Full Moon
The plaza was honestly gorgeous for a place that had faced attacks by cannibalistic aliens and robot attacks basically every other week. Oh sure there were clearly members of The Restoration out and about with their little glowy weapons, but they were clearly relaxed and talking with the other people milling around the plaza.

There were stalls where people were selling fruits and vegetables, homemade crafts, and other various trinkets and baubles. The shops were open and the air was lively as the citizens of The Restoration seemed to be enjoying the festivities and shining sunny day.

Small banners hung from light poles, each advertising some form of shop or public safety reminder, some pointing towards the nearest hardened shelter while others simply advertised places named "White Park Races" and "Chuck's Diner". The cobbles beneath her feet somehow just felt springy and light, the entire plaza itself was just a place where things didn't seem as bad.

As Piastol strolled through the plaza she felt for a moment, in peace, letting herself drown in the atmosphere, but at the same time feeling a sense of unease. She was more used to the tranquility of her ship, with only Deathhound as her only company, the months she had been stranded here, forcing to stay in the same place, had forced her to adapt to this new environment and situation, and a small part of her recognizes, happy places like this still exist.

But while that feeling was comforting, it couldn't last forever, with the Avenger fully repaired, she was ready once more to set sail and renew her hunt.

Piastol had no doubt that Vise had been transported to this new world, she hadn't found any concrete proof of that but it was a feeling she had deep in her soul, her encounter with Vise was inevitable.

(And a small part of her, dreaded the possibility that Vise wasn't here, but she refused to entertain that thought, if she did she wasn't sure she would crawl back from that hole).

Shaking her head as she focused on her task once again, Piastol beheld her.. "Target"

Her contractor, the Monster known as Eggman, had asked for her for some strange reason to check out the new local that had been established in Green Hills a few weeks back.

The large tent was of the color velvet, with curtains of the same color covering it whole, not allowing even a peak of the interior of the place, the words "The Velvet Room" were sawn with a tacky yellow, seemingly gold, over the fabric of the tent, and colorful decorations adorned the whole place.

According to the small chatter that the coffee guy heard before his store closed down, a fortune teller worked here, who so far seemed to be accurate in their readings, mo matter how strange or common they were.

Piastol had also heard about it, but she didn't buy much into this, back in her world, things like a fortune teller or prophecies were just a myth, even now, she couldn't believe that people with such power existed.

The Doctor was the same apparently, he didn't put much stock into the rumors of some civilians mesmerized by whatever tricks the fortune teller had. but even so, ordered her to come check it out and confirm the veracity with whatever means she preferred.

The reason being, apparently, he had "seen weirder stuff" so someone able to predict the future wouldn't surprise him.

Signing to herself, she decided to just get this over with, and with resolute steps, marched forward, making her way through the curtains as she entered the tent.

As she stepped inside, a chill went through Piastol's spine, as if somehow, she knew she had entered another plane. The inside of the tent was illuminated with a blue-ish light, but she couldn't find any source of illumination.

The inside…wasn't as impressive as she would have expected, It was just 2 common wooden chairs with a rectangular table in the middle, with a blue fabric covering it. What catched Piastol's attention is who was sitting in one of the chairs.

Piastol Mystic check: Does she notice ???

Dc 75/100

Result: 31+22(Piastol Mystic): 53


The lady had short platinum-blonde hair and golden eyes. She seemed to wear a blue dress that resembles a stewardess' outfit, for some strange reason, with blue gloves and a blue attendant-like hat to complement her look. There is a book palace right in the middle of the table.

Piastol observed her but couldn't sense anything out of the ordinary with her, was she the Fortune Teller?

"Welcome to the Velvet Room." The lady spoke with a noble and dignified voice, carrying an air of elegance and mystery as she made a small bow. "This place exists between Dream and Reality, Mind and Matter." She finishes as she looks at you sporting an impish smile.

…and then she started giggling like crazy, it started as a small sound, until it broke out in full out guffaws. Laughing to herself to some weird joke only she was aware of.

Piastol could 't help but feel…lost as whatever was going on right now, as she watched with a half lidded gaze,, she had half a mind to just leave them tent and tell her contractor this was just a scam.

"I'm sorry, just…" The lady quickly burst out, finally getting over whatever that was. "I can't help it. My previous boss always said that to any new arrivals, it feels great to be able to do the same, y'know?" She explains brightly. as if she found a hidden joy at repeating those simple words.

"Still, let me present myself one more time." She says as she stares at Piastol. "My name is Elizabeth, before i was a simple attendant; now I'm a wandering Fortune Teller, I never believed I would end up doing this, let me tell you."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance." She finishes with a small nod.

"Likewise…" Piastol syas with a dry tone as she cross her arms. "So, you're the one who can see the future?" She asks, wanting to go straight to the point.

"Oh no, as much as I would love to, the ability of foresight is something I lack unfortunately." She says with a simple wave of her hand. "Instead, what I do is…consult the cards. After all, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed."

"So what? You just draw some cards and predict what is gonna happen?" She scoffs at this; this seemed to be a complete waste of time.

"Not at all, Piastol." The bounty hunter's eyes widened, how did the lady know her name? Did she- "I simply help my customers by providing guidance to whatever issue plagues their thoughts. Please, would you take a seat?" Elizabeth asks as she motions to the empty seat in front of her.

With a wary gaze, expecting an attack any moment, Piastol makes her way towards the chair and without taking her eyes off Elizabeth, She tentatively sits on a comfy chair as the bounty hunter and former attendant stare eye to eye.

"I see you possess doubt about my abilities" Elizabeth says, which Piastol nods, being the most obvious thing currently. "Then. allow me to demonstrate."

Elizabeth makes a flourish with her hand, and out of nowhere, a gust of air seems to flow out of nowhere, rushing towards the book, making it open, and out from it come out of it, floating and landing facedown on the table.

