High Priestess- 3
Here we go, finally meeting the Sensei, and the graduation test starts as well.

Santa believes in practical demonstrations.

I leaned back in my chair, cards stashed away, senbon out in my fingers, I was spinning it in short and sharp loops, one spiral that way, a sharp twist backward, and so on. It was partly to keep me centered, part effort to pass the time. We had gotten back early and still had almost half an hour before the jonin showed up. As we sat there, the rest of the class slowly filtered in, and I tuned the low murmur of conversation mostly out, while still listening for any interesting tidbits. One part focus, one part meditation. And one part free association. It worked fairly well. Part of me wanted to call it 'spinning leaf' but that was mostly ignored. I settled on 'Leaf on the Wind'. Well. Mentally. I never really had to explain that anyway. After all, to most of the world, I was zoned out, focused on the senbon dancing in my hands.

I listened as Asako tried to be courteous but not direct with Rise, drawing him into a conversation with only the faintest signs of flirting heading his way. Though, she was apparently pumping him for information, subtly, but yeah. I heard her convince Rise to start explaining his limitations with his clan jutsu, 'so we know how to work together'. Meanwhile, Tsuru was snarking with Kagawa, both arguing over some sort of match… which probably explains why they both have bruised arms. I heard spar said a few times, so it seemed it was more for banter then true argument.

The civilian born team was fairly excited, lots of not so quiet whispers going back and forth about missions and rumors from older years. Nothing new or true that I could pick up, but I listened all the same. The more interesting things were what wasn't said, what lurked in the silence. The team of Aburame. Hyuuga and Yato were enjoying a comfortable silence, with Inago reading a scroll, and Sho doodling and Shiva practicing Origami.

However, there was tension between the swordsman team. More precisely. Between Reiji and Shimoda. Both of them looked relaxed, but then they would glare at the other, the few times they matched glares they would lean in, and I could see the tension build before they would simultaneously grunt and break away. Honestly, it's the first fucking day. I bet it was some sort of swordsman pride thing.

My teammates were both relaxed and calm, which was nice. I would guess that Yumi is currently reviewing something based in the way her body is lazily relaxed but her eyes have furrowed slightly. As for Kohaku… she was pulling a stoic noble move, sitting there calm and composed. I heard the door slide open and my hands twitched, the senbon shooting down and into the sheath in my sleeve.

Moto sensei steppe din first, and sat down, as the six jounin sensei walked in one by one. I noted down each one and how they looked and focused especially on the only Yamanaka. My sensei.

He was tall and had his hair in the somewhat iconic golden ponytail I recognized from Ino in the anime. His face was chiseled, with a jaw that I could almost compare to that of Bruce Campbell, and his expression was focused. He did not look mean-hearted or stoic. Just attentive. I noticed as his eyes locked with mine, and flicked between the three members of my team, I gave a close-lipped smile and nodded, and he blinked, before smiling and nodding back. Moto-sensei was calling out the teams again and introducing each sensei.

When he finished, we were all released and one by one, all the teams left, following their sensei.

Santa-sensei lead us towards, not the training grounds as I expected, but to a small pavilion next to the market district. On the table, there was a small box and a small stack of folders.

As we settled in, the three of us sitting across the table from our sensei, he smiled.

"Greetings, as you heard I'm your sensei, Yamanaka Santa. Please refer to me as Santa-Sensei or just Sensei while we are either on a mission or informal settings. Before we begin, let's go around and list our skills, our goals for the next little while, and one thing you would like to focus on while I teach you. I, for instance, Specialize in Clan techniques, sensory abilities, combat strategy, and interrogation. I am planning to train you guys to take the chunin exam just over a year from now. I wish to refine my kenjustsu.

I paused to think, and Yumi looked at me, and then at Kohaku who was also in thought before huffing and beginning.

"Nara Yumi. Basic Nara clan shadow manipulation and capture jutsu, moderate stealth, moderate taijutsu, Academy three. I want to participate in a mission for stealth and recon. I want to learn genjutsu." she said, and then looked at me, and narrowed her eyes.

I Smiled disarmingly, hands up and eyes half-lidded. "Mah, Mah, relax Yumi-san. Hello, My name is Toru Shusho. I have fairly high sleight of hand, moderate misdirection, moderate shurikenjutsu, and tool use, and basic taijutsu. I also have rudimentary sealing and slightly more than moderate genjutsu skills, though most of those are rather unique. I wish to master a doton jutsu I have possession of and find my affinity. I would like to focus on Taijutsu and physical conditioning, as well as chakra control."

I kept my hands on the table, but as in finished I slid a hand sideways, sliding the palmed deck of cards out, and started to shuffle the deck that appeared as if from nowhere, making sensei blink for a split second.

Kohaku speaks up. "Kohaku Shimo, Moderate fire jutsu, specializing in small highly mobile attacks. High chakra control, low taijutsu, moderate stealth, and fairly high diplomatic training. I also have some experience with a quarterstaff. I would like to visit my family in the coming month, and want to practice taijutsu and work on my reserves."

Santa sensei smiled and nodded. "Good, good. Now, I've read your files," he pulls out three small scrolls from a pouch as he says this, "and know you are all fairly intuitive. So tell me, what type of team is this?"

I speak up first this time. "Either infiltration or high-profile diplomacy."

"Or investigative," Yumi speaks up, and Kohaku nods in agreement.

"You ae mostly right. There's also the potential for assassination or sabotage, but that depends on how things go and what you find yourself comfortable with."

II blink a bit in surprise at his bluntness but nod in agreement nonetheless.

"Now, I expect you may have heard rumors, but let me confirm it. Right now you have completed the academy requirements, but yous till have to beat my requirements. As such, I've set up a test for you. It has three parts." he pulls open the box and pulled out a scroll, a vial of blue something, and a book. Each has a picture set next to them, each a mug shot of a different person.

"These three objects need to be delivered to each of the three targets. They are currently hiding in the market district behind me with orders to evade and escape as civilians. The blue vial is a paint, that they will treat as a poison. You have to apply it to the skin. The book is encoded, you have to decipher the message and relay it to its target, the first target has the cipher. The scroll is sealed, you have to hand it off without it being opened, you can only get the location of the final target from the second after you give him the book." I looked it over and nodded, mind starting to race as I considered each objective. "Beyond that, I have a few chunin and independent genin helping me today. They have orders to either protect their targets or hunt you down. Now. Impress me." and with that, he used a shunshin to vanish.

I looked at my companions, and Yumi started before nodding. "Alright, here's how this is going to go down," she said, reaching for the supplies.
High Priestess- 4 (Genin Test: Hunters)
"First off, how good at you with disguises, Shusho?"

"I'm passable. give me twenty minutes and I can work one out. I have a few sealed away outfits just in case."

"Any in Kohaku's size?'


"Hmm…. Maybe. I have something that might fit."

"Kay, here's what you're going to do…"

Izumo and Kotetsu were looking over a Genin team practice test from a vantage point when a third person joined them.

"Eh? Santa-san? I thought you had a genin team now?" Izumo said, looking at the blonde. Koetsu glanced up, before turning his gaze back down and looking at the marketplace below. He looked over it and saw the five Genin who had asked for some assistance with practicing their guard formations. He nodded in approval at seeing three in a modified Manji Formation, and the other two acting as orbiting scouts. One stood up on the nearby rooftops, the other wandering through the crowd some ten to twenty feet behind them.

"I do have a genin team. In fact, they are here right now." That caught Kotetsu's attention.

"Then where are they?" he asked.

"Easy, I gave them the job to assassinate the man those genin are protecting." Izumo and Kotetsu both blinked and looked at Santa, who was standing there perfectly stoically. "Fake assassination, of course," Santa added almost as an afterthought, leading towards the edge a bit.

Both Kotetsu and Izumo almost face planted.

"Now, quiet, I wanna see how my team will do," Santa commanded, leaning forwards and into a crouch.

"Kohaku, you and I are going to be the opener, to let Shusho get in close."

"Hai. How shall we do this?"


Koan sighed as he heard the other two Genin, Sho and Kizaru, start bickering, again, over something they saw at a stall. He was about to turn around and scold them, when he heard a girlish squeak of surprise and then a slight figure was falling at him from a rooftop, arms waving and off balance.

"Helllpppp!!!!" She squeaked, before slamming shoulder first into his stomach. The result was both of them going down in an undignified and squirming heap.

