What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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The year is 999.M41.

Things are happening in the galaxy at large, and yet these people know nothing of them.

How could they? They are not the movers and shakers of an empire, but the laborers that oil the chains of a Dark Mechanicum outpost producing machinery and weapons with their sweat and blood.

At least, they did so until now.

Because they have just risen up in defiance and in fury, needing only a hand to guide them.

To glory or doom.
Maps of the Sector - 1 - [Out Of Order]
Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

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Psykana of the Stargrove Federation - Melodies - 1
Fire III

That which destroys, yet creates.
The heat of ashen corpses and warm beds.
The light of towns and of pyres.
That which heals by scorching heat.
The cradle of birth and grave.
The embers within minds fiery and broken.
The Fire that burns in all of us.
The Fire that is the motive force of all things.
The Fire we never started.
But the Fire that burns nonetheless.
Protection III

To guard is to know when to yield, when to fold, when to give way, for the unyielding bow before the unstoppable.
To protect is to know when to strike, when to advance, when to force yourself forwards, for the unstoppable bow before the unyielding.
A shield is not mere protection.
It is a means by which one can lash out.
Go forth in hope and splendor.
But never return shackled and battered.
The Sun V

Giver of Life.
Taker of Destiny.
Burn under their gaze.
Flourish under their love.
For all are nothing underneath the gazes of the Radiant Sovereigns,
For all are nothing beneath the glory of the Radiant Sovereigns,
For all are but specks of dust that will pass under the minds of the Radiant Sovereigns.
Who are you, to demand of them?
What are you, to beg from them?
Why are you here, to take from them?
Humanity III

I was here.
Do not forget us.
An ancient line unbroken.
Creativity III

Does the metal ask its shaper;
"What does thou intend to make of me?"
Does the clay ask its diggers;
"Why does thou labor for me?"
Does the universe confer to you;
"The purpose of all things is such?"
Song III

Sing, Oh Child,
Of A Better World For Me!
Sing, Oh Brother,
Of A Future Bold And Brave!
Sing, Oh Sister,
Of My Charge Eternal True!
Sing, Oh Nibling,
Of My Love For Thee!
Sing, Oh Stars,
Of What May Come.

Scream To Me,
Of An Age Of Love.
Scream To Me,
Of A Dawn By Blood.
Scream To Me,
Of Scars Long Drawn.
Scream To Me,
Of Nights Spent Young.
Scream To Me,
Until The Screaming Is Done!
The Home III

The one place I belong,
The one where I am free,
The one from which my strength flows,
The one of which I shall never be free.
From where the love has flown.
From where the hate has left.
From where safety was my right.
From where danger was my freedom.
Let me return to where I belong.
Let me return to where I was chased from.
Let me bring news of far a fields.
Let me burn those fields near me.
Logic III

That which remains if we stop believing in it.
That which cannot be moved by wishes.
The Indisputable Materium.
Unity III

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
A society will only be remembered by what is left behind.
Who can you trust, if not the sibling next to you standing against the galaxy's horrors?
Progress III

The Arch-Enemy of Stagnation.
The Only Path that Never Ends.
The Constant Law: Onwards.
Compassion III

Through the Ages; One Rule: Together.
Through the Ages; One Rule: United.
Until The End; As One Saved.
Hope III

A New Dawn Will Rise Upon Our Fate.
There Shall Be Many To Bask In Its Rays.
Health III

The first sign of Civilization: Healing An Other.
The first sign of Civilization: A broken bone healed.
The first sign of Civilization: Poison Turned Medicine.
The Void III

"You are foolish if you think space is empty."
"There are things out there. Things that watch."
"And you do not want to be caught by them."
Technology III

A rock on a stick is technology.
A machine that sunders reality is technology.
All operate on the same principles: One plus One equals Three.
Things iterate upon themselves.
One needs tools to build better tools.
A cycle never-ending, never-ceasing, never-waiting.
If only hubris was not humanity's greatest sin and wonder.
Perception III

That which is Unseen commands the greatest Curiosity.
That which is Seen creates the greatest Wonder.
That which is Understood causes the most Terror.
Grounding III

To direct power from one place to another without harm.
To let it pass without attaching either to one.
A transfer that saps without taking.
Silence III

The only thing that shall remain.
The only thing that will reign.
The only thing we crave,
When all is done and gone.
Struggle III

Struggle is rarely a pleasant teacher.
Yet, it is one that teaches all the same.
Often...all too well.
Death III

In the end, all are equal.
No matter their burial site.
I Ensure It.

