Full Moon
- Pronouns
- He/Him
The plaza was honestly gorgeous for a place that had faced attacks by cannibalistic aliens and robot attacks basically every other week. Oh sure there were clearly members of The Restoration out and about with their little glowy weapons, but they were clearly relaxed and talking with the other people milling around the plaza.
There were stalls where people were selling fruits and vegetables, homemade crafts, and other various trinkets and baubles. The shops were open and the air was lively as the citizens of The Restoration seemed to be enjoying the festivities and shining sunny day.
Small banners hung from light poles, each advertising some form of shop or public safety reminder, some pointing towards the nearest hardened shelter while others simply advertised places named "White Park Races" and "Chuck's Diner". The cobbles beneath her feet somehow just felt springy and light, the entire plaza itself was just a place where things didn't seem as bad.
As Piastol strolled through the plaza she felt for a moment, in peace, letting herself drown in the atmosphere, but at the same time feeling a sense of unease. She was more used to the tranquility of her ship, with only Deathhound as her only company, the months she had been stranded here, forcing to stay in the same place, had forced her to adapt to this new environment and situation, and a small part of her recognizes, happy places like this still exist.
But while that feeling was comforting, it couldn't last forever, with the Avenger fully repaired, she was ready once more to set sail and renew her hunt.
Piastol had no doubt that Vise had been transported to this new world, she hadn't found any concrete proof of that but it was a feeling she had deep in her soul, her encounter with Vise was inevitable.
(And a small part of her, dreaded the possibility that Vise wasn't here, but she refused to entertain that thought, if she did she wasn't sure she would crawl back from that hole).
Shaking her head as she focused on her task once again, Piastol beheld her.. "Target"
Her contractor, the Monster known as Eggman, had asked for her for some strange reason to check out the new local that had been established in Green Hills a few weeks back.
The large tent was of the color velvet, with curtains of the same color covering it whole, not allowing even a peak of the interior of the place, the words "The Velvet Room" were sawn with a tacky yellow, seemingly gold, over the fabric of the tent, and colorful decorations adorned the whole place.
According to the small chatter that the coffee guy heard before his store closed down, a fortune teller worked here, who so far seemed to be accurate in their readings, mo matter how strange or common they were.
Piastol had also heard about it, but she didn't buy much into this, back in her world, things like a fortune teller or prophecies were just a myth, even now, she couldn't believe that people with such power existed.
The Doctor was the same apparently, he didn't put much stock into the rumors of some civilians mesmerized by whatever tricks the fortune teller had. but even so, ordered her to come check it out and confirm the veracity with whatever means she preferred.
The reason being, apparently, he had "seen weirder stuff" so someone able to predict the future wouldn't surprise him.
Signing to herself, she decided to just get this over with, and with resolute steps, marched forward, making her way through the curtains as she entered the tent.
As she stepped inside, a chill went through Piastol's spine, as if somehow, she knew she had entered another plane. The inside of the tent was illuminated with a blue-ish light, but she couldn't find any source of illumination.
The inside…wasn't as impressive as she would have expected, It was just 2 common wooden chairs with a rectangular table in the middle, with a blue fabric covering it. What catched Piastol's attention is who was sitting in one of the chairs.
Piastol Mystic check: Does she notice ???
Dc 75/100
Result: 31+22(Piastol Mystic): 53
The lady had short platinum-blonde hair and golden eyes. She seemed to wear a blue dress that resembles a stewardess' outfit, for some strange reason, with blue gloves and a blue attendant-like hat to complement her look. There is a book palace right in the middle of the table.
Piastol observed her but couldn't sense anything out of the ordinary with her, was she the Fortune Teller?
"Welcome to the Velvet Room." The lady spoke with a noble and dignified voice, carrying an air of elegance and mystery as she made a small bow. "This place exists between Dream and Reality, Mind and Matter." She finishes as she looks at you sporting an impish smile.
…and then she started giggling like crazy, it started as a small sound, until it broke out in full out guffaws. Laughing to herself to some weird joke only she was aware of.
Piastol could 't help but feel…lost as whatever was going on right now, as she watched with a half lidded gaze,, she had half a mind to just leave them tent and tell her contractor this was just a scam.
