[] Plan: The Grand Armada - Holy 5 edition
-[ ] Armada Flag Formation
--[ ] 3x Virgo-class Fleet Carriers (-600 Points)
--[ ] 2x Additional Battleships (Hercules-class will go here): (-400 Points)
--[ ] 15x Phoenix-class Arc Cruisers (-300 Points)
--[ ] 15x Lepus-class Grand Cruisers (-300 Points)
--[ ] 10x Delphinus-class Commissary Freighters (-100 Points)
--[ ] 10x Columba-class Logistics Freighters (-100 Points)
--[ ] 5x Aquarius-class Fleet Tenders (-100 Points)
--[ ] 5x Cancer-class Assault Cruisers (-40 Points)
--[ ] 25x Taurus-class Troopships (-50 Points)
-[] Support fleet
--[] 25x Auriga-Class Emergency Response Freighter (-50 Points)
--[] 10x Canis-Minor Class Bulk Transport Hauler (-100 Points)
--[] 6x Canis-Major Class Bulk Transport Liner (-60 Points)
The total point cost is 1990 for the Armada flag and 210 for support staff, Auriga-Class has medic stuff and focus on pacification of conquered planets, while Canis classes carry the supplies for that and stuff to evacuate people from the warzones
I'm not a fan of this armada flag formation because it includes logistics, comissary and troop ships in the main fleet - let's break those out into independent units to make it more flexible. Also, I'd like to formalize the SBGs so we know how many we can build with an action under this scheme. Interestingly, with SBGs of 4 Leos, 8 Libras, 6 Scorpios, 3 andromedas, 8 Crux's and 4 Lupuses that comes out to 120 points, or 18 SBGs per action. fun!
So, upgrading everything and operating off budgets of 2200 & 120 points, buildable 1x to an action and 18x to an action respectively. Then next turn we could do a build action that's like:
-[] 1x Flag Armada (1 action, 5 choirs)
-[] 1x Accessory Fleets (18x) (1 action, 52 choirs)
--[] 9x SBG - 27 choirs.
--[] 4x LRAD - 12 choirs
--[] 3x Logistics Fleet - 6 choirs
--[] 1x Invasion Fleet - 5 choirs
--[] 1x Evacuation Fleet - 2 choirs
By these definitions we currently have 7x SBGs, 5x LRADs, 0x Logistics Fleets, ~0.3x invasion fleets, 2x evacuation fleets, so this would be a rather large upgrade. I'm not counting our Peacekeeper ships, I consider those basically on permanent Anti-Piracy efforts.
[] Plan: The Endgame Fleet
-[] TFA - The Flag Armada (2200 points, 50 ships, 5 Choirs for 5 pathfinder ships)
--[] 5x Virgo-class Fleet Carriers (-1000 Points)
--[] 2x Additional Battleships (Starts with Virgo, when designed the Hercules-class will go here): (-400 Points)
--[] 16x Phoenix-class Arc Cruisers (-320 Points)
--[] 17x Lepus-class Grand Cruisers (-340 Points)
--[] 5x Aquarius-class Fleet Tenders/Pathfinders (-100 Points)
--[] 5x Cancer-class Assault Cruisers (-40 Points)
-[] SBG - Standard Battle Group (120 points, 33 ships, 3 Choirs for 3 pathfinders)
--[] 4x Leo-class Vanguard Cruiser (-32 points)
--[] 8x Libra-class Light Carrier (-32 points)
--[] 6x Scorpio-class Light Cruiser (-24 points)
--[] 3x Andromeda-class Pathfinder Ships (-12 points)
--[] 8x Crux-class Heavy Frigate (-16 points)
--[] 4x Lupus Torpedo Destroyers (-4 points)
-[] LRAD - Long-Range Attack Division (120 points, 33 ships, 3 Choirs for 3 pathfinders)
--[] 4x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser (-32 points)
--[] 8x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser(-52 points)
--[] 3x Andromeda-class Pathfinder Ships (-12 points)
--[] 6x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate (-12 points)
--[] 5x Sagitarrius Lance Frigate (-10 points)
--[] 2x Lupus Torpedo Destroyers (-2 points)
-[] Logistics Fleet (120 points, 15 ships, 2 Choirs for 2 pathfinders)
--[] 6x Columba-Class Logistics Freighter (-60 points)
--[] 5x Delphinus-Class Commissary Freighter (-50 points)
--[] 2x Andromeda-class Pathfinder Ships (-8 points)
--[] 2x Lupus-class Torpedo Destroyer (-2 points)
-[] Invasion Fleet (120 points, 55 ships, 5 choirs for 5 pathfinders)
--[] 5x Andromeda-class Pathfinder Ships (-20 points)
--[] 50x Taurus Troopships (-100 points)
-[] Evacuation Fleet (120 points, 22 ships, 2 choirs for 2 pathfinders)
--[] 2x Andromeda-class Pathfinder Ships (-8 points)
--[] 3x Canis-Major Class Bulk Transport Liner (-30 points)
--[] 6x Canis-Minor Class Bulk Transport Hauler (-60 points)
--[] 11x Auriga-Class Emergency Response Freighter (-22 points)
The idea is that the Flag Armada is built to take out enemy capitol combatants, while the SBGs and LRADs are components that make up the rest of the fleet. Then we attach logistics fleets to long-range missions, invasion fleets to carry troops and evacuation fleets if we want to evacuate stuff.
It's easy to add new fleet designs - we design the ships and free-action designate a new fleet design that's 120 points or so, then we can simply slot it into the existing options.