What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Dec 16, 2024 at 4:12 PM, finished with 10 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Warcasket Pattern Excalibur - Designed to be nimble and maneuverable, the Excalibur pattern is a specialized melee platform, built lanky and well proportioned compared to the typical dreadnought. Wielding an upscaled power sword or maul (pilots choice) in one hand and equipped with a heavy ion shield gauntlet in the other. They also possess integrated flamers for the clearing of infantry. While less armored than the traditional dreadnought the Excalibur pattern is much more nimble and capable of dodging. (Someone familiar with the Aeldari might remark on its resemblance to a wraith construct, but it's a case of convergent evolution more than anything).
    [X] Warcasket Pattern Hellfire Reborn - An homage to the Promise of Rebirth that carried Chapter Master Amadeus 'Chyron' Chyropheles, May His Name Ever Be Remembered for so many years, the Hellfire Reborn is armed in as similar a manner to the Hellfire Deadnaught as possible, with a heavy plasma cannon, missile launcher, smoke launchers and twin-linked heavy bolters. It's basically a brick with heavy armor and a lot of guns, but it pays significant respect to the origins of the modern Lamenter order, and is thus one of their most-used designs.
    [X] Warcasket Pattern Arquebus Much differently from the Excalibur pattern, the Arquebus is designed as an extreme range artillery platform that can reconfigure for a terrifying sort of direct fire. Quadrupedal (the designers tried for Quintipedal but couldn't make it work) and surprisingly fast on the move, The Arquebus pattern is equipped with two twin linked long range weapons, generally either missile pods, modified artillery batteries or lascannons but more exotic weapons have been known to be used (notably prototype railguns, which transform the Arquebus into a rather terrifying sniper platform). Its modular hardpoints allow these to be swapped out relatively easily if necessary, and its terrain anchoring system results in impressively sturdy footing. While not designed for close combat, an integrated ion shield allows for resistance to counter artery fire and flamer attachments provide infantry defense.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Dec 17, 2024 at 4:51 PM, finished with 23 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The Federation Grows to Fufill the Needs of the Growing Federation
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (3/17)
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Tierras de la Santa Muerte)
    -[X] [Free] Redesign the Flag Armada to contain 2 Hercules, 3 Virgo, 1 Cassiopeia as the standard design. We'll build the necessary Cassiopeias to balance the fleet.
    -[X] [Free] Choirs are good. No changes.
    -[X] 2x military -> 5x military between Agenda & Heartbeat of Industry! Last turn of the Agenda.
    --[X] [Military] Fleet Construction x3 = 6600 points
    ----[X] Flag Armada Broken Void - build it with 2 Hercules, & 4 Cassiopeias. Costs 2000 points
    ----[X] Flag Armada Magnetar - build it with 2 Hercules, 3 Cassiopeias & 1 Virgo. Then distribute the Cassiopeias across other fleets to bring all Flag Armadas to the new standard, with one 2 Hercules, 3 Virgo & 1 Cassiopeia apiece. Costs 2000 points
    --[X] 10 SBGs, named Ogun, Obatala, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango, Oya, Hungry Claws, Dusty Paths, Bared Talon, Celestial Fanfare. Costs 2000 points
    --[X] 1 Logistics Fleet, named Dryad Costs 200 points
    --[X] 1 Invasion Fleet Costs 200 points
    --[X] Another Tears of the Void-class Battlebarge for the Lamenters, named Cry of the Redeemed. (according to this post it costs 200 points, and that's what we have left)
    --[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes (100 DP for 4x Temple Ships)
    ---[X] The Gargantua, The Fleeting Moment, A Feather From A Wing
    ---[X] The Word of Peace
    --[X] [Military] Begin Military Operations
    ---[X] Operation: Sanctified Eclipse
    ---[X] Goal: Kill that Demon World. We provide another dozen battleships, seventy grand cruisers and hundreds of lesser ships, as well as the five Temple ships The Fleeting Moment, The Gargantua, The Last Word, The Divine Spark and The Pantagruel, and we ask our forces to kill that demon world. This is not a mission that must be completed at all costs, but we hope that the sudden influx of forces, including the Lamenters (and their second battlebarge) is enough to finally wipe away the stain on the galaxy that is heart of the Symposium's power.
