Which Lili is your favourite?

  • Angry Lili

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Bully Lili

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • Benevolent Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Commander Lili

    Votes: 24 15.2%
  • Big Sis Lili

    Votes: 49 31.0%
  • Shy Lili

    Votes: 18 11.4%
  • Smug Lili

    Votes: 57 36.1%
  • Sadist Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Professional Lili

    Votes: 26 16.5%
  • Villainess Lili

    Votes: 37 23.4%
  • Suave Lili

    Votes: 28 17.7%

  • Total voters
Semper Fidelis
this is the part where I get yelled at probably

Scarlet Justice - ep. 10
"Semper Fidelis"

The morning comes. I end up examined by the same nurse as before, and she sends me home with Luna. I have no appetite and head into my room as soon as I can, sitting on my bed with my knees pulled up to my chest.

I sit. And do nothing else.

Sometimes I shudder and shake, sometimes I cry quietly. The memories move and sway inside of my head. I feel cold and numb. Luna comes in to check on me, and I simply shake my head whenever she asks a question. She leaves me alone each time.

"Miss Lilith. I brought you something."

Luna quietly leaves a glass on the table beside my bed, then exits my room. It's already night, and I have spent a long time reliving that recent nightmare. My stomach growls and I leave my position for the first time to drink the mixture Luna has left for me. I can't taste much of anything, but it feels nutritious. The glass is drained and I set it back down before lying down in my bed.

I sleep.


"Master Umino said that it's perfectly fine if you take the week off, and beyond that."

I make my way to breakfast this morning. Two more days have passed. Luna's cooking tastes like cardboard, and it makes my heart sink. She puts her love into everything, I know that for sure.

Iruka cares. I also know that. And I remember what I saw...Sasuke's eyes changing to red as he had his hands around my neck, choking off my air. It was a brief moment, enough to make my body lock up.


But I also saw...fear. And intense anger. As if he had lost something important. Did I shatter his ego that badly, or was it something beyond my understanding? The Uchiha are a clan on the brink of extinction. Only two are said to remain: Sasuke, and the man who betrayed him and the rest of his clan. Itachi Uchiha.

Sasuke's older brother in blood.

I don't know if I want to go back. I'm not sure I'm ready to face those people, or see the place where I was nearly brought to ruin. It's difficult.

"I'll go to class," I say quietly.

"Miss Lilith...you don't have to..."

"I...want to. Please. Even if it's just to find my way again," I say. "I...can't do much else."

"Consider staying another day, at least," Luna pleads gently.

I shake my head. "I'll only sink further. It's for the best."

"I understand. I'll...prepare your clothing, then." She reluctantly takes away my plate of half-eaten food, and I excuse myself from the table to take a shower. After getting dressed, I gather my things and pull on my sandals slowly.

"Shall I come with you?" Luna asks. I shake my head again, and she nods. "Please take care, then...I am at your service forever, Miss Lilith. Please don't hesitate...even if it means..."

"I know, Luna." I hug her with the strength I have left. "Thank you..."

I depart.


As soon as I reach the front of the Academy, Iruka is there. He gently takes me through the halls and to a quiet classroom, away from the other students. There are already books and scrolls on top of the teacher's desk.

"Go ahead and sit. Anything you want to eat?" he asks.


"Alright. Did you want some milk as usual?"

"If it's...not a hassle."

"Far from it. The lesson plan today starts from the ninjutsu books. You remember the pages?"

"Yes, sir."

He smiles kindly "Good. I'll be back in a bit."

I open the book and start reading.

The silence is soothing and peaceful.


I return home after a short day, and Luna is out running errands. It's still hard to eat, so I shovel down a sleeve of crackers and plain tea before taking a shower. I drop onto my bed and stare at the ceiling for a long while.

The match keeps running through my head. I don't know what I did wrong. I don't understand much of anything right now, and this slow haze that hangs over me is becoming...irritating. I can feel something starting to solidify, but I don't know if it's good or bad at this point. I just know that I don't want to wallow in self-pity for the rest of my life.

"Miss Lilith?"

"Luna...please, come in."

She opens the door and bows. "I'm sorry that I wasn't home when you arrived, I was attending to an urgent matter."

"Of course...it's not a problem, Luna."

"It...was regarding you. I finished speaking with Master Iruka, and he said that before he would let you back into the regular flow of classes, he wanted to speak to us both about what happened with Sasuke. It's in part because I'm your official guardian on all the documents, but he also has a strong desire to keep me in the loop with all of these things."

"I see..."

"The meeting will be scheduled at your pleasure, Miss Lilith."

"..." I might need more time. But I want to get this done and over with. I want to move on. "Tomorrow. What do we need to do in terms of arrangements?" I ask.

"We will simply show up in the morning. He has a room ready for us, as he told me."

I nod. "Then...that is what we will do. We will see him tomorrow, and talk about exactly what happened..."

"Understood. I will prepare myself accordingly. Would you like me to mix another drink for your supper, Miss Lilith?"

"Yes. I don't...feel up to eating a proper meal yet. And I don't want to waste more of your cooking."

"You shouldn't worry about things like that."

"Hm." I allow myself the first smile in what feels like a long while. "Perhaps. But I'm within my rights to worry about my Luna."

"...you are, yes." She smiles back at me. "Then I will carry out your instructions, Miss Lilith. Please excuse me while I prepare."


Luna bows and closes the door to my room. After a long while, I get up from my bed and go towards my bookshelf. Along with the light novels and manga, there are academic books that I saw and took an interest in. Some history on the Leaf...


Something I can make use of, perhaps.


Another morning. I still am excused from classes, but from what I have been told, I have not been missing very much in terms of content. Sparring sessions still go on, and people are talking about Kiba on the boys' side and Ino on the girls' side. I'm not terribly shocked by Ino's mention - she has great perception and physical flexibility, much like I do. Our differences come from overall athleticism and talent, which I have over her. That's a bit more justification for her snobbish attitude, I suppose.

Luna has gone with a more formal look for our meeting, wearing a neat jacket over a long, dark dress as she escorts me to the Academy. Iruka is out front waiting for us, and waves as we approach.

"I have a room set up, like I said. It's good to see you again, Miss Daidouji."

She smiles and curtsies for him. "Thank you, Master Iruka."

"Lilith, I'm glad to see you most of all. How are you feeling?" he asks.

"Better than before," I tell him honestly.

"I see. I really want you to take it easy, but it looks like you've insisted on doing this...so I won't stop you. Please, this way."

Iruka takes us down the halls and towards one of the fancier offices, which I can tell isn't his. We sit in the luxurious leather chairs, and he leans back against the polished wood desk. It has several drinks on it already and some snacks, in case we get parched or hungry in the time we're here. He's far too much sometimes.

"The reason I wanted you both here is because of the sensitive nature of the information that I'm going to provide. There's a lot that I probably shouldn't be talking about, especially to people still considered outsiders to the village. But...I'm not going to let something like that stop me. Even if it means my career, I'm going to do the right thing."

"You really shouldn't speak like that, Master Iruka. If I might speak out of turn, you do have a sort of boyish recklessness about you," Luna says.

Iruka laughs heartily. "You're right about that. I was a troublemaker in my youth, a big one, too. Just like someone else we know, right Lilith?"

So that's what it is. He sees himself in Naruto, and so...well, it explains a lot. "You really think he can change, then."

"I know he can. That's why I put up with him all day...he's really a good kid, just a little lost sometimes. A person to help him on the right path, even if it is a little bit...well, I know that can make all the difference in the world. For me, it was the Third Hokage. He cheered me up a lot, and I thought that I wanted to be like him one day. That's how I got into teaching, you know?"

"That's a remarkable thing," I say. "You're right, simply showing someone that they're cared about and valued...it can change their lives. I know the feeling very well." I would be in a completely different place if not for Midori loving and recognizing me. That was what set off everything else. The discovery of these talents, my stepmother's acceptance, and making my first friend in this world. Everything started from that moment, that pure expression of love in a garden of flowers.

"I can tell," Iruka says with a smile. He coughs into his hand and I can see his expression change a bit. "Well...to business, as they say. The results of your examinations show that there was an aberration in your chakra consistent with the effects of being hit with a genjutsu. Physically, you've recovered fine from the attempt at strangulation. All of that combined with the other things I saw told me that it was a Sharingan genjutsu, and that Sasuke took advantage of that to hurt you."

"Sasuke is the last of his clan, if I've been hearing correctly," Luna says.

"That's right. And based on that...there's a hypothesis that I've constructed. Sasuke hasn't been talking much about what happened on his end, and as much as I would like to give him a proper punishment, there are a lot of outside forces that make it difficult to apply more than a slap on the wrist. Even then, there's a lot to consider with the Sharingan."

"Sensei...what is the hypothesis you've constructed?" I ask.

"This is where the sensitive information comes in," Iruka says. "Sasuke was purposely left alive by his older brother Itachi after the massacre of the entire Uchiha Clan. Even the children were killed. Part of Sasuke's motivation to continue being a shinobi, ever since that day seven years ago, was to track down and kill Itachi in order to avenge his fallen clan. While we can make as many suggestions as we like and bring down our authority, in truth we can't actually stop Sasuke from choosing to pursue his brother at any time if he makes the declaration. We would be bound to provide him as many resources as he needed, and then he could be on his way. That's clearly counterproductive, and Sasuke has made no such demands since he knows where he stands. This...creates the issue that boiled over with Lilith."


"Sasuke was the class number one, by leaps and bounds. He was respected and admired by everyone, he was held up as a shining example of an academy student. But then you arrived, Lilith. You weren't much of a threat before. You were very much a 'nobody'. But you worked hard, leveraged your talents, and started to climb the ranks. Instead of trying to gain favour with the other students like Naruto with pranks and antics, or bowing to pressure like Hinata used to, or simply going with the flow like Sakura perhaps, you stood up for yourself. You walked alone, confidently. Showed off impressive strength and technical ability, did great in academics and athletics. And you did all of that without associating with anyone. Yes, it doesn't make sense - they were the ones who shunned you in the first place. But to him, and to many of these children, you are the picture of arrogance. A foreign, rich girl who bought her way into the shinobi world and was looking down on everyone from her perch."

"I see..."

"But that might have been it, if not for the fight," Iruka says with a sigh. He rubs his temples with one hand, a distressed look on his face. "Sasuke wanted to challenge you and put you in your place. You were just a small girl with no actual combat experience. He thought he would crush you. He thought he would take you down as many pegs as needed, and that you would learn your lesson. That didn't happen. You outclassed him. And though you did everything you could to be a good sport, to show him respect, to follow the social contracts laid out before us...he still saw you sneering at him. Being so thoroughly outclassed, and more than that, surpassed in such a short time...it must have made him frightened beyond belief."

"Frightened?" Luna asks. "Whatever for? What has Miss Lilith done?"

"No, no...I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. The fear comes from the gap between them...between him and Itachi."

"He was frightened that all of his work was going to come to nothing. That he would never become good enough to complete his mission," I conclude.

"Yes. All of that pain and frustration and fear must have mixed together...it must have overwhelmed him even as he tried to control it. And that sort of grief..."

"...unlocks the powers of the Sharingan," I say.

"We tried to get him to do it manually, but he can't. It must have been a temporary burst, which is a thing that happened with Uchiha. Sometimes their Sharingan would activate in dire times, before shutting off until they experienced enough to have it stay on permanently. I...really don't know what his actual feelings were. I don't know what he could have been thinking, or if he was hallucinating, something like that. With all of the grief and chakra running through his system, it could have put him into some sort of psychosis and he would have been attacking a nightmarish enemy. I don't want to sound like I'm making any excuses for what he did - Sharingan or not, it was unacceptable. But it's been largely out of my hands...he's said to be fit for the rest of his classes, and I have to accept that much if it's what the higher ups will tell me after all the examinations. I can't..." Iruka rubs at his hair in frustration. "I can't promise that he'll be perfect. Or that things similar to this won't happen again. I turned my back for a moment..."

"Don't blame yourself," I say. "Please."

"I feel responsible even if you say that. I was supervising you, I was supposed to keep you safe."

"You are. Right now, you are."

He looks at me with sadness in his eyes. "Lilith. I..."

"It's not your fault. And I won't let this stop me from moving toward a better future. Sensei...you risked a lot to try and soothe my soul. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart."

"I echo Miss Lilith's sentiments. Master Iruka, you have done us a wonderful service, one that most educators would shy away from," Luna says.

"You will be paid back a thousandfold for your faith," I say. "I promise you."


"I promise you," I say firmly, staring into his eyes. "And I will not turn back on my word. That is what it means to be a Kobayashi woman."

"...understood." He relents, giving me a relaxed smile. "No sense in fighting someone so stubborn, anyways."

"She is a handful at times, yes."

"Oh?" I say with a brow raised. "Is that so, Luna?"

She has a smug look on her face. "Without a doubt. But you wouldn't be Miss Lilith otherwise. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Hmph." I close my eyes and smile. "Well said."

We work out what will happen next, and it's decided that I will take more time off until next week. Classes will be going at the same speed, and I will easily be able to catch up to anything that I missed. Iruka is forcing Sasuke to work on an apology; it's slow going but should be ready by the time I return. He will tell Hinata that I am doing well, and inform the rest of the instructors of my status.

The Third Hokage is also aware of the incident, but as usual, there is all kinds of politics that ties his hands in these matters. I see no reason either way to hold him in contempt...Sasuke is an important figure within the Hidden Leaf. My feelings don't change any of that.

Luna and I bid Iruka farewell, properly, with warm hugs for him. He still fusses over how it might look if he was seen 'inappropriately' touching a student, which is the same as ever with him. I hug him tightly anyways to show my appreciation.

We head home, and though I feel a bit better, food still doesn't taste the best. I settle for one of Luna's blended drinks and go to work on my studies a while. Luna and I watch an old movie on television together at the end of the night.

"Your eyes have changed, Miss Lilith."

"Have they..."

Luna turns off the television as the movie ends. "Yes. I saw the strength in them when you made that promise to Master Iruka."

"It took a while. Dark nights, ones filled with tears and suffering. But I have found myself." I turn myself to face her on the couch. "I have come through too much, and I have come too far to give up. I don't want to waste the faith that my stepmother has in me. I don't want to waste the love that Midori poured into me without fail. And I don't want to waste your sacrifices for me, Luna. I cannot let any of that disappear into nothingness."

I hold my hand up to the light, and slowly close it into a fist.

"I am strong. I will endure."

"Yes. I believe in you," Luna says. "I will always believe in you."

"That is all I will ever need from you, Luna. Thank you."

"Forever and always, Miss Lilith." She hugs me tightly, and I hug her back.

No matter what happens, I will not run away. I have already overcome this darkness.

Now, I will overcome the world.
Semper Anticus
Scarlet Justice - ep. 11
"Semper Anticus"

It's slow going, even after I gather my resolve. Luna's cooking still doesn't have the taste it should, so I stick to simple foods, vitamins, and drinking liquids. I do my stretches and exercises at home, staying there until the beginning of the next week.

When the time finally does come, I feel up to eating breakfast. Not where I want it to be, but...it's a start. I think the short depression did more to me physically than it did mentally, somehow.

Luna hugs me tightly before I leave. The air outside feels heavy and moist, which only makes sense...being able to afford central air helps a lot with comfort in this type of climate. I walk to school through the usual morning crowds, along the same route, towards the same entrance. Iruka is there waiting, and he looks at me carefully.

"Are you ready?" he asks.

"Yes, sensei. With your permission."

He nods and steps aside, letting me through. I go to the cafeteria first, where the cook hands me my usual order of dairy and asks how I'm doing. It seems she hasn't heard about the incident in full, so I deflect a little - there's no need to cause trouble on my return. I think the entire saga has been filed away under 'need to know'.

I drink down my milk while doing a bit of extra studying, then head for the big study hall when I'm ready. There are more people than I remember, and it must be because of the proximity to the final exams. I walk in quietly and take a seat in one of the distant corners, electing not to interact with anyone for now. Heads turn to look at me, and...it's strange in a lot of ways. How their eyes look.

They're pitying me again.

Even though I won, and I was the victim in the end...but then, I realize it makes sense. They don't realize a thing. They don't understand. Perhaps my eyes have changed more than I realized. They look so...trashy. So fake. So plastic and useless, these people. Who are they to me? What are they to me? These fools who wrapped my name in dirt and curses, over and over and over again.

This is what Emi sees. Why she chose to protect herself above all else. Now it makes perfect sense...she must have been attacked like this in the past herself. Experiencing this kind of ridicule would make anyone curl up into themselves. But I have already decided that I am above all of that.

Today's lesson is a review of tool application. I barely give the lesson any thought and daydream a while about the future. What sorts of missions would I be sent on? Hm. Probably small tasks to start. Deliveries and odd jobs. Handling responsibility, I suppose.

Class ends and I watch everyone file out before starting to do the same.


I reach the door and turn. There is a welcome, familiar face.

"Hinata. It's good to see you again," I say with a smile.

"Y-you too...I'm so glad...so glad you're okay." She clasps her hands together as she smiles at me. I open my arms to her, and she comes running, squeezing me tightly. I hug her back.

"I know that you sent prayers my way. Thank you for worrying so much, even if I don't deserve it..."

"That's...not true." I feel her squeeze me tighter. "Lili...thank goodness."

