Empress- 8
Sorry for the wait. the mindset for writing this chapter... is hard to stay in without getting upset.

Anyway, enjoy. Oh, and I'll post a response compilation to the comments soon.

I dressed up a nicer than my usual casual clothes. A long sleeved green shirt with a black jacket, and black slacks a bit higher quality than my normal gear. I rounded it out with my cleaned off boots, gave my hair a bit of a comb to clean it up a bit more than usual, tying off the neck length hair in a short ponytail. I pulled on a simple black jacket and began preparing myself for a light load of distractions and weapons. Three decks of charged up cards, a pack of senbon, a coil of wire. A few other things. Most of them were stashed in my jacket pockets or held by small clasps and hooks sewn up my sleeves.

Comfortable with my gear, I headed out, saying goodbye to dad as I passed the stall.

I took the streets this time, enjoying the early morning air and the sounds of the market coming to life for the midday rush around me. I Paused a moment here and there, chatting with family friends. Daichi the baker handed me a pack of sweet rolls, and Madam Homura from the Tea garden handed me a small bouquet of wildflowers that meant Greetings, Peace, and Good luck.

By the time I had reached the Nara gates, I had another pound of stuff up my sleeves and in my jacket pockets. A new deck of cards fresh from the box in my hands, this one a misprint passed off from the Print shops owner, Shinso. While the faces of the cards were lopsided to the cut, the backs, a technicolor spiral of birds, were beautiful and crisp. It made the flow of cards change from lines of solid color like usual to an intricate wave of bright and flowing colors. I was practicing with making the designs change what color was visible during tricks based on card orientation and angles.As I approached the gate, I flipped three cards up and adjusted the deck as they came back down into my hand. I adjusted the cards so they were back in new deck order, and let the three cards that came down, the two jokers and the ace of spades, slide into their respective spots.

A quick thumb through of the deck to check the trick worked, and I stashed it in a plain black case, sliding it into my pocket. I bowed to the guards who both looked amused by my show of cardistry. "Good morning, Nara-san, I am Toru Shusho. I was invited by Nara Yumi to join her today." I slipped into a formal tone for a moment, barely catching their stances shifting with what I expected was slight surprise and a touch of respect, before they bowed back.

"Greetings Toru-san, You are welcome and expected. Yumi should be at her house, fourth to the left, along with the side path." the guard greeted me and pointed the way, stepping aside so I could get past.

"Thank you kindly." I nodded and passed them, hands in my pockets. I felt their gaze linger for a moment before I made it to the first intersection.

I headed towards the house, gaze wandering through the Nara clan Compound. The houses were spaced apart, plenty of open ground surrounding them. The road was cobbled and had a short retaining wall where the small hills of the compound intersected it. Beyond that, there were also trees and lanterns spaced about, to the east and west of the compound. It took a few seconds for me to notice the crisscrossing shadows that the branches threw across the yards. Even around noon as it was, the shadows were bountiful and present. Beyond that the houses all had small gazebos or porches that wrapped them, providing even more shadows.

Soon I walked up the path towards the house I was directed to. It was set further back from the main path, and slightly smaller than the ones close to the main gate of the compound.

I pondered that as I walked closer. I know that Yumi isn't a clan heir, and she doesn't bring up her family much. Maybe a branch family of the clan? that could make sense. Or I could ask instead of making guesses.

I knocked on the frame of the door and forced myself to relax, sending a flicker of chakra to loosen my muscles up and help dispel the tension. A minute later, a tall man, the sharp face and long black hair hinting at him being a blooded Nara, and he eyed me with a look that set me on edge.

I blinked, trying to clear away the shiver of emotion that seemed to touch the edge of my chakra. I-... I could almost feel some of the emotion he was radiating, despite his closed-off stance. It was like hearing an echo in a nearby room, muffled and faint. I sensed... God, it felt like disdain and annoyance. Not... at me? Not really. But it felt like I was caught up in that. I tried to reach out with my chakra but I lost the feeling.

"I take it you're the Boy on my daughter's team?" he said, making me blink at the skipping of pleasantries.

"I am. Toru Shusho at your service, Nara-san." I bowed slightly. Trying not to tense up as my mind focused and my training broke him down. He was… not chubby. But definitely close to it, with an obvious beer gut. His rusty physique was more pronounced than any ninja I have ever seen, and his arms looked soft and untrained. And I bet if I had Tsuru here, he'd say the man's chakra network was clogged and old looking. And when I focused, I could feel it staggering and sludge like when I reached out with my senses, the blue hue that I was coming to tune out when not focusing on it was weak and seemed mottled.

Ignoring that, and pushing my observations to be processed later, I watched as he nodded brusquely, and stepped back, leaving me to watch from the doorway as he called down Yumi.

Apparently, Yumi didn't want to be in there either. Coming up and to the door in a split second from somewhere on the upper floor. She was dressed in a black and blue skirt and light blue kimono with a deer pattern along the sleeves in black threads. Her hair was up in a bun, and her face with only slight amounts of makeup, aside from a fairly dark blue eyeshadow.

