Black Ash Ascendancy
Government Type: Legalist Feudal Queendom
Culture Type: Matriarchal Knight Empire
Attitude: Proud Conquerors and Liberators
Specie/s: Human (Primary), Abhuman - Homo Sapiens Hirsutus (Minor - Second Class Citizens), and Mutants (Insignificant - Perpetual Genocide)
Oh shit, new name and everything. I guess it fits since they now have what? another 2.5 Subsectors under them meaning they are now a Multi-Subsector polity and need to change to deal with that to a degree with how much they now have to watch over and work with. Interesting their Attitude is Proud Conquerors and Liberators but matches.
anddddddd still the treatment of mutants sadly hasn't changed, oh well that will be solved in a century.
So now its a
Legalist Feudal Queendom
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade
The Black Ash Ascendancy is engaged in extensive trade re-vitalization projects all over their newly conquered and liberated territories, utilizing their old and new shipyards to produce the old-bitten Vagabond-Class Merchant Traders, dozens of the ships already flying out to ferry around much-needed re-building and uplift supplies, with hundreds more to follow in the century predicted to be needed to uplift all new territories of the Ascendancy.
Oh wow, that changed completely but makes sense as four Freighters aren't enough and they are a mutli-sub-sector now, they need more ships moving cargo and people between systems and Sub-sectors. So makes sense they are now producing new trade ships, still Hundreds of them is surprise to how they view it now.
Though, as is tradition, and after tense negotiations with the "Four Free Cities" of the heartland of the Black Ash Ascendancy, all of these new freighters are placed not under the control of the House of the Black Ash or by those they designate as the captains of the new vessels, but by notable leaders of the rebellions, uprisings, and resistance movements that were so instrumental in ensuring a quick take-over of the planets of the now defunct Croaf Hegemony.
That all new ships will also be classified as "Free Cities" is a direct consequence of the original Four Free Cities' political sway resulting from a refusal by the captains and crews of the four ships to move any freight or person from the Five Sisters (as the Ascendancy calls their homeworlds) ~2.800 years ago after an attempt to press them into service without paying any compensation. For this reason, they also refuse to ferry any person or item that swears fealty to or belongs to the Knight House of Featherschrei. They also reserve the right to shoot on sight at anyone carrying Disk Mold Cheese, a delicious local delicacy. We still have no idea why.
They possess 273 military ships, including 57 unique Dauntless variants. The most notable ship is the Mk.II Disk Lancer Corvette, which is armed with a Prow Lance, two Macro-Cannon Turrets, and one Medium Missile Battery.
Oh shit, so the Free Cities are around and they still have sway/hold over it due to the treaties and tradition. So no captains from the House of the Black Ash or those appointed by them but it has to be notable leaders of rebellions, uprisings, and resistance movements be in charge of the trade ships. Honestly? Hella of a way to reward those leaders and get them involved and invested, also makes sure the Black Ash can't just bully or intimidate them into anything since these are the ones who fought against the Hegemony for however long and all that entails. Still the fact that still holds true is impressive and entrenches the Free Cities vibe of the many ships, seriously though what is that damn Disk Mold Cheese so valuable?
Ah so that's how it is now huh? quite a few Dauntless variants and quite a few ships. little over the entire force we sent in which was a good chunk. Damn Black Ash really has grown a lot.
1.b) Shipbuilding
Their primary shipyard is in orbit around The Disk, a literal disk floating in space; we are not kidding; that is a fucking flat Frisbee hurtling through space. HOW?! The casual breaking of physics aside, the Disk Shipyard, owned entirely by the Lord of the Diskyard, is hard at work producing hundreds of freight ships for the new territories of the Ascendancy.
Light Cruisers are being constructed continuously at a rate of ~10 per decade, with ~15 Destroyers or Frigates in the same timeframe. Their shipwrights are currently hard at work trying to reproduce two ship types (one to imitate, one to defeat) similar to the Bloody Midnight-Class Light Cruiser of the Lamenters Space Marine Chapter after their impressive (to us) and terrifying (to them) showing in the Croaf Liberation Crusade. It is hard to overstate the terror a boarding and ramming ship can elicit when it seems to be capable of outright shattering the spines of Light Cruisers of similar weight, outright seemingly "eating" their unfortunate targets and ripping them apart, with the singular Grand Cruiser, the 'Providence of Our Eminence,' of the Croaf Hegemony falling to a pack of Bloody Midnights inflicting heavy ramming-damage before disgorging over three-hundred Lamenters into its guts, over-running it within twenty-seven minutes and forty-three seconds. Their Master of Ships, Il-Aluth, called the showing "sub-par" and ordered harsh refresher training for all Companies.