"..." There are still people in this world that I feel an attachment to, after all. I can't turn my heart to ice completely. Not yet, anyways. And certainly not towards Hinata. "Shall we head to class? We shouldn't be late."

"Yes." We let go of each other, and I can see her happy smile again. She really is too cute to handle at times.

The next class is for the tea ceremony. An easy enough thing, but the proximity to people irritates me today for some reason. I don't know why exactly it is...perhaps my body is reacting again before my mind can process it. It's easily overcome, though. I work with Hinata and start to brew our tea as part of today's lesson.

Footsteps come towards my table. I pay them no mind.


I lift my head and give my visitor a side-eye look. I am already wearied at this point.

"Ino. How may I help you?" I ask. She flinches, feeling the bite in my voice.

"I...about the other day...I'm so sorry about what happened. It wasn't right. I just...wanted...wanted to..."


"I just wanted to say that I'm not okay with it, at all. Even if...it was Sasuke. It was bad, it wasn't...um..." She nervously brushes back a strand of hair. "I know that I've been...I haven't been..."

I wish she would hurry up. But...she's trying, at least. Which is more than could be said for any of the other trash she hangs out with.

"I know that I've been indifferent to you, and just...not nice. I'm sorry. I was wrong."

"Are you pitying me?" I press. She stiffens and rubs one of her arms. The poor thing might burst into tears any moment now.

"N-no! No...I didn't mean to...imply..."

I look back into my tea, watching the ripples that move across the surface.

It's enough.

"Lili is fine," I say without looking at her.

"O-okay. I-I'm sorry again...Lili. Thank you."

"Understood. Be well, Ino."


She bows quickly before walking back to her table. I watch her leave, thinking about her approach, and her apology to me. Is it really enough?


It is. That much is good enough, for now.

"Lili? Is it...really okay?" Hinata asks me.

"It's perfectly fine. Ino is simply a girl...but she has her heart in the right place."

"I see...um...it's hard to connect with that type of person...for me."

"It will come in time," I assure her.



I feel my loathing of humanity build, despite earlier performances.

I really am selfish. Oh well.

Hinata presents me a bottle of milk at lunch. I gently take it from her, and note her expression. It's heavy, as if she's in pain.

Still thinking of me, to that extent. She really is silly sometimes.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

She sits and looks at me, confused. "Y-you're worried about me?"

"Yes. There are very few people in the world that I care for...and you are one of them."

"Lili..." She rubs at her eyes. "I'm fine...I was..."

"Frightened for me."

She nods slowly. I let out a breath as I flick open the bottle lid with one finger.

"I might be damaged. Deeply, at that...staring at death as I did is more than a small blow to the psyche. But I have overcome the first hurdle, and I will be fine. I promise you, Hinata."

I sip from my bottle and lick my lips.


How curious. Milk tastes as delicious as ever.


The day is nearly over, and I welcome it. We have free study today for the last block of class. I make use of the time to practice my balance on a suspended rope in the yard. It's quite easy...I did have a knack for it while training at Midori's place.

I think of her as I walk back and forth across the rope in silence.


It's suddenly noisy. Surely it will pass.

"Oi! Down here!"


I turn my head to see a certain blonde idiot on the ground below. The same dumb orange clothing, the same silly goggles perched on his head. The same stupid voice. I had gone all day without experiencing his antics.

His look is determined this time around. As if he might have business with me.

How absurd. This nonsense is the very last thing I need. I am almost done with the day. I can go home, I can hug Luna and take a warm bath. I can lie in my bed and read manga before I go to sleep. So close. It's so irritating...

"Listen! I'm challenging you to a fight! You got that?"

I drop down from the rope and glare at him from afar. There is no way he said that.

"I ain't Sasuke! I'll give you a proper fight this time!"

I tilt my head, incredulous. Is this child...brain dead, possibly?

His skills are rudimentary at best, and he was there to see what happened the other day. Did he think this was some sort of joke? A game? A competition, just another long line of challenges between himself and Sasuke? I can feel my chest getting hot with anger.

No. Calm down. I have to slow myself, even if he's asking for it.

"No pressure, yeah?" Naruto says while folding his arms. "You can back out any time you like, but I've already told everyone that I'm gonna beat you! I'm better than that loser Sasuke, and I don't choke people out or kick 'em when the match is over, ya know?"

"..." The more he speaks, the more genuine he seems.

"So how about it?"

I would lose nothing by declining. And it might be better for my mental health if I simply walk away right now and head home. This can be safely brushed off as a bad joke, and the only one laughed at would be Naruto.

But then...I think of all the ways I can use this to my advantage. This irritation needs to go away somehow, and working out my stress...


I'll make use of this child. I walk up to him and stare him down.

"Make sure you don't regret your decision," I say firmly. Naruto grins and pumps his fists in response.

"Yosh, got it! I'm gonna tell Iruka-sensei the good news! Be back soon!"

I watch him run off towards the main building. In the meantime, I gather my things from my bag, and make sure they're secure on my body. It seems I'm ready.


That boy is going to be my punching bag today. I feel sorry for him.

Scarlet Justice - ep. 12

We return to the same field as before. I walk casually towards my position, putting on the icy mask expected of me for my spectators. For Iruka, a brief melting as he looks towards me, trying to gauge my readiness.

"Just say the word," he reminds me. I nod and give him a reassuring smile.

The same rules as before apply for this, my second spar at the Academy. Taijutsu, basic Academy ninjutsu, and modified shinobi tools. Surrender, knockout, and referee discretion will end the fight. The crowd seems slightly bigger today, possibly because this is taking place near the end of the school day.

From what I can hear, their loathing of me is still strong. They back Naruto. Some even whisper that I provoked Sasuke into attacking so that I could make myself look better. Children really can be cruel.

Iruka firmly explains the rules and is ready to step in at the slightest notion of foul play. I see Hinata, who had decided to come after all. Seeing her best friend and her obvious crush fighting might have been too much for her, I assumed. But she's here, nervously watching us both from the front.

"Before you both start...we have some business to take care of, since everyone involved is here. Lilith, a moment," Iruka says to me.

"Yes, of course."

He nods and beckons someone closer. It's Sasuke, who looks none the worse for wear after our skirmish the other day. But given all of the examining done, it would be a crime if he didn't look perfectly fine. The Hidden Leaf's golden child, indeed.

"Sasuke has something he's been working on. Go on," Iruka says, backing away a few steps and taking a fidgeting Naruto with him. Sasuke stops in front of me and lets out a breath.

I'm waiting with the understanding of what is about to happen. Once this is done with, I should be...better. Not yet well, but better. I will settle for that.

"Lilith...I'm sorry for what happened to you during our spar. I may have gone too far, and I apologize for that." He extends his hand with the Seal of Reconciliation towards me.

My head is filled with noise.

"What was...it? You're sorry for...?" I ask slowly.

"I'm sorry for what happened. It was an accident, and it won't happen again."


Iruka is too late.

I extend my hand towards his, and all is quiet.

"Do you remember what you said? About...me looking down on you, Sasuke?"

"..." He stares at me, confused.

And I slap his hand away with my own.

"Here's me looking down on you right now. Just as you wished for. Get out of my face, I have a fight to take care of."


"Iruka-sensei." My blood is like ice. I speak with the same authority that I delivered at our meeting. This absolute conviction that if cultivated, will move mountains with but a single command. "You have every right to demand that Sasuke give me an apology. And he has the right to present it in any way that he sees fit. But I am by no means obligated to accept that fake, flimsy, useless apology. Something that would lower the value of any paper it was printed on to less than that of dirt. There is an anger, a loathing in my chest for humanity that cannot be erased. A fury that could have been quenched, if only a little, by a decent apology, by something with some sort of meaning. Sasuke Uchiha, you have apologized for nothing. Leave. Me. Be."

"You...!" Sasuke tries to control himself. "I'm trying to apologize, and you-"

"What's this? Are you feeling humiliated? Breathless? Let me tell you something." I step closer and speak into his ear. "The only way that you will ever pay penance to me now...is by spilling your own blood at my feet."

I withdraw and see his face pale. Iruka doesn't know what to make of my words, and at this point, I don't care if he ever does.

"My name is not bitch, or ice queen, or runt, or girl. My name is Lilith Kobayashi. And you will not forget it. Sensei, get him out of here and start the match."

"R-right. Sasuke, make your way back."


"Sasuke, go," Iruka orders. "We'll talk about it later."

Sasuke's face twists up in frustration. He eventually does turn away from me, complying with orders and heading back into the crowd. Conversation ripples through the air...this is the second time I've humiliated him publicly in as many days.

But he asked for it. It didn't have to be this way. He chose this.

I wanted nothing but to be comrades. To work harmoniously, even if we were sometimes at odds. But he never gave me the chance. None of these pitiful humans did. I am doing the only thing that makes sense. I am protecting myself.

And I will never, ever apologize for that.

"Fighters ready," Iruka says as he returns. Naruto steps in front of me and makes the Seal of Confrontation, which I mirror.


Something like that...I see a reflection. Iruka's words come back to the front of my mind.

A good child, looking for attention. That was this fight, yes. Another chance to be seen. But why? The pranks, the foolish outbursts...

The...other side of the mirror. I dove inward, and he...dove out.

"You're alone, too...aren't you?" I hear him ask me.

And suddenly, I understand. Something to prove. Something to strive for. But on his own terms, for his own reasons. More than chasing Sasuke, he wants to see if he can reach me.


It seems I didn't judge this boy correctly. Still...I will have to crush that ambition of his. We're still worlds apart. He will have to learn his place today. Painfully.

"You're not like Sasuke," I say, to his surprise. "You understand. But...the result will be the same."

He blinks before responding with a stupid, cocky smirk. "Yeah? We'll see about that."

Iruka makes sure we're both ready.


Naruto immediately jumps into the air and comes down with a punch as I retreat.

"Come ooooooon!"

More than what's on the surface, then. Fine.

Time to move. First, a sidestep to make him miss. He predictably drops from the air and whiffs, stumbling before whirling around with an awkward looking kick. Naruto quickly recovers and starts throwing punch after punch at me, but...they're all woefully slow and easily dodged.

I...am not sure what to make of any of this. At all. His taijutsu is bad. Disturbingly bad. How is it that he has no form whatsoever?

It goes on like this. He mixes in kicks, presumably trying to catch me off guard, but none of those land either. He only succeeds in throwing himself off balance every few moves, missing as I sway from side to side easily. It's very much light exercise at this point. The others are cheering him on, quite reluctantly.

"Dammit! So...fast!"


I use a quick body flicker and move to his back, tossing a wave of shuriken at him before he can react. All of them hit him in the back, and as he falls over, I tense for a substitution.


One that never comes.

"Gaaaaaaah! That hurts! I forgot you could use shuriken!"


I am currently perplexed.

He gets up and dusts himself off as I look on. "At this rate, I'm not gonna do much better than Sasuke. Alright...it's time to get serious!"

Naruto roots around his tool pouch and pulls out a rather large amount of shinobi tools at once. No. He wouldn't.

"Here it comes!" he yells. "The Uzumaki Ninja Tool Barrage!"

He's really doing it. God, what is wrong with him?

Running towards me, he throws all of the weapons in his hands at me at once. He then comes to a sudden stop, making a seal and focusing. Definitely up to something, but...with his limited repertoire, what could it possibly be?

No sense in waiting for an answer. I'll take him seriously, just like he wanted.

I tense my legs and accelerate, weaving through the wide spaces left by his spread of shinobi tools. He's depressingly inaccurate, as he always is, and so it's easy to go past his so called barrage and race towards him.

Now or never.

"Here it is!"

I take one more bounding step and reach him. My options...I don't know what to expect, so I'll reach out and try to disrupt whatever he might be doing, breaking his concentration, and maybe I can pin or throw him with my momentum.

A cloud of smoke bursts forth as I put my hands on him and-



...what. What is this.


My hand is...gripping something that I know is supposed to be soft. But it feels like a water balloon, filled to the point where it might burst. The smoke starts to clear and I...can't believe what my eyes are registering. One of them I can feel twitching as I come to an understanding of my situation.

This is the 'secret' jutsu.

A blonde woman in twintails, completely naked, with smoke still lingering over her most sensitive areas. My hand is gripping one of her breasts, caught in my intended grab from earlier. She looks at me with a nervous smile.


I feel like I should be impressed. Even the voice matches a woman's perfectly.

There are far too many questions. Iruka looks like he's about to lose his mind.


Seems we've definitely crossed some sort of threshold for nonsense.

"You," I say calmly.


I squeeze. Hard. The woman in front of me lets out a yelp, and in the meantime I spin and drive a kick into the side of her head. She flies backwards and slides along the ground before reverting back into Naruto.

I face him and sneer, looking down on him. "Absolutely disgusting," I growl.

"G-geez..." Naruto is slow to get up, wobbling on his feet.

"You're a damned pervert. But more than that...I don't know what the hell you could have been thinking with that pathetic display."

"S-shut up! You don't have to go that far!" he shouts back at me, embarrassed.

"Foolish. Anyone who misses the mark by that much should be shamed."

"You...eh?" He stops.

"It seems you don't understand," I say with a flip of my hair. "A woman's body has nuance to it. The feeling of her soft flesh. The curvature of her healthy frame. And the lovely comfort and bounce of her chest. All of these things and more need to be considered if you're going to imitate it. Otherwise, it's just cheap trash. I suppose you've never even touched a pair of breasts, so I wouldn't expect you to understand."

"But...but-but-but...doesn't that make you a pervert, too?" he whines.

"A pervert? Don't be even more of an idiot. I simply know what I'm talking about as a woman. Your useless imitation is only good for luring in the most egregious perverts from a distance. And leaving all of that aside, doing things of this nature shouldn't be the only thing you know how to do with the transformation technique. If you're that limited, you might as well drop out of school now," I say with a hand on my hip.

"Hm..." Naruto rubs his head before taking a stance. "Alright! Then all I have to do is beat the secrets for the perfect Sexy Jutsu out of you!"

I blink at him. There's a realization, somewhere. Clearly he's a single-minded idiot. A massive pervert. A buffoon. Lazy. Loud. Supremely annoying.


He is...a lot of things.

And today, he helped me forget about a lot of things. It's depressing that we have an interest in common, but...well, is that so bad? Is that so terrible? Perhaps not. Within this fight, I've forgotten the anger that stung me. I've forgotten how alone I was in the world.

I can see him waiting for me.

"Beat me..."

I give him a smile.

"I suppose you can come and try, Naruto."

"Lili! Make sure you beat up that stupid pervert for women everywhere!" Ino's gotten into it, it seems. One more for my side, then?

"Oi! Shut up!" Naruto yells back.

I glance over at Hinata...who predictably has her blushing face in her hands. It figures.

"Alright, Miss Genius! Let's do this!" Naruto draws a kunai and charges me head on. Another idiotic move, but I expect nothing less at this point. I charge back, abandoning strategy to give him what he craves as I draw my kunai in turn. Our weapons clash and bounce away from each other before we bring them back.

This is a pure, welcome feeling. We're not at the pinnacle of combat, but we're fighting. I think this is what I wanted all along.

Naruto puts effort into his swings, striking out with that boundless energy I would always see. I block his every movement, manually tracking him and reacting at the last moment to test myself. From this point on, it won't be easy. I will have greater tests, greater missions to take on. But these victories have given me some confidence. I've taken on the top of the class, and the very bottom. I've handled myself well with both ends of the spectrum, showing my skill in every situation. I think that will do.


The boy in front of me is fighting valiantly. His resilience and his courage...both impressive things. He refuses to give up. He is slow...perverted...and supremely stubborn. And he has come up like this alone and isolated. He pulled pranks to gain attention, even for a moment.

Such an energetic child...so why was he so ostracized? What could it be?

Questions for another time and place...hopefully soon.

"Sorry. We'll bring this to an end," I say gently.


I jab my kunai into the back of his hand, making him drop his own. He responds quickly and throws a punch with his free hand that hits me...right as I transform into a log. From behind him, I step into an elbow at full speed and hit him in the back, then speed up as he's reeling and kick him in the head from in front. He's stunned for a moment - he has incredible endurance, this boy - and I take the opportunity to make a clone.

As he gains his bearings, he throws a shuriken through my clone and into the air. I quietly sneak up from behind him and take him to the ground, straddling his chest, pinning his hands above his head, and pointing my kunai at his throat.

"That should be enough. It's my win...pervert."


Iruka approaches and gives me a nod. I nod back and rise to my feet. Naruto follows a moment later, having regained his senses completely. He pouts and rubs the back of his head.

"Sheesh. Thought I had a good shot..."

Iruka grumbles and hits him in the back of the head lightly. "You didn't. At all. Lilith is at the top of the class. You can't even make clones properly."

"He was admirable today," I say sincerely. "Perhaps...if he were to focus on his studies, he would eventually make a fine shinobi one day, sensei." Echoing the same sentiments as Iruka wouldn't hurt, I think.

"Saying that much...well, that's a really nice compliment. Isn't it, Naruto? Naruto?"

"E-even if you say that..."

I blink. Is...is he blushing?

"Don't get the wrong idea!" Naruto yells, pointing at me. "I'm gonna beat you one day, Kobayashi, believe that!"

"Hm." I close my eyes. "Lili is fine."

He's quiet as I open my eyes again. I make the Seal of Reconciliation and extend my hand towards him. "I appreciate your effort, Naruto Uzumaki."

