Amu isn't going to help Kana run just because Kana doesn't want to go. If it looks like JP's is the best place for Kana, Amu is going to try to convince Kana to go along, not try to break her out.If Naoto tried to do that, I get the feeling Amu would be the first to help her run away.
If we need people who can defend themselves from mental attack, JP's is a better bet than Easter.Gotta point out that bringing in JP's would be an even bigger thing than a still mostly-informal situation involving Hikaru, Kazuomi and Utau.
Whether we want to make it a Thing is another story entirely - but if we did, the Easter option is the easier way to do it, as the Scavengers would probably like the idea of trying to pump Hikaru for candy far more than the kind of power imbalance they'd be subject to relying on JP's. Utau is also a girl around their age and therefore looks far more bullyable (in theory) than.... well.... Hotsuin.
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