The other two stopped what they were doing, the argument cutting off as they both ran to help, their 'client' following close behind at a sedate pace.

"Miss, Miss are you okay?" Kizaru asked, gently grabbing the petite girls arm and pulling her up and off them. She was dressed in a nice, if simple, kimono, with dark blue hair and bright green eyes. Watery Bright green eyes. She took a second to gain her balance before growling, tears in her eyes.

"No, I'm not alright! That stupid baka Hara-Kun pushed me during our race!" she fumed, the short girl even stamping her foot. 'I'm going to give him a piece of my mind the Lowly no good bastard!" she began and started to stomp off into the crowd, eyes still watering.

"Hey, wait-" she turned and gave Sho, who had stepped forwards a look. The words died on his lips and he backed up, arms up and wide. "Nevermind, go do what you gotta!"

She humphed and turned and stalked off.

Sho and Kizaru turned and looked down at Koan, who was rubbing his head. It's likely he hit it on the cobbles and would have a nasty goosebump on the back of his head. "Ouch."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, let's just get back to…" he turned and looked back to see where their 'Client' was.

He wasn't there, Instead, they saw Pako looking at them.

"Where's the Client?" Sho asked, and Pako gestured to the side about thirty feet.

"There. He sat down while you were dealing with that."

They both looked around and finally noticed that he was sitting on a bench nearby, sunglasses on and hair held back by a bandana.

"Sorry about that Ebisu-Sensei. We're ready to continue."


"Ebisu-Sensei?" Sho asked, moving closer, before seeing that Ebisu had a streak of blue paint along the back of his neck. He paused in confusion before looking around. Jumping up the side of the roof to get a better vantage, he saw something that made him pause. Keijo was wrapped up and gagged on the roof by him.

Then Ebisu spoke up. "I appear to have been assassinated."

"Done. Cipher obtained and target down. Good job with that shadow possession Yumi led him right towards me. And nice job taking out the roof sentry"

"Happy it worked out. Cipher?"

"Alpha-Numeric, here's the Key."

"Cool… give me just a bit to apply it…."


"Oh, Hey Kohaku. Good job with the distraction."

"No problem. Also, why do you have a girl's Kimono in your supplies?"

"Meh, never know when you'll need to supply clothes to a civilian or something. Just be glad I had one that wasn't too far off your size."

"...Got the book deciphered. We need to head to the north end of the market. Apparently, our next target is under guard."

"Got it. Recon then plan?"

"Yes. Go for it."

Izumo and Kotetsu were both looking at Santa. Santa, who was grinning at the display they had just watched.

"Bullshit," Izumo said flatly, before glancing down at Ebisu who sat there explaining what the Genin did wrong.

"What Izumo said. There's no way a team of fresh from the stack Genin pulled that off." Kotetsu said, looking at Santa. "That was timed and planned perfectly. Don't think I didn't see the shadow walk Ebisu to that bench or the guy who was already sitting there leave immediately after. Who they hell did you let your team get as backup?'

"No one. But to answer your concerns… The team has Nara Yumi on it, and I do believe that she is currently acting as captain." he nodded, reviewing what he saw. "In fact, I'm almost certain of it. The distraction was another of the team, Kohaku Shimo, dressed to look younger. The man who was waiting was a henged and disguised Toru Shusho, who was apparently the 'attack' of the trio for this. I don't know if you caught this, but he had a genjutsu go up that layered over the two of them, making their movements less obvious. He needs practice though, that was crude. Still, I saw him gag, poison, and then loot, in under a half minute. impressive."

Both of the Chunin gave him flat states of 'Whut?' and below them, Ebisu nodded, and checked his pocket, before whirling around and looking at the empty bench.

"Oh, and Toru seems to have picked Ebisu-sans pockets of his wallet and kunai as well. Nice to know."

"Target found, There, back of the bar. "

Santa and Izumo sat on another rooftop, this time with Ebisu with them. Kotetsu and the genin had been rather easily convinced to try for payback against the new guys. It had taken less than five minutes to convince them to help out with the final objective. With Kotetsu acting as the field commander, they had set up a perimeter at the final location.

Regardless, the three Ninja sat on the roof and focused chakra on hearing the converstion going on several stories below them.


"Probably another patron."

"Guys? Shinobi bar. We can't get in there as civilians. Not without giving away the plot."

"Then we need to draw him out, No?"


"Wait…. You see that window next to him?"

"The barred and almost closed one?"

"Yeah…. I have an idea."

Raido was sitting there calmly sipping his sake. Santa-kun was the best. All he had to do was sit here, sip his sake, and wait for the genin to try and enter. Then sit back and watch the show as the Chunin seated at the bar threw them out. He even had his bar tab paid for!

Of course, that's when a playing card slid down onto the table. He paused, looked around and saw a dark blue eye looking at him from the crack in the window. Oh, that's smart.

A playing card with a basic sealing array, and simple instructions written above and below the seal.

Huh. Ain't that neat.

He pulsed a bit of chakra through the seal, and a simple scroll appeared, with little in the way of smoke too! He picked it up and read it, appreciative of both the well written and clean kanji on the paper, and the well thought out message. And what do you know? That was the passphrase, along with a request for how he passed on his side of the equation. He spoke up, talking clearly, as he repeated the location.

"Final target is at Market Street 412, he arrives at 18:00 hours." A second card came flying in with the kanji for 'Thanks' and another seal. The seal popped on its own letting a simple wallet fall to the table, with a note that said 'Please return to Ebisu' before both cards seemed to flare with chakra, and then the seals began to crumble and fall apart.

"Huh." he picked up the wallet, and a bout ten minutes later Ebisu stepped in and sat down.

"Can I have that back please?" he asked, a faint blush along his cheeks.

"Sure. Drink?" Raido offered.

"Please. I had to deal with these two Genin who would not stop bickering all day."

"My condolences."


"Good. So we have the location?"


"Let's move."

The three genin left their hiding place in a back alley at a jog, Toru leading them through the back alleys of the market. Above them and back, they were shadowed by their soon to be Sensei, and the two other observers.

Less than twenty minutes later, a girl with three dogs leaped down into the same alley, and the dogs sniffed and nosed about.

"Shit, Just missed them. Let's go boys."

The three dogs sniffed around and got the scent one more time. It had taken them time to find it before this, the market is crowded and with enough scents that until they found the right trail they couldn't follow the genin. Now that they had the scent, however, they just needed to follow the genin.

Of course, then they had to bail through the alleys.

"Couldn't just stick to the roofs like every other ninja, no, that's too easy." Hana Inuzuka muttered, the young Chunin taking off at a sprint. "Fucking Genin."
High Priestess- 5 (Genin Test: Ambush)
Edit: Fuck that noise

And here we go! The last part of the Genin Test. Maybe. I might do the next one from Kohaku's perspective, and if I DO, it'll overlap a bit.

I step and lean against the corner of the building, looking out through the slats of a fence down the street towards 412 Market. The street is empty, which makes sense, this section of town was hit hard by the Kyuubi years ago, and some of the buildings are still unsound. There's still the occasional residence around, and a few stores, but not near here. Market Street was near the city limits anyway, and past about 300 Market Street, it's a ghost town. Partly because at this point it devolves into a weird dead zone between two training grounds. With nothing really here, it's been all but abandoned.

From where I can see, 412 is a three-story apartment building, at least four suites across. The windows are dusty and cracked, and the paints peeling. However, the real kicker is that I can see the genin from earlier. And they are… not happy. There's two on the roof, constantly circling the back edges and sides. I can see another one sitting on the door stoop, and from what I saw earlier, there has got to be another two, who are probably either patrolling from the inside or are likely set up at windows.

Regardless, once I'm done surveying it, I slide back down the alley, running a hand through my hair in thought. I pull out a charged deck, and step up the walls to a corner of the roof, sliding the card under a coin blank to hold it on the edge of the roof. That's Mark 18. I have about a third of the area marked now.

Regardless, I slide back down, slowing to a nearly inaudible tap at the end. I jog through the back alleys again and step back into where I and the others spit for recon.

Yumi walks back in a minute later, with Kohaku following not even ten seconds after that.

"It's the same genin team from earlier, and they seem entrenched," Kohaku stated.

"Yes, though I could only confirm three. The two on the roof and one on the porch."