    -[X] [General] Construct Aethyrmetric Engines (0/2) x2 (Cry for the Future actions 1 & 2)
    -[X] [General] Colonize (Gulf's Edge) (Mechadendrite Action)
    [X] Plan: Surely More Bureaucracy Is The Answer
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (3/17)
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Tierras de la Santa Muerte)
    -[X] [Free] Redesign the Flag Armada to contain 2 Hercules, 3 Virgo, 1 Cassiopeia as the standard design. We'll build the necessary Cassiopeias to balance the fleet.
    -[X] [Free] Choirs are good. No changes.
    -[X] 2x military -> 5x military between Agenda & Heartbeat of Industry! Last turn of the Agenda.
    --[X] [Military] Fleet Construction x3 = 6600 points
    ----[X] Flag Armada Broken Void - build it with 2 Hercules, & 4 Cassiopeias. Costs 2000 points
    ----[X] Flag Armada Magnetar - build it with 2 Hercules, 3 Cassiopeias & 1 Virgo. Then distribute the Cassiopeias across other fleets to bring all Flag Armadas to the new standard, with one 2 Hercules, 3 Virgo & 1 Cassiopeia apiece. Costs 2000 points
    --[X] 10 SBGs, named Ogun, Obatala, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango, Oya, Hungry Claws, Dusty Paths, Bared Talon, Celestial Fanfare. Costs 2000 points
    --[X] 1 Logistics Fleet, named Dryad Costs 200 points
    --[X] 1 Invasion Fleet Costs 200 points
    --[X] Another Tears of the Void-class Battlebarge for the Lamenters, named Cry of the Redeemed. (according to this post it costs 200 points, and that's what we have left)
    --[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes (100 DP for 4x Temple Ships)
    ---[X] The Gargantua, The Fleeting Moment, A Feather From A Wing
    ---[X] The Word of Peace
    --[X] [Military] Begin Military Operations
    ---[X] Operation: Sanctified Eclipse
    ---[X] Goal: Kill that Demon World. We provide another dozen battleships, seventy grand cruisers and hundreds of lesser ships, as well as the five Temple ships The Fleeting Moment, The Gargantua, The Last Word, The Divine Spark and The Pantagruel, and we ask our forces to kill that demon world. This is not a mission that must be completed at all costs, but we hope that the sudden influx of forces, including the Lamenters (and their second battlebarge) is enough to finally wipe away the stain on the galaxy that is heart of the Symposium's power.
    -[X] [General] Construct Aethyrmetric Engines (0/2) x2 (Cry for the Future actions 1 & 2)
    -[X] [General] Write-In: The ongoing integration of the new territories, as well as the recent integrations of the Watchtower Confederacy and Black Ash Ascendancy have shown the need for the creation of an Office of Integration, Development, and Movement to help manage the flow of billions of people, integrating new territories, and ensuring our citizens get the full benefits of being apart of the Federation, including rights, education, and a fully developed planet.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Dec 18, 2024 at 4:50 PM, finished with 25 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Seizing the Strategic Position
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (4/17)
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Embermire)
    -[X] [Free] Add 55 choirs to Hiss of the Steam Valves & See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil to bring both up to 555 choirs, balancing with Love Unto Death.
    -[X] [Free] Melody auto-ticker
    --[X] Love III
    -[X] [General] Colonize (Sub-Sector) x3 (2 actions + mechadendrite action)
    --[X] Griffany, Alatre's Home & the unnamed subsector, to close the Saliant against the Diaconate. As such:
    -[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out: Dearest, Star Child, our saviour, please answer us: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH DIACONATE?! (and can we have some advice on dealing with them?) (Cry for the future action)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Dec 19, 2024 at 3:11 PM, finished with 22 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Lend-Lease to stall the Diaconate
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (5/17)
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Shattered Yards)
    -[X] [Free] Set See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil, & Hiss of the Steam Valve to 555 choirs. Take 555 choirs from that and Love Unto Death and see if they'll help with the Demon World. Put all extra choirs into Love Unto Death.
    -[X] [Free] Swap the ISC to New Dawn R&D
    -[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes
    --[X] Design Ships For The Coalition - [100 DP]
    -[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (2.600 Points per Action)
    --[X] Sell Ships To The Coalition (Requires Design Ships For The Coalition)
    -[X] [Military] (Heartbeat of Industry action) Fortify Sub-sector Shattered Yards above and beyond the fortification iniatitive, focusing on the chokepoints against the Diaconate coming from Hallowed Gitsu. This should give us roughly the firepower of three flag armadas & 3 SBGs, or 33 SBGs.
