Spyro's Kingdom (Legend of Spyro Crossover)

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"Are you ready for this Spyro?" Terrador asked as he led the way through to the newly...
Turn 1


Verified Dragon
"Are you ready for this Spyro?" Terrador asked as he led the way through to the newly established council chambers.

The purple dragon shook his head as he replied. "No, but this is what the people want." He was scared of failing the people that looked up to him.

"C'mon, let's get real here. They want Spyro to lead them? The big all mighty savior who has never lead anyone? Yeah I can see this going real well." Sparx commented.

Cynder glared at the dragonfly. "Hush Sparx. You're not helping." Her wing tip brushed over Spyro's scales reassuringly to comfort him.

"No, Sparx is right. I've never led anyone. How can they trust me to do this?" Spyro asked, half at himself and half at Terrador.

The massive earth dragon paused and looked down at the three of them. "Make no mistake Spyro, you are their hero and did what we Guardians could not. You freed Cynder, killed the ape king, managed to defeat Malefor, and even pull the planet back together in the end. As far as the average person is considered, you did the impossible Spyro"

"I had help though." Spyro protested. "You and the other Guardians taught me everything and I could never have fought Malefor without Cynder. It was the ancestors who really deserve the praise, they were the ones who imprisoned Malefor and they helped me restore the planet."

Cynder pressed against his side and covered him with her wing. "You don't give yourself enough credit Spyro. You were the one who freed me from Malefor's control, you were the one who chased after me when I left, and you were the one who pressed on through everything we encountered. Without you we never would have defeated Malefor."

"Yes, yes the Chosen One. Now are we doing this or not?" Sparx asked as he flew down in front of the three dragons and crossed his arms.

Terrador inclined his head. "Come, the others are waiting." He started walking, forcing Spyro and Cynder to disentangle themselves and hurry to catch up with the larger dragon's stride.

Treasury: 10000 Gold
Income: 400 Gold per turn.
Approval Rating: 100%
Martial: Pick one action
With Ignitus gone, Terrador has the most experience in martial matters. Knowing that your economic situation is poor at the moment, he has advocated for getting a proper count of your available forces. In addition to that the defenses of Warfang were heavily damaged by both the Destroyer and the sundering of the planet.

Making a Roster: Terrador admits that he no longer knows how many would answer the call to arms if it came to that and has decided this needs to be a priority so you know who you can count on if it came to another conflict.
Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: Accurate information on all willing and able fighters.

Patching the Holes Part 1: Between the damage from the siege, the Golem breaking open a hole, the Destroyer walking straight through the city, and then the sundering and reconstruction of the planet, the renowned defenses of Warfang are in bad shape. There are massive gaps in the wall including two utterly destroyed sections where the Destroyer walked through. Terrador would like to get started on the first phase of doing so which would be paying all available earth dragons to erect a temporary wall.
Cost: 5000 Gold. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Enemies can no longer walk straight into Warfang.

Patrolling: There have been no monster sighting since the restoration of the world, though that does not mean threats do not exist. From looters to active hostility from those who resent the change in leadership. Terrador feels that patrolling Warfang until normal activities resume would help keep the populace under control.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 500 Gold. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Warfang patrolled. ???

Finding a New Adviser (Martial): Terrador has made it clear that his position as the martial adviser is temporary and would prefer to focus on his duties as a Guardian. The Earth Guardian has stated however that he would be fine staying as Spyro's martial adviser, but it would be better to have a designated adviser
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Permanent martial adviser. Terrador can focus his efforts on other things to assist. +1 martial action.

Diplomacy: Pick one action
You have no true diplomatic adviser as relationships with the other races had been quite civil before the war. However, if you are to rule out of Warfang, then the other races, particularly the moles will need to have their voices represented. Unfortunately neither Spyro nor anybody else (except Sparx) has time to do this and so these issues must be put to the side until an adviser can be found.

Finding a New Adviser (Diplomacy): The Guardians agree that you need to find a true diplomacy adviser before anything meaningful can be done.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Permanent diplomacy adviser.

Intrigue: Pick one action
Umbra is the foremost expert in subterfuge, having fought for years against Malefor's forces from the shadows. Nobody knows too much about him, but according to the Guardians, reports of a black dragon matching his description were common and Cynder admits that out of everyone, he did the most damage to her forces, including the Guardians who had kept the resistance going. Nobody knows how he heard about your need for an intrigue adviser either.

Scouting: According to Umbra, the first thing that needs to be done is finding what has changed since the planet was put back together. With proper maps of the area, Umbra says he will be able to do more and start planning on how to best disrupt any potential enemies.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Basic maps of the area directly around Warfang.

Noble Matters: With the war over the nobles will be starting up their political schemes once more. For the moment they are satisfied with Spyro being the new leader of Warfang on account of how young and inexperienced he is in those matters. Umbra wants to get a grasp on the emerging political scene before they fully recover.
Chance of Success: 75% (goes down by 5 per year). Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Early start on emerging political scene.

Recruiting Spies: Right now Umbra has been working alone, but he knows that soon the work will start to overwhelm him. He wants to get a head start on gathering a solid intelligence core to assist him, starting with the less popular shadow, poison, and fear dragons, but also other types of dragons.
Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 500 Gold. Upkeep: 200 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: +1 action.

Stewardship: Choose Two
Cyril has volunteered to coordinate with the moles where it concerns rebuilding the city. He has stated that the priority needs to be on taking a census and ensuring that everyone has access to food and housing.

Gone Hunting: Food has become a very big problem due to the large population of dragons calling the city home. Cyril recommends sending out hunting parties immediately to make sure nobody goes hungry throughout the year.
Time: 1 Year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.

Taking a Census: Cyril admits that nobody knows for sure how many people are left in Warfang and suggests that this needs to be done immediately so that work can be started on fixing the economy and tackling the larger issues.
Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Knowledge of how many people are in the city, their races, and what kinds of dragons.

A Roof Overhead: Well over the majority of the houses have burned down. While more important buildings tended to be made out of stone, the residential section tended more toward wood which left it open to the devastation of the war and particularly the Destroyer when it burned most of the city. Cyril warns that there may be complications if done before the census as they could end up building too few or too many.
Cost: 3000 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Housing crisis resolved.

Planning a Better City: Cyril has suggested that this may be the best time to go redesign the city to be more efficient and have less in the way of complicated locking mechanisms.
Cost: 300 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Easier to navigate, ???.

A Better Governing System: It has been suggested by many already that the current governing system which has Spyro and a small council of advisers ruling the city, could be further tuned to be more effective.
Cost: 500 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Government solidified. Sub-vote.

Taxation Nightmare Part One: Financially, Warfang is in rather dire straits at the moment. Cyril would like to get a head start on revamping the tax system to account for the change in population. He admits that doing this before the Census would make it incredibly difficult.
Chance of Success: 20%. Cost: 500 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +500 income in gold.

Finding a New Adviser (Stewardship): Cyril has made it clear that his position as the stewardship adviser is temporary and would prefer to focus on his duties as a Guardian and as a noble.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Permanent stewardship adviser. Cyril can focus his efforts on other things to assist. +1 stewardship action.

Learning: Choose One
Volteer is the Guardian of Electricity and is a brilliant scholar who loves learning, but has a tendency to be extremely verbose. He has offered to take over the more scholarly related aspects. His first priorities is to resume the training of young dragons as soon as possible, but he has a few controversial options to go about doing it.

Noble and Squires: The current system is for a noble to take on an apprentice and train them, while the apprentice assists them as they learn important lessons. This is the approach preferred by the nobility as it gives them significant power in educating new dragons, but the education tends to be incomplete and bias, though it does result in more specialization. This option would give Volteer the go ahead to begin approaching the remaining nobles to persuade them to take on new apprentices.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Apprentice system continued. Nobles pleased. Cyril pleased.

Building a Place for Learning: Volteer's other option is copied from the moles and would consist of gathering all the young drakes, building a place to educate them, and selecting people to train them in a stable environment. This would give all young drakes a standardized education and ensure all dragons get an education. The downsides would be that this results in less specialization and the nobility would very much displeased.
Chance of Success: 50%. Cost: 1000 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Schools. Nobles displeased. Cyril displeased.

Schools and Apprentices: The third option Volteer has proposed is not as much of a radical change as the second and would consist of mandating an education, but if a drake finds someone to sponsor an apprenticeship, then they may forgo the standardized education in favor of an apprenticeship. The nobility is split on this issue with half having issue with how the government would be more involved in the education system than before and half rallying behind it as the best solution to fix the issues with the current system.
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 1200 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: School built. Apprenticeship continued. Guardians pleased. Some nobles displeased.

Save the Books! Part One: With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. He needs all claws on deck to find as many unique books as possible and get people on copying them immediately. Once you have the books, work can start on a place to store them and someone to manage them. Volteer admits that more gold to serve as bribes would make the process easier. Can be taken as a free action at double the price and time.
Chance of Success: 70% (goes down by 5 each year). Cost: 500 gold (every 500 gold afterward, increase success by 10%; can go past 100). Time: 1 year. Reward: Less knowledge lost.

Save the Books! Part Two: With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. The other half of the issue is that with the Warfang library and Dragon Temple gone, there is no longer a place to store books. Volteer has deemed this a lesser priority, but says that the sooner it is done, the sooner they can take inventory and figure out what they have and what the Guardians and other older dragons may have to rewrite from memory. Must be taken with 'Save the Books! Part One'.
Cost: 1100 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Library built. Librarian hired. Actions unlocked.

Finding a New Adviser (Learning): Volteer has made it clear that his position as the Learning adviser is temporary and would prefer to focus on his duties as a Guardian and as a scholar.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Permanent learning adviser. Volteer can focus his efforts on other things to assist. +1 learning action.

Piety: Choose One
The elements are the foundation of the world. Though Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are acknowledged as the pillars of the world, there also exist Water, Wind, Shadow, Poison, and Fear. All three Guardians are sharing the responsibility of being the Piety adviser and each has different ideas of priorities. With their current additional duties, they do not have as much time to focus on the spiritual as they would like.

Rebuilding the Temple: The Dragon Temple was a work of art before Malefor destroyed it. A millennia worth of priceless knowledge and secrets have been lost forever. Though the new temple will not be as defensible, nor have the many artifacts the Guardians had collected over the years, it would be the first step in continuing their ancient responsibilities to the world.
Cost: 2000 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: New Dragon Temple constructed. No Pool of Visions and no protective enchantments to keep it safe.

Training New Guardians Part One, Version One: With Ignitus dead, the number of Guardians has declined to three. Cyril wishes to find a replacement for Ignitus as soon as possible. While some would argue that this is too soon, Cyril makes a good point that the sooner the start training, the sooner the new Guardian could start contributing.
Chance of Success: 60/75/90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Fire Guardian Initiates are chosen.

Training New Guardians Part One, Version Two: With Ignitus dead, the number of Guardians has declined to three. Cynder has brought up an alternative that has Volteer intrigued. Traditionally only the four primary elements are represented by the Guardians, but she has argued that the other five elements are equally important and deserve their own Guardian to preserve the knowledge and secrets of the elements. Though Umbra is on the older side of who the the Guardians would accept, he is already a master of the Shadow element, and surely other such prodigies exist for the other elements.
Chance of Success: 60/75/90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Fire, Water, Wind, Shadow, Poison, Fear Guardian Initiates are chosen.

Recording Knowledge: The Guardians would like to get a head start on recording their collective knowledge of the elements. Though they would prefer to wait until the new temple was constructed, so they have a place to store them.
Chance of Success: 1/10/30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Guardian knowledge preserved. Chance of priceless knowledge.

Personal: Choose One, One locked
Spyro has found that he has less freedom than ever before with people constantly bothering him about new issues both urgent and trivial. Thankfully for his sanity, Sparx and Cynder have been very helpful in pulling him away from his new duties and keeping him together.

Continued Training (LOCKED): Spyro had a very combat oriented education and thus is lacking in what many would consider the basics. To further that the dragonflies had very different priorities in education than the dragons. In addition to this Cynder suffers from a similar problem and thus will be tutored alongside Spyro.
Chance of Success: 30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 5 years. Reward: Holes in Spyro's and Cynder's education patched. Chance of stat gain. Chance of traits.

Spending Time with Cynder: Ever since the fight with Malefor, Spyro has felt closer to Cynder than ever before. He has a half remembered feeling that Cynder would like to be even closer. Spyro has been operating mostly on instinct regarding this and the older dragons are of no help when it comes to advise, always deflecting his questions or trying to hide a laugh.
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Increased closeness with Cynder. ???

Spend Time with Sparx: Spyro and Sparx were inseparable at one point. Unfortunately he had to leave his foster brother behind before his fight Malefor as Sparx never would have made it through the Ring of Fire even with Ignitus' sacrifice.
Time: 1 year. Reward: Time spent with Sparx.

Spend Time with (character): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Possible character sheet.

Mastering the Elements (Fire, Ice, Electricity, or Earth): While Spyro can be considered an expert in using the elements, he could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with Ignitus dead and the other Guardians very busy at the moment, this will take twice as long to accomplish.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 500 (half result before bonuses are added). Time: ??? Reward: Chosen element mastered.

Learning a New Element (Water, Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear): As a purple dragon, Spyro is the only dragon who can learn a new element. With Cynder's assistance, learning Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear would be comparatively easy. He has no current teacher for Water unfortunately.
Chance of Success: 1d100/100 (half result for water before bonuses are added). Time: ??? Reward: Learn chosen element.

Mastering the Code of Reality: Aether allows one to alter reality with enough will and provides both the ultimate offense and the ultimate defense. Unfortunately Aether is incredibly difficult to master as nobody, save Spyro and Cynder can even use it and both have been almost lost to the dark side of it forever. Mastering the conventional elements first may make this easier.
Chance of Success: 1d100/600 (Low rolls have disastrous consequences). Time: ??? Reward: Become an expert in Aether.

Shaping Reality: It is a purple dragon's spiritual right to master the elements. Malefor however did something nobody had even considered and added the elements of Shadow, Poison, and Fear. With this revelation, there has been rumors that Wind and Water are not original elements either and that only the prime elements of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are natural. While Spyro is nowhere near Malefor's level of mastery over Aether, it could be done.
Chance of Success: 1% (chance doubled if Cynder can be convinced to help). Time: ??? Reward: New Element.
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Main Characters
Dynasty Members

Titles: Purple Dragon, Savior, King of Avalar
Age: 34

Martial: 16+3=19 - Spyro has a natural talent for leading others, but no experience.
Diplomacy: 10+2+5+3+5=25 - Spyro has grown since becoming the ruler of Warfang and has become quite skilled when it comes to talking with people, though his reputation still carries him further than he would like.
Intrigue: 9-3+3+3=12 - Spyro is a very straightforward person who has no experience with deceit. He was forced to sneak around some during the war though.
Stewardship: 15-3+5=17 - Spyro is average at keeping things organized and ran efficiently. For a dragon.
Learning: 16+4+3=23 - Spyro is naturally a very fast learner with a clear aptitude for the spiritual.
Piety: 15+10+5+3+3+4+1+3+5=47 - As the purple dragon, Spyro has always had an incredibly strong connection to the world. His actions after the battle with Malefor served to only magnify them.
Combat: 17+4+1+5+5=32 - Spyro is well versed in elemental combat and has worked on integrating his skill with the elements into melee combat.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +4C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Spyro was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Purple Dragon (+4L, +10P, can use Aether and Dragon Time, can learn any element, +30 to all elemental rolls, much less likely to die): It is said that once every ten generations, a purple dragon will be born to usher in a new age. The weight of destiny hangs over Spyro, crushing him in expectations.
Fire Expert (Can use Fire, +3P, +15 to all Fire rolls): Spyro learned much under the late Ignitus, Guardian of Fire. His knowledge of Fire was further honed in the war against the Dark Master.
Ice Expert (Can use Ice, +3P, +15 to all Ice rolls): Spyro learned much under Cyril, Guardian of Ice. His knowledge of Ice was further honed in the war against the Dark Master.
Electricity Expert (Can use Electricity, +3P, +15 to all Electricity rolls): Spyro learned much under Volteer, Guardian of Electricity. His knowledge of Electricity was further honed in the war against the Dark Master.
Earth Master (Can use Earth, +4P, +1C, can use more powerful earth techniques, +25 to all Earth rolls): Spyro has at last mastered the first of the four pillar elements of Avalar. If he focuses he can almost hear Terrador whispering congratulations on the wind.
Wind Expert (Can use Wind, +0P, +15 to all Wind rolls) - Spyro has now become an expert in his fifth element which opens up new options for him in combat.
Shadow Novice (Can use Shadow, +0P, +5 to all Shadow rolls) - Spyro has now unlocked his sixth element, able to blend in with the shadows effectively.
Blood Novice (Can use Blood, +1P, +5 to Blood rolls): Spyro has learned the basics of the dark element Blood in spite of his own noble nature.
Aether Expert (+3P, +30 to aether rolls): Spyro was forced to become skilled with aether just to be able to stalemate Malefor alongside Cynder. Despite it being his true birthright, Spyro fears aether and has already fallen to the darkness of aether twice.
Soul-Bound (Share emotions, lifeforce, and magic through the bond, bonus to learning skills the other knows, always aware of where the other is, +100 to combat rolls when fighting together) - Spyro and Cynder were bound together by Malefor for the Dark Master's amusement and through great challenge and adversity, they learned to use this bond to defeat him. Now the bond has solidified into something more; they seem supernaturally aware of the other at all times and share their emotions, lifeforce, and magic freely through the bond. ...There is no telling what would happen to the other if one of them was controlled or killed now.
Savior (+5D, +3I, +5P, +5C): You stood against the end of the world and put an end to the Dark Master, Malefor.
Four Elements Style (+3D, +3L, +5C, +50 to melee rolls): Thanks to Ferno's tutelage and his own innate talent, Spyro has managed to seamlessly blend his fighting style with the elements, creating a highly flexible style that incorporates parts of the elemental fighting styles.
King of Avalar (+3M, +5D, +3I, +5S): Time and experience ruling the rapidly growing city of Warfang and the kingdom as a whole has taught Spyro much in regards to rulership. It is under his rule that the Kingdom of Avalar has prospered and the people of the kingdom love him for it.
Low Artifact - Spyro's Regalia (Tier 10, bonded (Spyro), +200 Combat Rolls, +20 to Diplomacy rolls): Forged through the joint effort of himself, Isra'k, and Tsira'l. It has bonded to him and will now grow with him, illuminating the darkness.

