Star Wars General Discussion Thread

We've been over this. Disney, for all that they can and will screw people, are not about to erase the work of the thousands of people who netted them several billion. Ain't happening, unless they want to expose themselves for the spineless cowards they truly are (which they are, let's not pretend otherwise, but it's another thing to advertise it).

Because at least some of those headlines will read "Disney burns Oscar-nominated writer-director, bins Mark Hamill's finest performance, trashes Carrie Fisher's last and also shows us the cavernous gulf where their balls ought to be".
Or the headlines will read, Star Wars taken in a new direction after erasing highly criticized films from canon. Plus didn't Mark Hamill himself hate what happened with the character Luke Skywalker in TLJ as did a lot of SW fans. Plus each new film in that trilogy earned less and less at the box office then the previous film.
People it's not going to happen we have been over this for three years seriously go on if you don't like what is new from star wars then don't watch it or consume older content.
Mark Hamill's finest performance? Okay I suppose star wars and the Disney sequel trilogy might be a tad different if the Joker showed up. :V

Seriously though I honestly don't care what they do with the Disney sequel trilogy one way or another though given that even the rise of Skywalker still made Disney a lot of money and was generally very well liked though not loved by general audiences even as it met a less than seller reaction from many die hard fans and critics I don't imagine they are going to ignore it.
People it's not going to happen we have been over this for three years seriously go on if you don't like what is new from star wars then don't watch it or consume older content.
Well with these rumors, this argument has stirred up again. I hope it'll happen personally. While I hate the sequel trilogy with a passion, I did like Rogue One and The Mandalorian.

I'd like a new canon post ep 6 building off The Mandalorian and the other live action shows that'll happen and going from there, take things in a new direction, not going back with a reset like TFA ie A New Hope 2.0 did with more rebels vs Empire after we had that in the Original Trilogy, with The New Republic taken out by The First Order in one blow with Starkiller Base.

Maybe have a proper war happen between Imperial remnants under a new leader, maybe Grand Admiral Thrawn and The New Republic, two great powers with a lot of forces to bring to bear in a fight.
Or the headlines will read, Star Wars taken in a new direction after erasing highly criticized films from canon. Plus didn't Mark Hamill himself hate what happened with the character Luke Skywalker in TLJ as did a lot of SW fans. Plus each new film in that trilogy earned less and less at the box office then the previous film.
Hamill initially disagreed with Johnson, but came around after a while and particularly when he understood what Johnson was angling for with the character. He's since expressed regret about airing his early differences of opinion.

The follow-ups, may have earned less, but TLJ was still the biggest-grossing film of its year by a comfortable distance. Also, TFA took ludicrous money, riding on a crazy amount of anticipation which in large part rested on people having no idea what would happen in the film.

My point is that thousands of people put in a heap of hard work on those films. That will be the case with any film. Disney would be very visibly burning bridges with people who are well-liked and respected in the industry. It would be a colossal and incredibly public dick move, and also them visibly bowing to people who sent death threats to folks involved in making the film. It would be A Bad Look.

Edit: or, to put it in another headline: "Racially-Tinged Tantrum by a Small But Very Vocal Minority Rewarded."

Mark Hamill's finest performance? Okay I suppose star wars and the Disney sequel trilogy might be a tad different if the Joker showed up. :V
Haven't seen his Joker work, but have caveated my post accordingly ;)
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Or the headlines will read, Star Wars taken in a new direction after erasing highly criticized films from canon. Plus didn't Mark Hamill himself hate what happened with the character Luke Skywalker in TLJ as did a lot of SW fans. Plus each new film in that trilogy earned less and less at the box office then the previous film.
I feel like I'm stuck in a time loop.
Hamill initially disagreed with Johnson, but came around after a while and particularly when he understood what Johnson was angling for with the character. He's since expressed regret about airing his early differences of opinion.

The follow-ups, may have earned less, but TLJ was still the biggest-grossing film of its year by a comfortable distance. Also, TFA took ludicrous money, riding on a crazy amount of anticipation which in large part rested on people having no idea what would happen in the film.

My point is that thousands of people put in a heap of hard work on those films. That will be the case with any film. Disney would be very visibly burning bridges with people who are well-liked and respected in the industry. It would be a colossal and incredibly public dick move, and also them visibly bowing to people who sent death threats to folks involved in making the film. It would be A Bad Look.
I didn't see any news articles on that, not accusing you of lying, just saying I didn't see any articles on Hamill changing his opinion on that.

I had a feeling what would happen with TFA with it being a rehash of A New Hope before the film came out, being vocal about that. I went to see the film, hoping to be proven wrong and I wasn't, I walked out of the cinema before the film even ended.

I wouldn't see it as a dick move, I don't condone death threats that's not right. I'd see it as Disney not wanting to play things safe like what happened with the Sequel Trilogy and wanting to go in a new direction.

Just have the sequel trilogy be set in an alternate universe so it's still canon for those who like it and for those of us who want something different, we can get it with a new post episode 6 timeline, with the sequel films not being a factor. That way everyone is happy.