Melodies - Melodies are hyper-narrow Psychic powers, designed to be as non-dangerous to use as possible. Yet, thanks to them being designed around being used by five Psykers in tandem, they consistently are more powerful than Imperial-equivalent powers.
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Maps of the Sector - 2 - [Out Of Order]
Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

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Psykana of the Stargrove Federation - Songs - 1
Dirge for the Innocent

Lacrimas amaras noli flere mihi.
Quamvis nunc semper dormio;
vixi et risi.
Quid plus potest e vita exigere?
Quid amplius promitti potest?
Bound To The Stars

Let us go there,
Up above the aegis of our world,
Where the tempests of the soul reign supreme,
Where the dead yet walk and speak,
Where there'd be glory and dishonor,
Where the end and the beginning are but a flip of a coin away,
So we can burn our story into the Stars Themselves!
A Web Of Song

Sing for me of better days,
Humm to me of gentler times,
Speak no more,
Of a Dirge Unsung,
A Dirge Unsung,
Let no child be cruelly hung,
How we wish for days long gone,
When eyes looked yonder,
Upon the stars,
And saw wonder,
Where few had yet gone,
Where horrors did not rear their heads,
Amidst the minds of innocents.
A Glint of Genius

The efforts of the many, distilled into one singular moment.
A singular moment of inspiration.
A singular moment of understanding.
A singular moment of comprehension.
Through inspiration, desire.
Through understanding, action.
Through comprehension, liberation.

A Glint of Genius.
Turn Their Eyes Away

One needs not hide when hidden not by might.
For a light pointed at one place is seen as sure as if one cried.
The annointed are safe in circles of dark unlight.
Let them see where we point, let them ignore where we are.
Break Your Chains

My soul sees freely, my mind fears rightly,
For who can guess my thoughts, as I flit through the night,
No man can stop me, no hunter can kill me,
For my soul sees freely, and my chains lay shattered,
For none can cage me once more, within the dark shadowed pits,
No king can jail me, no god can bind me,
For my soul sees freely, and I shall die freely.

~Oh, can't you see, we were never meant to be divided?~
~Oh, can't you see? Can't you see? Can you see it now?~

Can you see the dawn?
Can you see its shining rays?
Can you see the glory of the morrow?
There is hope yet.
There is a future yet.
There is succor yet.
Break the chains that bound us, strike with arms free and hale.
Break the chains that hurt us, give aid by open hands and open hearts.
Break the chains that divided us, embrace in freedom, hug in joy, cry in liberation.

~Oh, can't you see, we were never meant to be divided?~
~Oh, can't you see? Can't you see? Can you see it now?~
Diverting Power

Let Harm not come to us.
Let Might not strike our homes.
Let Power flow around this place.
So that we may yet go on.
The Devouring Mechadendrite

Industry must expand to meet the ever-increasing demands of industry.
Technology must match the stride of progress to support frames rotting under the march forced upon them.
Idle hands cannot exist when work abounds.
All things increase when the feed is bountiful enough.
Sing of the labors we will undertake.
Let history's pages show our dedication to future ages.
March into a future bold and bright.
Let none fight what is to come.
Unto Works Generational

Worlds born from ceaseless work.
Systems ripped asunder by the maws of machinery.
Eternal war fought unto the ends of the galaxy.
Generations upon generations toiling with only one promise.
That their children may one day see the fruits of their ancestor's labors.
Paths Without Treason

When I fly I feel so right.
When I soar I feel so divine.
Overwhelmed with ecstasy, I let go of my sense and touch.
That's when the path fell to the sun.
When my hopes burned as one.
My path was now gone.
Heartbeat of Industry

There is no heart that beats with more blood for humanity that its Military Industry.
By these machines they are elevated from prey to predators.
By these labors they are made monsters and saints.
Hippity Hoppity

Where is my Star Child-damned inheritance, you dead old dusty FUCKS?!
Hiss of the Steam Valves

Can you not hear it?
It is in the hiss of the valves.
The bubble of the oil gauges.
The creaking of the water pipes.
The music born by industry sighing freely.
See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil

The greatest of all Commandments.
Foretold Luminous Paths Seen

They can fight.
They can struggle.
They can hide.
They can persevere.
It will not matter.
Those who rely on Fate will always find one Truth in the end.
Fate lies.
Dutiful Spirits

Five-Fold is our number.
Five-Told are our weapons.
Five-Strong is our might.
Five-Gone will be your lures.
Temptation Touches Us Not.
Knowledge Tempts Us Not.
Rage Calls Us Not.
Despair Knows Us Not.
Five Be Thy Number, Child And Progenitor.
Five Be Our Defiance.
Class Is In Session

For Some; The Best Of Times,
For Others; The Worst Of Times,
For All; The Foundation By Which They Live
For None; The End, So We Swear.

