What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Two versions, one asking what we should be worried about re the QM's hint.

[] Plan: Cleanup and Psykana
-[] [Military] Families Navy and Federation Army Reorganization
-[] [Military] Knights Noble And Righteous
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Song
--[] Advance Upon Uncertain Paths - Technology II, Progress II, Creativity II, Logic II
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand - Labors, Grace of the Labors.


[] Plan: QM hint and Psykana
-[] [Military] Families Navy and Federation Army Reorganization
-[] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out
--[] Quoting the mist esteemed scholars, we beseech the Star Child to answer the question "where's the next fuckery coming from?"
--[] In more polite terms, we ask our god how we should prepare for the next calamity to break upon the Federation? From where shall it come?

-[] [Psykana] Sing a Song
--[] Advance Upon Uncertain Paths - Technology II, Progress II, Creativity II, Logic II
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand - Labors, Grace of the Labors.

I'm looking for input re the song we sing as well as the write-in, or which option we should trade out for asking for prophecy.

Or we could do the original action and ask later.
Last edited:
Ok. Just posting both plans.

[X] Plan: Cleanup and Psykana
-[X] [Military] Families Navy and Federation Army Reorganization
-[X] [Military] Knights Noble And Righteous
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song
--[X] Advance Upon Uncertain Paths - Technology II, Progress II, Creativity II, Logic II
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand - Labors, Grace of the Labors.

[X] Plan: QM hints and Psykana

-[X] [Military] Families Navy and Federation Army Reorganization
-[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out
Quoting our most esteemed scholars, we beseech the Star Child to answer the question "where's the next fuckery coming from?"
--[X] In more polite terms, we ask our god how we should prepare for the next calamity to break upon the Federation? From where shall it come?

-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song
--[X] Advance Upon Uncertain Paths - Technology II, Progress II, Creativity II, Logic II
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand - Labors, Grace of the Labors.
It seems the leaders of the Federation did not receive my eminently reasonable plan, so the only recourse I have is to repeat my message. Do not be lead astray by fickle believers!

[X] Plan Servants of the Lord
-[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (What should we do in these next ten years?)
-[X] Remaining actions devoted to accomplishing the answer above
No, you aren't. The Lamenters are, with the Lords of Eternity.

And what? No, the Lords hide their faces beneath masks, carved into one of the four Aspects of the God-Emperor they worship. He chose the Aspect of the Priest for his mask.
Eh, the lamenters are part of us at this point but fair.

Ah sorry, thought it meant a token or something, didn't know it was the mask.

Alongside the Lamenters + Heroes and Relics, and your ship names.
Oh really? lets see what they've been up to.

1st Company - ~50%
2nd Company - ~60%
3rd Company - ~65%
4th Company - ~95%
5th Company - ~75%
6th Company - ~95%
7th Company - ~75%
8h Company - ~70%
9th Company - ~80%
10th Company - ~85%
11th Company - ~95%
12th Company - ~90%
13th Company - ~90%
14th Company - ~95%
15th Company - ~95%
16th Company - ~80%
17th Company - ~95%
18th Company - ~90%
19th Company - ~85%
20th Company - ~80%
Count they did take losses during that even being double strength so it was spread out but mostly focused in the first three companies. I guess the Valen didn't go down easy, even if it was quick.

-Banner of the Eleventh Company - The Banner used by Captain Argulain to rally the flagging soldiers of the Eternity and claim the last Bastion of the Valan Blood Court within To-Iatha, used numerous times since then to lead charges against the enemy and fill all who see it with hope, determination, and a second wind.
Oh sweet, new Relic. So we have Chryon's Dreadnaught, the Shield that protects Aegis, and now the Banner of the Eleventh. So mostly featured in a rally to motivate the soldiers of the Eternity take the last fort of the Valen on the contested world which does seem a fitting place for this to happen. Interesting to note and will be used for rallying the troops when the Chapter needs to.

-Master of Ships Alpha - Died in 057.M43 during the Battle for Might, delivering death and destruction to a proto-Battleship of the Valan Blood Court at the cost of his own life by safeguarding a teleported plasma bomb in its heart until its detonation.
-Captain Argulain - Died in 056.M43 during the Liberation of To-Iatha, leading the charge against the greatest Bastion of the Valan, planting the banner of the Chapter upon its ramparts with his last breath, leading to a renewed offensive and bolstered morale in the supporting Eternity troops that ensured the Bastion fell.
Wait WHAT?! No, Alpha! you were one of Chryon's original four Aspirants and the first of the new Lamenters to be made. Damn, we lost one of the first new Lamenters. And when the FUCK did the Valen get the resources or time to make a damn Proto-Battleship. Still Alpha defended the Bomb they teleported in to make sure it was destroyed. A new hero worth of the title.

