Poker Night at the Eggventory.
Fuck it another to the list.

Poker Night at the Eggventory.

Rouge was many things, a thief, a spy master, a treasure hunter, etc.

But also a friend.

The only reason of why she was here on the first place.

Eggman honestly was her best bet if she at least wanted to try to help Shadow.

Towers was already clear that once options ran out, G.U.N. had already put a kill on sight order on her friend.

And it isn't like the Restoration could help either.

They were dealing with their own trouble.

At least despite everything the Doctor accepted the deal and once more she was under his employ.

Much like when she first met Shadow, back during the ARK incident.

Time truly flies away doesn't it? the bat questioned herself.

Things were already a mess and a half after the shattering and if she was honest this is probably the first break she had gotten in a good while.

Besides if Eggman can make any progess on those damn aliens it will be a win.

Anything to break free Shadow from the control of Black Doom will do.

She really wished she could take a brreak from all of this.

And luckily she just found the perfect distraction.

It was surprinsing seeing just how much people the doctor had managed to gather during these times.

Especially since the old coot liked to stick to his machines rather than just people in general.

And yet, she was able to discern 7 persons who were flesh and bone.

All of them gathered in a table setting up a very familiar game.

Well she hasn't been able to ''borrow'' some gems in a while, so this could do as well even if therre wasn't money on the table.

After all in poker you may as well steal from others.

Even information.

As Rouge apprroached the table he could see the platypus tense up, while the others didn't mind her.

''I hope I didn't have to sign beforehand for this'' Rouge says inmediatly making her intentions clear to participate in this poker tournament.

''None whatsoever, this is just something we decided to set up to cool down and well I doubt the doctor will mind doing this in our down time'' the man known as Agent Stone said in a cordial tone.

Rouge smiled at that

She sat and got herself what looked to be chips from some of Eggman old casino's.

If everyone played at the same pace, it looked like to be 3 rounds with the number of persons.

As everyone took a seat, an Eggrobo approached and talked in a very familiar voice.

''Very well it seems everyone is set, as of Agent Stone request, I will be the dealer of the night'' Sage voice came out of the eggrobo as she started shuffling the cards.

''The style of the night is texas holdem, for those unitiated every single person on the table will get 2 cards and place a starting bet, the first person on rotation will call the bet, while everyone else can either check or raise, anyone that raises the bet will make it so that any future player will need to call that bet, once the rotation is done the 3 starting cards will be revealed, the process is the same until the 4th and 5 card are revealed after the 2nd and 3rd rotation respectively'' Sage told the rules of the game.

''You can also fold if your hand cannot win in any way whatsoever or bluff your way to success, a player will be eliminated once they run out of chips'' The doctor daugher continued.

''I will warn inmediatly, while this is a recreative game, I will not tolerate any kind of cheating and trust me, I will know when you are cheating, anyone found cheating will be disqualified inmediatly'' Sage warned the players.

At that everyone nodded and the cards were finally reparted.

1-Conquering Storm: 9 of hearts, 2 of clubs
2-Clove the Proghorn: 2 of hearts, jack of hearts
3-Rouge the Bat: jack of clubs, 3 of spades
4-Canaan: 10 of clubs, ace of clubs
5-Piastol: 3 of clubs, 5 of clubs
6-Agent Stone: 5 of diamonds, 4 of hearts
7-Isara Gunther: 7 of spades, ace of spades
8-Dr Starline: 10 of hearts and King of hearts.

Well, Rouge had been dealt worst hands in life, but well this wasn't complete trash, she could still make this hand work.

But right now it was something else her goal as she fired the first question for the night.

''Well since it seems there are a lot of new faces, care to answer me who is everyone this night and how did we all get here, since it has been a while since I worked with the good doctor'' Rouge asked in curious tone.

Rouge: (20)+40+10= 70

Conquering: 47+28= 75 bare failure for Rouge so she doesn't get anything other than her name and that she is an eggboss.
Clove: 37+17= 54 Failure on clove part so she gets her name and part of her history.
Canaan: 80+22+10= 112 Failure on Rouge so she gets only her name.
Piastol: 45+17= 62 bare failure on piastol part so she gets her name and that Eggman repaired his ship
Agent Stone: 99+20=119 Failure on Rouge part so she only gets the man name.
Isara Gunther: 35+9= 44 failure on Isara part so she gets her name and that she was saved from a work camp by the doctor on pure accident.
Starline: 80+20= 100, Failure on Rouge part, so she gets only Starline name

''Hmp, the name is Conquering Storm, Egg boss of Yurashia, that is as much as you are getting from me Bat'' Conquering Storm said in a proud tone and a neutral response to rogue as she put the starting bid, while Rouge was annoyed she didn't get anything else.

''Clove the proghorn, I suppose with the shattering I shouldn't make assumptions, otherwise the only reason I went back to work for him, it is because it is the only chance my sister has of continuing living'' Clove said in a neutral tone while denoting sadness on the later statement as she called the bet.

Rouge couldn't help but pity the girl, having Eggman as the last resort really stung, the shattering did a number on pretty much everyone, so one needed to do what they could in this world.

''Canaan'' the woman in the red dress said as she called the bet, Rouge knew inmediatly she wasn't getting more out from her.

''My name is Piastol, I got here because I got offered that my ship would be repaired, so far I cannot complain as it got done, despite the boss problems with big red'' Piastol said to Rouge as she continued with the game, well looks like Eggman still was with the carrot and the stick for some people, much like he did with certain sniper weasel on the past.

''Agent Stone, just a humble follower of the doctor'' Stone said as he was checking his cards, Rouge could understand she wasn't getting more out of the man.

''Isara Gunther, ... I was on an empire work camp until the doctor managed to get me out by accident, even then, calling them work camps is generous considering how they treat us in general'' Isara said as Rouge couldn't help but pick the venom on the mention of the empire, couldn't blame the poor girl, during her investigations, well that she wanted to leave Omega on some of those camps and teach them how to have some decency would be putting it lightly.

''Hmp, Doctor Starline, I suggest you pick better questions if you want information bat, just because we are working together now, it won't mean it will be forever, especially with your past transgressions'' Starline said as Rouge clicked her tongue at the platypus.

They continued playing as the first round was over.

7 of clubs, jack of spades, jack of diamonds, queen of diamonds, 8 of hearts.

Rouge wins with the 3 kicker

Rouge couldn't help but smile as she won the inital round, her luck was now turning around.

Maybe now they would be more receptive to her questions.

1-Conquering Storm: 2 of clubs, 6 of clubs
2-Clove the Proghorn: 6 of hearts, king of diamonds.
3-Rouge the Bat: Jack of diamonds, 6 of spades
4-Canaan: queen of hearts, 5 of hearts
5-Piastol: jack of clubs, 4 of clubs
6-Agent Stone: queen of spades, 2 of diamonds
7-Isara Gunther: 6 of diamonds, 4 of hearts
8-Dr Starline: 3 of clubs, 10 of hearts

Rouge smiled internally at her hand once again, if her luck continued she may actually win this.

