Are these more cognition parts? If they are one should consider reconstituting them instead. On the other hand Amu didn't seem to react to it the same I guess.
Everyone who'd helped? I wonder if this is referring to Dia, or if it connects to how Saaya broke apart into versions. It doesn't seem to be referring to any of the other characters - they're probably not folding into Amu.Amu sat back and stared at the stairs in front of them for a second, processing. Her mind came back together, Ran and Su and Amu and—everyone, everyone who'd helped, without even being told to—all folding back into a single tapestry, into the girl that called herself 'Amu', and… oww.
Sure has been a while since we voted to bring them in. I wonder what "moving in your direction" actually involves. Toddling along on their tiny little legs? Hovering really fast? Dream-space-warping? A conjured bicycle?- But Utau is holding the Dumpty Key, and can kind of tell that both Hikaru and Ami are moving in your direction anyway, or at least, if you vote for this then she'll notice.
Not even Ami?Compared to mind-reading yes, but the sum total of characters who can do that is Amu and Kana
By the time the exaltation happens, JP's staff might be jaded. "Oh, it's the Hinamoris again. What did those kids do this time?"Amu, you are already driving Hotsuin insane by not fitting into both the system he knew before (Persona!) nor the system he studied last week (Charas!), please don't drive him more insane by Solar Exaltation.
Yep. Midori's approach might not work, but it has the benefit of playing with the nightmare—even if it's going against its plot—instead of tearing apart the fabric that it's made from. Hence it has no skill check needed.That would make this place Yui's nightmares. The skill check is presumably to avoid hurting the whole Yui in the process.
I generally factor discussion into my writing, so even if a write-in doesn't win, I can still take inspiration from it as convenient.That was a lot more control than Amu displayed at the end of the last update, and a lot closer to the write-ins than to anything predicted for a base option.
How long did you have that waiting to hit post? I edited Ami in yesterday sometime.
So.By the time the exaltation happens, JP's staff might be jaded. "Oh, it's the Hinamoris again. What did those kids do this time?"
Imagine the office gossip around these kids by that point. JP's scientist whispers to the new guy. "See the little one? That's Ami. Couple months back, my daughter said that one showed up in her dreams and helped her understand the quadratic formula. To this day, I still don't know if that was really her."
Another scientist whispers. "The blue one's Miki. Pink one's Amu. Miki was born from a part of Amu's mind. They think of each other as sisters, though. You should have seen their faces when the boss called Amu Miki's mom."
Another joins in. "You know those beanbag chairs in the break room? We didn't buy those. Back after the whole Manticore thing went down, Ami got really bored waiting for her mom to finish all the paperwork. Just spawned a beanbag chair out of thin air to plop down on. Someone said it looked comfy, so she made five more and left them all for us as a gift."
Is my write-in idea distinct enough to be its own thing?Yep. Midori's approach might not work, but it has the benefit of playing with the nightmare—even if it's going against its plot—instead of tearing apart the fabric that it's made from. Hence it has no skill check needed.
Yes, although I'd recommend stepping back and taking a good look at the situation.
Hm... are we in a nightmare of how Yui could have died? If so:Yes, although I'd recommend stepping back and taking a good look at the situation.
Integrity training at work?She liked, herself and that made a difference. The fog also wanted her to ignore this, to not notice what was happening, and that she refused to do at all.
*looks at Amu is a Shadow discussion*
spinneret there, in the corresponding part of herself; a small thing tucked away inside her that spun mental threads to tie herself together with, to keep all of her synchronised and working to the same ends—there were millions of them, more by the moment as she learned and grew
Hmm... Overgrowth? Integrity? Looking at Saaya's segments again here would likely be relevant hereshe'd held the other end of these same threads in her hand, though she hadn't recognised them for what they were at the time
... is there a in-character Recall check for what we got from the previous RC?
Socialise/Deception/Manipulation dots at work narratively I assume?
borrowing from Ran's confidence to be so...
Not a good thought to finish on
What's going on here?
The million dollar question is what Kana did in previous situations, and if we can adapt that over here?Yes, although I'd recommend stepping back and taking a good look at the situation.
Inside the Dumpty Key, at least from Amu's perspective.
