-[] Food Production XVI (0/2) - [3x 50% Discount]
-[] Civilian Infrastructure XXI (0/2) - [4x 50% Discounts]
-[] Heavy Industry XIX (0/2) - [2x 50% Discounts]
-[] Void Industry XXI (0/2) - [4x 50% Discounts]
-[] Medical Services XVII (0/2) - [5x 50% Discount]
-[] Military Industry XX (0/2) - [4x 50% Discount]
Wow, okay, that nap and dinner took a lot longer than I thought.
Let's put things together -- Food Production needs 5 Actions to reach 19.
Heavy Industry needs 1. DO NOT USE A 50%
Medical Services is hilarious -- just needs 3 Actions.
Military needs none.
So altogether, we just need 9 Actions. However, Warp's high, and we don't know if it'll go down, so we may want to consider leaving a single 50% in each category to reach 19.
Heavy Industry, Military Industry, and Medical Services can do this trivially. Once again, do not use the 50% boost for Heavy Industry, we don't want to trigger a Milestone.
For Food Production, if we're not using a 50% to save for the big turn, we can flip on the ISC.
XVI (1 Action) + XVII (1 Action) + XVIII (1 Action + 1st Mechandrite Action) + XIX (2 Actions (ISC Action + 2nd Full Mechandrite Action)
Medical Services is... just spend 3 actions, we can straight up do 2 Actions + Mechandrite + have a free one.
Yay, at least 2/3 of the ISCs I made are put to use!
So actually, Dev is going to be 4 turns, including this one.
Heavy Industry (1 Action) this turn
Food Production (6 Actions) next turn
Medical Services (3 Actions) turn after, no ISC needed.
Wrap-up (4 Actions) turn after,
no Tribal Warfare Needed.
Let's fucking go.
[] Plan: Unfuck the Faith
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Rue)
-[] [Free] Change the ISC to Sales Club Wholesalers
-[] [Free] Focus We Were on the ancient life of the Emperor. Who was he? What happened? What's up with the whole Omnissiah thing?
-[] [Free] Put the thousand choirs from Legacy of the Federation and The Deliverance back into Love Unto Death
-[] [Free][Psykana] Melodies (0.8/1 - Auto Complete)
--[] Thule III
-[] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[] Heavy Industry XIX (1/1) - Not using the 50% Discount
--[] Void Industry XXI (2/2) - 1st 50% Discount
--[] Void Industry XXII (2/2) - 2nd 50% Discount (mechadendrite action)
-[] [Faith] Revise The Droman Creed
--[] Our Faith has carried us through the darkness and towards the promised light. If the foundations are flawed, they must be rebuilt lest it endanger the demonstrated power of our Faith. We will move away from the worship of the Emperor-that-was and towards the worship of the Child-that-will-be.
I could be convinced to do a sigils action or an ask the starchild action instead of 2 void development. But darn it all we gotta do this turn to keep dev on track is 1 heavy industry action and swapping the ISC. So that's a minimum.
This looks good to me. I'm similarly flexible on the flex action -- I think seriously talking to our God about our Faith isn't a bad idea too. Not a general "what the fuck," but like...
Let's talk about some ground truths.
Our God is real -- we see it with our Living Saints, our Songs, our protection against Chaos, so on and so forth. Our God is
good, too, in healing the Lamenters, their various miracles, their guidance towards us. And finally, our literal opening option for Star Child is that the God Emperor will die to become a worthy God for mankind.
So yes, the Emperor is an unworthy man with unworthy works. We saw that when we sent Operation: DELIVERANCE, we saw it with the Diaconate. The Imperium is a rotting shithole, and we saw that the work to create it was one no less stinking.
But guess what. The Star Child IS worthy. And uh
Star Child: Protection III, Fire III, The Sun V, Humanity III, Creativity III, Song III, The Home III, Logic III, Unity III, Progress III, Compassion III, Hope III, Health III, Death III, Justice III, Wisdom III, Innovation III, Machinery III, Ruthlessness III, Brutality III, Mercy III, The Star, and Love III.
The Star Child, beyond all their good stuff, is EVIDENTLY connected to machinery, to knowledge, to creation, to all the stuff the Omnissiah was connected to.
Who is to say that the God of Humanity is not also the God of all Human Things? INCLUDING Human Knowledge?
The God Emperor is a liar, but the Star Child will not be one.
As for why the Star Child may not have immediately revealed all of this to us... we don't think that the Star Child is omniscient, nor omnipotent. That would be stupid -- Chaos still exists after all. They're an
unborn God after all, doing what they can. Things may not have been revealed to them yet! They're obviously busy, fighting Chaos, protecting us, trying to be born. Some flaws and mistakes have slipped through, and that's fine. We know that the Star Child does not ask for unquestioning obedience from us, for that is the fate of the Imperium. So let's question, work through things together, etc.
So yeah -- the God Emperor may not have been the Omnissiah, but do we not have them in separate instances in the Droman Creed (yes I know they're indivisible but like)
But the Star Child undoubtedly has the Emps as part of them -- why not the Omnissiah?
I think this logic squares.