What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Emperor's haet of all gods and faith warring with the fact we're arguably the society he wanted to make before he went Full Dictator, huh?
Bro is full on a shattered psychic upper-case God by now, suffering torture beyond compare every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year of every decade of every century of every millennium for nearly ten thousand years. He has failed humanity, knows he has failed us, and weeps for every mistake he has made, every decision that has led him to this action because he was created to be humanity's protector. Now, he can do nothing but fight a hopeless holding action and hope beyond hoping and sanity that the Last Gift To Humanity will not doom them to yet another fate worse than death.

If he could, he'd chuck every battleship he has at you.
But we're not perfect. Hopefully the Prosperity choice winning will help amelorate the rest of it.
The eugenics stay.
Awww :( Do we need Medical Infrastructure to get rid of that? Or is it just "That's 40K baby" rules?
Aren't our Eugenics limited to 'if you have enough mutations that your humanity is kind of debatable, you get sterilised' kind of thing?

I thought it wasn't a full on breeding program.
Aren't our Eugenics limited to 'if you have enough mutations that your humanity is kind of debatable, you get sterilised' kind of thing?

I thought it wasn't a full on breeding program.
No, you have a mutation, you get sterilized. You can still adopt children, get yourself another of your gene-line decanted (if part of a Cradle Gene Line), or just adopt your partners child as your own, but you yourself will not make children. There is too much deep-seated cultural trauma within the Cradle to allow such, and that is your political and spiritual center right now.

On the flip-side: you don't shoot mutants on sight!
As an example, what would be the stats of the average hive world or forge world compared to any one or our worlds so we can understand our competition?

Would it be possible for a Servitor or Machine Spirit to gain consciousness through faithful years of service? Ex: that one Space Marine tank machine spirit that went on a war path..

What are the odds of us encountering a Man of Gold, Iron, or Stone. Friendly or otherwise? Me thinks any A.I. we encounter will be 99.7% of the time hostile, 0.2% neutral, and 0.1% friendly. IMO you'd think any surviving sane A.I. from humanities golden age would evolve to be something greater than what they originally were.
Vote closed
294.M42 - A Good Pilot
Thule-551 had been born, like all of her sister-siblings, for one goal alone: to fight within cocoons of metal and spirit to fight against those who would harm those seeking to build a new Age, one heralded by the birth of the Star Child. Like all of her sister-siblings, she had often dreamed of those glorious so-far days of fighting within the thick of combat within her fighter, her mind melding with her sister-siblings and their machines to become more than the sum of their parts.

When she was five, she often raced around with the others and always liked to pretend she was one of those fighter pilots who had become idols and standards of excellence to aspire toward.

When she was ten, she scored high on her aptitude tests, and was selected for the fast-track of the education program and felt prouder than ever, lording it over 546 like that snooty bitch had done when she had been the first for an entire year!

When 551 turned 14 and entered the Academy to begin physical and mental training for her role, she learned three things within the next two years. The first was that, unlike many others, she found girls far more fascinating than boys. The second was that you could be surrounded by those who are to be trained as the best of the best and still end up with those lording about their superiority over you, like 469, a Thule one year her senior who always liked to boast about her skills and put hers down in the same breath. The third was that she was a good pilot.

And that was a problem.

Good pilots are not the best. Good pilots do not become the hand-picked fighter aces that fly on the Libra, who become the heroes of this age, and who will write history with their flights.

And when 551 turned 17, after a whole year of pushing herself beyond the brink of exhaustion, when she finally placed within the top ten of her class...469 boasted to her about effortlessly placing first again during the communal shower, and she turned in fury to punch the smug look of her perfect face.

But she turned too quickly.

She never recalled what happened, only that she woke up a month later, doctors telling her that she slipped and suffered a severe head injury. She was, essentially, paralyzed. All because of one mistake. One quick movement.

All of 551's dreams tumbled down, and her entire reason for existence was shattered. It felt like her whole world had come and set out to mock her in those days and weeks after, the sneers of the doctors, the hushed mumblings of the waste of time of fitting her with an implant to let her walk and move again, the snide gloating of 469 when she came to lord her still-healthy body around.

She would have shot herself if she had the gun to do so then. But she did not, and instead was demoted to just a regular flight school, learning to pilot the myriad transport shuttles and boarding craft the Keepers had in their arsenal.

Not a fighter. Not a bomber. No pilot.

Merely the one ferrying things around.