"I'm sorry, just…" The lady quickly burst out, finally getting over whatever that was. "I can't help it. My previous boss always said that to any new arrivals, it feels great to be able to do the same, y'know?" She explains brightly. as if she found a hidden joy at repeating those simple words.
"Still, let me present myself one more time." She says as she stares at Piastol. "My name is Elizabeth, before i was a simple attendant; now I'm a wandering Fortune Teller, I never believed I would end up doing this, let me tell you."
"Pleased to make your acquaintance." She finishes with a small nod.
"Likewise…" Piastol syas with a dry tone as she cross her arms. "So, you're the one who can see the future?" She asks, wanting to go straight to the point.
"Oh no, as much as I would love to, the ability of foresight is something I lack unfortunately." She says with a simple wave of her hand. "Instead, what I do is…consult the cards. After all, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed."
"So what? You just draw some cards and predict what is gonna happen?" She scoffs at this; this seemed to be a complete waste of time.
"Not at all, Piastol." The bounty hunter's eyes widened, how did the lady know her name? Did she- "I simply help my customers by providing guidance to whatever issue plagues their thoughts. Please, would you take a seat?" Elizabeth asks as she motions to the empty seat in front of her.
With a wary gaze, expecting an attack any moment, Piastol makes her way towards the chair and without taking her eyes off Elizabeth, She tentatively sits on a comfy chair as the bounty hunter and former attendant stare eye to eye.
"I see you possess doubt about my abilities" Elizabeth says, which Piastol nods, being the most obvious thing currently. "Then. allow me to demonstrate."
Elizabeth makes a flourish with her hand, and out of nowhere, a gust of air seems to flow out of nowhere, rushing towards the book, making it open, and out from it come out of it, floating and landing facedown on the table.
"Your fate is in the cards." Elizabeth intones as she motions to the three cards on the table. "Each card represents a facet of time, your past, your present and your future. The cards are never wrong, but sometimes they don't fully reveal what they are hiding."
Piastol doesn't answer, still caught off guard by Elizabeth knowing her name and the act of magic just done, was she really the real deal.
"Let's start, shall we?" Elizabeth flips the first card, the one to her right and to Piastol's left. "The Hierophant." Elizabeth explains as Piastol gazes at the image of the card.
"Even now, im this mew world where it's threads of fate had been Shattered, you still act under the same rules and principles that have been influencing your life this whole time." Elizabeth! says, with her eyes closed, and Piastol can't help but be out in deep trance by each word uttered by her.
"So far, you have been acting, as a Bounty Hunter, like you did in your world, something, a certain motivation, pushing you to act this way and paving the path forward that you will take." She continues explaining, as Piastol wonders if she somehow had spied on her and made the appropriate check on her background…
"You have entered the services of an individual who you believe can guide you further on your path, with the possibility to gain something more from him."
Piastol realized she's talking about her deal with Eggman, how did she know, she had little idea.
"Next card. The Sun, in the reverse position." Elizabeth explains. "Even now, you, Piastol, cannot seem to experience any joy in life, your past has you tightly tied down, chaining you and not giving you the chance of feeling Happiness nor Optimism." She continues as Piastol feels a stone drop on her stomach, she grits her teeth, though she doesn't know if its in anger… or fear.
"There is even worry that you will not be able to achieve your goal, making your heart waver," Elizabeth explains as she regards Piastol with a look the other can't fully recognize. "Do you wish for me to read the last card, no many people like knowing about their future?"
For a moment, Piastol stares indecisive at the facedown card, unsure if she wanted to know but she realized there was only one option, isn't it?
"Yes, go ahead." She nods, not willing to back down, as she stares at the last facedown card.
"Excellent! The Tower…reversed." Elizabeth sighs as she stares at the card. " You will go through events that will change your life radically; your beliefs and values should be smashed and altered. You will go through ordeals that, if you don't adapt to them, will make you suffer a cruel fate." She finishes with a solemn tone.
Piastol just stars at the 3 cards laid on the table, not muttering at sound nor reacting.
"The cards don't always reveal the full truth, but…they never lie." Elizabeth says, her tone recovering the cheeriness from before, but in a more controlled tone. "You-"
"I don't care what happens to me." Piastol mutters, making Elizabeth's eyes widen. "Fate can do whatever it wants with me…"She tightens her grip on her fist as she looks at the fortune teller, her eyes blazing. "But until I achieve my revenge, I will never stop, ruin or no ruin on my future." She exclaims as she stares at Elizabeth.
