Hell I think there was a reference to someone who made themselves look like a Alien franchise alien.

In a city where you have the Malestrom running around - would an Alien who looks weird but otherwise acts like a normal person be that strange? At least they're not wanting to cut you up and insert parts.

Oh, you sweet summer child, the chance of someone who turned themselves into an Alien not wanting to cut you up and insert parts is zero.
Oh, you sweet summer child, the chance of someone who turned themselves into an Alien not wanting to cut you up and insert parts is zero.
Oh don't you dare, you speciest! I'll have you know that Vivian Ward is an amazing woman, and just because she chose that biosleave doesn't make her some type of psycho!

I bet you think anyone in a small frame wants to be called a dwarf and live underground... Go back to the old folks home with that attitude!

:p Sorry, I saw this mod on Nexus and that was still in my head when I posted the earlier comment. Kinda wish some of these models were in game, I can believe that some of them would exist in the Tabletop Night City.
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On the other hand: Considering her situation, her welcome to the 12th floor, the people she brushes elbows with (Jin, Inou, Wakado* etc.) I could see it as being taken as further 'proof' of her soft rebellion.

Then when people point out the color, she regrets it, but doesn't want to look insecure in front of others so she doubles down on femme fatale red. Its all coming together.
Update: Almost immediately after posting the last chapter in my other story I started feeling very ill, it turns out I got COVID — I always figured I would have gotten it from a patient, but it was daughter. It was like 2-3 days of feeling really, really bad, fever of 39.5, coughing, sore throat, the whole shebang. Today I am feeling quite a bit better though, but it still probably won't be a couple of days till I post the next chapter to Skitterdoc!
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Update: Almost immediately after posting the last chapter in my other story I started feeling very ill, it turns out I got COVID — I always figured I would have gotten it from a patient, but it was daughter. It was like 2-3 days of feeling really, really bad, fever of 39.5, coughing, sore throat, the whole shebang. Today I am feeling quite a bit better though, but it still probably won't be a couple of days till I post the next chapter to Skitterdoc!
Prayers to you and your family. Wishing you get better soon
Hope you get better soon.
Covid still exists? I was under the impression it just puffed.
It's a lot less prevalent, but still accounts for about 5-10% of all transports I do. For a while in 2020 & early 2021 COVID was like 100% of all transports, and it was back to back to back calls. That was when we would wear like tyvex suits, respirators, etc. Now we just wear surgical or N95 masks. We still have the other stuff, but basically nobody wants to use it.
Update: Almost immediately after posting the last chapter in my other story I started feeling very ill, it turns out I got COVID — I always figured I would have gotten it from a patient, but it was daughter. It was like 2-3 days of feeling really, really bad, fever of 39.5, coughing, sore throat, the whole shebang. Today I am feeling quite a bit better though, but it still probably won't be a couple of days till I post the next chapter to Skitterdoc!

I can commiserate. I once caught my little one taste testing a handrail. I didn't want to cause a scene, but I was dying inside. At that point I remember resigning myself to getting sick. Lo and behold, a week later we all got sick.

Feel better soon, Spira!
Hope you get better soon.
Covid still exists? I was under the impression it just puffed.
lmao no, news doesn't talk about it. My part of the country barely tests for it, but the sewage analysis shows COVID is still prevalent (poo analysis!). COVID was the 3rd most common cause of death in the US for 2021 and 2022. Hopefully that is not the case in 2023.

It's a surreal to read about Cyberpunk's bird flu.
Meh, give it another 2-3 years and we'll end up treating it like we do the common cold or Flu (which btw killed around 50 million when it first cropped in the early 1900's aka: Spanish Flu), both of which we treat as a mild annoyance.
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Meh, give it another 2-3 years and we'll end up treating it like we do the common cold or Flu (which btw killed around 50 million when it first cropped in the early 1900's aka: Spanish Flu), both of which we treat as a mild annoyance.

Unless we either discover New Antibiotics (Which will only be a stay of execution) or go all in on Bacteriophage Therapy, we are very likely to have more mass deaths within this decade or the next.

From what are currently easily treatable things, nevermind new Strains of Virii.
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... Taylor do you not realize anything?

