Shards of a Broken Sun [Megaten/Shugo Chara/Exalted]

It's "gain potentially highly useful information, without losing anything".

It should be clear that I can't be more specific. Though neither is it some disaster if that doesn't happen.
confluence of coincidence and blind luck
Isn't that called meeting a DC 3 threshold with a varying number of dice (I can't think of a decent stunt for the "empathy brute force Shadow" option, and though our chances are ~90% I do not like the failure outcome of the other options and will not be voting for them without a corresponding stunt)?

It should be clear that I can't be more specific.
Yeah, you've already been very, very generous with information (although it's not actionable information that you've given, which is good); don't worry about it
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It's "gain potentially highly useful information, without losing anything".

It should be clear that I can't be more specific. Though neither is it some disaster if that doesn't happen.
I assume this ties into the same thing with your response about Nero's plan:
I don't think I'd describe what Utau would be doing there as 'bad', especially if she succeeds. It would give you information that would otherwise be hard to come by, nobody would die, on a success Yui would breathe a deep sigh of relief. But it certainly isn't unequivocally 'good' either, so...
What you're basically saying is that Utau (or Amu) trying to shut down the domain psionically would allow her to gain information in the process. Possibly different bits of information, depending on the way they go about trying to shut it down.

I'd assume the "without losing" part only applies if they actually pass the dice roll - otherwise they either won't get that reward or actually will lose something, whether that's just time from needing to sleep for a few days to recover or agency and access to the Scavengers from JP's cordoning off the house.

While the odds on the dice roll aren't exactly terrible.... something just doesn't sit right with me about the idea of Amu and Utau getting force-fed information from Yui's cognitive domain. Even if it's unintentional and nobody suffers ill effects from it.
Uh, you seem to be making assumptions again: The (information) reward could equally be "wait, you can do that, with this skill??" being learnt IC to give an example
It could be, but "skill upgrade" is not really the impression I get from the phrase "potentially highly useful information".

There's nothing that says it couldn't be, but I feel like it would have been phrased otherwise differently if that had been the intent.
....That's *if* the "information" reward is a skill upgrade. Given Utau's (and Amu's) default approach was to use Empathy + Wits, I'm not fully convinced that was intended to be the case.

If the information reward was planned from the start to be given for passing those dice roll options that used Empathy, I feel it would be more likely one of 2 things: either A) something gleaned from the domain received through Empathy or B) some epiphany about the state of the world inferred from how the domain interacts with them and the outside world.
Alright, just making it clear, cause Nero barely saved the last girl from dying by giving her one out of two literally priceless artifacts.
We had limited resources to work with. :V
If we'd had approximately five more minutes and Ami's birthday present, I'd have been able to put together a less expensive plan, but we did not.
Something something, rush a miracle worker, get slipshod miracles.

We have a lot more resources here, that 'a lot more' being having seen the full setup before hand and having multiple characters, mostly Utau who has useful experience.

Re vote split, hm~
The stunt is attempting to "correct" the place you're in. The problem with this is, Utau doesn't know what counts as correct. She will—still—be operating entirely on instinct, but unlike what @Nero200 might have hoped for, that instinct doesn't include "turn it into a regular Shadow-Self fight". How could it? Utau has never even heard of them.
To clarify on my intent here, my goal/hope is that Utau provides a path from where Yui is, to where Utau managed to get, and the Strings & Songs OR CU influence takes it from her kickstart to the full Persona dungeon setup, since it seems to already be trying to do that, and hopefully just needs a kick in the right direction.

This is part of the reason I included possibly tapping Su via the Key, because Su's abilities/knowledge seem to be drawn from the CU.
Meaning that the CU 'prescribed' method for fixing/healing this sort of damage would hopefully be the Persona method.

Healing Yu's long term psionic damage involved restoring his heart egg, not just fixing him to 'normal adult' mentality, so there's precedent for Su's healing portfolio to include Occult methodology for healing. Whether this includes Persona methodology, or just Shugo Chara, is something I can't put a solid guess to. Considering Su/Dia allowed Amu to link to a non-Shugo Chara entity, I would hazard a guess that it will include Persona methods, but that is just a guess.
To clarify on my intent here, my goal/hope is that Utau provides a path from where Yui is, to where Utau managed to get, and the Strings & Songs OR CU influence takes it from her kickstart to the full Persona dungeon setup, since it seems to already be trying to do that, and hopefully just needs a kick in the right direction.
She would only be able to do so by accident. You can try, but it would be difficulty… five, I think; it is something the rest of the world sorta wants to do.