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication (Cry for the Future action)
    --[X] Military Aid To The Coalition
    [X] Plan: Lend-Lease to stall the Diaconate - We aren't Imperium we aren't throwing people at problem. Version
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (5/17)
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Shattered Yards)
    -[X] [Free] Hiss of the Steam Valve to 555 choirs.
    -[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes
    --[X] Design Ships For The Coalition - [100 DP]
    -[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (2.600 Points per Action)
    --[X] Sell Ships To The Coalition (Requires Design Ships For The Coalition) x2
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication (Cry for the Future action)
    --[X] Military Aid To The Coalition
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Dec 21, 2024 at 5:48 PM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X][Lamenter Hero] Chaplain Kolbas
    [X][Relic] Heart's Deliverance
    [X][Relics] Light Horizon — the Sleepy Night Sky, its Bright and Clear: if one looks back to the olden myths of distant terra, many depictions of the divine where described traveling the heavens upon master craft vessels, whether they are boats, chariots or upon a flying throne. Just as the Star Child sails across the galaxy in a cradle, and this Air-Void Strike craft pays homage to the divine vessel that ferries our Fivefold God. unmatched in Interception for none can rival our Lord up high, Bringing Judgement with Bombing for none below can challenge him, the greatest Transport for his Cradle is a throne and safe haven to those upon it, for he is sovereign and kind. Clear Skies and Still Seas, this strike craft creates a localized effect where the upper air of the worlds it descends into shift to favorable conditions while casting down those who stand against it in the sky. One can hear the soft melody of lullabies as it breaches the sound barrier and shockwaves reaches ones ears, were the hallow dead and other world rest easy and fall into slumber. arrayed with weapons to play with gravity, shoot star plasma, Las Showers, Radiation, generate power fields, and fire the many types of Missiles of the federation, that doesn't even go into the choirs that can be riding upon the craft singing their songs
    [X][Relic] Moon/Star, the Diver — Onwards Little Heroes: a Singular Drop Pod with a capacity for 24 marines, of the 100 deployments that had them descending onto a planet, no marines they have been carrying ever died without arriving onto the battlefield; the machine spirit within is a cheerful little thing and sees each launch as a new game to play, with the more dangerous the drop a harder the challenge to overcome as it seemingly weaves between anti-orbital fire and atmospheric interceptors that start a chase. Even thou its fall matches the gravity of any planet its deployed to, the impact sights have massive craters that measure the impact force that clears away enemies, several dozens times stronger then the physics states it should. because of His playful nature, marines are always landing in the most dangerous situations surrounded by enemies as the machine spirit directs itself to crush the largest force possible; when the smoke clears and ceramite plating lies in ruin, the Drop Pod is always seemingly intact, to an almost unbelievably pristine condition to be used again. One time, during 360.M43, a "small" Warp storm rift opened above its target of Festerspire, after a short time getting lost in the warp, the 2 dozen marines had come back out confused on how a moment ago they were to be purging Nurglites but somehow ending up on the frontlines against the gore-sword duelists.
    [X][Lamenter Hero] Aurum
    [X][Relic] The Silencer
    [X][Lamenter Hero] George. He never gave his last name. Not even to his friends. Of which he had few. He was a bit shorter than normal for a space marine and even seemed a bit on the pudgy side if that was possible.
    [X][Relic] George's Armaments. This set of weapons only seem to work for one man (at this time only George can use them). They appear to be well cared for but extremity well used and loved weapons. When wielded in faith they glow with the wielded a faith making it plain for all to see the devotion that their bearer holds. It forces all to understand what his faith is. And then power of that faith allows it to do great things. Even slaying a corrupting dragon along with its corruption.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 7, 2025 at 1:01 PM, finished with 29 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Prepare For Ground Warfare
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (6/17)
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Alatre's Home)
    -[X] [Free] Leave the choirs as they are.
    -[X] [Faith] An Invitation To Preach
    -[X] [General] Research: (1 action + 1 glint of Genius action)
    --[X] New Generation Ground Vehicles (0/1)
    --[X] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0/1)
    -[X][General] Research: (1 action + 1 glint of Genius action) (Cry for the Future action)
    --[X] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development III (0/2)
    [X] Plan: Assume the Missionary Position
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (6/17)
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Alatre's Home)
    -[X] [Free] Leave the choirs as they are.
