Yeah, we want to seize Itani and contain Gnatila for now, Itani is of critical strategic importance given its position as a bottleneck into the Subsector, and it just expended its mobile force attacking
[ ] Plan: I see green on my subsector map, I don't want to anymore
-[] [General] Construct Something
--[] Civilian Infrastructure V
-[] Construct A Warp Ship
--[] Taurus-class Troopship
-[] [Military] Begin Military Operations
--[] OBJECTIVE: The repulsion of the Orks from Subsector Archwan
--[] METHOD: We have a rare opportunity here to neutralize the Ork foothold within this subsector, thanks to their failed assault on Ubraka. The lynchpin is the Itani System, and its strategic position within the Warp Lanes--with its mobile forces depleted and the first Libra-class Light Cruiser and its strike wings ready and raring to go, we have a chance to seize these hostile systems and push the front line out of the Sub-Sector. An attack on Itani to eliminate its void presence, including the Mega Rokk, followed by an initial ground campaign to seize a beachhead for further reinforcement. Upon the establishment of a secure foothold in Itani, mobile forces should ensure that Gnatila is unable to reinforce or otherwise build up their own infrastructure. The fact the two systems neighbor each other while also being each one step away from friendly territory should allow for effective logistics--though it's more important to maintain sustainable progress than to burn the Orks out in one fell swoop.
--[] Task Fleet Alpha
(6x Aries-Class Corvettes, 1x Lupus-Class Torpedo Destroyer, 1x Crux-Class Missile Frigate, 1x Sagittarius-Class Artillery Frigate, 1x Libra-class Light Carrier, 1x Taurus-Class Troopship (0/4 Capacity), the New Taurus-class when it's done (0/4 Cap))
---[] WAVE ONE: Cradle Medium Engineering Unit, Cradle Medium Assault Unit,, Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition Unit, Celestial Choir,
---[] WAVE TWO: When the second Taurus is ready and the Ground Campaign begins in earnest, it should be further supplemented by an additional Celestial Choir, a Budget Arms Light Tank Unit, and 2 Corcrat Heavy Mechanized Assault Units
---[] Obviously, we're also going to request the Lamenters support the campaign in however they feel best able to contribute.
Civ Inf to 5 is what we need to secure our gains, and we need more ability to put boots on the ground, so a second Taurus gets commissioned as our third action so we can squeeze it into the Campaign. Right now, the Void Battle doesn't look like it's in serious doubt--the Libra should be absolute nightmare-fuel incarnate against the Orks and fixed defenses, but we need more force projection if we're going to take these places and keep them.