A small bit of kindness...

I watch as he grins at me, and wraps his fingers around my own. The seal complete.

And a moment of peace.

"Yours too, Kobacchi!"

I sigh. "Don't give me weird names. I said that Lili is fine."

"Ehh~!" He puts his hands behind his head. "Hey, make sure you show me how a girl is really supposed to be. One day soon, okay?"

Iruka hits him in the head again and he complains loudly.

I do notice something. There were some scrapes and bruises on Naruto that I know were present during the fight...they're all gone now. Aside from the dirty clothing, it doesn't look like he was in a fight just now. And he's bouncing around like usual, like he hasn't used a drop of energy.

I decide to keep this to myself for now. But yet another curious thing...hm.

Another strange comrade, then. Well. For once, I don't mind it at all.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 13

I head home in much higher spirits than before. Seems that fight and all of the interactions it provided really did me well.

I hop up the stairs to the apartment, opening the door to the feeling of cool, fresh air. Wonderful. As I close the door behind me, I can already smell my favourite. Warm, crispy curly fries with a hint of spice.


That voice...

I drop my bag and jump into my sister's arms, snuggling into her as she spins around and embraces me. I've missed her terribly. My mind flickers back to that moment in time where I thought I would never see her again, and it makes me want to never let go. I can feel her gently stroking my head.

"I've missed you, too. Luna told me about what happened..."

"It's fine now," I say. "I've overcome it, surely."

"That's so wonderful to hear." I feel her squeeze me a bit tighter. She really is warm, especially today...and I can smell another familiar scent mixed with her own. Why can I not place it...?

"Were you in the sun today?" I ask as she sets me down. Her kimono today is coloured red, with patterns of green leaves etched into the silk.

"Mm...I wasn't. But I have other means of keeping warm nowadays," she says with a sly smile.

"Ah. Is Luna out?"

"I am right here, Miss Lilith. Forgive my absence, I meant to meet you when you came in." Luna emerges from her room and shakes out her hair. I hug her and realize the source of the familiar, yet unfamiliar scent on Midori.

"Oh, I see. You two were doing something lewd earlier," I say with realization. Luna blushes.

"Just a bit, yes. You don't mind, do you?" Midori asks.

"Not at all. As long as I can sleep at nights, it's fine."

Luna sighs. "Miss Lilith...you really are..."

"What a cheeky child we have, hm?" Midori smiles and giggles behind her hand. "Well, it's been far too long and I've been far too busy lately. Come, my love. Tell me about your days at school while we eat."

We share a large plate of curly fries, and I talk about what has been happening so far.

"Uchiha...yes, the last survivor. His brother has a contract with one of the kingdoms that we keep in contact with. From what I know...well, that information is too heavy for you at the moment, my love. Uzumaki, though." Midori taps her fan on the table. "Could he be a distant descendant? I wonder. There's such a large gap between that time and Lady Mito, and I had no access to those records. I should look into that properly." She sighs and looks at me. "I wish I could have been by your side after that horrible experience, Lili. But to face death like that, and to overcome it...you truly are strong. You are much stronger than you might realize right now. We will have to talk more after you graduate and are assigned a team. And of course, I'll be here for your graduation."

I nod. "Good."

"I've actually been having tea with Emi in some of my fleeting spare time, just to keep an eye on regional movement. She isn't as boring as I first thought, far from it. I like her."

"The things she's said have become very relevant."

"Oh, I have no doubts about that. Emi is a guarded woman, but she has much experience in the ways of the world. Or rather, she is guarded because of that experience. Sometimes we tend to make judgements based on what we know of people. Those can and should be subject to change, Lili."

"Yes. I experienced that when I fought with Naruto."

"Exactly. We can't be perfect all of the time, but we can learn from our mistakes and do better for the next time. That is how we elevate ourselves, and how we grab hold of our destinies. There is no shame in being wrong, there is shame in remaining ignorant."

"I see. I will remember that, Midori-nee."

"Very good." Luna takes away the empty plate and replaces it with a glass of fortified milk. I drink it down as Midori muses over something else.

"I wonder...that woman is still around, after he abandoned her. I should be able to ask a favour of her..."

"..." I wonder what she means by that, but I also don't bother to question it. I file it away like the other secrets, knowing that when I am truly ready, everything will be explained. It only makes sense to wait.


The end of the semester approaches. Today's lesson is again related to shurikenjutsu, or the use of all kinds of shinobi tools in combat. I tinker a bit while the lessons are going on and think of non-combat applications. These might be useful on smaller missions.

Iruka tells me that I've been forging ahead at a nearly unprecedented pace. I am in reach of third place for the Academy's records. The person who was in second place is that man, Itachi Uchiha. I would have assumed that his name would be redacted from all records, but that's not the case. It's interesting to see. The person in first place is none other than the man who became the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. He does remind me of Naruto a bit when I look at the photos they have of him. It must be the hair...a coincidence, to be sure.

I would hope so, anyways. It's a bit silly to entertain other thoughts.

Landing in that kind of company would mean a lot to me. All I would have to do is get a perfect score on the final exam at this point...it's mathematically impossible for me to fail no matter what I do the rest of the term. My score might affect what team I end up on later, and of course the distance to my next promotion.

I really am getting into this shinobi thing, aren't I? Maybe I should keep going once this is over.

Iruka meets with me after the last class of the day. He sits on the big table at the front and I sit across from him on one of the desks.

"You know, I really am grateful for you."

"Me? You shouldn't say things like that all of a sudden, sensei," I say with a smile. "Someone might get the wrong idea. And playing with a young girl's heart like that..."

He laughs. "You really are a handful. But, seriously...Hinata has really grown because of the attention you gave her. And recently, Ino has become more focused. Still herself for the most part, but she's become more of a leader overall. Naruto...Naruto is..." He rubs the back of his neck, looking for the words. "He's alive, I guess. Which is good. And his grades have slowed their freefall..."

"That much seems to be an accomplishment."

"Yeah. Is everything okay with you?"

"It's fine. I saw my big sister the other day, which helped me immensely."

"Oh, that's good. It's...Midoriko, right? She has an important position as a noble, you said."


"Heh. It's good to have people in high places. You're thinking of working for her once you're done with school?"

"I'm not. I want to become a shinobi full time, sensei."

"Really? Hm. I'm not upset or anything. I just thought that this might have been a short thing for you, you know?"

"It was the intent at first. But once my mother sees my growth and accomplishments, I suspect she'll support me taking on this sort of thing full time."

Iruka nods. "Well, I sort of hope she does. There's a lot that goes on in the shinobi world, some tough things that you have to deal with over and over again. It's not exactly easy. But if you do want to continue...I would feel a lot safer knowing that you're around, Lilith."

"There you go again, sensei. Talking too much for your own good."

Iruka folds his arms. "Come on. I'll be an old man soon, I can hope for that much, can't I?"

"I suppose so. Be at peace, then. I'll protect you and your dreams, sensei."

"Now who's talking too much?"

I stick my tongue out at him before laughing.


I think about how I want to spend the remaining days of school, and decide that I will work hard for the time being. It will mean a little less time to rest, but seeing the proud faces of all those who have been supporting me...yes, it will be more than worth the effort.

Iruka responds to my need swiftly and provides the appropriate supplemental material. I stay after school more often and practice using my weapons. Throwing, wielding, retrieving, defending. I work on flower arranging and find myself near the top of the class on that end. And of course, I hone my skills in the sorts of arts important to kunoichi everywhere: social persuasion and charm offensives. Naturally, I like to use girls for practice. Much more fun, especially when they start losing their composure. We do talk about and look over seduction campaigns. From the outside, they seem like too much for young girls. In reality, there are...quite a few immediately useful elements, even at this age. Sometimes because of our age.

It felt gross to think about at first, but I adjusted more as I understood. This is one of the things that never gets discussed with boys, and while Iruka most definitely knows the contents, he doesn't breach them with me. Thankfully in the modern era these practices are restricted to women of age on official missions. But knowing how to navigate situations where we might be targeted sexually by clients, enemies, or most distressingly people we know is supremely important. One of the things we drill over and over is the synthesis of quick antidotes, and we are able to carry the components on us at all times.

Matters of life and death. Not just on the battlefield.

Written tests are easy enough. I dabble in some of the advanced work and don't find it terribly hard to navigate. Higher education will be nice to have in my pocket later. I can identify genjutsu faster and break out of them with greater ease. Something that naturally came to mind as a focus because of what Sasuke did. Perhaps there are only the three known Sharingan users in the world, but what can stifle them will work wonders against every other kind of illusion user. So there's no reason to neglect this part of my repertoire.

I'm slowly getting better. And I know that after my graduation, I will improve even more. I look forward to all of it.


"Hi, Lili."

I look over the top of my book to see Ino standing near my desk. It's free study in the big hall today.

"Hello, Ino. What can I do for you today?"

"Well..." She rocks back and forth on her feet. "I wanted to ask something of you. If that's okay."

I set my book in my lap and give her my attention. "Ask away."

"Thanks. I'm having trouble with some of the problems involving kunai trajectory. Or, weapon trajectory in general. I'm way better at throwing them then calculating."

"Not uncommon for clan children."

"See, you get it!" she says with a smile. "So, um. I was wondering if we could study together? If you have time, I mean. I don't want to impose."

I nod. "Of course. We can start after school, for as long as you need. However, I would like an offering from you in return."

"An offering...?" She tilts her head and thinks for a moment before it comes to her. "Ah, okay! Is strawberry alright?"


"Hehe. Perfect, I'll be sure to have it with me later. The library after school, then. See you, Lili."

She leaves, and I quietly go back to my reading.

The promised time arrives, and I walk down the hall with Hinata towards the library. Ino meets us halfway and presents me with a bottle of strawberry milk. I open it and have a sip.

"Acceptable," I say with a nod.

"Great. Alright, we...oh. Right, I should say something."


"Hinata, hello first of all. It's good to see you."

Hinata nods. "Y-you as well, Ino."

"Thanks. Listen...I know that I haven't said anything to your face, but I know that people have been bullying you for a while, and they've said some terrible things. Even if it wasn't directly my fault, I've looked down on you, too."


"Hinata, I'm sorry. I need to finish this. Would you let me?"

"Yes...of course, Ino. P-please continue."

"Thank you." She puts a hand over her heart. "I know what it means to see someone hurt, and to lift another person up. I also know what it means to be selfish, and guarded in my actions. I don't claim to be a good person, but I know that I've done my best at times for others."

"..." So that explains it. I was wondering where Sakura's sort of attitude came from, and why it was a bit shaky. Ino was encouraging her for some time, at least before they started bickering over Sasuke.

"Even so, that doesn't excuse what the other kids have done to you. I'm sorry, Hinata. I know that I need to do better, but...can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

"..." Hinata looks to me, and I shake my head. It has to be her decision. She seems to understand and nods. "I forgive you, Ino."

"Thank you."

"I...know that you're not a bad person. I always knew that. But I appreciate that you...did this for me. Thank you..."

"Yes. I understand, Hinata...thank you again for that."

"I...want something also. For myself," Hinata says nervously.

"Yeah, for sure. Whatever you want, Hinata. Name it," Ino replies.

"I want to learn more about flowers. About the patterns...and all that they could mean to someone."

"Only that much?"

Hinata nods.

"A-are you sure? I mean, I can do a lot more if you want. You've been hurt a lot, you know?"

"It's fine...that's all I want from you, Ino."

"I...I see. Then if that's all...I can do that for you. Easily. Say the word and I'm there, I promise."

"Thank you. Lili...I'll see you later?"

"Yes, you will. Take care, Hinata." We share a hug before she bows for Ino, then leaves.

"Shall we go, Ino?"

"Ah...oh, yeah." Ino snaps out of her daze as she watches Hinata leave. "I'm starting to understand a few things."

"Really. Like what?"

"Your real strength, for instance."

"I wouldn't know what you're talking about."

"Yeah, of course you wouldn't." She gives me a side-eye look before sighing. "Anyways, senpai. I'm in your care."

I sip at my milk. "Sucking up is always a good opening move."


The time towards our final set of classes winds on. Hinata and I end up studying with Ino in the library a few times a week. I get my offering of milk, and Hinata gets extra lessons on flowers from Ino. Sometimes I slip out while Ino is teaching, not wanting to interrupt.

Midori appears from time to time for Luna's sake. They of course make sure to satisfy each other during the day while I'm out, which is very considerate of them. Luna is still able to keep up with her work, which is also nice.

So it goes, until the time arrives. Graduation day.

I think I'm more than ready.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 14

"It's time, Miss Lilith. Are you ready?"

"Yes. I truly am, Luna." Luna takes special care of my hair this morning. She hums to herself as she works.

Today is the day. Nearly a year in the making.

Graduation day.

"Mistress Emi will be here soon. From our talks over the phone, she is eager to see your growth. Your father..."


She goes quiet, steadily working at the same speed with her hands running through my hair. I can tell that she's very annoyed at the least.

"He won't be able to make it. He has business to attend to."

"...yes. Of course." I feel slightly numb hearing that. But it's nothing unusual...he never was around when I needed him.

"Lady Midoriko will be here as promised. I think...this arrangement is much better."

A warm stream of water soaks my head, and Luna decides that she's finished. We trade places and I wash her back.

"Miss Lilith?"

"Yes, Luna."

"I love washing your hair. There are a lot of reasons, but...I think it's beautiful to look at. How it seems to brighten in the light, and even stands out when it's a bit dirty. Ever since I was assigned to you back at the mansion, I wanted to make sure your hair was cared for."

"I see."

"It's beautiful like you are, and I didn't want to see it neglected. If it were anyone else...I don't think they would have done the same. I realize the stigma behind it. I realize the pain that it has caused you. You must have wished at some point that you wanted a different colour."

"More than once," I admit as I move my hands across her back.

"And now?"

"I'm proud of it. And happy that my hair is so healthy. And I have you to thank, Luna. Thank you for loving me and my hair."

"You're welcome, Miss Lilith."

"Though...you shouldn't mention it to anyone else. It would come off a bit weird."

"Ah, yes. It might."

"Mm-hm." I gently pour water over her back. "Not many people understand fetishes like that. I'm sure Midori-nee doesn't mind, though."

I smile as she makes a distressed noise.

"So, what does her hair smell li-"

"You are the worst! Miss Lilith, please!"


To the Academy, as always. Through the front. The cafeteria to get my daily order of milk and milk products. One last review of tricky subjects while I drink, and then I get ready to leave.

Once more into this small world.

My final day of class begins.

I enter the large hall and take my seat. Iruka waves to me and I wave back. As soon as everyone has settled and the appointed time arrives, he claps his hands loudly.

"Good morning, everyone. Welcome to our last day of class, and your final exams. We'll start with the written test. You have two hours, and when your time is up, we'll call you to administer the practical examinations. Everything will be graded before you leave this room. Thank you for all of your hard work so far, and good luck to all of you."

A few minutes later, the test begins. The written examination is incredibly easy. Since I've placed at or near the top of my other courses, it all comes down to this for my final score. I have a feeling about what the instructors are going to ask of me.

Sakura finishes ahead of me and transforms into Iruka, like the suck-up she is and always will be. She gets her promised item and leaves happily.

I'm up next.

"Alright." Iruka places a hand under his chin, smiling as he thinks. "Lilith, I want you to combine the properties of the clone technique and the transformation technique. Become any three objects that you choose," he instructs.

"Hmph." I match his smile and weave handseals. A challenge, then...let's go for it.

It's easy. I make the clones and at the same time have them transformed into familiar forms.

All of the instructors are impressed, and Iruka folds his arms, looking at me with pride.

I've given them the most patriotic display: images of the First, Second, and Third Hokage.

After I dispel the technique, I approach the desk and Iruka shakes my hand. "Congratulations, Lilith. Perfect score, written test and all."

"Thank you, sensei."

"It's been a very long time since that's happened around here. And from someone who was once a foreigner to us." He reaches back and picks up something from the desk. Yes, the item that everyone was so eager to obtain.

A metal plate on a band of cloth, with a leaf etched into it. The symbol of the village. This is my forehead protector, proof of my ascension to the ranks of shinobi. As it sits in my hands, I feel accomplished. I have come so far in such a short time.

But this isn't it. I'm still not satisfied. I'm going to reach even further.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Iruka-sensei," I say with sincerity. "I'm grateful for you and your kindness." For the first time, I feel his hand come down on my head, rubbing it gently.

"The honour is all mine, Lilith. You've been a wonderful student, and a blessing to me. Good luck, though you don't need much of that, it seems. Have faith in your ability. And remember, no matter what happens...I will be right here for you."

"Iruka-sensei...thank you."

"I know your family's waiting, and unfortunately I have some more tests to do. Take care."

"Take care, sensei." I give him a salute before leaving the room, and then the academy altogether. The other children who passed are meeting with their parents, proudly showing off their headbands and celebrating.

I think about how I want to wear mine. The intended use is on my head, but...I think I could try something else. But I see someone familiar nearby, and go to meet them.

My stepmother, Emi. She stands out as usual in one of her thin silk dresses, drawing attention and thirsty looks. Some of the wives are clearly annoyed. She carries a parasol to keep the sun away, and to protect her silky black hair. I walk up to her and present my headband as proof of my accomplishments.

"Oh, so you've done it. Good work," she says. Her words seem to lack enthusiasm, but they're sincere. I can rest soundly with that much. Oh, but...maybe.