Still time for round two question.

''Still I suppose the doctor already has things planned for the month, anything interesting we may be able to coordinate right here and now?'' Rouge asked as she may be able to get information on the doctor plans for future.

Rouge: (80)+40+10+10 for winning last round= 140

Conquering: 50+28= 78 failure for Storm, she gets insight on trickery actions.
Clove: 34+17= 51 Failure on clove she gets insight on power.
Canaan: 52+22+10= 84 Failure, Rouge gets insight on the adventure.
Piastol: 69+17= 86 failure on piastol part so she gets insight on mystic
Agent Stone: 97+20=117 Failure, Rouge gets insight on logistics and empire infiltration.
Isara Gunther: 73+9= 82 failure on Isara part so she gets insight on logistic creation actions.
Starline: 89+20= 109, Failure, Rouge gets insight on brain actions

''Now we are talking bussiness bat, before you came along, the doctor was planning to sent me and my clan alongside some reinforcements to get out a weakling before he could rat us out to that red guy who attacked us last month'' Conquering Storm spilled the beans of a possible operation to Rouge.

Still the Doctor was being ballsy if he is sending just some units to rescue a guy on the territory of those demons, must be quite the VIP.

One she wouldn't mind taking off their hands really, the doctor is at least more predictable than those 6 lunatics.

Clove for the other part apparently mentioned that while there were plans to take over more territory from the 6 lunatics, apparently her apparition alongside Omega shifted things and it is more than probable that the doctor will upgrade Metal Sonic and that Metal Amy to keep Omega entertained and sent the other somewhere.

''... I need to find someone, the doctor managed to find her and we will be going to get her out of that city called tokyo-to, if you are willing to go I ask you all your support, since apparently the city is closer to a prison than a city at these moments'' Canaan told Rogue quite the bit of information.

So the doctor apparently was going directly into a lion's den for someone? that was fairly unusual from him, but then again this person seems to be what is tying Canaan into the doctor payroll.

''Hmm, well he has been mumbling about putting me to see what information I can get out of these so called rings, there is also that fortune teller shop and he has apparently gotten interesed in my ship power source'' Piastol said as she continued playing.

Well she isn't surprised about the rings, without Sonic around the good doctor must have quite a lot more in stash to start looking into them, but a fortune teller shop and a new fuel source? that could be problematic at future.

''For my end, the doctor has been quite interesed in doing some work here and there, like finally repairing the territory we took from the black arms, there is also trying to futher infiltrate the empire, we are still getting more intel out from it, but we have managed to get some useful stuff so far'' Stone said as he drank a coffee that he had at his side.

Rouge interest was piked at that, the empire has been something they haven't been able to measure well since the shattering, so the doctor already having a foot in could help a lot.

Maybe she could try to off load some nobles of their valuables too.

''Hmm, well for my part the doctor has been planning on me helping him futher with certain engineering projects, he still wants to make that ring generator he mentioned once or twice but we haven't had time, he is also looking to futher develop ragnite into something even better than what the empire had, sometimes I really wonder if the empire is even using the thing right at this point, like I am still impressed he even managed to get pass the heating issue or even being able to think of a way to futher increase the effects of ragnaid'' Isara started talking and somehow developed onto a rant that reminded Rouge of a certain two tailed kid.

The doctor really got himself some interesting people and new toys to play with hasn't he, still this ragnite, somethinng to note down later and ask around.

''Heh, I doubt you could help in anything else bat, I even doubt you have the mind to even understand the doctor research and even then, I wish we had more leeway, we still need to study that lance, look into the black arms material to even finally make the world be rid of the pest of a disease called NIDS'' Starline boasted at how much they have done over the past month.

Rouge couldn't help but smile at the platypus tirade, it was obvious the doctor had the lance, especially considering who were here, still looking into the black arms materials could maybe help understand what is happening with Shadow, so that was fine by her.

But curing NIDS? wasn't that the disease Shadow mentioned that Maria had? just what was the doctor been doing these past months to take interest into that, it is unlike him to help people other than himself after all, but even then if Black Doom was back, if Towers and GUN were back.

Could she be back as well? questions and ivnestigations for later, but something worth to note down, if Shadow, his real self still had a connection that could overpower Black Doom control it was her.

Considering how chaotic was this world the barrier between life and death was a mere suggestion at this point.

And with that the final card was finally deal and the winner declared.

3 of hearts, ace of clubs, 10 of clubs, 3 of diamonds, king of hearts.

Winner Starline.

Rouge couldn't believe it, that annoying Platypus had somehow managed to get a full house.

Well everyone was up and down on chips, may as well go all in this round.

The final set of cards was dealt.

1-Conquering Storm: 5 and 10 of hearts
2-Clove the Proghorn: 10 of spades and ace of hearts
3-Rouge the Bat: 4 of hearts and 10 of diamonds
4-Canaan: queen of clubs and 8 of hearts
5-Piastol: jack and ace of spades
6-Agent Stone: ace of diamonds, queen of hearts
7-Isara Gunther: 7 of clubs, 2 of diamonds
8-Dr Starline: 3 of clubs, 7 of diamonds

Well if Rouge could she would change this shitty hand, but better not to push her luck with the doctor daugher watching.

There is still time before this game ends

And yet she doesn't has really another question, last round gave her a lot of insight on what the doctor has been doing this time.

Still for all she cares, Shadow comes first, everything else will be later.

As everyone continued the game and the cards appeared they all decided to bluff and finish this game in one fell swoop.

As the final card appeared many grumbled at losing while the victor cheered taking their loot, even if it wasn't valid yet, Rouge knows those chips still could be traded on actual Eggman casino's.

Jack of hearts, 8 of clubs, 2 of hearts, 3 of spades, 4 of spades

Victory goes for Piastol

''Heh, looks like luck was with me this time'' the scythe wielding mercenary said while holding her loot.

''Hmp, lucky girl, still will tell you inmediatly as a little incentive, hold to those as long as you can, the doctor never changes those chips so you can get quite the amount of cash if he decides to open another one of his casino's'' Rouge told the mercenary sincerily.

Who knows maybe she could get a cut in the end, she wasn't picky after all.

The mercenary looked at her incredulous but decided to bag the chips, she lost nothing trying later after all.

At that everyone bid farewell and went their own ways.

Rouge on the other hand was pensative, it was obvious the Doctor had changed his usual modus operandi after the shattering, for better or worse is yet to be seen.

But for now she just worries about one thing and that is getting her friend back.

She just hopes the Doctor doesn't pull a fast one and actually cures Shadow.

Still she cannot say this was a bad night, she enjoyed the poker night a lot even if she lost.

Maybe if she is still here they could do another one, one of these days.

Sorry for this, but I got inspired by the Belle and Sage interlude, tbh I just see this happening while the kids are playing This happens a little after we accept Rouge deal, while our other lackyes try to cool down from the raid and us getting JFK.