"I saw one of them. The guy who was on the roofs earlier is making a slow circle around the building, last I saw they were going counter clockwise. They seem to be taking ti slow and cautious as well." Yumi spoke up, looking at the ground as she made her shadow twist into a rough map of the area. Liking the idea, I pulled cards from my hand and placed them down, two black queens and a jack of spades for us, diamonds 2-6 for the rest. Though I didn't lay down the five/six, due to them not being exactly known.

"So we have at least one missing opponent and three entrenched enemies…" Yumi muttered as she looked down at the map.

"Toru, what's your preferred range?"

"Midfield. I can do close, but I'm best if I have some space to move."

"Any explosive tags or smoke bombs?"

I paused to mentally count. "Ten explosive tags, all low yield from academy classes. Twenty midsize smoke bombs. Better for close quarters but in the open like this…" I hesitated, taking in the dimension of the streets. "Double upped, they might work. Anything less will dissipate too quickly. Particularly with the wind." I added, mentally thinking it through.

Before Yumi could ask her, Kouhaku gave her summary. "I prefer long to mid, my Fire Jutsu's have fairly good range, but they are highly visible."

Yumi nodded and looked back down. And I pulled my jacket off, switching a few placements of things. Wire and senbon to be easier to grab, the kunai I always carried got brought to hand easier. The windmill shuriken was fingered but dismissed. The only place with a clear angle for it was the heavily exposes back… wait….
"Hey, Yumi. who's watching the back, the two guys on the roof, right?" I asked, mind racing as I considered something that could be stupid levels of audacious.

"Yeah, they walk along the sides to the back corners." she looked up to see me clearly.

I paused mentally trying to remember… "Did you catch the timing?"

"About six seconds between either of them getting closer. And the back is a clear fire zone." she pointed out, the back yard was easily 50 meters of all but clear grass and dirt, leading to the treeline. The neighboring yards were both just as open, and clear between them. The front was a twenty feet wide street and the sides were fifteen feet each. To the left from the street was a small one story building, but the other side was a two story complex similar to the apartment.

I looked up at Yumi and an interested Kohaku.

"Well, spit it out!" came Yumi's muttered comment.

"Well, Taichou… before I can put my idea together, let's deal with the easiest target maybe? if they have a scout, let's pick it off? I mean, that's the most open target. From there, we have less to deal with?"

They both nodded, and I stood, cards pulling back to my hand.

Yumi stretched, her shadow retracting back as I looked down. " Alright, let's g-"

I saw something on the edge of my vision and cut her off, diving at her and sending us both rolling to the side, Kohaku reflexively following as a dozen senbon slammed into the ground where we had stood.

There had been a shadow there shouldn't have been!

"Hold still brats! I've spent enough of my day hunting you down!" the growling voice made me flash back to dealing with both Kegawa and Ashi. Beyond that was the growl of dogs.

Multiple dogs.

"Oh fuck. Inuzuka!" I yelled, pulling and spinning the send Yumi up. She scrambled before pulling on the edge of a roof and getting out of the unintentional kill zone we were in. I turned at the familiar sound of whistling and spun my jacket, still not seated properly acting as enough of a buffer to catch the senbon. I let it go sending it flying towards a trio of what looked like white and brown Wolves?

Oh, fuck that noise!

I primed and tossed two smoke grenades, the throw intentionally high and sloppy as I scrambled to my feet, and as I spun to run I lashed out a pair of the senbon in my sleeves already in flight even as I started moving.

I heard the Inuzuka say something, but I couldn't hear it behind the muffled 'whump' of both pressure sensitive orbs detonating and filling the square with smoke.

By then Kohaku had already darted down a side alley, and Yumi had disappeared from my view over the edge of the roof.

Without my jacket, I felt faster, and so I used that, pivoting on one foot and leaning forwards, before pushing. The downside? That was my windmill shuriken and poisons gone! Fuck!

I sprinted down the alley and kicked off and up a wall, clearing a fence as I did so.

Of course, less than five seconds later, two blurs of white and brown followed me, growling along the way.

"Oh, Shit" came the hissed response as I booked it.I reached for my chakra and shoved it down my muscles. And then I felt something slip and my next step was not what I expected. I pushed off and as my next foot came down I was Skating? The chakra along my feet was acting as a buffer, sending me across the street like a puck during a game of air hockey. It was cool, BUT NOT RIGHT NOW!

I slid down the street and stumbled, and then the dogs were Right THERE HOLY SH-

I hit the deck, shoving chakra out my side as much as possible as I did, the dog going soaring right over me as I did the baseball teams of my past life proud.

I swear I heard an amused squeak from it as it missed.

I pushed off as the other dog dove at me again, twisting and my hands reached into my pocket what-did-i-have-what-did-i?

My hand came out and a deck of cards flew from my hand.

My still pulsing with chakra hand.

What was one deck, suddenly looked like a wall of white and red and black. And it made me jump a bit.


Hands together, Ram, Focus, reach, Anchor a-!

A dog slammed into me mid-Kawarimi, ending me skipping down the street, the last of my chakra wrapping me in a protective layer to lessen the impact.

It still hurt like a bitch, and the road rash my arm picked up was probably something legendary.

I also think I blacked out, cause the next thing I saw was the happy doggy grin of a wolf as it licked my face. And the weight of another one sitting on my legs.the grin opened with a low growl as I raised my head up a bit, before letting it drop back down.

I was rewarded with the dog licking my scratched up cheek.

"Ah fuck," I muttered, closing my eyes. "GG, No re."

"Hmm..." came the calm and collected tone of my sensei?

I looked up to see him standing above me.

"Hey sensei." came my half mumbled reply.

"Hello, Toru. You were the second to be taken down." Came his amused comment, as the two big mutts stepped off me.

"The others?" I asked, thinking of my team. If only two dogs went after me, that means the others were attacked by Hana and the third dog. Wolf. whatever.

"Fine. Come on. Lucky for you, Hana-san is a medic. She'll heal up that arm of yours, and we can sit down and talk about how you all did there." he held down an arm that I grasped, and he pulled. 'Oh that as a mistake'

"Sounds great. But sensei, one thing?" I said, head spinning as he helped my to my feet, the dogs flanking me. I could feel it now, the yawning emptiness that was racing up my limbs. I used a lot more chakra than I should have. Oh shit.


"I'm passing out for a bit now," I muttered, words slurring in my mouth as I saw sensei's eyes widen.

And then the world went black.
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High Priestess- 6 (Genin Test: Recovery)
*Stands over a freshly buried grave looking at the headstone, which reads 'RogueDruids Muse'.*
"Get up you lazy bastard. we have work to do."
*faint muttering from offstage*
"Really? I have too?"
*More muttering*
"Fine." 'clears throat' Hm-Hmmm "

*Ground shifts, and hand holding a notebook rises from the grave*
"Thank you."

I frowned as I wrapped the length of white bandage around the faint bite mark on my arm. The dog had been remarkably gentle, but the jerk to try and get away had been sudden enough for the teeth to scrape away several thin lines of the skin. I look up at the sound of steps as a figure appears nearby, followed by two dogs.



"Toru-San!" I start up and across the square, the Chunin hunter, Hana, was already there from where she had been sitting.

"Lay him down, I need to run a diagnostics. What happened!" she asked her dogs. Both barked in sequence, and Hana blinked before relaxing minutely.

"He tried a Kawarimi from what I saw but the Brothers got him just before he could finish it, and sent him skipping down the road. He sat up and talked to me for a second, but when I pulled him to his feet, he got cross eyed and passed out. I took him straight here." Sensei confirmed.

"Okay, that's better than I feared." her hands lit up with a faint green glow before she slowly ran it over Toru's body.

"What's happened to him." Sensei's voice was tense, and slightly worried, reminding me of Toru's Information gathering. That's right, Sensei was barely into his twenties, wasn't he?

"Yeah, like I thought. It's a chakra backlash. That Kawarimi he was going to use? He over charged it, so when he got knocked out of the way, even as it was activating, he got tossed from the Chakra build up. His road burn is nasty and he almost dislocated his arm from what I can tell, but he'll be fine. The real kicker is that he apparently was flooding his system with Chakra without training for it when the adrenaline got flushed out of his system, and he stopped flooding his body with Chakra, it sent him into a crash. Give him a few minutes for the Chakra levels to balance out in his limbs again and he'll be fine, I'll keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't go into shock."

Sensei nodded and looked around.

"I take it that Yumi escaped?"