"I've graduated, and beyond that...I have placed within the top three students of all time," I tell her.

"Oho..." Yes, there it is. The haughty smile that I longed to see. "So my daughter is a genius as well. Even better. We can add this prestige to the Kobayashi name. And it will provide a good foundation for your sibling, if they should come here as well."

I blink. "Sibling. You're pregnant."

"Yes, yes...shocking, I know. Especially after those half-hearted displays of his." She sighs and rolls her eyes. "At this point, I really will have to cheat with someone outside. Or satisfy myself with the help, whichever ends up being more convenient. After I have my child, of course."

"Would you really?" I ask.

"When it comes to carnal desires, I'm not terribly picky," she says casually.

"..." I really am surrounded by perverts. At this rate, it's only a matter of time before I transform into one myself.

"Hey, Lili~!"

Midori and Luna arrive a moment later. I show them my headband proudly, and they're visibly excited.

"Congratulations! You've done well, just as I thought you would!" Midori says as she gives me a hug. "She certainly is your daughter, Emi."

She preens at that. "Of course. She's a genius through and through."

"Congratulations, Miss Lilith. I'm honoured that I could be by your side this entire time. You are going to be a fine kunoichi, I know it," Luna says.

"Thank you for being nearby, Luna. You've done more than you know." I hug her tightly.

Midori flips open one of her fans. "I will make the extra arrangements as promised. Is that alright, Emi?"

"Perfectly fine. I can see that our Lilith wants to continue," Emi says as she looks at me. I nod and she nods back. "This has progressed beyond a mere experiment. I will inform the master of the house of our decision. Though I must admit...I didn't think a woman with so much sex appeal would be so good at fighting. But it's a very pleasant surprise. Please, continue taking care of my daughter and Luna. I would be out of my depth here."

"That is a strength too, Mistress. Knowing when and where to delegate is important," Luna points out. "And you do have a fine grasp on human character..."

"You shouldn't flatter me too much, Luna." Of course, there's a smile on her face as she says that.

I suddenly notice something out of the corner of my eye. Naruto is moving away from the building, trudging more like. He is slowly going somewhere, his head down as he walks. I wonder where his parents are.

I know that Sasuke is definitely an orphan. Hinata would have been picked up by her family's servants, which I've caught glimpses of once or twice. Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji all have fathers who are high ranking officers, and they've met up already.

But Naruto...he has some sort of mysterious ability, and is actively shunned for some reason that I haven't figured out. It's strange.

Midori picks up on my gaze and silently questions me. He is a strange child, but...I have already made my decision.

"I'll be back in a moment."

"Take your time," Midori says with a smile. I nod back before heading towards Naruto. As he notices me, he puts on what is obviously a fake smile. I think I know what happened.


"Hi," I reply. "What happened with your exam?"

"Oh, uh...I kinda flunked it." He shrugs. "No big deal, yeah? I'll just try again next time."

"Next time..." He's said it almost too casually. "How many times?"


"You heard me," I say firmly, hands on my hips. "How many times does this make?"

"Ah, geez. You're worse than Iruka-sensei, you know?" He puts his hands behind his head. "This makes...the third time."

"You idiot." I sigh. "What do your parents think?"

His expresson turns solemn. "Never met them. The old man and Iruka-sensei, they're the only ones who really look after me. And they never have enough time. I get bored, and you know...gotta occupy myself. That's where the pranks come from."

"..." I'm...starting to see.

"I really wanna be a ninja, you know?" His face brightens. "Like the Fourth! He saved the village all that time ago from the demon fox."

"Right. The Nine-Tails," I say.

"Yep! And he got the top score in Academy history. You were pretty close, I heard." He pouts. "I'm not trying to be on that level...school's not my thing. But...my dream's to become Hokage one day. I'll get there, just...slowly. And then I'll stick it to everyone in the village! They'll have to respect me then!"

"You haven't even passed your exams yet. I bet your written score was awful."

"Yep, yep. I kinda just wing it and bet the farm on the practical..."

I shake my head. This guy really is an idiot...still. His honesty is refreshing. He has a goal...of sorts. But he's capable of identifying his own flaws, given time and space. He can carry on a normal conversation like everyone else. Seeing this side of him is refreshing. It reminds me of the time I spend with Hinata, where she's more confident and can better verbalize her ideas. I really enjoy this feeling.

"I don't really like it," Naruto says as he kicks at a stone. "I mean...I feel like I'm always letting Iruka-sensei down. He cares a whole lot, and I'm not trying to take advantage of him or anything, just...I dunno."

"My father has only ever cared about work. And...my mother died a while ago."

"O-oh. I'm...really sorry to hear that, Lili."

"It's alright. I've built a new family. Naruto...you're not alone. You...have me, I suppose. And people like Hinata."

"Hinata?" He furrows his brow in thought. Right. Idiot. Didn't realize he was being crushed on.

Hinata is a remarkable girl, to be sure.

"Forget it. You'll remember what she looks like the next time you see her." An idea comes to mind, and I decide to act on it quickly. He deserves something, even if he didn't succeed today. "Here. Come with me."

"Wha? We're going to meet her?"

"No. My family is going to have dinner to celebrate my graduation. What do you like to eat?" I ask.



"Yup! I have it every day, almost!"

"Hm." A strange diet like that might explain some things. In any case, I take him by the arm and towards our little cabal. "Here."

"Ooh! Are these all your sisters?" he asks.

"Who's this? A friend of yours?" Emi asks curiously. "Have you captured a man already?"

"No. I'm not into blockheads," I say flatly.

"Too bad. Blue eyes are an attractive feature, even if he does look like a ragamuffin."

"This is Naruto Uzumaki," I explain. "He's a three-time failure with this year's pitiful performance at the exams. He's also a pervert with an interest in cross-dressing, so I thought that being in the presence of beautiful women would lift his spirits."

"Aw, come on!"

"So this is the Naruto you've been speaking of," Luna says. She looks him over curiously. "Certainly interesting. What of his parents, will they be okay with the excursion?"

"He's an orphan."

Midori looks at him for a moment before realization comes over her. It seems she's figured something out, but I will wait for her to reveal it if necessary. "I see. Naruto Uzumaki...it's certainly a pleasure meeting you."

"S-same here," he says while blushing. It's obvious where his gaze is falling, but Midori doesn't mind.

"He really likes ramen," I say. "Stepmother, may we make a change to our plans?"

"If you so choose. This is your day, Lilith."

"Thank you. Naruto, when you're finished your ogling, show us to your preferred establishment," I instruct.

"I'm not-eh? Es...tablishment?"

"The place where you like to eat," Midori explains.

"Oh, that makes sense! Okay, follow me! I know a great spot!"


This place is called Ichiraku Ramen. It's a modestly sized stand. Three well-dressed adult women stand out here.

The prices are relatively cheap, so it's fine to go at a good pace...or even the ridiculous pace that Naruto sets, which the shop owner doesn't even blink at. He cleans out bowls at a steady clip. Well, it's fine. The family's pockets are more than deep enough.

But this ramen really is exquisite. I will have to visit more often. The old man who owns and runs this place knows Naruto by name. His name is Teuchi, and his cute daughter Ayame helps him run the business.

"Goodness, I can't believe I missed this place in my visits," Midori says happily. "I have to make sure to go off the beaten paths more often."

Emi says nothing and eats silently. She seems to be enjoying herself as well. Her gratitude is shown by cleaning out two bowls of pork ramen, and leaving a very generous tip. Midori does the same after four bowls, and Luna thanks the owner on our behalf.

"Oh, so you're a genin now?" Teuchi asks me.

"Yes. I'll stop by again soon, with my own money."

"Haha! Looking forward to it. Not every day you get to serve a genius kunoichi! Oi, Naruto. You should follow her example."

"Yeah, yeah..."

"He's a good kid at heart, but full of mischief and way too dim," Teuchi says as he cooks. "If he's going to become Hokage, I doubt it'll be in my lifetime."

"Go ahead and pile it on, why don't you!"

"I'm not telling any lies," Teuchi counters. "You gotta get your act together, kid. Maybe not today, but someday soon. Sometimes dreams don't wait forever, you know."


Teuchi is right. Naruto seems to get annoyed with the criticism, but even he knows it's true...Teuchi and Ayame seem to be part of the few people that bother to interact with Naruto at all. From what I've seen and heard, there's some sort of secret going around about Naruto that makes the adults hate him and the children keep their distance, when they're not bullying him.

It almost certainly has something to do with the mysterious power that I saw. Perhaps they think that he's some sort of demon or evil spirit? Hm. I would ask, but apparently it's not a subject to be breached by any means.

We finish at Ichiraku's and leave after a round of goodbyes - Teuchi insisted the tips were too much; Emi and Midori would hear none of it, with Luna mediating. Ayame handled the money and everyone parted amicably.

I walk side by side with Naruto, ahead of my stepmother, Midori, and Luna. They're having a lively conversation, and the parts of it I catch suggest that it's something very lewd. Best to keep away for now.

"So...your family isn't blood-related, then."

I turn my head to Naruto as he speaks. "Yes, that's right. We're not."

"But it's funny, you know? Your big sis Midori really loves you, and your stepmom Emi is super proud of you and looks really smug and stuff, and even Luna's way more like another big sister than a maid."

"Family is far more than blood," I say to him.

"Yeah, you're right. Maybe one day..."

"You'll have to work hard to open people's hearts." I say that with him having gotten to me in the space of thirty minutes, but I feel as if I'm more open to change than most.

"..." He looks to the sky in thought. It's evening by now, and the clouds roam the skies above the Leaf. "Hey, Lili?"


"Thanks. I...really had fun today."

I stop and give him a hug.


"It's fine. Just...stay out of trouble from now on. Work hard on your studies." I have a feeling most of these words will fall on deaf ears, but it's worth a shot.

He ends up giving me one of his silly grins. "Yeah, definitely. Hey, once I start going on missions and stuff...we can go on a date or something, yeah?"

"Hm. Probably not. It wouldn't work out."

He blinks. "Eh?"

"I'll explain it one day. I promise."

"Alright, alright. Uh, anyways...I'll see you around, then. Thanks again." Naruto heads for home as everyone else catches up to me.

"You two would make a cute couple, I think," Emi says.

I see Luna and Midori give each other a knowing look.

"Mistress Emi," Luna says carefully, "I don't...think it would work out the way you would like, unfortunately."

"Hm." Emi shrugs lightly. "Maybe so. Shame, that."

I make myself promise to tell her the truth. One day soon.
let's get dangerous

Scarlet Justice - ep. 15

After some examination, I decide that I do want to change my forehead protector a bit. It's apparently okay to do so as long as the metal itself isn't modified in any significant way, or the Leaf symbol in the middle is intentionally altered, which would bring 'significant consequences' if discovered. The vague wording of that threat is warning enough, I think.

I enlist Luna's help, and her ability as a seamstress is elite as expected. The cloth is made sturdier, and I choose a new colour: a crisp green that is the colour of my sisterhood. It only makes sense that I carry Midori with me here as well. The new form will be an armband, one that goes onto my upper right arm for now. I think it looks cool and stylish. Luna and Midori watch me try it on, and they both approve of the new look.

A new outfit is in the cards as well, naturally. But I will decide on that after the next big event. Luna reminds me that I need to pick something with sleeves, both to conceal the seal on my left arm and to mask my movements when I summon snakes or throw weapons. She really has been paying attention to everything.

I keep saying that I want to be independent, but...Luna really is wonderful. I don't know if I can let go of her.


Emi could only stay a day or two. She has business to take care of at home, so I wish her well and advise her not to do any rash things for the sake of her child. Naturally, she is indignant and reminds me that she's perfectly capable of being responsible and sexually active and...all sorts of things someone twelve years old shouldn't be aware of. Unfortunately, I was before she said anything. It doesn't make it less gross to hear it again.

Midori thankfully is going the same way and decides to keep her company.

They both promise to visit soon; Emi to explore the Leaf's novelty, and Midori to check up on me, after tending to Luna's carnal desires first.

"Don't let that cute face fool you, eh? She's got quite the appetite~"

"Lady Midoriko, those are not things we should be-"

"It's fine. The child is clearly already aware of these things," Emi says casually. Well yes, stepmother. Your choice of clothing certainly makes me aware of a lot. "Though it's good you're getting some exercise, Luna. I was almost under the impression you were frigid."

"Ufufu...hard to believe something like that," Midori says with a smile.

Luna gulps and makes a squeaking noise.

"I think we should leave her be for now. It's not nice to bully, you know," I say. Not unless it's me, I mean.

"Oh, hush. Luna knows we mean well. Good luck to both of you on your journey into mystery and bodily harm, etcetra, etcetra," Emi says.

"You're not worried about anything happening to me."

"I don't think about such things. They bring down malicious energy." Emi places her parasol on her shoulder and saunters off. "If I pray for your safety and let your genius do the rest, there is nothing to fear, Lilith Kobayashi."


She's right. I have a lot to live for now, and the strength to make it through. She believes in all of that, and in the person I've become. A warrior princess, as she foresaw. A proud woman of the Kobayashi house.

I bow towards her back.

"Until the next, Emi Kobayashi."

Midori hugs me and gives me a smile. I smile back as she rubs my head gently. Luna gets a kiss for her troubles, and then we watch as she hurries to catch up to my stepmother. It sort of feels like the end of an era...even if Midori will be back soon enough to have her way with Luna, I suppose. But watching two important people move into the distance, with the symbol of this village now on my shoulder...

Again, I think about how much has changed since that day. Where Emi sent me on a journey, and Midori helped me find my way. Providence, perhaps? I wonder. But everything from here on will depend on my own strength. And the three people closest to me all believe in me.

I won't let them down. No. Failure was never an option.


A week smoothly passes, and the next phase of shinobi life begins. Instructions had already been given, but a letter comes through the mail to remind all of us of the big event.

We are to return to the Academy for a final gathering, with an important purpose: determining which team we end up on.


"Miss Lilith..."

"Sleep," I say firmly. I shove Luna back into her room and pull the sheets over her. "I will be fine. Take the day off. Is Midori coming?"


"Then you'll be able to rest for once."


I smile and kiss her on the forehead. She goes back to sleep and I close the door gently behind me. Today will be a simple breakfast for growing girls. Sticky rice and salmon. A glass of the fortified milk. No equipment to gather for today's session, and my usual outfit taken for one last spin before I retire it.


Luna did say something incredible the other day. Her social gatherings with the dance and painting groups produce all kinds of juicy gossip, from many corners of the Leaf. But it's something I will have to verify with my own eyes and ears today, and I will get the opportunity without a doubt.

I leave for my destination, early as always. I'm hoping that a certain someone will be there to answer my questions about the entire process.

"Lili, hey!"

"Ino. I was hoping to see you."

She smiles as I enter the big lecture hall and find my way to her.

"Yeah? I'm flattered, obviously, but what for?"

"I had questions about the team selection process. From what I know, they're balanced based on overall scores. Top scorers usually get paired with bottom scorers, and then someone in the middle to complete the set of three," I say as I sit on the side of her desk. "So that would mean that I'm destined to be paired with the lowest scoring person, isn't that right?"

"That's how it works on paper," Ino says casually. "Oh, old habits hit me today. In the mood for a treat?"

"Always," I say. Ino hands me a bottle of strawberry milk, and I sip from it. "Refreshing."

"Best stuff in the country by a mile. Dad was kind of curious at first since I never drank that much milk, but I told him I was helping out a friend at school and he let it go."

"I appreciate this. Tell me later where you order it from."

"Got it. So, yeah. High scorers and low scorers with someone in the middle is how it works in theory, one of those bubble worlds."

"It's different in reality."

"Oh, yeah. Believe me, the teachers wish they could just sort everything like that. Not that easy," Ino says as she crosses her legs. "I already know where I'm going."

"Really? Where?"

"Shikamaru and Choji. The numbers add up, right? But that's not the real reason. It was decided the moment we entered the Academy together. You see, we're part of a Leaf tradition. It's called the Ino-Shika-Cho formation, brought together maybe fifteen or so generations ago. Our families have worked together for all of that time. We trade secrets, learn about each other, train together, and learn techniques together. Our abilities complement each other so well that it only makes sense to put us into a team together if possible. So the aim was always to have us graduate together and then form a genin team as soon as possible."

"And if something else happened?"

"We'd be put into a specific team structure until we could form up together in some other way. It's never come to that, but there's always been a plan in place for the possibilty. So you have things like that happening. Students that get pushed together for synergy reasons. The system you heard about? That's for the normies, the kids who don't have clan abilities and techniques. Clan kids change the calculus a bit. So you have the teachers looking at not only scores, but abilities and junk to see where their kids work out best. Then you have more layers on top of that. Clan politics."

"Ah. You would want to have your children taken care of as a member of an important clan."

Ino nods. "Yep. Clan heads provide what they call 'helpful input' towards the selection process. And then there's something on top of that. The guy with the big hat himself."

"The Hokage," I say.

"Has his spoon in the pot from day one," Ino says, making a stirring motion. "All the graduate lists go right to him as soon as the day is over. He pores over them, looks at the instructor notes, and then makes 'suggestions' for them to follow," Ino says while making air quotes. "So add his weight to the pile."

"I didn't think he would be so hands on."