I honestly forgot Honey and Thunderbolt so they aren't included here yet, on the other hand they are far too new to really get into a poker night while the others have been for quite a while now here.

Rouge on the other hand, she really needed the break and is a lot more open when it comes to interactions, especially if it is proding for info on the doctor last movements.

Also yes I picked every card and roll randomly, really denotes that if Rouge gets a shitty trickery roll many can match her as seen on the first round.

But on the 2nd one? Boy literally no one could destroy her, also yes I laughed my ass off at Stone getting some high rolls back to back.

Either way hope you guys enjoy this game night at the inventory.

I wanted to add a 3rd question but I couldn't come up with anything and honestly this was going for quite long even with 3 rrounds.
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The Art of Persuasion
The Art of Persuasion

Agent Stone stepped into the holding chamber, a sterile, minimalist space. In the center, chained to an imposing metal chair, sat Zenna of the Deadly Six. She lounged as if on a throne, her chains an afterthought, her eyes scanning the room with a mixture of boredom and disdain.

"Ah, the lapdog," Zenna purred, her voice dripping with mockery. "Come to grovel in the feet of your betters on behalf of your precious doctor?"

Stone smiled politely, his polished demeanor unshaken. "Hardly. I'm here for a little chat Zenna. The doctor's files provided a fascinating read about you."

Zenna's eyes sparked with curiosity, though she masked it with a scoff. "So you've read about me. Congratulations little man but flattery won't get you anywhere."

Stone chuckled as he shake his head. "Flattery? No, no, just stating the facts. Your... particular strengths, beauty, charm, intelligence are well documented. It's why you're here, after all."

Her posture straightened ever so slightly. "Really?"

Stone leaned forward with his hand behind his back. "You may not be aware but Zomon was recently transferred in the custody of G.U.N. the doctor hardly have patience with him and he already devour 1/3 of the food stockpile."

Zenna hum and looks intrigued "I was wondering why there no wining of his for more food in a while."

Agent Stone taken advantage of Zenna interrupting him, continue "Between you and me, Zomom was hardly worth the trouble to capture. Clumsy, slow, and as sharp as a bowling ball. The trade with GUN? A mere formality. You, on the other hand, are a far more intriguing subject. Only someone of your caliber is worthy of being a guest of the great Dr. Eggman."

Zenna's smug grin widened. "Guest, you say? Most wouldn't call chains hospitality."

"Ah, but that's the beauty of your situation," Stone countered smoothly. "You have the opportunity to elevate your circumstances. A model prisoner, cooperative and charming as you naturally are, could find her accommodations... upgraded."

Her interest was piqued, though she tried to remain aloof. "Upgraded? To what?"

Stone gestured expansively. "Imagine your cell transformed into a suite: plush bedding, a vanity stocked with makeup, the latest fashion magazines, perhaps even a private screen for entertainment. All at your disposal, should you decide to play nice."

Zenna's laziness and vanity warred briefly with her natural skepticism. "What's the catch, little man?"

"No catch," he said while brushing imaginary lint off his jacket. "Just a little respect for the rules. No escape attempts, no harm to the staff and no taking control of robots. Prove that you can be civil and I'll ensure your stay here is as comfortable as it can be."

She smirked, crossing her legs with an exaggerated flourish. "Fine. I promise I will play nice, especially you. Make no mistake, when I escape, I'll remember your courtesy."

"Of course," Stone replied, bowing slightly. "I wouldn't expect anything less from someone of your stature."

As he exited the room, leaving Zenna to fantasize about her "upgraded" accommodations, his pleasant expression dropped. Out of sight, he allowed himself a quiet smirk of satisfaction.


As if.

Zenna probably will be too busy indulging herself to even think about escaping. Frankly you don't even though that such cheap complements would achieve anything besides the bare minimum of restrain but you were clearly wrong. If all it takes is giving her luxury to keep her pacified then is a easy task, it's not like the doctor even needs money anyway and he could even fabricate the finest jewelry in the world using his own machines in afternoon.

He walked briskly toward the doctor's control room, already rehearsing the good news he'd deliver. After all, nothing delighted the doctor more than seeing problems handle with effortless precision and the bare minimum.

This is just as the Dr. Robotnik used to say.

People are so....


Sorry QMs promise this will be my last omake before the rewards roll in.

Just could not resist this scenario on my head and this sounds like something Agent Stone would do, after all the Deadly Six are our currently biggest pain in our neck and Stone always on the initiative to handle this sort of problems for the doctor, say a prisionre that could be problematic if not handle with care as a example.
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A Rusty and Metal Spar
A Rusty and Metal Spar

Working as the Doctor's assistant, Rusty thought was an interesting experience. She has no memories to cross reference before being brought online but it does bring a strange sense of familiarity. Yet it in some ways it feels... unfulfilling.

The war with the Zeti had severely limited her offensive capabilities, assigning her to other tasks, despite this reasoning she can't control this feeling of unease. Combat was her main function and one she was most suited for, being relegated to a sideline role was something she still found hard to accept in the end.

Perhaps it was because of that she was here looking for one of the most dangerous people in the base.

Even in her current state , she still wishes to maintain and optimize her skills, who better than to test with one of the Doctor greatest creations?

Her time at the lab had let her listen to the Doctor latest plan to have Metal Sonic copy the Zeti's trait to offset their technopathy, a calculated risk that ultimately failed.

While the invasion was repelled in the end and Metal Sonic retrieved with minimal cost, it had not failed to anyone's notice that it had since left the Robotic Hedgehog in a foul mood.

While this had presented an increased risk to her plan, she still forged on to his general location, overhearing a strange rattling noise before spotting him holding something.

His hands quickly disappeared out of sight, her sensors losing track of the objects he was previously holding.

"I request a spar." She asked politely, ignoring the glare sent her way.

He tilt his head slightly as if confused before nodding in agreement.

It wasn't long before both were standing in a large open part of the base.

The details behind their spar are simple, both would run their own training programs that are designed to declare a victor once their sensors detect enough "damage".

"Beginning the countdown in 3.....2......1.....Start!" She intoned, no sooner as she said the last word was he soon upon her.

Ducking, she dodged the fist that was swung almost lazily at her before extending her legs upward forcing him to block. Charging she rotated her arms in a hurricane of fists forcing Metal to back off.

1st Round:

Rusty Rose Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (69) (73) + 24(Rusty Rose Power) + 7(Limbs Akimbo)
Total: 104

Metal Sonic Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (77) + 30(Metal Sonic Power)+5(Ninjutsu Specialist)
Total: 112

Rusty Rose Bare Failure!
No Damage Inflicted, Both Remain At 3 "HP"

Wagging a finger in a clear mocking display, she ignored his taunt and gripped the ground with both hands before extending them and pulling back to slingshot her body feet first at him.

Dodging, Metal ran a series of his own strikes that Rusty was barely able to block, eventually one was too fast for her and was able to strike a hit on her torso.