Titles: Terror of the Skies, Savior, Queen of Avalar
Age: 34

Martial: 13+10+3=26 - Cynder was once the general of Malefor's armies and proved to be more than skilled enough to sweep aside any resistance.
Diplomacy: 14+2-10+5+5=16 - Cynder almost succeeded in bringing back Malefor and wiping out any resistance to the Dark Master. People still fear her.
Intrigue: 18-3+5+3+3=26 - Cynder knows all the ins and outs of sabotage and has shown skill in sneaking around.
Stewardship: 13-3+4+5=19 - Cynder is above average at management for a dragon, having had to keep her troops well supplied.
Learning: 14=14 - Cynder has never had a formal education and though she learns fast, lacks all of the basics.
Piety: 15+5+5+3+3+3+1+3=38 - Her corruption by Malefor served to connect her to the dark side of aether. Now purified, her connection to the world grows in leaps and bounds.
Combat: 15+4+10+1+5=34 - Despite her youth, Cynder can easily keep up with the best fighters of the age.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +4C(increases with age), -3I, -3S): Cynder was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Aether Taint (+5P, can use Aether, access to Shadow, Poison, and Fear, +20 to elemental rolls): Cynder was twisted and corrupted by the darkness and even after being purified, the infusion of aether has changed her.
Terror of the Skies (+10M, -10D, +5I, +4S, +10C, +50 to intimidation): Cynder served the Dark Master unwillingly and cast a dark shadow over the land as she led the Apes to victory after victory against the civilized peoples.
Wind Master (Can use Wind, +5P, +1C, can use more powerful wind techniques, +25 to all Wind rolls) - Cynder has managed to master her first element, Wind. She can almost hear secrets whispered on the wind if she focuses.
Shadow Expert (Can use Shadow, +3P, +15 to all Shadow rolls): Cynder learned quickly in her time as the leader of Malefor's forces. Her knowledge of Shadow was further honed in the war against the Dark Master.
Poison Expert (Can use Poison, +3P, +15 to all Poison rolls): Cynder learned quickly in her time as the leader of Malefor's forces. Her knowledge of Poison was further honed in the war against the Dark Master.
Fear Expert (Can use Fear, +3P, +15 to all Fear rolls): Cynder learned quickly in her time as the leader of Malefor's forces. Her knowledge of Fear was further honed in the war against the Dark Master.
Blood Novice (Can use Blood, +1P, +5 to Blood rolls): Cynder has delved into one of Gielinor's dark elements and with Lyseera's help learned how to call upon Blood.
Aether Expert (+3P, +30 to aether rolls): Cynder has made an incredible amount of progress on learning to use aether. She fears that aether will consume her and make her into the Terror of the Skies once more. She prays Spyro will be there to snap her out of it when she loses control again.
Soul-Bound (Share emotions, lifeforce, and magic through the bond, bonus to learning skills the other knows, always aware of where the other is, +100 to combat rolls when fighting together, Cynder can now learn new elements) - Spyro and Cynder were bound together by Malefor for the Dark Master's amusement and through great challenge and adversity, they learned to use this bond to defeat him. Now the bond has solidified into something more; they seem supernaturally aware of the other at all times and share their emotions, lifeforce, and magic freely through the bond. ...There is no telling what would happen to the other if one of them was controlled or killed now.
Savior (+5D, +3I, +3P, +5C): You stood against the end of the world and put an end to the Dark Master, Malefor.
Queen of Avalar (+3M, +5D, +3I, +5S): Time and experience ruling the rapidly growing city of Warfang and the kingdom as a whole has taught Cynder much in regards to rulership. It has been through her assistance that Spyro has been able to both hold the realm together and deal with the burdens of rulership.
Low Artifact - Cynder's Odium (Tier 10, bonded (Cynder), +200 Combat Rolls, +20 to Intrigue rolls): Forged through the joint effort of herself, Isra'k, and Tsira'l. It has bonded to her and will now grow with her, obscuring her from her foes.
Titles: Daughter of Heroes
Age: 7
Note: Halve all stats until age 12.

Martial: 18+1+1=20 (10) - Galena has shown a natural ability to take charge during fights and as a result is quite popular during large fights between whelps.
Diplomacy: 11+2+3+3=19 (10) - As both the daughter of the Saviors and princess of the kingdom, Galena enjoys a level of fame and attention that is unheard of for her age.
Intrigue: 13-3+1+1+2=14 (7) -
Stewardship: 15-3+1+1-3=11 (6) - While most dragons see little need for management, Galena takes it a step further and actively avoids it because of how 'boring' it is.
Learning: 18+1+3=22 (11) - Galena has been raised with the best education in the world and is a result quite knowledgeable for her age. Now if only she would stay in one place long enough to apply it.
Piety: 15+2+5+1+3+1=27 (14) - Due to unintended consequences of being exposed to the Wind Nexus as a newborn whelp, Galena has a tremendously strong connection to Wind.
Combat: 13+1+3+1=18 (9) - Galena has taught how to fight since she was born and is among the best fighters for her age.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, -3I, -3S, +1C (scales with age)): Galena was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Wind Novice (Can use Wind, +1P, +5 to all wind rolls):
Daughter of Heroes (+3D, +5P, +3C, +1 all stats): Galena is the firstborn daughter of Spyro and Cynder and has an incredible legacy to live up to.
Princess of Avalar (+3D, +3L, +1 all stats): Galena has grown up in a life of luxury and fame. This has allowed her access to the best tutors in the kingdom and advice from some of the most knowledgeable people around.
Touched by Wind (-3S, +3P, +10 to Wind rolls, more likely to gain wind-related traits): Galena was exposed to the raw power of the wind nexus at a very young age and was forever marked by this experience. As a result of this she is flighty, curious, and dislikes enclosed spaces.
Curious (+2L, more likely to gain new traits) - Galena has proven to be a very curious dragon and is often getting into situations both dangerous and strange.
Evasive (+2I, +5 to combat rolls) - Galena has proven to be remarkably skilled for her age when it comes to avoiding those who try and get close to her.
Born to Fly (+1P, +10 to flying and Wind rolls): Despite not yet being physically capable of flight, Galena can be frequently spotted gliding from place to place.

Galena was born to Spyro and Cynder, the king and queen of the Kingdom of Avalar. She appears to have inherited some of their natural aptitude for the elements and shows a strong connection to Wind as a result. The connection was further strengthened shortly after she was born when her parents made the decision to take her with them on their trip to the Wind Nexus. Though she stayed in a cave outside of the actual nexus, she was still affected. Though this has resulted in an incredible connection to her element, it comes at the cost of making her flighty, curious, and a fear of confined spaces.

Titles: Martial Adviser
Age: 221

Martial: 18+2+2+2=24 - Clarity is among the best military mind still living and has led her troops to victory countless times.
Diplomacy: 9+2+2=13 - Clarity has little patience for word games and would prefer to just get to the point.
Intrigue: 14-3+3+2+2=18 - Clarity has little talent in sneaking around, but she has always had an exceptional eye for detecting enemy subterfuge.
Stewardship: 13-3+2=12 - Clarity is above average when it comes to keeping things organized and has always been able to keep her troops supplied.
Learning: 9+2=11 - While knowledgeable about military matters and how the spiritual interacts with combat, Clarity has not seen fit to broaden her knowledge.
Piety: 15+5+2+3=25 - Over the course of her long life, Clarity has come to appreciate the spiritual aspect of the world.
Combat: 16+5+2+3=26 - Clarity has always been skilled in combat, but her time as a commander has forced her to push herself even further to stay alive.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Clarity was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Water Master (+5P, +20 to all Water rolls): Through hard work, Clarity has developed a master's level of skill in Water over the course of her long life.
Never Ambushed (+2M, +3I, +30 to detecting ambushes and traps): Clarity was never once taken by surprise during the war and always saw the enemy coming long before anyone else.
Skilled Tactician (+2M, +10 battle rolls): As a result of being one of the few commanders to stay alive through the war, Clarity was forced to develop her sense of tactics to keep her and those under her alive.
Experienced (+2 all stats, less likely to die): Clarity has done much throughout her life and seen even more.
Survivor (+2I, +3P, +3C): Clarity survived the end of the world and witnessed its rebirth.
Titles: Diplomacy Adviser
Age: 72

Martial: 3=3 - Ventis is quite possibly the worst leader you have ever seen. It almost makes you wonder if he is sabotaging his own efforts or if he is just that bad.
Diplomacy: 15+2+1+3=21 - Most dragons are content to simply live their lives in comfort. Ventis however actively goes out of his way to talk with people and seems to actually enjoy debating with others.
Intrigue: 13-3+2+3=15 - Over the years, Ventis has become quite skilled in seduction. Makes one wonder why he still has not found a mate.
Stewardship: 10-3=7 - Ventis is completely average at running his own affairs.
Learning: 7=7 - Ventis has never had an actual education and thus has little interest in learning new things outside those dealing with people.
Piety: 15+3+3=21 - Like all dragons Ventis is quite attuned to the spiritual. Unlike other dragons, he does not seem to care about developing this connection to the world.
Combat: 10+5+3=18 - Ventis had to learn how to protect himself in order to survive the war.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Ventis was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Wind Expert (+3P, +15 to all Wind rolls) - Thanks to new knowledge on wind gifted by the aviansie and assitance from Spyro, Cynder, and Zephyr, Ventis has managed to reach the next level of his element.
Skilled Seducer (+1D, +2I, +5 to rolls with the opposite sex): Ventis has learned to turn his lecherous tendencies into a boon and has became quite skilled at charming dragonesses.
Amateur Diplomat (+3D, +5 to diplomacy rolls): Ventis is somewhat of a hobbyist when it comes to trying to convince people of things.
Survivor (+2I, +3P, +3C): Ventis survived the end of the world and witnessed its rebirth.
Titles: Stewardship Adviser
Age: 95

Martial: 11+2=13 - As a noble, Glacies had to learn how to command the 'lesser dragons', though she showed little talent for such things during the war.
Diplomacy: 6+2+3+2=13 - Despite being raised as a member of the Hayle noble family, Glacies is only slightly above average when it comes to getting along with others.
Intrigue: 5-3+3+2+2+2=11 - Glacies is a disappointment to her family when it comes to the intrigue games that nobles love so much.
Stewardship: 18-3+2+5+5+2+2=31 - Glacies has always been a natural at administration and upon discovering her love for gold has taken this skill to new heights.
Learning: 10+2=12 - Glacies is completely average when it comes to the scholarly side of things and despite being a noble, only knows the basics of history and the noble families.
Piety: 15+3+2+3=27 - Glacies is an expert with Ice, though her greed weighs on her soul.
Combat: 15+5+2-1+3=24 - As combatant, Glacies is above average and this showed in how she managed to stay alive during the war.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Glacies was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Ice Expert (+3P, +15 to all Ice rolls):
Noble (+3D, +3I, +2 all stats):
Tempered Greed (+5S, -5% action cost, hatred of nobility) - As Glacies tackles the administration of the large city, she has been forced to temper her greed. Part of the reason that she has been forced to combat her own greed is that she has seen how it has ruined the nobility's ability to interact with anybody on a similar level to themselves.
Master Administrator (+2D, +5S, -1C):
Skilled Politician (+2S, +2I,+10 to political rolls) - Throughout her service as the chief administrator for Warfang, Glacies has been entangled in subtle battles against the nobility as she fights to hold them accountable and grow Warfang's treasury.
Survivor (+2I, +3P, +3C): Glacies survived the end of the world and witnessed its rebirth.
Lawyer (+2I, +2S, in depth knowledge of the kingdom's laws): Due to Glacies' work in redoing the entire legal structure for Warfang as well as her work on the greater laws that govern the kingdom, Glacies has become without a doubt the most knowledgeable legal expert in Avalar.
Titles: Learning Adviser
Age: 101

Martial: 10+1=11
Diplomacy: 12+2+1=15
Intrigue: 8-2+1+2=9
Stewardship: 13-3+1=11
Learning: 17+1+2+2=22
Piety: 15+5-1+1+3=23
Combat: 7+5+1-3+3=13

Dragon (Access to an element, 15 Piety, +2 Diplomacy, +5 Combat (scales with age), -3 Intrigue, -3 Stewardship): Therris was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Earth Master (+5 Piety, +20 to all Earth rolls): Therris has through hard work developed a mastery of Earth.
Intelligent (+1 all stats): Therris is brilliant and often sees solutions that others do not.
Skilled Researcher (+2 Learning, -1 Piety, +10 to research rolls): Of all the scholarly dragons still alive, only Therris has the research experience to deal with rediscovering old enchantments and inventing new ones.
Skilled Enchanter (+2L, +10 to enchanting rolls): Throughout the many years of experiments, Therris has learned the ins and outs of enchantments. There is still much for him to learn in the field though.
Shredded Wing (-3 combat, cannot fly): Therris was deeply injured during the war against the Dark Master and as a result lost one of his wings and can no longer fly.
Survivor (+2 Intrigue, +3 Piety, +3 Combat): Therris survived the end of the world and witnessed its rebirth.


Art by NaMoogly on Deviantart

Titles: Guardian of Fire, The Survivor
Age: 52

Martial: 18+1+5=24 - Under Ignitus' tutelage, Pyra has become a skilled leader, though not exceptionally so.
Diplomacy: 15+2+8+3=28 - Pyra is a very well composed dragon who can get along with most people.
Intrigue: 12-3+3=12 - Pyra was never one for sneaking around and has always preferred to face his foes face to face.
Stewardship: 15-3+3=15 - Like most dragons, Pyra is average when it comes to management or organization, though his time with Ignitus greatly helped with this.
Learning: 12+8=20 - While not one for most subjects, Pyra is an avid fan of history and learned much from reviewing old records of battles.
Piety: 15+8+9+3+7=42 - Pyra has a connection to the world that none can doubt as it shines through him in a manner much like his deceased teacher.
Combat: 21+5+3+5+8+3=45 - With Pyra's discovery, he is now one of the best warriors still among the living and excels at fighting overwhelming numbers.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C(scales with age), -3I, -3S): Pyra was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Fire Grandmaster (+1M, +8P, +3C, can use even more powerful fire techniques, +25 to all fire rolls) - Pyra has gone through a fiery rebirth from the once eager apprentice of Ignitus who should have died to the battle-hardened warrior who knows few equals in combat. Through intense study and self reflection, Pyra has catalyzed the element of fire within himself and now embodies the element in a way that few can manage.
Guardian of Fire (+5M, +8D, +8L, +9P, +5C, +3 all stats, +30 to all knowledge rolls): Pyra has at long last completed his apprenticeship and graduated to become a full fledged Guardian. Having spent almost his entire life preparing for this, Pyra finally accomplished his dream of becoming a Guardian and in the process honored his deceased mentor, Ignitus.
Stand Your Ground (+3D, +3P +8C, +50 to rolls when outnumbered): When Pyra thought his mentor Ignitus had fallen in battle, he took up his mentor's place and fought with all that he had to keep the enemy from advancing. He fell in the end through the use of a specialized anti-dragon artillery weapon, but his deeds turned the course of the battle and were used to rally the ragged defenders.
Impossible Survivor (+7P, +3C, far less likely to die.): Pyra was thought killed early in the war, though his body would not be found until six years later where he was still barely hanging to life in the same state as when he had been last seen.
Guardian Armor of (Fire) (Tier 9, Bonded (Fire), +200 Combat Rolls, +10 to Fire rolls): Pyra has been outfitted in armor that has bonded to the very concept of Fire, greatly amplifying his capabilities.