Utau has her own notion of "proper shape", which doesn't involve gladiatorial combat with yourself.

Midori is far more likely to achieve that outcome.
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My interpretation, descending order of priority:
1) We do not die, or be permanently harmed
2) Yui (or whoever else is here) is safely retrieved without further harm, and does not have to deal with this again (keeping a Persona/Shadow is optional, as far as I care)
3) We manage to keep the Dumpty Key :V
It kind of depends how one interprets 'best'. But one could certainly imagine several more 'best' things.

Like for instance:

- Getting the once per event potential super stunt bonus XP. Meta goal, yes... but it's one you could have.
- Learn things one didn't know before. Which can be all kinds of things like in character knowledge of what this is, how it works, how to work it in to better forms, or how to Yui's mind back together better then ever before... that kind of thing
- Get a quick boost skill. ie Mind control to 3 dots.
- Get a start on a new specialization at 0 dot. ie Mind healing.

Well there are many options, these are just a particular set that for some reason all seem to kind of line up I guess. Just a coincidence I'm sure.
To clarify on my intent here, my goal/hope is that Utau provides a path from where Yui is, to where Utau managed to get, and the Strings & Songs OR CU influence takes it from her kickstart to the full Persona dungeon setup, since it seems to already be trying to do that, and hopefully just needs a kick in the right direction.
At this point considering @Baughn input it seems some what likely your current vote won't achieve that, and I'm not even sure it's quite the best goal to go for either based on those comments.

One could alternately ponder that we already have some of Yui's mind/soul material on hand right now in the key that one could potentially try to put back in to Yui while fixing her up a bit, assuming she is there. Which could help restart things in general as well, including potentially giving the world around more chance to go somewhere. Trying to boost Yui up is certainly something one could try in this situation as well, an increase in will/integrity along with taking out the murderer might help her get going.

In any case at current your vote seems to go somewhere less knowable, based on whatever Utau and the other things around here might push it to end up... which is probably not dungeon. Should we even be aiming for that anyway? Can't we collapse the entire system along Yui to try and gather up all her parts? Maybe?
JPs, two days prior
JPs, two days earlier

"Aubertin-san? Can you help me with this?"

Rosaire Aubertin peered up from his pile of psychological evaluations, raising an eyebrow at the soldier who'd spoken. They were in a corner of JP's cafeteria, both having taken their lunch breaks at the same time; though the former was reading and the latter had apparently found something interesting in the lab.

"Hmm?" he asked, neutrally. He liked Mariko—the soldier was smart and competent, not to mention easy on the eyes—but the woman didn't tend to talk to him unless she had a reason. Most of the soldiers didn't, really; too intimidated by his reputation, even after all this time. Rosaire didn't mind that. It made things easier on everyone.

"The bean bag," Mariko elaborated, drawing Rosaire's attention to the bulky object she'd rolled out of its container, evidently because it was too large to lift. "I need someone to help me bring it down to level four."

Rosaire glanced at it. "Why do you need a bean bag?" he asked, still not moving.

Mariko rolled her eyes at him. "Why would anybody need a bean bag? Because they're comfy."

Rosaire gave Mariko a flat look, and waited.

"Fine," said Mariko, sighing. "So there was this girl on level four. Himamori Amu; she was brought in with grade one mental abrasion. Thirteen years old if you can believe it. And normally that would be it—if we were anywhere else, I mean—but she woke up after a couple of days. Even walked out without needing therapy."

Rosaire glanced down at his pile of folders again, frowning. "You know I'm not responsible for those kinds of cases, right?"

Mariko laughed. "You think I'm telling you she's physically damaged? Aubertin-san, you should see her medical report. There's not a single sign of brain damage." He had, but unlike the woman in front of him, he didn't gossip about those details. Mariko leaned closer, her tone lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "That's not normal. Not for unmitigated abrasion. I'm telling you this because I'm fairly sure you've been talking to her classmates."

"It seems likely," Rosaire admitted. "Though obviously-"

Mariko waved her hand through the air dismissively. "Makoto?"

"Does patient-client confidentiality mean nothing to you?" He asked archly.

