Star Wars General Discussion Thread

I mean, I can see where they're coming from - the only two unambiguous successes of the Disney era are Rogue One and the Mandalorian (so much so that it's literally the only thing keeping D+ relevant), and COVID has everyone in a panic about the future of the industry. From a lizard brain safest possible move perspective, "More Rogue One's and Mandalorians on Disney+" make sense

It's just, you know, the lizard brain safest possible move.

*EDIT* Basically, I'm worried that Star Wars is gonna turn into Ultimate Marvel. When Ultimate Marvel started it was cool and exciting, a chance to reboot the Marvel universe on the ground floor. Writers got to remix all the best elements of the the 616 universe and spin them into cool, new ideas. And for awhile, it worked! And then they started to basically only remix and rehash the 616 stuff, or try and

The Mandalorian right now is like, Ultimate Spider-Man. It's a cool, small scale view of a clearly remixed/Ultimate EU kind've vibe (Rebels laid a shitload of the groundwork for this). It's I really wanna see a live action remix of Dark Forces? I mean, I'm sure all this stuff will be well made and well produced and all, but a Star Wars that does the same thing as the Mandalorian (on a conceptual level, I mean) sounds like a smaller Star Wars.
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Why are people so not exited for this? Is it because the new trilogy? While I understand that many people didn't like it (I did like it) why is basically everyone saying that everything star wars does is going to be bad and horrible?
Why are people so not exited for this? Is it because the new trilogy? While I understand that many people didn't like it (I did like it) why is basically everyone saying that everything star wars does is going to be bad and horrible?

I said this in the edit, but stuff like an Obi-Wan show, the Ahsoka/New Republic show, and even the Rogue Squadron movie sound like Star Wars mining itself for ideas, rather than using Star Wars as a vehicle to tell new ideas. It's a sign of the franchise trending towards eating itself.
Why are people so not exited for this? Is it because the new trilogy? While I understand that many people didn't like it (I did like it) why is basically everyone saying that everything star wars does is going to be bad and horrible?
I'm incredibly excited.

10 new Star Wars projects.

Never thought that would happen in my life-time.
The high republic stuff while not not sounding as interesting as the KOTOR era stories and games or background lore stuff like the great sith war, hundred years darkness, the hyperspace war, the whole army of light and brotherhood of darkness or that time the Jedi went to war to crush a slaver empire among some of the interesting elements of the old EU will cover a period that's never really been covered at least so that is something new at least and could be interesting.
The high republic stuff while not not sounding as interesting as the KOTOR era stories and games or background lore stuff like the great sith war, hundred years darkness, the hyperspace war, the whole army of light and brotherhood of darkness or that time the Jedi went to war to crush a slaver empire among some of the interesting elements of the old EU will cover a period that's never really been covered at least so that is something new at least and could be interesting.
I don't even like the Old Republic.

Too much Jedi vs. Sith.

I said this in the edit, but stuff like an Obi-Wan show, the Ahsoka/New Republic show, and even the Rogue Squadron movie sound like Star Wars mining itself for ideas, rather than using Star Wars as a vehicle to tell new ideas. It's a sign of the franchise trending towards eating itself.

Yeah. I'm interested in seeing new Star Wars stories, I'm less interested in them all being referential "I clapped when I saw it" stuff that's just going back to the OT again and again to try and squeeze more blood out of the nostalgia stone.
It didn't really serve a purpose in the narrative and it was entirely there so we could clap at Vader murdering a bunch of mooks because, uh, Vader is badass, I guess?
It doesn't matter if it served the narrative or not; most movies and TV shows have lots of scenes that don't actively serve the narrative in every minute of its duration. Why is Vader's scene in particular singled out? They were being hunted by the baddies and Vader is a good representation of them, something that is juxtaposed with the "hope" of people like Leia.
Going to be honest I'm getting some real 'desperate person goes all in after winning once at a casino' energy from this.

The Mandalorian will receive two spin offs, "Ahsoka" and "Rangers of the New Republic"
I wonder how much Ahsoka is really a spin off or if they just had it in the pipe and worked an appearance by her in early to get people excited.

Andor will be a Spy Thriller.
Cool, love Diego Luna.

Hayden Christiansen will reprise for Obi-Wan, which is set 10 years after ROTS
Cool, but I'd like to know how the hell that's going to work. Is it going to be flashbacks, or or is Hayden Christensen just going to be the new David Prowse? Not the worst move considering how good his body language is, but still a little weird.

Acolyte series, described as a mystery series, announced for high republic era
Not all that jazzed about the high republic era in general, though maybe as long as it stays away from those B-grade mad max villains they're trying to sell as the main threat of that era it might have a chance.

One last thing: Patty Jenkins directing movie called Rogue Squadron
Now this is the thing I'm really excited for. I loved Rogue One, but was a little irritated how it kind of took the name from Rogue Squadron. Now this is hopefully going to be the space top gun I've always wanted to see.
Well I don't know why there's so much doom and gloom in this thread but I'm absolutely hyped! These all seem like they're going to be pretty solid conceptually at the very least.

I'm glad they're giving the films a break so they can reorganize that whole department in the background while all the TV stuff is pushed to the forefront.
Well I don't know why there's so much doom and gloom in this thread but I'm absolutely hyped! These all seem like they're going to be pretty solid conceptually.

I'm glad they're giving the films a break so they can reorganize that whole department in the background while all the TV stuff is pushed to the forefront.
Yeah, I love these announcements.

Really excited.
I'm honestly cautiously excited for this stuff. My biggest interest is Rogue Squadron. Loved the X-wing books, love reading about aerial combat and figher pilots, and Patty Jenkins did a pretty darn good job directing WW so I wanna see how this goes.

But I'm still waiting on a cast and plot before I get excited.