I understand the desire that the series had begun with someone who wanted to do something, anything new. I get it. TFA frustrates the hell out of me for that reason and many others, to say nothing of TRoS. But the decanonisation isn't happening. I'm not about to write angry letters to LucasFilm about how they cravenly trashed the hard work that Rian Johnson and his teams put in. I've written a fic of where I wish Episode IX had gone instead - it's in my signature! That's enough for me, even if I'm sad that Star Wars seems to be leaving new fans like myself behind because it's so obsessed with its own past. I can find - and write - other stories, both inside the franchise and out.
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Like I noted before I don't see them ignoring any of the sequel trilogy films given the first made over two billion which even when taking into account adjustments for inflation still manages to make it the 10th highest grossing film in history and the sequels both made well over a billion on few hundred million dollar budgets though I wouldn't mind if they actually gave us new legends material given that still has a audience or they created a secondary canon.
Like I noted before I don't see them ignoring any of the sequel trilogy films given the first made over two billion which even when taking into account adjustments for inflation still manages to make it the 10th highest grossing film in history and the sequels both made well over a billion on few hundred million dollar budgets though I wouldn't mind if they actually gave us new legends material given that still has a audience or they created a secondary canon.
Well let's just say for argument that the sequel trilogy is put in a separate canon from the recent live action shows, still in it's own canon post ep 6 so fans of that trilogy are kept happy, what would you want to see happen in this canon going forward without the sequel trilogy in the future of the new timeline?

Myself I'd like to see a full scale war between the New Republic and the Empire again happen after a cold war period between the two factions and maybe before that have a war between factions in the New Republic break out, like what happened in Libya following the end of the first civil war, the rebel factions start to fight one another without a common enemy to unite them.
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Well let's just say for argument that the sequel trilogy is put in a separate canon from the recent live action shows, still in it's own canon post ep 6 so fans of that trilogy are kept happy, what would you want to see happen in this canon going forward without the sequel trilogy in the future of the new timeline?

Myself I'd have a war between the New Republic and the Empire again happen after a cold war period between the two factions and maybe before that have a war between factions in the New Republic break out, like what happened in Libya following the end of the first civil war, the rebel factions start to fight one another without a common enemy to unite them.

"In this convoluted scenario where I'm right and get everything I want, what would you like to see?"

Ant, please, I'm asking you, can you drop this "The ST is going to be de-canonized so my fan fiction can become real". It's not going to happen, and every time you bring it up it stops the thread cold so every can repeatedly tell you (again) that it's not going to happen.
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"In this convoluted scenario where I'm right and get everything I want, what would you like to see?"

Ant, please, I'm asking you, can you drop this "The ST is going to be de-canonized so my fan fiction can become real". It's not going to happen, and every time you bring it up it stops the thread cold so every can repeatedly tell you (again) that it's not going to happen.
I just corrected my previous post to what I'd like to see happen if indeed the sequel trilogy is put in an alternate timeline and we get a new timeline going forward, not what I would have happen. My apologies for any confusion or anger that post caused.

Look these rumors are out there until there is official word on this, there are people, such as myself will hope that the rumors are indeed true.
Look these rumors are out there

Don't waste time on rumors. Rumors are worthless sources of information. If you see rumors that say something you want, don't take it as license to start garbage everyone on this site is tired of being brought up. Write a sticky about it and stick it right on your computer screen if you must. Just, Don't, Start, This, Ride, Again. Everyone is sick of it.
On the remix note: people need to stop lapping up the most shallow callback shots. Like, there's a bit in Episode IX where Rey stands in front of Kylo's burning TIE Whisper and it's blocked and arranged to recall Luke at Vader's pyre... for no reason than to make people go "Oh, this recalls Luke in front of Vader's pyre!" There's no emotion to it, and we should stop GIFing every single instance of that unless it actually says something.

Like, Luke watching the sun rise in his last moments and it appearing to be a binary dawn? Beautiful. Meaningful. That's great. But that's because it was shot with an emotional purpose in mind beyond nostalgia. We need to stop cooing on cue every bloody time we get a shot that just looks like a thing from old Star Wars.
I honestly don't get the need to relitigate the sequel trilogy endlessly and eagerly await the day the next trilogy comes out so the throne room scene from TLJ can take its rightful place alongside the opera scene in RotS and the original trench run.

Then again I over the past decade have slowly realized that I like Star Wars the aesthetic and Star Wars the setting way more than any of the actual stories told with those tools.
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Is this a good place to bring up Disney not paying royalties to authors who's material they aquired through lucasarts for dubious legal reasons orhas that already been brought up?
I quite enjoyed the LEGO Star Wars Holiday special.

Though the funniest thing about it is that flat out steals a joke from Robot Chicken
I got the Empire Strikes Back From a Certain Point of View short story collection for Christmas today so I'm looking forward to reading through those
Had a funny thought: Kijimi's treatment in Episode IX feels like Abrams trying to respond to criticism of how Hosnian was handled in TFA, but it exposes how surface-level his writing is. Everyone said "we don't care about this world, we hadn't even seen it before it blew up", so Abrams just has Palpatine go "blow up a world they really care about" and the world-killer Star Destroyer goes there. And then when it blows up everyone goes "oh no not Kijimi, we really care about that world." Except it looked like a crappity place where Poe had been stuck being a drug dealer, and it was also one the FO were trying to suppress which is its own weird detail.