"It does," said Mariko, folding her arms behind her back and cocking her head at Rosaire with a hint of amusement. "But the Chief makes a point of telling us when we have visitors who might be dangerous. Which is part of why I'm telling you about Himamori-chan."

Rosaire sighed, but couldn't fault Mariko's logic. "Why does it matter?"

"You don't read the newspapers," Mariko told him with a smile. "The Himamori girl was one of the kids who held the line until the boss could get there. Without her help there'd have been more casualties. More fatalities as well. Chief Hotsuin isn't likely to forget that anytime soon, you know."

Rosaire nodded, turning this over in his mind and wondering where Mariko was going with this. It was true that Hotsuin would not have forgotten something like that; but-

"A lot of children died that day," Mariko said. "Or ended up in hospital. It's not the kind of thing you want to have to see, but- anyway, the Himamori girl was friends with one of those who did end up here. Yamabuki Saaya. The one with grade five abrasion." Mariko's voice darkened on that last point; Rosaire winced internally at the thought. Grade five was about as bad as it got without resulting in death; and that was a question of terminology. No one had ever recovered from grade five abrasion.


Mariko's grin widened. "And this is where it gets good. I didn't get to meet the Himamori girl when she was here, but... her parents were here every day, and half the time they brought her little sister. One of your colleagues is due to meet her soon, I think?"

Rosaire crossed his arms. "Seriously. Does confidentiality mean absolutely nothing to you people?"

Mariko waved her hand in the air again, chuckling slightly. "Himamori Ami—seven years old—visited her sister once every other day, accompanied by her father or mother, sometimes both. The girl was surprisingly upbeat despite her sister's condition." She leaned down to examine one of Rosaire's evaluation reports. "Isn't that what it says on-"

Rosaire pulled the file away before Mariko could read it; Mariko shrugged at him unrepentantly.

This was the downside of accepting JP's offer. Mavericks and monsters and all the reasons he was here were one thing, but it seemed like one of the reasons they had so many specialists on call was because it gave Hotsuin a convenient excuse to spy on everyone they interacted with. He never went so far as to overstep Rosaire's professional boundaries, but given all his coworkers-

He cleared his throat and pressed onward. "Is this gossip going anywhere?" he asked Mariko pointedly.

"Yes." Mariko's voice lowered again; it was almost a whisper now, but Rosaire could see the eagerness on her face without even trying. "So one day after they'd visited their daughter, the Himamori parents got into an argument with the nurse." Mariko's eyes narrowed at the memory, her emotions taking a dive towards 'bitter' for a moment before bouncing back up. "On the subject of Yamabuki, whose parents haven't been here even once.

"Her father works in the Diet, you know. You'd think he could spare ten minutes from his day to take the elevator down and pay his daughter a visit." Mariko shrugged again, her expression darkening. "Anyway, little Ami-chan was left alone with us for fifteen minutes while her parents went to yell at somebody in charge. And that's where the bean bag comes in."

"The bean bag," Rosaire repeated, deadpan.

"Yep!" said Mariko cheerfully. "She wasn't happy with the chairs, you see. Too tall, all of them. So she stared at the air for a while, and then there was this flash of light-" Mariko's voice trailed off. "Honestly it's weird, Aubertin-san. None of our detectors picked up anything, but there it was. Right in front of her." She coughed, suddenly embarrassed. "And nobody wanted to poke the bear, so when her parents came back she was napping on top of it. It disappeared when she left, but two days later she did the same thing again, and that one stuck around. Though that was right before the doctors decided her sister was fine, so she never had a chance to use it."

Rosaire gave the innocent-looking bean bag another look; his brow furrowed. "That sounds..." he began, trying to think of a word that wouldn't be too worrying.

"It's not an O-O-P," Mariko assured him, misunderstanding Rosaire's concern entirely. "Perfectly normal bean bag, except it doesn't have an inside. Kanno had a look at it." Mariko tapped the bean bag with her foot. "She wanted it for testing, but..."

Rosaire returned his attention to Mariko, frowning.

"You stole it from her lab."

"Nope!" Mariko told him brightly. "I had permission! There was even a form and everything, I got one of my guys to fill it out." She nudged Rosaire with her elbow and grinned at him. "Cleanup duty. Trash disposal. Call it what you want, Kanno wouldn't get back to it again. If she wants it, it'll be in the break room."