"Well, it only makes sense. He's called the Professor because he knows literally every technique in the Leaf. So he would understand how to best balance genin teams for the greatest success. Very hands on and not like the other Kage, from what I know anyways. You've seen him around, yeah?"

"I have, in passing. I simply thought he was doing inspections."

"A little of both. The old man really cares and makes time for children whenever he can. He even babysits! Crazy, huh? One of the most powerful men in the free world, feeding babies and rocking them to sleep over his paperwork." Ino smiles. "But that's really cool! Some people complain about a projection of weakness, but...bah. It's sweet. It's good to know that the God of Shinobi actually cares about us peasants."

"Interesting..." I find myself enamoured by the Hokage already, and we have yet to formally meet. I wonder what he thinks of me, an outsider who swept away the competition so thoroughly. Hopefully I will get to see soon.

"As for you...no idea," Ino says.

"No idea?"

"You're super talented, but also a mystery. Putting you on a team with someone who scored low would definitely drag you down. But pairing you with someone at the top would probably result in a clash of egos. You and Sasuke, for example? Blegh. And that's from my end, I can't imagine you'd be able to handle it."

"You're quite warm."

"Ha. But yeah, there's really no telling where you might land. I have my theories, but...let's keep those a surprise for now," she says with a wink. "No need to spoil all the fun. This is the beginning of a new adventure."

"Right. Thank you for all of that, Ino."

"Hey, it's no trouble. Information is what I do, and you can tap me any time you like. See you in a while, then?"

The class is starting to fill up, and I nod. "Yes, in a while. Good luck, Ino."

"I'll need it for sure with those boys...oy."

I pat her head gently before finding my own seat. Oh, Hinata's here. Perfect. I touch her shoulder and she gives me a smile.

"Good morning, Lili. It's good to see you..."

"You as well, Hinata. Good morning to you."

"I'm...definitely nervous."

I sit beside her and rub her shoulder. "I know. This will be a hectic time. Remember that you've come this far already, okay? You can do this."

"Yes...thank you."

I scan the classroom and see what I expected. Luna wasn't wrong, was she?

Iruka walks to the front of the room and looks ready to speak.

"Hey! Hey, sorry! I'm not late, am I?"

"You just barely made it. Now go and find yourself a seat already," Iruka says, shaking his head.

Well. Seems those rumours were true after all.

Somehow...some way...Naruto Uzumaki has become a genin.

"Hey, Lili! I did it! I'm a ninja now!" he calls from across the room. He adjusts his forehead protector and flashes a goofy grin.

I nod to acknowledge him and he seems satisfied with that. Iruka hits him in the back of the head and herds him into an open seat. Hinata is blushing, and seems relieved at the news. The class is murmuring in disbelief.

"I suppose love really is unstoppable," I say to her.

"Lili...you know that you're awful sometimes..." She presses her fingers together.

"Yes, I know." I lean back in my seat and cross my legs.

Iruka gains control of the room again before finally starting. "Alright, everyone! Good to have you all here today. This is the day you've been looking forward to since starting at the Academy. We've gone over every aspect of your performances and scores rigorously to make sure that we get this right. These teams are the beginning of life as a shinobi. They'll be bonds that shape the rest of your lives as shinobi and beyond that. Your life-and-death partners on missions, the people who you will have to trust more than yourself at times. More than your friends, or even your family. All of this is serious business, and we instructors as well as the Hokage himself take this very seriously. More than anything, we want you to have long, productive lives."

"Is it really that serious?" I hear someone ask from behind me. It seems to be so. Shaping your very life, then. It's a heavy weight...

"I'll announce the members of each team and the instructor that you're to report to each morning, at the times they so choose. I will also give you the listed location for your first meeting. After that, you are their responsbility, and they are your field commanders. Follow their orders, unless there is something that makes you feel uncomfortable to the point where it affects your health or performance. In that case, you will report the incident to the Jounin Commander, or directly to the Hokage himself. And if you see me, don't hesitate to ask questions. I am also your advocate." Iruka reaches behind himself to pick up a clipboard, and I see him wince a moment. A back problem?

I wonder what happened?

"Now, let's get started. Stay in your seats until your names are called and your instructors are announced. After that, I want you to collect the information I have for you up front, and then you can head home. Alright? We'll start with...Team Seven." He looks at the sheet and makes an expression that I can't parse.

"Sasuke Uchiha. Sakura Haruno."

Sakura barely stifles her excitement. Guess the dork got her ultimate victory in the end. Ino doesn't seem to mind as much as I thought she would.

"And...Naruto Uzumaki."

"Hell yeah!" Naruto's cheer rings through the air. Right, Sakura was his big target all along. She looks absolutely moronic as she stares, mouth agape. Sasuke is not much better. The class is stunned.

I am as well, but I'm far more amused than anything else. Absolutely amazing. This has to be the Hokage's doing, and I love to see it.

"You'll be reporting to Kakashi Hatake. 10 am, tomorrow. I really suggest you get there early."

From what I know, this guy has quite the reputation as an instructor. He has no students...because he failed every team sent to him. But everything for a reason, I suppose. Clearly the Hokage knows something we don't.

"And now, we'll announce Team Eight," Iruka says. "The first person listed here is...Shino Aburame."

I turn my head towards the boy in his full jacket, sitting quietly on the far side of the classroom. His dark glasses always cover his eyes. From what I remember, he was never part of the bullying. Or much of anything, really. Decidedly low-energy and middling in a lot of areas. Interesting child, though. I wonder who will be with him, as a member of the Leaf's bug using clan.

"Next is Hinata Hyuuga."

Hinata nods in acknowledgement. "Shino is a nice person. I...I think we can get along."

"That's a good way to look at it," I say. From a tracking and scouting perspective, it also makes sense. Hinata's eyes and Shino's insects. Powerful reconnaissance tools on their own, and they could be better together.

"Um...Lili, I...I..."

"Hinata...?" She's nervously looking at me, almost as if she's about to cry.


This is where we'll be split apart, isn't it? I cared for her. I gave her a small bit of light while she was in the Academy, and now I'll be taken away from her. I feel my heart sink. Even if I tell her that she's strong enough, that she's capable enough...I have been her only real friend.

I take her hand in mine. I want to reassure her that everything will be okay, that she can make it through without me.

"And the last person is...uh...huh. Really, now." I turn my head as I hear Iruka chuckle. What's so funny? He looks right at me.

There is no way. He wouldn't. He didn't.

"The last member of Team Eight..."


"...our top scoring graduate..."

You madman.

"Lilith Kobayashi."

"Lili...Lili, we're...on the same team. We're together...we're really together..."

Hinata finally does burst into tears, but she's happy.

"So we are," I say as I wipe her face gently. "So we are."

She squeezes my hand and smiles brightly. I squeeze back and return her smile.

"Are you looking forward to it?" I ask.

"Yes. More than anything."

"Your instructor will be Kurenai Yuuhi. The meeting time is 9 am, in front of the Dangoya. Not hard to spot, but you'll have your information cards just in case. Come on down, you three."

Shino joins us as we move to the front. "I've been there before," he says as he pushes up his glasses.

"M-me too...um, I can meet with you at your place to show you, Lili..."

"That would be splendid. 8:30, then?"


Iruka hands us our information cards. I smile and raise a brow at him, to which he cheekily winks back at me.

"Take care of them, Lilith."

"With my life, sensei."

With that, we part ways once more.

"Alright...next is Team Nine," I hear Iruka say as I leave. "The first name here is...Kiba Inuzuka."
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Scarlet Justice - ep. 16

"Lili! Lili, I gotta talk to you!"

I remember that Naruto left ahead of me, so I'm not terribly shocked at hearing his voice. But what he's said...why does he want to speak to me so urgently? Perhaps he wants to talk about his surprise promotion...

"Hinata, I'll see you later."

"Y-yes. B-bye, Naruto..."

"Oh! See you, Hinata! Congratulations, you got the best partner ever!"

"T-thank you...um..." She blushes and runs off. What a girl.

"So, uh. Let's go somewhere out of the way. It's...it's important."

"Alright." We head to the playground nearby, where there's nobody else at the moment. Naruto takes a seat on one of the swings, and I sit beside him. He's very quiet for a while.

I start to worry a bit. Is he okay?

"Iruka-sensei...you noticed, right? How he was moving today."

"He hurt his back. Do you know how it happened?"

"It was my fault."

"...a prank?"

He shakes his head.

"Then...what was it?"

"He saved my life."


"I know that he really likes you. And I like him too. And I like you too. You know? So...I just wanted to tell you about what really happened and stuff. There's a guy. Or was a guy...another teacher named Mizuki."

"I've heard of him."

"Yeah. Iruka-sensei and him used to hang out. Turns out it was all fake. He never liked Iruka-sensei at all and was just sucking up to impress the Hokage. Real scumbag. What happened was...he found me that night, after you and your family took me out to eat. He told me about a secret scroll, one that the Hokage kept around with all sorts of techniques and stuff. If I could learn something out of that, he said that I'd defintely be able to graduate. He tried to stick up for me after Iruka-sensei failed me, earlier in the day. So, I...well, I got the Hokage with 'that' jutsu. You know the one."


"I even remembered what you said and added a bit more of that 'boing-boing'...man, you should have seen the look on the old man's face. Went down faster than ever!"

I clear my throat. He rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

"O-oh. Sorry, ehe. Right, so...I nabbed the scroll. And I learned a neat trick after a few hours of trying. It sucked and was pretty hard at first, but...well, let me show you."

He gets up and stands in front of me, making the Tiger seal with both hands. I feel like...wait a moment.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

And all of a sudden, there are five Narutos standing in front of me. I instinctively look down and see that they all have shadows. These aren't illusions - they're honest to god copies.

No wonder Iruka passed him.

He dispels the clones and goes back to his seat.

"So where is the scroll now?" I ask, still trying to process everything.

"Back with the old man. Mizuki tricked me. I mean it worked out in the end, but he wanted the scroll for himself...for whatever reason. I don't know. He tried to kill me for it, but Iruka-sensei figured things out and came in the nick of time before anyone else found me. Took one of those giant shuriken to the back."

That's about what I would expect from that sort of man. Unbelievable. I really will have to do something special for him one day soon. I wonder if I should scold him personally for his recklessness...hm. I will have to think on it.

"Iruka-sensei told me that I was a shinobi of the village, and that...meant a lot to me. So I geared up and kicked Mizuki's ass, and that was the end of it. The scroll got put back, and I ended up getting some more ramen. The old man was confused to see me again so soon, but Iruka-sensei convinced him it was okay. Not often you get to have ramen for breakfast, yeah?"

"It shouldn't be often."

"Eh." He shrugs. "So...that's the story. And I wanted you to hear about it...well, there are a lot of reasons for that. I feel like..."

"What you did was reckless and foolish. You could have hurt many people. Maybe even killed them with your actions. You nearly put a dangerous power into the hands of a criminal and endangered the village, weakened its security, and brought shame to everyone you knew."


"But Iruka-sensei is right. You are a member of this village. You are cared for. You are needed, and necessary. Naruto, you are worth something no matter what happens, or what type of skills you do and do not have. Remember that. Treasure it. And focus on the fact that you did accomplish something great, with your own two hands."


"All I want out of you is a promise that you will continue to do better, each and every day. And that you will use your powers for good from now on. You're a shinobi now. Got it?"

"Got it!"

"Good. Thank you for telling me all of this," I say with a smile. "I appreciate it, just as I appreciate you."


"Now go on home and get yourself ready for tomorrow. You don't want to be unprepared for Sharingan Kakashi's first class."

"Probably not," Naruto says as he gets up. "Sounds like a real hardass, too. Ah, well. I'll figure it out when I get there. See you, Lili. And thanks for listening."

"You're welcome. You can tell me anything, Naruto. I'll be here for you."

"Yeah." He starts on his way, and I wait. A few more steps. He stops. Looks back at me.

Makes his way to my side, and whispers into my ear. Steps back a bit.

"Is that so," I say. It's something heavy. Something...I think should be unbearable.

"Yeah. Mizuki blurted it out in the forest." He looks down at his feet nervously.

"I see." I stand up and go to leave. "You should understand something."

"What...is it?"

I place a hand on his cheek, and stare into his blue eyes. I want him to remember this moment.

"What you might be to the world, and what terrible thing you might have inside of you...all of that is meaningless before me. Remember that. You will always be Naruto to me."

I watch as the worry melts away from him.

"I see everything you are. I accept you."


"I'll see you, then. Take care of yourself." I slowly let my hand slide down from his face, and start my walk home.

The Nine-Tailed Fox. The means by which the Fourth Hokage saved the village...a child who became a jinchurriki at birth. I don't know the reasons, so I cannot judge them. But the way this village has treated him...it hurts too much. I don't know if it's something I can truly forgive. I will try, though. For his sake. And for the sake of the Fourth, who gave of himself as well.

If all I can do is stand by Naruto's side, then that is what I will do.

But I know that I can do more. And so I will.


"It's something we shouldn't spread around too much. Or at all, really. That boy is bold for telling you so suddenly after he found out."

Midori said that much to me yesterday before leaving for the day. I told her about Naruto and she seemed to understand completely.

"It makes sense. The chakra of the Nine-Tails is extremely powerful...still, I wonder what exactly the Fourth was thinking with that kind of set-up. I can tell that the Third doesn't know either, since he's been trying to handle the situation from afar. What a mess..."


"It's up to you, Lili. If you can lead him forward, then things will be okay."

"I'll do my best, Midori-nee."

She rubbed my head as she always did before taking off. Luna emerged from her room a moment later.

"Miss Lilith, I'm-"

"Your shirt."


"It's backwards, Luna."

She looks down and makes another one of her distressed noises while turning red.

"Midori-nee must be amazing if she can leave you in that state so consistently-"

"Not another word! Please!"

Luna could barely stand to look at me the rest of the night.

It's morning now. I will be meeting my sensei, Kurenai Yuuhi today. 7am comes and I rise from bed. Luna is already preparing the bath.

"You're up early today, Miss Lilith."

"I'm looking forward to my first day on the job. Plus, Hinata and I will be together. It should be fun."

"Very happy to hear that. The bath will be ready in just a moment..."

"No rush. Hinata will be here around 8:30." I wait patiently for Luna to finish, and then we get into the tub together.

"Where will you be meeting with your sensei? Miss Yuuhi, right?"

"Yes. We'll be meeting at the Dangoya for some tea and breakfast. It sounds classy enough, and should be nice."

"It sounds like it. Let me touch up your hair a bit..."

After we finish our bath, I get into my new clothing.

"Is this alright, Miss Lilith?"

The mirror in my room is full-length, and I take one last look at myself. For now, the clean and modest look is still in. A black sweater that shows off a bit of my shoulders, with sleeves that flare outwards starting from the lower part of my arms. Stylish, and functional for my alternative skills. The green armband fits nicely with it, I think. A pair of navy blue cargo shorts, over black tights. These feel comfortable enough, and I have many pockets to use, which pleases me. I have a sturdy black toolbelt and my pouch is now attached to it. And of course, my gifted butterfly knife from Midori, carried in a holster that is strapped to my right thigh. Just like Luna.

I feel my hair being brushed gently, Luna making sure as usual that it looks right. She steps away once finished, and I give an approving nod to my reflection as I turn and look myself over.

"A glass of milk before I go, Luna."

"Of course, Miss Lilith." I follow her into the kitchen and she pours from the pitcher. The doorbell rings.

"A moment, please."

"Mm-hm." I drink down my milk and then fuss over my outfit a bit longer. Finally, I see who's at the door. It seems to be the appointed time.

"Lady Hinata, good morning."

"Ah...good morning, Luna. It's nice to see you again."

"Likewise. Miss Lilith is ready...I hope you both have a safe and productive day."

"Thank you..."

"Will you be home late?" Luna asks me.

"We might be. Depends on how things go, but I think I should be home a reasonable hour."

"Understood. Please do not hesitate to call if you need my help."

"Yes. Thank you, Luna." We share a hug. "I'll see you later."

"Yes. Take care, Miss Lilith. You as well, Lady Hinata."

We wave goodbye before leaving, descending the stairs and hitting the streets of the Leaf. They seem a bit busier this time around, but it is the top of summer. Everyone has come out to relax and play, whatever suits them best. And school is out all over the land for most children. I follow Hinata to our meeting place. Her headband hasn't been changed, but is secured around her neck. Very chic.



"Luna...really is, um. I mean to say...her body..."

"I know."

"It's...not difficult?" she asks.

"Not at all. I'm used to it. And she doesn't do anything to make me uncomfortable, or feel like I'm inadequate. So it's more than fine."

"I see..."

I rub at my cheek. "It's also nice. The softness, I mean..."


"You should try it."

Hinata shakes her head. "I-I don't think...would t-that even be okay?"

"I would think so. I tease her about being a pedophile sometimes, but that's far from the truth. And I don't think she would mind, especially since you're also a girl."


"Maybe she could wash your hair, if you're more interested in that. She's really good at it."

"Ah. Yours always does look nice. She washes it every morning?"

"Only as often as needed." We stop at an intersection and make sure it's clear before crossing. "If you take care of it properly, you only need to do light washing most days. Yours is nice, too. Have you thought about growing it?" I ask.


"You should consider it. I think long hair would suit you."

"I'll...I will definitely think about it," Hinata says. The gears are turning in her head, so that's good.

Before I realize it, we're at the dango shop. Early, as is my way. Shino is standing up ahead, easily recognizable.