Their largest ship is the flagship 'Black Goat,' 8.6km long and a massively oversized Dauntless MK.I, with the 'Dread Baron' being its "Husband Ship" and constructed after their upgraded Dauntless MK.II's.
The average Light Cruiser stands at 4.3km, and their Corvettes are 1.2km.
Oh so it WAS really just a flat frisbee hurtling through space, not in place or whatever, it is just moving still. Alright then, and that's where a lot of the ships are being produced. Wonder if its DOAT tech or not.
Wow that is a lot of passive construction, we can't even produce Frigates still, which is something we really should get around to, with 10 Light cruisers or 15 Destroyers/frigate in a decade. Wait they're building their own version and way to counter the Lamenter's Blood Midnight Class-Light Cruiser? I guess that makes sense as we aren't technically allies and it that could change along with being something they can auto-produce and in their weight class they can ape for themselves. Oh so it was impressive improvement to previous ships and seeing the effects of the tech pay off but for the Black Ash it was terrifying since they can shatter the spines of similar Light Cruisers and negating the Black Ash's doctrine with closing in to ram them and able to weather the barrages and just demolishing any smaller ships.... what? they... the Bloody Midnights, a trio of them rammed into the Croaf Hegemony's only Grand Cruiser, dealing heavy damage and letting three hundred Space Marines boarded and took it over in less then thirty minutes?
Okay no, I get it, I do get that. Its similar to how we reacted to Neon having a Nova Cannon, Chaos having battleships, the size of the Dutchy, and the like. the Black Ash seeing Light Cruisers doing this is and how much damage they reaped during the war with taking a Grand Cruiser in that time, wouldn't the same thing happen to the Black Ash's Grand Cruiser we came to blows? So they are trying to counter that from happening and making their own ships to do the same. Which completely makes sense with those ships being light Cruisers, if they can manage to design a decent version, that's 10 of them in a single turn. so give a few turns would give enough to even the odds.
2) Socio-Economics
Thanks to centuries of industrial uplift, industrialization, and economic growth, the living standards of the Lower Classes have approached something approaching "acceptable" for Federation Charity Faith Orders spending their time administering to the poor, homeless, sick, and desperate of the Ascendancy, even if their Matriarchal bend has persisted throughout the entire process. As was the case centuries ago, skilled artisans and mechanics dominate the Middle Class, though they have taken more the role of owners or leaders of large gatherings of the same groups, while the Upper Class consists of the Knight House Nobility. However, the Upper Class is not as decadently wealthy as the nobility of the Van Zandt Free Duchy or as decadent as low-brow Federation Dramas and Soap Operas tend to portray them as, as they tend to utilize their wealth in a more subdued luxury rather than opulent depravity.
Oh right, starting with that High Queen who started that centuries back, nice to see it bearing fruit now and the QoL is now acceptable for the Faith Orders, albeit barely acceptable considering our Civilian Infrastructure level and our QoL. So the artisans and mechanics are now leaders in the community or owner of the workplaces, so a step up for them. Hah, good to know the Nobles aren't as bad the Duchy Nobles or the soap operas we make.
They are organized in a Legalist Feudal Matriarchal Monarchy under a singular High Queen.
Education within the economy is primarily a three-year dual apprenticeship-work-based system, with schools and a mandatory six-year education standard, alongside the chance to pay for higher education.
Their primary economic system is capitalism, though protective measures are in place to ensure a price floor for common goods such as rice, simple clothing, and very basic medicines. State-owned manufacturers produce staples neglected by the free market.
Planetary law is enforced by said planet's peacekeepers, governed by a polity-wide "Base Code of Conduct. " The "Code of Honor of the Developed Bosom" is a revised, as the name suggests, polity-spanning set of statutes governing inter-noble conduct, primarily duels, and their conduct to and with non-nobles.
so that added the Legalist bit to the government type there, otherwise the same. Glad to see the education has increased overall, three year dual apprenticeship to like how to do trades and work experience along with six years of mandatory education. Still bit young but it works with how the Black Ash was structured.
Huh, so Codes were revised to being more then one Sub-sector now, good to know and how they are governed.
3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was found. Mundane Corruption is beneath the acceptable range.
4) Propaganda
Their propaganda primarily focuses on the rights and duties of the Knights as the rulers and guardians of the people. With the end of the war against the Croaf Hegemony, a large portion has been dedicated to enticing their people to help out the uplift of the new territories by buying state bonds and reducing friction with the recently liberated Felinid Abhumans. They are also subsidizing this effort by selling merchandise and tickets, alongside pict-recordings, of and to the duels between the Knight Order of the Federation and the Ascendancy.
They are favorable toward the Glimmering Federation.
Their stance on psykers is slowly growing to resemble that of the Federation.