Pyra grew up in a rather average manner until he hit adolescence wherein word had gotten out that Ignitus was looking for an apprentice. Eager to impress the Fire Guardian, Pyra worked himself to the bone and quickly managed to become quite skilled with Fire for his age. In the end Ignitus' selection came down to Pyra and four other dragons and Pyra worked himself even harder, soon finding in himself a thirst for history as he tried his best to learn the skills that he thought Ignitus was looking for. It was Pyra's willingness to push himself that ultimately had Ignitus pick him over others, though his exceptional talent in combat did not hurt matters. Throughout the early years of his apprenticeship with the Fire Guardian, Pyra found himself working as hard as ever to impress Ignitus however he could.

By the time the war had officially started, Pyra had been well into his second decade of life and had worked hard to learn everything Ignitus had to impart. Thus when Ignitus took to the battlefield, Pyra was allowed to stand at his side. They would fight beside each other for many battles, until the apes deployed a special anti-dragon artillery weapon which separated Ignitus and Pyra from each other. With Cynder's army overrunning the battlefield and the other Guardians captured, Pyra feared the worse for his mentor. Pyra decided then that he would avenge Ignitus and stood his ground at the top of a hill. It was in this battle that Pyra built a name for himself as he stood resolutely against enemy after enemy who tried to storm the hill that he was on. When at last Pyra grew fatigued and his enemies swarmed over the hill, he was rescued by another dragon. His rescuer however would be struck out of the air by artillery and Pyra spiraled down into the ocean.

Everyone had presumed that Pyra had died that die, but fortune favored the dragon once more as instead of dying, he remembers washing up on a strange isle where he fell unconscious. Years later after the war was won and Spyro had been chosen to lead Warfang, Pyra was found on the coast in the same mortally wounded state that he had been in when he fell to what many would believe to be his death. Upon his discovery, Pyra was rushed back to Warfang where the healers worked hard to make sure that the wounded dragon would live. Since then Pyra has become a much more serious dragon who works as hard as ever to live up to his fallen teacher.

Titles: Guardian of Ice
Age: 164

Martial: 14+1+5+2=21 - As with other Guardians, Cyril has had a massive amount of training in leadership and warfare which served him well during the Malefic War.
Diplomacy: 7+2+8+3-3=17 - In spite of the overwhelming amount of diplomatic training that Cyril has had over the years, he still comes across as self-important, though this is lessened the fact that he knows what he is doing.
Intrigue: 16-3+3+3+1+2+5=27 - Over his long life he has managed to create an incredible web of connections that ensures that he always knows someone who might be useful to the problem at hand.
Stewardship: 18-3+3+2+1+3=24 - Cyril has always had an incredible talent for management and administration, a talent that he has honed over the years.
Learning: 9+8+2+1+2=22 - Cyril has never been the most studious of individuals, though he is still incredibly knowledgable about a wide array of topics thanks to his many decades as a Guardian.
Piety: 15+8+9+2+1+3=38 - As a Guardian Cyril has a truly remarkable connection to both his element and the world around him. This mastery over Ice has ensure that he is the utmost authority when it comes to the element.
Combat: 15+5+3+5+2+1+3=34 - Like all Guardians Cyril has had significant combat training, though it is not his strong suit by far.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Cyril was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Grandmaster of Ice (+1M, +8P, +3C, can use even more powerful ice techniques, +25 to all Ice rolls): Cyril has always had a truly remarkable connection to Ice, able to perform feats that few can even dream of when it comes to the element.
Guardian of Ice (+5M, +8D, +8L, +9P, +5C, +3 all stats, +30 to all knowledge rolls): As Guardian of Ice, Cyril is the foremost expert on the element, serving as a role model for all Ice dragons and in helping to protect the world.
Noble (+3D, +3I, +2 all stats): As a noble Cyril has received some of the best education that Warfang has to offer.
Proud (-3D, +1 all stats): Cyril is an incredibly prideful person, a fact which has caused no small amounts of trouble for him in the past.
Survivor (+2I, +3P, +3C): Cyril survived the end of the world and witnessed its rebirth.
Mind like Crystal (+3S, +2L): Long periods of study, self reflection, and teaching have served to hone his mind.
Well Connected (+5I, +10 to relevant actions on Avalar): His heritage and long life have resulted in a mind-boggling amount of connections that Cyril often makes use of.
Guardian Armor of Ice (Tier 9, Bonded (Ice), +200 Combat Rolls, +10 to Ice rolls): Cyril has been outfitted in armor that has bonded to the very concept of Ice, greatly amplifying his capabilities.

Cyril was born into the Avala noble family, a fact that brings no small amount of pride to the family. Like all Guardians, Cyril has an incredible talent for his element which hcaused him to be picked to be the apprentice of the previous Ice Guardian. Unfortunately his pride often gets in the way of being the best Guardian that he could be, but he more than makes up for it with his wide array of skills and immense skill in management. His wide-ranging connections are a constant help to the Guardians and to any other pursuits that Cyril undertakes.
Titles: Guardian Initiate of Ice
Race: Dragon
Age: 12

Martial: 14+2=16 - Though Pruina will likely never lead others into combat, she does have a greater than average amount of skill for it.
Diplomacy: 13+2+3+2=20 - Many find Pruina to be a cold individual in spite of her rigorous training in diplomatic skills.
Intrigue: 15-3+3=15 - Subterfuge and subtlety are the staples of being a noble and things that Pruina has learned well.
Stewardship: 17-3+2=16 - Pruina has a natural talent for management and organizational skills, a skill is only heightened by the education from her family.
Learning: 9+2+2=13 - As a noble, Pruina has received an exceptional education, though it is obvious that book-smarts are not her strong suit.
Piety: 15+2+2+3+2=24 - Ice has always come easily to Pruina, a talent that has led to her being a rising star amongst Warfang's noble families.
Combat: 12+2+2+1=17 - Pruina will likely never be a true combat monster, but her skill at deflecting or reflecting attacks that come her way is remarkable.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15 Piety, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Combat (scales with age), -3 Intrigue, -3 Stewardship): Pruina was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Ice Adept (+2 Piety, +10 to all Ice rolls): Pruina has an exceptional connection to Ice, having learned how to use her element at several times the speed of others her age.
Noble (+3 Diplomacy, +3 Intrigue, +2 all stats): As a noble Pruina has received some of the best education that Warfang has to offer.
Guardian Initiate (+2D, +2L, +3P) - Cyril has chosen the young noble Pruina to be his apprentice for her strong connection to the world.
Like a Mirror (+2P, +1C, +5 to Ice and Reflection rolls) - Despite being one of the more difficult feats for an Ice dragon, Pruina has always had a talent for using Ice to reflect what comes her way.

Pruina was born into the Hayle family, making her part of Warfang's nobility. Like a lot of Ice dragons, the Hayle family are colder and more logically minded than others which have kept them aware and ahead of the falling fortunes of the nobility. Pruina's incredible aptitude for Ice alongside her excellent administrative skills have caused her to be held up as a testament to the family's greatness. This has made the young dragoness to be quite prideful, though not enough to force people away from her. Even among the more skilled Ice dragons is Pruina notable however, as she has a knack for managing to redirect and sometimes even reflect attacks back that makes her an incredibly promising dragon.

Pruina was chosen by Ice Guardian, Cyril to be his apprentice.

Titles: Guardian of Electricity
Age: 113

Martial: 16+1+5=22
Diplomacy: 10+2+8-2=18
Intrigue: 14-3+3-2+2=14
Stewardship: 11-3+3-2=9
Learning: 14+8+5+5=32
Piety: 15+8+9+3+3=38
Combat: 12+5+3+5+3+3+2=33

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Volteer was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Grandmaster of Electricity (+1M, +8P, +3C, can use even more powerful electricity techniques, +25 to all Electricity rolls):
Guardian of Electricity (+5M, +8D, +8L, +9P, +5C, +3 all stats, +30 to all knowledge rolls):
Energetic (-2I, -2I, -2S, +3C): If there is one thing that is to be said about Volteer, it is that he is always talking. Thankfully his decades as a Guardian have served to vastly improve both his capacity for patience and his ability to keep quiet when needed.
Knowledge Seeker (+5L, +20 to all knowledge rolls): Volteer is always seeking out new knowledge, making him a well respected researcher.
Survivor (+2I, +3P, +3C): Volteer survived the end of the world and witnessed its rebirth.
Enchantment Natural (+5L, +3P, +20 to enchanting rolls): As a Guardian Volteer has a very good grasp on enchantments, but his recent breakthrough on how all enchantments can be broken down into basic parts has demonstrated a previously untapped affinity for the art.
Enhancement Adept (+2C, +20 to combat rolls) - Volteer has taken the time to go back over the core fundamentals of Electricity enhancement with Fulmen and in doing so has solidified his own understanding, allowing him to speed up himself as well as his perception greatly.
Guardian Armor of Electricity (Tier 9, Bonded (Electricity), +200 Combat Rolls, +10 to Electricity rolls): Volteer has been outfitted in armor that has bonded to the very concept of Electricity, greatly amplifying his capabilities.
Titles: Guardian Initiate of Electricity
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Martial: 14=14 - Having never had any experience at all with planning or leading fights, Fulmen is completely mediocre in this.
Diplomacy: 11+2+2=15 - While he has some understanding of how to talk with people, Fulmen is uninterested due to having his odd visions and ideas ridiculed.
Intrigue: 11-3+1=9 - Fulmen has no understanding of politics or sneaking around and this lack of subtlety shows in how uncaring he is about showing off his inventions.
Stewardship: 18-3+1=16 - Figuring out how to implement his ideas has caused him to consider how they affect other people.
Learning: 18+2+2+2+1=23 - Fulmen loves figuring out ways to make things work better and has come up with several novel ideas already.
Piety: 15+3+5+3=26 - As the Seer, Fulmen is frequently having visions of the past, present, and future which has given him a more mature insight to the world for his age.
Combat: 15+2=17 - Fulmen can hold his own against the average dragon of his age, but not much more.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +2C (scales with age), -3I, -3S) - Fulmen was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Electricity Expert (Can use Electricity, +3 Piety, +15 to Electricity rolls): Fulmen has made phenomenal progress in his mastery of Electricity thus far and is on the younger side for his skill in the element.
Seer (+5P, Can see glimpses of the past, present, and future) - Fortune and luck have blessed Fulmen with the gift of the Seer. He often dreams of things happening around the world both in the past, the present, and sometimes even the future.
Guardian Initiate (+2D, +2L, +3P) - Volteer has chosen the young seer Fulmen to be his apprentice for his strong connection to the world.
Industrious (+1S, +2L, +5 to figuring out and/or implementing new ideas) - Fulmen has always been odd amongst the whelps who call Reliquia home. He often seeks out new means of making things easier and finding ways to implement his ideas on a wider scale.
Attentive (+1I, +2L) - Fulmen pays close attention to anything anyone shows him along with otherwise minor details. This has ensured that he often sees things that others would miss.
Amateur Electrical Engineer (+1L, +5 to rolls Electrical-based technology): As Fulmen grows more and more familiar with the element of Electricity, so too does his ideas regarding what it can be used for.

Fulmen was born to a small family in Reliquia and raised alongside his shadow element older sister Odium. It was apparent early on that Fulmen would often talk about things that he should have no way of knowing, like the opening of the Gielinor portal on the other side of the world. Together with his love for inventing new ways to do things better and faster, caused other kids to ridicule him. As a result Fulmen seems to have disregarded socializing with other whelps his age and instead prefers to spend his time figuring out how to implement his various ideas. Ever since his element was awakened, Fulmen has started trying to get a hold of copper to experiment with.

Fulmen was chosen by the Electricity Guardian, Volteer to be his apprentice.
Name: Argent
Titles: Guardian Apprentice of Earth
Age: 28

Martial: 10+1+1=12 - Argent is completely average when it comes to commanding other dragons and strategy.
Diplomacy: 9+2+5+1=17 - As a dragon Argent naturally commands respect, but she has little experience in socializing with others.
Intrigue: 20-3+2+2+1=22 - Argent has a natural ability to fade into crowds without much effort. She is rather untrained when it comes to subterfuge however.
Stewardship: 11-3+2+1+3=14 - Like most dragons, Argent has no talent concerning administration.
Learning: 15+5+1+2=22 - Argent is a very capable learner, particularly when it comes to martial arts.
Piety: 15+8+6+2+3+2=36 - Argent is exceptional for her age when it comes to her element and combines this with a confidence born from her training in Dragon Kata.
Combat: 20+3+3+2+3+3+1=36 - Argent combines a natural talent for close quarters combat with training in the ancient art of Dragon Kata, where she can use her own life force to enhance her attacks.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +3C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Argent was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Earth Grandmaster (Can use Earth, +8P, +3C, can use more powerful earth techniques, +25 to all Earth rolls): Argent follows in the footsteps of her late teacher, Terrador and has made great strides toward equaling his mastery over Earth.
Apprentice Guardian (+5D, +5L, +6P, +2 all stats, +10 to all knowledge rolls): Argent has reached the point in her training where she can be called a proper Guardian Apprentice. This fast speed is as much a credit to her as it is to the new standardized education in the city.
Dragon Kata Expert (+1L, +2P, +3C, +30 to melee combat rolls, can use Chi) - As Argent completes her education to be a Guardian and trains her element to new heights, she finds herself having more time to work on her true passion; martial arts. Her expertise with Dragon Kata has allowed the young prodigy to rise to being one of the most skilled melee fighters in Warfang.
Survivor (+2I, +3P, +3C): Argent survived the end of the world and witnessed its rebirth.
Educated (+2L, +2P, +1 all stats): As one of the first dragons to go through the new school system, Argent has learned many things regarding both scholarly topics as well as spiritual.
Earthen Engineer (+3S, +10 to construction actions) - Now that Argent has assisted in the construction of the administrative core of the city, she has picked up the basics concerning architecture and stone engineering.
Guardian Armor of Earth (Tier 9, Bonded (Earth), +200 Combat Rolls, +10 to Earth rolls): Argent has been outfitted in armor that has bonded to the very concept of Earth, greatly amplifying her capabilities.

Argent is a single child, born into one of the few families who have retained knowledge of Dragon Kata. Upon showing a natural talent for martial arts, her family began teaching her the style at a young age. Alongside this talent, Argent also discovered her ability to go unnoticed and blend in with other dragons. When the school was created as an alternative to apprenticeships, she found herself as one of the first dragons to be put through the program. As a result Argent has learned what are now the basics of education, such as history, math, writing, elemental training, and combat.

As a result of her talent in Earth, her prowess in combat, and knowledge of Chi, Argent was chosen by Terrador to replace him.
Titles: Guardian of Water
Age: 40

Martial: 16+1+5=22 - Phydra has no experience in leadership, but she does know basic tactics which allowed her to keep herself safe.
Diplomacy: 8+2+8-5+2=15 - Due to her long isolation, Phydra has lost her ability to relate with others.
Intrigue: 16-3+3+2+2=20 - Phydra knows how to set traps and used this to keep her cave safe from Malefor's forces.
Stewardship: 7-3+3-5+5=7 - It is a miracle that Phydra can remember where she puts stuff. She should never have anything to do with running anything.
Learning: 13+8+2=23 - Phydra has no grasp of the basics, but the Guardians have already began to remedy this.
Piety: 15+8+9+5+3=40 - Phydra has an innate connection to the world that has only been enhanced through her self-isolation.
Combat: 20+5+3+5+1+3=37 - Phydra is a very competent fighter and this skill is why she could survive so long by herself in the middle of a war.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Phydra was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Water Grandmaster (+1M, +8P, +3C, can use more powerful Water techniques, +25 to all Water rolls) - Phydra has reached an understanding of the water element that only a scant handful in recorded history have ever attained. This great understanding is primarily the result of her lonely childhood where she spent years alone with naught but the waves.
Guardian of Water (+5M, +8D, +8L, +9P, +5C, +3 all stats, +30 to all knowledge rolls): From her tragic beginning as a war orphan, Phydra has grown to become the preeminent authority on the element of Water on Avalar. Though she will never be the most eloquent of the Guardians, Phydra has promised to do her utmost to guide future generations and care for the element of Water as it's new Guardian.
Ocean Dweller (-5D, +2I, -5S, +5P, +1C, +15 to all Water rolls.): Phydra is noted for having lived by herself on the ocean. She had little in the way of contact with people not trying to kill her and has learned to survive entirely by fishing.
Survivor (+2I, +3P, +3C): Phydra survived the end of the world and witnessed its rebirth.
Manager (+2D, +5S): Phydra has found herself involved with the running of the fish farms since the very beginning and in this time has learned how to oversee others and delegate tasks as needed.
Skilled Healer (+2L, +10 to healing rolls) - Though not initially interested in learning how to heal, Phydra found herself working with Virii to fight off an unusually fast-spreading sickness which revealed a previously hidden skill for healing.
Guardian Armor of Water (Tier 9, Bonded (Water), +200 Combat Rolls, +10 to Water rolls): Phydra has been outfitted in armor that has bonded to the very concept of Water, greatly amplifying her capabilities.