You are a young woman who has received tasteful and subtle bio sculpting whose preferred style of dress is, if Meredith in 2077 any indication, what I like to refer to as "Step on me Mommy, military casual." One who moonlight as a mercenary who alongside her impressive, but not obvious Cyberware set up makes use of monowire, which you noted was seen as a weapon for femme fatales and just added killer red nails to the mix. Yet you are also a doctor who consistently shows your inner kindness by going out of your way to save lives when other would not and are constantly showing hints you are more then you seem on the surface.

I'm sorry honey but whether you intended it or not you are a femme cyberpunk fatale! The only thing to determine is who you are going to have your eventual dramatic romance with!

My bet is on her meeting Yorinubu Arasaka at some point and bonding over their days on the street trying to find freedom from the corporate world. Then it develops into a romance that pisses of his dad because his son daring to date an American Millitech dependent girl because of he is still an old, spiteful bastard angry about Japan losing World War 2. Meanwhile the two of them are torn in two as they try to find peace between Yorinubu's willingness to do whatever it takes to destroy his father's empire and Taylor's desires to be a hero.

But the point is that you are getting a boyfriend at some point whether you like it or not.
Dude. Taylor is not even 18, while Yorunobu is in his 70s. Not cool.
Meh, give it another 2-3 years and we'll end up treating it like we do the common cold or Flu (which btw killed around 50 million when it first cropped in the early 1900's aka: Spanish Flu), both of which we treat as a mild annoyance.
We had different strains of flu before the Spanish flu. We have not built up immunity to that virus, and it still has major outbreaks as recently as the 2009 swine flu pandemic. We do not treat that particular strain as a mild annoyance.
Dude. Taylor is not even 18, while Yorunobu is in his 70s. Not cool.
Huh I forgot about that post.

Anyway, I will admit I didn't check Yorunobu's age before I wrote that, I thought he was in his 40's in 2077 or something. But either way by the time of canon she would be around 30 and free to make her own decisions about who she date as a full adult.

Though this does raise an interesting question about how cyberpunk's life extension will impact Taylor's relationships doesn't it? I have a feeling that right now even if she was a fully grown adult, she wouldn't even consider dating with such an age gap while Cyberpunk society is probably okay with major age gaps at high levels due to all the live extension. But will that be true by the time of 2077? How will she have changed from living so many years in Night City by then? I certainly hope the story is around long enough to get to see that.
Huh I forgot about that post.

Anyway, I will admit I didn't check Yorunobu's age before I wrote that, I thought he was in his 40's in 2077 or something. But either way by the time of canon she would be around 30 and free to make her own decisions about who she date as a full adult.

Though this does raise an interesting question about how cyberpunk's life extension will impact Taylor's relationships doesn't it? I have a feeling that right now even if she was a fully grown adult, she wouldn't even consider dating with such an age gap while Cyberpunk society is probably okay with major age gaps at high levels due to all the live extension. But will that be true by the time of 2077? How will she have changed from living so many years in Night City by then? I certainly hope the story is around long enough to get to see that.
V is in his mid-twenties, while Kerry is in his 90s. Yorunobu and Hanako are both in their eighties. Saburo fought in WW2.
Dude. Taylor is not even 18, while Yorunobu is in his 70s. Not cool.

Eh, the under 18 part is the biggest issue, far more than a 18-70 gap In setting, thanks to how crazy the life extension tech is, almost anyone rich could be super old and you'd have no way to know outside of how they act.

And that guy acts like a stupid 20 something rebel in 2077. He does NOT act (or seems to think) like his age would imply.

At least I'm assuming the person was talking about Taylor being older when his theoretical interaction happened......
It's a bit of a mental hic-up that many modern cultures have in regards to age disparity in relationships. And on some levels it IS something to be worried about.

I personally find it a little ick for much older (+15-20 years older than partner) person to date/marry young adults (18-25), but I stop caring once the younger person is 25-30 (adult). Mostly because I attribute age to mental maturity (and because your teenage 'hump everything' hormones have started to settle the F down by then). After that point, age is simply a number and should make little difference between consenting adults and honestly; it's not my business to care what other consenting adults do in their private lives.
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