"Your fate is in the cards." Elizabeth intones as she motions to the three cards on the table. "Each card represents a facet of time, your past, your present and your future. The cards are never wrong, but sometimes they don't fully reveal what they are hiding."

Piastol doesn't answer, still caught off guard by Elizabeth knowing her name and the act of magic just done, was she really the real deal.

"Let's start, shall we?" Elizabeth flips the first card, the one to her right and to Piastol's left. "The Hierophant." Elizabeth explains as Piastol gazes at the image of the card.

"Even now, im this mew world where it's threads of fate had been Shattered, you still act under the same rules and principles that have been influencing your life this whole time." Elizabeth! says, with her eyes closed, and Piastol can't help but be out in deep trance by each word uttered by her.

"So far, you have been acting, as a Bounty Hunter, like you did in your world, something, a certain motivation, pushing you to act this way and paving the path forward that you will take." She continues explaining, as Piastol wonders if she somehow had spied on her and made the appropriate check on her background…

"You have entered the services of an individual who you believe can guide you further on your path, with the possibility to gain something more from him."

Piastol realized she's talking about her deal with Eggman, how did she know, she had little idea.

"Next card. The Sun, in the reverse position." Elizabeth explains. "Even now, you, Piastol, cannot seem to experience any joy in life, your past has you tightly tied down, chaining you and not giving you the chance of feeling Happiness nor Optimism." She continues as Piastol feels a stone drop on her stomach, she grits her teeth, though she doesn't know if its in anger… or fear.

"There is even worry that you will not be able to achieve your goal, making your heart waver," Elizabeth explains as she regards Piastol with a look the other can't fully recognize. "Do you wish for me to read the last card, no many people like knowing about their future?"

For a moment, Piastol stares indecisive at the facedown card, unsure if she wanted to know but she realized there was only one option, isn't it?

"Yes, go ahead." She nods, not willing to back down, as she stares at the last facedown card.

"Excellent! The Tower…reversed." Elizabeth sighs as she stares at the card. " You will go through events that will change your life radically; your beliefs and values should be smashed and altered. You will go through ordeals that, if you don't adapt to them, will make you suffer a cruel fate." She finishes with a solemn tone.

Piastol just stars at the 3 cards laid on the table, not muttering at sound nor reacting.

"The cards don't always reveal the full truth, but…they never lie." Elizabeth says, her tone recovering the cheeriness from before, but in a more controlled tone. "You-"

"I don't care what happens to me." Piastol mutters, making Elizabeth's eyes widen. "Fate can do whatever it wants with me…"She tightens her grip on her fist as she looks at the fortune teller, her eyes blazing. "But until I achieve my revenge, I will never stop, ruin or no ruin on my future." She exclaims as she stares at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth couldn't help but gasp at the bounty hunter proclamation, then she broke into a wide smile as she began clapping.

"Bravo! I like hearing that! How you humans decide to push forward no matter what happens…you remind me of-" Elizabeth starts, before cutting herself. "Still, such determination deserves a reward, you know? Allow me to offer some assistance."

"You wish to find this Vise right?" Piastol doesn't question how she knows that name, as the boom closes on its own, and opens again, revealing three new facedown cards. "Let 's see what the cards tell us,"

"The Tower, in reverse position." The same card as last time. appears once more. "In the past, Vise was Involved on a tragic event that deeply changed you and has left a deep trauma still unsolved. The event left a mark so deep on you that even now it influences your every move."

"The Emperor." Elizabeth intones next. "You have found a person who Can assist you in giving the guidance needed for your plight. Working together will be key to achieving his and your goals. With him you will be on the right track for your destined encounter, most likely."

"Finally the Star reversed." Elizabeth finishes, showing said card. "At the end of your Path Piastol, you will face doubt and adversity. There will be something blocking your destiny." She explains. "It may be a challenge, or a foe or a situation, that stands in your way to achieve your goals.

"Even if you manage to succeed in your task, you will most likely have tragedy strikes if the proper path is not taken."

"But I can assure you this, one way or another, that fateful person and you, are destined to meet one more time." Elizabeth finishes as the cards disappear once more. "There are signs out there, if you can find them, and follow the track they lead to, you will find them. Keep your eyes and ears open to information all around the globe, the clues will show themselves in no time."

Piastol can only stare at Elizabeth as she analyses the information just revealed. Knowing she and Vise were destined to meet once more, to cross blades, filled her soul with determination. "Thank you." She muttered, gratitude oozing in every word.

"It's my pleasure." Elizabeth nods, "Now, I believe your boss wanted to ask something right? Please, ask your question."

[ ] Write in what Eggman told Piastol to ask Elizabeth, as a heads up, she will also do a reading about the future adventure om tokyo to, so dont ask that please

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Warning about full moon vote
For the record, I am thinking of this from an in character perspective rather then a "what do I want to know about the game world" perspective.

I don't want to influence the votes too much, but this is probably the best way to look at things

I hace tk agree, i really encourage you to think this fron an Incharacter perspective

Dont try to meta game please, that Wont end Well, i promise.

Dont try to be sneaky or game the system, think fron Eggman perspective lf what he would want to know.

Thats my Only advice to give you
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Aceptable questions for Full Moon Vote
Aceptable questions so far

Learning what Shadows deal is.

[] Can power and "kindness" coexist?
[ ] "Who is Selvaria Blest?"

Are Maria and Gerald Robotnik alive within this world?

[] Tell me, what is in store for I, Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik?

out of all the vary factions in Greenhill, who is the biggest threat to me?

[] Who is this, GORO MAJIMA.
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Understanding Genius
Felt inspired since Starline is probably really questioning how good of an idea it was for Eggman to go out and fight.

Understanding Genius

"Doctor, your vital signs appear to be stable." Starline says, standing over the doctor, bandaged and hooked up to various machines with monitors that give readouts of his health. "There should be no long term damage and you should be at your best again soon enough.

