What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I have a horrible feeling we need to pick the invis text option to break the last seal.
No, I'm pretty sure that option means that something happens to us when that seal breaks.

Not sure if it's a good thing, it might be "we voluntarily sacrifice ourselves to boost the Star-Child as it is born."

Oh! Has anyone considered using We Were (or similar) to learn the locations of the other Star Nations and get in contact with them?
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No. The Child Will Be Born regardless of what you do during the Ending Slides.

This is the only clarification you will get.
Oh. Good.

Then i know what option i want

[] They Are Trampling Out The Vintage Where The Grapes Of Wrath Are Stored...

we are so worried about chaos corruption of our automata. This is how we outright remove the threat.

Make it so chaos cant even touch them thanks to us purging corruption.

Its also the next faith trait. Which makes me very excited to see how chaos screams in terror.
Wait this is the StarFather removal isn't it. Basically making it so that he's never born. At least on Terra
The Star-Child is going to be born with the Emperor's death, resulting in the destruction of Terra and a ton of death. iirc a perpetual Warp Storm would engulf much of the sector, similar to the one caused by Slaanesh's birth?

If we take this some of that birth-scream will evidently happen elsewhere (probably our territory), with unknown results.

I don't think this is necessarily a trap option, btw. Sacrifice is one of the Star Child's key themes.

Edit: a while back, HeroCooky said a few times that the birth of the Star-Father was (at the time) technically, but not practically possible even if we were actively colluding with the GM to make it happen.
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Would the Chaos one be pretty much as powerful as the effect can possibly be?

If not, can it be boosted further?

I want to banish or even True-kill Daemons by our very presence, dammit!

Also, what do the remaining major galactic (or even regional) powers (that we know of/that know of us) think of us? Or is that in [SPOILERS] territory?
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...Flesh and Bones?

Holy shit, no way.

No way that is an incarnation of the Star Child.

That would be impossibly broken.

It has to be a Living Saint, right!?!?
Hmm Flesh and Bones is tempting me. If the Birthscream does happen here then...that's still good. It could also end up happening all across the galaxy where there are Star Children worshippers

Being an insane anti-Chaos nation that gets their undivided attention sounds interesting as well
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Also, would that just be our entire civilization going 'Poof' then? Just Star-Child worshippers? Or just a portion of the population?

Specifically with respect to the former; does that just erase the Stargrove Federation from existence a la the Aeldari Dominion (or even more thoroughly), and if so would the Stargrove Federation just… be a non-entity in the epilogue save as having been a 1-UP for the Star Child?

Until we can get an answer on that, I don't think I want to back that option.
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Herococky, praise be thy name, gives us yet more good shit.

[] They Are Trampling Out The Vintage Where The Grapes Of Wrath Are Stored...

Our obligatory trait upgrade. We become even more broken and become more of a cognito-hazard to Chaos.

As for the con....

You gain the Full and Undivided Attention of Chaos.)
*Looks at our societal/faith traits

Chaos can try, but this'll be us when Abby and the Bad End Brigade come to try and take our happy ending

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-kmFQmzBwtU&pp=ygUcdmVudHVyZSBicm9zIHRha2UgaXQgZnJvbSBtZQ%3D%3D

[] The Hymnals Sound The Call Once More

If I'm understanding this correctly, our followers can become pseudo-psykers and sing Melodies but weaker.

Keep in mind our population is pretty damn high, so any would be invaders will have a bad time regardless.

And that's not mentioning the passive effects psykers have on their surroundings (Read about Pre-fall Prospero and tell me you don't want that minus Chaos crap).

[] Hymnal, Saint, Lovers Evermore


Anyone ask for hero units? Because we getting two hero units back (I know there's no hero units mechanically speaking but you get the idea) having our own Celestine/Sanguinor after all this time is definitely nothing to scuff at.

Those are our three choices, and......huh?

[] Flesh And Bones
Though Holy Terra will be consumed by Their birth, They'll not only scream Their birth-cry there.

This one.....this is sketchy as shit. And while this may not be a game over trap it's still spooky.

Best guess I have is our citizens get front row seats to the death if Big E and Terra and all the trauma that comes with it for better or worse. Maybe we get a trait that makes us more determined post-game?

Anyway, my top choices are the Beacon Upgrade and the Deva unlocking. Mainly because even with Chaos fuckery we should be fine post game given our alliance. And Deva for fluff and because WE GET DEVAS.
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