Poker Night at the Eggventory.
Fuck it another to the list.
Poker Night at the Eggventory.
Rouge was many things, a thief, a spy master, a treasure hunter, etc.
But also a friend.
The only reason of why she was here on the first place.
Eggman honestly was her best bet if she at least wanted to try to help Shadow.
Towers was already clear that once options ran out, G.U.N. had already put a kill on sight order on her friend.
And it isn't like the Restoration could help either.
They were dealing with their own trouble.
At least despite everything the Doctor accepted the deal and once more she was under his employ.
Much like when she first met Shadow, back during the ARK incident.
Time truly flies away doesn't it? the bat questioned herself.
Things were already a mess and a half after the shattering and if she was honest this is probably the first break she had gotten in a good while.
Besides if Eggman can make any progess on those damn aliens it will be a win.
Anything to break free Shadow from the control of Black Doom will do.
She really wished she could take a brreak from all of this.
And luckily she just found the perfect distraction.
It was surprinsing seeing just how much people the doctor had managed to gather during these times.
Especially since the old coot liked to stick to his machines rather than just people in general.
And yet, she was able to discern 7 persons who were flesh and bone.
All of them gathered in a table setting up a very familiar game.
Well she hasn't been able to ''borrow'' some gems in a while, so this could do as well even if therre wasn't money on the table.
After all in poker you may as well steal from others.
Even information.
As Rouge apprroached the table he could see the platypus tense up, while the others didn't mind her.
''I hope I didn't have to sign beforehand for this'' Rouge says inmediatly making her intentions clear to participate in this poker tournament.
''None whatsoever, this is just something we decided to set up to cool down and well I doubt the doctor will mind doing this in our down time'' the man known as Agent Stone said in a cordial tone.
Rouge smiled at that
She sat and got herself what looked to be chips from some of Eggman old casino's.
If everyone played at the same pace, it looked like to be 3 rounds with the number of persons.
As everyone took a seat, an Eggrobo approached and talked in a very familiar voice.
''Very well it seems everyone is set, as of Agent Stone request, I will be the dealer of the night'' Sage voice came out of the eggrobo as she started shuffling the cards.
''The style of the night is texas holdem, for those unitiated every single person on the table will get 2 cards and place a starting bet, the first person on rotation will call the bet, while everyone else can either check or raise, anyone that raises the bet will make it so that any future player will need to call that bet, once the rotation is done the 3 starting cards will be revealed, the process is the same until the 4th and 5 card are revealed after the 2nd and 3rd rotation respectively'' Sage told the rules of the game.
''You can also fold if your hand cannot win in any way whatsoever or bluff your way to success, a player will be eliminated once they run out of chips'' The doctor daugher continued.
''I will warn inmediatly, while this is a recreative game, I will not tolerate any kind of cheating and trust me, I will know when you are cheating, anyone found cheating will be disqualified inmediatly'' Sage warned the players.
At that everyone nodded and the cards were finally reparted.
Well, Rouge had been dealt worst hands in life, but well this wasn't complete trash, she could still make this hand work.
But right now it was something else her goal as she fired the first question for the night.
''Well since it seems there are a lot of new faces, care to answer me who is everyone this night and how did we all get here, since it has been a while since I worked with the good doctor'' Rouge asked in curious tone.
''Hmp, the name is Conquering Storm, Egg boss of Yurashia, that is as much as you are getting from me Bat'' Conquering Storm said in a proud tone and a neutral response to rogue as she put the starting bid, while Rouge was annoyed she didn't get anything else.
''Clove the proghorn, I suppose with the shattering I shouldn't make assumptions, otherwise the only reason I went back to work for him, it is because it is the only chance my sister has of continuing living'' Clove said in a neutral tone while denoting sadness on the later statement as she called the bet.
Rouge couldn't help but pity the girl, having Eggman as the last resort really stung, the shattering did a number on pretty much everyone, so one needed to do what they could in this world.
''Canaan'' the woman in the red dress said as she called the bet, Rouge knew inmediatly she wasn't getting more out from her.