Art by WanderingTamplior on DeviantArt

Titles: Guardian of Wind
Age: 34
Martial: 12+1+5=18 - Zephyr has little talent at in the art of war.
Diplomacy: 17+2+8-1=26 - Being a very relaxed and easy going dragon has served to make him approachable to everyone and he will always be there to listen.
Intrigue: 17-3+3+2=19 - Zephyr has always had to move about silently and since serving as a messenger he has learned to extend this to flying; able to move noiselessly even while out flying other dragons. He has little skill or interest in subterfuge outside of that.
Stewardship: 16-3+3=16 - Unlike most dragons Zephyr knows his way around organization and money.
Learning: 17+8=25 - Despite being a fast learner, Zephyr has never truly puts forth the effort to learn unless he finds it enjoyable.
Piety: 15+8+9+5+3+3=43 - Zephyr has a surprisingly deep connection to the sky and Wind, for one so young.
Combat: 12+4+3+5+2+3+3+1=33 - Zephyr has never truly enjoyed combat like his brother. Despite this he has been forced to learn how to take care of himself, something that he has excelled at since a young age.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +4C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Zephyr was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Wind Grandmaster (+1M, +8P, +3C, can use more powerful Wind techniques, +25 to all Wind rolls) - Through long study and hard work, Zephyr has attained the pinnacle of his element. He is among only a handful to have mastered wind to the degree that he has and is already pushing his new understanding of the element to it's limits.
Guardian of Wind (+5M, +8D, +8L, +9P, +5C, +3 all stats, +30 to all knowledge rolls): The mysteries of the Wind element are something that Zephyr has always wanted to delve into and now his dream has been fulfilled by the recognition that he is now the Guardian of Wind. Zephyr's enthusiasm for his duties is almost infectious as he pours all that he is into studying his element and helping the people.
One With the Sky (+5P, +2C, +20 to flying and Wind rolls): Zephyr is the most gifted flier you will ever meet.
Warrior (-1D, +3C): In the war for survival, everyone was trained to fight and be a warrior.
Survivor (+2I, +3P, +3C): Zephyr survived the end of the world and witnessed its rebirth.
Weather Manipulator (+3P, +1C, +10 to Wind rolls, +30 to large scale Wind rolls): Most Wind elementalists can only create small scale Wind constructs. Zephyr has far surpassed these small scale feats and can change the weather with ease or create utterly massive cyclones that utterly dominate even fellow Wind dragons.
Guardian Armor of Wind (Tier 9, Bonded (Wind), +200 Combat Rolls, +10 to Wind rolls): Zephyr has been outfitted in armor that has bonded to the very concept of Wind, greatly amplifying his capabilities.

Not all eggs are sent to the Dragon Temple to be looked after by the Guardians, most dragons choose to raise their eggs themselves. Zephyr and his Fire brother Flare have very few memories of their parents as they were orphaned at a young age. As a result the two young dragons grew dependent on each other to survive and proved inseparable as they grew up on the streets of Warfang during the war. This childhood would serve to make them who they are today as Zephyr sought to escape the reality of his life through flying, while his brother embraced the harsh life. In spite of their rapidly differing interests, they remained close.

The two brothers would be drafted to fight in the war upon reaching thirteen years of age and it was here that their differences were truly made known. While Flare had grown to embrace the war and relentlessly trained his body and his skill in combat, Zephyr was nearly the opposite and found that he disliked having to fight and would prefer to fly whenever he could. Zephyr would go on to serve as a reliable messenger who could out fly anything that sought to intercept him. Flare however found himself involved in the most gruesome fighting of the second half of the war and was constantly on the front lines, staying behind to make sure everybody made it out in one piece. Perhaps the most notable thing about the two dragons is that they share a deep compassion for other life; where Zephyr goes out of his way to avoid fighting unless he has to, Flare loves combat, but tries to never take another's life and constantly stayed behind to ensure everybody made it out safely.

Serving as a messenger has served to ignite in Zephyr a deep passion for the sky. When combined with his flawless record as a messenger and his talent with Wind, Zephyr was one of the first dragons approached to become the first Wind Guardian.
Titles: Intrigue Adviser, Guardian of Shadow
Age: 45

Martial: 14+1+5+2=21 - Umbra consistently leads small teams of his agents in all manner of cover operations successfully.
Diplomacy: 9+2+8-2=17 - As leader of Warfang's spies, Umbra has had to deal with all manners of people both dragons and not. As a result of this and his training to be a Guardian, Umbra has been forced to learn how to converse with others.
Intrigue: 19-3+3+3+5+2=29 - His life in the shadows both literal and metaphorical have honed his talent for subtlety and subterfuge to a level few dragons have ever achieved.
Stewardship: 16-3+3=16 - As a spy master Umbra has had to learn how to manage a rapidly growing organization
Learning: 13+8+2=23 - Umbra is a fast learner when it comes to being sneaky and has recently started applying this talent to potentially useful studies like enchanting.
Piety: 15+8+9+3=35 - As the new Guardian of Shadow, Umbra has a very deep connection to the world which has been honed throughout his life as a way to fight back against his foes.
Combat: 17+5+3+5+3+3=35 - A lifetime of constant fighting has revealed an aptitude for seeking out weaknesses in his opponents.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Umbra was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Shadow Grandmaster (+1M, +3I, +8P, +3C, can use even more powerful shadow techniques, +25 to all shadow rolls) - Through a lifetime of struggle in the shadows both literal and metaphorical, Umbra has managed to attain the true pinnacle of the element of shadow.
Guardian of Shadow (+5M, +8D, +8L, +9P, +5C, +3 all stats, +30 to all knowledge rolls): Umbra has at long last completed his apprenticeship and graduated to become a full fledged Guardian. This momentous achievement is made more so by the fact that he is both a Guardian and spymaster for the kingdom.
Master of Subterfuge (+2M, -2D, +5I, +1S, +3C, +20(50 in combat) to subterfuge rolls): While most dragons preferred to fight Malefor's forces head on, Umbra kept out sight and attacked from the shadows to inflict disproportionate damage.
Survivor (+2I, +3P, +3C): Umbra survived the end of the world and witnessed its rebirth.
Skilled Enchanter (+2L, +10 to enchanting rolls): As a result of his time with the Guardians and his efforts to keep his agents supplied with enchanted gear, Umbra can now be considered a skilled enchanter.
Guardian Armor of Shadow(Tier 9, Bonded (Shadow), +200 Combat Rolls, +10 to Shadowrolls): Umbra has been outfitted in armor that has bonded to the very concept of Shadow, greatly amplifying his capabilities.

Umbra has always been rather shifty and nonspecific when talking about his past, but what you have managed to gather about him does paints a rather bleak picture. He was born in a peaceful village until the apes attacked it enmasse when he was young and overwhelmed it's defenders. From what you have gathered he came into his element when he was trying to hide from the invaders and it was most likely the only thing that saved him from a terrible fate. Only a handful of dragons seem to have escaped the village that day and of those who did were either fast flyers who reacted in time to avoid the wyverns or whelps and drakes who managed to get to a secret hideout. He has been exceptionally cagey about which village it was or where this hideout was, but you imagine it is one of his major staging grounds for his spies.

The rest of his history has been pieced together from what bits have been gathered from him as well as rumors regarding a secretive group of dragons who went out of their way to cause as much trouble to the apes from behind the metaphorical shadows. In this regard Umbra's small group was successful in greatly slowing down the ape advance and it's existence may well be the cause of why so many dragons managed to survive until the Terror of the Skies came into the picture. After the Terror of the Skies appears, Umbra's group began to rapidly dwindle and he found himself waging a shadow war with the corrupted Cynder until it was just him and a poison dragon who managed to survive.

Since then Umbra has continued to do his best to defend the peoples of Avalar from the shadows and is one considered one of the great heroes of the age by those who know of his existence.

Titles: Guardian of Poison
Age: 41

Martial: 19+1+5=25 - Virii has a natural talent for commanding a battle which has been honed by the Guardians.
Diplomacy: 19+2+8+1-1=29 - Despite being unpopular socially, Virii is actually quite skilled in talking to others, though her main talent is in leadership.
Intrigue: 8-3+3+2=10 - Virii has no talent in the more subtle skills such as sneaking around, unlike her brother.
Stewardship: 10-3+3=10 - Virii can keep her samples and poisons sorted, but is hopeless for anything more than that.
Learning: 18+8+3+3+2=34 - Though she is self taught, Virii is very intelligent and managed to figure out how certain ingredients can be combined to make different poisons.
Piety: 15+8+9+3=35 - Through her studies and time spent practising her element, Virii has discovered much about both the world and herself.
Combat: 16+5+3+3+3+3=33 - Virii managed to keep herself and her brothers alive through the war.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Virii was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Poison Grandmaster (+1M, +8P, +3C, can use more powerful Poison techniques, +25 to all Poison rolls) - Virii has now truly master the element of Poison, being the first to do so. Now she continues her studies into element, eager to find it's limits and possibilities.
Guardian of Poison (+5M, +8D, +8L, +9P, +5C, +3 all stats, +30 to all knowledge rolls): Virii has found herself burdened with the responsibility of Poison, an element which has proven incredibly easy for even novices to misuse to disastrous effects. With her new responsibilities comes Virii's promise to ensure all Poison dragons can find safe uses for their powers.
Expert Botanist
(+2D, +3L, +15 to plant based rolls): With the increased freedom that being a Guardian Initiate offers, Virii has dedicated large amounts of time toward studying plants and has become an expert on plants and their uses.
Warrior (-1D, +3C): In the war for survival, everyone was trained to fight and be a warrior.
Survivor (+2I, +3P, +3C): Virii survived the end of the world and witnessed its rebirth.
Scholar (+3L) - While her fellow Guardians study combat and their elements, Virii delves deeper into her own studies and has become incredibly knowledgeable on a wide range of topics.
Genetic Experimenter (+2L, can induce small modifications to diseases and plants): Intrigued by House Temero's ability to influence diseases, Virii has been carefully experimenting on plants to fantastic results. She remains wary of going any further into this field however.
Guardian Armor of Poison (Tier 9, Bonded (Poison), +200 Combat Rolls, +10 to Poison rolls): Virii has been outfitted in armor that has bonded to the very concept of Poison, greatly amplifying her capabilities.

Virii was born into an all-Poison family and as such was sheltered from the worst of the discrimination against the Poison element. Virii along with her two brothers Fumus and Venin grew up in a community of Poison dragons who had banded together for protection from both the Dark Master as well as hostile dragons. Due to this upbringing Virii has been able to learn much about the element of Poison, including various techniques, naturally occuring poisons, and medicines. Surrounded by so many Poison dragons, Virii naturally took up the related field of botany as a hobby and has been vigorously learning all there is to learn about plants. Already Virii has made several discoveries regarding plants and has catalogued no less than a dozen new poisons originating from plants.

Thanks to such a large gathering of Poison dragons in one area, they were typically left alone by other dragons, but were ironically a much larger target for the Dark Master's forces. As a result, Virii was trained early on in both the Poison element as well as close quarters combat. While Poison dragons have not yet had enough time to fully integrate their element into a melee style that complements it, Virii has learned a variety of useful tricks and techniques that will serve as a solid basis for such a style. Thanks to her natural aptitude for leadership, Virii often found herself taking command of the defenses for the community and as such had already garnered respect from those who knew about her.

Virii's biggest joy is without a doubt nature and she is immensely thankful that both the war and the discrimination that she had suffered have come to an end. It is due to her leadership ability, love of the world, and knowledge of Poison that she was one of the contenders for Poison Guardian alongside her brother Fumus.
Titles: Guardian of Fear
Age: 37

Martial: 14+1+5=20 - Timor is above average in his ability to command a fight, mostly due to the leadership training and relentless mock-battles from studying under the Guardians.
Diplomacy: 8+2+8+3-5=16 - Timor was always a shy if incredibly optimistic dragon and as such a frequent target for those who sought to make themselves seem strong. Being a Fear dragon, he has not had much experience with interacting with others and thus is often at a loss when it comes to socializing.
Intrigue: 10-3+3+3+2+2=17 - Despite having been heavily mistreated throughout his life, Timor has never been inclined toward the less savory things and what skill he has is solely through necessity and not talent.
Stewardship: 17-3+3=17 - Timor showed a natural aptitude for management in his youth and was going to be groomed to take over his family's assets with time.
Learning: 18+8+1=27 - As a young whelp, Timor loved learning and his parents made sure to have a constant supply of new things for him to experience. After discovering he was a Fear dragon, Timor has not had much opportunity to exercise this love and has embraced the Guardians' teaching with enthusiasm.
Piety: 15+8+9+5+3=40 - Though his connection to the world is lacking compared to most dragons, Timor's mastery of himself is such that he conquered his own fears through a rare strength of will that most never develop.
Combat: 15+4+3+3+3=30 - Early on in his life Timor often refused to defend himself. After beating his own fears, he has come to realize that having the power to defend yourself is not a bad thing and that it is how you use your power and skill that matters.

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +4C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Timor was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Fear Grandmaster (+1M, +8P, +3C, can use more powerful Fear techniques, +25 to all Fear rolls): Upon reaching the peak of what a Fear dragon is capable of, Timor has realized that the element is far more vast and encompassing than even he had suspected. It is through these revelations that he has come across matters of the utmost importance.
Guardian of Fear (+5M, +8D, +8L, +9P, +5C, +3 all stats, +30 to all knowledge rolls): Timor is the first ever Guardian of Fear and has rose admirably to the challenge. His stalwart will in the face of things that have shattered most other Fear dragons have made him into a beacon of sanity for his element.
Optimist (+3D): No matter what comes his way, Timor always looks on the sunny side of life.
Prosecuted (-5D, +3I, -20 to social rolls): Fear dragons were very much disliked because of what they represent and the uses of their element. As such Timor has little positive experience with other people and in fact has some skill in running away from people.
Will of Steel (+5P, +30 to willpower rolls): Timor continues to delve deeper into the Fear element than anyone save perhaps Malefor himself. What he has found has continued to test his formidable will, though he has not faltered, not even once.
Survivor (+2I, +3P, +3C): Timor survived the end of the world and witnessed its rebirth
Dreamwalker (+2I, +1L, +10 to Dream-based rolls): Timor has recently come to the realization that Fear touches upon the dreams and nightmares of all peoples and through this understanding has learned to project himself into this newly discovered realm.
Guardian Armor of Fear (Tier 9, Bonded (Fear), +200 Combat Rolls, +10 to Fear rolls): Timor has been outfitted in armor that has bonded to the very concept of Fear, greatly amplifying his capabilities.

Timor was born into a family of Fire dragons where he lived happily through his childhood, though his small size and coloration did make him stand out, though people assumed he was a Fire dragon. At the age of eight Timor was cornered by a gang of young dragons who sought to 'teach the runt his place' It was then that his element manifested for the first time and caused his bullies to run away in terror. Due to his own optimism and lack of knowledge regarding the hatred Fear dragons were subject to, Timor proudly boasted to his family that he had used his element. Upon hearing which element Timor had been born with, his family sought to get rid of him before Timor could 'sacrifice them to the Dark Master'. Unwilling to kill their own blood, they dumped the confused whelp outside the walls of Warfang and left Timor to his fate.

Despite his family's fears, Timor did not join Malefor's army and instead showed a surprising resilience as he endured constant insults and attacks from fellow dragons. Where most Fear dragons sought to use their element to gain revenge against those who hated them, Timor instead sought to conquer his own fears. He has always shied away from defending himself and as a result was a frequent target of bullies throughout his youth. As a result he had become timid and fearful, but quickly realized that if he could not feed himself then he would starve to death and if there was one thing Timor feared the most, it was death. He resolved to stop running from his fears after this realization and instead sought to use his element to master his own fears instead of using it to terrorize others. Timor did this by thinking about what he feared the most and then turning his own element against himself.

Through this unusual training, Timor was able to push himself further than he had ever had before and muster forth a strong enough will to shatter both the illusions that he had subjected himself to as well as his own fears. He knows with a deep certainty now that everything will work out and that fearing anything is just causing himself inaction. Timor has a strong sense of confidence and self-certainty that most only achieve after a hundred years of life. It is due to this mastery of himself and his willingness to work with other dragons that made him the only candidate for becoming the first Fear Guardian.