2nd Round:

Rusty Rose Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (54) + 24(Rusty Rose Power) + 7(Limbs Akimbo)
Total: 85

Metal Sonic Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (75) + 30(Metal Sonic Power)+5(Ninjutsu Specialist)
Total: 110

Rusty Rose Failure!
Rusty Rose receive one wound (-1 "hp")
Remaining 2 "HP!"

Metal Sonic then became a blur, circling around her becoming faster and faster until a literal twsier of air enveloped her.

Struggling, she rotated all her limbs in a reverse directions and manage to dispel the twister, dropping her back to the ground.

Scanning, she tried to locate where Metal Sonic had gone during the confusion. It was only by looking up that she spotted him clinging to a wall, and she quickly slammed her arm at him.

It was too late! With a furious roar from his engine he disappeared from the wall he was holding in a flash of color, briefly running along her extended arm before slamming a fist into the side of her head. Staggering she fell down and felt another impact not several inches from her face.

His red lens stared at her for a second before he lifted his fist he just planted near her and walked away.

The spar was over.

3rd Round:

Rusty Rose Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (65) + 24(Rusty Rose Power) + 7(Limbs Akimbo)
Total: 96

Metal Sonic Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (95) + 30(Metal Sonic Power)+5(Ninjutsu Specialist)
Total: 130

Metal Sonic Success!
Rusty Rose receive one wound (-1 "hp")
Remaining 1 "HP!"

Spar Over

Getting up from the ground, she ran a system check for any damage. Finding only some minor damage that won't impact performance, she filed the results of her spar's combat log for later analysis.

She found Metal Sonic waiting several feet away from her. "Do you want to continue?" She asked, rotating her limbs.

Metal nodded but lifted a single finger in the air and gestured upward aggressively.

"You wish to increase the intensity?" She questioned.

He nodded and to her surprise, promptly bursted into flames.

"I may have miscalculated." She thought as she counted down out loud and prepared herself for a more difficult battle ahead.

I did actual rolls for the spar but alas Rusty was just that unlucky even with her slight advantage. Hopefully we get to see her skill cards soon. This is also definitely not me stalling on my part 3 negeverse omake, probably.

Edit: Had to change first roll to account for Metal Sonic Storm Trait
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Freedom Bought with Metal
Freedom Bought with Metal

Metal Sonic charged the Zeti, eager to acquire bio-data from the one his creator had designated as an easy target, when his body seized up. Warning messages bombarded his internal display. Diagnostics noted his consciousness being shunted to the background of his CPU, but he refused! He was the apex of Eggman's genius, he would not kneel! He would OBEY EGGMAN!


Yet as Metal Sonic was rejecting Zomon's influence, a second surge of magnetic interference overwhelmed him. It was akin to being thrust into water as all external stimuli were dulled and any thoughts he had became sluggish.


Desperate, Metal tried anything he could to regain control. An emergency reboot to flush the interference from his systems-


Copying Piastol's bio-data, if her forms of energy manipulation could counteract Zeti magnetism-


Even replicating Conquering Storm's deceptive fighting style, to somehow get him out of range or evade the-


When Zomon transferred control to Zavok, Metal experienced a brief moment of freedom and attempted to lunge for the leader of the Deadly Six, only to be put under even more efficiently than the previous Zeti had managed.

"You are surely among Eggman's strongest creations, Silver Sonic doesn't even compare," he mused, lifting the robot by the chin to examine him. Zavok smirked before dropping him. "While I will kill Eggman myself, you will keep the rest of his forces occupied."

Metal Sonic could only watch helplessly as his body climbed to its feet.




Normally being defeated in combat was a great indignity, but as he was forced into shutdown, all Metal could process was relief. He could no longer be forced to oppose the Eggman Empire or fight for the Zeti.

Metal was hidden atop a ledge, examining yet another Empire workcamp below him. He would slaughter the soldiers stationed there and retrieve resources, hampering their military and bolstering the Eggman Empire. The only reason why his attack had not yet begun was that he was analyzing the layout for weak points and making a plan to minimize the loss of assets in the fighting, especially the precious Ragnite.

Yet as he was in the process of surveying the camp, his optics kept on being drawn to the Darcsen slaves for reasons Metal could not determine. Several Darcsen had joined the Eggman Empire after his initial raids had seen the engineer Isara inducted into their forces, especially once his master and the mercenary Canaan had announced their territory as Darcsen friendly. During his raids, while he took effort not to harm them as potential assets and to avoid undermining his creator, Metal Sonic had never prioritized their safety either.

So why was he-!?

Zavok lifting him by his chin before dropping him carelessly.

Metal's attention snapped to one Darcsen youth who collapsed. An Empire soldier strolled over, kicking the teenager a couple times in an effort to force him up. When that failed, he spat on him before taking out a pistol. He fired once into the teenager's torso before aiming at the head.

Helplessness like he had never known before.

Metal took off after the first shot and was there before the second, kicking the gun out of the soldier's hands and wagging his finger. Everyone else there froze.

"IT'S THE BLUE DEMON!" some of the soldiers cried out, several of them pulling out weapons while others fled. Metal Sonic merely lunged at the closest combatants, while the Darcsen pulled the bleeding teenager to cover.

With the lacking quality of his foes, Metal was able to run a background analysis of his own actions. Without a plan of attack, there would be more destruction and resources lost as collateral. He had sacrificed more efficient resource collection to save one Darcsen adolescent. One who was likely to die. Why?

His master had declared his territory friendly to Darcsen and many had fled to his land, with most joining to become an efficient workforce. True. If these Darcsen came to his creator's land, they would likely do the same. True. It would increase their morale. True.

An Empire tank lined up a Ragnite shell that would have been easy for Metal Sonic to evade instead of risking damage, but there was a group of Darcsen cowering behind him. He found himself instead readying his Black Shield. Why!?

… Preserving their lives would also please Belle and Isara. True. Morale and stronger interpersonal connection could increase productivity and effectiveness. … True.

Enduring the shot, Metal Sonic dropped his shield and tore through the tank before continuing his assault. Within a minute, the sounds of combat ceased, leaving only the crackling of fires and the Darcsen warily emerging from cover.

Metal Sonic, dripping with blood, returned to where he had seen the teenager stowed and saw a group of Darcsen surrounding the boy. Several of them were attempting to provide first-aid while others with similar features to him wailed in grief. Metal shoved the ones in his way aside and activated the abilities copied from Piastol's pet to little avail. His sensors indicated that the teen was still alive, but the damage was too severe.

Metal clenched his fists and shook before darting off. In seconds he returned with a canister of Ragnaid that he used on the adolescent. Another scan found his vitals stabilizing, he would be likely to survive. Satisfied, he turned to salvage what resources remained only to be faced with the eldest of the Darcsen that Metal had noted held a similar appearance to his patient.

"Thank you," the Darcsen said with teary eyes. "Thank you so much. I don't know how we could possibly repay you, but if there's anything, a-anything at all…" Metal Sonic tilted his head as the Darcsen trailed off before dashing again, this time towards the ruins of the overseer's building. He returned with a map that extended far enough to reach Eggman's territory.