''My name is Piastol, I got here because I got offered that my ship would be repaired, so far I cannot complain as it got done, despite the boss problems with big red'' Piastol said to Rouge as she continued with the game, well looks like Eggman still was with the carrot and the stick for some people, much like he did with certain sniper weasel on the past.
''Agent Stone, just a humble follower of the doctor'' Stone said as he was checking his cards, Rouge could understand she wasn't getting more out of the man.
''Isara Gunther, ... I was on an empire work camp until the doctor managed to get me out by accident, even then, calling them work camps is generous considering how they treat us in general'' Isara said as Rouge couldn't help but pick the venom on the mention of the empire, couldn't blame the poor girl, during her investigations, well that she wanted to leave Omega on some of those camps and teach them how to have some decency would be putting it lightly.
''Hmp, Doctor Starline, I suggest you pick better questions if you want information bat, just because we are working together now, it won't mean it will be forever, especially with your past transgressions'' Starline said as Rouge clicked her tongue at the platypus.
They continued playing as the first round was over.
Rouge couldn't help but smile as she won the inital round, her luck was now turning around.
Maybe now they would be more receptive to her questions.
Rouge smiled internally at her hand once again, if her luck continued she may actually win this.
Still time for round two question.
''Still I suppose the doctor already has things planned for the month, anything interesting we may be able to coordinate right here and now?'' Rouge asked as she may be able to get information on the doctor plans for future.
''Now we are talking bussiness bat, before you came along, the doctor was planning to sent me and my clan alongside some reinforcements to get out a weakling before he could rat us out to that red guy who attacked us last month'' Conquering Storm spilled the beans of a possible operation to Rouge.
Still the Doctor was being ballsy if he is sending just some units to rescue a guy on the territory of those demons, must be quite the VIP.
One she wouldn't mind taking off their hands really, the doctor is at least more predictable than those 6 lunatics.
Clove for the other part apparently mentioned that while there were plans to take over more territory from the 6 lunatics, apparently her apparition alongside Omega shifted things and it is more than probable that the doctor will upgrade Metal Sonic and that Metal Amy to keep Omega entertained and sent the other somewhere.
''... I need to find someone, the doctor managed to find her and we will be going to get her out of that city called tokyo-to, if you are willing to go I ask you all your support, since apparently the city is closer to a prison than a city at these moments'' Canaan told Rogue quite the bit of information.
So the doctor apparently was going directly into a lion's den for someone? that was fairly unusual from him, but then again this person seems to be what is tying Canaan into the doctor payroll.
''Hmm, well he has been mumbling about putting me to see what information I can get out of these so called rings, there is also that fortune teller shop and he has apparently gotten interesed in my ship power source'' Piastol said as she continued playing.
Well she isn't surprised about the rings, without Sonic around the good doctor must have quite a lot more in stash to start looking into them, but a fortune teller shop and a new fuel source? that could be problematic at future.
''For my end, the doctor has been quite interesed in doing some work here and there, like finally repairing the territory we took from the black arms, there is also trying to futher infiltrate the empire, we are still getting more intel out from it, but we have managed to get some useful stuff so far'' Stone said as he drank a coffee that he had at his side.
Rouge interest was piked at that, the empire has been something they haven't been able to measure well since the shattering, so the doctor already having a foot in could help a lot.
Maybe she could try to off load some nobles of their valuables too.
''Hmm, well for my part the doctor has been planning on me helping him futher with certain engineering projects, he still wants to make that ring generator he mentioned once or twice but we haven't had time, he is also looking to futher develop ragnite into something even better than what the empire had, sometimes I really wonder if the empire is even using the thing right at this point, like I am still impressed he even managed to get pass the heating issue or even being able to think of a way to futher increase the effects of ragnaid'' Isara started talking and somehow developed onto a rant that reminded Rouge of a certain two tailed kid.
The doctor really got himself some interesting people and new toys to play with hasn't he, still this ragnite, somethinng to note down later and ask around.
''Heh, I doubt you could help in anything else bat, I even doubt you have the mind to even understand the doctor research and even then, I wish we had more leeway, we still need to study that lance, look into the black arms material to even finally make the world be rid of the pest of a disease called NIDS'' Starline boasted at how much they have done over the past month.