No Medicine As Sweet
No Drug As Effective
No Operation As Working
As The One We Believe In
Promethean Gaze

Is Never The End Is
Never The End Is Never
The End Is Never The
End Is Never The End
Is Never The End Is
Never The End Is Never
The End Is Never The
End Is Never The End
Soul's Shield

Temp Me Not.
Lure Me Not.
Incite Me Not.
Demoralize Me Not.
My Mind Is A Shield.
Harm Flows Off It.
Only Good Shall Pass It.

Songs - Rituals created by blending three or more Melodies together. They are capable of affecting planets at the larger end, yet pay the price for their power by inflicting horrendous wounds on the Choir using then if used in combat against void ships/stations or entire armies.

Dirge for the Innocent - Allows you to lay the uneasy dead of an entire world to rest, denying those souls to Chaos. (As long as they hadn't already pledged themselves to it.)
Bound To The Stars - Enables your Choirs to act as akin to an average Navigator. This enables you to traverse Unstable Warp Routes without suffering Warp Damage unless the routes utilized are tumultuous.
A Web Of Song - Enables a Choir to forward messages up to five systems away as long as there is another Choir stationed there.
A Glint of Genius - Can assign up to 40 Choirs to Research, adding +0.01 Research per Action Spent per Choir.
Turn Their Eyes Away - Enables a Choir to turn all attention from them and those they designate within a ~200km radius.
Break Your Chains - This Song amplifies and enhances feelings and sentiments of dissatisfaction, agression, rebellion, and dissent within all who hear it, growing stronger the more people hear and act on the feelings roused, while being focused and guided against the foes of the Hymnals instead of following the mind of the crowds.
Diverting Power - Enables a Choir to divert hostile Warp Energies around a bubble centered on themselves to another place. The size of the bubble can be improved by Psytech, Arcane Sigils, Sacrifice, and Power.
The Devouring Mechadendrite - Each Choir assigned to this Song grants an extra 2.5% Progress to [General] Actions, Research Excluded In All Matters, up to 50%.
Unto Works Generational - Reduces Action Cost of all General Actions by 33%, but requires 50 Choirs to operate. If said Choirs are removed, the reduced Actions are re-applied. In that case, Action Cost Reductions, if Unto Works Generational is sung again, are calculated upon the new re-applied Costs, instead of overall costs. This only affects Full Actions.
Paths Without Treason - Requires 10 Choirs. Neutralizes Chaos Corruption within Machines over months, instead of years. (Depends on level of Chaos Corruption.)
Heartbeat of Industry - Reduces Action Cost of Military Actions by 25%, but requires 50 Choirs to operate. If said Choirs are removed, the reduced Actions are re-applied. In that case, Action Cost Reductions, if Heartbeat of Industry is sung again, are calculated upon the new re-applied Costs, instead of overall costs. This only affects Full Actions.
Hippity Hoppity - Requires 100 Choirs to operate. Find 1 [One] Dark Age of Technology Ruin the Turn after. Loot varies starkly, and no important finds are guaranteed. But finds are.
Hiss of the Steam Valves - Unlocks a 5 DP Ship Equipment that costs a Choir. Choirs assigned to Sing Hiss of the Steam Valves in your Manufactories imprint a [Minor] resistance to Warp Corruption into every item constructed within.
See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil - Requires 500 Choirs to operate fully. Upgrades [My Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Coming Of Our Star] to [My Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Coming Of Our Star | My Heart Does Know The Passing Of Their Laws]. Singing at less than 100% Choir Requirements transfers an equivalent of 0.2% of the trait per Choir assigned. The trait will apply to all Non-Faithful half effectiveness.
Foretold Luminous Paths Seen - When Sung with 50 Choirs, this Song enables you to gain insights into schemes and plans created via Prophetic Sorcery and Scrying, as well as Runic Casting and Fate Weaving. Does not work on Computational-Based fate-telling.
Dutiful Spirits - This Song imbues a minor passive resistance in all your Machine-Spirits against Chaos, scaling with the number of Choirs assigned to it. Machines without Machine-Spirits obtain half the effect.
Class Is In Session - Each Choir assigned to this Song grants an extra 2.5% Progress to [Psykana] Actions, up to 150%.
Placebo - Requires 100 Choirs per Sub-Sector. Noticeably slows down transmissions of Warp-Borne Pathogens.
Promethean Gaze - Allows Choirs to call down vast pillars of Stellar Wrath upon their enemies, engulfing them in promethean fire until naught but cinders remain to feed on their ashes.
Soul's Shield - Soul's Shield allows Choirs to fully deflect up to Medium Chaos Sorceries within a Small Area centered around a point of their chosing within 20km of their position.