    -[X] [Faith] An Invitation To Preach
    -[X] [Faith] Monuments For The Fallen
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (7/17) (Cry for the Future action)
    [X] Plan: Monuments and Preparation
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (6/17)
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Alatre's Home)
    -[X] [Free] Leave the choirs as they are.
    -[X] [Faith] An Invitation To Preach
    -[X] [Faith] Monuments For The Fallen
    -[X][General] Research: (1 action + 1 glint of Genius action) (Cry for the Future action)
    --[X] New Generation Ground Vehicles (0/1)
    --[X] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0/1)
    [X] Plan: Always Keep Your Opps Guessing
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (6/17)
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Alatre's Home)
    -[X] [Free] Leave the choirs as they are, except to pull 55 off of the No Evil into the Write-In.
    -[X] [Faith] An Invitation To Preach
    -[X] [General] Research: (1 action + 1 glint of Genius action)
    --[X] New Generation Ground Vehicles (0/1)
    --[X] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0/1)
    -[X] [Other] Write-In (Cry to the Future Action)
    --[X] Send in Subversion/Infiltration/Intelligence Gathering/Sabotage teams into the Holy Diaconate for a long-term espionage mission, with whatever support needed to make it a self-sustaining mission (i.e. Logistics Ships, Chamleons, Scout Sloops, the Choirs, etc). Their mission is to prepare ground for the inevitable conflict with the Holy Diaconate, buy time for the Coalition and to support their war effort, and if possible, save as many souls as possible. Their primary mission is to remain undetected and gather intelligence as much as possible to gain a full dossier on the Holy Diaconate (and as much actionable intelligence that can be shared with the Coalition) -- everything else comes after this, and if the following actions are impossible or unwise in light of this, do not do them. Afterwards, prepare to sabotage the Diaconate's war effort, assassinate non-turnable leaders (and turn those who we can), and even steal research if at all possible [Extreme Stretch Goal]. Finally, try to find native recruits, foil the plans of Chaos, and seed Star Child Cults if at all possible -- it has been many centuries since the conflict with Neon, but after fracturing, nearly all of their systems turned to Chaos within the decade -- with a power of the Diaconate's size, this cannot be afforded.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 8, 2025 at 1:31 PM, finished with 15 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan: A Focus on Modularity
    -[X] Light Tank: Emberfang
    --[X] The Emberfang is a fast-attack light tank designed to exploit weaknesses in enemy formations and make lightning advances into weak points to cut enemy supply lines and strike unprotected areas. It is built with speed and maneuverability in mind, featuring a compact, reinforced ceramite hull and easily-repaired tracks fitted with recoil-dampened suspensions for rough terrain. It is armed with a turret-mounted fast-firing autocannon capable of punching through light armor and infantry formations. Secondary weaponry includes twin-linked pintle-mounted heavy stubbers and smoke launchers to retreat from forces too tough for it. It's also armed with advanced auspex arrays for improved reconnaissance and light informational warfare capabilities.
    -[X] Anansi Secundus (AKA Anansis) Light Walker
    --[X] The successor to the venerable Anasi Light Walker, the Anansi Secundus pays homage to the original yet is a whole different beast altogether, owing to the vastly improved technologies and techniques available to the Federation. Slightly larger and more robust than the original Anansi, Anansi Secundus (also shortened into Anansis by the troops) is a one person light walker meant for combat in urban and rough terrain. While the limited technology when the Anansi was created meant that it required a two person crew, Anansis is instead equipped with a Automata system to assist the pilot in various tasks and make it possible for the walker to be utilized effectively by a single pilot. In essence, the Anansis can do everything the original Anansi can do, but better with a couple of additional features. Stronger, faster, more heavily armored. Keeping to the original design, the Anansis is equipped with an all energy weapon loadout centered around a plasma cannon atop its body and a pair of heavy multilas for anti-infantry and light target duties. The Anansis retains the urban 3D maneuvering capability of the Anansi via improved grappling hooks and climbing capacity. To top it off, the Anansis is also capable of being equipped with high-frequency blades to allow the vehicle melee capability against enemy vehicles and heavy combatants.