Yet, in a twist of cruel irony, she got her dream: she was assigned to the Libra.

But as a shuttle flyer, not as one of the top-aces walking around with steely bodies and sharp minds ready to inflict violence and clear the void of the Heretic, the Abominable, and the Apostate.

And like another twist of the knife in her soul, 469 was assigned too, earning herself a spot in the top squadron of the entire carrier, and she did not waste any time to lord herself over her again, walking around with a healthy body, perfect skills, and unbroken confidence. All the while, 551 could hear the whirr of her spine whenever she moved, felt the twitch and lag of her mind telling her fingers to move before they did, and shied away from all but the one who came.

Yet, 469 did not mock her like she once did, like 551 had assumed she would. Certainly, she was still arrogant and self-assured and thought she was the center of the universe, but she also came...to talk. Every day, bearing two sets of meals, so 551 could not escape by getting some food in the canteen. And they talked about nothing at first, nothing consequential, when they were first taking their shake-down cruise across the void before Operation Green Ebb. But as time continued, and the day of combat inched closer day by day...551 found that 469 was not bad company. Easy on the eye, her boasts made to hide a somewhat insecure heart, a sharp mind, and the desire to prove herself worth two Thules.

And wasn't that a thought? That 469 blamed herself for what happened to 551, fully and wholly. It...changed the way she looked at her...friend. She hoped they were at least friends by the time the fleet gathered the troops. It would hurt to see the woman who so lively recounted tales of training and rumor and boasted about the kills she'd score in 551's name refuse at least that. But there was something else when they were but a single jump through the Warp away from Itani, from fighting in earnest to secure Archwan against the Orks. 469 tried to tell her what to do if she died, who would get what of her things, and how she wanted to be remembered.

551...realized she didn't think of 469 as a friend now. Maybe never had. Possibly never will.

And so, when both of them stood before 551's shuttle, with 469 trying to hand her a document where she had written down her last will, a heart that had once known nothing more than loathing made a decision.

And 551's hands snapped out, grasped 469's head, and pressed her lips against her own, not allowing the other to leave until she physically could not hold 469 against herself. Shock, outrage, and confusion warred within the eyes of 469 as she looked halfway between running in fright and punching 551's teeth out. "I...I didn't want to let you go without that," she said, guilt and anger in her voice, fists balled and looking down and away, even as a part of herself freaked out at what she had just done. She hated herself. She had been a coward for years, and now, moments before it all may end, she just...does what? What if 469 will-

521 could not continue that thought. She was too busy trying not to fall; a strong hand had pushed her backward into her shuttle. But she noticed 469 step in after her, a hand smashing the button to close the doors.

What happened next is best not told within polite company.

A scout came back from the front, bearing news and information.

The battles against the Orks had been hard fought, hard-won, and not without cost: the Sagittarius had been shattered by an ambush of the remaining Ork vessels after the Mega Rok had been shattered from within by the Lamenters, and much of the fleet had suffered a savage blow and will require yard-time to be brought to full readiness once more. Yet, not all news in the void is terrible, as the Libra and her craft have proven their worth, denying the enemy the contact they sought by destroying engines and outright shattering smaller vessels with ease; only a single fighter piloted by Thule-477, Thule-487, and Thule-469 destroyed in return!

The war on the ground, however, is a different beast, as initial estimates for Magdab and Grubbub's, an Ash World and a Temperate Continental World, Ork population show that cleansing them of their inhabitants would require a multi-decade engagement per planet with all available forces. The same goes for Smug and "Looty Place" in Gnatiila.

Concerned about the sheer level of fortifications created by the Orks, and the loss of life required to take them even with full orbital control, Admiral K-529 has asked for permission to use Asteroid Bombardments against all four planets. Though it would push the landing and taking of these worlds out by another three years to wait for all the volcanoes to mostly settle, it would also reduce the cost of taking these worlds by a projected 91% for the small cost of temporarily turning these worlds into Volcanic and Frozen Worlds for three to four centuries. He awaits a response, and has noted that, thanks to more accurate information, Itanit can be quickly taken without any additional losses if given the go-ahead for bombardment.

What is the reply?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Request Authorized
Asteroids shall be towed and aimed at these four worlds, and the lives we save today shall fight tomorrow in greater battles where they have to be spent rather than may be used.
(Magdab, Grubbub, Smug, and "Looty Place" are turned into Frozen or Volcanic Worlds for 3-4 Centuries. You lose 91% fewer people. You gain experience using Exterminatus-level responses against threats.)