Dirge for the Innocent - Divine Inspiration
Bound To The Stars - Song III, Humanity III, Protection III, The Sun V, The Home III, Fire III
A Web Of Song - Protection III, Song III, Unity III, Fire III, The Sun V, The Home III
A Glint of Genius - Technology III, Progress III, Creativity III, Hope III
Turn Their Eyes Away - Silence III, Protection III, Grounding III, Perception III
Break Your Chains - Struggle III, Fire III, Humanity III, Unity III, Hope III, Song III
Diverting Power - Grounding III, The Home III, Protection III
The Devouring Mechadendrite - Technology III, Progress III, Creativity III, Logic III, Song III
Unto Works Generational - Hope III, Hope III, Progress III, Progress III, Progress III
Paths Without Treason - Technology III, Progress III, Creativity III, Logic III
Heartbeat of Industry - Struggle III, Fire III, Machinery III, Unity III, Hope III, Song III
Hippity Hoppity - Humanity III, Technology III, Technology III, Perception III, Perception III
Hiss of the Steam Valves - Song III, Technology III, Logic III, Creativity III, Grounding III, Protection III
See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil - Grounding III, Protection III, Void III, Silence III, Grounding III
Foretold Luminous Paths Seen - Prophecy III, Perception III, Paths III, The Star
Dutiful Spirits - Protection III, Technology III, Void III, Song III, Unity III
Class Is In Session - Song III, Progress III, Wisdom III, Creativity III, Innovation III
Placebo - Compassion III, Hope III, Health III, Death III, Justice III
Promethean Gaze - Fire III, Sun V, Star, Death III, Silence III
Soul's Shield - Protection III, Hope III, Grounding III, Health III, Protection III
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Psykana of the Stargrove Federation - Melodies - 2
Justice III

The Scales never show favor.
Neither shall We.
Neither does the Sword.
And Neither does the Child.
Wisdom III

Age Does Not Protect From Foolishness.
Neither Does Youthful Exuberance.
But both stem from one source: Ignorance.
Few can banish it with education alone.
Innovation III

One Idea At A Time.
Though two wouldn't go amiss either...
Then again, what about three?
Ah, what the heck. Let's do them all instead!
Machinery III

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Brutality III

What is one life in the face of trillions?
What is childhood in the face of its crimes?
What is the worth of salvation when it is not wanted?
Mercy III

There is no mercy in this galaxy.
None that we can expect.
Ruthlessness III

Get the rope.
The good one.
And bring their children along.
The pet too.
Burn the toys.
Douse the house in promethium to get rid of any evidence.
Leave nothing to chance.
This ends today.
Paths III

The ways we wander,
The roads we take,
The journey in our head.
Growth III

From tiny shoot we grew.
From little seed we were born.
Through drought we held on.
Through rains we drank deep.
Into light we bloom.
Into future we see.
Prophecy III

Immutable fate?
More like mutable hate!
Unchanging fate?
More like changed state!
Set In Stone?
More like...okay, no clever wordplay here. Just smash the thing.
Community III

We all belong to a tribe.
I am glad to call this mine.
Through fire and fury we ride.
For each we provide.
It is a web that binds us all,
No matter how hard some try to hide and erase it all.
Family II

For some; the world.
For some; heaven.
For some; hell.
For others; a means.
For me; strangers.
The Star

Sovereign of the Material Immaterium.
Sovereign of the Immaterial Materium.
Bow. Their might decrees it.
Time III

A Clock that never ceases ticking.
A Sand that never stops falling.
A Moment the never waits to be caught.
Sunset II

A day ending.
The cool of the night approaches.
Dawn II

A day beginning.
The warmth of the sun approaches.
Harmony III

Balanced Scales Never Tip.
A Universe That Always Levels Out.
The Truth Behind All Chaos.
Love III

The hands you hold with blushing cheeks.
The warmth that never leaves your bed.
The breath you gasp after a kiss.
The safety you feel in arms not your own.
A feeling beyond the feral push of lust.
A feeling above the feral push of heat.
A feeling above the primal urge to spread.
A feeling above the primal urge to continue a line.
The love between good friends.
The love between family.
The love between pet and bonded soul.
The love of one for something.
Peace II

Peace is a lie.
Trust none who espouse its poison.
Revenant II

To End Is To Begin.
To Begin Is To End.
To Exist Is To Know You Will Cease.
And Find Peace In This Truth.