Rosaire fought back a smile and failed miserably. He knew better than to take Mariko seriously when she said something had gone through proper channels. Kanno wasn't a bad woman—at least Rosaire didn't think so—but Mariko was right about her current state of distraction; she probably wouldn't miss it for weeks.

"In any case," Rosaire said, rubbing his temples and trying not to let Mariko distract him. "I'll have another look at their documents. That's what you wanted, yes?"

Mariko beamed at him. "Yep!" she said, happily. "You're the best, Aubertin-san." She rolled the bean bag around. "Plus some help moving this thing wouldn't go amiss."

"Do I look like a pack mule to you?" Rosaire asked her. Mariko's response was a very convincing attempt, albeit futile, at puppy dog eyes.

Rosaire considered the woman for a few breaths, then sighed and gathered up his reports. He tucked them into the embroidered shoulder bag at his feet, tapped it gently, and pushed his chair back from the table.

"Alright," he said. Mariko gave a little cheer, one that cut off abruptly as she recognised he wasn't done. "But I get something out of helping."

She opened her mouth, a sly smile tugging at her lips, and Rosaire didn't need to be himself to tell what was about to come out. "So we'll be taking this beanbag to level three, instead. I was looking for one for my public office."

"But what if some poor girl needs a beanbag on level four?" Mariko asked, her eyes wide, expression aghast.

"Then you can have one of your guys fill out a form to get another one." Rosaire smiled beatifically, picking up the edge of the beanbag opposite the now glaring Mariko. Mock glaring, though, he could see the way her lips were twitching.

"I'll ask Ami-chan," Mariko decided. "The next time she visits."

"Don't make me report you to Sako for abusing a young girl's goodwill and/or magic," Rosaire told her. But he was almost smiling too. "Now come on and lift. This beanbag won't move itself."
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Holy shit, you actually wrote the beanbag chair thing into the story! Or... Snowfire did? I'm not sure whether "brought to you by" means they wrote it, or they beta read. Would've expected them to post it, if they wrote it.
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Holy shit, you actually wrote the beanbag chair thing into the story! Or... Snowfire did? I'm not sure whether "brought to you by" means they wrote it, or they beta read. Would've expected them to post it, if they wrote it.
I wrote it, for the most part; @Snowfire is responsible for the presence of Rosaire, who is one of JPs' staff psychologists, as I wouldn't be able to handle that sort of character very well myself.

But yes, the beanbag thing is now canon. :p
I wrote it, for the most part; @Snowfire is responsible for the presence of Rosaire, who is one of JPs' staff psychologists, as I wouldn't be able to handle that sort of character very well myself.

But yes, the beanbag thing is now canon. :p
I'm also responsible for the beanbag not going into the hospital break room. Mariko, and by extension you, were determined to place it somewhere much less safe than a psychologist's office.

Also you may look forward to me actually doing my job at your cast. You asked for this.
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(Can Empathy/Mind Control 4 vet allies we'd want to bring in to investigate Manticore?)
Yes, easily. See next post.
(Given later information, Clairvoyance 4 mind reading might also work for this)
...we'd need Illusion for invisbility or something, but we could actually start this plan surprisingly soon?

He had integrity 0 when Amu and Utau fought him, and is already fighting to get that up as fast as possible.
Rosaire, who is one of JPs' staff psychologists
-0 level, two -2 health levels, one -4 health level, and then 'comatose'
*Sobs in not having to find a Integrity 3 teacher that is also reasonably trustworthy anymore*
1 internet point that these directly correspond to mental abrasion levels in-universe?

Being well-integrated, having a consistent and well-functioning mind that runs self-checks, is how that's implemented in this story.
I'm guessing Integrity 0 meant that Hikaru had 0 resistance to the side effects of losing his Heart's Egg, and the influences to the 'exposed parts' of his mind that means?

There really isn't any single skill that maps directly to "alter the mental state of a cognitive palace", partly because there's a lot of different ways to do it. For the sake of argument, let's say I take the average of dreamwalking, illusion, mind control and empathy—but the proportions in that mixture are going to define how it's done, and somewhat the consequences.

In practice there wouldn't be a dice roll; either Utau, Ami or Amu could do it, though Ami would be slightly better at it. The outcome isn't actually random chance, either way.

Oh, and Hikaru could also do it, but please don't ask him to.

No, none of them could change it to a "happy fun science palace". Hikaru would come closest.
...we really need more information on Shadows yesterday...