No, that's just automatic. This doesn't feel connected, but—spoiler alert—Kana and Yui have both attempted self-therapy via crayon drawing.... is there a in-character Recall check for what we got from the previous RC?
Or she's just that nice!Socialise/Deception/Manipulation dots at work narratively I assume?
... I had an idea of Stunting for training votesThe same sort of pulse she'd once used to force Amu away; the sort of pulse—rejection-go away-ignore me-stop-—that she'd once tried, and failed, to push her best friend away with. The sort of pulse that had killed a tree, stopped Amu in her tracks, and almost, almost succeeded in ruining her life all over again.
"If you think it works, it works (up to a certain extent)"?It was as if Ran was consciously trying to remain 'in character', or at least presenting a good imitation of it.
she could feel its attention like an invisible hand reaching into her chest and pulling at something deep within her-
-Yui screamed, a small sound that melted the fog from the air surrounding her-
a hundred metres down the corridor in the space between two breaths
Stuff that works to clear fog effectively (aside from the Utau rejection beam and Amu fox partitioning attempt), but unironically is the fog a bad thing here?because there was a curtain of pain in the air in front of them so thick it could have been cut with a knife, cutting through the fog in the exact same way that-
Not insignificant chance Kana is behind this gate, but..."Found her," Utau declared. "She's asleep... over there." Utau waved a hand vaguely towards Kana's house, then turned towards Amu and Mom. "I think she's okay. She doesn't feel hurt, but there's also-"
It was sitting around in my "assorted thoughts" draft for over a day. I was actually fiddling with the draft when the update went up. I've usually got a bunch of stuff in there that I'm holding off on posting for various reasons.How long did you have that waiting to hit post? I edited Ami in yesterday sometime.![]()
Once again, we see a character being embarrassed about dressing like an anime character.But once Utau's mind stopped spinning, and she was Utau-plus-Iru for the first time in half a month, the only tell Midori could have noticed was a slight slitted cast to her eyes. Nothing else. The transformation refused to be completely invisible, but the dress she'd thought was the height of rockstar rebellion, at twelve, was-
Ran kind of feels more like a lowercase-p persona than a chara here.'Seemingly' being, of course, right. Utau could very much feel that Amu's emotions were still there, still functioning—if perhaps buried under a mountain of confidence and excitement that didn't quite fit her—but that she was holding them back for some reason. It was as if Ran was consciously trying to remain 'in character', or at least presenting a good imitation of it. Chara Changes weren't normally this complete, but Utau supposed it didn't matter. Whatever they were doing, it was working.
Sounds like a 2 dot Mind Control thing then?Compared to mind-reading yes, but the sum total of characters who can do that [Chara-USB-telepathy, sneakerbox equivalent of telepathy] is Amu, Ami and Kana
Interesting, I'd assume the charas would also not be fine in that case (because Amu isn't fine), I wonder how that works?If they were to force it over a longer period... the charas would be fine.
This sounds like it could be Yui's Shadow Self, especially given it apparently has some control over the mist and can freely move around the domain, if you ignore that Shadow Selves aren't supposed to be crayon drawings with misshapen bottom halves. If we were following Persona 5 rules, I'd say this was a Cognition, but this isn't precisely a Palace and Persona 5 rules are not guaranteed to be in play.A small girl, etched in perfect clarity. A girl no older than five years old, clad in a dirty red dress. Black hair reaching halfway down her back and tangled by neglect. One of her sleeves was torn off at the shoulder, the other stretched beyond repair and bearing the unsettling imprints of something grabbing hold of it.
Half of a girl. The lower half was a white, smooth blob like a plastic doll's body, though far more organic-looking than any toy Utau had seen. Her legs were... tentacles? No, molten. Shapeless limbs without any identifying features whatsoever, that ended in a dark, oily puddle of shadow. The same darkness dripped from her eyes and her mouth and from beneath her nails, but the rest of her upper half looked completely ordinary—except for the bruises, which she'd missed, and that now were everywhere.
Midori stepped forward with an audible gasp; the child flinched back, whimpering at the noise and burying her face into her hands as she cried—crying until a thin sheet of mist formed over her, thin enough that Utau could see the outlines of her shoulders shaking underneath it. For a moment, it looked normal.