[] Request Denied
We require the entire output of these worlds for our future liberations, no matter the costs it now incur. Create beachheads and begin a traditional attack against the Orks.
(Magdab, Grubbub, Smug, and "Looty Place" will be attacked traditionally. Incurr heavy losses, but do not turn these four planets into Hostile Worlds for colonization purposes. This will start a century-long extermination process to cleanse all four worlds.)
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[] Request Denied
Asteroids shall be towed and aimed at these four worlds, and the lives we save today shall fight tomorrow in greater battles where they have to be spent rather than may be used.
(Magdab, Grubbub, Smug, and "Looty Place" are turned into Frozen or Volcanic Worlds for 3-4 Centuries. You lose 91% fewer people. You gain experience using Exterminatus-level responses against threats.)

[] Request Authorized
We require the entire output of these worlds for our future liberations, no matter the costs it now incur. Create beachheads and begin a traditional attack against the Orks.
(Magdab, Grubbub, Smug, and "Looty Place" will be attacked traditionally. Incurr heavy losses, but do not turn these four planets into Hostile Worlds for colonization purposes. This will start a century-long extermination process to cleanse all four worlds.)
I think Denied and Authorised should be swapped?
As an example, what would be the stats of the average hive world or forge world compared to any one or our worlds so we can understand our competition?

Would it be possible for a Servitor or Machine Spirit to gain consciousness through faithful years of service? Ex: that one Space Marine tank machine spirit that went on a war path..

What are the odds of us encountering a Man of Gold, Iron, or Stone. Friendly or otherwise? Me thinks any A.I. we encounter will be 99.7% of the time hostile, 0.2% neutral, and 0.1% friendly. IMO you'd think any surviving sane A.I. from humanities golden age would evolve to be something greater than what they originally were.
A Hive is about -3/-2/12/2/-5/10, while a Forge is about 0/0/15/10/0/15 by the stats of Industry/Infrastructure the Quest uses.
Probably, but that would require literal centuries of being prayed to and having a rare trigger event to give that spirit a massive boost in cognition within the Warp.
You have a statistically insignificant chance for Man of XYZ encounter. AI may be encountered yet, but they will be, as you noted mostly hostile. And likely batshit insane of Chaos corrupted.
hmm on one hand with the buff we just took colonzing these world will only debuff us some void indrusty so it not too bad a hit and we get experince with exteramius stuff which is alwasy helpful in 40k. On the other hand losing 4 vd would be very annoyining, going down would get us experince with fighting well entranched ork forces and get us 4 worlds that aren't volcanico/frozen world hmmm think the fact that we want to secure these 4 worlds quickly so we can defend against any other incoming threat push me into extertamitus camp tenatveitly either option I am overall fine with winning
Maybe kill 3 and take one? Just so we can establish a colony in the system to secure it.
all of them are eventully colonizeable no matter what option we take and if we decide not to throw rocks against all the planet we don't do immedite asteiods against will not be colonizable right away due to all the orks we need to kill first I think
Of these two options former is probably the more moral choice in a sense, as we'd be saving a ton more lives than we'd do through a traditional fight, at the cost of those worlds being inhospitable semi-Deathworlds.

I know we have the option to colonize Deathworlds but frankly I don't think doing so in this case would be worth the cost. Plus chances are we do this we'd lose out on any hidden shinies that may be hidden on those worlds.

tl;dr either we end the fight quickly and without massive loss of life and be left with three to four Hostile Planets for dozens upon dozens of turns. Or we do the traditional fight, suffer lots of casualties, and maybe get some habitable worlds and whatever hidden treasures they have.
Are we Certain that these places are straight up green @HeroCooky ? Like, we're not going to end up blowing up a secret hyper elite organization of survivors if we drop giant rocks on them? I'm willing to go to the knife to liberate, but if it's a lost cause and just a sea of green, better to focus on removing the threat rather than spending more blood than we have to.

Also, oof, One of the only deaders was the enemies-to-lovers one on the Libra. On the other hand, it was proven exceptional at its job, so that's nice.
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Damn, that sucks.

At least the fighter focus worked if 'only' one plane died.

You're not wrong. 3 fatalities and one lost fighter out of 120 birbs is an insanely good exchange rate. It's just. Blech.

On that note, how did the Crux do @HeroCooky ? I don't think we had enough Wolves in play yet to really show their strengths, but the Crux should have had a chance to throw down.
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551...realized she didn't think of 469 as a friend now. Maybe never had. Possibly never will.

only a single fighter piloted by Thule-477, Thule-487, and Thule-469 destroyed in return!

