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- Laniakea
The Overgrowth informational had this to say in regards to Shadows and Personas:
Furthermore, the QM also mentioned this before, when the mechanics of Overgrowth were being discussed about 10 pages ago:You'll probably have expected a 'persona' or 'shadow', but these are not part of the baseline mind-design, and in many cases—young children, especially—do not exist. When they do, they're defensive responses to that person's interactions with the outside world; as such, they're highly personalised. It's possible, though unlikely, for a perfectly ordinary human being to nevertheless never develop a persona or a shadow, even when embedded in modern society. If you raised one on an isolated island it'd be far more probable.
When they do exist, they're typically subsections of the 'administrative' grouping, but- remember that said grouping isn't a person. If ejected as a Shadow, it'll normally stay connected enough that it's still capable of using everything in the non-administrative sections of their mind, but the connections are weakened; and, lacking a coherent set of choices, insanity is the inevitable result. It's impossible for a Shadow to act sanely when they're missing the skill to predict that their actions won't lead to the world they wish to live in.
Which essentially means that this quest has decided to.... very much complicate the way that souls/minds work in this world, by giving them a lot of different moving parts.It also may be helpful to distinguish between a persona and a Persona.
As of the current Overgrowth informational, what we're currently looking at on a broad level is that minds in the quest work like this:
- "Natural Base Mind" - This is the apparent baseline-human ordinary 'consistent design' mentioned at the start of the informational. Includes 'World Modelling', 'Administration', ' Sensory' and 'Maintenance' control centers. Alongside whatever countless smaller peripheral systems and component bits that Baughn mentioned they comprise. All humans have these.
- "Artificial Outgrowths" - This includes Overgrowth, personas and shadows with small-letter "s" and "p". We got told small-letter personas and shadows get formed artificially when people interact with each other, seemingly like how friction on skin forms calluses. We don't know what causes Overgrowth yet. People apparently didn't have it prior to Ikuto Tsukiyomi, or at least not enough to use psionic abilities with it.
- "Remote Brain Extensions" - Includes Charas, Personas and Shadows with capital "P" and "S". These are still typically linked to the rest of the mind in some way, but apparently more separate than linked. In the case of Shadows, not linked enough to remain sane and controllable. In the case of Personas, separate enough to be capable of physically manifesting a Jojo-stand-like avatar and saying 'I am thou' to the user. In the case of Charas, can remain separate enough that it can lead to cases like Miki fully splitting off from Amu (if they are not reabsorbed back into user).
Charas eat up a dot of Overgrowth when formed, so either they are made from Overgrowth or permanently take over and "quarantine" a segment of it when they get made. I'm inclined to think it's the former, as Amu apparently notes that kids whose Hearts' Eggs are destroyed don't show psionic abilities, which means whatever a Chara does to Overgrowth when they are formed, it's permanent. Them being made from Overgrowth would be a lot simpler an explanation than some sort of "permanent lockdown" that fails to expire even when they are destroyed.
The latter is still possible, I can even think of explanations that would allow it to fit, they just wouldn't be the simplest explanations.
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