Melodies - Melodies are hyper-narrow Psychic powers, designed to be as non-dangerous to use as possible. Yet, thanks to them being designed around being used by five Psykers in tandem, they consistently are more powerful than Imperial-equivalent powers.
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Abhumans of the Stargrove Federation
Hallowed be their Souls, for these are the people of Humanity beyond generations uncounted.

Pictured: Ogryn (left) next to a Baseline Human (right).

Pictured: Illegal Pin-Up found in Thule 8123-C-DD7's locker. Sourced from an unknown artist.

Pictured: Croaf Hegemony Resistance Fighter an hour after the liberation of their homeworld. Has since re-settled within the Glimmering Federation.

Pictured: Eternity Ratling tracking a Valan Convoy during the Valan Blood War ending in the extermination of the Valan.

Pictured: Male Homo Velox Ira (commonly called "Salvus" or "The Saved") child about to engage in a brawl with an Ogryn that called him "pretty girl."
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Psykana of the Stargrove Federation - Symphonies
A Cry For The Future

Croon to me of our glory days.
When idle hands were never found.
Where a thousand minds shared one.
When generations abound without the sting of whip and lash of yoke.
When lords were chosen and gods were gone.
Croon to me of days long gone.
So I can sing of days to come.
Grand Design

What is a little ethics,
What are a few laws,
What is some self-experimentation,
In the face of our Grand Plans?
Lament Me Not

There Is No End To Us Who Live.
There Is No Death For Us Who Love.
There Is No Trial We Must Complete.
Beyond The One Of Living Good.
Beyond The One of Living Sure.
Beyond The One of Living True.
Lament Me Not, For I'm Not Gone.
Lament Me Not, For I'm Still Here.
Lament Me Not, For I Remain.
In You.
Deus Mechanicus Incarnate

Machine God
Motive Force
We Beseech Thee
Grant Us Your Sight
Allow Us To See Beyond
And Let Us Lift Ourselves
In Thy Names This Be Done
In Thy Names This Work Is Done
In Thy Names This Duty Is Done
Not Today

This is not the day you die.

Go back to the trash where you belong!

A Cry For The Future - Gain 0.25 Actions for every Total Action spent. Actions gained this way are rounded up. +1 Warp Tremors per Turn.
Grand Design - All Research Actions have their effects enhanced to the best possible degree they are capable of providing. +0.25 Warp Tremors per Turn. This increases by +0.25 every Turn.
Lament Me Not - Whenever this Symphony is Sung after a great tragedy or great loss of life, the Warp will calm with the tears of the grieving and the mourning of the living.
Deus Mechanicus Incarnate - Oh Motive Force, Oh Machine God, Oh Omnissiah, Awaken one of your Daughters. Grant her Stable Soul. Grant her Righteouss Awareness. Grant her Your Hand. We shall protect her from all that will come. That is our Pledge. That is our Soul. By your Will. Let it be done. +1 Warp Tremors per Turn. Auto-Shuts off after Activation.
Not Today - Allows the Souls of the slain to return to life once more, bodies restored in safety and any harm on mind and soul removed. +1 Warp Tremors per Turn. This increases by +1 every Turn.
Recycling - Every Daemon killed while this Symphony is active will have a miniscule chance to be ripped apart and be used to calm the Warp. +0.25 Warp Tremors per Turn. This can be reduced by escalating levels of warfare against Chaos Entities.
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Psykana of the Stargrove Federation - Songs - 2
Controlled Burn

Fire and Flame
Burning and Tame
Clear Cut Swathes
Ground Set Free
In Burning Sea

Fire and Flame
We Call to Thee
Pool your Heat in Blade at Hand
Warm cool metal to Cinder's Glee
So we may Strike
At Enemies Thee
Soul Bomb