"The chunin frowned and nodded. "Yep, the kid here tossed her up to a roof early on and then drew my attention with his smoke screen. By the time I was after her, she had gotten ahead. One of the pups is on her trail right now."'

"Understood." he turned back to me, and I stiffened instinctively, straightening posture and stance.

"I have to say, Kohaku-san, you and the others have impressed me greatly. I wanted to test your skill at combat as well, but we may not be able to today. Unless Yumi shows up soon and depending on how Toru-san here feels, I may have you make an attempt on the house. Simple for testing purposes."

I bowed my head in thanks. "Thank you sensei, I do hope that we get to make an attempt.


It was about twenty minutes later when Yumi was dragged back in by the dog, looking annoyed and her hair matted with leaves.

"Yes Fine, I understand, You found me. No can you let go of my sleeve?" Yumi scowled at the dog, who finally let go and gave a happy 'Woof'

"Hey, Taichou!"

Yumi snapped her gaze up at me, and I noticed the trace of a flush along her cheeks. "Kohaku! Where's Toru? Are you both okay?"

"We're fine Taicho, Toru's passed out from a minor case of chakra crash, but he should be up any time now.

"I'mmmup." came the mumbled voice from the side of the square near where sensei and the Chunin (Hana?) were sitting.

Slowly I watched as the slender frame of Toru pushed up into a sitting position, as he rubbed his eyes.


Both me and Yumi jogged his way, and we both came to a rest at his side. "He blinked and tilted his head our way before flinching. "Owhedhuts… fuzzyfuckbulshit." he closed his eyes and began to blindly dig around his out fit, fingers moving through his He finally reached into a pocket and held up a card, focusing his eyes on it before it seemed to flare and turn to ash. A blue glow flowing around his hand, most of it dispersing into the air, while some of it seemed to sink into his hand.

Suddenly Hana was right there, her hand grasping his wrist and glowing with green medical chakra.

"What did you just do? Your chakra system just got a surge?"

Toru shook his head blinking as his eyes finally focused into his usual sharp gaze, as he glanced at Hana. "fed a diffused chakra pulse through my coils to loosen it back up. Better than coffee or tea for a quick pick me up, but it doesn't help with exhaustion."

Hana looked at him with worry and annoyance. "Moron! Foreign Chakra like that could have caused a coil to burst!"

"Not really. I generally loosen my tenketsu with acupuncture once or twice a week, making sure to keep my coils and tenketsu loose and responsive. The Chakra was also mine anyway, so there's a lack of Dissonance in the coils."

Hana blinks, obviously surprised by the measures taken.

"Where the fuck did you learn this stuff kid?"

He looked at her and blinks slowly. "Books on Fuinjutsu, chakra control, and being friends with a Hyuga. Do you know the Hyuga clan has made the best most in depth explorations of how chakra system works in the village? It's absurd how much they can help you out if you help them in return."

He rubbed the back of his head, before pulling his hand back with a card in it, flipping it to reveal the strange geometric symbol that crosses the face. "Storing Chakra is annoying, but I can stash a small amount for when I need it. It's hardly more than you spend on your average Bushin. And when I reclaim it, I barely get 40% of that.

Hana considered this and looked at him, green glow running along his arm to his chest and head.

"Alright, you look like you've recovered well enough. Over to you Santa-san."

Our sensei stepped forwards, crossing his arms. First off, Toru-san, in your opinion what's your condition?"

"Uhh… maybe seventy percent. My arm is going to be a weak point and my controls a tad unsteady, but I can still move and throw with my off arm just as well. So yeah, about seventy to eighty." Toru replied, flexing and tensing his right arm with a frown, seeing how it ached when twisted certain ways.

"Kohaku-san? Nara-san? Conditions?"
"Near 100% here, sensei, I've had twenty minutes to recover and my chakra and exhaustion are back to normal," I spoke up, checking my arm to see the small bite marks had stopped bleeding and was only slightly inflamed.

"Less than her, about 90%, the chase didn't take much out of me, and I'm still mostly fresh, but dodging the dog took some effort." Yumi supplied.

"Good, Good." he said, looking over the three of us as Toru picked up his folded jacket, senbon removed, from near he had to lay while passed out and slid it back on.

"Well, I have made my decision, but I want to see you in one last test."

I and the others glanced among us, then back at Santa.

"Complete your third mission."

Then he, Hana, and the dogs vanished.

I and Toru turned to see Yumi smirk.

"Well then. Let's take the castle."

I felt my lips quirk in response. And Toru grinned, a glint of menace in his eye.
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High Priestess- 7 (Final Assault)
And here we see the team actually fighting, and exactly why they were put together. because this shit is fucking crazy.

Santa Looked down on the street at the house, hidden in the building across the way with a clear view of the building, two of his shadow clones were flanking the building giving him more viewpoints, and a third was following his students, to see how they acted.

He watched carefully, seeing how the genin on the building was alert, focused, and angry. A moment later, he heard the first sign of combat.

A yell.

"Hey, What the-"

"Shut up,"

"Ouch. that looks like it hurt."

"Tie him up, Toru, we have to keep moving."

"Will do."

Santa watched in amusement as, after a moment of hesitation, the two on the roof stayed, and both the boy on the stoop and the girl who was hidden inside left at speed, heading for the sound of the yell.

"Toru, Kohaku, Now."

"Katon:Honō no saramandā" (Fire: Flame Salamander)

"Karawimi no Jutsu"

Koan looked up when he heard the sound of crackling flames and jumped back, a long slender serpent shape made of flames leaping across the roofs at him. He turned to yell at his partner, Keijo, but only barely saw her vanish with a sharp yelp, before someone new was right next to him, a kid, about his age, who had on a green jacket, his left arm was already cocked back.

Before he could think about it, he felt his head snap back. He started to stagger back only to feel a grip on his arm pull him back forwards. He felt wire wrap around his wrist, and as he tried to gain his footing, a knee found its home in his stomach. He was yanked back again, a foot planting itself on his back from the boy as he spun and kicked, the wire dragging Koan along with the motion and keeping him from finding his stance. The boy pulled the arm around his back and rode him to the ground, as his other arm was gripped and yanked back. The feeling of wire wrapped around his other wrist as well and as he opened his mouth to scream for back up he tasted cloth.

A moment later he was struggling helplessly as he was hogtied on the roof, hands and feet wrapped in wire.

Then he rolled back and looked up just in time for a senbon needle to pierce his arm, making him flinch at the sting.

Then… everything got very very… blurry. He mumbled something but it was so hard to move now. Everything was soo…. relaxing….

"Nice sweep Kohaku."

"Thank you, Yumi. the possession was very useful to tie him up."

"You're welcome."

"Target down and stashed."

"That was fast, any problem?"

"Arms still sore, but I got the jump on him. You guys good?"

"Yep, he wasn't expecting to appear here."

"Good, because that was fucking exhausting. I'm down to less than a third of my chakra."

"You wanna sit the next part out?"

"Nah, I'll just stick to shuriken jutsu."

"Okay. Kohaku, that means you and me. Let's go."

"Hai, Taicho."

Kizaru and Sho both stood in ready stances, focused across the roofs there had been a flash of flame in the sky earlier, but now there was silence.

Kizaru looked around slowly and then blinked. Just across the street from them, sitting on the ledge of the building across the street was another kid in a green jacket.

With a Konoha hitai-ate on his arm.

"Contact Front!"

He said spinning and drawing the Jutte he carried, While Sho stepped to his back and kept eyes open.

"Yo, We captured the rest of your squad. Wanna give up?" The genin in green called across the street.

"Not a chance in Hell!" Kizaru growled, hand flashing down and a dozen shuriken flying through the air, only for when they reached the genin, to cause him to shimmer and disappear.


"Contact left!" Sho barked out as he turned and blocked a series of Kunai with a Shuriken. Kizaru glanced that way, and saw a girl with dark hair in a long pony tail flip over the gap between buildings, throwing another volley which sho focused on deflecting.

"Katon: Hibanakaze!" (Fire: Ember Wind) he turned in surprise at seeing another dark haired girl, with very pale skin, leaping from another building to theirs. The girl took a breath and breathed out a swirling cone of what looked like Firefly's rushing from her mouth, scorching the roof tiles slightly and forcing both Sho and Kizaru to dive to the sides, separating them.

Kizaru growled and started to rush forwards, only to feel a yank on his foot mid-step, he crashed to the tiles and looked down to see a Shuriken and Ninja wire around his ankles, leading across the roof towards where the first genin, the guy's, bushin had been. And then the wire went taut, yanking his ankles together, and he gave a yelp as he was pulled back across the roof.