The Imperial Creed's theology on their worlds has been bent to worship the "God-Empress" instead of the God-Emperor, with the Mechanicum delegated to a forgotten memory for everyone, replaced instead by the Star-Mechanicum's rites and interpretations of the Omnissah, Motive Force, and Machine God.
Hah, yah the war was a good place to get propaganda and use it for status of Knights in their society, reinforcing it in the minds of this generation and all. everyone doing their duty and role and what not. Oh now that's interesting, getting some of their people in the Homeworlds to move to the newly conquered territories to help with the uplift or buying State bonds. Pfffft they're funding it by selling Merch and tickets for Duels between the Knight Orders of the Federation and the Knight Houses of the Ascendancy. okay props to them for that.
Favorable but not allies and it reflects with that ship designs, we should be good as the duel progresses.
okay that one goes on the list.
well that's a given with everything at with the Imperial Creed but surprised the Mechanicum was replaced with the Star-Mechanicum rites and interpretations. Huh, wonder how that happened but nice little detail.
With the war against the Croaf Hegemony ending, so too did the deployment of the many ships and Grand Armies of the Glimmering Federation. Yet, though they returned lighter with fewer materials and fewer people, the cost of war shown in the tonnages lost and the names that would be mourned by those left behind, the ships of the Federation also carried new people within their holds. Though all Navigators of the Hegemony had chosen, voluntarily or otherwise, to commit suicide to prevent capture or being utilized by the Federation and Ascendancy, there had been plenty of refugees from the liberated planets willing to take the plunge for a better life, as sketchy as trusting complete strangers with a weird religion and even more bizarre, sometimes outright heretical (such as allowing Mutants to live if sterilized), views for some even uncertainty and the glimmer of a better life was the better choice. And, for more than enough Homo Sapiens Hirsutus, or 'Felinids' as they were commonly called, to establish breeding populations, such uncertainty was no less than trusting the promises of the Black Ash Ascendancy.
Fair enough, given losses and everything, it was a big deployment and part of why it was over so quickly, which is in our best interest considering the Dutchy is on the border there, so it being over before the Dutchy could respond is the best we could hope for.
Oh come on, seriously? urgh, even if we don't NEED Navigators they would have been useful for Black Ash and other allies, I guess the indoctrinations and rebellions had them remember what they've done and what would happen to them at the hands of their subjects. Still we would have given them a chance. Oh sweet, the Evacuation Fleet is still getting some use and mileage with taking in the Refugees who accepted, makes sense a lot easier moving people. Maybe we should loan it out to our Allies if they need to move people, either in an evacuation or relocation.
And that is fair, these were people being used in slave labor or killed off by the Croaf and being told stories and offers that seem just too good to be true to go to worlds sub-sectors away with nothing but trust its true. I don't blame them for being suspicious of it, adding in the allowing mutants to live part of our faith.
And so it came that a herd of Thules, recuperating after months of non-stop combat, found themselves looking down at a group of the same Abhumans from a gantry, some smoking, others eating light snacks, but all sporting new scars or wounds bound in gauzes and bandages.
One of them took a slow drag from their cigarette and blew a steady stream of light-blue smoke into the billion-times-cycled air of their home and uttered a single word after looking at one of the male Felinids one last time: "...pass."
"Yeah." "Me too." "Too lanky." "No thanks." "Look weird." "Like stretched-out Yeeni." "Bleh."
Pfffft, god damn it girls. Of course they would do this, and I think that's fair, they've had all the time to get used to the Yeeni and now the Felinids to compare the two and the Felinids fall short. I'm sure its mostly due to the fur and the cats striking the middle that nobody wants. Seriously that Stretched out Yeeni comment is telling.
Current Warp Tremors: [High].
You know, I think we should do the Warp Observtroy now before anything so a warp current doesn't just screw over our plans the turn off. Also have another question for the list.
Hostile Worlds (-1 Void Industry): Olutia - Grace of the Labors (Dry Tundra), Magisch - Hexe (Arctic and Island)
Deathworlds (-1 to All): Qulach's Forge - Qulach's Forge (Fallout, Glass, Industrial Ruins, and Chemicals))
Oh we do have hostile worlds... another question for the list.
but yah, maybe don't terraform those and keep them as Hostile worlds.
-[] Universally Effective Common Cold Vaccine (0/1)
(Gain: Universally Effective Common Cold Vaccine)
.... right, we did just take in massive amount of refugees who were treated as slave labor, they're not going to be in good health or vaccinated for a lot of things. We should do this soon.
What more do you want from me.gif
I was about to say. Your edit saved you with miliseconds to spare.
Hah, literally by the milisecond he saved face.