If ejected as a Shadow, it'll normally stay connected enough that it's still capable of using everything in the non-administrative sections of their mind, but the connections are weakened; and, lacking a coherent set of choices, insanity is the inevitable result. It's impossible for a Shadow to act sanely when they're missing the skill to predict that their actions won't lead to the world they wish to live in.
Oh hey, slightly more information: That's how you model why Shadows don't attack until they are rejected the Collective Unconsciousness of all places.
(I feel like a decent Stunt could be written about this tbh)

Kagutsuchi opposes any and all uses of magic and psionics, in general, but is so exhausted and overworked by this point that small-scale uses typically slip under the radar. Especially psionics, which is... 'smoother'? Slipperier? It does far less damage to the world than the equivalent sorcery would.
I wonder what would deliberately pinging Kagutsuchi (with Psionics) look like?
(And many types of psionics don't interact with reality at all, so there's that.)
Basically it's range-limited to the inside of Kagutsuchi, which is just another way of saying that, like all of these, it's range-limited.
🤔 How does that even work?
Also, I think I have the answer to your question about why precog doesn't work so much now (not that it counts since you gave the answer away):
Because Kagutsuchi has broken enough that things from outside it can come in much more easily, and those are not factored in by precog mechanics.

Psionic skills like empathy or mind control, or the cognitive fog, function by directly altering the state of those parts of her mind that are directly exposed... to the CU?

but since this component came after the computational aspect in Amu's world
In any location other than the inside of Kagutsuchi, the fact that most people's brains effectively are exposed to the environment
Mind explaining the first statement a bit further? I take 'environment' for now is referring to the CU, at least until the Apocalypse happens.

maintenance routines going berserk, eating the surrounding CU—albeit at a low enough rate that nothing sapient considers it to be a problem—
Whereas if it's a finicky, extradimensional flamethrower that can create devastating flares of heat anywhere within your eyesight, and it's been deliberately forced to grow well beyond your ability to control... can force such things? Psionics being related to the CU is a rather interesting tidbit, and it implies that you could try to eat more of it if you wanted to train Overgrowth huh

Wait, so that's what the Exaltation Shard got stuck on from the last quest? Really good it wasn't attempted to be removed lmao

One is to instead extend the 'depth' of the sight, seeing things beyond regular vision. Magic; ongoing rituals such as Hikawa's, the weak points of Kagutsuchi, and similar. Another, fairly obviously, is to extend the range of her post-cognition. A third is to extend the depth of the post-cognition, which might then allow you to understand how an object is used, simply by using it. This is the default option for Amu.
The first option seems far more useful combined with Lore/Occult if we do go down that route.

Do you want the Number Man? This is how you get the Number Man.

Ahem. At its maximum peak, the branches of clairvoyance would normally fold back in; you get all of the above, at maximum range, all of the time. It is almost entirely impossible for any sapient being to achieve this point and remain sapient, unfortunately. That does not entirely mean the dots can't be taken; but they would need to be coupled with a form of cognitive engineering that filters the input, preventing it from overloading the user. If it's then also supposed to be useful, it would need to be hooked directly to their reactions... at which point the user is no longer in control of their own actions.
I wonder if Biokinesis 5/Medicine 4/Lore 3 would suffice to make an Exterior brain to process these information for you?
(Rather than Number Man, would Budget Path To Victory be a better form of cognitive engineering & reaction hook here?)
Mind explaining the first statement a bit further? I take 'environment' for now is referring to the CU, at least until the Apocalypse happens.
"environment" here is just... anything around you. It's bad to have your brain exposed to that! But within Kagutsuchi, things are set up to mostly protect random human souls from being eaten by demons etc. can force such things? Psionics being related to the CU is a rather interesting tidbit, and it implies that you could try to eat more of it if you wanted to train Overgrowth huh
I think the relation is mostly just that the CU is the closest source of soul-stuff to eat. But sure, you could probably eat more stuff faster to grow stronger at the risk of outgrowing your own control, that sounds like something this setting supports.
Was staring at possible stunts for a while, and just to potentially make our lives easier with the OOC/IC divide:

He was looking rather intensely at her eyes, actually.
"Hinamori Amu, then. Who is she to you?"
We're the same person. Well, kinda. She's my true self, that's- she always was."