"Shino," I say to him as we approach. He pushes up his glasses and nods to acknowledge me.

"It's good to finally greet you properly, Miss Genius." A strange way of speaking, but not particularly cold. Nothing like Sasuke, anyways.

"I feel the same. It's nice to meet you, Shino." I bow and Hinata follows suit. Shino bows in return. "Lili is fine."

"I'll note that...but I think last names sound a bit cooler."

"..." Well, everyone has their quirks. Wanting to experience coolness isn't so bad. "Kobayashi is fine also," I say.

"Thank you. You're more accommodating than I assumed."

"I appreciate hearing that." He's agreeable, at least. This seems fine. Hinata timidly introduces herself while I look out for our sensei. Kurenai Yuuhi...hm.

There's a woman coming up the street who looks decidedly mature. Her hair is wild-looking and reaches to her shoulders, and she has striking red eyes. She wears red lipstick and an interesting looking kind of blouse, patterned like vines and thorns with bold red lines running vertically. Her one visible sleeve on her right arm is also coloured red. There are cloth wrappings strategically placed on her limbs.

This is her, then.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, sensei," I say politely.

"No need to be so stiff with me, alright?" she says with a smile. "As you might have guessed, I'm your squad leader. My name is Kurenai Yuuhi. For the record, you're my first group of genin ever. I've only become a jounin and an instructor recently."

Is that so...a rookie jounin? Hm. I wonder what was behind that decision...dumping us off on her? Or something more sinister? Was Iruka guessing at this, or something else? Many questions...

"Let's head inside for now and have some tea," Kurenai says. She seems nice...but it could always be a front, I suppose. Not likely. She said she was new to this, so she wouldn't want to screw up badly by causing us harm. Not me, as an accomplished graduate, and not Hinata or Shino, who are the children of prominent clans.

We follow her inside the shop and have a seat. She makes an order for tea and some light breakfast items to share amongst all of us. We sit on one side, she on the other.

"We'll probably be discussing things for a while. I think we should make a trip down to the barbeque place when we're finished for some lunch. I'll buy for everyone." As she speaks, I notice she's wearing some eye shadow. It's purple, and she carries it well.


"Remember what I said earlier, okay? But Kurenai-sensei is okay, if you wish."

"I see, understood. Kurenai-sensei, is this usually how you look when on assignment?" I ask. There is much debate over womanly appearances during work. I wonder what her views are.

"Usually, yes. Part of being a shinobi is being in your best condition. Feeling good is important, and looking good contributes to that. I enjoy my womanhood, and so I embrace it. Self-care is important." She smiles and winks. "This isn't just for young people, either. Remember all of this as you grow. Ah...it's the same for you, Shino. Remember to take care of yourself."

"Understood. I'll immerse myself in esoteric pursuits," he says.

"Hm. That's fine, too. Anyways, I've had a chance to glean some information from the Aburame and the Hyuuga about their children, so...Lilith, right?"

"Yes. Lili is fine."

"Good, I like it. Lili, I'll have to meet with your guardian soon. Will that be inconvenient?"

"Not at all. Luna will be home tomorrow and I'll be sure to inform her of your wishes tonight before bed."

"Thank you. And Luna...her relation to you is...?"

"My maid. Stepmother is at the estate," probably molesting the help, I leave out, "and Father is...busy. Working, somewhere." I've lost track of where he might be. But it's hard to care at this point.

"And I heard that you have an older sister as well," Kurenai says.

"Midori-nee. She's not my sister by blood, but I love her very much. Right now, she should be performing ceremonial duties."

"She's royalty, then."

"Yes." It's not a lie, at least.

"Interesting. Alright, I'll talk to Miss Luna at some point, perhaps tomorrow." Kurenai sips from her teacup, and I follow. Hinata does the same. "With all that aside, let's introduce ourselves formally. I'll start. Kurenai Yuuhi, jounin of the Hidden Leaf. I like reading and evening drinks. I want to become the best kunoichi that I can be, and carry on the Will of Fire like my family and comrades have. As for my dream...well, I suppose it's old-fashioned. I want to retire one day and be an old woman, with a good kid and a husband who will love me forever."

She nods to Shino who clears his throat. "Shino Aburame. Member of the Aburame Clan and genin of the Hidden Leaf. I enjoy winter melon and collecting various insects. My goal is to refine my insect techniques to perfection, and become the greatest insect user of all time. Why? Because the pursuit of perfection is what advances humanity to its greatest heights."

"Ambitious," Kurenai says. "And interesting. Winter melon, eh..."

"Is there a problem with that, sensei?" he asks. Wow. A little defensive, aren't we?

"Yeah. It's weird." And this woman doesn't pull her punches. "I don't know anyone who likes winter melon at all."

"It's an acquired, perhaps a...refined taste."

"Oho...refined, huh?"

I nudge Hinata. No need to let this turn into a bloodbath so early.

"A-ah...my name is Hinata...Hyuuga," she starts shakily. "I'm a genin and member of the...Hidden Leaf's Hyuuga Clan. They're...one of...I-I mean, they are the greatest clan of the Leaf...um, I like...I like to press flowers...and cinnamon rolls...and, um...my dream is to become strong...like the people that I admire."

She blushes and goes quiet again. I pat her head in approval, and she calms a bit. A good job for her first try.

"From what I know of you, that's a big step. But it's my job as your sensei to help you get there," Kurenai says. "That kind of effort will make you a fine woman, Hinata."

"Kurenai-sensei...thank you..."

"Any time. And now, we come to the number one rookie. Tell us about yourself, Lili."

"Yes." I seem to know what I want. Nothing truly set in stone, but...it never hurts to reach for the stars. "My name is Lilith Kobayashi. My friends and comrades call me Lili. I'm the top rookie genin of the Leaf. My mother is a socialite and gravure model, while my father is a rice magnate. I developed shinobi talents and find myself enjoying them, despite being from a rich family. I live in an apartment with my beautiful maid and guardian, Luna. I like curly fries, milk, and Midori-nee a whole lot. I also really like girls. And my dream..."

I clasp my hands together dramatically.

"I want to become strong and elegant like my sister, discover the world, and find the most outrageously beautiful wife. Becoming a full-fledged shinobi will help me accomplish all of these things."

"A wife? I see," Kurenai says with a nod. "I personally prefer men, but you know how it goes."

"That's fair. I know that Hinata is the same," I say as Hinata blushes.

"Hm. That would make you the daughter of Kobayashi Rice's CEO, then. I can see why you would want to travel, you must have lived a sheltered enough life under those conditions. Being able to defend yourself is a good asset, and the village does send you on missions far and wide. When you become a chuunin, you should think about petitioning the Hokage to become a special envoy," Kurenai explains. "It involves a lot of back and forth travel. That way, you'll get to see all kinds of exotic women with good figures."

"Ah. I'll take that into consideration." Kurenai really is good. Not only accepting my preferences, but finding a way to mix them into a potential shinobi career. Very nice.

"Let's finish our light breakfast here and get going."

We do so, taking a few more minutes to finish before heading outside. Kurenai stretches her arms before holding up one finger to the air and nodding.

"Okay, so...as I suggested earlier, we'll be getting barbeque for lunch. Shino and Hinata know the spot that I'm talking about. Let's call it three hours from now. The reason why I kept your breakfast light will become clear."

"Sensei, what will we be doing before then?" Shino asks.

"A team-building exercise."

I don't like where this is going.

"I'm going to head to a specific spot in town, and you're going to track me down. You've got three hours to do so. If you pass, you'll get an interesting prize along with your barbeque. If you fail...well, one of you is going to be punished harshly. Use the skills you have to find me before time runs out. You're starting now."

"W-wait...!" Hinata protests.

Kurenai winks before disappearing in a swirl of cherry blossoms. "Good luck~"

"She's swift...I didn't get to plant my insects onto her," Shino mutters. "Not cool..."

"Lili...w-what are we going to do?" Hinata asks. "She said we have to find her in three hours, but the Leaf is s-so big...a-and she could be hiding anywhere."

"..." I do wonder what I can do in this situation. There's really not that much time to find her, considering the size of the village...I should do something.

In fact, I think I will. I have just the tool for this.
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Scarlet Justice - ep. 17

From a time that seems like years ago, Midori made a promise to me that I would learn certain techniques as soon as I got up to speed. And in the gap between my graduation and today, I was able to take hold of two of them, one coming out better than the other. As a result, my tongue has become stronger than before, and a bit more flexible. Immediate implications of this change are obvious. I am not at 'that' point yet, clearly, but...well, I can muse on it later. For now, it's time for business.

"The skill you're learning here is called Jacobson's Eye."

Midori's voice echoes through my head as I review my ability.

"It's a serpentine technique in form and in function. By tasting the atmosphere around you with your tongue, and objects as well, you can detect scents and chakra signatures. The information you collect can be used to track targets, identify obstacles, and even navigate without the aid of your other senses."

The result of this is a plain picture of the world around me, painted in my mind's eye as the technique activates. Darkness filled up by solid white lines to make up people, places, and things. And to help me move forward, small paths of light will trail the objects I choose to focus on and track. Right now, the technique isn't terribly strong. Midori says that it will mold itself to my desired shape as I continually use it, and it grows more and more powerful.

The second technique is already fully realized, but will take a lot of time to gain control of and eventually master. But the boon there is that it doesn't require any of the five senses to use...

Right. We have less than three hours. Time to work.

"There's no need to worry," I announce after coming out of my own world. "I'll handle the first part of this mission. Please make room."

Hinata nods and steps back, Shino following suit. I concentrate, and then quickly weave several unnecessary handseals before clapping my hands together.

"Ninja Art! Indomitable Special Tracking Technique: The Eye of Jacobson!"



I walk forward and pick up a rock, then lick it once. Success.

"Ah, it worked."

"Kobayashi...so this is the true reach of your power?" Shino asks.

"It's nothing special." It really isn't. It's just a tracking technique and I was having fun with that silly naming scheme.

"Hm." Shino nods. "I see...downplaying your ability. A sound strategy."

"..." I look over to Hinata, who seems mesmerized for some reason.

"W-wow...so that's an elite shinobi technique..."

"..." She fell for it, too. She really is easy to bully.

I sigh and close my eyes to concentrate, entering the black and white world. I can visualize Kurenai's path...it's a little distorted due to my inexperience, but I have the direction that she's started off in.

"Hinata, Shino. This way."



They willingly follow me to the northeast as I continue along the thin trail. It waves back and forth in front of me, but I have the general direction still in hand. With more work, I can easily use this technique to pick a needle out of a haystack...but right now, this one is still in its infancy. The trail gets cold, and I sweep the earth with one finger as I move, licking at it.

Kurenai's signature has faded off around this area. Foot traffic is low, and there are several small shops in the vicinity. Trying to throw us off, then?


Oh, she really is good. She planned this out from the very beginning and played her part to perfection. An early meeting in a comfortable place, quickly broken off. Tea and breakfast, followed by light conversation to lower our guards. Then suddenly springing the mission on us mid-conversation. Hinata was too busy to memorize her chakra network with the Byakugan, and Shino wouldn't be able to use his insects in time - especially since she sat on the opposite side of the table on purpose.

But this technique, and my affiliation with the snakes...this is your small advantage. I will have to leverage it as best I can. But I can't do it alone, even if everyone calls me a genius.

Another thing comes to me, that will make this more difficult. "She didn't say anything about staying put," I point out to my teammates.

"I see," Shino replies. "So we also have to put her in an inescapable position."

"That's a lot," Hinata says quietly. "Is...it possible for us?"

"I would say so," I reply to her. "We're comrades that can work together to solve any problem. We should figure out our next move." The entire time, I've been concentrating and tasting the air as we walk around. Barely anything...all I know is that she's around here somewhere and hiding, but that might not be the case. She could be closer to the barbeque place by now. But I'm familiar with her chakra and quite pleasant scent by now.

Thirty minutes have passed. There's still some time left to go.

We have options. We can head back to the shop to regroup. But that would waste more time and might not lead to anything good. We can manually search the area for Kurenai...my tracking skill might bring up something, but it seems unlikely. She's erased herself pretty well, likely in anticipation of Shino's insects. The locals could help, but she'd probably take on a disguise to shut that down. And we can search closer to the end goal, but that runs back into the problem of the first option, taking up too much time.

Shino? He could help, but a cloud of insects would be too obvious, and she would be on guard for that.


But...there is something that she can't stop, no matter how hard she tries. The low foot traffic I noted earlier plays right into our hands. I walk closer to Hinata.

"There's something I want you to do for me."

"Ah...okay. What is it?" she asks eagerly. I smile and lean closer to her.

"I'll need you to use those eyes of yours...sensei should be here somewhere," I whisper. "Walk slowly to where you think she might be. Do you trust me?"

"Yes," she whispers back.

"I'm happy that you do. Let's begin."

As I pull away, I see that her eyes have brightened as her bloodline ability activates. The low traffic should help her find Kurenai...it won't be hard to pick up on an adult like her as it is, on top of being a kunoichi.

"Lili...it's the first building down the road with glass doors. I think...it's her. She seems like she's sitting down."

"There are probably a couple of different ways she can escape," I say without turning. Shino is turned in another direction, quick as ever to adapt. "In case she can see you, don't use your bloodline limit once you get close."

"Yes, understood." Hinata starts to walk towards Kurenai's location. Shino and I start to move in different directions. Finding her is the first part, catching her is the next. We have to be precise with our next few moves, now that Hinata is moving alone.

"Shino, I'll leave this part to you. Please have your insects spread out for now."

"Understood." I can hear a slight buzzing as the bugs take off. Activating my technique again, I can faintly note that Kurenai is on the move. Hinata, who I can also see, has stopped in front of the shop.

Time to move.

I loop around back towards the shop front and see that Kurenai has already walked past Hinata. I reflexively focus downwards, though my ability has already told me enough: there's no shadow beneath her, and it's a clone. Hinata starts towards a cloaked figure and attacks, but it jumps away quickly to a rooftop.

"Not bad."

I draw a kunai - these real ones feel ever so slightly different than the academy ones - and clash with the one in the 'stranger's' hand. Hinata's open palm strike is deflected as well, and she's driven back by a kick that she barely blocks.

"But your moves are predictable. Those insects? They won't reach me," Kurenai says as she body flickers through the wave of insects approaching from below us. With a quick movement, she throws a shuriken behind her head that lands right at Shino's feet.

"Is that all you have? Listen, don't play around...come at me with a better effort next time, or you're done for."

She uses a smoke bomb to escape my sight. Bad luck. Seems that we've failed...

Time to try again.

"Lili...here. I think this will help us end it..."

"?" What does Hinata mean by...wait. I understand what she means and flick my tongue along her palm. That's definitely Kurenai, and her path has solidified completely in my mind. We're locked in.

"Did you think of this before?" I ask.

"Y-yeah...I figured that if I could at least touch Kurenai-sensei, you could use that to your advantage..." And she's been worrying about her ability...figuring out my technique and then thinking about the best way to exploit it is something very clever. Though...I wonder if something like that happened only because it was me...

"I'll have to do better next time with an ambush," Shino says as he joins us on the roof. "My apologies, Kobayashi."

"It's fine. That wasn't your fault, and we've made up more than enough ground thanks to Hinata. I don't think she knows about my technique yet, so we should hunt her down. Ready!"

"Ready!" they both reply. We take off across town, now hot on Kurenai's trail. It takes a bit before we manage to catch up, but we're soon within range.

"I can see her," Hinata says. "She's continuing to move at high speed..."

So she's taking us seriously now. Fine by me.

"We've almost caught up. Should we move and attack her head on?" Shino asks.

I look at the timepiece on the inside of my wrist briefly. Two hours left. We can be cautious as long as we keep in range. But we can also try to end this now, before we get worn down by the chase.

"Hm." Easy solution, then. We'll surround her and then close in. "I'll go on ahead. Both of you surround her and then start moving inwards."

"I have a plan that I want to set in motion," Shino says.

"Fine with me. Hinata?"

"I feel the same...let's try it," she says.

We come together to talk, then quickly separate. I nod to my comrades and then accelerate ahead, making sure that I'm well out in front of Kurenai as I move. She takes note of me and swivels her head to note Shino and Hinata closing distance. I use my technique to measure out everyone's paths. They get close enough and I spin around, jumping off the nearest roof and towards Kurenai as she lands on another one nearby. I throw several senbon and she deflects them all, Hinata taking the chance to jump in from my right to start her taijutsu. Kurenai quickly side steps her attack and is aware of Shino, who starts to use his insects. She body flickers towards him, seeming to close the gap before he can respond.


She suddenly stops and throws a shuriken quickly, dispersing the insect clone.

"Nice try!"

Another swarm of insects tries to surround her, but she quickly jumps to another roof - towards me. I rush forward and engage, but she dispatches me with a quick knee-


-and I explode into a cloud of insects. She evades backwards, running into Shino. He moves in a familiar stance, and I see Kurenai's eyes widen in realization. It's too late for her; 'Shino' transforms back into Hinata tags her arm with a precise palm strike. The insects catch up to drain her chakra.

Kurenai jumps to the ground, and the insects leave her as she gasps for air.

"Tch...that was a pretty good trap. But you let up too soon, kids...it's not over yet." She's right, Shino didn't drain her far enough. Even if she's weakened, Kurenai is still an elite soldier, enough to overwhelm one of us genin with pure strength.