"Good," Eggman sneers. "Whatever fool decided to attack me will regret their actions. They underestimated me, thinking that they could get rid of me so easily."

Eggman looks to Starline, expecting some kind of agreement. An "of course!" or "We will ensure they regret their actions," but no. All he sees is the platypus, his face rather sour, and his fists are clenched and shaking. Finally he responds.

"Why!? Why did you go out there!?" he shouts, raising his hands and throwing his clipboard against a wall "You could have died, doctor. Now you are laying in bed hurt, because you didn't list-"

"Don't take that tone with me!" Eggman shouts, shutting the platypus up and freezing him in place. "Are you saying that I made a mistake?"

"I'm sorry. I have overstepped my bounds sir," Starline replies, taking up a more reserved posture at the outburst. However, his feelings will not let him back off completely. "But you still got shot, doctor. Planned or not, this is an objective truth."

"Hmm," Eggman grumbles. "You are still doubting me."

"N-no, I just want to know, why?"

"You are. I thought that you were smart enough to know why," before Starline can retort, Eggman raises his voice, "So I will explain to you. For me the reasons are obvious, but clearly your inexperience is greater than I expected. Now, I want to ask you, why do you think that I went in to fight?"

Swallowing his spit, Starline takes a moment to answer in a way that will not result in earning the doctor's ire. "For your pride, I think. Surely the zeti's insults were something that could not be forgiven."

"You are right, but you are also wrong. I knew that Zavok had something planned. The zeti may have been fools, but they are not weak, as you have seen with Zavok's form. If I did not go out there he would have focused on my minions, and they could have gotten seriously hurt."

For a moment, Starline looks at Eggman as if he had grown a second head. "Are you saying you… care about what happens to them?"

"No, you fool! What do you take me for, a charity case!?" he yells once more, causing Starline to take a step back.

"T-then why sir?"

"They are resources. Tools. I don't care about what they feel, but what they can do! And I won't lie, you did a great job finding me worthy minions. I could have waited inside my walls and let them deal with Zavok. I am sure they could have handled it on their own as well, but not without causalities. Bots can be rebuilt, but my minions are irritatingly difficult to replace. As the source of his ire, I was the perfect distraction."

"Sir, I am proud I could help you with my abilities, but you are still worth more than any of them. Than all of them!"

"That is true, Starline. But I have been at this for a long time. I know how to handle failure. How many times have I failed against that hedgehog?"

Starline hesitates for a moment, expecting some form of trap. Still, lying would not go well for him either. "I cannot recall, but you have failed a few times."

"And with each failure I had to escape. Rebuild, come up with a new plan. I have learned from my failures. I never go into a battle that I cannot leave, and I work to minimize my losses. I've escaped the so called fastest thing alive many times! If I can escape him, I can escape Zavok! Now, that explanation alone will not satisfy you I'm sure, so let's say I went with your plan. You want me to be safe, correct?"

"Of course! It would be a waste to lose your genius in a fight."

"Let's say that I did not go in and I lost only one minion. That would not be too bad, right?"

"It would be unfortunate, but an acceptable risk, yes."

"But what if this happened repeatedly? Each time I stayed inside the base, avoiding my enemies, letting them crush my forces one by one? I would be bled dry, until all that would be left is me. Even with the Darc-Egg, my chances of surviving would be low."

"I… suppose that does make some sense," he says, looking down somewhat embarrassed, seeing some of his foolishness from his prior outburst. "But you still got shot because of this risky move."

"Yes, it is quite frustrating that someone would attack me. But I ask you to consider, what if this person was in my base while all my strongest minions were busy? No one to help me, outside of my robot's protective shielding." he asks. Starline can feel the man's gaze burning into him from behind the goggle. The tone is dead serious. Not even a hint of his earlier egotistic joviality remains.

Starline's jaw clenches. "T-that would be… disastrous."

"There on the battlefield was the safest place I could have been. With my weapons and my minions to rush me to the medical wing."

"I-I'm sorry, sir. I did not take into account that there might be unforseen dangers."

"Good. But there is still another thing I must disabuse you of. Metal, show Starline your new trick."

Suddenly, the robotic hedgehog who has been quietly standing guard by the door steps out of the shadows. As he approaches Starline, he starts taking steps back from the machine. "D-doctor, I'm sorry, I understand your genius now! No need to call on him!"

He starts looking in his pocket for his warp topaz. With a laugh he pulls it out, but instead what he sees is an active egg bomb. In a panic he throws it across the room in the hopes that the explosion will not be enough to harm him, maybe to get Metal to run and grab it to save his master.

His master who is just laughing.

"Good one Metal! I'm really impressed with that trick!"

"W-what's so funny!" Starline shouts. Then it hits him. The bomb has not gone off. It should have gone off by now!

"Remember when you thought me sending Metal was a poor decision? Well, he has come up with a few new tricks thanks to that fight. Not as good as Conquering Storm, sure, but it's nothing to sneeze at."

"Doctor, you scared me! I-I thought we were going to blow up!"

"Think of it as a punishment for questioning me. Thanks to my genius, I not only have all of my best resources, but Metal is stronger than ever! It is a shame that I could not get that Zeti power, but I knew that even if Metal were grabbed he would take advantage of this. Perhaps I will make a few changes here and there, but in his next fight he will be much harder to handle. Understand now? Whether I succeed or fail, I will be one step closer to my master plan. I expect you to thank me for taking the time to explain this, as you should have come to this realization yourself."

Starline breathes, letting his heart calm down. Now standing straight, his confidence restored, he lets a grin return to his face. "Thank you for explaining Doctor. I'm sorry I ever doubted you."

"And you better not doubt me again. I am not interested in explaining every move I have to you."