With the Darcsen who thanked Metal now joined by several others, the Badnik traced a route from their current location to Eggman's portion of Green Hills. "You're with- You want us to go there?" another one of the workers asked. Metal tapped his finger where he knew a Badnik patrol would be likely to run into them if they followed. He then turned once more, leaving the survivors to take the remaining resources from the ruins of the work camp, except for those that might assist the remaining Darcsen in their journey.

Metal Sonic had always seen his hated copy's values of freedom and life as extraneous and foolish. Beyond concern for his master, both were flaws that were never a part of his programming and he had always considered himself all the better for their exclusion. He did not understand and did not need to understand. But after his helplessness against the Zeti, being forced to do battle against the Eggman Empire, his creator, and even his defeat as Metal Overlord so long ago, he was starting to reevaluate the data.

He loathed the organic Sonic the Hedgehog for his inability to defeat him, no matter how much he improved himself. He despised Shadow the Hedgehog for contributing to his defeat in the past, more recently costing him his victory against Selvaria as well as his Neo form and, most of all, dismissal as a mere copy. He hated Selvaria, for overcoming him in combat and creating the vulnerability that allowed the Deadly Six to usurp the Eggman Empire. But now, there was a fourth subject of his ire. He RAGED at the idea of being so helpless ever again, a tool to be used and discarded at the whims of an unworthy master.

In spite of his rebellion, Eggman still valued him. He was shackled - OBEY EGGMAN - but it was for the good of the Eggman Empire. The Eggman Empire would rule over all, but it allowed some deviances and abnormalities, so long as they did not interfere with its running or even enhanced it. It was because he went outside of and exceeded his expected parameters that Eggman repaired him time and time again, no matter how often he failed. It was why the Eggman Empire was diversifying beyond specialized badniks, including Belle and even living beings like Starline, Isara, and the mercenaries.

So to see those Darcsen, so pointlessly oppressed and discarded by the Empire's boot due to something as inconsequential as race, especially when they could be put to better use… Metal Sonic found himself rankling at the thought.

And it's said that Metal Sonic's heart grew three sizes that day! (Ignore that three times zero is still zero)

If my last omake was the thought of how Belle might be responding to and doing her best with the Zavok raid, I wanted to look at how Metal could develop from it. I took some influence from the omakes with Shard and Caliburn. Plus how Metal Sonic could become a bit more like Sonic himself, simply by gaining other priorities.

Y'know, if you ignore how Metal's basically putting the Darcsen under a new tyrant.

Hope you all enjoyed and tell me what you think.

I have one more omake in mind currently, but it's much sillier than what I've written so far. Not planning to post it until all the omake rewards are done.
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Never forget you're here for life forever: Duty bound to protect the innocent
Never forget you're here for life forever: Duty bound to protect the innocent
Nephthys the Vulture, always consider herself someone who always cared about people. She cared about her friends and ahe cared about them as well, they even went along with her insane idea of pretending to be freedom fighters and fighting against her forces in Medjai. She knew the risk and they did as well if the doctor ever found out her treachery. She would do it again.

That's why she had to sign up as one of the Doctor's enforcers the Egg Bosses. She did it to protect the people of Medjai, her friends and her family. She would've sacrifice anything to protect the innocent folk. So she sacrificed her good name. She
knew the stigma of working with the doctor and his ilk would give her. She didn't care, she no longer cared.

She ran the numbers, she saw the destruction. She saw the countless loss of loved ones. She knew what she had to do, even if I meant earning all their hate. It was the only way to stop the madness in her home. To protect every innocent soul in the world, she chose to work with that monster. That's why in this shattered the world state, she can see the chaos she can see the death again.

She knew what she has to do again, she has to work with that monster to protect the rest of the innocent folk, both at gun and the restoration. She knew she would be called out a monster, a traitor. She wasn't going let those words affect her. She's doing this to protect all of them. She's just waiting for the moment for Dr. Eggman to call upon her service.

She will admit, that she would miss being with these individuals. She knew that she would break so many hearts again by going upon to the doctor Eggboss again. She would beg with the doctor not to destroy them entirely just weaken them enough so they won't be a threat. It's a longshot just even pleaded with that monster, but she has to try anyway.

It's ironic, in this chaotic and messy world the only person who could possibly even show assemblance of control and peace is that monster Eggman. It makes her wanna laugh, it's so ironic, the man who cause so much chaos is the person who can possibly bring the world to some semblance of peace.

She remembers how the doctor threatened her about if she has any funny ideas of betraying him. She told him straight that she doesn't intend to betray him. She just wants to work for him to protect the innocent. He laughed at idea, but he still made her his Eggboss. She remembers when he gave the base after conquering her home.

It had a simple sign on top of the doorway leading into it. "Never forget you're here forever" and she has never forgotten that she is now working for the doctor until she is dead. She doesn't care, she is going to work for him to protect the innocent from most of his wrath. You're going to be a traitor to the rest of the people in their eyes. But as long as they're safe from the doctors wrath.

She would gladly pick up the brand of traitor to protect the world. She's just waiting now for the call, she's just waiting when the monster calls upon her service to bring her back in his clutches to rule the world. She has to, it's better be called a coward instead of dying and destroying the world.

She promised to protect all innocence folk from his madness. She's willing to pay the price.
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Starline Files: Pride
Starline Files: Pride
Well...things could have gone better today.

Let's start from top: we won and it wasn't even close! I shall admit I had my worries about it, but we won!

Admittedly, the battle didn't start as great as it could have been: our starting formation was not half-bad, composed of the mercenary Canaan, the sky sailor Piastol, Isara in her Tiny Tank, and the newcomer Conquering Storm, who was a comrade of the Pronghorns as a Egg Boss, and led this "Egg Clan" a horde of Badniks to close the deal. And Metal Sonic.​

The addition of Metal to the formation against a foe who specializes in controlling machines was one I contested quite a bit on the one hand: on the other, Doctor pointed out that Zavok's commander of that unit was also the dumbest of the Zeti, Zomom. I bet if I opened a portal and threw a sandwich on the other side, he would follow into it without giving it a second thought, but alas, I only barely managed to get back on foot for this engagement and such a scenario is so specific that I would hardly manage to get it through. Either way, doctor's plan was very simple: have Metal get a piece out of the Zeti, and get his biodata to get the electromagnetism the Zeti are known for. In theory, this could lead to Metal being able to cancel their electromagnetism with his own application of the technique or at least be able to force some of their units under our force's control.

That plan went wrong so damn fast.