This one is superficially Yui, but we don't know whether it really is her or just something that looks like her. Or rather, a younger version of her. I don't think Yui is five years old, IIRC Amu's identified her as being around 7 or 8 and the blank expression does not exactly scream being something with any self-awareness.Strapped into one of the chairs was a small girl, about five years old at most.
Ran froze, staring at the child's face for a second with a stunned expression, and a rising sense of horror tore through the fringes of Utau's mind as she tried to move, but Utau was transfixed-
We don't get a clear look at the shadow looming behind her, but it could very well be Yui's Shadow Self. In Persona 3, Strega needed the Persona suppressants because their own Personas would end up killing them otherwise and we know the Scavengers are apparently on Persona and Shadow suppressants. This could be the result of not taking them and her own Shadow trying to kill her. Claws imply something inhuman.-and the shadow looming behind the child raised a sharp claw to cut through the girl's head in a single motion-
Hey.- Sing as the pied piper to entrance every shadow-piece-thread out of hiding to sow her back together, as she should have been, if the world was a better place.
No, not to do it manually and take them apart for collection.Hey.
Just collecting ONE fragment had Amu huffing like she was running a marathon.
You want to try and get Amu and do it for every shadow in the whole domain? Utau can't do it, only Amu knows that technique and only because she fixed Saaya using something similar and even if Utau could be taught, I don't reckon the two have enough collective stamina between them to do it for EVERY shadow.
I was actually thinking about trying to have Amu to "collect" the crayon-girl shadow, but the fact that the fox exhausted her put me off that idea.
Every shadow does not sound feasible given the fatigue evidenced to accompany it.
Unfortunately, we know literally none of this IC so this write-in automatically collapses without further justification as to how you got to this conclusion? (And OOC knowledge isn't guaranteed to be applicable here)- The collective unconscious is leaking it's various aspects in here, into this facsimile of a Midnight Channel. It's trying to boot the 'recovery.exe', spawning a dungeon and possible separating out the shadow self to give Yui a fair chance, but Yui isn't together enough to handle that.
I'm very much hoping that my guesses are correct, since Baughn has been leaning hard on Persona themes for the Scavangers, and that the underlaying systems of the collective unconsciousness will kick in while Utau is pulling the world back together.Unfortunately, we know literally none of this IC so this write-in automatically collapses without further justification as to how you got to this conclusion? (And OOC knowledge isn't guaranteed to be applicable here)
Eating 1WP to get a better idea of what is going on (or at least more data points to fit things through) might not be the worst of ideas IMO.I was actually thinking about trying to have Amu to "collect" the crayon-girl shadow, but the fact that the fox exhausted her put me off that idea.
Pretty much.So this is basically a Stunt for the Utau tears everything down (in a constructive manner) write-in?
(1: This is obviously more exaggerated than reality
2: But things are trying to fix themselves and failing here
3: (missing, something Key something something)
4: Given past failures, Utau now should have a better idea of what to do [leveraging narrative in the CU, not that she knows of that reasoning]
5: To let the system/Yui attempt to fix herself after some assistance)
She'd probably have a total of 12/13 dice here (2WP, 2 dice stunt) in this case for a DC 3, you ok with that?
Personally I don't see a reason to speedrun (lol) this yet, in lieu of at least waiting and trying to figure out what Kana did through finding her / bringing our (relative) Collective Unconsciousness expert over?
@Baughn At the risk of collapsing the WP wave-function, what's the WP left for our favourite protagonists present here?
What aspects of the domain did you see that you think appear to belong to Kana?Aside from that, I have since realised something else, a thought that should have occured to me much earlier.
I no longer think that this is Yui's midnight channel.
I think it's Kana's.
The crayon drawings. The ongoing crayon drawings that keep being mentioned as forming the doors and the drawing of Yui herself.What aspects of the domain did you see that you think appear to belong to Kana?
So there's an equal likelihood they are also hers.No, that's just automatic. This doesn't feel connected, but—spoiler alert—Kana and Yui have both attempted self-therapy via crayon drawing.
The crayon drawings. The ongoing crayon drawings that keep being mentioned as forming the doors and the drawing of Yui herself.
I don't think we can conclude that much from just the crayon aesthetic.No, that's just automatic. This doesn't feel connected, but—spoiler alert—Kana and Yui have both attempted self-therapy via crayon drawing.