With a nod Starline leaves, a bit more knowledgeable of the doctor.
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Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire)
Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire)

Something feels... Off. Very off. And you can't exactly tell why. You're not sure why you're having this ill feeling around Christmas time (at least, you assume it is, thanks to the snow covering Green Hill Zone), but it just feels like something's... missing.

"Merry Christmas, sir!"

"Thanks you Stone." You softly reply as you accept the gift wrapped present he offers you, a small smile on your face. You gently shake it once and - "Coffee maker!"

"Heh. I never can surprise you, can I, sir?" Stone chuckles, before making room for Starline to hand you his gift as well.

"Hmm." *Shake* "Are those... test tubes?"

"It's actually a collection of different modifications I've made to my equipment, including a neurotic meant to incapacitate instead of kill." Starline explains with a smirk. "This is actually a slightly refined version of the formula I use in my 'boots'. I figured that it would be wise to improve upon in case you wish to take more prisoners.*

"How... efficient." You nod slowly, setting it down as carefully as you can. "Now -"

"Father, someone is here to see you." Sage suddenly says as her holographic avatar appears next to you, a concerned look on her face. "She says that she's your -"


[Shattered Mind Rol-]



"... Hello there, mother."

You are Doctor Eggman, and you really should be used to your mother and father, alongside your little brother, Bubby Robotnik, appearing at any Christmas party you're at. Yet, in this case, it does make sense why you're put off balance by their appearance. Namely: Reality threw up in its own brain and had a mental breakdown right afterwards, so the "you" that set this entire thing up didn't even know that these three were related to him.

"It is good to see you again, Ivo." Father rumbles before bowing.

"The same to you, dad."


"And to you to, Bubby."

"Sir, are these..." Stone starts to say, trying his best not to utter the words 'variants of', "... your parents?"

"Yes, yes they are, Stone." You let out an apathetic sigh, before shaking your head. "It's... Good to see you again, mama."

"And it's so good to see you again, Ivy!" Your mother claps her hands together as Father rolls her wheelbarrow forward. "Especially with so many new friends of yours to serve in your empire! Though, I see that Silvy isn't here."


"You just know how much Bubby and me love that Silvy almost as much as -"

"Biscuits." You finish for her, before pointing at a nearby table, "And, speaking of biscuits, why don't you have some?"

"Oh, do you have any hibiscus tea too, Ivy?"

"Ivy, you always know exactly what I want!" Mama Robotnik cheers as Father pushes the Eggbarrow over to the table. "You're such a a good son!"

"... Thank you, mama." You whisper, a single tear falling from your eyes... before you vanish.

"... At least those creep cousins or hick didn't come this year." You mutter in annoyance, even as you hold your 'little brother's while your mother gorges herself on a mountain of biscuits and practically drowns herself in hibiscus tea. "Still, this is a boon in many ways."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"I've got memories of Sonic's house blowing up and Silver being mauled by a bear, so that's a plus! Ohohohohoho!"

A/N: ... I like Christmas with Sonic.
Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire) - P2
Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire) - P2

You are Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, and you feel... lost, in a sense. Suddenly having parents that you never had, a little brother you knew didn't exist, appear in the middle of your lab, causing another one of those events to happen... it wasn't something you could just laugh off and ignore completely, no matter what you told Stone. Even if those memories where Sonic is constantly enjoyed on Christmas day are a very welcomed gift.

But, seeing 'Mama' and Father happily discuss the past of their you with Starline, who hangs on every single one of their words, how Belle and even Sage seem to baby Bubby... You can't help but wonder if more "family members", Robotniks from other realities, are going to pop up. And, if so, how are they going to react to this group? Will they just accept them, will they hate them?

And that train of logic leads you down another path... What if Sonic is in the same boat as you? Your new memories make it clear that that Sonic was the son of "Aleena The Hedgehog" and the older brother of "Sonia" and "Manik", something that completely contradicts every other memory you possess. Sonic is, from what the other two yous can tell, an only child, with no known mother. Will you have to deal with multiple versions of Sonic's parents and siblings coming along to try and tear everything you've built down?

It's -

"Is something wrong, Sir?" You freeze as Stone places a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"... These new memories, Stone, they're created more questions than answers." You sigh lowly.

"Do you want to talk about them, Sir?" Stone questions, concern in his voice as he pulls up two chairs.

"These aren't 'my' parents, 'my' sibling." You begin as you take a seat. "Yet, they still ARE my family, the mother, father, and brother of another me. And, despite me just meeting them... I still care about them, Stone." You admit in a soft tone. "These new memories, they show me how annoying they are... but, at the same time, that me would tear through heaven and hell just to protect them."

"Do you... Wish to talk about these, memories, Sir? That might help you clear your head for a bit." Stone suggests.

"... That me is a lot like this me and the me who held that tournament," You start, "I fought that damn hedgehog as often as I could, trying to defeat him once and for all. I tried to destroy his family's Christmas for two years, in revenge for them never thinking to even offered me an invitation... until that rat's mother told me she had, but she had actually sent it to an old, abandoned base by accident.

After that? Well, I just started... going to those Christmas parties, and they were... fun. Sure, he did blame me for blowing up his house when it was Silver who did it, and we did crash land on a tropical island one time, and then one of our battles crippled Santa so we had to take over his job for a day..." You trail off for a second, before shaking your head. "Honestly? Those Christmas days were probably the few times that me ever truly felt happy, even if I did spend my time around my greatest enemy. Seeing people like Cream and Vanilla, who I remember terrifying, smile at me, thank me for my gifts, being able to reconcile with my parents after years of avoiding them, being able to laugh alongside Sonic's friends whenever something went wrong for him... I kind of wish we had a similar tradition here."

"Well, Sir, who's going to stop you?" Stone asks after a few moments of silence.

"... What do you mean?" You tilt your head slightly in confusion.