Oh shit, so the reason the Banner of the Eleventh is a relic was because Captain Aruglain died right after he rallied the troops and captured the last fort. that indeed would make it fitting both in being a hero of the chapter and making the relic.

'Invisible Hand' - Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser
'Baleful Eye' - Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser
Oi, QM I see this two names and recognize the references. Good taste.

Good god, they had a prototype Battleship?

As a fucking five system minor?

What the fuck were the Valan on?
Yahhhh, I'm guessing that's why they were short term thinking and that's what they were placing all the resources into in the hopes of just breaking through the stalemate and continue the harvest more and more.... it really is just a self feeding loop with how they manage things. they're short on resources and push out to get more but run through those resources so fast they then need to focus those resources into something that will allow them to break through the Stalemate and take the Eternity's other worlds and pour all of that into the Proto-battleship. LIke how much of the resources from Waterfall went into that thing?

It is insanity looking at it from our perspective and knowing what it takes to build a battleship. because of the sheer AP cost.


It was all she had known when she had hatched.

It was all she had known when she had grown.

It was all she had known when she had been assigned to the fleet.

It was all she had known when she had fought against the prey-predators.

It was all she had known when she had fled from their vengeance.

It was all she knew now as their ships descended upon her ship to murder her.
Ah so we're getting some lore and reason here for this, so they were born hungry and never able to sate it.... yah that would mess anyone up if it was a constant part of their being every waking second. Its not just a 'not getting enough to eat' thing its just always there throughout their entire lives. Wonder how that happened.


It gnawed at her.

It gnawed at all Valan.

An eternal hunger that only flesh could satiate.

Flesh, fresh and succulent. Flesh, old and rotten. Flesh, meat, carrion, food for soul and body.

It was hunger that drove her to sink her beak into her brood-kin back then.

It was hunger that drove her to slaughter the crew aboard this ship and claim it as her own now.

Hunger gnawed even now at her body, its claws deep within her body and soul, that God who never relented its grasp, never let even one escape its might.
Okayyyyy this sounds like like gene-editing and they were created to be a weapon of some sort or warp fuckery messing with their genes because that shit is not natural at all there. and that need for meat affected them as chicks... so cannibalism was just a thing for them. Yah this did mess them up but at this point its a mercy to end them and they are classified as Ravager since we couldn't do anything to them to stop them from growing evil.

She didn't mind the hunger now. Didn't mind it back then, either.

There had always been enough flesh to eat. Be it from the beasts of their worlds, the vats that churned with teeming growth of fake-meat that satiated all the same...or from the prey-predators they had discovered to lurk within the stars.

She remembered well the day she had managed to buy some of their flesh.

It was the only time she had not felt hungry after a meal.

It had been a wretched curse upon her mind, fouler than the hunger was. It was all she could think of for weeks after, seeking to feel...satiated...once again.

Staring out at the endless abyss atop the vessel she once thought would carry her to safety, she sat. Clad in a voidsuit, she sat and stared at her approaching doom, the weapons of her ship thundering uselessly with what pitiful might they had for a civilian vessel, spitting artificial defiance at a foe that would not notice it either way.

She was hungry.

She was always hungry.

But, as she stared at the missiles that streaked unto her.

Those missiles she could already see would impact against her body.

She could not say that she felt anything but at ease.

The hunger would en-
Yah adapting to situations and just how things are, so not surprising they got used to the hunger but still feeling it. So souring the animals that were on the worlds, making fake meat or eating humans so not surpis- Oh. OH.... the first time this Valen ate human meat they're hunger was sated... oh boy that has implications and really shows why they would never get along, they could only see humans as the best meat that stopped hunger for a time.

And with that, she just welcomed death since it would just be a permeant end to hunger. It is tragic but that's 40k for you. messed up this the results in the monsters and not a real way to help or stop it.

-[] Reverse Engineer the Knights (0/5)
(Gain: You can now build Knights Paladin, Errant, and Gallant.)
WOOOOOOO we can make Paladins, Errants, and Gallants! Oh boy our Knight Orders will be buff after this. and we will be getting a a lot more packs that are worth more SAG's. Force concentration for the win!