"Ah," Hotsuin said again. He looked towards Amu. "And she's... sane?"
It's plainly obvious. Two impossibilities in one day... and yet, not.
Hotsuin accepted the explanation at face value (not the easiest thing to do), but the first thing he questioned was Miki's sanity. Why?

Even the friendliest shadows are scared of drunk 'nee-chan.
The fog was tugging at the part of her mind that was Amu. Just Amu, Ran, Su and Dia not included, and wasn't that curious? It didn't seem to want the rest of her either—it wanted the part that wasn't like it, wasn't like a chara and wasn't hidden inside her
But if it had focused on Mom or on Utau it'd notice that their puzzle pieces were all hidden deep inside where it couldn't even get them, and- that would have ended in a fight
There are friendly shadows? (Also, why are the 'puzzle pieces' hidden deep inside for Mom and Utau but not for her?)

It was a tangle of threads holding fragments of someone's mind, but it had nothing that grew them. Nothing that gave them the space and context to weave themselves together into anything useful, anything more than a tangle of threads that were only connecting because they lacked a better option, tangled into a ball of not-self.
But even if a shadow got all the pieces it wanted, it wouldn't have been able to fix things and perhaps turn into a friendly shadow afterwards.
So, since there are friendly shadows, hostile shadows, and hostile shadows cannot convert to friendly shadows; if you assume that these two are fundamentally the same something must have happened to friendly shadows to turn them hostile*
(* There are a few holes in the logic here I can't quite patch up, but still)

Amu, it's made of fear. Fear, and tar, and... shadows.
The fear, pain and loneliness coming off whatever was in front of them was overwhelming.
It wasn't a person. Wasn't even a fragment of a person. She didn't think she could have built it into one, or would have wanted to even if she could. It wasn't dead so much as fragmented, broken and desperate, like an amputated limb with its body missing.
it wasnt a mind. It was something like a tangled thread; a few thousand of them, all knotted together in ways that reminded Amu of one of the core parts of her brain, except… wrong.

Lacking in meaning.
So maybe something happened to formerly-friendly shadows that broke them apart and caused them to become hostile.
But why do shadows contain fragments of people again? Maybe because it originated from them? (Otherwise that would imply there are fragments of people just lying around all over the place, and that doesn't seem likely)
If it originated from them, what would cause such problems?
Rejection once the host is made aware, and the fear surrounding said rejection, as well as the lack of cognitive machinery access that would imply?
A million versions of Saaya, none of them able to agree on anything. But they all had a core, and they all agreed on a single fact. They were scared of everything, including themselves. They were attacking everything, including each other. They couldn't fit the pieces back together, couldn't remember what not being broken felt like.
...that sounds way too familiar, right?

Since we don't have another Humpty Lock, our only option here is to aid in Yui accepting the shadow back so it stops causing problems somehow.

I've never heard of. Seigyo-zai? And anti-penumbrals?
"Some of these are missing," Mom noted, running a finger along an empty column in the grid.
"Have you ever been in a real fight? The sort where someone tried to kill you?"
"Thank you. But don't come back next week."

Aoi was smiling.

"Okay," said Amu, a trace of puzzlement entering her tone. "I'll, um, see you next time?"

"I hope so,"

It seems like the Scavengers may also be aware of this problem given their fear of letting Yui sleep, and the medicines collected are related to it (since they were willing to do risky activities like raid drug labs while presumably being on the run/trying to stay lowkey; and if these drugs could be easily bought they might've tried to buy it the normal way).
Also considering how the Scavengers were gearing up for a possibly lethal fight and were not entirely confident they'd live through it, something really important (the last column of medicine?) must be on stake here.

But what possible help could medicine provide here in Yui's case?
It's obviously not a one-time cure.
Since this phenomenon is clearly not common and perhaps is not natural (if it were naturally occuring, someone would have ran into issue by accident and caused problems already), and since Hotsuin did not have a reaction earlier that corresponds to him observing a phenomenon that inherently requires (medicinal) influence to avoid blowing up; this doesn't seem like a supplement either.

Then could it be a suppressor, like medicine usually does (treating symptoms while hunting for the root cause)?