"What's stopping you from making that one of your tradition?" He grows a light smile. "I mean, we'd have to build a new facility just for it, so no spies can freely walk around the main base. But, if you truly do like it, then why not try and make it happen here? Who's going to stop you?"

"..." A wide grown steadily starts to grow across your face, "You always know just what to say, Stone."

"Ha, I merely try my best, Sir!"

A/N: ... I REALLY like Christmas with Sonic.
Not a Fixer, Still a Tinker
Hello. I've been lurking on SV for a bit and have been meaning to make an account to follow or participate in a few quests. Scrambled Eggs was one of the pushes that made me get around to doing so, since I had a couple omakes in mind. Here's one of them, hoping to get the other one out before the rival reports.

Not a Fixer, Still a Tinker

From the moment Belle the Tinker knew Zavok was coming, she was afraid. Not that they would lose, her p- Doctor Eggman's brilliance and confidence were both reassuring in equal measure. Not to mention Metal's own strength, Sage's abilities, Isara's piloting skill, and the others' own combat proficiency. By her own admission, Belle wasn't a fighter, but that wasn't a problem.

No, she wasn't afraid of the results of the fighting nearly as much as she was afraid of the fighting itself. Even if she was resolved to stay with the Eggman Empire for now, she didn't want anyone to get hurt, not even Zavok and his Deadly Six. And they were monsters. She just wanted them to stop hurting people and leave. And that would only happen through violence.

Still, as she watched from the safety of the command center, the battle seemed off to a good start. In the initial combat, many of the stolen Badniks were destroyed. But then… Zomon took control of Metal Sonic, her brother. Staring in horror at the monitor, Belle's hands tightened into fists with enough force that her wooden hands creaked. For a moment, she wanted to do nothing more than go to the battlefield and- and- she didn't know what! She wouldn't be any help, even if she could fight, the Zeti would just take control of her. So Belle the Tinker forced herself to stay seated, watching.

It was only when Zomon and Zeena were defeated that Belle felt any relief. Metal was still under Zeti control, but… they were captured, not killed. Eggman, even as he was displaying power and control, was still showing kindness… of a sort. Belle had to believe that. He was considering what she said, what she learned from her father, in his own way.

When Eggman moved to deploy, Belle came down intending to see him off. She wanted to wish him luck, but, no, he probably would take that as an affront to his pride. So she stayed out of his way silently. And continued to watch in silence and mounting dread as Zavok shredded the DARC-EGG ROBOT's outer plating and Metal was forced to fight and Conquering Storm and Piastol inflicted critical damage to his frame and- but then Eggman pulled through and defeated Zavok, like he said he would.

As Zavok fled the battlefield, Belle ran forward, eyes on Eggman gloating and leaving the Darc-Egg Robot. So naturally she saw as red blossomed from his chest and he collapsed. Belle froze, a strangled cry of "Papa!" dying in her throat. In the corner of her eye, she almost absent-mindedly noticed Isara go pale and start shaking.

She stayed frozen as Piastol and Conquering Storm escorted Zomon and Zeena away, lest they attempt anything in this moment of vulnerability. Motionless as Sage, Clove, Canaan and Honey began looking for the sniper. Belle wanted to join Starline, Stone, Rusty and Sage occupying a Moto Bug all rushed to his side to administer first aid until Cassia could arrive to retrieve Dr. Eggman and bring him to the infirmary that had been her home before the Omega Care Suit was finished.

But… she was only Belle the Tinkerer. She could work with and fix toys and machines, she didn't know how to fix… people. Not like her papa could. Belle would just be in the way.

With Eggman being moved, Sage left her metal shell to assist in searching for the doctor's assailant. Belle looked over the battlefield helplessly, until she saw Metal's frame, left momentarily abandoned in the chaos. Normally only Doctor Eggman would provide repairs. Belle knew this just like she knew she couldn't fix people, but… she was still a Tinker. She could fix this.

She ran over to where Metal Sonic fell and gingerly lifted his frame. Belle turned around and flinched when she saw Isara still there, unmoving just like she had been. She shifted Metal's weight so that she could hold him with her tail and gently took her hand, with just as much care as she had the Badnik.

"Isara," Belle began softly after a half-second's hesitation. "Metal needs repairs and there's no one else right now. He shouldn't need to wait until the Doctor has healed. Please, can you help me?" Isara blinked as though seeing her for the first time before giving her a slow, shaky nod.

She couldn't fix people, but… she could still talk to them, help them. And Belle the Tinker would.

Not going to make any commitments for involvement, but I've enjoyed the quest so far. So I hope that you enjoyed this.
Last edited:
FULL MOON Part 2: Do you believe in Gravity?
Winning vote:
[x] Tell me, what is in store for I, Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik?

"So, your boss wants to know what is in store for him?" Elizabeth asks, as she taps her chin in deep thought. "A bit typical and common question I must say, but I can understand the human fascination to know about their future." Elizabeth nods as she claps her hands, making the book close one more time.

"Well, let's see what fate the cards have in store for Eggman, shall we?"

And with another flourish, the book opens once more, and 3 cards materialize, all in face down position.

"Let's see what the past has to say." Elizabeth comments as the first card is revealed. "The Justice… In his past, your boss made a decision regarding a person, I don't know who that person was or what decision he took, but there will be a time of reckoning, where a due shall be paid, and Eggman can't escape from it. He will need to be wary when that time comes." Piastol stares intrigued at what the card revealed.

"So, someone from his past will come for some payback then? Not that surprising with what I've heard of him…" Piastol comments, as she crosses her arms.

"Yes, that is true. But this card refers to someone significant for your boss, whether he is aware or not of that connection doesn't matter. What does matter is that a choice was taken, the person was slighted and justice needs to be exacted…but whose justice it is, they do not say." Elizabeth explains calmly as she moves for the next card.