Titles: Guardian of Earth
Age: 172

Martial: 19+1+5+3+2=30
Diplomacy: 13+2+8+2=25
Intrigue: 12-3+3+2+2=16
Stewardship: 15-3+3+2=17
Learning: 15+8+2=25
Piety: 15+8+9+2+3=37
Combat: 17+5+3+5+2+3-5=30

Dragon (Access to an element, 15P, +2D, +5C (scales with age), -3I, -3S): Terrador was born as one of the revered dragons. Dragons have kept the peace through natural might and elemental prowess.
Grandmaster of Earth (+1M, +8P, +3C, can use more powerful earth techniques, +25 to all Earth rolls):
Guardian of Earth (+5M, +8D, +8L, +9P, +5C, +3 all stats, +30 to all knowledge rolls):
Strong (-2I, +3C, +10% Fertility):
Skilled Strategist (+3M, +10 to strategy rolls)
Experienced (+2 all stats, less likely to die): Terrador has done much through his life and seen even more.
Survivor (+2I, +3P, +3C): Terrador survived the end of the world and witnessed its rebirth.
Cursed Disease (-5C, shortened lifespan): Terrador accumulated numerous wounds during the war both magical and non-magical and these injuries have been compounded by a rare disease which is feeding off of his strength.

Terrador was killed fighting an ourg, the disease afflicting him having taking advantage of his exhaustion to sap his energy to lethal levels.
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State of the Realm
Kingdom of Avalar
Dragons: 2985
Moles: 4378
Cheetah: 1879
Atlawa: 324
Aviansie: 935
Centaur: 341
Humans: 700

Combat: 11
Defense: 3
Internal Ties: 8/10
Education: 11
Piety: 12
Food: Small Surplus

Foreign Affairs
Atlawas: 10/10
Kane: 10/10

Armadyl: 8/10

Aviansie: 8/10
Moonclan: 9/10
Kingdom of Hyrule: 7/10


Bandos: 0/10
Zamorak: ?/10

Renegade Moles: 2/10
Bandosians: 0/10
Zamorakians: 0/10

Size: Large City
Combat: 15
Defense: 4
Education: 20
Piety: 15
Food: Surplus (+.20%)


Treasury: 4487 Gold
Income: 3150 Gold
Upkeep: 1050 Gold
Net Income: 2100
Tax: +1350 Gold
Fish: +200 Gold
Hunting: +200 Gold
Ranching: +200 Gold
Trade: +900 Gold
Production: +300 Gold

Spies: -200 Gold
Militia: -100 Gold
Soldiers -150 Gold
City: -600 Gold

Elemental Composition
Fire - 17.93%
Ice - 16.55%
Electric - 16.90%
Earth - 17.59%
Water - 9.31%
Wind - 11.38%
Shadow - 4.48%
Poison - 3.79%
Fear - 2.07%
Size: Town
Dragon Population: 755
Combat: 15
Defense: 4
Education: 12
Piety: 15
Food: Small Surplus

Elemental Composition
Fire - 8.97%
Ice - 8.62%
Electric - 8.62%
Earth - 17.93%
Water - 16.55%
Wind - 2.07%
Shadow - 17.59%
Poison - 3.79%
Fear - 15.86%
Size: Town
Combat: 15
Defense: 2
Education: 11
Piety: 10
Food: Small Surplus
Size: Town
Combat: 15
Defense: 2
Education: 11
Piety: 10
Food: Small Surplus
Size: Village
Combat: 15
Defense: 2
Education: 11
Piety: 10
Food: Small Surplus
Size: Village
Combat: 15
Defense: 2
Education: 11
Piety: 10
Food: Small Surplus
Size: Town
Combat: 10
Defense: 2
Education: 7
Piety: 10
Food: Surplus
Size: N/A
Combat: 15
Defense: N/A
Education: 7
Piety: 5
Food: Small Surplus
Size: N/A
Combat: 11
Defense: N/A
Education: 3
Piety: 11
Food: Small Surplus
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Other Realms
Other Realms
Ruler: Armadyl
Religion: Armadyl worship, Spirits of Abbinah worship
Population: 2 million - Aviansie, humans, and a centaur herd
Capital: Empyrean Citadel (floating island)
Cities: Floating Islands
Planets: Abbinah
Controlled Regions: Eastern Kandarin, Western Asgarnia, Northern Forinthry
Strengths: Extremely mobile, flying raiders. extraordinary skill in enchanting, Wind
Weaknesses: Reliance on small human controlled villages for infrastructure and too much focus on raiding for spoils instead of objectives.
Military Structure: Twelve zu'uks (tribes) split into aravaks (families). Two Keshiks (elite forces) made up of the Dayguard (frontal assault) and Nightguard (Subterfuge). Human villages are defended by a strong militia reinforced with golems and automatons. Aviansie favor crossbows and lances, while humans favor spears and bows.
Ruler: Bandos
Religion: Bandos worship
Population: 20 million - Goblins (Hobgoblins), orks, trolls (river, sea, mountain), ogres (jogres, mogres, raurg, faurg), ourg (raurg, faurg)
Capital: Gu'Tanoth
Cities: Gu'Tanoth, Troll Stronghold, Karamja Stronghold, Kandarin Stronghold, South Forinthry Stronghold
Controlled Regions: Western and southern Kandarin, South Eastern Forinthry, Northern Kamjara, Troll Country
Planets: Yu'biusk
Strengths: High technology, numbers, gunpowder, low quality/plentiful enchantments
Weaknesses: No aerial troops
Military Structure: Five armies each led by an ourg general who controls that region's forces. Armies are divided into divisions, regiments, and battalions led by subordinate ourg. Companies and platoons are led by faurg.
Goblins are used as infantry and are often equipped with muskets. Orks are heavy infantry and favor enchanted melee weapons. Wolf riding goblins serve as light cavalry. Raurg serve as specialists, scouts, and assassins. Faurg are used as officers and ourg as commanders as well as living siege. Artillery consists of cannons and are staffed by ogres.
Ruler: Saradomin
Religion: Saradomin worship
Population: 5 million - Icyene, humans, centaur, dwarves, assortment of other races.
Capital: Entrana
Cities: Falador
Controlled Regions: South Forinthry (South Asgarnia, South Misthalin), Entrana
Planets: Hallow
Strengths: Solid chain of command, well organized
Weaknesses: Rigid order and over-reliance on chain of command.
Military Structure: Multiple multi-racial regiments known as tagmata led by a strategos. Other regiments known as tourma are racially inclusive and are led by a tetrarch.
Regiments are grouped into the Hetairoi (icyene knights), optimatoi (elite magical iceyene skirmishers), psiloi (fast moving ground icyene skirmishers), prodromoi (icyene scouts and spotters), kataphractoi (heavy armored centaur cavalry), toxotoi (highly mobile centaur archers), hippikon (centaur light cavalry), phalangites (human phalanx), hoplitai (human hoplite), sphendonitai (human slingers), pyrophoroi (dwarf technomages and artillery). Hyspaspitai are elite human hoplites form the backbone of a phalangites formation. The Ordo Templi Saradominis is a fanatical elite human force which is often sent on special missions.
Ruler: Zamorak
Religion: Zamorak worship
Population: 4 million - Avernic demons (tsutsaroth, alyaroth, byzroth, shakroth, Other), humans, vampyres, werewolves, mahjaraat, other
Capital: Annakarl
Cities: Darkmeyer, Uzer, Annakarl
Controlled Regions: Morytania, Northern Forinthry, North Khardian
Planets: Infernus
Strengths: Mahjaarat, Variety of troops, Individual Initiative
Weaknesses: Loose organization.
Military Structure: Legions consist of 1000 troops led by a legate. Legions are divided into cohorts of 200 led by a tribune. Tribunes are divided into maniples consisting of 100 soldiers led by a centurion. Maniples are divided into 10 soldier formations called contuberniums and are led by a decanus.
Legions consist of the heavily armored milites who carry a shield, the alarii which are aerial cavalry, the clibinarii which are heavy ground cavalry, the auxilia consisting of light missile cavalry, the sagitarii who are heavy missile infantry, and the bestial formations of praeventores. Massed undead are deployed ahead of legions and are known as foederati. Arcani are specialists often acting beyond Zamorakian borders.
Ruler: Azzanadra
Religion: Zaros worship
Population: 11 million - Humans, cthonian demons (abyssal, blood veld, virius, nechyrael, rippers, penance), mahjaraat
Capital: Sennisten
Cities: Sennisten, Kharyll, Paddewwa, Lassar, Carrallanger, Dareeyak
Regions Controlled: Central Forinthry (Northern Asgarnia, Northern Misthalin)
Planets: None
Strengths: Mahjaarat, Well trained legions, high technology, well industrialized
Weaknesses: Hated
Military Structure:
Ruler: Pharaoh Amennot
Religion: Menaphite Pantheon (Tumuken, Elidinis, Icthlarin, Amascut, Apmeken, Crondis, Het, Scabaras) worship
Population: 3 million - Humans, scabarites, monkies, mahjarrat,
Capital: Menaphos
Cities: Menaphos, Sophanem, Ullek, Nardah
Regions Controlled: South Kharidian
Planets: None
Strengths: Protected by desert, mahjarrat, mostly active pantheon of gods
Weaknesses: Isolated
Military Structure:
The Fremennik Provinces are a collection of like-minded affiliate villages and towns which dot the Fremennik Sea. The biggest town seems to be called "Rellekka" and acts as a central hub for the rest of the provinces. Other notable towns and villages consist of the Lunar Isle, Jatizso, Neitiznot, and the kingdom of Miscellania. The fremennik are a raiding and sea-faring based culture who frequently send ships out to raid nearby villages, though raids into Armadylean territory frequently fail to due the golems that the Armadyleans make heavy use of. They're primary religion seems to be that of the god "V", who is worshiped as the god of Heroes, though V seems to have gone missing as of late. While the majority of the Fremennik discount all forms of magic and prefer to rely on conventional martial prowess, the Lunar clan make such heavy use of magic that it permeates their entire village which has caused distrust to appear between the mages of the isle and the rest of the provinces./SPOILER]
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Elemental Amplification (Minor, Lesser, Major, Greater)
Attribute Enchantments (Minor, Lesser, Major, Greater)
Sympathetic Enchantments (Minor, Lesser, Major)
Red Topaz=Nullification
Lapis Lazuli=Mind
Copper: Soft reddish brown metal that is easy to pull into wire. Strange effects with electricity.
Titanium: White powdery metal. Resonates with moles when combined with adamantium.
Mithril: Light blue metal that weighs very little.
Adamantium: Hard green metal. Resonates with Moles when combined with titanium.
Orikalkum: Hard red metal. Resonates with dragons. Must be forged with dragon-fire.
Necrite: Soft dark green metal. Resonates with the different Bandosian races when combined with other metals and exposed to battle and death.
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Fire: One of the four pillars of the world of Avalar. Fire has long been thought to represent passion, growth, rage, light, and rebirth.
Facets - Fire, heat, combustion, insulation, desiccation (e), illumination(e), smoke (e), sun (e)
Personality traits - passion, growth, and rage.
Materials - Ruby, Iron, coal, Tungsten,

Fire Elemental (Ignis): Fire elementals are commonly referred to as ignis and live a life of death and rebirth. The first stage is called a salamander and they are almost-solid lizards seemingly made of ash. When a salamander is killed or reaches the end of it's short lifespan, it will explode in a fiery conflagration and become a phoenix. Phoenixes appear as birds of prey consisting entirely of flame. Upon death, the phoenix will collapse into a pile of ashes which coalesces into a salamander. Ignis have been observed disappearing into flames and appearing elsewhere in an unexplained manner. They are short-tempered and their mere touch can cause life-threatening burns in some species.

Ice: One of the four pillars of the world of Avalar. Ice has long been thought to represent logic, coldness, purity, and a lack of emotion.
Facets - Ice, cold, snow, hail, insulation, glass (e), crystal (e), reflection (e)
Personality Traits - Logic, coldness, purity, and a lack of emotion.
Materials - Quartz, mirrored surfaces, glass

Ice Elemental (Cryok): Ice elementals are commonly referred to as cryok and typically resemble a long worm-like creatue made of crystal-like ice with jagged spikes. Cryok possess the ability to phase through ice and can often be seen half-way inside of the ice walls of their home. They seem to possess no emotion and seem to act only in accordance with logic.

Electricity: One of the four pillars of the world of Avalar. Electricity has long been thought to represent energy, energetic, lack of control, and movement.
Facets - Electricity, lightning, resistivity, conductivity, induction/magnetism (e), plasma (e), illumination (e), energy (e)
Personality Traits - Energetic, lack of control, and hyperness.
Materials - Copper, Topaz

Electricity Elemental (Flux): Electricity elementals are commonly referred to as flux and typically resemble a floating orb of electricity. Flux appear to communicate purely through streams of electricity and can vanish completely at random. They can best be described as erratic in behavior, often moving at exceptional speeds in random directions for no known reason.

Earth: One of the four pillars of the world of Avalar. Earth has long been thought to represent stubbornness, safety, strength, and to be unyielding.
Facets - Earth, dirt, sand, ground, stone, metal, gems (e), crystal (e), solids (e)
Personality Traits - stubbornness, safety, strength, and unyielding.
Materials - Titanium, Adamantium, Jade, Metals, Gems,

Earth Elemental (Golems): Earth elementals are commonly referred to as golems, though they have often been called giants as well. Golems vary greatly in size and shape, though most often they can be seen as humanoids made up of a collection of rocks. The exact material that golems are made out of is completely unknown, despite appearing as if they are the same material as the rocks around them. Golems are slow and ponderous and can spend hours crossing short distances. They are also known for being impossibly stubborn and will not change their minds or move from their spots until whatever is responsible for this behavior removes itself from their vicinity.

Water: Though not one of the four pillars, Water is so old that most treat it similarly. Water is thought to represent fluidness, change, peace, and creativity.
Facets - Water, whirlpools, waterfalls, pressure, desiccation (e), liquids (e), cleansing (e)
Personality Traits - fluidness, change, peace, and creativity.
Materials - Opal, Cobalt,

Water Elementals (Nereids): Water elementals are commonly referred to as nereids and seem to possess no defined shape at all. Despite lacking a solid shape, nereids do not vary in size and appear to possess a mass similar to cheetahs. Though nereids can disappear completely within water, they seem to be made up of a strange deep blue liquid that makes identifying them simple until they choose otherwise. Nereids seem to constantly change their minds, though they have been observed reacting with sudden urgency when faced with anything contaminating nearby water.

Wind: Though not one of the four pillars, Wind is so old that most treat it similarly. Wind is thought to represent freedom, loftiness, contentment, discovery, and detachment.
Facets - Wind, air, cyclones, sound, gas (e), vacuum (e), pressure (e),
Personality Traits - Freedom, loftiness, contentment, discovery, and detachment.
Materials - Sapphire, Aluminum, Mithril

Wind Elementals (Sylphs): Wind elementals are commonly referred to as sylphs and take the appearance of small winged humanoids with a cloud-like appearance. They communicate with a high-pitched voice that travels easily on the wind, allowing them to talk across vast distances; large gatherings of sylph have been said to sound like music to those nearby. Sylphs tend to be extremely curious and will often flit about to examine things that catch their interest. When not focused on anything, sylphs tend to let the wind carry them wherever it wants and as a result have been found further away from their nexus than any other elemental.

Shadow: A recent addition to the world by Malefor, Shadow has lingered in ignorance and superstition for a very long time. Shadow seems to represent darkness, subterfuge, shelter,
Facets - Shadow, concealment, darkness, night, confusion, moon (e), sleep (e)
Personality Traits - subterfuge, shelter, concealment, and caution.
Materials - Onyx, Nickel

Shadow Elementals (Shades): Shadow elementals are commonly referred to as shades and seem to have no set size or shape. They typically take the form of short humanoid rats or bats made up of a shadowy ethereal substance. They have been known to stalk non-shades through the shadows and will often 'enter' the shadow of their target. Shades are strangely silent with no detectable method of communication and will flee at the first sign that they have been discovered. Thus far the only ones who have been able to detect them have been shadow dragons of a considerable skill.

Poison: A recent addition to the world by Malefor, Poison has lingered in ignorance and superstition for a very long time. Poison seems to represent nature, corrosion, decay, medicine, and health.
Facets - Poison, venom, toxins, corrosion, acids, bases, disease (e), sickness (e), decay (e)
Personality Traits - Scholarly, caring, bitterness, and acidity.
Materials - Emerald, Lead, Medicine

Poison Elementals (Basilisks): Poison elementals are commonly referred to as basilisks and take the appearance of extremely large snake-like reptiles. Perhaps the most 'normal' elemental, basilisks seem to have their own life-cycle and community which makes them appear much like animals. Basilisks are perhaps the most unintentionally dangerous elemental as their green scales are coated in horrific toxins and they are capable of secreting incredibly lethal venom and acid from their mouth and fangs. They're community seems to be very insular and all encounters have described them as being acidic in power as well as personality, though they have been found to be both caring and scholarly under certain circumstances. It is thought that they are constantly studying the numerous poisons, acids, and afflictions around the nexus and attempting to design their own.

