[X] Intercept Cynfanor. Regardless of whether he hits your mortal followers or goes for Evatine, Cynfanor need to stop or at least delayed and you are the only one for that job.
You cannot let Cynfanor engage Evatine. For all of your friend's might, you worry about his chances of taking on Cynfanor in a one on one fight. And if Evatine falls, you doubt that your warriors will win the fight between mortals.
So while you have no doubts that Cynfanor is stronger and more powerful than you, you attempt to engage him anyway. With your decision made, you move to intercept Cynfanor as he charges towards Evatine.
A good many warriors stand between Cynfanor and Evatine, but the lightning warrior-spirit does not care. Channelling his power, he unleashes a massive arc of lightning at the mortals between him and your friend.
The lightning surges through Avawyrish, Bedywnish and Evalonish warriors alike. Such is the force of the attack that you yourself are thrown back by it.
As you get back to your feet, you can hear the sizzling of burning flesh and screams of the mortal warriors slain by ruthless Cynfanor. When you get back up, a full quarter of the Avawyrish-Evalonish army is gone and Cynfanor is halfway across the corpse-filled ground on his way to the now exposed Evatine.
Looking around at the corpses of your followers, you feel cold. Over thirty of your followers have been slain in a single blow by Cynfanor.
The spirit who attacked your explorers with no reason. The spirit who has captured your daughter and changed her. The spirit who has just slain so many of your people without blinking an eye.
He has wronged you. He wronged your family, both those who share your blood and those who you might as well call your family.
And now he goes for Evatine, one of your closest friends and whom you will would happily call your brother.
You will not allow Cynfanor to wrong you and your family again, no matter how strong or powerful he might be.
As you can feel the energy of your warriors fading, you gather it to you instinctively and forged into something new. Into the bonds that you have with them and the responsibilities that you owe them.
And with that, you become more than you were before as something that you are becomes something clear and a solid truth.
New Trait Gained:
Spirit of Fatherhood: Bonus to Leadership, Bonus to Persuade, Improved Family Interactions, Bonus to Protecting Family,
Drawing upon the cold rage within you and your Aspect of the Wildcat, you let out an angry howl and charge at Cynfanor as he smashes side the barrage of spears that Evatine fires off at him.
Distracted by his focus on Evatine, Cynfanor does not react to you until it is too late. As you embrace the power that your Aspect of the Wildcat gives you, you chomp down on the back of Cynfanor's neck, your fangs sinking into his flesh.
Letting out an angry growl, Cynfanor unleashes massive blast of lighting at you and with the two of you physically connected, he is unable to miss.
You can feel the lightning searing your body as it courses through it and it is only with your newfound power that you do not break before it. Even then it is still not enough and Cynfanor slowly forces you to yield before him.
As you are forced to leash your grip on him, Cynfanor spins around and slams a fist into your gut, sending you flying backwards.
As you stagger to your feet, grunting in pain, you hear lightning clashing against Evatine's liquid protection. Focusing on Cynfanor, you are barely able to see the next punch coming let alone have even a chance at dodging.
With several painful cracks as Cynfanor pulverises your chest, you go flying backwards and crashing into the ground, leaving a large gorge in the earth.
Struggling to hold your avatar together after suffering what would be instantly fatal injuries if you were mortal.
With his bloody eye and snarling face, Cynfanor marches over to you, summoning a spear of lightning in his right hand.
"I do not know who you are or why you have attacked my people," says Cynfanor in a deep, guttural voice, "But you shall regret it."
"It is you who shall regret going after my family," you hiss back.
Cynfanor pauses as he stands over you and you can practically see the realisation going through his head.
"You are-gahh!" starts Cynfanor before letting out a cry of pain as the blade of Evatine's new weapon goes through his chest.
"You will die," says Evatine as if stating a fact.
Treating another fatal injury as if it was nothing, Cynfanor unleashes more lightning, all of it directed at Evatine. But your friend does not falter before your foe and instead summons his liquid protection to block, absorb and direct the lightning that Cynfanor sends his way.
And yet, you can already tell that Evatine is not the one winning that duel and if it continues as it is, it is only a matter of time before Evatine's defences yield.
Knowing that needs to be done, you gather what energy you have left at your disposal and struggle to your feet.
But then Cynfanor stops as horror spreads across his face.
"No!" roars Cynfanor, but it is too late as his avatar breaks down and the spiritual energies are pulled back towards the village.
With Cynfanor gone and his power dispersed, there is enough energy for you to claim as your own. And as of such, you do so.
Pick One Upgrade
[] Aspect of Lightning.
[] Aspect of the Chief.
[] Aspect of Earth.
[] Aspect of Rock.
[] Upgrade Aspect of the Wildcat to Spirit of the Wildcat.