Then all the more reason for us to investigate it I'd say. The heart of a civilization that might have even preceded our own that worshipped the Star-Child, who knows what we can uncover?
I really think you're over exaggerating with the "oceans of blood" thing, I don't think it's going to be significantly worse than Urabaka. And I think you're underestimating the value of taking a world that's actually habitable. For the longest time we've been complaining about how few actions we've had, and even if we only save out on a couple that could be worthwhile as it will allow us to do a bit more. To help more people.
We were already told "This is going to take a hundred+ years to do it conventionally, and be insanely bloody if we decide to fight over these things." Each one of these planets is a fully established Ork World where the entire ecosystem exists for the sole purpose of spawning everything they need to keep fighting. They need no logistics, can build tanks and steal our shit and make it theirs if they ever win. Their numbers grow faster and faster the harder they're pushed, and they've had the better part of a century to dig in and get ready for the scrap.
We, meanwhile, are a force of repurposed PDFs and infantry teams with some (Admittedly potent) Psyker support.
We have exactly one military force of tanks, and those are light tanks. Did you know Orks can bang out tank equivalents with ease, and even the odd giant stompy robot (Even if these ones probably aren't developed enough to whip out Gargants, thank heavens for small mercies). And you're advocating giving them decades of good fighting and loot to grow on.
Even cutting this down to
One Planet, we're likely to have tens of thousands of dead people by the end of this campaign. Because we are simply
Not Equipped for a full scale planetary invasion against superhuman, logistics-free killing machines in their home environment. Even
With the bombardment, we're still going to have no small amount of fatalities as we go to mop up, it's just that their backs will be broken and energy denied to their ecosystem by the horrible environment, so it'll be a relatively perfunctory clean up.
If there's anyone who can be saved who is anywhere remotely in our power to save, we'll do so by sending word before our bombardment. We have strength enough to set up a beachhead and extract refugees. But I'm not throwing tens of thousands of lives away because
Maybe a fucking Lord of Change and a century of Ork occupation
Missed a spot.
Sacrifices must be made, we're not strong enough to just Win, and I'm not willing to spill oceans of blood because we
Might get few intact planets out of it. We are not the Imperium. I'm willing to sacrifice the
hypothetical possibility of a mystery box of loot that can't be identified and extracted in the early days but has been missed by everything that's gone over to fuck these people over in particular, rather than a hundred years of bloody trench warfare that we're poorly suited to win.