What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
"merely" in the bio-ships of the threat they managed to capture from the threat long prophesized by the Star Child. These..."Tyranids" were a plague upon the galaxy, seeking out worlds with biomass to eat
1) Was rereading, and was the implication that we actually had the Last Threat confirmed IC ages back but forgot for some reason intentional?

That the Maggots had even managed to do what they did was seen as very troubling by the Princess, especially as something like that should have, in her words, "warranted the Shit-Eater-Lord to focus its vile attention upon their rotten corpses-in-the-making," yet...didn't do so. What that meant was up for speculation neither of them had time for.
2) It's probably a bad idea to determine how the Maggots did that, and why they didn't get slapped into oblivion using We Were right?
You know it's kinda funny that the first time we see into the emperor past is when he's in a private session with himself and it's also awkward when he realizes millions of souls and eyes are looking at him at that moment would absolutely make a funny scene in TTS
@HeroCooky this is extremely fucking late but I'm adding in an addendum on the We Were to not look at any parts of the history that our Kin prefer us to not look at, like the Dirut not wanting to share details about the cataclysm. Sorry for the trouble.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 18, 2025 at 10:53 AM, finished with 36 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Plan: All-XX 4/4
    -[X] [We Were] Learn and rediscover the history and past cultures of our Kin. Do not look at anything they would prefer us to not look at, like the Dirut Cataclysm.
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (A recently colonized sub-sector on the frontiers)
    -[X] [Free] Share and distribute the current knowledge we have of the Tyranids with the other parts of the Alliance, and how it's likely it's the third and last prophesied threat. Also share that this is knowledge from the previous millennium, and how those that fought it expect that it will come off stronger. Finally, share the fact that our Choirs sensed something hungry, hateful, and vast beneath the Galactic Plane.
    -[X] [Free] Share the knowledge of the "Cybernetic Revolt" that we have gained with the Van Zandt Duchy quietly.
    -[X] [Free] Learning from the paths taken by our forebears, enshrine the rights of all "artificial" sophonts. If any being is capable of asking for fair and ethical treatment, it deserves such.
    -[X] Food Production XX (1/1) [50% Discount]
    -[X] Heavy Industry XX (1/1) [50% Discounts]
    -[X] Medical Services XX (1/1) [50% Discount]
    -[X] Military Industry XX (1/1) [50% Discount]
704.M43 - The Greatest Gift
Choose One For Each:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[][Food Production] Universal Chocolate
The struggle has finally ceased. Universal Chocolate has arrived...
(Every species in the Federation can now enjoy Chocolate.)

[][Food Production] Green Belts
Have you ever seen the ships of the Irrita, those vast spheres and expansive arks of entire ecospheres and life? Have you never wondered what it would be like if they began turning asteroids into the very same habitats...only by growing such inside whole asteroid belts connected by roots and air, animals, and life?
(Asteroid Belts will slowly begin conversion into Green Belts, turning them into gigantic rings of life and plants with the aid of technology and bio-engineering.)

[][Food Production] Verdant Worlds
Life has begun to thrive on Federation Worlds, though only on those altered by the Sacred Sands...
(A Path Once Walked Eons Ago...)

[][Heavy Industry] Theoretical Applications Realized - (Write-In)
No longer mere conjections...
(Choose Five Faith Weapons or Equipment to be permanently added to your roster.)

[][Heavy Industry] Roaring Engines
Let their song split the skies, let their plumes turn the void alight, make the night quiver before the ships born from trillions laboring against the evils of the universe!
(Triple Military Production.)

[][Heavy Industry] The Grand Note
One tune, carried through the Warp, at all times, at all reaches, through one conduit powered by a shackled Black Hole, by which the eyes and reach of the Federation shall be elevated beyond all things. Costly to create but invaluable to possess...particularly in multiples.
(Enables you to build The Grand Note, a miniaturized Astronomican, with a range of 1.000 LYs.)

[][Medical Services] One Family
While cloning from one side of cross-species couples to become parents is a common practice as much as adoption, some do wish for the natural route to be opened. This is now possible.
(Cross-species pregnancies are now viable but require gene therapy for the mother, and there is a 50/50 chance of producing either parent's species as offspring.)

[][Medical Services] Health.
The Greatest Gift.
(Age-related illnesses and biological decay only occur in the last 5% of a Federation Species lifespan.)

[][Medical Services] Untouched By The Coming Tide
This will alter worlds irreversibly. For the better or the worse will be the task of our children's children to decide.
(Vastly increases the prepared worlds' resistance to invasive organisms such as Ork Spores or Tyranid Organisms.)

[][Military Industry] Fear Not The Dusk
The Dawn shall come as long as we hold faith to what will come.
(Nullifies any Morale penalties against enemies you see as Existential for the military and civilians.)

[][Military Industry] Flames Of War
Let them try to kill us all; we have the flamer, the melta, the faith, and the foreknowledge of sightlines on our side.
(Greatly increases resistance against biological attacks against the Federation Military.)

[][Military Industry] Canticles of the Machine-God
Burn, Oh Heart; War is here.
Thrum, Oh Engine; War is here.
Scream, Oh Spirit; War is here.
Devote Yourself To This One Task.
And Fight Toward The Coming Dawn.
(Greatly increases all Automata's effectiveness in battle.)
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