Elizabeth couldn't help but gasp at the bounty hunter proclamation, then she broke into a wide smile as she began clapping.
"Bravo! I like hearing that! How you humans decide to push forward no matter what happens…you remind me of-" Elizabeth starts, before cutting herself. "Still, such determination deserves a reward, you know? Allow me to offer some assistance."
"You wish to find this Vise right?" Piastol doesn't question how she knows that name, as the boom closes on its own, and opens again, revealing three new facedown cards. "Let 's see what the cards tell us,"
"The Tower, in reverse position." The same card as last time. appears once more. "In the past, Vise was Involved on a tragic event that deeply changed you and has left a deep trauma still unsolved. The event left a mark so deep on you that even now it influences your every move."
"The Emperor." Elizabeth intones next. "You have found a person who Can assist you in giving the guidance needed for your plight. Working together will be key to achieving his and your goals. With him you will be on the right track for your destined encounter, most likely."
"Finally the Star reversed." Elizabeth finishes, showing said card. "At the end of your Path Piastol, you will face doubt and adversity. There will be something blocking your destiny." She explains. "It may be a challenge, or a foe or a situation, that stands in your way to achieve your goals.
"Even if you manage to succeed in your task, you will most likely have tragedy strikes if the proper path is not taken."
"But I can assure you this, one way or another, that fateful person and you, are destined to meet one more time." Elizabeth finishes as the cards disappear once more. "There are signs out there, if you can find them, and follow the track they lead to, you will find them. Keep your eyes and ears open to information all around the globe, the clues will show themselves in no time."
Piastol can only stare at Elizabeth as she analyses the information just revealed. Knowing she and Vise were destined to meet once more, to cross blades, filled her soul with determination. "Thank you." She muttered, gratitude oozing in every word.
"It's my pleasure." Elizabeth nods, "Now, I believe your boss wanted to ask something right? Please, ask your question."
[ ] Write in what Eggman told Piastol to ask Elizabeth, as a heads up, she will also do a reading about the future adventure om tokyo to, so dont ask that please
There were stalls where people were selling fruits and vegetables, homemade crafts, and other various trinkets and baubles. The shops were open and the air was lively as the citizens of The Restoration seemed to be enjoying the festivities and shining sunny day.
Small banners hung from light poles, each advertising some form of shop or public safety reminder, some pointing towards the nearest hardened shelter while others simply advertised places named "White Park Races" and "Chuck's Diner". The cobbles beneath her feet somehow just felt springy and light, the entire plaza itself was just a place where things didn't seem as bad.
As Piastol strolled through the plaza she felt for a moment, in peace, letting herself drown in the atmosphere, but at the same time feeling a sense of unease. She was more used to the tranquility of her ship, with only Deathhound as her only company, the months she had been stranded here, forcing to stay in the same place, had forced her to adapt to this new environment and situation, and a small part of her recognizes, happy places like this still exist.
But while that feeling was comforting, it couldn't last forever, with the Avenger fully repaired, she was ready once more to set sail and renew her hunt.
Piastol had no doubt that Vise had been transported to this new world, she hadn't found any concrete proof of that but it was a feeling she had deep in her soul, her encounter with Vise was inevitable.
(And a small part of her, dreaded the possibility that Vise wasn't here, but she refused to entertain that thought, if she did she wasn't sure she would crawl back from that hole).
Shaking her head as she focused on her task once again, Piastol beheld her.. "Target"
Her contractor, the Monster known as Eggman, had asked for her for some strange reason to check out the new local that had been established in Green Hills a few weeks back.
The large tent was of the color velvet, with curtains of the same color covering it whole, not allowing even a peak of the interior of the place, the words "The Velvet Room" were sawn with a tacky yellow, seemingly gold, over the fabric of the tent, and colorful decorations adorned the whole place.
According to the small chatter that the coffee guy heard before his store closed down, a fortune teller worked here, who so far seemed to be accurate in their readings, mo matter how strange or common they were.