He pulled a kunai and slashed it down, cutting the wire only to see a shadow and look up, as a lithe pale leg came slamming down across his face.

He felt his head snap down and bounce off the roof, making things go double. And then he felt a smooth blade on his neck and a weight on the arm that held his Jutte.

"Concede, or I break your arm."

He paused. Part of him wanted to push her, but something about her voice was… cold. And very very dangerous.

Despite himself, he opened both hands and let both his Jutte and Kunai drop to the roof.

"Wonderful choice."

And then he felt a needle in his arm and looked down before thing suddenly went… blurry, and he felt his arm and most of his body go limp.

The last thing he saw before passing out was Sho and the other dark haired girl both standing motionless and the pale girl walking their way.

"You guys good?"

"Yes Taicho, but I'm afraid I'm spent Jutsu wise."

"Yeah, same, the Bunshin was simple enough, but I'm still drained from earlier."

"And I'm low now too, dammit. The Shadow Bind sucks Chakra like crazy."

"Let's finish this and go home. I need to sleep this road rash off."

Kotetsu was frowning as he sat in a comfy chair in the center of the third floor of the building. He had accepted being Santa-san's "Final Target" because he thought the genin would be able to keep them occupied. Apparently not.

He sighed and looked to the door as two of the new Genin, Santa's genin, stepped in, both the girls.

"Where's the third kid?"


The sound made him damn near jump as he spun around, seeing the third kid looking in from the window.

'Damn kid, that nearly gave me a heart attack!'

"One scroll, for a Hogane Kotetsu." The dark haired girl, the Nara, said. She held out the scroll and he nodded, opening it in curiosity.

He nearly facepalmed. It was a fairly detailed scribble of Santa standing on top on Kotetsu and Izumo with a grin and a 'V' sign. Below it was the words. "You lose!"

He signed and heard a snort behind him, turning and paling when he realized the kid out the window could see the paper.


'Oh yeah,' Santa thought, sitting comfortably as he watched Kotetsu rage. 'I think I'll enjoy this.'
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High Priestess- 8 (End of Act 2)
Here we go, the end of the High priestess arc. now we finally start the true adventures. now we learn, now we go out into the great wide world...
Now we are in danger.

The three of us landed and jogged to the small patio where we started, sliding into the bench with only minor shoving as our sensei sat across from us. At another patio were the other Genin and the three chunin we had encountered. Koetsu was leaning back with eyes closed, Ebisu was leaning against a supporting column for the patio roof, and Izumo was sitting next to Kotetsu and looking interested.

"I must start by saying that you three have exceeded expectations, and while I still plan to push you all over the next little while to see how you work under pressure, you have potential," Santa said with a smile. "But before I go over your performance," he turned to the other Genin. "Thank you, Genin Team 78, for assisting us even though it was unexpected."

"No problem, But we prefer Team Fulcrum."
"You are welcome, Santa-san"
"It was Fun!"
"It was an Honor, Santa Sama"
"Gonna want a rematch soon. This was Fun."

I and the girls also voiced our thanks. "Let's' do this again sometime." "It was an honor learning from you Senpai's" "Thanks for being Op-force Fulcrum"

The Genin nod, before standing and saying goodbye, all wandering off back into town. The chunin also exchange pleasantries before heading out.

When it was just the three of us and sensei, he turned back and we refocused.

"First off, yes, I am taking you all as my team. The level of competence, even if you didn't demonstrate much in the way of firepower, you all clearly know how to work with what you have. Together, you have a disturbing level of synchronicity. I noticed the timing was off occasionally. And that you still were cautious around the others. I know Kohaku has larger more dangerous Jutsu, even if she can't use them often yet. Yumi relied on you noticing her flight to come help, instead of having a signal, and that drained her more than necessary. And Toru though useful, was very careful about using poisoned senbon." he paused and looked us over, "but you all have some great combinations. Toru, using Yumi's actions to select a target and keep her free was great, same with using Kohaku's flames to distract the enemy force so you could hinder them. Yumi, great job coordinating your team and setting up plans, as well as recognizing strengths in the others. Kohaku, using your Jutsu when you did was great, you fought both conservatively and were mindful of your team."

He focused on me, first. "Toru, you need combat experience and practical training to learn how to think even when under fire, you panicked earlier when you all got ambushed, and in a real-life situation that would have been far more costly than it was. I also have a few books for you to read in mind, they should help you learn to limit yourself better and control your chakra, I noticed you have fairly reactive control, so finding ways to manipulate it more smoothly will be important. I have some tests to do with your Shurikenjutsu to see where you lie with that, and I'll need to test your taijutsu to see where you stand. Same with both of you for taijutsu. I have better ideas of the two of you, but I need to see your limits in a prolonged engagement to help you."

He turned to Yumi. "You have fairly good control and reserves, well trained and practiced jutsu, but you have a small repertoire. I know you can do the Academy three and a clan jutsu, but I'll bring you some supplementary jutsu. I'll also start you and Kohaku, with Toru's help, on wall walking and then work with all three of you on water-walking. Beyond that, since you've been selected leader, I'll suggest some books on the protocol in the field. I expect you to work with your team to integrate the information within your group. Beyond that, I have a few exercises for you to run through soon to see where you lay tactically."

Now he turned to Kohaku. "Kohaku-san, I noticed a few things about your fighting style, particularly your jutsu, I'll bring up with you later. But for now, good job. Your Jutsu seem well practiced, and you performed them well, if not perfectly, but you also leave yourself open when you do. I noticed that using them left you out of breath for a moment, and if not for Toru taking advantage, you may have been forced into a close quarters combat you weren't ready for. Beyond that, your physical capabilities are lower than I would like. While you're agile, your speed and strength are slightly sub-par. We'll work on that."

He leaned back and let his eyes rove over us, and I pondered his words, feeling a small part grow focused on the words he said, already running ideas to correct flaws and accentuate skills.

I looked up at him and felt a slight shift in my chakra, the flow speeding up along my spine as my mind spun into action. Regardless of the side track of thoughts, I focused back on sensei.

He looked us over again and nodded.

"Now then, We'll be meeting every day from Monday to Friday as a team, and I'll be instructing you through exercises and practice. On Saturday's we will join together for anything you all want to do, be it practice a specific Jutsu or train in a particular skill. I'll be assisting you, and providing feedback. On Sundays I expect you to try and meet up and hang out, go have fun, try out new things together. If you train, that fine but only light training. Relax together. For the next year, possibly more, you'll be relying on each other. I need you to trust each other, to bond and work as a team. After the first two weeks of this, I'll begin you on D rank missions. Most of these will be fairly mediocre, but will teach you both mundane skills and how to navigate paperwork."

We looked among each other and let his words sink in, before Yumi grinned, looking at me and Kohaku, both of us with smirks and grins of our own. "Well, I think I can speak for my team when I say, Let's get started, Sensei."

Santa-sensei nodded, and his lips quirked.

"Good. First off, let's start you on tree walking. Toru, you're the team expert, so you'll help me out."

I nodded and sensei led us from the pavilion.

I looked at the others, and a line, quoted often, came to mind.

'Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.'

The High Priestess is the negative side. She is the mysterious unconscious. She provides the fertile ground in which creative events occur. The High Priestess is our unrealized potential waiting for an active principle to bring it to expression.