Everything has a "wait and see what's what" reaction from me. Bad Batch looks cool, even though said characters weren't that interesting.

Also I'm kinda hoping for something in the Sequel era, at least to flesh out the era. God knows it needs it, and I doubt we're going to see anything beyond that timeline wise for awhile.
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Plus a Lando series, an anime anthology series called "Visions", and a Bad Batch series, plus a vague mention that Waititi's film is still happening (no mention of Johnson's trilogy, woof).

Aside from Acolyte, honestly, this gets a giant shrug from me. I get why they're sticking hard to either the OT or the exact same time as the Mandalorian (aka "the only time periods we think people like"), but it's kind've a bummer. Even Patty Jenkins promising the greatest fighter pilot movie of all time (I don't doubt that she'll pull it off) feels a little less cool knowing it'll be stuck in an OT side story. But a mystery thriller set in the goofball fantasy age of the High Republic? Now that I can get behind.
Rogue Squadron maaaay not be an OT side story? Blurb from

So it could be ST or it could be between ST/OT... or maybe it is just an OT side-story. Anyway, I read a lot of the Rogue and Wraith books so I will probaby watch it.

Acolyte sounds neat because Old Republic mystery sounds bretty cool.

Also Andor, because I am a sucker for Diego Luna's beautiful face.

Everything else is a solid meh out of meh from me.

I was wondering if people might be reading too much into the "move the saga into the future era of the galaxy" bit for Rogue squadron, especially since the silhouette in the movie logo looks more like a T-65 then a T-70. On the other hand, setting the movie post sequel trilogy might allow them to use Wedge's actor from the OT.
Who goes "I clapped when I saw it" though?

That was most of the audience when I saw TFA. Possibly Solo too, I'm not sure, definitely when Lando popped up in TRoS. But apart from Acolyte and maybe Rogue Squadron, none of this feels meaningfully new. It's "the thing you already like, doing the thing you expect, but shinier."

I'm not hyped to have Vader in the Obi-Wan film personally. I'm just not. Never warmed to Christensen as an actor and it feels like it could take away the chance for this to be a more meditative picture.

On a very minor note, I really hope they discover rich colour palettes again. Like I get it, Rogue One had muddy colours and it's the one everyone likes, and Rian Johnson's film had a really vivid colour palette so presumably we can never have those again, but watching Mandalorian I think it would benefit from more vibrancy and I don't want brown and grey to be the default for Star Wars.

Why are people so not exited for this? Is it because the new trilogy? While I understand that many people didn't like it (I did like it) why is basically everyone saying that everything star wars does is going to be bad and horrible?
It's not that it's horrible - had half this much stuff been announced, I'd probably be game. But very little of it feels like it'll be meaningfully new and moreover feels that, like the last couple of films, Disney just wants to milk the things that unambiguously succeeded and is more interested in Star Wars' past than carving out any meaningful future for it.

Kathleen Kennedy definitely used the word Rematch
Now this definitely trips my cynicism. I don't see this can possibly add. I know how their conflict will end and it's in a superb scene. So we'll have a fight which can't and won't upset the apple cart, but maybe it'll have some nice choreography. Whoo.
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The only real reason I'm excited for the Obi-Wan is how wild it is that Hayden Christensen is reprising, before that I had no interest.
Ahsoka I had no interest in because I didn't like TCW so I never got the attachment everyone else developed but Mandalorian promised my favourite guy'll be there so I guess I'll watch it.
Andor, Rogue One was the best of the new Star Wars movies I'll watch it for him definitely.
Rangers of the New Republic, Acolytes, Droid Adventures, Visions are basically just names at this point right? No thoughts
Lando I have as much interest in as Solo. So none.
Bad Batch is the continuation of TCW's lineage, right? Less than 0 interest.
Rogue Squadron was a cool game, I understand people are big fans of the old EU around them and I have faith in Patty Jenkins ability to make a good movie so that I'm tentatively excited for. I try not to get my hopes up too much for Star Wars anymore so I can only be pleasantly surprised.

But as I've said to a number of people who hate watch shows, if you don't like a show you don't have to watch it. I don't think 10 different shows simultaneously is exactly healthy but at least it lowers the odds of the only mainstream Star Wars to exist being something that just doesn't appeal to me.
What is the point of all these prequels if we know Palpatine is alive and whoever is the bad guy du jur is only playing fiddle to him?

I want to know whats going on AFTER the Final Order and New Republic both collapsed
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What is the point of all these prequels if we know Palpatine is alive and whoever is the bad guy du jur is only playing fiddle to him?

I want to know what's going on AFTER the Final Order and New Republic both collapsed
Profit. I dunno, this to my mind would've made more sense if Snoke was still a guy who'd had some nebulous role within the Empire, who then seized control of the Remnant. We briefly had a First Order which was a quite human sort of evil totalitarianism and I wish that hadn't got squashed under the Biggest Bad Ever.

Also, what's going on is that nothing much happens, Rey builds a new Order but then an apprentice destroys it all, leaving only Jedi Master Finn alive thirty years later in hiding, so a young Force-Sensitive goes to find him. Also someone will make mean jokes about Rose Tico and that will be only reason she's mentioned.
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I'm gonna be honest when I saw Snoke for the first time I came away with the interpretation that Snoke was this weird giant alien who'd just showed up and hijacked an Imperial Remnant and he wasn't just using Palaptine's hologram setting to make himself look bigger. And I was always been kinda disappointed that he wasn't a giant alien he was just a normal sized guy who looked a bit weird cause I was really interested with what they're were going to do with that and how he'd have some climactic fight scene. That's on me I understand.

Honestly I dunno how much profit they can really get from making like ten Star Wars shows cause how many new subscribers are they gonna get that aren't already there for Mandalorian?