@Baughn Is this a reasonable path for Amu and co to have shadow and suppressor-related knowledge filtered into IC knowledge, so we can assume such while making stunts?
Sadly, I don't have Wits 3 or Deduction 3 - can't come up with enough counterfactual hypothesis and disproval thereof so it might not work properly

What it did do—what she was sure that it did, with a certainty coming from nowhere at all—was act as a shield, a focus. A scaffolding.
Amu sensed something like ethereal bars of light pressing into Saaya, knitting the scattered pieces of her mind back together. The process was far from perfect; she was riddled with enough scars and missing pieces that Amu wasn't sure how she would ever recover. But she wasn't dying anymore.
Inside the Dumpty Key, at least from Amu's perspective.
Hypothesis: The Humpty Lock & Dumpty Key as a set allow you to lock and unlock mental features/abilities/Overgrowth of a person (and can incidentally be used to put people together: Key picks pieces of people apart, Lock builds scaffolding to hold the pieces together until its done)?
"A lot of children died that day," Mariko said. "Or ended up in hospital. It's not the kind of thing you want to have to see, but- anyway, the Himamori girl was friends with one of those who did end up here. Yamabuki Saaya. The one with grade five abrasion." Mariko's voice darkened on that last point; Rosaire winced internally at the thought. Grade five was about as bad as it got without resulting in death; and that was a question of terminology. No one had ever recovered from grade five abrasion.
I wonder what the skill for healing mental abrasion is. Probably Mind Control?
I think Biokinesis 5/Medicine 4 could do it based off the Feats list (surely JPs has dime-a-dozen Medicine 3 people), but lol at getting that anytime soon?
Otherwise yeah, Mind Control's probably the best bet here, unless we could intentionally induce Overgrowth in someone (for the blueprint repair effects its said to have).
Biokinesis is about biology, but minds here aren't entirely physical, so I don't think it would help that much, especially with that much damage.
Hotsuin accepted the explanation at face value (not the easiest thing to do), but the first thing he questioned was Miki's sanity. Why?
Hotsuin wasn't questioning Miki's sanity, he was questioning Amu's. Amu was the one with the bright yellow shadow eyes.
There are friendly shadows? (Also, why are the 'puzzle pieces' hidden deep inside for Mom and Utau but not for her?)
Teddie from Persona 4 is the premier example. Futaba's Shadow Self in Persona 5 is another.

I feel like Ami might have met Teddie already at some point while Dreamwalking. It's mentioned that she had mentors.

The "puzzle pieces" probably refer to their Shadow Selves, which for normal humans are suppressed deep inside. In contrast to normal humans, Amu wears hers on the outside. Probably Ami too.
So maybe something happened to formerly-friendly shadows that broke them apart and caused them to become hostile.
But why do shadows contain fragments of people again? Maybe because it originated from them? (Otherwise that would imply there are fragments of people just lying around all over the place, and that doesn't seem likely)
If it originated from them, what would cause such problems?
Rejection once the host is made aware, and the fear surrounding said rejection, as well as the lack of cognitive machinery access that would imply?
These lesser Shadows come from Yui, but were not necessarily ever "friendly". The fox we saw was only friendly to Amu (and maybe Ami) because it's attracted to her Shadow Self, which Amu wears on the outside. Anybody else would apparently have been attacked.

As for where Shadows come from in this quest and whether they really originate from people.... that's still an open question. In Persona 3 canon, they were bits of alien soul that landed on Earth thousands of years ago and developed a parasitic-symbiotic relationship with all living things on the planet as they evolved.

I have my doubts that part of the backstory is still in use for this quest.
Then could it be a suppressor, like medicine usually does (treating symptoms while hunting for the root cause)?
In Persona 3's backstory, the Kirijo Group under the leadership of Mitsuru's grandfather conducted human experiments on children to try and artificially create Persona users.

The exemplars fought by the party during the game are Strega, a group of three who survived and became darkweb contract killers and were permanently reliant on "Persona suppressors" (Persona seigyozai) to stay alive, as the experimental procedures that gave them their abilities also left them with unstable Personas that would turn on them and kill them without the drugs keeping them under control.

Given what we are seeing with Yui now and the note that this domain feels like it's hostile to itself, this is likely what is happening with the Scavengers. Seems the experiments gave them unstable Shadows/Personas and without the drugs, stuff like THIS ends up happening.

These drugs were originally manufactured by the Kirijo Group and still might be in this quest. Which is one of the reasons why they are perfectly placed to start looking into where Manticore is getting their supply.

Amu currently knows nothing about Personas and Shadows. The only one who might have a clue about them is Ami.
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