If I were stuck there, with the options she has, I think I would likely use the spider bot tech to make a surgical exoskeleton for my arms. Victor has something similar when he is working, but the chrome on his arms is missing when you see him at Jackie's funeral. And it would let her use her own neural connections rather than a disembodied brain to run it.
So did a bit of researching, there are methods to protect against EMPs/Microwave weapons/etc. but it's something you buy to add to your Cyberware or you buy pre-shielded stuff. But in Kiwi's case after rewatching the scene she was actually hit by the EMP, she was just on the outer edges, so she didn't get completely fucked like David and Maine. And none of them probably had said protections.

Edit: Fixed a mistake.
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Plus side, weaponized EMP and other such tech is in the Dark Ages compared to 2020. They had microwave pistols, laser weaponry, all the Scifi tropes you would expect to see.*

So much was lost in the Old Web, it's why they're sending disposable kids into there in Edgerunners.

*The Star Trek poser gang in 2020 had modified energy weapons that they made to look like they were from the show, their main base was a building modified to look like a Constitution-class, and had military grade energy weapons mounted on it. And the Star Wars group likewise modded weapons.
It's actually disappointing how few Bonesaw!Taylor alt-power fics there are, because Taylor's escalating with biotech would be hilarious and upend society within a month.

This is the only Bonesaw!Taylor fic I know of, actually.
There is another much older one but it only up the alley scene in which Taylor operates on herself.


Medical - Worm AU

Medical Diagnosis 1.1 Diagnosis 1.2 Diagnosis 1.3 Interlude 1 Practice 2.1 Practice 2.2...

This fic isn't hard Bonesaw!Taylor, not enough eldritch biological horrors for one XD. But in all seriousness though, how BS this Taylor would be up to OP and even with the limited knowledge base she can make a lot of waves but she needs time to grow.
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Keep in mind that her power is a hybrid Thinker power as well. Taylor does have a basically full knowledge of human biology, and medicine, to include genetics that she can consult anytime she wants, as if she had a really advanced medical encyclopedia in her head.

That doesn't mean she understands everything she gets though, and if she doesn't understand it completely but tries to create something anyway, that's when she uses the shard's Tinker help, not just its Thinker help.

To do what the other poster mentioned, she'd have to have a lot of understanding, not just encyclopediac knowledge, of genetics and virology. It might be possible, eventually, but that was one of the specific things I mentioned that her shard wouldn't have the energy to do itself via Tinkering magic (I gave Riley's Agnosia plague as an example.)

So to do that she'd have to hit the books, and experiment a lot, and yes probably have a lot better equipment.

Makes sense. There are essentially five main functions of Tinker shard functionality:
1. Archival of technology
2. Providing host with needed muscle-memory
3. Analysis of materials/the environment via shard senses
4. Substitution for proper tools via overt shard magic
5. Computation/simulation by the shard to create a usable design from its data

Taylor gets 1 & 2, maybe also 3 if the senses aren't power-intensive.

This biotech plan arguably doesn't require 3 or 4 at all, but it requires ludicrous amounts of 5 since it is just assuming extremely powerful and versatile technologies.

I actually would argue, however, that Taylor could theoretically get closer to Bonesaw's level of tinkering within the Cyberpunk 2077 techbase.

Bonesaw doesn't actually do that much exotic physics stuff (barring the Shatterbird-virus that spreads through sound), so high-end tools should mostly take care of 4. 5 is harder, because there's a limit to how much Taylor can personally take the time to learn and understand. She just needs the tools and some sort of external processor (maybe a friendly AI?) to extrapolate from the shard's knowledge and start designing stuff.
The true AI in Cyberpunk might as well be Shards from how alien their minds work compared to humans.

Might as well develop a biological network transmitter for hers to talk to the ones behind the Wall. :p
Alt got the preem treatment, Saburo is Saburo, and Johnny is already so batshit crazy there's no way to tell how good his was.

A few minutes dead is nothing to Trauma Team, so Arasaka gets no leeway.
Do you mean to imply that Soulkiller wasn't giving its A-game, or that needing help to prevent data loss when recording the dead is a mark of poor quality instead of just basic physics?
Do you mean to imply that Soulkiller wasn't giving its A-game, or that needing help to prevent data loss when recording the dead is a mark of poor quality instead of just basic physics?

Trauma team revives deader than Jackie's, so I'd expect him to be alive enough until Soulkilled.

Though, granted, maybe Arasaka just wasn't up to TT's level, in which case Soulkiller gets a pass. Jackie's was probably only Soulkilled as an intelligence tool to find the 'assassin' of Saburo, so risking an imperfect copy wasn't an issue.
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Trauma team revives deader than Jackie's, so I'd expect him to be alive enough until Soulkilled.

Though, granted, maybe Arasaka just wasn't up to TT's level, in which case Soulkiller gets a pass. Jackie's was probably only Soulkilled as an intelligence tool to find the 'assassin' of Saburo, so risking an imperfect copy wasn't an issue.
How long does Jackie's corpse sit in a Delamain again? I don't quite remember. Was it minutes, or hours?
How long does Jackie's corpse sit in a Delamain again? I don't quite remember. Was it minutes, or hours?
It's never specified.
But if you look at the route Delamain took from Kopeci Plaza to the No-Tell Motell and the probable routes from the motel to Mama Wells bar Victor's clinic, take a more or less educated guess about traffic in Night City and then estimate the travel time you end up with a time frame of at least 15 to 45min after death before Arasaka were able to get their hand on him.
And that is not including travel time from where they pick up Jacky's body to where they performed the Soulkiller procedure.
[edit]It's also not stated how long Arasake took to find Jacky. I would guess it took them at least half an hour. Although 2 to 3 hours might be more realistic (And for RL that would be incredibly quick).[/edit]

Which is too long for even Trauma Team and guaranties irreparable brain damage.

Hmm... What happens if you tell Delamain to wait at the Motel? Does Arasaka also get their hands on his corpse?
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Hmm... What happens if you tell Delamain to wait at the Motel? Does Arasaka also get their hands on his corpse?
Telling Del to wait just results in the same thing as sending him to Mama Welles as Del realizes you aren't coming back and carries out his contract as per the Excelsior Package, namely the 'handling of remains' part. It's only if you send him to Viks that Arasaka gets their hands on Jackie. Namely because Vik doesn't have an entire community to keep Arasaka away, between the community loyalty of Heywood and the Valentinos they keep Jackie safe until his cremation.
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Well in that case I think it's save to assume that it took Arasaka at least a couple of hours before they found Jacky.
Or, you know, they used the fast and dirty brain scan to see if this guy had details for the assassination, then tossed the code onto the low quality server, opposed to Saburo who's been using the actual fancy brain scanner and likely updates it daily with fresh memories, run on the core mainframe of the national branch in Night City.
Fun fact:
There's a organized crime activity NCPD job to the west of the Watson Trauma Center where a TT AV4 delivers some goods to a bunch of Scavs.
I wonder what Taylor will think of that.
Fun fact:
There's a organized crime activity NCPD job to the west of the Watson Trauma Center where a TT AV4 delivers some goods to a bunch of Scavs.
I wonder what Taylor will think of that.
Pretty sure TT would be pissed about the misuse of company time and resources. Those guys are probably going to be up to their repossessed eyeballs if Corporate hears about it. Even worse if corporate hears it on the news rather than a more discrete source.