"Hey, Shusho. How are you!" her expression was… forced. A sort of fake cheer that made something in me twitches with a flash of violent intent. This was my teammate, she was, as of graduation, part of my family. Who was the soon the be dead fuckwit giving her a hard time? My eyes flicked up to see a flash of a tall and elegant brown haired woman looking down the stairwell towards us, face impassive and stance ridged.

I nodded at her, a pen appearing from my sleeve and spinning around my fingers rapidly as I forced my face to form a natural looking grin. "I'm doing good, Yumi. I like the way the Nara compound looks. I haven't been here before, either, had to get directions to find you, or i'd get lost." Her eyes flickered as if she wanted to look behind her, but she relaxed slightly as she saw the opening I gave.

"I could give you a tour, if you'd like." she looked focused at me, and I gave a silent twitch of my shoulder back behind me, as small a confirmation as I could.

"I would be much appreciated Yumi. We can even go wait for Kohaku, she should be here soon, right?" and there it was, the tension loosening, but still there, the same body language i was use to seeing when I took out someone she had pinned in a spar.

I should not be seeing that reaction right now. My suspicions were growing heavy, as was the grip I had to maintain to keep my emotion off my face. .

"Mom, Dad, I'm going to show Toru around. Back in a bit!" She called, and I was already stepping clear and letting her pass, closing the door to block out any chance of a reply. While Yumi headed down the path i followed, glancing abck just in time to see her father's face looking out a window with a frown.

I tighten my grip on the pen, ignoring the way the wooden casing cracked in my grip as i followed Yumi away from the house.

Kohaku walked down the street, tugging at the hem of the cute red and black kimono she had picked up all time she dragged Toru-san shopping. While she liked how it looked, the fit was slightly too loose around her chest, and as such it sat strangely. It still looked cute, however. And paired with the long black skirt she wore under it, and her shinobi sandals, she was comfortable. She soon passed by the Nara guards, who pointed her towards a small grove that was nestled between the northern wall of the compound and the houses. Apparently, her teammates were relaxing at a small gazebo up a hill in that direction.

She sped up to a fast walk, lips quirked into a grin as she looked forwards to hanging out with her tea- Friends. They were friends. Which, wow, that realization had been fairly abrupt and she was still sorting out how she felt about actually having friends in konoha, and not just people she had to associate with.

It helped take the edge off-

And there they were- but the moment she saw them, she snapped from content to focused, because Toru, Friendly kind and fairly relaxed if awkward guy Toru, was frowning with a senbon out and twirling very slowly around his hand, and Yumi, her best friend, was hugging herself and looked uncomfortable.

"Alright. What's going on." She called out, making them both jump slightly as they looked at her.

And from the way Toru glanced in Yumi's direction with an expression that seemed torn between wanting to comfort his teammate and wanting to go kill someone Kohaku suddenly knew today was going to be an event.
Empress- 9 (End of Act 3)
I'm am terribly sorry for how long this took. a combination of hell at work and the emotion of this part kept it from completion. even now, I feel like its unfinished, but it's as good as I can get it right now. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy and belated happy holidays to you all.

Yumi glanced up as Kohaku's voice announced her arrival, filled one part relief, and one part unease. While she felt that the dark mood of Toru was an overreaction she had pieced together what she thinks she saw… domestic abuse.

Honestly, it wasn't an abusive situation. Just… Her parent didn't want her to be a career shinobi. They said she would be happier, more respected, by marrying into another wealthy family. Things had been fine back when she was betrothed to Yamanaka Rise, but when she had broken it off… it became the only thing her parents talked about for weeks. How nice RIse was, how good he looked, how nice it would be to bind the clans closer together. She had drawn back from that, and ever since, things hadn't been the same.

She hadn't even gotten a chance to tell them why she broke off the engagement. They assumed, like everyone else, that it was some sort of lovers spat. To this day, the only people she had told the reason too, were Rise himself, and Shikaku-sama. They both deserved to know, after all.

Sighing she looked at Toru as the senbon vanished, and he looked at Kohaku.

'Here it comes' She resigned herself. 'Pity, or anger. Great.'

She was interrupted from her thoughts by Toru took a long slow breath, visibly forcing himself to relax. He looked at Kohaku first, voice tight but calm. "Kohaku. You understand politics better than me. Particularly clan politics and regulations. I bow to you and Yumi's judgment on what to do." he looked at Yumi, a glint of focus in his gaze, which quickly softened. "Yumi… I'll back you up with whatever you plan, but please. Talk to us… you can trust us, Taicho."

Before you could even process that, Kohaku also jumped on the bandwagon. "He's right, Yumi. We're your friends, your teammates. We'll back you up however you need us to. Anything or anyone who tries to get to you can go fuck themselves." The combination of the venom in Kohaku, No, Shimo's voice took her by surprise. Why would they care so much, she wondered, before like a bolt of thunder, like a ray of light, she understood.