Fear: A recent addition to the world by Malefor, Fear has lingered in ignorance and superstition for a very long time.Fear seems to represent courage, adversity, terror, and willpower.
Facets - Fear, willpower, courage, hysteria, confusion, illusions (e), nightmares (e),
Personality Traits - reckless, bravery, scaremongering, and wilful.
Materials - Amazonite, Mercury

Fear Elementals (Nightmares): Fear elementals are commonly referred to as nightmares and have no physical appearance at all. Those venturing into the Fear Nexus frequently find illusions of their worst fears laid bare to them and others and it has been commonly considered that these are the work of the nexus and that they do not actually exist. More recent studies show that nightmares actually do exist in the 'dream' or 'astral' and that if one can conquer their fears, the nightmares will respond with much more brazen and reckless attempts to scare their target away. Sleeping near the Fear Nexus is a very, very bad idea and the Fear Guardian Timor is the only one to wake in anything resembling coherency.

Aether: The element of creation, the cosmos, and the spiritual. It is split into the light and dark halves of aether and is only naturally usable by the purple dragons. Light aether has properties of healing, creation, and positive emotions, while dark aether has properties of corruption, destruction, and negative emotions.
Facets: Heal, Destroy, Purify, Corrupt, Transfer/Gift/Steal, Creation (e), Time (e), Space (e)
Personality Traits: Heroic, Destroyer
Materials: Dragon Crystals?

Convexity: Convexity is an airlock realm that surrounds the material world of Avalar. Physics seems selective inside of it and holes through Convexity have been known to result in portals.
Smoke: One of the four 'Dark Elements' of Gielinor. Smoke seems to represent persistence, clinginess, poison, heat, and contamination.
Facets - Smoke, heat, poison, toxic gases, contamination(e), radiative gases (e)disembodiment (e)
Personality Traits - Persistent, toxic, stubbornness, clinging
Materials - Aquamarine, Unidentified (Radium), and other hazardous gasses

Shadow: Gielinor Shadow originates from the shadow realm that stretches alongside the material universe. The shadow realm enables a shadow user to travel anywhere, even between planets. It grows thicker as you venture further into it.

Blood: Both one of the four 'Dark Elements' as well as one of the material catalytic elements of Gielinor. Blood seems to represent bloodthirst, health, sacrifice, and Control
Facets - Blood, Health, Draining/Transfering, Sacrifice, Wounds, Life (e), Animation (e), Control (e)
Personality Traits - Bloodthirsty, Self-Sacrificing, Ruthless, and Controlling.
Materials - Bloodstone

Armadyleanism has a very real connection to the concepts of Justice, Law, Equality, Freedom, and the Sky. Those who embrace the religion seem to change to focus more on those values. Worshipers will find themselves unwilling to commit unlawful acts, being far more unforgiving of such acts, and place a far greater emphasis on equality and freedom. Additionally aviansie and other wind-users will find themselves being empowered, capable of performing far greater feats of wind manipulation than they might otherwise be capable of. As an individual becomes more fervent in his belief, they begin manifesting more and more of Armadyl's own quirks and personality traits which has predominantly consisted of an a hatred toward the Bandosians and Zamorakians.

Just like worship of Armadyl changes the worshipers, so too have the worshipers changed the god; Armadyl's original domain seems to have been Justice which has since expanded due to encompass Equality and Freedom due him encouraging such values in his followers. His connection to Wind and air has also strengthened due to the fact that he is an aviansie god and aviansie are strongly connected to the element which has encouraged the belief that the Sky is one of his domains which has since became true. Perhaps most interestingly, Armadyl seems to have become able to bestow blessings that relate to his domains with the most prevalent being along the lines of a sixth sense for criminals and injustice, an ability to break curses, a resistance to magical bindings, and a variety of Wind related buffs such as increased agility or speed while flying.
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[X] Plan: Action Search
-[X]Finding a New Adviser (Martial):
Terrador has made it clear that his position as the martial adviser is temporary and would prefer to focus on his duties as a Guardian. The Earth Guardian has stated however that he would be fine staying as Spyro's martial adviser, but it would be better to have a designated adviser
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Permanent stewardship adviser. Terrador can focus his efforts on other things to assist. +1 martial action.
-[X]Finding a New Adviser (Diplomacy):
The Guardians agree that you need to find a true diplomacy adviser before anything meaningful can be done.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Permanent diplomacy adviser.
-[X]Recruiting Spies:
Right now Umbra has been working alone, but he knows that soon the work will start to overwhelm him. He wants to get a head start on gathering a solid intelligence core to assist him, starting with the less popular shadow, poison, and fear dragons, but also other types of dragons.
Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 500 Gold. Upkeep: 200 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: +1 action.
-[X]Gone Hunting:
Food has become a very big problem due to the large population of dragons calling the city home. Cyril recommends sending out hunting parties immediately to make sure nobody goes hungry throughout the year.
Time: 1 Year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.
-[X]Finding a New Adviser (Stewardship):
Cyril has made it clear that his position as the stewardship adviser is temporary and would prefer to focus on his duties as a Guardian and as a noble.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Permanent stewardship adviser. Cyril can focus his efforts on other things to assist. +1 stewardship action.
-[X]Finding a New Adviser (Learning):
Volteer has made it clear that his position as the Learning adviser is temporary and would prefer to focus on his duties as a Guardian and as a scholar.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Permanent stewardship adviser. Volteer can focus his efforts on other things to assist. +1 learning action.
-[X]Training New Guardians Part One, Version Two:
With Ignitus dead, the number of Guardians has declined to three. Cynder has brought up an alternative that has Volteer intrigued. Traditionally only the four primary elements are represented by the Guardians, but she has argued that the other five elements are equally important and deserve their own Guardian to preserve the the knowledge and secrets of the elements. Though Umbra is on the older side of who the the Guardians would accept, he is already a master of the Shadow element, and surely other such prodigies exist for the other elements.
-[X]Spending Time with Cynder:
Ever since the fight with Malefor, Spyro has felt closer to Cynder than ever before. He has a half remembered feeling that Cynder would like to be even closer. Spyro has been operating mostly on instinct regarding this and the older dragons are of no help when it comes to advise, always deflecting his questions or trying to hide a laugh.
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Increased closeness with Cynder. ???

Notes: Took 'gone hunting' cause food seems to be a no-brainer, hungry is bad. The piety action was tough, but if a status quo will change I'd rather find the new people before we build the temple. For personal, went with Cynder cause of personal preference. The rest was done for more action slots.

@Nianque small issue, you repeated yourself. The words 'finding a new advisor' are repeated. Stopping me from shortening actions to just the name in a plan format.
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[x] Plan Get Action Points and Save the Books
-[x] Finding a New Adviser (Martial):
-[x] Finding a New Adviser (Diplomacy):
-[x] Recruiting Spies: (-500 gold)
-[x] Gone Hunting: (+300 gold loot)
-[x] Finding a New Adviser (Stewardship):
-[x] Save the Books! Part One: (-1000 gold to make it a free action)
-[x] Finding a New Adviser (Learning):
-[x] Training New Guardians Part One, Version Two:
-[x] Spend Time with Cynder:

Result = -1200 gold in cost and -200 in upkeep

Basically the exact same as Marlin's plan, but see if we can save some of the irreplaceable books
I could use some suggestions in keeping everyone in character, particular the Guardians. Also now that I'm awake properly I can work on things once more. Like an action missing the cost/time/reward
Turn 1 Results
Treasury: 8800 Gold
Income: 400 Gold per turn.

Martial: Pick one action

With Ignitus gone, Terrador has the most experience in martial matters. Knowing that your economic situation is poor at the moment, he has advocated for getting a proper count of your available forces. In addition to that the defenses of Warfang were heavily damaged by both the Destroyer and the sundering of the planet.

Finding a New Adviser: Terrador has made it clear that his position as the martial adviser is temporary and would prefer to focus on his duties as a Guardian. The Earth Guardian has stated however that he would be fine staying as Spyro's martial adviser, but it would be better to have a designated adviser

Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Permanent stewardship adviser. Terrador can focus his efforts on other things to assist. +1 martial action.

Needed 20. Rolled 46.

Terrador spent the year tracking down all of his old friends who had experience in leading others into battle. The majority of the dragons that the Earth Guardian went to find were no longer among the living and though Terrador faced it all with stoicism, Spyro knew that it affected the older dragon deeply. In the end, Terrador did find one of his friends that was interested in becoming Spyro's martial adviser and general. Clarity was an older water dragon that Terrador has known for decades. While she is not at Terrador's or even Cynder's level in military manners, Clarity does not have the duties as a Guardian to have to work around and she has experience in leading other dragons unlike Cynder does.

Clarity is a very serious dragoness who has a reputation for never being ambushed and always seeing traps before she or those she leads are caught by them. As a result she is a solid replacement for Terrador and even exceeds him in his field when it comes to defending against sneak attacks.

Diplomacy: Pick one action

There is no true diplomatic adviser as relationships with the other races had been quite civil before the war. However, if Spyro is to rule out of Warfang, then the other races, particularly the moles will need to have their voices represented. Unfortunately neither Spyro nor anybody else (except Sparx) has time to do this and so these issues must be put to the side until an adviser can be found.

Finding a New Adviser: The Guardians agree that you need to find a true diplomacy adviser before anything meaningful can be done.

Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Permanent diplomacy adviser.

Needed: 20. Rolled 23

The call for a diplomat went out and as time ticked by, it seemed like nobody would show up. Just as Spyro had just about given up hope on finding someone to help them with diplomatic matters, an older wind dragon stumbled in around the end of the year. Ventis as the dragon was known, had little in the way of diplomatic experience, but he liked talking and quite obviously tried to court every female he came across. The moment Ventis tried that on Cynder however, Spyro got defensive and Ventis quickly realized his mistake. Since then he too seems to have been brought in on the joke that everyone except Spyro and Cynder are privy to. Despite his constant harassment of dragoness', Ventis does have an interest in diplomacy and he is the only one they have found to have any amount of skill whatsoever in the field.

Intrigue: Pick one action

Umbra is the foremost expert in subterfuge, having fought for years against Malefor's forces from the shadows. Nobody knows too much about him, but according to the Guardians, reports of a black dragon matching his description were common and Cynder admits that out of everyone, he did the most damage to her forces, including the Guardians who had kept the resistance going. Nobody knows how he heard about your need for an intrigue adviser though.

Recruiting Spies: Right now Umbra has been working alone, but he knows that soon the work will start to overwhelm him. He wants to get a head start on gathering a solid intelligence core to assist him, starting with the less popular shadow, poison, and fear dragons, but also other types of dragons.

Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 500 Gold. Upkeep: 200 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: +1 action.

Needed: 40. Rolled: 6.

Umbra ran into problem after problem this year in finding people who could help him. It turns out that Cynder's reign of terror and genocide has rallied the common dragon against the elements of Shadow, Poison, and Fear and thus most of them went into hiding. Dragons seemed to clam up when talking to Umbra and he was met with considerable hostility. He also reports that a black dragon who has been described to be remarkably similar to himself is gathering the 'evil' dragons to attack Spyro in the name of his 'dark mistress'. Cynder became quite upset about the rumor, but Umbra has stated that it should die down if he lays low for the rest of the year.

In preparation for next year, Umbra has put together a new approach to capitalize on the current mindset of the populace. The mysterious shadow dragon refused to say anything more about it and has alluded that Spyro would not be too happy about the new approach.

Result: Malicious rumor targeting Shadow, Poison, and Fear dragons has spread. +5 to success chance next turn due to Umbra's new approach.

Stewardship: Choose Two

Cyril has volunteered to coordinate with the moles where it concerns rebuilding the city. He has stated that the priority needs to be on taking a census and ensuring that everyone has access to food and housing.

Gone Hunting: Food has become a very big problem due to the large population of dragons calling the city home. Cyril recommends sending out hunting parties immediately to make sure nobody goes hungry throughout the year.

Time: 1 Year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.

Cyril immediately gathered groups of dragons together as hunting parties and sent them out to find enough food to feed the dragon population of the city. He reports that though they found enough food to keep people from starving, the prey was particularly scarce this year. It is Cyril's opinion that as the animals get used the new landscape, the hunting will improve. Until then it is likely that further measures will need to be taken to keep all the dragons fed.

Reward: Food situation did not deteriorate. Barely.

Finding a New Adviser: Cyril has made it clear that his position as the stewardship adviser is temporary and would prefer to focus on his duties as a Guardian and as a noble.

Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Permanent stewardship adviser. Cyril can focus his efforts on other things to assist. +1 stewardship action.

Needed: 20. Rolled 67.

It turns out that one of the more money inclined of Cyril's relatives survived. Glacies is extraordinarily good with money, but he is also quite greedy. Fortunately he seems to grasp that he can make more money by staying out of trouble and doing his job and if that job just so happens to be keeping the gold flowing in Warfang, then he is perfectly fine with that. After all if the city is doing well for itself money-wise, then perhaps Spyro could be convinced to pay him more gold for doing a good job. As a result of this and his noble heritage, Glacies has a plethora of contacts who can help out in rebuilding the city, making sure everyone is fed, and keeping disease down. In person, Glacies was actually rather easy to get along with and he hides his greed quite well.

Learning: Choose One

Volteer is the Guardian of Electricity and is a brilliant scholar who loves learning, but has a tendency to be extremely verbose. He has offered to take over the more scholarly related aspects. His first priorities is to resume the training of young dragons as soon as possible, but he has a few controversial options to go about doing it.

Save the Books! Part One: With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. He needs all claws on deck to find as many unique books as possible and get people on copying them immediately. Once you have the books, work can start on a place to store them and someone to manage them. Volteer admits that more gold to serve as bribes would make the process easier. Can be taken as a free action at double the price and time.

Chance of Success: 70% (goes down by 5 each year). Cost: 500 gold (every 500 gold afterward, increase success by 10%; can go past 100). Time: 1 year. Reward: Less knowledge lost.

Needed: 30. Rolled: 42.

Volteer enlisted younger dragons to undertake the dubiously moral action of bribing nobles for copies of their books. None of the nobles seemed too happy about giving up the priceless books and scrolls, but gold seems to be the answer. Regardless it seems as if many nobles want to spend a year copying the knowledge down to keep it for their own use before giving it up to the city. It does not appear that anything too rare or valuable made an appearance, but it is still early to tell and maybe better luck will be held next year.

Reward: Nobles bribed for their books and scrolls. They will spend the year copying down what knowledge they admit to having. 1 year left.

Finding a New Adviser: Volteer has made it clear that his position as the Learning adviser is temporary and would prefer to focus on his duties as a Guardian and as a scholar.

Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Permanent stewardship adviser. Volteer can focus his efforts on other things to assist. +1 learning action.

Needed: 20. Rolled: 73.

Volteer had been part of a circle of scholars before the war and he had been very glad to see that the majority of them still lives. One of these scholars is an Earth dragon named Therris who can easily keep pace with Volteer even after the Guardian really gets going with a subject. According to Volteer, Therris may well be the smartest person Volteer knows and is the perfect dragon to undertake complicated research that would otherwise take twice as long. Therris has even had limited experience with enchanting research and wants to start recreating the enchantments that made the Dragon Temple so secure. The Earth dragon is easier to talk with than Volteer, but needs to be kept away from combat due to both a lack of skill and a shredded wing.

Piety: Choose One

The elements are the foundation of the world. Though Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are acknowledged as the pillars of the world, there also exist Water, Wind, Shadow, Poison, and Fear. All three Guardians are sharing the responsibility of being the Piety adviser and each has different ideas of priorities. With their current additional duties, they do not have as much time to focus on the spiritual as they would like.

Training New Guardians Part One, Version Two: With Ignitus dead, the number of Guardians has declined to three. Cynder has brought up an alternative that has Volteer intrigued. Traditionally only the four primary elements are represented by the Guardians, but she has argued that the other five elements are equally important and deserve their own Guardian to preserve the the knowledge and secrets of the elements. Though Umbra is on the older side of who the the Guardians would accept, he is already a master of the Shadow element, and surely other such prodigies exist for the other elements.

Chance of Success: 60/70/90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Fire, Water, Wind, Shadow, Poison, Fear Guardian Initiates are chosen.

Needed: 10. Rolled: 68.

Over the course of the year, the Guardians approached young dragons who had exceptional skill with their elements. Though many dragons were considered and a few turned down the once in a lifetime opportunity, by the end of the year the Guardians had announced that they had found initiates for Fire, Water, Wind, Poison, and Fear. Umbra was also offered the chance to become the Guardian of Shadow and though he took the offer, Umbra said his first priority was work on the intelligence network. It was left up to Spyro to decide whether or not Umbra would be allowed to be both his adviser and the future Shadow Guardian.