The terms positive and negative do not imply "good" and "bad." These are human distinctions that do not apply in the tarot. The Magician and the High Priestess are absolutely equal in value and importance. Each is necessary for balance. We may view the negative as our Shadow, but without shadows, we cannot see the light, and without a ground of potential, we cannot create.
The Fool Reversed (-0-)
I looked at the long road before me.
I looked at the Sea, stretching out to the horizon from my spot on the beach.
The sides were an ever-shifting blur, and I saw flashes that made me worried.
The water was placid, the sea calm
In one flickering fragment, I saw a war, eyes of red and purple and white. Hand laced with lightning, clash with a twisting spear.
I heard a whisper, of Kings, of Treasure, of Desire, echoing. I buried it all....
in another, a Shadow larger than I could conceive loomed menacingly.
I listened to the roll of thunder, the march of marines, the yells of the Best
On this road, I saw Death.
on the sea, I saw a Chaos
They greeted me politely and waited, obviously waiting.
It shifted, the unknown, the unseen
I nodded and turned back to my road.
I watched with interest as the first shift in the water happened, a long scaled ridge beaching clear water.
I stood and for a while, I simply watched the road. even now, shifting and turning, and ethereal promise, an uncertain future, a broken sight.
I looked on, seeing strange scales and leather twist through the water.
"would you take this path?"
I turned at the voice, looking at a Mirror behind me, seeing myself.
the words tumbled out of my mouth before I could process my own question, and from behind me, I heard another voice oh so familiar.
I pondered and looked back out at the world.
The feeling of eyes made me look back again to meet my own gaze.
I looked back into the mirror behind me, seeing me/not me/could be/is.
I pondered my thoughts
He tilted his head.
I shifted, hands finding pockets on jeans.
"Because that's not my path."
I spoke softly looking out at the sea and the feeling of desire swelled in my heart.
I hmmed and looked back at my path.
I could hear his path, one that echoed with familiarity.
I looked at death, and I could tell he knew my choice.
I stepped forward, placing my foot into the water.
I nodded, and stepped forward, as death seemed to suddenly be there, in front of me.
I could feel the water pull at my ankles, dragging me with the tide
They looked down, features indecipherable.
The water rose, and I felt an eagerness.
And then I took my first step down the path.
And then I drowned in the sea.
I vanished, unraveling as I heard a voice...
As my head was dragged beneath the waves, I heard the words, this time in full.
"I'm Going to End the Cycle of Hate!"
"I Buried It all, In One Piece"
False Tarot: The Betrayer (Seven of Swords)
So, Been dealing with some stress. Writing took a weird turn tonight. Instead of finishing up the interlude I had planned, This happened.

Note, anything that I label as a 'False Tarot' and put here, in the side-story tab, is Noncanon.

Also, this is rather Dark. I blame stress at work. and it does hint at some possible ideas I have for later on in the story.

False Tarot: The Betrayer.

I stood, a Tanto in one hand and a senbon in the other, wisps of smoke and ash circling me as I glanced around and confirmed my kills, a slight pulse of chakra flowing over each of them. I took note, a cut throat here, a senbon in that one's eye, leading to the brain, that one is gutted.

Confident the three Sand genin are dead, I sheathed my sword and threw a second senbon into the Jonin. The man, faceless, unimportant, and now truly dead, relaxed, falling into the unnatural stillness that was death.

I drew the black jacket tighter, the dark red marks, a seal done a n bloodied thread and sewn into the shoulders of the coat, glimmering in the darkness. I knew that it worked. Sensei had tested it once.

Regardless, I had things to do. The Invasion had arrived, just on schedule, and it was an opportunity. Unfortunately i had to deal with this team of genin. I think i recognized them from the exam a year ago, but I really just didn't care. After the mission to stone… I really just Didn't care about much.

Regardless, shit to do, things to steal, secrets to expose.

Danzo really should have hidden his entrances better.


I staked through the halls of Root, face now covered by my own caricature of a mask, all twisting red and black spirals, with a single gold cross shape over my right eye.

'Stealing your shtick Tobi.'

The first Root duo didn't see me coming. Not consciously. The genjutsu ended, of course, when both lost their heads as I walked by. I did grab one and, with a touch of chakra, the seal now burned into my left arm sucked his corpse in like a cut rate Kamui.

The other was left behind. He had less stuff, and I was in a hurry.

A half seal and i was gone to the world once more, wrapping my genjutsu and my optical camouflage version of the henge tight to my body.

The next half dozen Root i found ended much like the first two. Though, considering the chaos of the tunnels to respond to the invasion, it wasn't surprising.

Almost disappointing really.

I made a few stops on my way. Once to the armory, once to the training rooms, once to the records office.

The last stop was Danzo's office

I didn't bother with the door, instead, I held out my right arm, put my left hand on the wall near the door, and focused. The seals on my right wrist activated, and then with flashes of blue, the sound of whistling filled the air.

First one, then another, senbon. No, more like darts. I did craft these differently, flowed through the air, and then through the wall, the first one aimed low, and the second high. Both hit, and from the muffled sound, exploded. Just as they were designed to. I knew that it would likely not kill him, barely even slow him down.

I stepped through the wall on the other side of the door moments later, mask filtering out the pale mist that filled the room.

I watched for a moment as Danzo appeared and then seemed to freeze, muscles instantly locking up as I focused my chakra through the moisture around us.

'And that's the 'Suiton: Paralyzing Mist' working perfectly.' I mused, the chemicals in the mist allowing it to get the water through the skin slightly, the rest was just a combination of earth chakra to tighten the muscles, and water chakra to loosen the muscle tension.

As Danzo collapsed to the floor, i walked over, and with a flash of my blade, severed his arm, and sealed it. I was careful to avoid his lungs or heart with the swing. I saw him move his mouth slightly, but the lack of muscle control meant he couldn't say anything, and the chemicals had the wonderful benefit of blocking his tenketsu up a bit. So no annoying Jutsu.

"Relax, I need to finish killing you." I muttered through the mask, rolling up my right sleeve if the jacket, revealing a rather complex array, inked onto a glove that linked to another seal tattooed on my shoulder.

"Fuin: Thieves Bane."

The pulse of chakra from my hand washed over him, and then there was a gush of blood from his bandaged socket, his stolen eye being all but ripped out of him as i sealed it away for later. I aimed at him and also grabbed his desk. and chair. and his shelves.

Accuracy? low. Usefulness? Very high.

Beyond that, his left leg held a very nasty surprise, a single sharingan, implanted under his pelvis. I took that with the seal too.

Finished, I dropped him, and turned to leave, pulling a single card from my pocket, and slapping it on the wall, the seal on it slowly starting to glow.

The Seven of Swords.

I was gone when the room exploded, a crate worth of explosive tags unsealing, already primed and activated, from the card.

For you, Taicho. Kohaku. Sensei.

Forgive me.


I stood on the cliff to the far right of the Hokage Monument when I felt the three presences appear around me. Below, the streets of my home were awash with blood. Ours. Theirs.

I turned, finger running along the deep scratch on the Hitai-ate in my hand. Besides me Kabuto nodded and followed, his usual smirk gone, a deep sense of satisfaction filling his aura. To the other side, Shin walked, his gentle smile lessened, but not gone. And behind me, I felt Sai's aura and heard the soft brush of his pen as he sketched, seemingly distracted.

"Let's move, We still have a few loose ends to deal with."

We shifted forwards and leaped into the forest.

Behind me, a card depicting the Fool sat mockingly on the cliff.

And in the Village below, The Form of the Kyuubi tackled the form of Shukaku.
Interlude: Moonlit Silences.
the Henin training and D-ranks are fighting me. So here, have a bit of an introspective and character development interlude!

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked over the paper before him. Four of the five passing teams from class A are now official genin. There were another eight from the other three graduating classes, with 27 failed teams altogether. The other teams were all assigned to follow a chunin advisor for the first six months while being inducted into the genin pool. Some would find Jonin and Chunin to apprentice with, and some would undoubtedly rise under the pressure of being part of the masses, and become something impressive.

Some would find the monotony too intense and leave the ranks.

Regardless, the teams most likely to be noticed had Jonin sensei.

Mainly because of PR. Jonin leading a team of exceptional genin were often given more 'visible' mission selections. It helped portray an image of a strength.

Regardless, he had paperwork to fill out. Two shadow clones appeared around him, one began filling out and filing duplicates of the papers before him, another started adjusting the Records of Konoha ninja. The original Hokage simply let himself focus on finishing stamping and processing the papers.

Santa Yamanaka sat and processed the memories of his shadow clones, taking in the earlier fights from different angles, focusing on how his team moved, how they fought, how they reacted.

He had a scroll before him, and quickly he began to make notes, focusing on what he should teach his team. He had made a good base plan earlier, but there were a few jutsu he wanted to teach them.

"Cousin Inochi does owe me a few favors, perhaps I could peruse his collection of Non-clan skills?"

Yes, over the years, Inochi Yamanaka, the current clan head, had made a habit of hunting down non-Yamanaka Mind techniques, either from old libraries or from prisoners in T&I. He remembers hearing about some which may be useful…

When Toru parted from his team, early in the afternoon, he turned and swung by home, pulling his research notes on Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, and Sealing, before shifting to the library.

With the chaos of the past two weeks, he hadn't been able to fully enter the genin level. Afterall, he had needed to be a 'confirmed' genin.