Her Friends, her teammates were worried. Shimo, and Shusho. The Frost and the Red Writing, and herself, The Archery Bow, were teammates. And that meant more than just the words.

She blinked, eyes burning as tears pricked at the corner of her eyes. She leaned forward in a sudden hug, Kohaku squeaking slightly as arms wrapped them together. Toru wrapped them close and the three of them sank to the ground. And as she cried, Yumi started to talk. Not everything, not her secret (Not yet. Not like this). But the feelings she had.

She missed having parents who listened.

"We'll listen." "Always. Might snark back though."

She wanted to be a ninja.

"You're our Captain, Taicho!" "You are a ninja. You have the headband don't you?"

She wanted to be great.

"We'll all be great." "The next Sannin, the next Gods of shinobi."

She wanted to be strong

"Let our strength be yours." "We'll push for it. We will be Stronger."

She wanted to live her life.

"And we'll walk the path with you," Shusho said, all sharp teeth and cunning fingers

"Side by side," Kohaku vowed, the calm facade like a sheet of oil. Flammable, dangerous, requiring only a spark.

"Team seventeen," they said, holding her between them.

And that was all she could ask. As she grinned and laughed, tears flowing from her eyes as she and her team sat there, the trees of the forest to their backs and the world to their front.

At the kitchen of the Nara clan heads house, A blonde man grinned with a tear born of emotion in his eye. Across from sat Yoshino Nara, who matched him with a far more sly grin.

"Seems as though I was right. Shusho has his grandfather's heart." she murmured, slowly sipping her tea. "Calm and relaxed, with a core sharp as the blades and needles he holds. The moniker of a 'Sharp stone under clear Water' fits him almost as much as it does you." she chuckled, addressing the third member at the table."'Sea' is perhaps a far too appropriate name for your daughter's clan, Maruboshi-sama. Particularly with the skills the second taught you."

"Ah, thank you for the compliments, Nara-san." Kosuke Maruboshi sipped his tea, face with a gentle smile as he enjoyed the company of the others in the room.

They sat in gentle silence, the listening seal that they were using transferring the faint murmurs of conversation from the trio of genin at the pavilion. Catching the sound of a watery chuckle as Shimo suggested they need a shopping trip to cheer up, only to be replied to by a whining objection from Shusho, and laughter from Yumi.

"Your team seems to be progressing well, Santa-kun," Maruboshi commented, a glint in his eye. "You planning to take them out for a C-rank yet?"

Santa Yamanaka grinned, wiping a tear from his eye. "Why, after seeing them bond like this?" He chuckled. "They'll excel at a trip out of town. I'm sure of it."

The three adults would converse for a while. Mainly updates on how the teams training went, or what they've been having success with. Before they left, they partook in a cup of sake and gave a toast.

"To the new Generation."

""To the new Generation.""

As the sun set, Yumi, Shusho, and Shimo sat on the hill together. Shadows, Steel and Flame.

Yumi looked forward to a better tomorrow, as a weight has fallen from her shoulders.

Shusho enjoyed the peace, feeling the remnants of rage in his heart soften with the presence of his team.

Kohaku felt hope. At her team. At her friends.

So Team Seventeen relaxed, thoughts of the present drifting away, the Will of Fire in their hearts strong and vibrant.

As he grows, the Fool becomes more and more aware of his surroundings. As with most babies, he first recognizes his Mother - the warm, loving woman who nourishes and cares for him. He also comes to know Mother Earth, who nurtures him in a larger sense.

The Empress (3) represents the world of nature and sensation. A baby delights in exploring everything he touches, tastes and smells. He cannot get enough of the sights and sounds that enchant his senses. It is natural to delight in the abundant goodness of Mother Earth who surrounds us with her support.
Emperor 1
Here we go. Finally got time to finish this chapter up. Hopefully, I'll be able to write more in the next few weeks as the holiday season dies off.

"Ah, Team Seventeen!" The older face of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Honorable Third Hokage, was kind as he looked at us from under the brim of the white and red hat, smoke drifting lazily from his pipe. I felt myself relaxing slightly, comforted by his presence. It was an effort to keep in mind that this man was also the God of Shinobi, the Professor, badass of no small skill or regard. "How can I help you today."

"Team Seventeen requesting a C-rank mission." Sensei stood in a casual and relaxed parade rest. Something I followed his lead in. Yumi was standing with a slight slouch, still somewhat emotionally exhausted from yesterday, though with a pleased and peaceful expression. Besides her, Shimo stood far more formally, stance holding that noble upbringing she knew so well.

"A C-rank… well, I think I have just the thing. Asuka-chan, please bring in Tagami-san, would you?" he asked the secretary by the door. She nodded, and stepped outside, returning less than a minute later with a taller man, wearing a long red and brown robe and with weather tan skin and dark hair bound in a tail behind him. Interestingly, I recognized him. This was Masuke Tagami, one of the traders that helped transport raw materials around the Land of Fire. most of what he brought to town was lumber and clay, with occasional minerals and ores. He was fair, good quality supplies sold at a reasonable market price. Beyond that he was trustworthy, always trying to keep his agreements fulfilled.