She grits her teeth. "You first."


She accelerates towards Shino and Hinata lets out a panicked gasp - no mistake, that's the real one. And he's not nearly fast enough to get out of the way. If Kurenai gets him, then there's every chance she will get away afterwards, and we won't have the manpower to take her down.

I'm fast enough. I have to be. I can get there...but I can't do much after that. I'll be at her mercy.


Shino is putting on a cool face, but I know he must be panicking.

Right. It's decided.

"Hinata, move ahead."

I push chakra through my body and take off, meeting Kurenai right at the point of impact. I desperately clash my kunai against hers, throwing off her attack and knocking over Shino. My body hits the ground hard and I wince, enough for her to recover and start a takedown...

"Y-yield, sensei..."

...but my faith is rewarded. Shino surrounds Kurenai with insects, and Hinata has her fingers pressed into Kurenai's back before she can advance towards me.

"..." Kurenai grimaces and sighs before raising her hands. Shino's insects retreat, and Hinata backs away. "You brats really are good, huh..."

"Something like that," I reply. I grab onto my sensei's hand as she extends it, and pull myself up.

"Why do that, Lili?" she asks. I know what she's getting at.

"We're comrades that can do anything we put our minds to. And I saw my comrade in trouble...I had faith in Shino and Hinata. With their abilities, even if I was taken out they could coordinate and finish the mission. I felt better served in that situation as a decoy, drawing attention so that they could prepare themselves. As soon as I made my move, they understood my intentions."

"When I saw Kobayashi coming towards me, in an attempt to intercept you, sensei...that said enough to me," Shino says.

"Yeah...w-we knew that we only had this chance left if anything went wrong. Lili put herself at one end...trusting us with the other," Hinata finishes.

"What the hell...haha. I thought I would have to show you guys how to work together as a team, but you figured it out in an hour or two. So much for that, eh," Kurenai says with a smile.

"Hinata and Kobayashi have a high synergy rate," Shino points out.

"He's not wrong. And it's easy to be motivated by someone so cute," I say with a straight face. Hinata predictably blushes at that.

"Well, we've finished with time to spare...let's head to lunch. I'm treating you guys as promised, and I'll have your extra reward ready later, promise." She helps dust me off and I do the same for her. We start on our way at a normal pace this time.

Shino is as cool and aloof as always. Hinata looks to be her timid self, but her face is bright with confidence. And Kurenai, our sensei from here on, carries herself elegantly. I want to know more about her, but I think that can wait a while longer. And Luna will have much to tell me after their meeting.

So, Shino it is.

"Hoi, Shino."

I catch up and walk beside him. He pushes up his glasses with one finger.

"You're sure that you want to talk to me?"

"We're teammates now," I point out.

"Yes, but even so...we don't necessarily have to interact beyond missions, or like each other."

"Mm." A pragmatist, then. Interesting.

"But I appreciate your efforts. What did you want to talk about, Kobayashi?"

Or maybe he's just a difficult guy. "Tell me about your journey to become a shinobi. Are you also an elite?"

"Probably. My father is the head of the Aburame Clan."

"Ah. So you might be the next head."

"It's his intention. What do you mean by 'too'? Are you royalty?"

"Just wealthy. My sister is, but we're not blood-related."

"That sounds like a television drama."

I roll my eyes. "You really are difficult to deal with."

"It's a lot like a woman to say such a thing. My mother is the same."

"Is she also a shinobi?" I ask.

"No. She's a housewife. She married into the clan and doesn't mind it at all. Apparently insects have always interested her."

I think on that a moment. "I suppose making love to a bug person would be difficult otherwise."

"I don't know why you would think that. Are you a pervert?" he asks.

I pout at that. "That's a rude question. I'm simply curious and like to explore sexual topics sometimes."

"When you said Hinata was cute, did you mean that?"

"I was teasing her, but those are my real feelings as well. She really is cute," I say. "But she's very much in love with someone else. I'm supporting her all the way. This bond we have now...it's more than enough for me."

"That means you would try and seduce her in another situation."

"Well, yes. Why wouldn't I? I said it clearly earlier, I like girls."

"It could be a phase," he counters.

"No," I reply. "Women are nice and soft and beautiful. I'm not interested in men. Not even Sasuke, before you try and ask. I'd like to travel the world and get myself a good wife."


"What, you're not going to say something like 'that's really simple minded', or something?" I ask him.

"Well...there is that, yes." Rude. "But where does becoming a shinobi fit into this? I was born into this life, and you weren't."

I run a hand through my hair. "Strength controls everything. Don't be foolish...you need power to survive in any world, whether it's that of the rich, or that of shinobi. And this opportunity requires strength of all kinds. That is why I pursue it." I sigh.

"Yes...I've heard that a lot."

"You really are annoying."

"Yes, I've heard that as well."

"I like you."

He freezes up and looks at me. "I...pardon?"

"I like you, Shino," I repeat with sincerity. "You're a good person."

"Why would you say something like that?" he asks, regaining his composure. "As I said, you have no need to try and soften me up. As long as we perform together on missions competently-"

"There are...very few people in this world to trust. Very few to bond with. Very few people that care for others. I saw it, Shino. When I took that blow for you earlier...you were concerned for me. You worried, more than you did about your own well being."

"..." He's quiet. "Is this from when Sasuke..."

"My world changed from that point on," I say.

"I'm sorry."

"Please, don't apologize. It wasn't your fault. You see, I was right." I give him a smile. "You're really a good guy."

"I can see why Hinata looks at you the way she does. She's changed, especially since we left the Academy." He looks at me again. "And you have...a much softer side than I imagined. For better or for worse, you see things as they are in the world. You...don't really like people. So I suppose that being liked by you is important."


"What is it?" he asks.

"The way you talk isn't...accessible," I explain gently. "You're lucky that you have Hinata and I as teammates. And Kurenai as your sensei."


"Also...something important for you."


I flip my hair backwards, over my shoulder. "If you're going to use your insects often, be sure to withdraw and reapply them as needed. I take baths daily and wash my hair."

"I'll keep that in mind for the future. Thank you. We're at our destination." He turns to face me squarely. "I know you have more things to tell me about your past. Is it painful?"

"Yes," I say to him. "I will reveal all to you in time, Shino."

"Fine. I can live with that."

I nod and enter the restaurant ahead of him.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 18

Lunch turns out to be very delicious. I'll have to come back to this place soon as well.

Hinata doesn't eat much, I note. I mean to say something, but end up holding my tongue. It might simply be nerves or exhaustion. I think she will be okay. Kurenai pays the bill as promised and we say our goodbyes for the day.

When I get home, Luna is out. I decide to use this free time in a somewhat responsible manner, and check if I can access another snake friend from my registry. Midori gets a call by way of telepathic communication, using the seal carved into my arm.


Lili, darling. How are you today?

Fine. I just finished my first day with Kurenai-sensei and my team. I'll tell you about them later when you come over next.

Of course. What can I help you with, my love?

I wanted to see if it was okay to use another part of my power.


I wait a moment.

Okay, you should be ready. I've added the next person to our list. Concentrate and call them to your side. Anything else?

No, nothing for now. I'll see you soon. I love you, Midori-nee.

And I love you, Lili. Take care.

We end our short call, and I concentrate on my seal again. In a cloud of smoke, a blue snake appears before me. They have scales that make them look sturdy and stone-like, like a fortress.

"Princess. I am glad that you have called for me at last."

The voice projected into my head is feminine, and also a bit deep. It gives me a feeling of strength and stability.

"Yes. Thank you for assisting me."

"Our Empress has allowed you access to my power, and so I will place my life in your hands to use as you see fit. My name is Aoko. And the power I offer to you is that of a strong shield to defend against the most menacing threats, called Chaotic Bulwark. As your power grows, Princess, so will mine. One day in the near future, we will combine to form the most absolute defense."


"But...I do not want to have you get ahead of yourself, Princess. Forgive my enthusiasm."

I think for a moment. "You and Crim are related."

"Ah, yes. Not all of us that will become available to you are of the same family, but some of us are directly related. Crim is my younger brother. He speaks highly of you and wishes to offer his assistance as often as possible."

"He is an excitable fellow."

"Yes, surely."

"I feel safe knowing that the two of you will be protecting me from now on. Crim is a good man, and you should be proud of him."

"Yes, Princess. I certainly am." An elder sister who cares for her brother deeply. Family is strong in the serpent kingdom it seems, and I think it's delightful to see.

"Then, until the time that I need you, Aoko."

"Of course, Princess. May heaven watch over you." She leaves in a cloud of smoke. I close my eyes and go back to my registry: Midori-nee, Crim, and now one more...a very fit woman in armor, with short blue hair and a calm expression. Your third member, Aoko.

"Good. My strength grows."

With that done, I waste the rest of my day reading manga until Luna comes home. We chat about our day, and I inform her of Kurenai's desire for a meeting. Afterwards we take a bath together, washing away the stress of a long day. We watch a movie and end up falling asleep in each other's arms.


Kurenai drills us with basic exercises and abbreviated missions of all types - the sorts of things I imagined we would start off with as genin. Fixing things, clearing yards, making deliveries, and other odd jobs. They pay little to nothing and wouldn't be taken care of if not for students and young shinobi like us. Rarely there are some adults and others who take detours to do these sorts of thankless jobs, but it's mostly left to beginners in the same positions we are. And it's fair, I think. We don't get much in the way of money, but we get to know our neighbours, the value of hard work, and do service for our community. Being part of the Leaf...many dimensions to that sort of thing. Money and prestige can wait...and we especially don't need to rush off to die so soon.

The time for battle will come, though. I wonder how I will handle it. Will I...enjoy such a thing? I've asked myself that question before, more than once.

Is it wrong to enjoy killing?

I wonder about that a lot.

We gather daily at Training Field 23, in the same manner as we do today. Kurenai has finally authorized official missions.

"I think you kids are ready. You've shown off teamwork, ability, and a willingness to work hard. We'll start off slowly for now, and then graduate to tougher work as we adjust. But I'll be with you at all times, so if you need to rely on me, say the word and I'll take on your burdens."

After Kurenai does equipment checks, we go to the Academy complex where the Mission Assignment Desk sits. It's a long table with about six or seven people sitting behind it. An encouraging banner is printed above: "do your best, everyone".

"Nice that we cross paths again so soon, eh?"

A familiar voice. I approach the table to see Iruka, who I give a smile and polite bow. I wonder how his back is doing today.

"These ones haven't been any trouble, have they, Kurenai?" he asks with a silly grin.

"Far from it. Passed their first test with flying colours, too. You raised a heck of a class this year, Iruka."

"Heh, these kids are powerhouses all on their own. Couldn't match up at that age."

"I'm pretty excited to get things started...those rookie nerves are all but gone on my end," Kurenai says with a smile.

"Good to hear!"

"Yes, I feel the same. Very good to hear," the old man beside Iruka says. From the flowing robes, the wrinkles, and the character on his hat, he has to be...

"Lord Hokage. It's an honour," I say while bowing low and keeping my head down. So this is him. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage of the Hidden Leaf. He had retired once, but after that incident...the one that made Naruto a host...he had to return to the position once more.

"Formalities of that degree aren't necessary, my dear. Ah...Lilith, isn't it? This is our first meeting."

"Yes, Lord Hokage."

"I hear that Lili is fine as well?"

"It is, my lord, if you would prefer that."

"Alright, Lili it is." He gives me a warm smile. I...really feel comfortable around this old man. Everyone seems to, and Ino did give that glowing report the other day...but this feeling is really soothing right now. "I know that you'll do great things after your performances in the Academy."

"Thank you, my lord."

"Although...we'll have to keep you away from any missions involving Kobayashi Rice, just to cover ourselves," he says with a laugh.

I smile and nod. "Understood, sir."

"Good, good. Now, Kurenai...I believe you wanted to pick up a D-Rank to start things off," the Hokage says as he flips through papers.

"Yes, Lord Hokage. Nothing too strenuous. I believe in their teamwork."

"Hmm..." The Hokage looks at us curiously, scanning each member of the team. Smoke puffs up from his pipe as he seems to be mulling something over. I can't imagine what, as we're a newly minted team. "Kurenai."

"Yes, sir."

"Have you spoken to the Hyuuga Head recently?" What's this about...?

"I have, Lord Hokage. And he said..." Kurenai makes a face before composing herself. "He said that I could 'do as I pleased'...because he had no further use for her."

"..." Her? No. No, that couldn't be referring to...

"I see. Still stubborn, that man..." The Hokage rubs his forehead.

"Lord Hokage, may I ask what this is about?"

"I'm mulling over sending your group on a C-Rank mission to start."

"C-Rank?" Iruka says. "Sir, that's...a bit much, isn't it?"

"Sir, I was also thinking the same," Kurenai says. "I know that I'm more than ready to lead, and I don't want to question your judgement here..."

"I have confidence in this particular team and its members, based on what I've seen and heard. Also...there's something that I want to test. I don't mean to use your team as expendable guinea pigs, Kurenai..."

"I wouldn't think anything of the sort, sir. I really just want to keep the children safe."

"Of course, of course. I didn't mean to cause you alarm."

"Yes, sir. I understand. If you're confident in us taking on a C-Rank, then by all means."

"The decision will ultimately be up to you. I can only make the suggestion and offer it as an option for now. As you said, your team is still young with plenty of time to grow. There are two C-Rank missions available; you may choose from one of them, or decline and attempt D-Rank missions instead."

"..." Hinata has her head down after Kurenai's report. She is quiet and deathly still.

The clan head...her father.

No use for her.

Memories violently flood back into my head. I feel my blood start to boil as those words echo, over and over.

"The two missions, sir?" Kurenai asks.

"Iruka?" The Hokage says.

"Yes, sir. Both escort missions, here...one for an architect who needs protection on his way to Wave Country, and a defense mission for a construction project there. The second is portable guard for a precious metal shipment to Wind Country. It will go through the Hidden Sand Village."

Kurenai looks to me, and I nod. She looks back towards Iruka and the Hokage.

"Lord Hokage, we're taking the mission to Wind Country. I think it will be better suited to our abilities."

"Excellent. You will be leaving in two days at dawn. The mission is estimated to take a week, barring any incidents," the Hokage says. "Make sure you rest and prepare until then."

"We will. Thank you, my lord."

The four of us bow before leaving.

"Good luck, Team Eight!" Iruka says.

I wave back before we exit for good. Down the hall, there's a familiar scent...alcohol. Emi's favourite, among other things. She apparently had a high tolerance...

"What's this? Are you really shinobi?" An old man with a bottle emerges from a room nearby. Seems like he just wants to sneer at us. "I didn't think they would just train and hire anyone for the job..."

"Pay him no mind," Kurenai says firmly. "Let's go."

"Women concerned with their appearances more than their skills...especially the red-head midget over here. Who'd your parents pay off to let you play ninja, huh?

"I don't know who you are, but-"

"Sensei. It's fine." My anger is already surging behind this impassive mask. I walk towards the old man and stare up at him. "I suppose you're a client of the Leaf."

"That's right. I'm paying your village to protect me on the way back home, but now I'm not so sure with the likes of you running around."

"I see. How unfortunate...I do hope that you find someone suitable enough to take care of you on your trip."

I let my mask start to slip.

"I wish you safe travels...ossan."

I tilt my head and 'smile' brightly for him. He steps back and fumbles his bottle several times before catching it, shaking in fear.

"I promise. I will be a splendid shinobi the next time we meet."


As he falls on his behind, I turn on my heel and walk back towards my team.

"My insects are agitated again, just like the last time you did that at the Academy. You're sure that you're human?" Shino asks me.


Kurenai gives me a worried look, and I turn my head away.

I really do have a bad temper.

"Just barely...Shino."


Home. I do stretches and then light exercise in the comfort of my room before taking a shower. Luna comes in a while later and cooks dinner. I tell her about my mission.

"Do you need help with the supplies?" she asks.

"No thank you," I say to her. "Please don't push yourself. I'll gather everything and make my way out the morning of. It will be early even for you."

She nods in understanding. "Alright. I'll be here just in case you need anything, Miss Lilith."

"Thank you, Luna." I kiss her on the cheek and she smiles.

In the morning I go down to the training field and work on my attack speed. But it's an excuse to hit something until I stop feeling angry.

It's not working.

My chest feels hot even as my knuckles and feet get sore from pounding away at logs. The soreness goes away, but the anger doesn't. I keep thinking of Hinata. I keep thinking of her father mistreating her. Throwing her away. I can't stand it. She lives in that home and...


I pack up my things and head home, then sit in the tub for a long while. It's hard to stop thinking, but I eventually manage it and clear my mind. My body relaxes. I feel a bit better and start to focus on that feeling.

"Miss Lilith? Is everything okay?" Luna calls from outside the bathroom.

"I'm fine, Luna. Did you need something?"

"No, nothing. Lady Midoriko will be here soon, she's staying overnight."

"Oh, good. That means I won't have to worry about you in the morning."


"You'll be too tuckered out to-"

"Why do I even bother sometimes?" Luna complains. "The worst...the worst..."

She stomps away as I snicker. I really do love that woman.

After my bath is relaxation time. The anime I ordered isn't out yet, which is a little disappointing, but manageable. A good book will have to do for now. I read with a cup of tea nearby before I hear the front door open and shut quickly.