But now? The genin floor is open.

He wandered down, knowing that he had been spotted by an Anbu the moment he took the stairs down. At the first floor, he presented his identification to the Chunin guards, and they nodded, letting him pass to the next floor through the metal grate to the side of their booth.

He couldn't help but grin as he stepped down, taking a fairly long staircase down. When he finally turned the last corner, he stopped to blink in awe at the genin floor.

The Academy floor had been big, with ten-foot ceilings, and evenly spaced Bookshelves and support columns. It had been about twenty meters by fifty meters all told.

The genin floor was at least five times that size, with arched supports on a forty foot ceiling. The doorway he was in was on the second level, an upper balcony that wrapped the center. The bookshelves were everywhere, with the same comfortable lineup as the last one, and several signs pointing where to go. There were also a dozen guards posted, what looked like mostly genin, but older genin, and a few supervising Chunin.

He felt the grin widen a bit more, and then he jogged down the aisle to the first area with a stairway down and signs pointing around

It didn't take him long to find what he was looking for.

Fuinjutsu. An entire row of shelves devoted to the topic.

He grinned, even more, thumbing a card in his sleeve.

He wasn't going to be home till late

Nara Yumi slid into her room, sighing quietly as she heard her mother try and convince her father to talk to her.

About suitors, and getting engaged, and finding a nice man to settle down with, about leaving the Ninja life.


She sighed and flopped down on the bed, closing her eyes and looking at the ceiling.

Her mother was… overbearing.

Her father? Nara Ozin was a pushover. He only ever was a genin. Emphasis on 'was'. After training to be a medic, he left fieldwork to help run the Nara medical supply, turning deer components and herbs from the forest into medicine.

Her mother, Nara Kame was worse. The younger daughter of a small but arrogant noble family in the capital, she had been married into the clan for political reasons, and with her domineering personality had quickly overrun her father. She seemed determined to make Yumi into a 'Proper Heiress' to the family. The only reason Yumi was even a ninja still was her scores in class and the support of the main family.

Sighing Yumi blocked out the sounds of her family, pulling a wire by her bed to trigger a lock on the door. Hopefully, that would keep them out. Regardless, she had some reading to do.

She sat back up and reached into the bookshelves above her bed, pulling out several scrolls marked with the Nara emblem.

'Shadow Possession Jutsu is the second stage form of the Shadow Bind, building on the basic manipulation of the shadow and its sympathetic connection between the target and the Caster…'

She continued reading, even when her mother came and started talking at her through the door.

When her dad joined in, she frowned, before slipping out her window. The roof would be quieter.

Kohaku was silent as she wandered her apartment, making a small meal and organizing her outfit. The retainers hired by her family would come by once a week and clean the apartment and restock the cupboards and pantry, but most of the time her house was silent. She made her way over to the counter in the kitchen, sitting and eating her meal of rice and teriyaki. It was simple, and most of it had been prepackaged.

She sighed, looking around the apartment, taking in the clean white walls and wooden floor. It was… silent. Far too silent.

Even now, with more than a year of sleeping here, it seemed... alien. There wasn't the familiar wooden and rice paper of her home, it wasn't the smell of the lilies cultivated in the calm garden, or the sound of the brook that ran by her window after it rained. No, it was alien, cold.

And it was to remind her that she was here for a reason. she quickly shook her head, refocusing on the present, not the past.

She quickly finished eating, rinsed her dishes, and left. She could wander for a bit, maybe visit the park nearby.

Maybe she can sleep tonight.

Late that night, a young man with dark hair, book in hand, watched the moon in the sky. He lay sprawled across the windowsill, the short ledge that would have held a window garden if he decided to make one was clear, and he had reinforced it with a few metal rods years ago. But as it is, he could look up through the alley outside his window, past the roofs, and see the moon's path through the sky. Even now it was vaguely unfamiliar.


'About seven years Rabbit bitch. Then I see just how far the butterfly's wind goes.'

Two years before Naruto Graduates, another year or so till the Suna invasion, then two-three years for the training trip, and then another year or two of what was Shippuden.

Toru held up his hand, making a finger gun, one eye closed as he aimed down his arm.


And then he turned back to the book, reading by moonlight.

'Chakra wire basics... oh yes.'

He chuckled and focused, a faint line of blue seeming to spool up and then collapse from his middle finger tip into a knot in his hand. No control, not yet, but the string is forming easily enough. It turns out he was close with his early attempts, but he needed to weave the energy tighter and with a slightly different pattern, while 'spooling it' from his skin.

Projecting a string? It turned out that was easy.

Control was going to be a bitch.

'Oh well, nothing to do but put the nose to the grind stone.'
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Empress- 1
Apparently writing the interlude helped me out. here we go with the first chapter of act 3. The Empress.

We start with out lovely little genin team, soon after graduation....

The first week of training was to be expected. We ran through our paces, pushed to our physical and in some cases mental limits. We had a fairly crushing endurance routine, which quickly proved that physically, Yumi was in the best state, with me and Kohaku tied roughly behind her. Kohaku had better chakra control and speed, I had better flexibility and endurance.

Beyond that, he had us work on Tree walking, with me helping the others. In fact, I had spent more time some days sideways on a wall than I had on the ground at this point. As the third week of Genin training dawned, I stretched as I walked to training ground 17, arms twisting slowly as I felt my arm and back pop softly. The tension I had built up from sleeping and exercising yesterday falling away as I flowed chakra through my muscles.

I shook my hands out and flexed my fingers, tapping the points that I could feel in either of my sleeves. I was dressed for sparring today, sleeves, jacket, weapons, and tricks all. As well as a dark blue shirt and faded black pants, the colors mottled and irregular.

I also had an extra bag today, slung around and strapped to my back, with a few sealing scrolls held in it. I had a few sketches of a better container for the scrolls as well, but I needed to pick up some metal for them. Mainly a few sheets of copper and a roll of electrum. I had experiments to do and theories to test!

Beyond that, I had also swung by the library consistently since we started. Mainly I was reading books on fuinjutsu designs and components, but I had come across Fuinjutsu: Meanings and Materials. It was a basic primer, and most of the stuff was about prevalent symbols in sealing scrolls and explosive tags, but some of it was more esoteric. Like what different materials reacted to seals and, generally how.

I had flipped through it a few times, just skimming through some of the parts that caught my eye. When I finally got around to reading the entire thing, I had a few dozen pages filled with rambling speculations and concepts in a new notebook.

Also, it turns out that working on recreating the Chronicler's Cipher was a pain in the ass, but totally worth it.

Past me first heard about it in the Kingkiller Chronicle, and then went searching before finding it. It was an alphabet based on the use of phonetics over linguistics. I remembered the description, but not the fan-made reality. As such, I had spent a week and a half… was it two or three months before the Genin Exam? Yeah, when Gramps broke my last code, the Dual language one? Something like that. I had spent the time to remake the cipher. It was almost certainly different, and mine was oriented towards using a brush over a quill, so it doesn't even look the same. To top it off, I used English Phonetics to write in, so I'm essentially double ciphering my work. Going back and rewriting all my old notebooks was a pain and a half, but worth the work in my opinion. Also a wonderful chance to review everything

My grandpa actually walking up to me with the book and frowning at how he couldn't understand it was awesome.

Regardless, I was fairly content on my way to the training ground. A round of acupuncture last night had let most of the muscle bruising from training heal up, and I felt fresh and ready to go.

Passing along a short path from the road through the trees, I stepped into the now familiar Training Ground 17. Which was a heavily forested training ground. Trees loosely scattered, but with fairly dense lines of undergrowth. There were the standards, a wall of targets, a trio of training posts, a worn track around the outside of the area.

More than that was the fact that with trees scattered about, there were shadows crisscrossing most of the ground, a fact that made me slow my roll, stepping slowly as I entered the clearing, hands shifting as something told me to be alert. The senbon in my sleeves slid soundlessly to my fingers, which held them loosely.

I tilted my head slowly, closing my eyes as I took in the surroundings beyond my sight, no sudden sounds, but I can hear the birds, hear the swaying of leaves and rustling of branches and leaves, my chakra seemed to almost flow open, and then I felt it...

Don't look for sound… look for silence…. Hand swings back in tune with my steps before snapping up, elbow bending and arm cocked for a split second to compensate for the range, before snapping out and letting fly.