"Tagami-san here needs some guards for a caravan heading out and along the coast for a trip. I think you'll all be an excellent fit for it. I do hope you perform admirably on behalf of Konoha." The Hokage gestured, and I and my teammates bowed, Sensei nodding along with us. As we filed out, another team passed us by (older than mine, though I caught a glimpse of silver passing by).

We focused as Sensei held out three small scrolls. "Here's a list of essentials, feel free to edit and adjust them as you see fit. Pack for a month-long mission." with that said he turned to our client. "Tagami, according to the deployment you said you leave early tomorrow. Do you have a preferred time for us to be present?"

"Ah, Yamanaka-san, I plan to leave at dawn tomorrow." he bowed slightly.

"Wonderful. We'll meet then, is the Caravan leaving from the western gate like usual?"

"Yes. I'll be seeing the caravan off, and expect to see you then." Tagami gave a smile and short bow of thanks.

"Of course, Tagami-san." We bowed slightly back, and then Tagami-san splits ways from us, as we began heading back towards our training grounds and houses.

"Toru, keep the sealing down. Get used to carrying a pack of supplies. Sometimes seals fail. Kohaku, if you need supplies I suggest the outfitter on Elm and market. Yumi, check with your clan head for suggestions. I believe you have an armory you can draw from."

"""Hai, sensei."""

And with what, we split.

I checked my gear once more. The harnesses for all of my knives had been finished weeks ago, and I had taken to wearing the empty harness during off time and personal training to get used to it, filled with small metal scraps to emulate the weight I would be wearing on missions. To that, I added my gathered supplies. The six knives were now worn and adjusted like it was second nature. And the various pouches and leather sheaths across my jacket were filled. I removed the weight from my jackets, however. This was a mission, and I would rather not be weighed down when something happened. (My Genre savvy was screaming I was gonna get fucked. I listened.)

I had the scroll case with me too. After forging it, I had painted it a dark brown with faint green leaf and vine designs, finished the watertight seal, and added a really basic locking seal to the lip. I carried it hooked to the small of my back under my jacket, the shape hidden under the pack of supplies I would have. As for the jacket itself, I pulled off the lower extensions. Leaving it waist long and slightly loose. I almost passed on it but decided to also grab two sealing scrolls, locking them in the case. One was filled with a few dozen decks of playing cards in a variety of styles, the other was a good dozen cases of senbon and shuriken, for general resupply. I didn't think I would need several hundred senbon, but who knows.

Beyond that, was the actual pack. Like sensei suggested, my essentials were kept there. A change of shirt, underwear, and socks, rations, a bundle of rope and a small blanket for hammocks, and a small tarp. I added a not quite basic medical kit, a small supply of the paralytic toxin mix I used (sealed in a waterproof and airtight case), and a notebook and pen.

As for my cards, I added a deck marked with the genjutsu sigil, two decks of the charged cards, and a single deck of cards with basic sealing formulas on them. Despite my progress, they were still just a little too unfinished to rely on. Checking everything over once more, I set my alarm and headed to eat dinner with my family. I wouldn't see them for the rest of the month, after all.

Shimo wandered through the streets back home from the store. She had taken her time, and as evening fell upon the town, she made her way towards her apartment, bag of supplies across her shoulder, and a take-out box of stir fry in one hand for dinner. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a tight bun, and her simple black formal kimono was replaced by fitted black slacks and a dark grey sleeveless shirt, with dark red tribal designs that looked like fire across her stomach that slowly faded into chaotic shapes as you got up to her shoulders. Beyond that, she had added a nod to the oncoming winter, a jacket that was styled somewhat like Toru's. Hers was far shorter, stopping just below her rib cage, and lined with Ninja Mesh armor for durability. The deep tree bark brown and golden tones of the jacket would also act as fine camouflage as fall came, and even now would help keep visibility down by breaking up her form. In the center of the back, she had asked the tailor to place the double tomoe patch of her clan in black on white.

She took a turn past the bar on the corner and headed towards her apartment, mentally counting out her set up. Basic medical kit, bedroll, basic tent, rations, Change of clothes and a civilian outfit for stealth. Basic hygiene kit, and a supply of smoke bombs and explosive tags and a second set of her standard shuriken and kunai for replacement weapons if hers broke or went missing.

She smiled to herself, brushing the single loose bang from her face as she looked up at the deep purple hue of the late afternoon sky.

Under the main clan house of the Nara compound, lies the armory. In general, it is open for any nin of the clan to access and use. There are, of course, personal or higher level vaults. Those that carry the more dangerous of weapons, the more volatile of seals, and the more expensive of accessories. Yumi adjusted her outfit one last time, checking herself in a mirror. Her long black hair was pulled back into a long braid, the bottom of which was held tight with a black metal ring.

