What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
[] [General] Construct Something
-[] Food Production II
-[] Civilian Infrastructure
-[] Heavy Industry III
-[] Void Industry VII
-[] Medical Services
-[] Military Industry IV

So, if Construction Boom wins,

MI: 3

In theory a trick could be going for Military Industry cause it's the closest, but honestly, Food Production and Heavy Industry seem really tempting. Both of them have both a lot of civilian and a lot of military uses to get them up to 3-4, in striking distance of 5.
It will be nice to be in the positives for everything again, I'll admit, it's why I'm approval-voting for Construction Boom too.
technically speaking I'm pretty sure Heavy Industry can also give us DP if invested in.

[X] Construction Boom
[X] This is For The People

I mean, it hasn't yet, but Heavy Industry unlocks R&D so it's good too.

Good gravy, I look forward to having a bit more wiggle room later. And hopefully get some more benefits so that Expansion isn't just a net loss in AP. That doesn't really make sense but that's how it works so far.
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We should still do our best not to lose though, which is why VI 7 is so important, that puts us beyond the point where a casual probe can force its way through our defense lines.
You have a Void Rating of V, meaning that all your systems will be guarded by ~10 Light Scout, ~3 Heavy, and 1 Light Cruiser Monitors. (Skipping over all the logistics of building them up, 'cause, ya know, 10 year turns and all that. :V)
isn't this + system monitors enough to stop any casual probes?

[X] Construction Boom
[X] A Temple For The Body.../

QoL goes brrrr

-[] Medical Services Nulla
-[] Medical Services
we were at medical service nulla before we intergated so the next level we should be building to is medical service 2 right now not 1
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Oh! If higher HI unlocks RnD then we can research mechs in space (aka mobile suit) to even further differentiate ourselves from other factions!

Also, I'm thinking when we Design a light cruiser we'll want a light flagship first to anchor our fleet (basically our spin on the Dauntless light cruiser) and then the light cruiser after that will be our dedicated carrier.
isn't this + system monitors enough to stop any casual probes?

[X] Construction Boom
[X] A Temple For The Body.../

QoL goes brrrr

we were at medical service nulla before we intergated so the next level we should be building to is medical service 2 right now not 1

Let me rephrase, a casual probe by Ork standards, which is to say "Full headlong charge with all available boyz" VI 7 should be strong enough to absolutely stop those attacks of opportunity, and slow down even a serious assault. I think they'll actually be stronger than our expeditionary fleet at that point.
Adhoc vote count started by aceraptor on Mar 9, 2024 at 9:33 PM, finished with 75 posts and 31 votes.

Current vote result. Seems like a lock in for the leading plan.
I think getting another song that's less combat focus would be helpful.
We can use it to help city, world and people.
Might help with construction or even recruitment.
[X] [Plan] Settled Issues
-[X] [General] A Ship Worth The Name (0/4)
-[X] [Faith] Souls Artificial and Minds Constructed
-[X] [Faith] Technology Given Or Earned
-[X] [Chapter] From The Top Again (1/2)