occupied by Orks for over a century will survive having a few K2-scale asteroids dropped onto it's vicinity. Anything under the asteroid will be gone, but planets are Big(TM).

Edit: Changed my mind, kinda want to give our people/institutions a chance to gain experience fighting large-scale wars against the Orks, and one leaving one planet to take conventionally shouldn't be too much of a grinder.
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Question is, will a Hostile World produce as much as a Habitable one? Like, is a Civilized world inherently more valuable than a Frozen or Volcanic world other than the time to get it setup?
That's the increased spool-up time. Instead of taking, say, 5~7 Turns, it will take ~10-14 Turns before that world is up to standard.

And a Civilized World is inherently more valuable than a Frozen one, as a Civ World would have an actual productive human civilization already on it. :V
@HeroCooky are our alien friends still on the frozen moon in the droma system or did they leave after they built there first battle colony? and if they left does that mean we can colonize it? and since it in our capital system do we need to spend a ap on the colony ship to be able to colonize it?
They have made Frozen Moon their home, and are chillin' on the same.
say can our void fighters and bombers act as fighters and bombers in an atmosphere?
As noted in other updates, they can.
Damn. With our acceptance of the mutants I thought we were above that by now.
That is your acceptance of mutants.
That's the increased spool-up time. Instead of taking, say, 5~7 Turns, it will take ~10-14 Turns before that world is up to standard
Thank you for that, and by the Star-Child while I know you were probably busy this would have been MUCH better to have confirmation of how long it takes to get a colony running beforehand.

So there you have it people, if we go ahead and bomb out all these worlds and decide to colonize them, it's going to cost us at minimum 40 AP to get them up to snuff. All I want is for us to have at least ONE FRACKING PLANET that's actually suitable for us and focus on that instead of being left with just a shit sandwich of nothing but burnt out husks. So PLEASE vote to have us preserve at least one planet for colonization🙏

[X] Request Authorized for all worlds but "Looty Place", which shall be fought for.
-[X] But just in case anyone is actually still alive down there, on approach, send some signals -- vox and anything our folks can come up with -- to give any survivors a chance to send word to us for an extraction. You have strength enough between your own forces and the Lamenters to run an ad hoc evacuation, especially with Celestial Choir support. It's not likely, but there's always a chance, and we would not deny it