Her outfit was still dark, with black and deep blue and forest green colors. All mottled together, but the style has changed. From a short sleeve shirt to a tank top and detached long wire mesh sleeves, and a vest with pockets. Her usual shorts were replaced with cargo pants that were tied off at her ankles and a pair of sandals. Shikako-sama had also helped her pick out a pouch filled with magnesium flares. A clan specialty for making shadows to work with.

Since this was also a guard mission, she was given several smoke grenades to provide cover and a pair of sealing scroll with trap and alarm supplies. Her pack was much like the others. The standard Nara approved pack of Medical supplies, clothes, rations, and camping equipment. She also had a few small batteries and light bulbs, to help practice her element.

Satisfied, she removed and folded up the outfit, before storing it in a sealing scroll.

She dressed back in her house robe, and left, bowing before Shikaku and Yoshino. "Thank you Shikaku-sama, Yoshino-sama."

The clan head nodded and bowed slightly, while Yoshino smiled. "It is nice to see my old outfit get some use again."

That was news to Yumi, and she blinked, before stammering. "Yoshino-sama, you-"

"-haven't worn them for years, yes. Seeing it get some use is a nice blast to the past. That's one of the spares I collected since I went through them like Anko through dango. Mainly because two of my teammate were very fond of using fire and wind, and in combat, we had a habit of shredding my clothes far too often." she sighed. "For you, however, I have one more thing…"

Yumi felt herself tense up as Yoshino approached, and closed her eyes. Feeling Yoshino hug her and fasten something across her waist. And then buckle it at her side.

She opened her eyes and looked down, to see she had on a short half skirt that wrapped around her left leg. On it was clearly emblazoned a circle with a slash across it, the simplified symbol of her clan. The cloth itself was frayed at the bottom edge and had been clearly stitched up several times. "Yoshino…."

"Remember, Yumi. You are part of the clan. Despite your mother's claims, you are a Kunoichi, you are one of the top students in your class, and you represent us. You do us proud." Yoshino grinned and cupped her cheek, thumb brushing away the glimmer of a tear.

An hour later, Yumi sat at her window, door locked, and cloth in her hands. She looked up at the pale blue moon, tears in her eyes.

And then she went to sleep.

The three members of team seventeen walked together silently in the morning, each was nervous of what to come, excited and anxious, and on edge. Toru was shuffling cards, Yumi reflexively brushing the mark of her clan, and Shimo reverting to the cool practiced demeanor of her clan.

When they stood in front of their sensei, the blond Yamanaka smiled, and jerked his head to the side, looking over the small caravan that was getting ready to go.

"Alright then. Let's get going."

"""Hai, Sensei."""

And in the early predawn, the four of them joined the caravan, and for the first time, Team 17 of Konoha left on a C-rank.
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Emperor 2
Emperor 2

Its day four on the road from Konoha and the caravan was finally pulling into the first major town since Konoha. I watched from my post on the top of the last wagon as the caravan trickled into the market district, setting up in a plaza at the major crossroads at the other edge of the town. people drifting our way from stalls and shops across the town. The traders we were guarding were quick to strike up a conversation with the local vendors.

It felt strange, as well. I lived in a market, so I saw conversations like this all the time. But normally, it was from the other perspective, as a local market getting supplies, not a supplier selling off supplies. I felt a weird mix of unease and relaxed familiarity.

Sensei quickly split us up to keep an eye on things. I stayed on overwatch with the merchants, keeping an eye out for thieves or pickpockets, while Sensei and Ko- no, Shimo (Habits are hard to break)kept an eye on Tagami-san. Yumi was sticking with the rear of the wagons and keeping an eye on the main roads. As I sat there, watching, i felt myself mentally drift off slightly. Not towards sleep, no, but... this felt like when I sat in my window at home. Watching the market.

For a while, my gaze tracked one person or another as they wandered. Switching back and forth across the market slowly. But soon I stopped seeing people in particular, instead of looking at the flow of the travel. Close to four hundred people moved through the streets below the building I had chosen as my perch, on the crossroads facing across from the plaza the wagons occupied.

The faint blue haze of chakra came into sight, not so much an aura as a trace of light glinting off a pond. There, a flicker, Yumi jumping from one cart to the next for a better angle, using a pulse of chakra to catch her footing.

There stood Sensei, a trace of chakra flickering across his form. Invisible if I wasn't looking for it. I couldn't make out intent or reason from as far as way as I was. Instead, I drew my gaze away, looking back at the flow of movement. To keep my attention I began to map out how the people moved, losing myself in the flow as I watched, waiting.

In any town this size, with more than a hundred people in the market, on the crossroads of one main trade route and another, there was going to be some sort of trouble.

It happened in Konoha, too.

I let myself lose my focus in the crowd, let my thoughts turn to motion and spacing, reading intent and body language.

If I only lived as Toru, this would be hard. It would be something I was only just learning. But my past life, the introvert he was, still liked to get out. To get away from a dark room and a bright computer screen. He would sit at the mall, at church, at parks. Watching people, watching crowds, and life and movement.