    -[X] Medium Tank: Ironspite
    --[X] The Ironspite is a versatile and tough workhorse of the war machine, designed to handle both enemy armor and entrenched infantry. Durable, easily-repaired and modular, it features two layers of toughened armor designed for field repair and a decently powered ion shield designed to resist large amounts of damage from one direction. The primary armament is a battle cannon capable of firing a variety of shells, including high-explosive, armor-piercing, incendiary and flechette variants. Secondary weaponry includes sponson-mounted lascannons and a hull-mounted twin-linked heavy bolter for smaller armored targets. The weapons are specifically designed to be modular, with each weapon having several variants including plasma, flamer, missile and more options. The base version comes with standard tank treads, but can be swapped for wheels or hover variants as needed. Finally, the hull has many attachment points for additional armor, weapons, shield generators or holy artifacts.
    -[X] Heavy Tank: Aegis Strider
    --[X] The Aegis strider is a quadrupedal war machine built to spearhead offensive operations, especially in challenging environments. It is designed to assault from unexpected directions, using it's well-articulated legs and feet with multiple settings to gallop across difficult terrain, wade across rivers and even climb up sheer cliffs or over (reinforced) buildings. It is armed with three modular weapons pods that rotate along with the central body, and the default configuration is one multi-barrel rotary cannon, one heavy plasma cannon, and one magma cannon, though it is also armed with several smaller weapons for anti-personnel work, including a short-range downwards-facing flamer to prevent any hostiles from taking shelter underneath the main body. Each leg carries a separate void shield generator, and when one fails the strider can simply rotate to bring a new one into line.
    -[X] Superheavy tank: Dominus
    --[X] The Dominus is a battlefield-dominating behemoth built to fight against baneblades and win. Often referred to as a "warship on treads," it's built around a plasma annihilator cannon as its primary weapon, with multiple missile pods and Gatling Blasters as backup weapons. It tends not to worry about terrain, as its size and bulk is capable of grinding most any kind of terrain underneath it's five sets of treads. The armor is closer to starship armor, and it is protected by a full-on void shield and an onboard shrine to the star child.
    -[X] Superheavy tank: Kraken
    --[X] The Kraken is a heavy treaded vehicle, slightly smaller than the Dominus, and built around magnetic "catch" and "catapult" systems designed to allow it to grab friendly aircraft, bring them into internal hangers for refueling, rearming and light repairwork, then launch them back into the air to continue their fire support missions. It also contains banks of antiaircraft and indirect fire support weapons, including artillery and mortars. It is not designed to be on the front lines, though it is heavily armored and does have weapons to defend itself in case of breakthroughs.
    -[X] Light Troop Transport: Sparrowhawk
    --[X] Specifically designed to accompany the Emberfang but be even more mobile and stealthy, the sparrowhawk is equipped with anti-grav capabilities that let it fly for short amounts of time and a camo-field that let it carry troops to flanking positions unnoticed. It is armed with a multilas designed for light support and covering fire, and can also be configured to carry supplies to difficult-to-reach places, with a popular add-on that gives it the ability to carry and control a flock of drones to support disembarked infantry.
    -[X] Medium Troop Transport: Reclaimer
    --[X] The Reclaimer is a is a rugged, versatile transport built to withstand enemy fire while delivering troops to the thick of combat. It is carried on two pairs of tracks and only needs half of that number to remain functional, and is coated with reinforced armor plating and ablative panels, as well as a light void shield. It also contains an emergency medical bay for field triage and stabilization, while being armed with a turret-mounted autocannon, two sponson-mounted multi-lasers and a number of drones.
    -[X] Heavy Troop Transport: Bastion
    --[X] The Bastion is a mobile fortress designed to carry hundreds of troops into battle in harsh conditions. It has multiple layers of armor, heavy void shields and provides logistical and emplacement support to large groups of infantry. In addition to the armament of two quad-linked heavy bolters, a roof-mounted flak cannon and an array of short-ranged mortars for close fire support it has a large cargo bay designed to transport deployable cover barriers, prefabricated bunkers and crew-served heavy weapons.
    -[X] Light Infantry Fighting Vehicle: Warden
    --[X] The Warden is an upgraded version of the venerable Ranger fighting vehicle, and is a proper hover vehicle capable of rapidly moving over any terrain for scouting and combat purposes. It carries two multi-lasers, one lascannon and a set of hunter-killer missiles, as well as firing ports for onboard infantry to contribute to the weight of firepower. It is notably faster, tougher and simpler to maintain than the Ranger.