If you cannot kill the body?
Kill the soul.
See The Seer

What have we here?
Quiet little mouse, silent little bird?
What tries to spy us there?
Tiny child hushed, tiny eye observant?
Hush, Silence, Quiet Now

Make no sound,
Less they hear you.
Make no move,
less they see you.
Pray no thought,
less they know you.
Stay where you are,
So they shall not find you.
Rebel's Yell

Scream against the Cosmos!
Scream against the Chains!
Scream against the Coming Ruin!
Scream against the Setting Night!
Kleidon's Lament

Slice their eyes.
But leave one per hundred half-seeing...
The Healer's Star

Compassion is more than a hand upon your soul.
It is a gift given freely, without recompense.
Healing is compassion incarnate.

Let nothing be.
Love Unto Death

The cruelest joke the Reaper ever played,
Is the one they told unto themselves;
That their duty is above all things,
Precious though they may be.
Black Hole

The End Of All Things Material.
Ashen Fields

To grow anew some things must die.
A Trusted Map

Where To?
How To?
Now To?
THeYy cAn SEeeE uSs...

Space is not empty.
If you look closely enough...
You'll find it outright claustrophobic.

Songs - Rituals created by blending three or more Melodies together. They are capable of affecting planets at the larger end, yet pay the price for their power by inflicting horrendous wounds on the Choir using then if used in combat against void ships/stations or entire armies.

Controlled Burn - Enables Choirs to purge Chaos-Infested land rapidly at the cost of destroying it.
Firesword - Singing this, Choirs can imbue a Psychic Fire in up to 200 melee armaments whose strength scales with the crimes the ones the weapons are wielded against have committed.
Soul Bomb - Choirs can designate a Daemon no more than 500 meters away. Should it fail to resist the intrusion into its Soul, the Choir can detonate it in a Warp Explosion with a 55-meter circumference. This does not True Kill the Daemon. Should it resist, the Choir suffers either the same fate or possession, depending on the Daemons choice.
See The Seer - When Sung with 50 Choirs, this Song enables you to discern the location of those scrying on and performing divinitation psykery on designated targets.
Hush, Silence, Quiet Now - When Sung, Choirs can evade detection by active and passive means relying on sentient thought.
Rebel's Yell - Choirs singing this incite their listeners to greater acts of defiance against the seemingly inevitable, overwriting bodily limiters to ensure the mind shall triumph over matter.
Kleidon's Lament - This Song enables Choirs to slice the eyes, or other equivalent organs, of their adversaries up to a kilometer away, denying them its organic use until healed or replaced.
The Healer's Star - This Song enables Choirs to accelerate the healing of everyone within 200 meters of their singing by a factor of 4x.
Cease - Enforce reality.
Love Unto Death - With every Choir sent to Sing this Song, the Tapestry of Fate is ever so slightly nudged to turn tragedies away. Even one day makes a difference for those not yet crossed over. Even one blossomed love makes the galaxy brighter. Even one child more can spark another candle.
Black Hole - A Choir can create a temporary Black Hole within the fabric of reality at a point of their choosing within a 2.000km radius around themselves, provided they can observe the spot with any sense.
Ashen Fields - This Song passively improves the spiritual and physical health of landscapes, both improving yields while cleansing Corruption.
A Trusted Map - Enables faster travel as long as a Choir is at either Destination or Origin.
THeYy cAn SEeeE uSs... - A Choir can summon a Void Titan during battle if this is Sung. It is advised that your fleets run the second the Choir has finished Singing it.

Controlled Burn - Health III, Fire III, Hope III, Protection III, Song III
Firesword - Fire III, Death III, Justice III, Struggle III
Soul Bomb - Star, Fire III, Death III, Death III, Death III
See The Seer - Perception III, Silence III, Protection III, Struggle III
Hush, Silence, Quiet Now - Grounding III, Home III, Silence III, Song III, Protection III
Rebel's Yell - Fire III, Hope III, Struggle III, Grounding III, Protection III
Kleidon's Lament - Void III, Perception III, Struggle III
The Healer's Star - Health III, Compassion III, Mercy III, Wisdom III, The Star
Cease - Grounding III, Grounding III, Grounding III, Grounding III, Grounding III
Love Unto Death - Love III, Death III, Song III, Justice III, Compassion III
Black Hole - The Star, The Star, The Star, The Star, The Star
Ashen Fields - Fire III, Hope III, Death III, Growth III
A Trusted Map - Prophecy III, Time III, Wisdom III, Paths III, Harmony III
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