Rouge couldn't help but smile at the platypus tirade, it was obvious the doctor had the lance, especially considering who were here, still looking into the black arms materials could maybe help understand what is happening with Shadow, so that was fine by her.
But curing NIDS? wasn't that the disease Shadow mentioned that Maria had? just what was the doctor been doing these past months to take interest into that, it is unlike him to help people other than himself after all, but even then if Black Doom was back, if Towers and GUN were back.
Could she be back as well? questions and ivnestigations for later, but something worth to note down, if Shadow, his real self still had a connection that could overpower Black Doom control it was her.
Considering how chaotic was this world the barrier between life and death was a mere suggestion at this point.
And with that the final card was finally deal and the winner declared.
Rouge couldn't believe it, that annoying Platypus had somehow managed to get a full house.
Well everyone was up and down on chips, may as well go all in this round.
The final set of cards was dealt.
Well if Rouge could she would change this shitty hand, but better not to push her luck with the doctor daugher watching.
There is still time before this game ends
And yet she doesn't has really another question, last round gave her a lot of insight on what the doctor has been doing this time.
Still for all she cares, Shadow comes first, everything else will be later.
As everyone continued the game and the cards appeared they all decided to bluff and finish this game in one fell swoop.
As the final card appeared many grumbled at losing while the victor cheered taking their loot, even if it wasn't valid yet, Rouge knows those chips still could be traded on actual Eggman casino's.
''Heh, looks like luck was with me this time'' the scythe wielding mercenary said while holding her loot.
''Hmp, lucky girl, still will tell you inmediatly as a little incentive, hold to those as long as you can, the doctor never changes those chips so you can get quite the amount of cash if he decides to open another one of his casino's'' Rouge told the mercenary sincerily.
Who knows maybe she could get a cut in the end, she wasn't picky after all.
The mercenary looked at her incredulous but decided to bag the chips, she lost nothing trying later after all.
At that everyone bid farewell and went their own ways.
Rouge on the other hand was pensative, it was obvious the Doctor had changed his usual modus operandi after the shattering, for better or worse is yet to be seen.
But for now she just worries about one thing and that is getting her friend back.
She just hopes the Doctor doesn't pull a fast one and actually cures Shadow.
Still she cannot say this was a bad night, she enjoyed the poker night a lot even if she lost.
Maybe if she is still here they could do another one, one of these days.
Poker Night at the Eggventory.
Rouge was many things, a thief, a spy master, a treasure hunter, etc.
But also a friend.
The only reason of why she was here on the first place.
Eggman honestly was her best bet if she at least wanted to try to help Shadow.
Towers was already clear that once options ran out, G.U.N. had already put a kill on sight order on her friend.
And it isn't like the Restoration could help either.
They were dealing with their own trouble.
At least despite everything the Doctor accepted the deal and once more she was under his employ.
Much like when she first met Shadow, back during the ARK incident.
Time truly flies away doesn't it? the bat questioned herself.
Things were already a mess and a half after the shattering and if she was honest this is probably the first break she had gotten in a good while.
Besides if Eggman can make any progess on those damn aliens it will be a win.
Anything to break free Shadow from the control of Black Doom will do.
She really wished she could take a brreak from all of this.
And luckily she just found the perfect distraction.
It was surprinsing seeing just how much people the doctor had managed to gather during these times.
Especially since the old coot liked to stick to his machines rather than just people in general.
And yet, she was able to discern 7 persons who were flesh and bone.
All of them gathered in a table setting up a very familiar game.
Well she hasn't been able to ''borrow'' some gems in a while, so this could do as well even if therre wasn't money on the table.
After all in poker you may as well steal from others.
Even information.
As Rouge apprroached the table he could see the platypus tense up, while the others didn't mind her.
''I hope I didn't have to sign beforehand for this'' Rouge says inmediatly making her intentions clear to participate in this poker tournament.
''None whatsoever, this is just something we decided to set up to cool down and well I doubt the doctor will mind doing this in our down time'' the man known as Agent Stone said in a cordial tone.