Piastol had also heard about it, but she didn't buy much into this, back in her world, things like a fortune teller or prophecies were just a myth, even now, she couldn't believe that people with such power existed.
The Doctor was the same apparently, he didn't put much stock into the rumors of some civilians mesmerized by whatever tricks the fortune teller had. but even so, ordered her to come check it out and confirm the veracity with whatever means she preferred.
The reason being, apparently, he had "seen weirder stuff" so someone able to predict the future wouldn't surprise him.
Signing to herself, she decided to just get this over with, and with resolute steps, marched forward, making her way through the curtains as she entered the tent.
As she stepped inside, a chill went through Piastol's spine, as if somehow, she knew she had entered another plane. The inside of the tent was illuminated with a blue-ish light, but she couldn't find any source of illumination.
The inside…wasn't as impressive as she would have expected, It was just 2 common wooden chairs with a rectangular table in the middle, with a blue fabric covering it. What catched Piastol's attention is who was sitting in one of the chairs.
Piastol Mystic check: Does she notice ???
Dc 75/100
Result: 31+22(Piastol Mystic): 53
The lady had short platinum-blonde hair and golden eyes. She seemed to wear a blue dress that resembles a stewardess' outfit, for some strange reason, with blue gloves and a blue attendant-like hat to complement her look. There is a book palace right in the middle of the table.

Piastol observed her but couldn't sense anything out of the ordinary with her, was she the Fortune Teller?
"Welcome to the Velvet Room." The lady spoke with a noble and dignified voice, carrying an air of elegance and mystery as she made a small bow. "This place exists between Dream and Reality, Mind and Matter." She finishes as she looks at you sporting an impish smile.
…and then she started giggling like crazy, it started as a small sound, until it broke out in full out guffaws. Laughing to herself to some weird joke only she was aware of.
Piastol could 't help but feel…lost as whatever was going on right now, as she watched with a half lidded gaze,, she had half a mind to just leave them tent and tell her contractor this was just a scam.
"I'm sorry, just…" The lady quickly burst out, finally getting over whatever that was. "I can't help it. My previous boss always said that to any new arrivals, it feels great to be able to do the same, y'know?" She explains brightly. as if she found a hidden joy at repeating those simple words.
"Still, let me present myself one more time." She says as she stares at Piastol. "My name is Elizabeth, before i was a simple attendant; now I'm a wandering Fortune Teller, I never believed I would end up doing this, let me tell you."
"Pleased to make your acquaintance." She finishes with a small nod.
"Likewise…" Piastol syas with a dry tone as she cross her arms. "So, you're the one who can see the future?" She asks, wanting to go straight to the point.
"Oh no, as much as I would love to, the ability of foresight is something I lack unfortunately." She says with a simple wave of her hand. "Instead, what I do is…consult the cards. After all, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed."
"So what? You just draw some cards and predict what is gonna happen?" She scoffs at this; this seemed to be a complete waste of time.
"Not at all, Piastol." The bounty hunter's eyes widened, how did the lady know her name? Did she- "I simply help my customers by providing guidance to whatever issue plagues their thoughts. Please, would you take a seat?" Elizabeth asks as she motions to the empty seat in front of her.
With a wary gaze, expecting an attack any moment, Piastol makes her way towards the chair and without taking her eyes off Elizabeth, She tentatively sits on a comfy chair as the bounty hunter and former attendant stare eye to eye.
"I see you possess doubt about my abilities" Elizabeth says, which Piastol nods, being the most obvious thing currently. "Then. allow me to demonstrate."
Elizabeth makes a flourish with her hand, and out of nowhere, a gust of air seems to flow out of nowhere, rushing towards the book, making it open, and out from it come out of it, floating and landing facedown on the table.
"Your fate is in the cards." Elizabeth intones as she motions to the three cards on the table. "Each card represents a facet of time, your past, your present and your future. The cards are never wrong, but sometimes they don't fully reveal what they are hiding."
Piastol doesn't answer, still caught off guard by Elizabeth knowing her name and the act of magic just done, was she really the real deal.
"Let's start, shall we?" Elizabeth flips the first card, the one to her right and to Piastol's left. "The Hierophant." Elizabeth explains as Piastol gazes at the image of the card.