And that gave me what I needed.

People were different, but motivations ran the same no matter where.

AS the sunset, I kept watch, and as the sky darkened, streets quieted, and shops closed, I began to relax.

Nothing would happen tonight.

As the sun passed the horizon, I stood and trekked after Sensei and my teammates, we would be sleeping with the caravan tonight.

My paranoia would be keeping me up tonight. I could tell.

A day later, we left the township behind, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Yumi held a thin copper circle in her hand, slowly watching as it floated around her fingertips, held in a slow spin between both hands, trace amounts of Raiton Chakra flowing through it.

She breathed in slowly, and then exhaled, almost panicking as the ring began to waver.

"Lightning has two distinctive styles, Yumi. The first revolves around the strike, focusing on attacks that pierce all before them. The second is the one that you'll be learning first. It's the harder, but far more versatile of the two. Instead of the lightning that pierces, you'll be learning the currents that travel. To Maintain these streams of power, to trap and chase your opponents. You'll be starting with the ring exercise..."

Slowly breathing, the copper ring began to pick up wobble, as Yumi felt her grasp on the lightning falter. Suddenly it dropped and she yelped softly, hissing as the static shock of the ring touching her skin broke her focus. She let it drop, the metal ring digging into the ground slightly.

Across the firepit from her, Shimo held a ball of flame in her hand, simply letting it feed off her chakra while keeping herself from being burned by the heat using a variant of some sort of physical reinforcement.

Considering that when they had left Konohagakure 2 weeks ago, the flame Kohaku could safely hold without consequence had been more akin to a weak yellow matchlight then the half foot wide ball of swirling deep red flame she held now, Yumi was suitably impressed. Hanging from the trees at the edge of the firelight, was Toru in his hammock. Beneath his perch, there was a boulder with a handprint embedded in it, and a trail of rock chips and dust sitting on the ground around it.

While it had taken months for Toru to get proficient with it, he had finally gotten comfortable enough with What sensei told us was nicknamed the 'Headhunter', the Double Suicide Decapitation Technique, to use in combat. Which led to him learning how to drop out of sight through the ground, leaving barely a trace of his passing. He had even made plans to get a small rebreather from the supply store, like the kinds used for underwater missions. However, with Shusho's tendency to vanish into the topsoil and his growing knack for sensory, he had spent several watches hiding next to the fire pit as he waited for daylight to come. More then once Yumi had woken to Kohaku watching from the fire, and Toru rising from the ground like a wraith, dust falling from his form.

At this point he had moved onto the second part, actively moving through the earth, and sinking into tougher materials. Sensei had started him on training his earth chakra months ago, but seeing him slowly push through stone was still interesting.

Yumi stretched and sighed, looking around. The caravan had followed the seaside roads for five days so far, keeping a fair distance from the shore itself, but close enough to hit a multitude of small villages.

Some towns they stayed for under an hour, some for almost half a day. They would start early and stop late each day. Today, they were camped out less than ten kilometers from another small village, they had put up camp early. Sensei had taken the first watch, with Yumi being next, followed by Shimo and then Shusho. They had been napping in turns the last couple days, with two of the three genins guarding the caravan with Sensei, while the third napped on a carriage, then swapping. This meant that the three of them were fairly well rested. Tonight Shimo had had the last nap and split the first half of the night, so she felt awake and was watching the morning with Yumi.

As the camp started to pack up, she decided to wake up Toru. she grabbed the lapel of his jacket and stepped back, watching with amusement as he flailed and rolled from the hammock to the ground. "Dammit." he sat up, hand reaching up and rubbing his hair as he took in the camp packing up. Sighting, he reached up, a weave of blue stretching from his fingers. With a yank the hammock untangled from the tree and coiled on his arm, the blue chakra strings yanking it into a perfect coil, and his other hand reaching up to pull his bag from another nook in a tree.

"No issues during the night?" he asked, looking up as he stashed his rope and thin blanket back into his pack.

"Nope. Mostly elemental practice after you took to sleep."

"Got it. I'm guessing I have last nap?"

"Depends. We were supposed to be reaching the last major city to set along this section of coast soon, and we might stay there for a night."

Toru nodded and finished packing, slinging his bag back up and standing.

Seeing he's finished, Yumi stepped and let him join her side as they headed back to the campfire, Soon they headed out.

A week to go until they get back to Konoha.

False Tarot: Five Of Swords
And your second update of the week, Another False tarot tieline update!

Hunting (Five of Swords)

Kabuto pushed his glasses up, adjusting from his position overlooking the small camp.

Five targets, all chunin. Two guarding, three resting around the fire, cooking a late meal. The distinctive snake pattern scarves and cloaks, the white and grey coloring.

Sound Ninjas.

Kabuto shifted silently, gaze flickering across the small valley the sound-nins were camped in, catching the pale blue flakes of his friends gaze.