[] A Debt-Born Alliance With Eternity
Thanks to the actions of the Lamenters by aiding the Eternity against the Valan, the same has now been greatly indebted to us. To not take advantage of this would be foolish in the extreme. However, making it mutually beneficially will ensure that said goodwill remains. Wouldn't do to take advantage of them only to fight them in a few centuries later due to bad blood, would it?
(Gain: Full Alliance (Trade, Military, Economy, Research) with the Lords of Eternity.)
Oh sweet, probably want to do that while the iron is hot and its within everyone's minds. and its great that its a Full Alliance here.

[] [Military] Knights Noble And Righteous
We have Knights now. Now...where do we put them?
(Gain: Organize your new Knights, their Knight Houses, and start production anew.)
Oh right, because the Knight Houses on Brans but we have the Knight Orders instead. fair enough.

[] [Chapter] Recuperate (0/2.5)
Let the memory of slain heroes fill the minds of the recruits willing to brave the trials, let their dedication be reflected in success and duty evermore.
(Gain: The Lamenters refill their ranks, gain 4 more Companies, and honor their heroes.)
Oh wow they are really expanding. So they already are double strength with having 20 companies now, and they're adding four more now? damn, they are gonna have 24 Companies soon.

So, just Built Evil, insane obligate sentient carnivores because food alone doesn't sate their hunger, but they somehow lasted long enough to be spacefaring despite that.
ehhhhh don't think about it too deeply, its 40k and weirder/dumber stuff has happened. I would say maybe they had it but to a lesser degree earlier in their species' history and it only got this bad for them as they got Spaceborne?

Yikes, no wonder they were evil, an eternal hunger for meat would drive anyone violent.

The fact that other sapient life was the only way to cause it to end makes you wonder how something like that happened. Warp curse, bio-weapon species, evolution gone horribly wrong?
Yup and that was a weird requirement but fitting for the tone of 40k, the meat of Sapient life was what was needed to truly state their hunger for a short time. and given their hunger being a constant presence and feeling, it does now make sense to why they were short term thought processes and why they thought in the short term for everything.

If they had done that, and had unlocked Symphonies, you would have understood that the veil around their homeworld's was a bit too thin, which led to them being influenced by the Warp more and shaped to require souls to nourish themselves.
Ohhhhh so that's what happened. Oh well, problem is the Lamenters were in charge and faced with Ravagers there was no reason to investigate them further for this. plus we needed to have Symphonies and we only started doing songs again.... what like ten or so turns? so we couldn't have known, I wonder how that would have been if we did and notice that before we scoured their homeworld with world ending torpedoes. interesting the warp influenced their need for that. So the Meat wasn't the issue and that they needed souls? guessing most of them were nommed by the daemons or warp itself due to having the veil around their homeworld like that.

1. They spawn their SAGs at Elite level. Which...*gestures at your massive amount of SAGs* may just be something you will debate over in quality vs. quantity.
2. Yeah.
3. Basically Deserts/Savannahs that are inhabited by kinda-Mad Max-esque Clans that migrate between the only livable places and use Archeotech Portals to travel between the worlds, systems, and settlements in micro-seconds.
4. Yeah, you can.
5. Oops, forgot. Fixed!
1. wait really? that's how it works? what about Deathworld SAG's? and damn it, the Imperium was doing something right since damn SAG's spawn in at Elite Level... like holy fuck those are effective and do make it so Deathworlds and Imperial Regiments from those worlds are notable and effective. It really effects us even more due to being Quality over Quantity already. Wonder if we can find more hostile worlds soon in the other sub-sectors.
3. Oh right that stuff, it was also the tech was failing and you told us around... twenty turns ago? maybe more? so yah that'll be fun to deal with.

Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Sep 14, 2024 at 12:47 PM, finished with 25 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Acquiring all of Macabre
    -[X] [General] Colonize (Planet/s) (6 slots with ISC, develop 4 planets faster)
    --[X] 1 - Gigachad (Swamp, Boreal Forest, Boreal Swamp, Jungle), ??? -
    --[X] 2 - Gigachad (Small Hills, River Valleys, Atolls), ??? -
    --[X] 3 - Gigachad (Temperate Forests, Spiders, Lush Caves, Spiders, Flowering Savanna, Spiders),
    --[X] Trif - Cretetri (Lilypad Ocean)
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
    --[X] The Family Buy-Out (1/2)
    --[X] (bonus general action) A Debt-Born Alliance With Eternity
    --[X] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion (Choose Two)
    ---[X] Swap from Qo to Zetraneum
    ---[X] Free slot goes to Arcoghol - Booze Prime (is that really what it's called?)
    -[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song
    --[X] The Ways Of The Galaxy Can Be Changed - Hope Hope Progress Progress Progress
    -[X] [free] Switch ISC back to new Dawn
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand - Hymns, Grace of the Hymns
    [X] Plan: Acquiring all of Macabre with Anti-Chaos
    -[X] [General] Colonize (Planet/s) (6 slots with ISC, develop 4 planets faster)
    --[X] 1 - Gigachad (Swamp, Boreal Forest, Boreal Swamp, Jungle), ??? -
    --[X] 2 - Gigachad (Small Hills, River Valleys, Atolls), ??? -
    --[X] 3 - Gigachad (Temperate Forests, Spiders, Lush Caves, Spiders, Flowering Savanna, Spiders),
    --[X] Trif - Cretetri (Lilypad Ocean)
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
    --[X] The Family Buy-Out (1/2)
    --[X] (bonus general action) A Debt-Born Alliance With Eternity
    --[X] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion (Choose Two)
    ---[X] Swap from Qo to Zetraneum
    ---[X] Free slot goes to Arcoghol - Booze Prime (is that really what it's called?)
    -[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song
    --[X] Shield Us From The Influence Of The Four - Protection, Hope, Grounding, Health, Protection
    -[X] [free] Switch ISC back to new Dawn
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand - Hymns, Grace of the Hymns
    [X] Plan: Flipping the Black Cat
    -[X] [General] Colonize (Planet/s) (6 slots with ISC, develop 4 planets faster)
    --[X] 1 - Gigachad (Swamp, Boreal Forest, Boreal Swamp, Jungle), ??? -
    --[X] 2 - Gigachad (Small Hills, River Valleys, Atolls), ??? -
    --[X] 3 - Gigachad (Temperate Forests, Spiders, Lush Caves, Spiders, Flowering Savanna, Spiders),
    --[X] Trif - Cretetri (Lilypad Ocean)
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
    --[X] The Family Buy-Out (1/2)
    --[X] (bonus general action) A Debt-Born Alliance With Eternity
    --[X] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion (Choose Two)
    ---[X] Qo subversion continues. Don't get caught!
    ---[X] Free slot goes to Oq, with instructions to sync & assist with the subversion of Qo.
    -[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song
    --[X] The Ways Of The Galaxy Can Be Changed - Hope Hope Progress Progress Progress
    -[X] [free] Switch ISC back to new Dawn
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand - Hymns, Grace of the Hymns
    [X] Plan: Acquiring all of Macabre and doing Commitments
    -[X] [General] Colonize (Planet/s) (6 slots with ISC, develop 4 planets faster)
    --[X] 1 - Gigachad (Swamp, Boreal Forest, Boreal Swamp, Jungle), ??? -
    --[X] 2 - Gigachad (Small Hills, River Valleys, Atolls), ??? -
    --[X] 3 - Gigachad (Temperate Forests, Spiders, Lush Caves, Spiders, Flowering Savanna, Spiders),
    --[X] Trif - Cretetri (Lilypad Ocean)
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
    --[X] The Family Buy-Out (1/2)
    --[X] (bonus general action) A Debt-Born Alliance With Eternity
    --[X] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion (Choose Two)
    ---[X] Swap from Qo to Zetraneum
    ---[X] Free slot goes to Arcoghol - Booze Prime (is that really what it's called?)
    - [X] [Faith] The Penitentia Rite
    -[X] [free] Switch ISC back to new Dawn
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand - Hymns, Grace of the Hymns
    [X] Plan: Get In My Belly Ashan!
    [X] Plan Servants of the Lord
    -[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (What should we do in these next ten years?)
    -[X] Remaining actions devoted to accomplishing the answer above
come onnnnnn it was in the 50's, it wasn't a 54 like that other time the dice was mocking us but still!

"And with that, the Ashan Families are now part of the Federation. Now we just need to sync their records and armies to our standards and all will be over."


"...where are their records?"


"...oh Star."
And now they see why the Ashan Families logistics staged 400+ rebellions and how much hell its going to be on us for this.

Zetraneum - Zetraneum
Suspected Subversion Time: ~40 Years
Modifiers: Tribal Society +~30 Years.

Booze Prime - Captains For Hire! - Arcoghol
Suspected Subversion Time: ~80 Years
Modifiers: N/A
Okay one is just the last hold out of Independent world in the Macabre Sub-sector And I think that Zetranum is in 621 sub-sector? the one that was anarchy and we joint controlled?

[] [Military] Families Navy and Federation Army Reorganization
Seriously, these spread-sheets are getting out of hand.
(Gain: Organize your armies and figure out what to do with the Ashan Navies. Yes. Plural.)
Hahahaha, oh boy this is going to be fun.