"Even now, im this mew world where it's threads of fate had been Shattered, you still act under the same rules and principles that have been influencing your life this whole time." Elizabeth! says, with her eyes closed, and Piastol can't help but be out in deep trance by each word uttered by her.
"So far, you have been acting, as a Bounty Hunter, like you did in your world, something, a certain motivation, pushing you to act this way and paving the path forward that you will take." She continues explaining, as Piastol wonders if she somehow had spied on her and made the appropriate check on her background…
"You have entered the services of an individual who you believe can guide you further on your path, with the possibility to gain something more from him."
Piastol realized she's talking about her deal with Eggman, how did she know, she had little idea.
"Next card. The Sun, in the reverse position." Elizabeth explains. "Even now, you, Piastol, cannot seem to experience any joy in life, your past has you tightly tied down, chaining you and not giving you the chance of feeling Happiness nor Optimism." She continues as Piastol feels a stone drop on her stomach, she grits her teeth, though she doesn't know if its in anger… or fear.
"There is even worry that you will not be able to achieve your goal, making your heart waver," Elizabeth explains as she regards Piastol with a look the other can't fully recognize. "Do you wish for me to read the last card, no many people like knowing about their future?"
For a moment, Piastol stares indecisive at the facedown card, unsure if she wanted to know but she realized there was only one option, isn't it?
"Yes, go ahead." She nods, not willing to back down, as she stares at the last facedown card.
"Excellent! The Tower…reversed." Elizabeth sighs as she stares at the card. " You will go through events that will change your life radically; your beliefs and values should be smashed and altered. You will go through ordeals that, if you don't adapt to them, will make you suffer a cruel fate." She finishes with a solemn tone.
Piastol just stars at the 3 cards laid on the table, not muttering at sound nor reacting.
"The cards don't always reveal the full truth, but…they never lie." Elizabeth says, her tone recovering the cheeriness from before, but in a more controlled tone. "You-"
"I don't care what happens to me." Piastol mutters, making Elizabeth's eyes widen. "Fate can do whatever it wants with me…"She tightens her grip on her fist as she looks at the fortune teller, her eyes blazing. "But until I achieve my revenge, I will never stop, ruin or no ruin on my future." She exclaims as she stares at Elizabeth.
Elizabeth couldn't help but gasp at the bounty hunter proclamation, then she broke into a wide smile as she began clapping.
"Bravo! I like hearing that! How you humans decide to push forward no matter what happens…you remind me of-" Elizabeth starts, before cutting herself. "Still, such determination deserves a reward, you know? Allow me to offer some assistance."
"You wish to find this Vise right?" Piastol doesn't question how she knows that name, as the boom closes on its own, and opens again, revealing three new facedown cards. "Let 's see what the cards tell us,"
"The Tower, in reverse position." The same card as last time. appears once more. "In the past, Vise was Involved on a tragic event that deeply changed you and has left a deep trauma still unsolved. The event left a mark so deep on you that even now it influences your every move."
"The Emperor." Elizabeth intones next. "You have found a person who Can assist you in giving the guidance needed for your plight. Working together will be key to achieving his and your goals. With him you will be on the right track for your destined encounter, most likely."
"Finally the Star reversed." Elizabeth finishes, showing said card. "At the end of your Path Piastol, you will face doubt and adversity. There will be something blocking your destiny." She explains. "It may be a challenge, or a foe or a situation, that stands in your way to achieve your goals.
"Even if you manage to succeed in your task, you will most likely have tragedy strikes if the proper path is not taken."
"But I can assure you this, one way or another, that fateful person and you, are destined to meet one more time." Elizabeth finishes as the cards disappear once more. "There are signs out there, if you can find them, and follow the track they lead to, you will find them. Keep your eyes and ears open to information all around the globe, the clues will show themselves in no time."
Piastol can only stare at Elizabeth as she analyses the information just revealed. Knowing she and Vise were destined to meet once more, to cross blades, filled her soul with determination. "Thank you." She muttered, gratitude oozing in every word.
"It's my pleasure." Elizabeth nods, "Now, I believe your boss wanted to ask something right? Please, ask your question."
[ ] Write in what Eggman told Piastol to ask Elizabeth, as a heads up, she will also do a reading about the future adventure om tokyo to, so dont ask that please
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