Should we make our first Grand Cruiser a support ship for the Archeotech expeditions? Stick a couple of large troop bays, a bunch of supporting shrines, large repair bay, and some weapons for defense? We'll want to design and build one soon to get the penalties pushed down, and making the ship a support ship for the long range expeditions would be ideal.
That IS the question now isn't it? for our First grand Cruiser do we make a Supply Ship? A Command Ship? A Carrier to ferry troops and strikecraft? do we make it a Battleship capable of going to those Archoetech sites itself and dig it out? choices choices choices.
I do believe we should do two designs. First being a Pure Supply Ships or a Command/Supply ship that would be able to do it on its own. the Second being either Battlecruiser or Carrier. I feel that should cover most of the things we need for a ship that large we can use for. I do dread what the Lamenters are brewing with a Battleship though.
Also we CAN build a temple ship still, it would costs some actions or the like but we should be able to build it because we don't have any exterminatus grade weaponry on a ship to use.
Next step glorianna sized ships
Hah, not far off, I think it is possible to do that again. and step after that, is the Emperor's own Flagship class.
] [Heavy Cruiser] Class Name
-[] Sketch (Purely Optional)
-[] Length - 7.000/7.200/7.400/7.600/7.800 Meters
-[] Width - 1.200/1.400/1.600/1.800/2.000 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 1.6/1.8/2.0/2.2/2.4 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Bulwark Hull/Light Fortress Armor/Medium Fortress Armor/Heavy Fortress Armor/Thick Fortress Armor
-[] Shields - One Grid/Two Grids/Three Grids/One Aegis/Two Aegides
-[] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Type/Mounting.)
-[] Equipment - (Write-In, Example: #1, #2, #3.)
Okayyyyyy, maybe we should build some more Void Industry? I do know new ship classes need some experience and it will get better over time but I think getting it up another few levels is worth it, if only to move back some of the RED there and let us have more DP to use.
Grove can be unionized with a single action written in.
This is a write-in that can be done. please remember people. Write-in's are a thing, just like how we could have let the Lamenters recruit Librarians long ago and that we can support the Iconoclast to forma breakaway state in the dutchy if need be, and the ability to make another Temple Ship.
Stop committing suicide you cowards!
Also, we really need to make a "choir enforced naptime" song.
HAH, that was my reaction as well to that.
Didn't we.... No, we HAVE NOT even done the Slumber Melody yet. Can Planmakers please include that the Auto-melody to do when it's time?
Choir numbers updated. We now have 440 Choirs with a +11 growth from last turn. Also... can I please direct the planners towards the Warp Observatory. This last scare was probably the QM giving us a nudge and letting us know that they wont play as nice the next time. Sidenote - I think that the warp tremors are increasing because of the Cult's sacrificial rituals, we are not the only ones 'competing' for warp tremor capacity. From it's text I think that the Observatory might let us get some intel on what the Cults are up to.
I do feel we should do the Warp Observatory but more so it can fuck us over because everyone is expecting for the warp to be calm enough to use the Grand Design melody if we grab bounty of Labors for the all X development reward and I want to have confirm instead of blind faith it will be calm enough. We already got confirmation from the QM there are Warp Currents that affect things and we mostly likely can see when it ends if we have the Observatory.
Likely, yeah, we're aiming to do Bounty of Labor at the moment for our All-X bonus, so we can squeeze the Observatory in there.
Right now, the play is probably going 1 more Void Inf, 2 more Medical Inf, and the last flex on unlocking Titan designs in preparation for the Shitstorm. Then we can pull the breakthrough trigger any time.
Can we... can we just do the Observatory and let the warp tremors calm down a few turns so we can use grand design? I feel people are overlooking and really relying on just being okay for when its time. Remember we were expecting another turn for Cry for the Future and we got blindsided by the warp Currents cutting it off short. Like I get why we're trying to rush it and get it done but another turn won't hurt to make sure it's not going to get fucked over right?
You have Necron ones.
wait, as in we have Necron Sized Grand Cruisers? ..... Is studying them locked behind doing the other Green Guns?
1. also I have to ask now that this has happened. Was this in the Hetalia version of a Glow Up for the Black Ash Clan or her growing more mature and wardrobe change?... or is this the tipping point with Black Ash becoming insufferable about it even with the Glim Fed Nun helping her? I wonder how the coming duels would be reflected in that version and the cause for it.
2. how is the stance on psykers resembling ours QM? letting them live if they are stable and giving them training to control their powers?
3. Also how were the lives of the High Queen and her younger sister that was around during the Brauns duel? I know they are dead but did they live a good life and all? did the younger sister ever manage to bag a Thule?
4. Can the Warp currents push a High Warp Tremor status into a Warpstorm if the current is powerful and lasts long enough?
5. QM you said Deathworlds would give Elite SAG's before (I think) would Hostile Worlds give us Veteran SAG's?