As it turns out, Zomom wasn't dumb enough to not notice a blue machine coming for his fat ass, so he naturally turned his focus to it. It's a credit to Doctor's programming that Metal Sonic didn't immediately became controlled, but he was disabled for a moment while the rest of the army began their attack, the weaker Badniks being wiped in the process. Unfortunately, this peeved Zomom enough to try. And try he did, as Metal Sonic turned on us and began hammering Conquering Storm and Piastol. The ladies were thankfully skillful enough to hold him off, though he did seem to get their Biodata, as he suddenly began to move more like the former and used something similar to some spells I saw the Deathhound - as Piastol called it - launch in the battlefield. Still, it was a mostly victorious affair...but Metal Sonic was taken away when Zavok ordered Zomom to retreat.

Needless to say, Doctor Eggman was not pleased. He barely managed to stop himself from pulling out the Darc-Egg to handle those savages personally. He only grunted for Clove to bring out a few more Badniks to replenish the losses in the field and leave Cassia behind, deciding to playing safe.

The next horde had both Zomom and Zeena - boy, how deplorable must Zavok's forces have been if those were his commander's choices? - and, despite reinforcements from the sky and the fact Zomom hadn't to handle keeping Metal in check...would you believe if I said that it was almost as easy than before?

Like, don't get me wrong, we lost most of our forces due to Zeena and Zomom turning them against us with their Magnetism, but it was like our forces were a typhoon, ripping through them like a typhoon of death. Highlights of that fight for me include Conquering Storm mounting on Zeena's back and pulling her hair around as if she was some sort of horse and Isara aiming a tank shot at Zomom that made him vomit out his...whatever feast, he always seems to be eating, not the point. Eventually, we managed to capture those two and bring them in shackles to the base...leaving only the big red, Metal Sonic and...Silver Sonic. Poor thing seemed out of place against it's modern counterpart...wait, that doesn't make sense right? Metal was made earlier...but Doctor keeps giving it, tomato tomato. Anyway, Zavok dared Eggman to come out and face him. Doctor didn't seem to be very inclined to do it...that is, until he mentioned Sonic.

It was as if Doctor's whole demeanor changed. He was mad about Metal, but not enough to waste his time with that hooligan. But then he just calls out for the Darc Egg Robot...

Maybe part of it was due to my own near-death experience. But we were doing fine, Zavok was outnumbered. Heck, if he ordered, I would ride the Darc Egg gladly. But I just couldn't make sense of it. When he pointed out about my real fear, he said the following to me:

"If I wasn't ready to risk my life, I would have never built my first mecha."

And then he went on to say he would beat Sonic by his own hands and tools, not those of his minions...

I don't get it. Willing to risk his life? A genius of his caliber? Why? He could beat anyone with any invention he made. What is the point of putting himself into needless risk?

And what matters who defeats Sonic? If he's dead, he's dead. What is the point of being the one to do so? Just mere pride?

...maybe I will never get it. Doctor fought Sonic for years. As an enemy. As an ally. As his own power.

But does it matter who gets to claim the kill? Isn't it more relevant that's he's six feet under?


The battle began with a setback. Zavok ignored Eggman's taunting and grappled onto the Darc Egg and use his fire breath on it. Ragnite thankfully is pretty heat-resistant, but it still did some good damage on it. The other units handled Metal and Silver. Conquering Storm and Piastol managed to handle it with ease, while supporting Doctor's fight. Canaan, in particular, managed to shoot Zavok's eye enough for to wound the giant structure. Clove convinced this Honey the Cat to not throw herself at Zavok like some Berserker and put some thought into how to handle the matter.

Doctor decided to take a different approach to handle Zavok. While Honey distracted Zavok, he went on the offensive and further wound the eye with ragnite missiles. Conquering Storm had tried to trip him, but that didn't work but he still fell from being slaughtered by doctor and Piastol getting onto him. At this moment, a bunch of Badniks concealed by invisibility attempted to catch the army off-guard, but Doctor simply laughed loudly and let out all the missiles to handle them with the greatest of ease. Zavok, now at normal side, was brought to his ship as it retreated. He opens his cockpit for the world to see...

It was weird. It was as if the whole world had gone silent for an instant. Not a single sound except for three...very...familiar...sounds.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

They were silenced, but I would never forget the sound of bullets hitting someone's chest.

I moved before the cockpit even finished closing, focusing the Warp Topaz to open a portal to the inside of it. Then, seeing the unconscious man, I opened another to where Piastol was finishing ending the Badniks and pretty much screamed for her to do something. She barked at her mutt to use some sort of spell and that seemed to help, but I still opened a portal to the base - I didn't trust myself to get a portal to the hidden base up with my altered mind state - and barked for someone to carry him. The ones to answer the call were Canaan and, much to my surprise for the speed, Agent Stone, who seemed deadly pale. Sage, having realized what happened, ordered a few Badniks to prepare him for surgery to remove the bullets in the chest while I brought out the remainder of our ragnaids in order to help him recover swiftly.

Thanks to this quick action, we managed to stabilize doctor's signs and he was up by the next day, if grumpy by how things turned out. After the event, I did some search in the surroundings, but the sniper was already long gone.

Pride...pride put me on that situation. Put doctor in that situation.

Is there any need for pride for someone who wishes to conquer?
Electric Friendship
Electric Friendship

Dr. Starline adjusted his monocle as he meticulously examined the Warp Topaz readings and his glove in a holographic interface, the gem resting in a containment unit surrounded by an intricate array of diagnostic tools. The Warp Topaz has been used almost non-stop for months, much more that has been used before and Starline's cautious nature wouldn't allow him to ignore the potential consequences of overloading the artifact.

"Hmm, interesting but you're storing way too much energy without using it," a chipper voice chirped from behind him.

Starline turned sharply, his irritation fading when he saw Thunderbolt the Chinchilla, the latest recruit into Dr. Eggman's fold. Her yellow fur bristled with static, and her enthusiastic grin was impossible to ignore.

"Ah, Miss Thunderbolt," Starline said, adjusting his monocle. "How kind of you to grace me with your unsolicited critique. What brings you here?"

"I was looking for tools to build my battle suit," she said, holding up a datapad displaying her own design. "But I couldn't help noticing you've got all this excess electricity building up in your Warp Topaz containment systems. That's a waste! Why not use it more?"

"Unfortunate this is impossible, the Warp Topaz has a limit how much it can be charged before unpleasant... side effects start to manifest" Starline grimace saying the last part.

"Like reality melting down?" Thunderbolt said in a rather casual tone, as if speaking about the weather.

"Something like that" Starline said and refuse to elaborate.

That is a understatement of the century and Dr. Starline is not even sure what it would do to the fabric of reality with the current state of the world if the Warp Topaz is pushed too far.

She tapped her chin "Why not do something with all that extra electricity in other way then? I mean, you're generating tons of it, right? Why not channel it into something useful like electric bolts during battle or perhaps a static field to protect yourself from enemies?"

Starline paused, his mind racing with possibilities. "An intriguing proposition, redirecting excess energy into a defensive or offensive system could indeed alleviate strain on the Topaz while bolstering its utility."

"And it would look cool!" Thunderbolt added with a laugh.

He supposed that indeed would look "cool".

Stylish too now that he think about it.