"Now for the present, what your boss is dealing with currently." The card was flipped, allowing both women to see the newest card. "The Emperor reversed… Eggman will need to contend with a figure in position of authority, one whose way of thinking is rigid, with a domineering attitude that looks to eclipse all."

"While this figure and Eggman haven't met yet, each of them have been affected by the other and a confrontation is imminent. It shall be a battle to see whose authority and reign is true. It might not happen today, but eventually, a clash of wills…and of egos, shall happen!" Elizabeth exclaims happily as she explains the card to Piastol.

"So…the boss will have to contend with a head honcho from someone in Green Hills? Again, I'm not that sure this is something that…" Piastol stopped for a moment, trying to find the right words. "Revealing?"

"It may seem that way to you, and you might be right, the cards don't always reveal new information, but things that we either choose to ignore, or refuse to accept." Elizabeth explains. "The threat this figure represents it's not evident for Eggman, in fact, it will take time to reach its peak, but it is on its way, no doubt about that." The fortune teller explains as she reaches for the last card.

"Hopefully the future might show us a more interesting sign." She says as the last card is flipped. "The Moon…the-" Elizabeth proclaims…but then she stopped as she looked at the card with a weird look, clearly lost at the moment.

"What's wrong now?" Piastol asks, realizing this is the first time in the whole reading that Elizabeth was left dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry, it is just.. I don't think I have ever seen this in a reading?" She explains dubiously as she taps the card. "Apparently, the moon is set to appear in the future of your boss…"

"What does that mean?" Piastol asks, wanting to get to the point. "The moon itself is a danger for him?" She scoffs at that.

"Exactly as you say." Elizabeth nods, and Piastol can't help but blink her eyes, not expecting that. "Not only will the moon represent a challenge for this Eggman, an encounter shall take place there, one that may or may not put a stop to his life."

"...You are not joking." Piastol says incredulously.

"Of course not! This is what the cards reveal!" She says solemnly. "They also mention something about some type of…liquid laser? It's too vague even for me…" She says a bit unsure at the last part.

Piastol sighs. "Fantastic." She mutters, no way Eggman would believe this type of warning.

"I'm deeply sorry if this reading was not as satisfactory as the previous two." Elizabeth says as the book closes again, but immediately opens a 4th time. "For this, I shall do one last reading for a future adventure some colleagues of you will embark on. I hope this helps them."

The Bounty Hunter isn't surprised anymore that Elizabeth knows about that mercenary and Belle's plans to travel to this Tokyo-to anymore.

"The first card…The Wheel of Fortune, reversed." Piastol stares at the newest card revealed. "I'm afraid to inform you that the start of this adventure will be met with bad luck, events outside of their control shall make their endeavor several times more difficult than imaginable. As much as they try to prepare, the incoming storm will be something they must surpass, if they cannot adapt in time, their quest to find this Maria shall fall before it even starts."

"Next, the Magician." Once the card is revealed, Elizabeth's eyes brighten. "Luckily, The wooden girl and the mercenary will have all the tools and resources available to reach their goal. The young Maria shall be found and several treasures and opportunities inside the city shall be known to the party, ready to be obtained!" She says excitedly.

"And for last…the Hierophant, in reverse position." At this, Elizabeth's face becomes more serious. "At the end of their quest, the status quo will be changed permanently…" She starts, an intensity in her voice that caught Piastol off guard. "Somehow, by someone, a change shall occur, a rebellion will take place and the rigid structure of the City shall be tested and found lacking…but I cannot guarantee that this change will be good or bad, nor what part they shall play. Either your colleagues are the reason for this change…or the victims of it." Elizabeth finishes as the book closes one more time.

"I'm afraid this will be the last reading for today. My services won't be available for now." The former attendant replies to Piastol, as she gets up.

The bounty hunter does the same, looking at Elizabeth, who seems to move to the back of the tent, looking for something. "Don't worry, you have…helped me enough today." Piastol says, not used to saying those words. "For what is worth… thanks. I…needed that, I suppose." She looks away, not willing to look at Elizabeth in the face, hiding a blush as she does so.

"Oh no need to thank me! In fact, I must be the one to thank you!" Elizabeth says as she returns to the table, with a small wooden box in hand. "It has been so long since I have had a reading this… exciting! I hope you find what you are looking for."

"Still, before you leave I have a proposal for you, Piastol." Elizabeth says as she opens the box, digging for something.

"...Depends on what you want?" She says warily.

"I want to learn more about your fashion sense!" She exclaims with enthusiasm, literal stars in her eyes. "I have never met someone wearing such an intimidating and bold style! You must simply tell me your secrets!"

"You want to…learn more about my clothes?" Piastol asks as she looks down at her body, not getting why Elizabeth would be interested in such.

"Yes! I believe we can do…a so-called "Girl's Night" even!" Elizabeth whispers the last part, in clear excitement. "I must simply try this fashion sense!" She says as she retrieves a card from the box. "I'm even willing to pay you handsomely for it! Your boss can even get access to this type of service…for a price of course." She holds the card for Piastol to take. "Behold, a fragment of might from the Sea of Souls!"

Piastol reaches tentatively for the card, grasping it, she inspects it, curious of what Elizabeth meant. "Sea of Souls…ehh? What exactly does this do?" She asks just when she notices a word inscribed in the card: Rakukaja.

At that moment, the card is set ablaze in Velvet Flames, getting consumed in a matter of seconds, but before Piastol can react, a sharp pain courses through her head.

"Aaaarrghh!" She shouts, the pain being nothing that she felt before, having to lean on the table to not fall over. "W-what was that?"

"You will find this power is called Rakukaja, a spell to reinforce one's defenses and brave any attack from their opponent!" Elizabeth exclaims, making a pose. "I believe this will be helpful for you in future fights."