Rouge smiled at that
She sat and got herself what looked to be chips from some of Eggman old casino's.
If everyone played at the same pace, it looked like to be 3 rounds with the number of persons.
As everyone took a seat, an Eggrobo approached and talked in a very familiar voice.
''Very well it seems everyone is set, as of Agent Stone request, I will be the dealer of the night'' Sage voice came out of the eggrobo as she started shuffling the cards.
''The style of the night is texas holdem, for those unitiated every single person on the table will get 2 cards and place a starting bet, the first person on rotation will call the bet, while everyone else can either check or raise, anyone that raises the bet will make it so that any future player will need to call that bet, once the rotation is done the 3 starting cards will be revealed, the process is the same until the 4th and 5 card are revealed after the 2nd and 3rd rotation respectively'' Sage told the rules of the game.
''You can also fold if your hand cannot win in any way whatsoever or bluff your way to success, a player will be eliminated once they run out of chips'' The doctor daugher continued.
''I will warn inmediatly, while this is a recreative game, I will not tolerate any kind of cheating and trust me, I will know when you are cheating, anyone found cheating will be disqualified inmediatly'' Sage warned the players.
At that everyone nodded and the cards were finally reparted.
1-Conquering Storm: 9 of hearts, 2 of clubs
2-Clove the Proghorn: 2 of hearts, jack of hearts
3-Rouge the Bat: jack of clubs, 3 of spades
4-Canaan: 10 of clubs, ace of clubs
5-Piastol: 3 of clubs, 5 of clubs
6-Agent Stone: 5 of diamonds, 4 of hearts
7-Isara Gunther: 7 of spades, ace of spades
8-Dr Starline: 10 of hearts and King of hearts.
2-Clove the Proghorn: 2 of hearts, jack of hearts
3-Rouge the Bat: jack of clubs, 3 of spades
4-Canaan: 10 of clubs, ace of clubs
5-Piastol: 3 of clubs, 5 of clubs
6-Agent Stone: 5 of diamonds, 4 of hearts
7-Isara Gunther: 7 of spades, ace of spades
8-Dr Starline: 10 of hearts and King of hearts.
Well, Rouge had been dealt worst hands in life, but well this wasn't complete trash, she could still make this hand work.
But right now it was something else her goal as she fired the first question for the night.
''Well since it seems there are a lot of new faces, care to answer me who is everyone this night and how did we all get here, since it has been a while since I worked with the good doctor'' Rouge asked in curious tone.
Rouge: (20)+40+10= 70
Conquering: 47+28= 75 bare failure for Rouge so she doesn't get anything other than her name and that she is an eggboss.
Clove: 37+17= 54 Failure on clove part so she gets her name and part of her history.
Canaan: 80+22+10= 112 Failure on Rouge so she gets only her name.
Piastol: 45+17= 62 bare failure on piastol part so she gets her name and that Eggman repaired his ship
Agent Stone: 99+20=119 Failure on Rouge part so she only gets the man name.
Isara Gunther: 35+9= 44 failure on Isara part so she gets her name and that she was saved from a work camp by the doctor on pure accident.
Starline: 80+20= 100, Failure on Rouge part, so she gets only Starline name
Conquering: 47+28= 75 bare failure for Rouge so she doesn't get anything other than her name and that she is an eggboss.
Clove: 37+17= 54 Failure on clove part so she gets her name and part of her history.
Canaan: 80+22+10= 112 Failure on Rouge so she gets only her name.
Piastol: 45+17= 62 bare failure on piastol part so she gets her name and that Eggman repaired his ship
Agent Stone: 99+20=119 Failure on Rouge part so she only gets the man name.
Isara Gunther: 35+9= 44 failure on Isara part so she gets her name and that she was saved from a work camp by the doctor on pure accident.
Starline: 80+20= 100, Failure on Rouge part, so she gets only Starline name
''Hmp, the name is Conquering Storm, Egg boss of Yurashia, that is as much as you are getting from me Bat'' Conquering Storm said in a proud tone and a neutral response to rogue as she put the starting bid, while Rouge was annoyed she didn't get anything else.