Toru was a ghost among the treeline, his form a mottled green grey that was nearly impossible to see in the dark unless you knew what to look for.

Toru met his gaze, and nodded, before he seemed to simply vanish, a ghost among the treeline.

Kabuto moved as well, darting through the trees as they tracked the last of the army, marking each of the other dozen camps, each bigger than the last.

Toru had chosen their next target.

The Sound Four.

A crawl of ink, the imitation rats, and bugs that he had sent scurrying through the undergrowth returning and coating his page with lines of numbers and rough maps of the camps, each page a different camp, each person is given a simple description. As he memorized it he drew the ink from the page, leaving the book pristine white canvas once more.

As the last page turned white, he considered.

213 people, divided among 13 main camps and another 6 outlying guard camps spaced around the forest. Average chakra signature hovered high genin, low chunin. 46 are severely injured and crippled, a further 102 are suffering from either exhaustion or wounds that don't prevent combat.

Then is the commander camp.

The sound four. Each uninjured and only minor exhausted, along with a force of 12 other ninjas guarding and assisting with leading the camp. Each of the other 12 is divided among the various camps, acting as leader and commander of their forces.

At his side appeared his brother, face hidden behind the dark grey mottled face mask he had taken up.

All Sai did was a nod, answering the unspoken question, before the pair vanished, heading towards the first meeting point.

Honestly, Kazuo was wondering why he signed up for this gig in the first place.

Yeah, the prospect had been appealing. "Join us, be given great power, protection from the Great Villages and shelter from hunter-nin"

The never said anything about getting your ass whooped by one of those villages.

Seriously, how the fuck did he ever think this was gonna go well? I mean yeah, the surgeries were intense, and the result was powerful. A voice that with his custom mask cast powerful illusions, the skill and training to cast powerful Genjutsu that gave commands that were hard to resist, that made civilians fold to his will.

He had taken full of advantage, him and a squad of allies taking out a half-dozen various chunin or genin teams over the five months leading up to the invasion. They had lived it up, wealth, power, and women. What more would any man need?

And then his entire squad got fucking wiped out by a single goddamn attack from one of those fat fuckers in Konoha, who grew to massive fucking sizes. In a moment of clarity, Kazuo had run like a bitch back behind the front lines, intentionally breaking his arm (quickly and cleanly), and rolling in a pile of debris to scuff up his gear.

He had arrived just as the call to fall back came, and was all too happy to fall in with the crowd as they retreated from the land of fire.

Now the entire army that had left was sitting around, the end of the four days run from the land of fire and finally sitting down to rest and recover inside the Ta No Kuni. They would rest up, lick their wounds, and then disperse back across the dozens of camps that made up Oto. Once Orochimaru gave the order o return, anyway.

And then, if Kazuo had a chance? He was gonna snag some supplies, the tools to keep his mask in shape, and go and pursue a fruitful life living in some small backwater away from civilization.

Satisfied and determined he looked back up, taking a deep slow breath as he kept watch, listening for the-


Where was the sound of the wildlife? For that matter, where were the faint sounds of the other camps?

He shifted to his feet, preparing to call out, to alert his camp to intruders, to ready for battle.

He froze, time slowing as he looked down, the long thin line of silver poking from his throat a surprise, same with the familiar gleam of blood that coated the tip, dripping once, the fluid moving oh so slowly before it twisted and was pulled back. In front of him, a flickering blur of color passed by, unrecognizable as he eyes went unfocused.

And then the last Kazuo knew was a hand wrapping his face and covering his eyes, before nothing.

The six outer camps were silent, a simple network of silencing seals planted to keep sound from traveling between them.

The four shadows in the night continued their work, scything through the next twelve camps all but unseen, and slowly killing all they came across.

Tayuya sat with her flute disassembled as she cleaned it, behind her she heard the long disgusting snoring of Jirobo from the next tent over making her twitch. Both the fat fuck and Kidomaru were asleep, the six-armed mother fucker camped out on a web that was hung from the trees away from the camp, surrounded by a few of his goddamn spider summons.

Sighing, she took the polishing cloth and ran it across her flute. Despite not using it much, she was nervous, a feeling under her skin that made her twitchy. Her secondary flute, a much cheaper backup, was at her side. And even in the relative privacy and safety of her tent, she felt like a live wire. She had been hoping the maintenance of her tools would help her out, take the edge off her nerves and let her sleep. Two for one was sitting his ass on guard duty, probably circling the camp as he waited for the time he could switch off with Kidomaru. Then it would be Jirou and finally, it would be Tayuya's watch as dawn came.

Which means she would really like to sleep soon.

She began to screw her flute back together, sighing in annoyance.

Now if she could get some sleep despite the FAT FUCKER-


Where was that sound of snore-

Tayuya froze as she felt a sharp cool blade under her chin, resting almost carelessly across the hollow of her collarbone and against the veins of her throat, she could feel the razor-edged metal, moving so gently she felt it touch and trace her skin.