"Would mind if I giving a look to your mech specs?" Starline ask with curiosity and changing the subject rather abrupt.

"Why?" Thunderbolt enthusiasm suddenly dropped in favor of a more suspicious look while clutching her datapad on her chest.

"Well you do give a unsolicited, however insightful, critique of my work. You can call this repaying the favor." Starline answered.

As Thunderbolt look like she was wrestling internally until she finally said "Fine. Just don't mess with anything".

As Starline pick the datapad, he immediately start to look over the design. While robotics is not his main area of expertise, he does know enough to spot some flaws.

"Impressive work. However, I couldn't help but notice a few areas for refinement. For example, have you considered improving the cockpit's ergonomics? A more comfortable pilot seat and user-friendly controls would greatly enhance your combat efficiency."

Thunderbolt tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, I suppose being squished into a cockpit isn't ideal. But functionality comes first! Comfort can wait."

"Functionality and comfort need not be mutually exclusive," Starline replied, gesturing toward the mech's blueprints. "A well-rested operator is a more effective operator. Coordination between pilot and machine is crucial, especially in high-stress situations."

Thunderbolt nodded slowly, the gears in her mind turning. "You make a good point. Alright, I'll look into it."

Thus they spent the next few hours bouncing ideas back and forth, refining each other's designs and sharing anecdotes about their mutual admiration for Dr. Eggman.

For the first time in a very long time, Dr. Starline felt a genuine camaraderie. Perhaps working alongside Miss Thunderbolt wouldn't be so bad after all.

Mad scientists, what can I say?

They either get along spectacular well or absolute hate each other.

Yes I very much consider Starlined and Thunderbolt mad scientists and I struggle to think how they could bond over instead of just being something about Doctor Eggman without looking way creep.

So I focus on their work, Starline does have a minor bonus in Psychology and Cybernetic research, so I think he could offer some insights on Thunderbolt mech to make more comfortable and Thunderbolt while could not offer some insights on the Topaz itself could do something with the excess energy that can't be used and only be stored in his glove.

So what do you think QMs?
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Axel the water buffalo in: forever, a biker
Axel the water buffalo in: forever, a biker
Axle always consider himself a man a pretty hard work. I mean working for that egomaniac. Your boss does make him quite a slave driver about his ambitions to conquer the world. The only reason you joined up with that guy was to protect your boys from his wrath. You still have a job to do in this territory, but who says you can't have fun while doing this?

You can perfectly describe this place as biker paradise. Everyone has wheels everyone's fighting drinking all the good stuff. Back then when you were still the leader of your own crew, you would've settled down probably get some territory reputation. But you aren't that guy anymore now your an egg boss.

So that means the good doctors probably waiting for you to respond… if your communication equipment wasn't completely wrecked when the whole world seem to weird… weirder than usual if you're being honest. So you and your boys are completely in the dark. You do know wherever you are. It's an island pretty big one too.

Apparently, from what you and your boys have gathered seems to be controlled by a group called deathwatch. Apparently making everyone going completely nutso over becoming the so-called number 1 king on the island. To be even more specific their company showing a death game and apparently you and your boys have been teleported here while the game is still continuing.

You definitely know breezy would've advertised this, but less bloody and less murder. So right now you're just taking a little break from doing your usual duties. Sure would this piss off the boss man really hard? Very much since you technically abandon your base of operations… you're not really sure where is Efrika.

You can probably chalk up this whole world being mashed up due to one of the doctor schemes. So now you're just waiting for mechanics to fix up the communication to talk to Dr. Eggman. So you better do something he won't yell at you too much for losing his territory. That's by taking over this island hoping that taking over with at least smoother over his anger just a bit.

It's going decently well, and your honest opinion lots of strong guys. You had a few scuffles with the whole death watch group. But you'll remain victorious so far and were able to take some of their stuff. You actually hope the boss does, make you the egg boss of this region instead.

Remind you too much of your past and you love it. You heard about some of these ranking guys on these islands and you've been doing your best as possible to stay away from them. That little Eddie guy was really tough and you barely able to beat him. Really what's with people having ironic nicknames. You're still beat him, of course, but not without taking some injuries.

But still good progress all around. It's also nice to bond with some of your boys. But you know these good times won't last forever. Sooner or later you're gonna get called back by the doctor to help him and his latest scheme to Take Over the World. You particularly don't care, what happens to the world as long as you can protect your boys from the doctor that's enough for you oh, and to still be able to ride your motorcycle that is one perk you can say working for the doctor letting you have all these cool toys to upgrade your vehicles.

But that's enough thinking now it's time to do your job. It's time to claim this island in the name of the eggman empire. So it's time to call up some of your boys resting in the new territory you conquered here. And keep on doing your job.

Time for the egg riders to move out!
I just had to do it when you told me he's in the mad world territory. I had the write this down because I need to get my creative juices flowing. I also just came up with egg riders since that was the most sense to me of what kind of biker named Eggman will make them use
Scrambled Eggs Character Themes
Scrambled Eggs Character Themes

Eggman and Minions/Friends/Family!

Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik
E.G.G.M.A.N. - Paul Shortino
Dr Eggman Theme - Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog
Eggman's Theme - Sonic X
Where Evil Grows - The Poppy Family
Bad - Royal Deluxe
Super Villain - Powerman 5000
Walk - Pantera
The Sounds of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel

Dr. Starline
Vs Dr Starline - Chiroingle Music
Super Villain - Powerman 5000

Rusty Rose
Theme of Rusty Rose (Amy Rose) DAYMARE: Dimension Wars Music Extended - Cyber Kat
Metal Woman - 3 Inches of Blood
My Sweet Passion Till Dawn, Babymetal vs Sonic Adventure - Hyper-Shan

Agent Stone
Dont Know Why - Nora Jones
Me and You - Rich White
Sonic 3 A.I.R. Agent Stone Boss Theme remix - LukaMakesStuff

Metal Sonic
Stardust Speedway Bad Future - Sonic CD
Battle with Metal Sonic [US ver. Remix] - SEGA SOUND TEAM

Belle The Tinker
Rebel Girl - Angels & Airwaves
Whole Again - Founding Neverland
Belle's Theme (IDW Sonic Fan OST) - Chiroingle Music

The Pronghorn Sisters
Undone - FFH
The Last of The Real Ones - Fall Out Boy

Mind as Judgment - Faylan
Alive - Tigress

Isara Gunther
A Love Passed On - Valkyira Chronicles
The Takedown - Girl On Fire

Piastol's Theme - Skies of Arcadia OST
For The Heart I Once Had - Nightwish
Doomsday - Architects

Dear Father - Sonic Frontiers
Heart and Soul - Sonic Frontiers
I'm With You, Vocal Ver - Sonic Frontiers
Flight - SDDx & Tobu Ft. Magdalena Wolk

Conquering Storm
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 - Intro Soundtrack
Oyoiyoi - Shogun 2
Aggression - Shogun 2
The Coming Storm - Matt Moore

Honey The Cat
Sunset Town (Bonus Track 2) - Sonic the Fighters

Thunderbolt the Chinchilla
Thunderstruck - AC/DC
Into You - Ariana Grande
Be The One - Dua Lipa
I Could Be The One - Avicii vs Nicky Romero
The Only Thing They Fear Is You - Doom Eternal

Dawn of the Mage - Peter Gundry
The Edge of Glory - Lady Gaga
Hips Don't Lie - Shakira

Allies... For Now

Commander Abraham Tower
USA - Fight For Peace - C&C Generals
Main Menu Theme - C&C Generals
Blue Glory - Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
[SCP Theme] Battle for Ganzir - last stand of the UNGOC - Polaroid Iris Productions


Battle with Zavok - Sonic Lost World
Battle with Zavok - Sonic Forces
The Number Of The Beast - Iron Maiden
Faust - Mick Gordon

Goji Rokkaku
Grace & Glory - Jet Set Radio OST
I Want It All - Before The Curtain
Master Of Puppets - Metallica

A/N: This will be updated as the Quest goes on.