''Clove the proghorn, I suppose with the shattering I shouldn't make assumptions, otherwise the only reason I went back to work for him, it is because it is the only chance my sister has of continuing living'' Clove said in a neutral tone while denoting sadness on the later statement as she called the bet.
Rouge couldn't help but pity the girl, having Eggman as the last resort really stung, the shattering did a number on pretty much everyone, so one needed to do what they could in this world.
''Canaan'' the woman in the red dress said as she called the bet, Rouge knew inmediatly she wasn't getting more out from her.
''My name is Piastol, I got here because I got offered that my ship would be repaired, so far I cannot complain as it got done, despite the boss problems with big red'' Piastol said to Rouge as she continued with the game, well looks like Eggman still was with the carrot and the stick for some people, much like he did with certain sniper weasel on the past.
''Agent Stone, just a humble follower of the doctor'' Stone said as he was checking his cards, Rouge could understand she wasn't getting more out of the man.
''Isara Gunther, ... I was on an empire work camp until the doctor managed to get me out by accident, even then, calling them work camps is generous considering how they treat us in general'' Isara said as Rouge couldn't help but pick the venom on the mention of the empire, couldn't blame the poor girl, during her investigations, well that she wanted to leave Omega on some of those camps and teach them how to have some decency would be putting it lightly.
''Hmp, Doctor Starline, I suggest you pick better questions if you want information bat, just because we are working together now, it won't mean it will be forever, especially with your past transgressions'' Starline said as Rouge clicked her tongue at the platypus.
They continued playing as the first round was over.
7 of clubs, jack of spades, jack of diamonds, queen of diamonds, 8 of hearts.
Rouge wins with the 3 kicker
Rouge wins with the 3 kicker
Rouge couldn't help but smile as she won the inital round, her luck was now turning around.
Maybe now they would be more receptive to her questions.
1-Conquering Storm: 2 of clubs, 6 of clubs
2-Clove the Proghorn: 6 of hearts, king of diamonds.
3-Rouge the Bat: Jack of diamonds, 6 of spades
4-Canaan: queen of hearts, 5 of hearts
5-Piastol: jack of clubs, 4 of clubs
6-Agent Stone: queen of spades, 2 of diamonds
7-Isara Gunther: 6 of diamonds, 4 of hearts
8-Dr Starline: 3 of clubs, 10 of hearts
2-Clove the Proghorn: 6 of hearts, king of diamonds.
3-Rouge the Bat: Jack of diamonds, 6 of spades
4-Canaan: queen of hearts, 5 of hearts
5-Piastol: jack of clubs, 4 of clubs
6-Agent Stone: queen of spades, 2 of diamonds
7-Isara Gunther: 6 of diamonds, 4 of hearts
8-Dr Starline: 3 of clubs, 10 of hearts
Rouge smiled internally at her hand once again, if her luck continued she may actually win this.
Still time for round two question.
''Still I suppose the doctor already has things planned for the month, anything interesting we may be able to coordinate right here and now?'' Rouge asked as she may be able to get information on the doctor plans for future.
Rouge: (80)+40+10+10 for winning last round= 140
Conquering: 50+28= 78 failure for Storm, she gets insight on trickery actions.
Clove: 34+17= 51 Failure on clove she gets insight on power.
Canaan: 52+22+10= 84 Failure, Rouge gets insight on the adventure.
Piastol: 69+17= 86 failure on piastol part so she gets insight on mystic
Agent Stone: 97+20=117 Failure, Rouge gets insight on logistics and empire infiltration.
Isara Gunther: 73+9= 82 failure on Isara part so she gets insight on logistic creation actions.
Starline: 89+20= 109, Failure, Rouge gets insight on brain actions
Conquering: 50+28= 78 failure for Storm, she gets insight on trickery actions.
Clove: 34+17= 51 Failure on clove she gets insight on power.
Canaan: 52+22+10= 84 Failure, Rouge gets insight on the adventure.
Piastol: 69+17= 86 failure on piastol part so she gets insight on mystic
Agent Stone: 97+20=117 Failure, Rouge gets insight on logistics and empire infiltration.