"Hello, Tatuya. I think we need to talk." the voice was soft, melodic. And before she could even consider going to fight a second hand flowed past her, catching her gaze as with a waved half seal, her flutes vanished, the puff of smoke similar to a sealing scroll fading as the hand pulled back.

"I have an offer you really should consider."

The hand moved back, and as Tatuya began to reach for the power of the cursed seal, she felt it abruptly cut off as the hand settled on her shoulder, making her gasp as she felt something in her seal twitch and still.

"Without Orochimaru clouding your mind with his nonsense, preferably."

Something clicked, and she finally recognized the voice in her ear.


"Of course, who else knows this seal so well."

She felt the blade vanish, and twisted, taking a step back to see Kabuto settling against the support of the tent.

"So. What do you want, Apprentice."

Kabuto grinned.

Shin flickered back, blade slicing through the left brothers reaching hand, evicting a scream as a finger fell away in a splash of blood, before twisting and thrusting, orbs of superheated fire coating his unarmed hands fingertips as it reached for the right twins skul, the shining fear in his eyes eliciting only the barest flicker of pity before the fingers and their payload made contact, the flesh of the brothers skull vanishing in a wave of ash and gore, the fingers pushing the heat through to boil the blood and brains under his grasp.

As the other brother reared back, symbols crawling his skin and fear and grief in his eyes, the cry of "SAKON-" on his lips.

A blade flickered and lines of flames spread and erupted across Ukons back, the shadow clone that had killed Sakon dissipating.

As the disbelieving form of Ukon collapsed, Shin looked through the forest, looking for his commander.

It was a duel, and yet a slaughter. One side clearly outpacing the other at every turn.

Spider strings and dark gold splatters stretched across the trees and ground, wreathed by a thick mist that seemed to ripple and twist according to some unnamed conductor, trees turned to pincushions as cards and senbon sprouted in the wake of the six armed Kidomaru, his panicked expression visible regardless of the strange dark demon caricature the cursed seal granted. His armor of gold was cracked and damaged, pierced by senbon and slashed by cards as hard and sharp as steel.

Toru himself was nothing but a faint idea in the mist, one of a dozen swirling mist like wraiths, each armed with senbon and cards that twisted and curved mid-flight, homing and tracking the six armed Sound-Nin. The few glances of Toru he saw himself showed an expression akin to boredom, or disinterest. He took in thrown nets of weaved webs and countered with walls of flickering slashing mist and razor playing cards, before vanishing from the senses once more.

That was to say nothing of the other fighters around the two. The summons of each Ninja as they fought for their summoners.

Flickers of dark colors moved in erratic hunting patterns, blades sharper than senbon themselves and wings with blades of air pressure scoured the upper branches and the trunks, leaving dismembered legs and dead spiders to curl and fade, smoke claiming them for burial at an alarming rate.

Finally, Kidomaru grew desperate, instead of scurrying across webs and tree branches, he leapt. leaving himself in mid-air for a half second, with no method of escape.

And the mist crashed up, thick and dark with the weight of chakra, (a jutsu? Shin assumed), before it suddenly turned to a pale pink.

When it parted, it revealed an armless Kidomaru, blood leaking up and seemingly wandering up, the liquid destined to join the mist.

And then the slim silver blade of a tanto punched through the gold armor, plunging like a nail through heart and lung and into the ground beneath it. A second later, a wave of summoning jutsus spread across the forest, the spiders retreating back to their clan's caves and webs.

Toru appeared at the edge of the pink mist, sheath empty but outfit clean of blood.

And then the hummingbirds began to circle, closing in on the bleeding corpse, the mist vanishing as they drank their fill of the blood around the corpse, before they too faded back to the summons realm, triumphant.

Toru strode forwards holding up the picked clean skull of Kidomaru, before a simple jutsu caused the ground itself to consume the skeletal remains, the skull falling into the churning earth with naught but a glance. Shin took a moment to set the bodies of the twins on fire as well, turning back to see Toru with his blade sheathed once more. Toru turned, and met Shin's gaze, before the two made their way back to to the tents of the sound four, passing the drained corpses of a dozen guards, all killed silently, their blood sacrificed to the Hummingbirds to keep the massive swarm present for the entire fight.

Sai approached them from the treeline as well. He had finished his opponent, the mountainous Jirobo, first, piercing his defense without fanfare with the touch of an unmastered lightning jutsu, at the cost of taking a crushing blow to his side.

He had sat out the rest of the fights, taking time to clean and bandage his wounds, before he shifted through the unoccupied tents.

Now all they waited for was Kabuto and Tayuya.

"So, what do you choose."

"...Lets fucking do it."

"Wonderful, Toru will be pleased you saw things our way."
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The Sleightest Advantage (Naruto SI-OC)

Born only a few years before that disastrous night when the Nine-tails was released, Toru Shusho has always felt like the world was oddly familiar. As memories began to seep through, he grew up with echoes of another life and stories of the world he now walks in his dreams. He knows that the...

Chapter 1 of the rewrite is now up.