Piastol wants to shout at Elizabeth and tell her to start making some sense, but as the pain subsides, information seems to come out of nowhere…it's not long until she feels as normal…but this time, the bounty hunter feels different.

"Power from the Sea of Souls, eh?" Piastol smirks. "I could get used to this…"

"Glad you seem to enjoy this gift!" The fortune teller comments as she retrieves the box, taking it back to where she got it from.

"Unfortunately, I will have to leave soon…my stay here wasn't meant to be forever. But do not worry! Each few months I will make time to come visit, and if your boss is interested, my wares shall be available for him." She explains as she regards Pìastol one last time.

"Young Angel of Death, may fortune bless you and your destined meeting goes without any hitch." Elizabeth intones as she bows in a sigh of respect.

Piastol doesn't say anything as she starts exciting the tent, but a rare smile could be seen in the Reaper's face.

Piastol and Eggman have obtained advice about their future. Apparently, the Moon is an enemy of Eggman!

Piastol has learned Rakukaja (1 AP cost) in battles, Piastol can use this to gain a bonus at resisting for a limited time!

Each 3 turns, Elizabeth will come to Green Hills and offer Eggman the chance to buy Skill cards for him or his hero units! They will cost income and the rarity and type of skill cards will be randomized.

Piastol obtained a Personal Action to hang with Elizabeth!

QM NOTE: Believe it or not the Moon was the third card…we could not help but do this XD.
Turn 4-April 2XXX Rivals Report
Fend Off The Empire DC: Contested By Empire
100 + ??? = 207

Oh… Oh chaos…

You're not one to be considered to have a weak stomach, some of your schemes could be called cruelty on a scale unimaginable and you've literally taken over the world.

What you just watched felt somehow… Vile. Wretched. Unholy.

The battle between your stolen badniks and the Empire's troops was going as normal, the foot of The Empire no match for your badniks, but without the support of the super badniks diverted to attack you and yours the heavy armor columns were preventing The Empire's push from actively being repulsed. As she has so many times before, the Valkyrie (now known to you as Selvaria) arrived in a flash of light and explosions, badniks being wiped out in large swaths as her destructive power carved through them. The rabble of the empire cheered as they pushed forward, their Hero looking like she'd manage another route no matter what Zavok sent.

And then the sun turned Black [NOTE: we should color this either a deep purple or actually black.]

As the black light shone across the battlefield, pools of darkness began opening underneath The Empire's soldiers, some falling out of sight while others clung to the edges, clawing into the dirt and… screaming. Not of pain but of what they said they felt as they were being dragged into the pools of darkness. Even through the video you could hear the whispers of the things in those pools, of what they promised, even as you confirmed the audio held none of the eternities sworn and bound to those soldiers.

Entire columns, armor included, were swallowed by the darkness even as Selvaria did her best to wrench those nearby free of the pools. Which is why she didn't see Zor coming.

You have never seen the zeti move that fast, nor have you ever seen such a wild light in his yellow eyes, glowing eerily in the black light as his hand sunk into the back of Selvaria's neck. Not grabbed hold of, the zeti's hand sunk into the shadows covering her back and she Screamed.

You don't know what Zor whispered to Selvaria as she thrashed and screamed, the unnatural black shadows ripping across her form, diving into her mouth, ears, and eyes. You know you don't want to.

Only a last flare of her own powers seemed to push the zeti long enough for her to flee, to run, screaming even as Zor stood on the blackened battlefield, watching her men sink into the darkness he had called forth.

As the video came to its conclusion, Zor looked directly into the camera and gave a smile. His teeth were nothing but gravestones and his eyes the haunting gaslights that stained the monitor you were using so heavily, you disposed of it thoroughly.

Well… it seems as if The Empire has been stymied. And it seems as if Zor has been studying.

Complete loss of all Empire troops.
Selvaria is more than wounded, but less than dead.
Zor is… something more than he was.

Trace Eggnet Breach DC: 95
??? + ??? = 111

*Knock Knock*

Sage told you as a probe managed to find its way into your systems and was sending data back. She managed to destroy it and collect its information fairly quickly, but the damage had been done, someone had backtraced you.

But that someone has something interesting and INFURIATING to say, as it wasn't done exactly on Zavok's orders. The captive scientist Chuck Thorndike has managed to trace the path Sage took from your own private servers into the larger Eggnet and has gleaned the location of your base and he is… asking for your assistance in saving himself and his grandson Chris from Zavok's clutches.

He's also implying rather heavily that if that doesn't happen very soon then Zavok and others may just learn the location of your hideout.

He also requests you to assist them in getting into Restoration territory after being freed otherwise…there would be consequences that you will need to deal with.

You may have to save this man just to shake his hand for the audacity, then completely EVISCERATE him for the sheer audacity!

Chuck managed to trace the Egg Net breach back to Eggman, but is holding off on telling Zavok!
Chuck will tell Zavok he has managed to trace the breach at the end of next turn if he and Chris are still in Zavok's clutches!

As seen in the interlude:
Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius!

Seems like you managed to deal quite the heavy blow to that Zeti! Not only you stole AND destroyed most of your rightfully owned badnik forces, you even captured two of his lackeys and managed to wound him gravely!

It will take some time before Zavok is fully healed to take the field again, you are confident of this. Perhaps it would be a good time to seize the initiative…

Results: Dc to raid Zavok, infiltrate and to take territory have been reduced!

The Black Arms! (Shadow)
Attempt To Gain A Foothold DC: Contested by Restoration
??? + ??? = 69
Critical Failure!

See The Restoration

Call Out Lanolin DC: The Higher The Better
??? + ??? = 42

See The Restoration

Retrieve Major General Gregor DC:Autopass (Heart)

Seems like that Emperor of theirs does value his underlings somewhat, if the news you heard about them coughing up the dough to pay Metal.