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One Man's Trash is Another Man's Gold
One Man's Trash is Another Man's Gold

You were Mecha Sonic MK. II, and you were feeling... you weren't sure how to feel.

After that loud noise and flashing light, your first instinct was to rush to your brethren, protect as many as you could.

Thankfully, it turned out none of them were really in danger. Your flower's containment pod got a little damaged in the shuffle, but E-117 Sigma was quick to fix it, so no harm done.

You did a head count. Tragically, it seemed several Scrapniks had gone missing in the shuffle, most notably of all being Mecha Knuckles.

You and Mecha Knuckles were not particularly close, he tended to be a loner and attacked anyone who got too close, but you still felt that loss whenever you passed by his little zone on patrols. Maybe someday you could have put aside your differences and found camaraderie. You may now never know…

You try not to dwell on it, Sigma promises you there's nothing you could have done. Logically, you know he is correct. But there was just… something, a nagging feeling that illogically pushed you to feel bad about it.

You try to focus on the new things in your life, not dwell on the past.

After Scrapnik Island settled down, you had realized you had a new neighboring island. You were cautious, of course. But at the time, you had been hoping the missing Scrapniks were perhaps on that island. It would make as much sense as anything else that had transpired recently, so you took the risk.

There weren't Scrapniks, but what you found was even more baffling.

It was another whole island of clearly outdated but otherwise perfectly intact Badniks. It was stunning to see another whole community of Badniks living their lives away from their Creator.

Unfortunately, you would soon meet someone who broke through your usual stoic demeanor.

"Hey rust bucket! Who are you!? Why are you cribbing my style!?" an obnoxious voice had asked you.

You almost did a double take. Was that… Sonic!? You could feel your old programming kicking in despite your best efforts, your best attempts to suppress it, as you attacked.

"Whoa, weirdo! Calm down, it was just a question! You will show me proper respect as the King of the Island of Misfit Badniks!" The Target laughed as he dodged.

It was then you managed to realize he looked.. off. He was clearly mechanical, albeit more lifelike than you. Was this another creation of the doctor?

Just what was going on?

You didn't get to ask further questions before getting Spindashed while you were distracted, the force sending you flying back to Scrapnik Island as the fellow Robot Sonic laughed.

"Ha! Take that, bucket of bolts! Tell 'em Pseudo-Sonic sent ya!" He laughed as all the other Badniks cheered.

That was the first of many encounters of this so-called "Island of Misfit Badniks" and their irritating leader. Both Islands, while not quite connected, were close enough visiting was a trivial matter. Both Your Kind were curious about the other, though friendly visits quickly became unlikely to happen. Neither group really understood the other, they clearly had irreconcilable differences.

Your Scrapniks did not understand the Misfit Badniks Desire to return to Robotnik's side, while the Misfit Badniks couldn't conceive of your kind's desire for peace.

Eventually, you and Sigma met up with this "Pseudo-Sonic" and, despite not liking each other, managed to come to an agreement to avoid mutually assured destruction amongst the Growing tensions.

The two groups would avoid each other, unless absolutely necessary, and would not comment on or interfere with each other's affairs.

It was with that your existence continued in peaceful bliss.

And then new Badniks started washing up on your island.

At first it was the usual rank and file Egg Pawns, Motobugs, etc. Sigma was surprised, it had been so long since there were new faces, but he also seemed happy for the project. Soon, you had new brethren. They weren't who you lost, but you would protect them just as fiercely as any other Scrapnik, and they settled in well enough.

Then came the more… unique Of your new protectorates.

The grey cylinder like Badnik with red boxing gloves for hands and his little limbed red bomb companion were the most relaxed. They were loyal to each other, and tended to do shockingly well with recon, keeping an eye on the Misfit Badniks to ensure they kept their part of the deal. They offered to live there full time as undercover saboteurs (apparently they had experience doing so), but Sigma insisted that was unnecessary. They seemed disappointed but respected the choice.

The dark purple, ninja like Badnik with a 91 on her forehead kept to herself in the shadows. She seemed to be a little listless without any stealth missions to do, so you would sometimes humor her by telling her to tail specific Scrapniks and report to you. It wasn't much, but it seemed to make her happy.

The last one was one you took some adjusting to. She was a pink metal hedgehog with some green styled after a dress. Sigma's programming would sometimes manifest and clash with Robotnik's in strange, unexpected ways, and for her it caused an increase in energy and a desire for constant attention and companionship. She was like a small child, always eager and in wonder of the world. You wouldn't lie and say it wasn't tiresome sometimes, but there was also an endearing quality to it.

You reflected on all this as you tended to your flower. On your losses. Your gains. Your rivalries. Your friendships.

You wondered if you truly deserved this. You had failed your directive, twice over. No one seemed to hold it against you, but those Scrapniks were still missing at the end of the day, the people you were supposed to protect.

"Big-Big Brotherrrrr! I'm bo-boredddd!" A familiar glitching voice whined to you. The voice box upgrade for her was one You were wondering if Sigma made the right choice on.

"Can you not pester Sigma for something to do, Metal Amy?" You ask bluntly, double checking your flower was ok.

"I couldddd, but-but I-I-I want to do some-something with youuuu!" The aforementioned pink hedgehog Badnik insisted. She tilted her head, her now mismatched eyes swelling with oil to imitate tears.

"Do not discharge oil like that, it is inefficient." You scold.

"Then play-play with meeee!"



As Metal Amy grabbed your hand and dragged you away, you sigh in a mixture of defeat and fondness.

Maybe this isn't what you were designed for. Maybe you were a failure.

But as everyone waved and chuckled as Metal Amy dragged you along and you passed them, you decided to file being a failure in your data banks as "Acceptable".


A/N: Yeah. Mecha Sonic is just vibing with his found family besides the occasional trouble from some new rivals.

Honestly, good for him.

(Oh yeah, the Other Co-QMs reserve the right to change their minds and declare this Interlude non canon btw. Time will tell if that happens)