To the great and overwhelming surprise of many, Ignitus' apprentice, Pyra was found barely clinging to life on the edge of the ocean. The young fire dragon will have a very lengthy recovery ahead of him, but the fact that was found still breathing after having heroically stood his ground against overwhelming numbers is regarded as an impossible miracle. His survival is particularly weird when you consider that the battle in which Prya went missing happened near the beginning of the war and yet his injuries still look fresh. While most are at a lost to explain this conundrum, Spyro figures that the mysterious Chronicler interfered somehow.

The Water Guardian Initiate was declared to be Phydra. The dragoness walked into Warfang earlier this year and reports to have been living out of a cave on the ocean since the war began. She seems to have survived entirely off of fish and was seldom attacked by Malefor's forces. Her ability to relate with other dragons seems to have suffered extensively from her isolation, though she knows the element of Water like few others her age. Phydra has suggested something she calls a fish farm would help keep everyone fed.

Zephyr is one of the young dragons who were conscripted into fighting in the war and has eagerly jumped at the chance of becoming the Wind Guardian. Of all the Wind dragons that were considered, none of them have the same connection that Zephyr does to the skies. The wind dragon has a love of flying that exceeds everything else and frequently volunteered to be a messenge rather than on the front lines fighting the enemy. It is obvious that his love of flying has kept his other skills from growing, but Zephyr has a deep connection to Wind that none can deny.

There were two candidates for Poison that the Guardians managed to find. Fumus and Virii. Ultimately Virii was the one chosen as she knew her element just as well as Fumus, but was not as bitter about how other dragons saw the element of Poison. Though Virii was still young, it was obvious that her knowledge of not just the element of Poison and also the poisons found in nature rivalled those several times her age. Umbra has already approached her regarding her knowledge for reasons that Spyro would rather not know about. Virii is excited to be able to further her knowledge without being ridiculed as much as other poison dragons have to deal with.

The final Guardian Initiate decided upon was for the new Fear dragon. Timor was the only Fear dragon they found that was able to interact with other people in anything resembling a normal manner. Due to their element, Fear dragons have been ostracized more than anyone else and the nature the element in question does not help, lending itself easily toward terrorizing others. With Timor becoming an initiate though, it is hoped that they will be able to mitigate the prosecution Fear dragons face. Timor himself is actually mediocre when it comes to his element which is mostly due to Fear being hard to train unless you are in a hostile environment. Having met the dragon himself, Spyro can say that he was surprised at how idealistic Timor is. Between Timor and Cynder, they should be able to put together an effective method for both training and providing an appropriate environment to keep Fear dragons calm

[] (yes/no) Can Umbra remain as both Intrigue adviser and a Guardian in training? This will cap Intrigue actions at 2 and may not be raised past this without replacing Umbra as adviser or the shadow dragon taking an apprentice. He will not be able to take an apprentice until he finishes training to become a Guardian.

Personal: Choose One, One locked

Spyro has found that he has less freedom than ever before with people constantly bothering him about new issues both urgent and trivial. Thankfully for his sanity, Sparx and Cynder have been very helpful in pulling him away from his new duties and keeping him together.

Continued Training (LOCKED): Spyro had a very combat oriented education and thus is lacking in what many would consider the basics. To further that the dragonflies had very different priorities in education than the dragons. In addition to this Cynder suffers from a similar problem and thus will be tutored alongside Spyro.

Chance of Success: 30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 5 years. Reward: Holes in Spyro's and Cynder's education patched. Chance of stat gain. Chance of traits.

Needed: N/A. Rolled: 18.

It is official. Both Spyro and Cynder hate learning the traditional subjects with a passion. Unfortunately the subjects that they are passionate about are not ones they need additional tutoring in. With the Guardians so busy, a noble Cyril knows was brought in to bring their education up to par. While the noble clearly knows his subject (the parts of it important to him at least), it is equally evident that the noble had an unusual fixation on family lineages and the politics of the noble families. The two young dragons are already dreading the next year of tutoring.

Reward: Spyro and Cynder both hate traditional education with a passion. +1 Learning from boring lessons that neither of them care too much about.

Spending Time with Cynder: Ever since the fight with Malefor, Spyro has felt closer to Cynder than ever before. He has a half remembered feeling that Cynder would like to be even closer. Spyro has been operating mostly on instinct regarding this and the older dragons are of no help when it comes to advise, always deflecting his questions or trying to hide a laugh.

Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Increased closeness with Cynder. ???

Needed: ???. Rolled: 15.

Cynder appreciated the attempt to spend time with her, but the two dragons just could not find time to spend alone with each other without an agitated noble or concerned mole barging in and demanding to see the young ruler. Spyro is sure that he likes Cynder and that Cynder likes him. Now if only he could figure out why this is bigger than the close friendship they currently share together. It is equally evident that Cynder is just as lost as he is and the two of them are torn between listening to their instincts, fighting their instincts, and ignoring the snickering commentary from everybody they talk with. Sparx thinks the entire thing is hilarious, but with Sparx one can never tell if it is because he knows something and does not wish to ruin the joke, or if he is just laughing at the situation.

Reward: Spyro and Cynder grow even closer together. Everybody except them is in on a joke that nobody will explain.

[] (yes/no) Can Umbra remain as both Intrigue adviser and a Guardian in training? This will cap Intrigue actions at 2 and may not be raised past this without replacing Umbra as adviser or the shadow dragon taking an apprentice. He will not be able to take an apprentice until he finishes training to become a Guardian.
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Nice writing. I knew the Intrigue action was risky, but 8 isn't something we could pass. Good rolls overall, and impressive quantity for using a phone.

[X] (yes) Can Umbra remain as both Intrigue adviser and a Guardian in training? This will cap Intrigue actions at 2 and may not be raised past this without replacing Umbra as adviser or the shadow dragon taking an apprentice. He will not be able to take an apprentice until he finishes training to become a Guardian.
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Nice writing. I knew the Intrigue action was risky, but 8 isn't something we could pass. Good rolls overall, and impressive quantity for using a phone.
Thanks. Part of the reason it took so long to write... I'll be going home tomorrow to working AC and wifi, so that will be a relief.

I'll try and get character sheets for the new advisers and initiates written as well as an interlude, though that will probably be after I get home.
Save the Books! Part One: With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. He needs all claws on deck to find as many unique books as possible and get people on copying them immediately. Once you have the books, work can start on a place to store them and someone to manage them. Volteer admits that more gold to serve as bribes would make the process easier. Can be taken as a free action at double the price and time.

Chance of Success: 70% (goes down by 5 each year). Cost: 500 gold (every 500 gold afterward, increase success by 10%; can go past 100). Time: 1 year. Reward: Less knowledge lost.

Needed: 30. Rolled: 42.

Volteer enlisted younger dragons to undertake the dubiously moral action of bribing nobles for copies of their books. None of the nobles seemed too happy about giving up the priceless books and scrolls, but gold seems to be the answer. Regardless it seems as if many nobles want to spend a year copying the knowledge down to keep it for their own use before giving it up to the city. It does not appear that anything too rare or valuable made an appearance, but it is still early to tell and maybe better luck will be held next year.

Reward: Nobles bribed for their books and scrolls. They will spend the year copying down what knowledge they admit to having. 1 year left.
We succeeded, and not just by a couple points. So why are we being penalized with an extra year for the action?
We succeeded, and not just by a couple points. So why are we being penalized with an extra year for the action?
"Can be taken as a free action at double the price and time."
Because you doubled the costs so you could do it this year alongside another action. Basically, Volteer already had too much work to do and so just threw a bunch of gold and young dragons at the problem instead of doing it himself as he had no time.
Guardian Initiates Interlude
Zephyr seemed to vibrate in place as he took in the other initiates. He wanted this so badly. To be the absolute master of Wind, to learn the secrets of the world, and to be able to make a real difference. All throughout the war he had been used as mostly a messenger and to Zephyr, someone who took pride in his exceptional skill with his element… It was not enough. Being the first Wind Guardian though? To be able to help the Guardians in keeping the peace and gathering knowledge? He wanted this more than anything!

"Isn't this awesome?" He asked his fellow initiates.

"It'd be nice to worry about the others hurting me." Timor replied in a quiet voice that made Zephyr look at the pale red and yellow dragon in shock.

Virii nodded her agreement with Timor. "Hopefully the other dragons will leave me alone now. I'd rather be seeing what new and interesting things I can make."

The black and grey dragon shadow dragon looked to the poison dragon beside him with interest. "Do you have anything new Virii? Your last sleeping mixture was perfect. A more potent knockout drug would also be useful." Drugs? They were talking about drugs? Zephyr supposed a Poison dragon would know about that stuff. Was that stereotyping Poison dragons though?

"Not sure I can get used to living with others again." Phydra muttered, just barely loud enough for the Wind dragon to make out what she was saying.

Glad to have someone to talk to who (hopefully) would not turn the conversation to something depressing, Zephyr latched onto it. "You lived by yourself?" He wondered how that worked out for her, considering the war and all.

Phydra nodded minutely. "My parents and I fled Warfang at the start of the war. Then they died and I lived by myself on the ocean." She explained in a very unsettling manner. For his part Zephyr was starting to get the impression, all the other initiates had horrible stories.

"Oh." The Wind dragon replied. "I just served as a messenger. I wish I was a better fighter, then I could have have done more though."

"Messengers are important." Umbra commented, before going back to his conversation with Virii. ...Were they talking about the best poison to kill someone silently?

To Zephyr's growing relief, the Guardians stepped out into the clearing that had been prepared for this. They looked every bit the Guardians that he thought they were and he could just imagine all the cool things they could teach him. There was a red and white dragon next to them that he did not recognize though. Zephyr wondered who they were, he thought he remember something about Ignitus having taken an apprentice, but they died right? He glanced over at the other initiates and confirmed his thoughts; there was no fire dragon initiate, so that red dragon had to be the replacement for Ignitus.

"It is my distinct pleasure to see you all have accepted our invitations." Terrador began, causing Zephyr to snap his attention back to the Guardians. "Do not forget however that this honor we have extended to you is one that we may revoke at any time and for any reason. You are here because you wish to be new Guardians and as the first Guardians for your elements, it is up to you to set an example for all future dragons to look up to."

Cyril spoke next and Zephyr almost cringed from how the Ice Guardian reminded him of the nobles before the war. They had sounded so self-assured and so arrogant… "Do not make us regret our decision to expand the Guardians, initiates."

"You are examples for other dragons to look up to, to inspire to be, to galvanize future drakes, generations, fledgelings! Each of you represents something exciting, new, remarkable and it is up to you students, initiates, disciples to be examples, paragons, models for your elements!..."

Zephyr supposed he would have to get used to this now. He had heard the Electricity Guardian talk before, but never in his life had something so exciting been made so boring.
Turn 2
The two dragons laid stretched out on the floor quiet of the building that served as their home at the moment. Spyro had one of his wings draped across Cynder as the two of them relaxed for the first time in a long while. "This is nice." Cynder murmured.

"Mhm." Spyro agreed. "I like spending time alone like this." With new advisers replacing the Guardians, everyone had a bit more free time than they had, had previously.

"Where'd Sparx get off to?" She asked as she snuggled into Spyro's side some more.

The purple dragon smiled. "Off terrorizing the new Guardian Initiates." As much as he liked his brother, Sparx was more than a handful and quiet moments like these made it bearable.

Cynder laughed, her voice sending a warm feeling through Spyro that he could not explain. "I feel bad for them having to put up with him. Though it's nice seeing all nine elements represented and I'm glad you convinced the Guardians to take them on as students."

"It was your idea, I just told them that I agreed." Spyro replied as he twined his tail around hers. "I'm just not sure why it took so longer for there to be Guardians representing all of the elements. Hopefully this will let people see Shadow, Poison, and Fear in a better light." It had been disconcerting to see the people that he had risked his life for treating other dragons badly.

She mumbled an agreement. "I'm just glad Umbra was right about that rumor." What passed unspoken between them was that they both knew full well who the real target of that rumor had been.

"Yeah." He raised his head, so that he could look out the window and sighed. "We need to get going. Everyone will be arriving for the meeting soon."

The black dragoness beside him groaned and unravelled her tail from Spyro's as he lifted his wing off of her. "I never thought it would be this much work." Cynder knew that most of the work was from rebuilding the city and gathering the right people to lead, but it was nothing like what she had dealt with.

Spyro rose to his feet and started toward the door that led further into the stone building Terrador had created. "Hopefully we can start fixing the actual city this year."

Treasury: 9200 Gold
Income: 400 Gold per turn.

Martial: Choose Two
Clarity has taken to her new duties with a stoic determination that has Spyro wondering if Clarity truly is worried about another war. For her part, Clarity has settled in rather well and is already drawing up plans to both make Warfang more defensible and to form a permanent military.

Making a Roster: Clarity has some idea on how many would answer the call to arms if it came to that and agrees with Terrador that this needs to be a priority so you know who you can count on if it came to another conflict.
Chance of Success: 90%. Reward: Accurate information on all willing and able fighters.

Patching the Holes Part 1: Between the damage from the siege, the Golem breaking open a hole, the Destroyer walking straight through the city, and then the sundering and reconstruction of the planet, the renowned defenses of Warfang are in bad shape. There are massive gaps in the wall including two utterly destroyed sections where the Destroyer walked through. Clarity would like to get started on the first phase of doing so which would be paying all available earth dragons to erect a temporary wall.
Cost: 2000 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Enemies can no longer walk straight into Warfang.

Patrolling: There have been no monster sighting since the restoration of the world, though that does not mean threats do not exist. From looters to active hostility from those who resent the change in leadership. Clarity feels that patrolling Warfang until normal activities resume would help keep the populace under control.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 500 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Warfang patrolled. ???

Diplomacy: Choose Two
Ventis has already proven both his worth and how annoying he is to all female dragons in his vicinity. Though thankfully he has been leaving Cynder alone since the first time he tried to court her. This just leaves Phydra and Virii as perfectly acceptable targets in his opinion and the two dragonesses are already sick of him. Fortunately he is very enthusiastic about his new job and has plans to approach both the moles and the cheetah about cooperating with undoing the damage that the war has done.

Talking with the Moles: Ventis has decided that the number one priority needs to be re-establishing formal contact with the moles. The moles are experts in construction and have several ideas that the dragons could benefit from. As the moles both build Warfang and inside of it, Spyro agrees with his reasoning.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Diplomatic relations with the moles resumed. Can coordinate certain actions.

Talking with the Cheetahs: Hunter was an absolute blessing during the war. Unfortunately, not all of his people share his views and though Chief Prowlus eventually got over his hatred by the end, he still does not like dragons. Ventis feels that this could go either way, but that they would be able to greatly assist in scouting, patrolling, and knowledge of nature.
Chance of Success: 50%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Diplomatic relations with the cheetahs resumed. Can coordinate certain actions.

Talking with the Dragons: Now that two years have passed since the war ended, all kinds of dragons have come out of the woodwork and each has their own grievances. Ventis deems it essential to talk with the people they are now ruling and keep them calm. Maybe Ventis can keep another rumor from springing up like what happened last year.
Chance of Success: 80%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Population calmed down.

Confronting Nobles: Ventis thinks now would be an excellent time to talk with the nobles and get everything straightened out. The nobles used to run all aspects of dragon life except which was ran by the Guardians. Talking with them may help the surviving nobles accept the new government. With the nobles still rebuilding and figuring out what claims they have and which they can take for themselves, now would be an excellent time to strike. Ventis is sure that both bribery and any information Umbra can get would help greatly.
Chance of Success: 60% (Goes down by 5 every year). Cost: N/A (Every 200 gold will increase success chance by 5%). Time: 1 year. Reward: Nobles accept the new government.

Intrigue: Choose One
Umbra is none too happy about the previous year and resolves to do better this year. Between the new training that the Guardians have been putting him through and his lack of help, Umbra is desperate to find dragons to assist him with intelligence.

Scouting: According to Umbra, the first thing that needs to be done is finding what has changed since the planet was put back together. With proper maps of the area, Umbra says he will be able to do more and start planning on how to best disrupt any potential enemies.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Basic maps of the area directly around Warfang.

Noble Matters: With the war over the nobles will be starting up their political schemes once more. For the moment they are satisfied with Spyro being the new leader of Warfang on account of how young and inexperienced he is in those matters. Umbra wants to get a grasp on the emerging political scene before they fully recover.
Chance of Success: 70% (goes down by 5 per year). Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Early start on emerging political scene. +10% to Confronting Nobles

Recruiting Spies: Right now Umbra has been working alone, but he knows that soon the work will start to overwhelm him. He wants to get a head start on gathering a solid intelligence core to assist him, starting with the less popular shadow, poison, and fear dragons, but also other types of dragons. After last year's fiasco, Umbra has put together a complicated plan to take advantage of Spyro's popularity, so that the young ruler would be 'safer against the dark mistress'. The other part of this plan is to do as he did before and try to track down the Shadow, Poison, and Fear dragons once more.
Chance of Success: 65%. Cost: 500 Gold. Upkeep: 200 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: +1 action.