1. thinking on it now just how was Zetraneum under the joint control for so long? I kinda of assumed it be more then just tribal society by now. and what do we even have there? just orbitals and some outposts or cities?

[X] Plan: Become Magpies
-[X] [Military] Families Navy and Federation Army Reorganization
-[X] [Military] Knights Noble And Righteous
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song
--[X] Hippity Hoppity, Where The FUCK Are Our Ancestor's Properties?! - Humanity Technology Technology Perception Perception
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand - Labors, Grace of the Labors.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Sep 15, 2024 at 1:25 PM, finished with 19 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Cleanup and Psykana
    -[X] [Military] Families Navy and Federation Army Reorganization
    -[X] [Military] Knights Noble And Righteous
    -[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song
    --[X] Advance Upon Uncertain Paths - Technology II, Progress II, Creativity II, Logic II
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand - Labors, Grace of the Labors.
    [X] Plan: QM hints and Psykana
    -[X] [Military] Families Navy and Federation Army Reorganization
    -[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out
    --[X] Quoting our most esteemed scholars, we beseech the Star Child to answer the question "where's the next fuckery coming from?"
    --[X] In more polite terms, we ask our god how we should prepare for the next calamity to break upon the Federation? From where shall it come?
    -[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song
    --[X] Advance Upon Uncertain Paths - Technology II, Progress II, Creativity II, Logic II
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand - Labors, Grace of the Labors.
    [X] Plan: Become Magpies
    -[X] [Military] Families Navy and Federation Army Reorganization
    -[X] [Military] Knights Noble And Righteous
    -[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song
    --[X] Hippity Hoppity, Where The FUCK Are Our Ancestor's Properties?! - Humanity Technology Technology Perception Perception
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand - Labors, Grace of the Labors.
    [X] Plan Servants of the Lord
    -[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (What should we do in these next ten years?)
    -[X] Remaining actions devoted to accomplishing the answer above
HeroCooky threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Psykana Total: 63
63 63
077.M43 - The Debate Continues
It would be superfluous to name all the ways in which the Navies of the Ashan Families prove to be aggravating and sub-optimal to the well-ordered structure of the Glimmering Federation's Star Navy.

It would be remiss not to mention that whatever their people were on whenever things needed to be organized was strong enough for the fleets to be that well-organized and supplied.

Yet, these fleets prove a massive inconvenience to the Star Navy, as they represent a titanic mishmash of a dozen classes, each requiring its own supply chains, spare parts, training, maintenance schedules, and understanding to be wielded by the Captains, Commodores, and Admirals of the Star Navy.

In that light, especially given that some of the Ashan Vessels are equipped with utterly unknown technology that far outstrips anything they should have access to, the gathered Admiralcy has proposed simply seeling the vessels to the civilian market—after making sure that they do not carry any dangerous weaponry, of course.

The Federation Army is creaking under its own horizontal weight. While capable of being wielded effectively, it is undeniable that a large portion of it simply does not need to interact with the highest portions of the military directly, and, as much as some are loath to admit it, another layer of bureaucracy is required to wield the forces of the Federation effectively.

The only question is how such a system may look.

From the top.

The Knights of the Federation have served it well, and they have served in their traditional and ancestral War-Pack configurations since the Karnivore STC was recovered from Gnatiila.

Yet, with the Questoris Knights of Brans entering service to the Glimmering Federation, as well as the possibility that new and wholly Glimmerling Pattern Questoris are on the horizon, the question of how they are to be integrated, if at all, into the Knight Orders of the Federation is raised, and then heavily debated.

One side argues for Questoris to be grouped into their own formations.

Another to put one in charge of a War-Pack as their leader, replacing one Armiger.

A third to increase the War-Pack system to 4 Armigers and one Questoris.

The debate continues for months.

And Then It Ends:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[][Ashan Navy] Sell The Ships
(+1 Action next Turn)
[][Ashan Navy] Keep The Ships
(+6 SBGs next Turn)
[][Federation Army Groups] Sub-Sector Scale
(Your SAGs will now be grouped into [Sector Name] Grand Army/ies.)
[][Federation Army Groups] (Write-In)
(Write-In dependant.)
[][Knight Order Organization] Stand-alone Questoris
(Questoris Knights will be their own formations.)
[][Knight Order Organization] Pack Leaders
(One Questoris per two Armigers.)
[][Knight Order Organization] Expanded Packs
(One Questoris per four Armigers.)
[][Knight Order Organization] (Write-In)
(Write-In dependant.)