    -[X] Medium infantry Fighting Vehicle: Vanguard
    --[X] The Vanguard is a six-wheeled IFV optimized for shock-and-awe tactics, with extremely high speed and large firepower output. It is extraordinarily fast over smooth terrain, and can change the suspension height to maneuver over moderately difficult terrain. It is fairly well-armored, and also carries a light ion shield. It is armed with a turret-mounted plasma cannon, two sponson-mounted heavy bolters, a drone deployment system, with a pair of tube-mounted missiles to enhance an opening salvo.
    [X] Scout Vehicle: Sharpuktu Mk.2 Reconnaissance Hover Vehicle
    -[X] With new advances in military technology, it's been deemed appropriate to revamp the Sharpuktu. While making the engine block and turbines more powerful and more compact on top of some slight size increases, this has not only doubled the troop carry space from 6 to 12, but made the Sharpuktu able to reach higher top speeds and greater control in turning and de-accelerating to give it some of the best handling in the Federation's motor pool. The armor has also received a substantial upgrade, now able to take more damage and even able to ram through a squad of Ogryn with only minor hull damage. But one of the flashiest new additions is a small directional Ion Shield generator able to project a shield in a specific direction to protect the vehicle. Other than some slight efficiency boosts, the Battle Cannon remains the same, though the under-mounted Missile Launcher has received upgrades in more ammo capacity and better lock-on targeting.
    [X] Medium Infantry Fighting Vehicle: Nemean
    -[X] With over a millennium of improvements on the technologies used by the Federation in constructing machines. An alternative to the Ranger was desired, made to handle intense battles with more rugged armor and survivability. The Nemean keeps the Ranger's trademark hover technology for its use in traversing terrain, but is a far larger and bulkier machine. It's larger size able to carry at most two squads of infantry or less depending on the size of some species, offering them decent protection due to the thick layer of armor on the sides and newly implemented Sheild Generator covering the front of the Nemean. Of course it still relies on mostly the same weapons as the Ranger, with Multi-Lasers and Hunter-Killer missiles, with a third option granted by it's increased size for a Heavy Bolter gunner position on the back for supporting infantry pushes or protecting Tanks from enemy attack.
    [X] Anansi Secundus (AKA Anansis) Light Walker
    -[X] The successor to the venerable Anasi Light Walker, the Anansi Secundus pays homage to the original yet is a whole different beast altogether, owing to the vastly improved technologies and techniques available to the Federation. Slightly larger and more robust than the original Anansi, Anansi Secundus (also shortened into Anansis by the troops) is a one person light walker meant for combat in urban and rough terrain. While the limited technology when the Anansi was created meant that it required a two person crew, Anansis is instead equipped with a Automata system to assist the pilot in various tasks and make it possible for the walker to be utilized effectively by a single pilot. In essence, the Anansis can do everything the original Anansi can do, but better with a couple of additional features. Stronger, faster, more heavily armored. Keeping to the original design, the Anansis is equipped with an all energy weapon loadout centered around a plasma cannon atop its body and a pair of heavy multilas for anti-infantry and light target duties. The Anansis retains the urban 3D maneuvering capability of the Anansi via improved grappling hooks and climbing capacity. To top it off, the Anansis is also capable of being equipped with high-frequency blades to allow the vehicle melee capability against enemy vehicles and heavy combatants.
    -[X] Superheavy tank: Kraken
    --[X] The Kraken is a heavy treaded vehicle, slightly smaller than the Dominus, and built around magnetic "catch" and "catapult" systems designed to allow it to grab friendly aircraft, bring them into internal hangers for refueling, rearming and light repairwork, then launch them back into the air to continue their fire support missions. It also contains banks of antiaircraft and indirect fire support weapons, including artillery and mortars. It is not designed to be on the front lines, though it is heavily armored and does have weapons to defend itself in case of breakthroughs.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 9, 2025 at 3:00 PM, finished with 21 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Remembrance, Support, and Integration
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (7/17)
    -[X] [Free] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion
    --[X] Once the subversion of Orbital habitat Jak-Hal is complete, switch target to sub-sector Ishanu.