From what some of your minions have been able to hear from the grapevine, Metal extorted them for quite a considerable amount of money, an amount that makes even you flinch.

Wonder if the Empire will be feeling that lose of resources?

Expand The Empire DC: Contested By Zavok (Power) Selvaria
??? + ??? = 139
Critical Failure!

The sound defeat of their national hero has completely disheartened most of The Empire's troops and stimied their advance forward.

Zavok does still seem to be rather occupied with the attempt on your life however and doesn't seem to be pushing back into the land and at least he isn't losing more of your territory.

Reach Out To The Flying Ship DC30
??? + ??? = 88
Critical Success!

You haven't been able to get much about what The Restoration actually gained from their meeting with the vessel in the sky, but there does seem to be a fair amount of chatter according to what Piastol heard as she was in town.

Things going well for The Restoration may not be good for you, but you'll take it over most of the other groups in Green Hills.

The Restoration met with The Flying Ship and things seemed to go very well for them.

Fight Off Black Arms Attack DC: Contested by Black Arms
??? + ??? = 152
Critical Success!

Oh dear. It seems Shadow has finally recovered from that pummeling that he endured from that sheep.

You say this because he and a mysterious black and red creature, more humanoid than most Black Arms, viciously attacked Restoration territory.

Unfortunately for them (and you one of these days, you're sure), the Restoration were getting more powerful by the day, while the Black Arms not only stagnated, but had lost their advantage of having a foothold. While the healed Shadow took on Rookie and Tangle, who expertly dodged his attacks to his clear frustration, the humanoid Black Arm and their other forces were taken down by the shockingly competent civilian volunteers... And those cats from a few months ago? Odd.

After a while, it was just Shadow.

"Stand still so I can kill you!!!" Shadow demanded.

"... How about no?" Tangle quipped. Shadow seemed like he would finally take them out in a fit of rage... Before someone flew butt first into his face.

"KITTY BOOTY BOMBER!" That strange cloaked cat-like girl who was caught robbing museums cheered, landing on her feet and doing a little dance as Shadow went flying.

"...This isn't over." He seemed to have his fill of humiliation today as he teleported off.

"Ha! Yay! Stretchy Tail Lemur Lady, Quiet Wolf and Me did it! And me fight aliens! Yay!" The strange lady keeps doing her dance. Tangle and Rookie just kinda stared, unsure what to make of this assistance clearly.

The Black Arms are once more repelled from Green Hills
Tangle the Lemur, The Rookie, and a strange cat-woman who is commanding the Kapukapus defeated Shadow and his allies.

Reach Out To Dr.Eggman DC:Autopass
To Be Continued In ""Guardians and Empires Truce at Last?""

Destroy Badniks DC: 50/100
??? + ??? = 57
Simple Success

Well, G.U.N didn't miss the opportunity caused by Zavok mindless rage against you. Their forces quickly acted out to eradicate the badniks surrounding their territory.

While they were able to destroy most of the normal ones, they were insufficiently prepared to handle the amount of Super Badniks that came to respond to the attack. The sight of those fools scurrying around in fear for their lives made your day!

G.U.N Eliminated part of Zavok's forces roaming their territory, but were not able to completely wipe them out!

Gather Supplies DC:60 (Logistics)
??? + ??? = 85
Knuckles and that Bee lady seem to have come to a useful ally understanding, as after his blunder last time, the bee went to gather supplies for him.

She seemed fairly knowledgeable on what to say to people and successfully tugged at enough heart strings (and had just enough cash) to get people to spare what they could.

Seems the Angel Island Refugees live to see another day.

Look for Sonic DC:???
??? + ??? = 87

That Echidna finally seemed to finally start doing something productive and began also looking for Sonic, if the reports you were able to gather, alongside the video feedback could attest, he not only checked on Green Hills, but also the nearby territories. You are not completely sure if he found any clue about the blue rat's whereabouts, but you saw him returning to his island at the end of the month with a solemn expression.

You didn't like that.

Result: Knuckles has found ??? about Sonic!

Captain Metal
Ransom Gregor
Autopass, Metal gains 10 income

Make Final Preparations DC:The Higher The Better (Logistics)
??? + ??? = 72

Looks like Captain Metal has been busy gathering supplies, and not by "illegal" means. He seems to have used the money he obtained from the Empire and the Auction to make several purchases.

He and his crew seemed to gearing up for some sort of endeavor, but you aren't quite sure what are they planning

Venture Into The Wild Blue DC: Autopass

…And apparently whatever that is, it's gonna take place outside of Green Hills, several reports were made about Metal setting sail and just…leaving here, venturing further into the ocean.

A part of you doesn't really care what that robot ends up doing, but you can't help but feel a sense of curiosity for what they are trying to achieve…
Results: Captain Metal has left Green Hills…potentially forever.
Action to reach out to him has been removed!

Fight Some Aliens!!1!
??? + ??? + ??? = 133
Critical Success!

See The Restoration

Collect Rings DC:10/50
??? + ??? = 56
You've spotted Gemerl collecting large numbers of rings this past month. You're unsure what the traitorous robot or the Rabbit family could have a use for that many rings for, but it probably shouldn't be too much of a worry.

Rouge and Omega
To Be Continued In "Batty Dealings"

Escape GUN Imprisonment
DC: 90
??? + ??? = 36
Critical Failure!
It appears GUN may have a little troublemaker on their hands!

Through some unknown means, that Chinchilla Starline found for you managed to get ahold of some explosives and tried to set them off to escape from her imprisonment.

Unfortunately, it seems whoever she got them from set her up because the bombs just fizzled out moments from going off. She was promptly tackled and thrown into solitary confinement, apparently not for the first time according to GUN radio chatter Sage was monitoring.

It seems they're going to be keeping a closer eye on her, and she was ranting about some guy called Smalls sabotaging her.

Hmmph. Props for tenacity, one supposes.