Stewardship: Choose Three
Cyril has volunteered to coordinate with the moles where it concerns rebuilding the city. He has stated that the priority needs to be on taking a census and ensuring that everyone has access to food and housing.

Gone Hunting: Food has become a very big problem due to the large population of dragons calling the city home. Glacies recommends sending out hunting parties immediately to make sure nobody goes hungry throughout the year.
Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.

Farming Fish: Phydra approached Glacies with a novel plan that nobody had really considered. Farming is considered a neat approach to supplying large amounts of food, but as dragons are carnivorous, nobody had really considered it practical. Phydra however managed to live off of only fish for the entire duration of the war and has come up with a method of creating what she calls 'fish farms'. Feeding the entire city of Warfang with fish farms would be impractical, but supplementing them with hunting would help alleviate the pressure on the hunters.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 300 Gold. Reward: Small fish farm, +1 Food Level, +100 gold in income from fish.

Taking a Census: Glacies admits that nobody knows for sure how many people are left in Warfang and suggests that this needs to be done immediately so that work can be started on fixing the economy and tackling the larger issues.
Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Knowledge of how many people are in the city, their races, and what kinds of dragons.

A Roof Overhead: Well over the majority of the houses have burned down. While more important buildings tended to be made out of stone, the residential section tended more toward wood which left it open to the devastation of the war and particularly the Destroyer when it burned most of the city. Glacies warns that there may be complications if done before the census as they could end up building too few or too many.
Cost: 3000 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Housing crisis resolved.

Planning a Better City: Glacies has suggested that this may be the best time to go redesign the city to be more efficient and have less in the way of complicated locking mechanisms.
Time: 1 year. Reward: Easier to navigate, ???.

A Better Governing System: It has been suggested by many already that the current governing system which has Spyro and a small council of advisers ruling the city, could be further tuned to be more effective.
Time: 2 years. Reward: Government solidified. Sub-vote.

Taxation Nightmare Part One: Financially, Warfang is in rather dire straits at the moment. Glacies would like to get a head start on revamping the tax system to account for the change in population. She admits that doing this before the Census would make it incredibly difficult.
Chance of Success: 20%. Cost: 500 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: +500 income in gold.

Learning: Choose Two
Therris has taken Volteer's place as Spyro's advisers and has put forward a suggestion that Therris and the small team of interested dragons who has gathered up, could start work on researching the current enchantments to see how they were originally made.

Noble and Squires: The current system is for a noble to take on an apprentice and train them, while the apprentice assists them as they learn important lessons. This is the approach preferred by the nobility as it gives them significant power in educating new dragons, but the education tends to be incomplete and bias, though it does result in more specialization. This option would give Therris the go ahead to begin approaching the remaining nobles to persuade them to take on new apprentices.
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 1 year. Reward: Apprentice system continued. Nobles pleased. Cyril pleased.

Building a Place for Learning: Volteer's other option is copied from the moles and would consist of gathering all the young drakes, building a place to educate them, and selecting people to train them in a stable environment. This would give all young drakes a standardized education and ensure all dragons get an education. The downsides would be that this results in less specialization and the nobility would very much displeased.
Chance of Success: 50%. Cost: 1000 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: Schools. Nobles displeased. Cyril displeased.

Schools and Apprentices: The third option Volteer has proposed is not as much of a radical change as the second and would consist of mandating an education, but if a drake finds someone to sponsor an apprenticeship, then they may forgo the standardized education in favor of an apprenticeship. The nobility is split on this issue with half having issue with how the government would be more involved in the education system than before and half rallying behind it as the best solution to fix the issues with the current system.
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 1200 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: School built. Apprenticeship continued. Guardians pleased. Some nobles displeased.

Save the Books! Part One (Locked): With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. He needs all claws on deck to find as many unique books as possible and get people on copying them immediately. Once you have the books, work can start on a place to store them and someone to manage them. Volteer admits that more gold to serve as bribes would make the process easier. Can be taken as a free action at double the price and time.
Chance of Success: 70% (goes down by 5 each year). Cost: 500 gold (every 500 gold afterward, increase success by 10%; can go past 100). Time: 1 year. Reward: Less knowledge lost.

Save the Books! Part Two: With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. The other half of the issue is that with the Warfang library and Dragon Temple gone, there is no longer a place to store books. Volteer has deemed this a lesser priority, but says that the sooner it is done, the sooner they can take inventory and figure out what they have and what the Guardians and other older dragons may have to rewrite from memory. Must be taken with 'Save the Books! Part One'.
Cost: 1100 gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Library built. Librarian hired. Actions unlocked.

In with the Old: Too many enchanters died in the war and with them went most of the knowledge of how to create new enchantments. Therris would like to study the ruins of Old Warfang and how the ancestors enchanted things. This would be the first step in recreating the dying art of enchanting and being able to create new enchantments.
Time: 3 years. Reward: Knowledge of how the ancestors enchanted things.

Piety: Choose One, One Locked
The elements are the foundation of the world. Though Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are acknowledged as the pillars of the world, there also exist Water, Wind, Shadow, Poison, and Fear. All three Guardians are sharing the responsibility of being the Piety adviser and each has different ideas of priorities. Currently the focus is on the new initiates and finding a place to train them for the moment.

Rebuilding the Temple: The Dragon Temple was a work of art before Malefor destroyed it. A millennia worth of priceless knowledge and secrets have been lost forever. Though the new temple will not be as defensible, nor have the many artifacts the Guardians had collected over the years, it would be the first step in continuing their ancient responsibilities to the world.
Cost: 2000 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: New Dragon Temple constructed. No Pool of Visions and no protective enchantments to keep it safe. +10 to training rolls.

Training New Guardians Part Two Basics LOCKED: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Time: 5 years. Reward: Guardian Initiate trait upgraded to Guardian Apprentice trait.

Training New Guardians Part Two Elemental: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Chance of Success: 1d50 (1d100 for Timor)/(300, 500, or 1000). Reward: Progress made toward elemental traits. Timor gains Fear Expert, Phydra/Zephyr/Virii gain Water/Wind/Poison Master, Pyra/Umbra gain Fire/Shadow Grandmaster

Recording Knowledge: The Guardians would like to get a head start on recording their collective knowledge of the elements. Though they would prefer to wait until the new temple was constructed, so they have a place to store them.
Chance of Success: 1/10/30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 3 years. Reward: Guardian knowledge preserved. Chance of priceless knowledge.

Personal: Choose One, One Locked
Spyro has found that he has less freedom than ever before with people constantly bothering him about new issues both urgent and trivial. Thankfully for his sanity, Sparx and Cynder have been very helpful in pulling him away from his new duties and keeping him together.

Continued Training (LOCKED): Spyro had a very combat oriented education and thus is lacking in what many would consider the basics. To further that the dragonflies had very different priorities in education than the dragons. In addition to this Cynder suffers from a similar problem and thus will be tutored alongside Spyro.
Chance of Success: 30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 5 years. Reward: Holes in Spyro's and Cynder's education patched. Chance of stat gain. Chance of traits.

Spending Time with Cynder: Ever since the fight with Malefor, Spyro has felt closer to Cynder than ever before. He has a half remembered feeling that Cynder would like to be even closer. Spyro has been operating mostly on instinct regarding this and the older dragons are of no help when it comes to advise, always deflecting his questions or trying to hide a laugh.
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Increased closeness with Cynder. ???

Spend Time with Sparx: Spyro and Sparx were inseparable at one point. Unfortunately he had to leave his foster brother behind before his fight Malefor as Sparx never would have made it through the Ring of Fire even with Ignitus' sacrifice.
Time: 1 year. Reward: Time spent with Sparx.

Spend Time with (character): There are many significant individuals in Warfang, both dragon and non-dragon. Spend some time with one of them and you may learn something. (May choose a character or leave it up to QM)
Chance of Success: Variable. Time: 1 year. Reward: Information. Increased Relationship. Chance of stat gain or elemental progress.

Mastering the Elements (Fire, Ice, Electricity, or Earth): While Spyro can be considered an expert in using the elements, he could go further and begin the process of mastering an element. This would require dedicating his time to one element; with Ignitus dead and the other Guardians very busy at the moment, this will take twice as long to accomplish.
Chance of Success: 1d100 of 500 (half result before bonuses are added). Reward: Progress made toward mastering chosen element.

Learning a New Element (Water, Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear): As a purple dragon, Spyro is the only dragon who can learn a new element. With Cynder's assistance, learning Wind, Shadow, Poison, or Fear would be comparatively easy. He has no current teacher for Water unfortunately.
Chance of Success: 1d100/100 (half result for water before bonuses are added). Reward: Progress made toward learning chosen element.

Mastering the Code of Reality: Aether allows one to alter reality with enough will and provides both the ultimate offense and the ultimate defense. Unfortunately Aether is incredibly difficult to master as nobody, save Spyro and Cynder can even use it and both have been almost lost to the dark side of it forever. Mastering the conventional elements first may make this easier.
Chance of Success: 1d100/1000 (Low rolls have disastrous consequences). Reward: Progress toward becoming a master in Aether.

Shaping Reality: It is a purple dragon's spiritual right to master the elements. Malefor however did something nobody had even considered and added the elements of Shadow, Poison, and Fear. With this revelation, there has been rumors that Wind and Water are not original elements either and that only the prime elements of Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth are natural. While Spyro is nowhere near Malefor's level of mastery over Aether, it could be done.
Chance of Success: 1% (chance doubled if Cynder can be convinced to help). Time: ??? Reward: New Element.
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[x] plan laying down the fondations

-[x] Making a Roster: Clarity has some idea on how many would answer the call to arms if it came to that and agrees with Terrador that this needs to be a priority so you know who you can count on if it came to another conflict.
Chance of Success: 90%. Reward: Accurate information on all willing and able fighters.
-[x] Patching the Holes Part 1: Between the damage from the siege, the Golem breaking open a hole, the Destroyer walking straight through the city, and then the sundering and reconstruction of the planet, the renowned defenses of Warfang are in bad shape. There are massive gaps in the wall including two utterly destroyed sections where the Destroyer walked through. Clarity would like to get started on the first phase of doing so which would be paying all available earth dragons to erect a temporary wall.
Cost: 2000 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Enemies can no longer walk straight into Warfang.

-[x] Talking with the Moles: Ventis has decided that the number one priority needs to be re-establishing formal contact with the moles. The moles are experts in construction and have several ideas that the dragons could benefit from. As the moles both build Warfang and inside of it, Spyro agrees with his reasoning.
Chance of Success: 90%. Time: 1 year. Reward: Diplomatic relations with the moles resumed. Can coordinate certain actions.
-[x] Confronting Nobles: Ventis thinks now would be an excellent time to talk with the nobles and get everything straightened out. The nobles used to run all aspects of dragon life except which was ran by the Guardians. Talking with them may help the surviving nobles accept the new government. With the nobles still rebuilding and figuring out what claims they have and which they can take for themselves, now would be an excellent time to strike. Ventis is sure that both bribery and any information Umbra can get would help greatly.
Chance of Success: 60% (Goes down by 5 every year). Cost: N/A (Every 200 gold will increase success chance by 5%). Time: 1 year. Reward: Nobles accept the new government.
--[x]400 gold

-[x] Recruiting Spies: Right now Umbra has been working alone, but he knows that soon the work will start to overwhelm him. He wants to get a head start on gathering a solid intelligence core to assist him, starting with the less popular shadow, poison, and fear dragons, but also other types of dragons. After last year's fiasco, Umbra has put together a complicated plan to take advantage of Spyro's popularity, so that the young ruler would be 'safer against the dark mistress'. The other part of this plan is to do as he did before and try to track down the Shadow, Poison, and Fear dragons once more.
Chance of Success: 65%. Cost: 500 Gold. Upkeep: 200 Gold per year. Time: 2 years. Reward: +1 action.

-[x] Gone Hunting: Food has become a very big problem due to the large population of dragons calling the city home. Glacies recommends sending out hunting parties immediately to make sure nobody goes hungry throughout the year.
Time: 1 year. Reward: Food situation stabilized. +300 Gold in loot.
-[x] Farming Fish: Phydra approached Glacies with a novel plan that nobody had really considered. Farming is considered a neat approach to supplying large amounts of food, but as dragons are carnivorous, nobody had really considered it practical. Phydra however managed to live off of only fish for the entire duration of the war and has come up with a method of creating what she calls 'fish farms'. Feeding the entire city of Warfang with fish farms would be impractical, but supplementing them with hunting would help alleviate the pressure on the hunters.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 300 Gold. Reward: Small fish farm, +1 Food Level, +100 gold in income from fish.
-[x] Taking a Census: Glacies admits that nobody knows for sure how many people are left in Warfang and suggests that this needs to be done immediately so that work can be started on fixing the economy and tackling the larger issues.
Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 200 Gold. Time: 2 years. Reward: Knowledge of how many people are in the city, their races, and what kinds of dragons.

-[x] Schools and Apprentices: The third option Volteer has proposed is not as much of a radical change as the second and would consist of mandating an education, but if a drake finds someone to sponsor an apprenticeship, then they may forgo the standardized education in favor of an apprenticeship. The nobility is split on this issue with half having issue with how the government would be more involved in the education system than before and half rallying behind it as the best solution to fix the issues with the current system.
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 1200 Gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: School built. Apprenticeship continued. Guardians pleased. Some nobles displeased.
-[x] Save the Books! Part One (Locked): With the Dragon Temple destroyed and with it priceless irreplaceable knowledge, Volteer has declared an emergency. He needs all claws on deck to find as many unique books as possible and get people on copying them immediately. Once you have the books, work can start on a place to store them and someone to manage them. Volteer admits that more gold to serve as bribes would make the process easier. Can be taken as a free action at double the price and time.
Chance of Success: 70% (goes down by 5 each year). Cost: 500 gold (every 500 gold afterward, increase success by 10%; can go past 100). Time: 1 year. Reward: Less knowledge lost.

-[x] Rebuilding the Temple: The Dragon Temple was a work of art before Malefor destroyed it. A millennia worth of priceless knowledge and secrets have been lost forever. Though the new temple will not be as defensible, nor have the many artifacts the Guardians had collected over the years, it would be the first step in continuing their ancient responsibilities to the world.
Cost: 2000 gold. Time: 3 years. Reward: New Dragon Temple constructed. No Pool of Visions and no protective enchantments to keep it safe. +10 to training rolls.
-[x] Training New Guardians Part Two Basics LOCKED: With five new Guardian Initiates and the Fire Guardian Apprentice Pyra found alive, it is time to resume training. The first step in this training would be to instill what the Guardians consider the basics. This would consist of patching the holes in the initiates' education. As a Guardian, they are expected to be polite, knowledgeable, capable leaders, and able to take care of themselves in combat.
Time: 5 years. Reward: Guardian Initiate trait upgraded to Guardian Apprentice trait.

-[x] Continued Training (LOCKED): Spyro had a very combat oriented education and thus is lacking in what many would consider the basics. To further that the dragonflies had very different priorities in education than the dragons. In addition to this Cynder suffers from a similar problem and thus will be tutored alongside Spyro.
Chance of Success: 30/50/70/90/100%. Time: 5 years. Reward: Holes in Spyro's and Cynder's education patched. Chance of stat gain. Chance of traits.
-[x] Spend Time with Sparx: Spyro and Sparx were inseparable at one point. Unfortunately he had to leave his foster brother behind before his fight Malefor as Sparx never would have made it through the Ring of Fire even with Ignitus' sacrifice.
Chance of Success: ??? Time: 1 year. Reward: Time spent with Sparx.
@x0Nothing0x , good plan, but I worry that 2000 in Martial for wall building might eat too far in our reserves, and I'd like to constantly patrol and redesign the city (stewardship action) before we rebuild the walls. Another action I changed was 'talking with the moles' for 'talking with the dragons' in case a bad rumor occurs, or we can stop a rumor completely.

Census, and, planning a better city, would likely be best before we choose to build houses, not during.

We are losing money each turn, not gaining.
Treasury: 9200 Gold
Income: 400 Gold per turn.

[X] Plan: The Patrol, and Citizen Conversations
-[X]Making a Roster

-[X]Talking with the Dragons
-[X]Confronting Nobles
--[X] 800 gold

-[X]Recruiting Spies

-[X] Gone Hunting
-[X] Planning a Better City
-[X] Taking a Census

-[x] Schools and Apprentices
-[x] Save the Books! Part One (Locked)
-[x] In with the Old

-[x] Rebuilding the Temple
-[x] Training New Guardians Part Two Basics LOCKED

-[x] Continued Training (LOCKED)
-[x] Spend Time with Sparx

Expenses = -5300 to reserves.

edit: Added study enchantments to learning. I think I might have been wasting the action by only using one learning action, and one locked action.
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