Isara Gunther: 73+9= 82 failure on Isara part so she gets insight on logistic creation actions.
Starline: 89+20= 109, Failure, Rouge gets insight on brain actions
''Now we are talking bussiness bat, before you came along, the doctor was planning to sent me and my clan alongside some reinforcements to get out a weakling before he could rat us out to that red guy who attacked us last month'' Conquering Storm spilled the beans of a possible operation to Rouge.
Still the Doctor was being ballsy if he is sending just some units to rescue a guy on the territory of those demons, must be quite the VIP.
One she wouldn't mind taking off their hands really, the doctor is at least more predictable than those 6 lunatics.
Clove for the other part apparently mentioned that while there were plans to take over more territory from the 6 lunatics, apparently her apparition alongside Omega shifted things and it is more than probable that the doctor will upgrade Metal Sonic and that Metal Amy to keep Omega entertained and sent the other somewhere.
''... I need to find someone, the doctor managed to find her and we will be going to get her out of that city called tokyo-to, if you are willing to go I ask you all your support, since apparently the city is closer to a prison than a city at these moments'' Canaan told Rogue quite the bit of information.
So the doctor apparently was going directly into a lion's den for someone? that was fairly unusual from him, but then again this person seems to be what is tying Canaan into the doctor payroll.
''Hmm, well he has been mumbling about putting me to see what information I can get out of these so called rings, there is also that fortune teller shop and he has apparently gotten interesed in my ship power source'' Piastol said as she continued playing.
Well she isn't surprised about the rings, without Sonic around the good doctor must have quite a lot more in stash to start looking into them, but a fortune teller shop and a new fuel source? that could be problematic at future.
''For my end, the doctor has been quite interesed in doing some work here and there, like finally repairing the territory we took from the black arms, there is also trying to futher infiltrate the empire, we are still getting more intel out from it, but we have managed to get some useful stuff so far'' Stone said as he drank a coffee that he had at his side.
Rouge interest was piked at that, the empire has been something they haven't been able to measure well since the shattering, so the doctor already having a foot in could help a lot.
Maybe she could try to off load some nobles of their valuables too.
''Hmm, well for my part the doctor has been planning on me helping him futher with certain engineering projects, he still wants to make that ring generator he mentioned once or twice but we haven't had time, he is also looking to futher develop ragnite into something even better than what the empire had, sometimes I really wonder if the empire is even using the thing right at this point, like I am still impressed he even managed to get pass the heating issue or even being able to think of a way to futher increase the effects of ragnaid'' Isara started talking and somehow developed onto a rant that reminded Rouge of a certain two tailed kid.
The doctor really got himself some interesting people and new toys to play with hasn't he, still this ragnite, somethinng to note down later and ask around.
''Heh, I doubt you could help in anything else bat, I even doubt you have the mind to even understand the doctor research and even then, I wish we had more leeway, we still need to study that lance, look into the black arms material to even finally make the world be rid of the pest of a disease called NIDS'' Starline boasted at how much they have done over the past month.
Rouge couldn't help but smile at the platypus tirade, it was obvious the doctor had the lance, especially considering who were here, still looking into the black arms materials could maybe help understand what is happening with Shadow, so that was fine by her.
But curing NIDS? wasn't that the disease Shadow mentioned that Maria had? just what was the doctor been doing these past months to take interest into that, it is unlike him to help people other than himself after all, but even then if Black Doom was back, if Towers and GUN were back.
Could she be back as well? questions and ivnestigations for later, but something worth to note down, if Shadow, his real self still had a connection that could overpower Black Doom control it was her.
Considering how chaotic was this world the barrier between life and death was a mere suggestion at this point.
And with that the final card was finally deal and the winner declared.
3 of hearts, ace of clubs, 10 of clubs, 3 of diamonds, king of hearts.
Winner Starline.
Winner Starline.
Rouge couldn't believe it, that annoying Platypus had somehow managed to get a full house.
Well everyone was up and down on chips, may as well go all in this round.
The final set of cards was dealt.