...yeah, that seems about right. 40k gonna 40k. Hope that 551 isn't like completely destroyed by this and can move on someday.

Admiral K-529 has asked for permission to use Asteroid Bombardments against all four planets. Though it would push the landing and taking of these worlds out by another three years to wait for all the volcanoes to mostly settle, it would also reduce the cost of taking these worlds by a projected 91% for the small cost of temporarily turning these worlds into Volcanic and Frozen Worlds for three to four centuries.

Well this sucks. Understandable, but it sucks major balls.

I don't mind hitting the planets in Gnatiila, cause we can honestly just ignore that system until we feel ready to develop it, but Itani we need to fortify against whatever is in the next system over, which means we'll have to commit to developing those now-deathworlds into decent places, which is gonna hit our industrial levels again just when we were gonna aim for the first breakpoints in each of them.
You're not wrong. 3 fatalities out of 120 birbs is an insanely good exchange rate. It's just. Blech.
Not 3 fatalities as in fighters, but just a single fighter piloted by 3 pilots. Yeah, space marine level seems about right if they fought in two systems and only lost 1 fighter craft. So overall the Libra was a complete success, tragic romance aside.

The same goes for Smug and "Looty Place" in Gnatiila.
What kind of worlds are Smug and Looty Place? I'd like to know b/c I am considering just bombing one system then traditionally attacking the other.
Nah, we'll be fine, Prosperity reduces the cost for hostile worlds down to just 1 VI each. Not ideal, but it's affordable without overly much strain, especially if our slate is clear.

That being said, apparently these places are just absolute hellholes that we are not taking without an absurd amount of blood poured into the grinder. Even with orbital supremacy and ortillery support. We just don't have the numbers to take on Ork worlds on anything remotely resembling fair odds yet.

We'll have to fix that in the near future.

EDIT: On a darkly hilarious note. Rejoice! I don't need to figure out a refit for the Sagittarius anymore!
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Are we Certain that these places are straight up green @HeroCooky ?
None of these places have had less than a century of Ork occupation. As frequently noted in lore, Orks are straight up shit at keeping non-Orks alive for any period of time. But you can note an addendum of [vox the planets to see if any humans are still alive, then get them out before dropping the asteroids] on them.
On that note, how did the Crux do @HeroCooky ?
It did as expected. But not as hoped.
we'll have to commit to developing those now-deathworlds
Hostile Worlds, not Deathworlds. The latter are in a whole other category of fucked up. The first just requires (in this case) better enviromental sealing and temperature controls.
What kind of worlds are Smug and Looty Place? I'd like to know b/c I am considering just bombing one system then traditionally attacking the other.
Smug is a Savanna World, and Looty Place is an ex-Civilized Forest World.
...yeah, that seems about right. 40k gonna 40k. Hope that 551 isn't like completely destroyed by this and can move on someday.
I couldn't resist adding suffering. Forgive me. 😔
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None of these places have had less than a century of Ork occupation. As frequently noted in lore, Orks are straight up shit at keeping non-Orks alive for any period of time. But you can note an addendum of [vox the planets to see if any humans are still alive, then get them out before dropping the asteroids] on them.
It did as expected. But not as hoped.
Hostile Worlds, not Deathworlds. The latter are in a whole other category of fucked up. The first just requires (in this case) better enviromental sealing and temperature controls.
Smug is a Savanna World, and Looty Place is an ex-Civilized Forest World.

Got it.

-[] Request Authorized
--[] But just in case anyone is actually still alive down there, on approach, send some signals -- vox and anything our folks can come up with -- to give any survivors a chance to send word to us for an extraction. You have strength enough between your own forces and the Lamenters to run an ad hoc evacuation, especially with Celestial Choir support. It's not likely, but there's always a chance, and we would not deny it.
I'm honestly leaning towards authorizing this, we have to remember that we only have three AP per turn and this sounds like it'll cost us 1 AP for ten turns to handle. That's a long time and pins down a large amount of the Army to cleanse said world of orks.

And from the text I didn't notice any mention of resistance or serious civilian populations making me say this is a good time to learn exterminatus in a relatively controlled environment for when we face things like the tyranids.

And if someone is down there then see if we can pull them out first then bomb the planet to the Stone Age and if we can't pull them out at least we tried that's more then the imperium ever would do.