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Ambrosius)
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (8/17)
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication (2nd normal action, triggers mechadendrite)
    --[X] Military Aid To The Coalition
    -[X] [Faith] Monuments For The Fallen (Cry for the Future)
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication (Devouring Mechadendrite action)
    --[X] Write-In: Send in Subversion/Infiltration/Intelligence Gathering/Sabotage teams into the Holy Diaconate for a long-term espionage mission, with whatever support needed to make it a self-sustaining mission (i.e. Logistics Ships, Chamleons, Scout Sloops, the Choirs, etc). Their mission is to prepare ground for the inevitable conflict with the Holy Diaconate, buy time for the Coalition and to support their war effort, and if possible, save as many souls as possible. Their primary mission is to remain undetected and gather intelligence as much as possible to gain a full dossier on the Holy Diaconate (and as much actionable intelligence that can be shared with the Coalition) -- everything else comes after this, and if the following actions are impossible or unwise in light of this, do not do them. Afterwards, prepare to sabotage the Diaconate's war effort, assassinate non-turnable leaders (and turn those who we can), and even steal research if at all possible [Extreme Stretch Goal]. Finally, try to find native recruits, foil the plans of Chaos, and seed Star Child Cults if at all possible -- it has been many centuries since the conflict with Neon, but after fracturing, nearly all of their systems turned to Chaos within the decade -- with a power of the Diaconate's size, this cannot be afforded.
    [X] Plan: Faith, Steel Subversion and gunpowder Integration
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (7/17)
    -[X] [Free] [AUTOMATIC] System Subversion
    --[X] Once the subversion of Orbital habitat Jak-Hal is complete, switch target to sub-sector Ishanu.
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Ambrosius)
    -[X] 2x [General] Integrate The New Territories (8,9/17) (2 normal actions, triggers mechadendrite)
    -[X] [Faith] Monuments For The Fallen (Cry for the Future)
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication (Devouring Mechadendrite action)
    --[X] Write-In: Send in Subversion/Infiltration/Intelligence Gathering/Sabotage teams into the Holy Diaconate for a long-term espionage mission, with whatever support needed to make it a self-sustaining mission (i.e. Logistics Ships, Chamleons, Scout Sloops, the Choirs, etc). Their mission is to prepare ground for the inevitable conflict with the Holy Diaconate, buy time for the Coalition and to support their war effort, and if possible, save as many souls as possible. Their primary mission is to remain undetected and gather intelligence as much as possible to gain a full dossier on the Holy Diaconate (and as much actionable intelligence that can be shared with the Coalition) -- everything else comes after this, and if the following actions are impossible or unwise in light of this, do not do them. Afterwards, prepare to sabotage the Diaconate's war effort, assassinate non-turnable leaders (and turn those who we can), and even steal research if at all possible [Extreme Stretch Goal]. Finally, try to find native recruits, foil the plans of Chaos, and seed Star Child Cults if at all possible -- it has been many centuries since the conflict with Neon, but after fracturing, nearly all of their systems turned to Chaos within the decade -- with a power of the Diaconate's size, this cannot be afforded.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 10, 2025 at 2:17 PM, finished with 51 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Diaconate goes Derp
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (9/17)
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Frekulus)
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (10/17)
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (11/17)
    -[X] [General] Write-In: The ongoing integration of the new territories, as well as the recent integrations of the Watchtower Confederacy and Black Ash Ascendancy have shown the need for the creation of an Office of Integration, Development, and Movement to help manage the flow of billions of people, integrating new territories, and ensuring our citizens get the full benefits of being apart of the Federation, including rights, education, and a fully developed planet. (Devouring Mechadendrite Action)
    -[X] [Faith] An Invitation To Preach (For Material Gain) (Cry for the Future action)
    [X] Plan: Integration and Support
    -[X] [Symphony] Shutdown A Cry for the Future
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (9/17)
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Frekulus)
    -[X] 2x [General] Integrate The New Territories (10, 11/17)
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication (Mechadendrite Action)
    --[X] Military Aid To The Coalition II
    [X] Plan: Using our diplomacy weapons
    -[X] [Symphony] Shutdown A Cry for the Future
    -[X] [General] Integrate The New Territories (9/17)
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Frekulus)
    -[X]2x [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
    --[X]2x Cross-Cultural Idea Harmonization (Choose Target)
    ---[X]Shipwright's Grove
    ---[X]Van Zandt Free Duchy
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication (Mechadendrite Action)
    --[X] Military Aid To The Coalition II