1-Conquering Storm: 5 and 10 of hearts
2-Clove the Proghorn: 10 of spades and ace of hearts
3-Rouge the Bat: 4 of hearts and 10 of diamonds
4-Canaan: queen of clubs and 8 of hearts
5-Piastol: jack and ace of spades
6-Agent Stone: ace of diamonds, queen of hearts
7-Isara Gunther: 7 of clubs, 2 of diamonds
8-Dr Starline: 3 of clubs, 7 of diamonds
2-Clove the Proghorn: 10 of spades and ace of hearts
3-Rouge the Bat: 4 of hearts and 10 of diamonds
4-Canaan: queen of clubs and 8 of hearts
5-Piastol: jack and ace of spades
6-Agent Stone: ace of diamonds, queen of hearts
7-Isara Gunther: 7 of clubs, 2 of diamonds
8-Dr Starline: 3 of clubs, 7 of diamonds
Well if Rouge could she would change this shitty hand, but better not to push her luck with the doctor daugher watching.
There is still time before this game ends
And yet she doesn't has really another question, last round gave her a lot of insight on what the doctor has been doing this time.
Still for all she cares, Shadow comes first, everything else will be later.
As everyone continued the game and the cards appeared they all decided to bluff and finish this game in one fell swoop.
As the final card appeared many grumbled at losing while the victor cheered taking their loot, even if it wasn't valid yet, Rouge knows those chips still could be traded on actual Eggman casino's.
Jack of hearts, 8 of clubs, 2 of hearts, 3 of spades, 4 of spades
Victory goes for Piastol
Victory goes for Piastol
''Heh, looks like luck was with me this time'' the scythe wielding mercenary said while holding her loot.
''Hmp, lucky girl, still will tell you inmediatly as a little incentive, hold to those as long as you can, the doctor never changes those chips so you can get quite the amount of cash if he decides to open another one of his casino's'' Rouge told the mercenary sincerily.
Who knows maybe she could get a cut in the end, she wasn't picky after all.
The mercenary looked at her incredulous but decided to bag the chips, she lost nothing trying later after all.
At that everyone bid farewell and went their own ways.
Rouge on the other hand was pensative, it was obvious the Doctor had changed his usual modus operandi after the shattering, for better or worse is yet to be seen.
But for now she just worries about one thing and that is getting her friend back.
She just hopes the Doctor doesn't pull a fast one and actually cures Shadow.
Still she cannot say this was a bad night, she enjoyed the poker night a lot even if she lost.
Maybe if she is still here they could do another one, one of these days.
Sorry for this, but I got inspired by the Belle and Sage interlude, tbh I just see this happening while the kids are playing This happens a little after we accept Rouge deal, while our other lackyes try to cool down from the raid and us getting JFK.
I honestly forgot Honey and Thunderbolt so they aren't included here yet, on the other hand they are far too new to really get into a poker night while the others have been for quite a while now here.
Rouge on the other hand, she really needed the break and is a lot more open when it comes to interactions, especially if it is proding for info on the doctor last movements.
Also yes I picked every card and roll randomly, really denotes that if Rouge gets a shitty trickery roll many can match her as seen on the first round.
But on the 2nd one? Boy literally no one could destroy her, also yes I laughed my ass off at Stone getting some high rolls back to back.
Either way hope you guys enjoy this game night at the inventory.
I wanted to add a 3rd question but I couldn't come up with anything and honestly this was going for quite long even with 3 rrounds.
I honestly forgot Honey and Thunderbolt so they aren't included here yet, on the other hand they are far too new to really get into a poker night while the others have been for quite a while now here.
Rouge on the other hand, she really needed the break and is a lot more open when it comes to interactions, especially if it is proding for info on the doctor last movements.
Also yes I picked every card and roll randomly, really denotes that if Rouge gets a shitty trickery roll many can match her as seen on the first round.
But on the 2nd one? Boy literally no one could destroy her, also yes I laughed my ass off at Stone getting some high rolls back to back.
Either way hope you guys enjoy this game night at the inventory.
I wanted to add a 3rd question but I couldn't come up with anything and honestly this was going for quite long even with 3 rrounds.
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