Star Wars General Discussion Thread

Some drama on Wookiepedia resolved itself in dramatic fashion recently.

A vote was to be held on using trans people's deadnames in articles even though they no longer went by them and the Wookiepedia admins went around banning users who called for editors to come in and vote (because a 'consenus' policy required a 2:1 ratio or something to get the rule changed), characterising it as vote farming.

It created such a hubbub on twitter that this was even being voted on that Fandom itself intervened, shut the vote down, said that using deadnames was a violation of TOS and would not be permitted, and unbanned the users.

Hilariously, the Wookiepedia admins seem less concerned with the fact that they were holding a vote on people's right to self-identify and more about Fandom coming in and disrupting their private fiefdom.

EDIT: notwithstanding the numerous disqualifications, the vote would've passed. But that's not the point.
Some drama on Wookiepedia resolved itself in dramatic fashion recently.

A vote was to be held on using trans people's deadnames in articles even though they no longer went by them and the Wookiepedia admins went around banning users who called for editors to come in and vote (because a 'consenus' policy required a 2:1 ratio or something to get the rule changed), characterising it as vote farming.

It created such a hubbub on twitter that this was even being voted on that Fandom itself intervened, shut the vote down, said that using deadnames was a violation of TOS and would not be permitted, and unbanned the users.

Hilariously, the Wookiepedia admins seem less concerned with the fact that they were holding a vote on people's right to self-identify and more about Fandom coming in and disrupting their private fiefdom.

EDIT: notwithstanding the numerous disqualifications, the vote would've passed. But that's not the point.

I'm having difficulty parsing this? Was it wookiepedia policy to refer to trans character's by their deadnames instead of their new names, or was this referring to like actual real life people (in which case why does wookiepedia holding a vote on what name to refer to people by? )
I'm having difficulty parsing this? Was it wookiepedia policy to refer to trans character's by their deadnames instead of their new names, or was this referring to like actual real life people (in which case why does wookiepedia holding a vote on what name to refer to people by? )

Real people. Wookiepedia isn't just fictional characters, it includes names of authors and other creatives.
It's kind of fucked that moderators didn't want to recognize the indentities that some people would like to go by.

I don't know if this is off topic but does Star Wars even have any trans characters? Because I have at most wondered if the Sith Emperor counts as genderfluid, since he seemingly has problem living in a female presenting body, and is willing to take over the body of a female outlander as much as a males. Although apparently Hutts could change their gender in Legends.
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It's kind of fucked that moderators didn't want to recognize the indentities that some people would like to go by.

I don't know if this is off topi Does Star Wars even have any trans characters? Because I have at most wondered if the Sith Emperor counts as genderfluid, since he seemingly has problem living in a female presenting body, and is willing to take over the body of a female outlander as much as a males. Although apparently Hutts could change their gender in Legends.

It's not the same, but the recent Star Wars Squadrons game has a non-binary Mirialan pilot named Keo Venzee who is voice by a real life non-binary person.

Also Bad Batch. I wasn't too enamored with their arc in Season 7 but I'm willing to give the show a shot.
I honestly don't know what to expect from the Obi-Wan show, and I was never truly on board with the show idea to begin. If anything I'd rather have taken a a young Obi-Wan Kenobi series like in the vein of the Jedi Apprentice books.

Like there's only so much you can do with the man during the Dark Times period and remain even somewhat faithful to the OT.
Yeah like, the show has a great cast and I'm sure it won't be bad, but I am kind've wondering what story they're going to tell. Obi-wan's narrative arc ends basically the moment he hands Luke off to Owen, and I'm already dreading the knots the show is going to twist itself into to fit around the OT.

Like, I feel like the best case scenario for it is "Great execution of extremely dumb idea".
I wasn't particularly excited for Obi-Wan at first because I couldn't, and honestly still can't, really see an interesting story they could tell without stretching disbelief, but when Hayden Christensen got announced I became very intrigued with what they're gonna do with him. Bad Batch is a continuation of TCW to my understanding so I'm not particularly interested there. I've always been into Boba Fett so Book of Boba is probably the one I'm looking forward to the most.
I feel like we've been watching entirely different films. I mean, to be clear, I have major issues with how the Abrams films handle their leads, but in terms of making them characters that I want to be around, they work, and they do blossom in the second movie because it actually digs into their headspaces and has them drive the story.

Anakin is woefully mischaracterised, for my money. He's made into a petulant manbaby who neither seems capable of the atrocities ascribed to him, nor the nobility that is ascribed to him elsewhere. His fall ends up as both too little and too much. TCW Anakin works because they remember that you're actually meant to like him.

But to emphasise, my point was that the direction in the Prequels hinders the emotional connection to those characters, quite aside from the performances. That is what I meant by sterility - along with the heavily digitised sets, the PT has this very detached perspective for much of the runtime. You're kept back, simply observing, and it adds to the unemotional feel of the films.

Anyway, to talk of positive things, I did another fic: Form, in which Rey delves into the arts of lightsaber combat.
May I recommend Matthew Stover's novelization of Revenge of the Sith?

It's pretty much everything the Prequels should have been, and its characterization of Anakin is one of many high points.
I wasn't particularly excited for Obi-Wan at first because I couldn't, and honestly still can't, really see an interesting story they could tell without stretching disbelief, but when Hayden Christensen got announced I became very intrigued with what they're gonna do with him. Bad Batch is a continuation of TCW to my understanding so I'm not particularly interested there. I've always been into Boba Fett so Book of Boba is probably the one I'm looking forward to the most.

Yeah, like I think I'd be into an Obi-Wan film, maybe one that's basically just the "Jesus in the desert" movie he made a few years ago with a Star Wars spin, but a full series sounds...exhausting?
Yeah like, the show has a great cast and I'm sure it won't be bad, but I am kind've wondering what story they're going to tell. Obi-wan's narrative arc ends basically the moment he hands Luke off to Owen, and I'm already dreading the knots the show is going to twist itself into to fit around the OT.

Like, I feel like the best case scenario for it is "Great execution of extremely dumb idea".
My wishful thinking is that Kenobi ends up wandering Tattooine in a very classic western, wandering do-gooder fashion, bouncing off other characters. He doesn't strictly need a strong narrative arc if the people he runs into instead provide a strong enough narrative framework, and Ewan McGregor is charming enough that it could work. Kenobi does have a reputation by the time ANH rolls around, so it's not too impossible in the overall framework of the franchise.
I'm honestly not that hype on most of the forthcoming series because it feels like an endless treadmill of corporate focus-grouped to death stuff that will probably be aggressively OK.