The dozen senbon flew with a faint hiss sound through the air just as my other hands almost gently tossed a card in a long parabolic arc into the forest, two of them in fact, one left and high, tilted to show the face of the card, a seven of clubs, in front of me, as a spinning white disk. The one to the right, low and fast, was tilted horizontal, and with the face down.

Then the blond haired form of my teacher showed up right in front of me, already going for a low kick to sweep my legs, I hopped, only for a fist to send me flying sideways. Sensei jumped at me, but this time my hands were already forming a ram seal before with a flicker, I was suddenly on the far side of the forest. Instead of releasing the seal I mentally refocused and vanished, just before another kick, swept past where I was.

"Sparring today, Sensei?" I called out, hands already palming and loading for my next move.

"Of course, Toru! Since your first to arrive, You can help me warm up for the spars with the girls today!" my sensei's voice rang through the tree's, misdirecting my attention.

One hand snapped out to send another half dozen cards flying into the trees behind me, while the other threw another dozen back out into the light clearing.

Sensei was on me in a second, and I shifted back, flowing chakra through my legs as i slid backwards around the trunk while throwing up my arms to block a high kick, feet never leaving the bark as I took the fight from a flat perspective to a sideways one, two more senbon, both with a length of wire attached being thrown into the woods around us, before I twisted and fired off the ends of the wires with a pair of shuriken. The long loops forming a tangled mess in the forest as the shuriken, loaded with an internal spool of wire, wrapped and twisted around trees.

Sensei stepped after me while I was focused and lashed out with a straight. I leaned down, flexing my chakra to let myself fall and twist off the trunk and land on a branch, flowing backward as Sensei followed. I kept shifting and stepping across the bark, and Sensei kept on me like white on rice, but on the narrow branch, the angles were just too sharp for him to come at me straight on. I kept twisting using the fact that the curve of the sides was just a little too sharp for him to reach me with his kicks as easily, but whenever we were on the length of the branch together, I simply slid 90° or more away on the curve.

"You're improving Toru! Taking control of the environment!" he said with a slight smile, as I received a strong right, using the force to reposition on the branches.

"Practice, Practice, Practice, right sensei!" I returned, sliding back to avoid another high kick.

The longer the fight wore on, the clearer my focus became, and I took one last step, hanging upside down just as Sense came rushing in for a sweeping kick to dislodge me. My hand already reaching behind my back as he came at me, throwing a handful of glitter, yes, glitter. Pink glitter.

I cut the chakra to my feet and kicked off, twisting past his grip even as my hands came together. Time to try out a twist. Instead of only the standard Ram hand sign for focus, I performed a split Boar for power, each side of the seal held away from the other and reached out, feeling both the points I had chosen flare in my mind reaching my chakra out, I felt my chakra push back. A simple linking and a yank, and I would be well on my way to vanishing. I looked to see sensei pulling his now glitter covered hand away as he shifted to keep me in his sight. With a sharp grin, I snapped my hands back together, completing the jutsu.

"Kōsaten Kawarimi" (Crossroads Substitution)

Then I felt the pull and flipped, feeling the world blur before I was shooting over the ground away from the fight. As I hit the ground I kicked off again, the second time I hit the ground I placed my hand down and flowed chakra through my body turning my flight into a slide.

"So you finished it working on it?"

I did not flinch as Santa-sensei spoke up from the branches above me.

I swear.

"Theoretically? Yes." I muttered, before stepping back as he slipped down the branch to join my side. "Practically? Not even."

"I could see that. The distance was nice, but the stop was an issue. I think I'll teach you some of the tricks that apply to the shunshin, it should help." he held up his arm. "Did catch me with that though. Very nice." along his left arm was a cross shaped long thin cut, and in his hand was a bloodied pair of playing cards, the recipient of the crossroads. "Reinforcement on the cards, right?"

I nodded. "That and the Crossroads, yes. I eventually want to use it with Kunai or senbon, but it's coming along fine.

"Well, I think that Yumi is on her way next. Hide and observe Toru."

"Hai, Sensei." I leaped up and held out a hand, visualizing what I wanted to happen, and then did a half ram, henging my outfit and skin to a mottled brown and green as I settled in the branches of the trees.

Sensei had pulled two pop quizzes before now. The first had been the day after the test, our first day, where he put us through our paces.

We barely lasted ten minutes each.

The second was the end of the first week, where he had us fight him while on the wall of a building.

Today was apparently the third, after two weeks of fairly serious combat conditioning. Most of our days were started by a fairly rigorous work out followed by sparring and tactics, and then jutsu training. Yumi had learned a basic genjutsu to hide her shadows, and Kohaku had been taught a simple fire jutsu to make a bright flash and booming sound, like a flashbang. I had worked on the Headhunter jutsu. But the big thing is that I apparently had enough aptitude to be trained as a sensor. I wasn't ever going to be an amazing sensor, or anywhere near as skilled as sensei was. I just didn't have a lot of natural talent. But it would give me a flicker of warning, which for a fighter like me, who used dexterity to avoid damage, would be lifesaving.

Along with that, I had been working on what I was calling the modified three. The first was using a henge through a chakra wire, the second was using a full body clone over my own body, that would stay if moved out of it. The third, and so far closest to being usable, was what I named the Crossroad Replacement, which would swap me with two or more, objects. The objects would leave the jutsu at high speeds, acting as a counterattack, distraction, and offensive. All of them were only variations on the normal jutsu but I had access to the right books to research what I needed now.

Sensei was helpful, while I did the research myself, he was a great person to bounce a theory off of, Yumi and Kohaku as well. Speaking of…

Yumi ducked and dived through the shadows of the tree's as she chased her sensei. It was an interesting mix of cat and mouse. If she could reach her sensei she could freeze him in the shadows, but as he kept skirting the edge of the shade of the tree's, he was just out of reach of her attack. And as she tried to corner him, he also was on the offensive against her, sending out kicks and attacks with blunted kunai as she tried to dodge and evade.

Finally, after ten minutes of the cat and mouse game, she got close enough to reach out, her shadow striking towards him and-

The flicker of Shunshin.

Sensei is behind her, his foot already coming up with a kick-


And then Yumi was tied to a tree trunk, with Toru sitting in what looked like a hammock of ninja wire nearby with a book in hand, reading.

"Morning Taicho." he called out, flipping a page and nodding along with what he said.

"...Toru…" she spoke softly as she called up to him, her voice dangerously low.

"Yes Taicho?" came the nonchalant reply,

"Untie me." came the command.

"No can do. Sensei's orders."


"Language, Taicho." he paused and glanced up, eyes narrowing. "Kohaku just showed-" and there's the sound of an explosion. "-Up."

Kohaku leaped back, hand flying as she left a series of explosives tags in her wake. As sensei ducked back, she released a "Katon: Hibanakaze!" (Fire: Ember Wind) to ignite and detonate all the tags. Underpowered as the Academy level tags were, she had enough that as they exploded in mid air she was pushed even further back, the jutsu expanding with the blast to a massive cone of embers swirling through the large clearing she had drawn sensei into.

Sensei dodged around the explosion, a flicker of chakra and a wave of mist flowing across to meet the embers with a hiss of steam, the glowing flickers steaming as they were extinguished with the moisture.

Kohaku dodged back and sent her hand out, sending a pair of kunai forwards at sensei, who crouched at their approach, and seemed to vanish, a log appearing at his location as the kunai thudded home.

Sensei appeared from the trees before Kohaku could fully turn to face him, sweeping her legs and then wrapping her in a wire. A Moment later she was wiggling at Yumi's feet.

As Sensei appeared he glanced and sighed, before turning and throwing a pebble into a tree across the grove. A flicker of chakra and a yelp came from that direction as the clone illusion of Toru vanished with a burst of chakra, leaving nothing but a slowly blackening and disintegrating Playing card on the branch.


"Nice try Toru. get over here."

"Good work, you all have made great strides in the last three weeks. as such, starting today, we begin D-ranks."

I tensed, resisting the urge to groan.

"The first one, which I have already retrieved, is simple. We are ordered to go and fix and repaint the Acadamy and Hokage offices fences. Apparently, a genin got a little too excited with a fire jutsu and scorched a section, and since it's been a few years since the last time they got painted, The mission we got is two fold."

I blinked. Considered the mission parameters. Then I blinked again.

As Kohaku groaned in slight disbelief, and Yumi muttered a Troublesome. My mind skipped back to a novel I had read in my past life, a note of guitar playing

~Todays Tom Sawyer...~
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