"Lady Midoriko-"

"Lili, hi. I'll see you off tomorrow. Luna, pay attention. Mouth, closed. Room, in. Clothes, off."

"I-I don't think..."

"Five minutes. If you make me wait, I will make you squeal louder than you ever have before, woman."

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be ready in four minutes, ma'am."

I turn a page as I hear Luna hurry off.

"Long day, I assume?" I ask without looking up.

"Too long. Gonna take the edge off. If we're too loud, apologies in advance."

"It happens. Have a good night."

"Thank you."

The door to Luna's room opens and shuts. I put on the earmuffs that I leave nearby just in case, and take a sip of tea. They'll help while I pretend to hear nothing else for the next few hours.

"I did warn her, didn't I?"

I shrug and turn to a new page.


It's still dark outside as I open my eyes. That means that I'm still okay for time...

I rub my eyes and walk to the bathroom, splashing water onto my face and starting my routines. Packing is finished, I'm freshened up, and now I can start on breakfast.

"Mm...leaving already, then?"

"Yes." I turn my head to see Midori, with a robe that she lazily has open as she yawns.

"C-Rank, right? Seems like Sarutobi has a lot of faith in your group. I'm happy to see it, it means that you're another step closer to becoming a great shinobi."

"I see."

She sits down at the table, leaning back in her chair. "Don't worry about me. I'll be going back to snuggle with Luna once you leave."


"I've noticed that you've been a bit more tense lately. There's something worrying you."

"..." Well, she would notice. This is the woman that taught me everything I know.

"Hey. Be straight with me, Lili. What is it?"

"I'm worried about Hinata. She's...been discarded."

"Mm. And you want to reach her, is that it? The only thing you can do is strengthen her heart. After that...it's between her and her family."

"How do I do that?" I say as I finish cooking. "How can I give her strength?"

"Love her the same way that I love you."

"Like that..."

"Yes. Like that. As if she is your everything. And she will love you right back." She stretches and stands up. "Go ahead and eat, don't let me keep you. Everything will sort itself out, if you simply move forward. I promise you, Lili."

"Take care of Luna," I say.

"With my life, Lili."

"Thank you." I pause a moment. "I know that I'm being selfish. I do that a lot."

"That's perfectly fine sometimes. We all have our own desires and dreams. I'm the same. Those have value, too. I'll see you soon, Lili."

"Yes. Of course, Midori-nee."

She gives me a light nod before returning to Luna's room. I finish preparing breakfast and eating, then check over my things. One last, last check, then I shoulder my backpack and secure it. Okay. Time to leave.

"I forgot something."

"Did you?" I ask as I turn around. Midori smiles and places her hands on my cheeks. She leans forward and kisses my forehead gently.

Well, I suppose I have to come back safely now.

"There. Now it's fine," she says. My big sister is cute in her own ways. "Be safe, and if anything should happen...don't hesitate. I'll be there for you, even if I die."

Idiot. Saying things like that.

"Then I won't let it get that far," I say to her.

"Stubborn. Cute, but stubborn." I wonder where she gets off saying that. She pats me on the shoulder and sends me on my way.

My forehead still feels warm. Midori has a way of making me miss her the moment we part ways. I can't say that I dislike the feeling.

Love, then...


If I can rescue Hinata with that, then I'll give it my all. I trust what Midori has told me, and so I will follow her advice.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 19

Our meeting place is the main gate of the Leaf. Kurenai and Shino are already here. We meet and say our morning greetings before waiting for our last member. After a few minutes, Hinata arrives with another person in tow. The colour of their eyes makes it clear they're a member of the Hyuuga Clan.

"Lady Hinata, will you need anything else?" the man asks, annoyed at his task.

"N-no...I will b-be fine...t-t-thank you..."

"Understood. Then I will return to the estate." He gives the rest of us a dismissive look before taking off, back into the village.

"Everyone ready?" Kurenai asks. I want to say no. I should. Hinata is trying to hide it, but I can see the faint dark lines under her eyes. She's barely slept.

"Yes," the three of us say in unison.

It will be okay. I'll protect her. None of us want to screw this mission up, especially after the Hokage put his faith in all of us.

Kurenai nods. "Good. Our clients and their cargo should be coming up now. I think I see them."

The merchants draw nearer to us from inside of the village, and stop with us at the gates. Horses pulling a covered wagon, though this one has a solid roof and sides, made of strong wood. Sturdier than the normal covered wagons, and probably more expensive. The wheels are different too, containing rubber treads as opposed to leaving it just at wood.

The occupants meet up with us, three merchants.

"Morning to you." The first person is an older bald man, stern looking and muscular. He's fit and looks like he could easily thrive in the wilderness on his own. And he has a sort of aura that would seem intense to normal people. His name is Zen, and he's definitely the leader of the outfit. He has a black shirt on over blue overalls.

As he shakes hands with Kurenai, I take note of the other members. There's the younger man, probably early twenties, with brown hair spiked upwards and piercings on his eyebrows. I hear that his name is Toki. His loud complaining indicates that he thinks we're unnecessary. His muscles are bigger than Zen's, but I can see that they're mainly for show. Likely a playboy in his free time. He wears a baggy blue shirt and pants that look to be the group's regular uniform.

The last person has a vulnerable feeling to them. They're frail looking and skinny, and the baggy uniform that Toki wears looks even bigger on their body. It takes an extra moment for me to figure out that it's a woman under there. Her name is Airi, and she's even quieter than Hinata is...her black hair is cut short, and she's making an attempt to hide her femininity, wearing a straw hat to help that along. Given the things that can happen to women who travel...it's a sensible decision.

"What are the properties of the cargo that we're guarding?" Shino asks.

"None of your fuckin' business," Toki snarls. "You're getting paid to help us guard it, not to find out what's inside. Fuckin' clown. I told you this was a shitty idea, old man."

"Pipe down," Zen says. "Sorry about the kid. The cargo is pretty important like you've heard, and it's one of many shipments we've made. Wind Country is paying top dollar for it...there's a mix of things in here, but the majority of the shipment contains Red Iron."

"Red Iron?" Kurenai asks. "I've heard it mentioned vaguely, but I don't know much about it."

"It's a super conductive type of metal. Highly receptive to chakra and has a hell of a lot of applications. Ultra-high speed vibrations with lightning, extra moisture with water, increased heat tolerance and transfer with fire."

"So anything can become a deadly weapon when made with the stuff."

"Precisely. Now, being a metal it has applications outside of combat, really good ones...but this kind of offer couldn't be passed up. Can't give you the exact details, but it's a fat sack of cash for us once we finish this job. We...or really, I figured that we could afford to hire some extra muscle as a result."

"And I see that it only exists in a certain place at the moment, which is why you've kept your origins on a need to know basis," Kurenai concludes.

"You got it. We haven't yet perfected the process - working tools are pretty rare right now - but we're pretty much the only ones with the knowledge, expertise, and frankly the balls to handle this stuff. Red Iron is a real bitch to work with."

"Ah, I see."

"This is a waste of money," Toki says, interrupting. "A painted up leader, a girl pissing herself, a weirdo nerd in a jacket and this short red-headed bitch. This is what we've paid for? A bunch of fucking runts?"

"Ignoring the other garbage...I gotta question the youth movement here, myself," Zen says. "Did you guys just get dumped on us?"

"Lord Hokage entrusted us with this mission," Kurenai says. "The girl your...associate insulted just now with his vulgar language is an elite rookie kunoichi. By the numbers and her performances, she's on the same level as the Fourth Hokage at this age."

Zen raises a brow and looks at me, impressed. "That much, eh? Well...I know not to underestimate people who look small. That's what age teaches, anyways. Alright, you've sold me. We've wasted enough time chatting. The wagon's got enough room for four people, including the cargo. What's our game plan?"

"Let's go with two of us outside, two inside while you drive," Kurenai says. "Schedule preferences?"

"Hmm...let's keep it normal. Travel during the day, sleep at night."

"Good. We'll work out night watch when we get there. Sound okay?"

"Perfect. Let's get moving."

Kurenai turns to us. "Team Eight, our mission has begun. C-Rank, minimal threat level. Keep your eyes and ears tuned towards me, and if you have anything to bring to my attention, anything at all, please do so. Understood?"

"Understood, sensei," we all reply.

"Good. Then we advance."


It's largely uneventful out here. We keep level with the horse and wagon as it moves along at a steady pace, down the cleared paths of the Leaf Forest. Zen drives, Toki and Airi are inside. Shifts rotate throughout the day, and Kurenai makes sure that we're not expending too much energy. Two people on, two people off inside of the wagon. If someone is tired, they can take a nap to recharge.

The strategy pays out wonderfully; we make very good ground in three days even with the horses stopping for rest.

"Oi, sensei."

"Mister Zen. What can I do for you?" Kurenai responds. It's the fourth day and we've crossed the border from Fire Country to Wind Country. The forest is behind us, and we've started down a desert trail.

"We're going to stop and get a good meal in us. I know we're all tough, but I think we've made some really good time, and it'd be nice to get some actual rest in for once."

"I feel much the same. Let's find somewhere good to stop."

The land around us is flat and dusty, broken up by patches of vegetation. Some unfamiliar plants, and what I recognize as cactus. I can also see some have blooming flowers, so I wonder if it rained recently...

"There's something good."

Kurenai seems to have spotted something in the distance. We head off-road with the wagon moving a bit slower as our horses traverse the terrain. They're strong children though, and bring their cargo and passengers towards a most welcome sight.

An oasis, complete with natural hot spring.

"Hoh, lucky!" Zen says with a laugh.

"Shall we stop here?" Kurenai asks, smiling.

"Yeah, definitely. Oi, slackers!" He bangs on the wagon roof behind him, causing Toki to respond with his usual string of curses. The younger man steps out and scoffs.

"You really wanna stand here and jerk around with a delivery to make?"

"Shut it. We're going to be almost a week early for our shipment at this rate, no need to tire ourselves out for no reason," Zen responds. "Now you can sulk if you want, but I'm gonna make us some real grub and get a damn bath."

"Tch." Toki ducks back into the wagon as Airi steps out. She takes off her hat and fans herself with it. Shino and Hinata emerge from the other side. He starts snooping around for bugs, as I expected. Hinata...she looks better, and rested. But she's also been nearly silent aside from replying to orders, and has been distancing herself from everyone else.

It's probably nerves because of the mission, but...I still worry. I want to reach out to her. It's just...if I approach this the wrong way, I'm going to hurt her. And I can't stand the thought of making my precious friend hurt. What can I do...? Hm.


I need more understanding. The event that almost made me boil over...nearly a week ago now. There are things going on around Hinata that I'm not privy to. I can change that. I know who to talk to. Kurenai has gone to the hot spring, so this is an opportunity to chat privately.

And...there are other bonuses to consider. I suppose.

"I'm following sensei to the hot spring," I announce. "Hinata, you should come over too when you're ready."

"I'll...think about it. Thank you, Lili..."

I nod and leave it at that, then walk through the small section of bush towards the naturally formed pool on the other side. Provides for a small bit of privacy, which is nice. Kurenai is undoing her wrappings as I arrive.

"You too, eh? Well, company is nice." She hums to herself.


"...Lili? Oi. What's with that look..."

"Nothing. Continue," I say with a gesture. "We're both girls here, aren't we?"

"Yeah, and?"

"Well, I'm sort of interested to see what you look like."

She frowns. "Bit much, isn't it?"

"Not really. I take baths with Luna and Midori-nee all the time. I know what a naked woman looks like."

"This is a bit different, I think."

"I wouldn't say so. Skinship like this is a good way to bond, sensei." I shake my head and start to pull off my shirt. "I'll occupy myself if you're so shy. Just make sure you keep your eyes away on your side."

"I wonder what you're implying, missy."

"Nothing terrible, sensei."

"Yes, I'm sure. If you could close your mouth for a moment, that'd be great."

"Rumours get around."

"They sure do."

I finish undressing and folding up my clothes, then slowly step into the pool before sinking down into it. Remarkably good temperature. Kurenai slowly steps in herself, and I get a good view of her. Not anything like Luna or Midori, obviously...but a well-honed body. I think it's impressive.

"Did you get to meet with Luna?" I ask.

"I did." She sighs as she settles in.

"What did you think?"

"She's a good woman, very devoted to you and observant as well. You know, I think she could become a kunoichi herself if she wanted to. She'd be really good. But from what she's said, she really enjoys being of service to you. Heh, there are a lot of guys who would kill for a woman like that. Well, life being what it is...a few have, unfortunately."

"I'm glad to hear that...but that wasn't what I was really asking about."

She blinks at me. "Huh?"

"Her body. You know? What did you think?"

"Oh, for...stop asking about lewd things, Lili." She closes her eyes and grumbles. "It's not nice to bully people."

"Hm. Well, I tease Hinata all the time, and she doesn't mind."

"She doesn't mind much when it comes to you," Kurenai shoots back.

"Shino's not much fun."

"He's got an annoying way of speaking, I know that much. But he's a good kid." She narrows her eyes at me. "And you are too, when you're not busy being a pervert."

"Oh, come on. I told you flat out that I liked girls. There's no reason for me not to look at you."

"I'm into guys. Guys," she repeats. "Men, human males."

"I can appreciate the aesthetics of men, also. But I don't like them nearly as much as I do women. Besides, you look really good."

"..." Kurenai goes silent and sinks into the water a bit. "You're not just teasing me again, are you?"

"I am, but it's the truth. You really do look good. All that aside," I say with a smile, "spending time with you is always a pleasure, Kurenai."

"You really are a troublesome girl," she says as she shifts back to her original position. Finally, she smiles back at me. "But that's why I like you. Never a dull moment."


"Hrm..." She has a conflicted expression. "Alright, this is going to sound weird..."

"Is it, now."

"Yes, because I'm asking these things of a twelve year old girl. When...did you kind of, you know...know?"

"It was...I saw two beautiful women kissing," I say to her, feeling warm at the memory. "And I really thought it was the most magnificent thing in the world. I thought it was something I wanted for myself, I suppose. And those feelings only grew and grew with each day. It wasn't just the kissing part, but...beyond that is hard to explain. I don't know if I really could. But it sparked something in me, and made me forget about everything else."

"That's enough, I think. I get it. Listen, I hope that wasn't..."

"It wasn't, Kurenai. I'm actually glad you asked. Thank you."

She laughs quietly. "The more I learn, the more I get attached to you, Lili. You just tell me if I ever go too far, alright?"

"I will, Kurenai. Thank you."

"And thank you, Lili."

This time of conversation is good. But...there's that question I need to ask. For Hinata's sake.

"Kurenai...I was wondering..."

"About Hinata," she finishes for me.


"She hasn't been doing too well. Not sleeping much, barely eating...I thought the mission structure would help get her into some sort of normal routine, so that's why I kept with it for her sake. She's improved, but not by much..."

"Please tell me what's happening. What was that message the other day?" I slowly move over to where Kurenai is, resting my arms on the edge of the pool.

"No touching," she says firmly.

I feign a sigh. "Fine. I won't this time."

"You're awful."

"I know."

She pauses for both of us before continuing. "The message I relayed the other day was the truth. Hinata...she's the eldest daughter of Hiashi Hyuuga, the current head of the Hyuuga Clan. She was always sort of shy and timid, but she would also attempt to be outgoing and friendly to people. A lot of people loved her. She was the pride and joy of the clan, and expected to be the next leader. Someone who could take the weight of Hyuuga prestige on her shoulders. But...her training didn't go well. You see how she is...she doesn't seem like someone suited to fighting, and it was the case long ago as well. But she forged ahead out of love for her family. She always did her best."

"..." Hinata...

"But it wasn't enough. Ever so slowly, she fell out of favour with her father, and the elders, and then the rest of the clan. All of them started to look down on her. She started to fall behind, day by day. Hiashi stopping caring about her progress, and all that did was make her tumble further and further. A vicious cycle that continued as he taught her less and less...and then he suddenly stopped teaching her. That was the same time that he started to groom Hanabi for succession. And at that point, she was no longer the clan heiress. Hanabi...she's seven right now, and about to enter the Academy when her basic training is deemed complete. She's his successor now. That's why he said he had no use for Hinata. She's...nobody to him. Just a useless child."



It's taking a lot...to hold back these tears. "I'm...fine. It's just that...that feeling of just being reduced to a pawn..."

"What do you mean?"

"Kurenai...if I were a boy, I wouldn't be here with you right now. I would be at the mansion, or with my father on business trips across the land. He wanted a boy. Not a girl with red hair. Not someone with such a cold feeling to them, and an odd smile that frightened others. He wanted a heir...not a heiress. And I realize now that...not once...did he truly care about me."

"Lili...no. You too?"

"Yes." I take a breath in to calm down. "I'm just a discard too. He's never said it out loud, never expressed it in front of me...but I know. I know in my heart that I am nothing to him. My...father. Hinata and I are reflections of each other, I know that for sure now. But she was so pure, so vulnerable...she should have been cherished and protected the first time she fell. She's spent her entire life being beaten down and torn apart, through no fault of her own. But I...I who became cursed and lonely, I was able to sharpen myself. I pulled my strength inward and survived. I found myself drawn to Midori-nee, and she made me into a beautiful weapon with her love. My stepmother acknowledges me as a warrior princess, and gives me strength with her prayers. And Luna, she devotes herself to me out of love."


"Midori-nee...told me this. That what I have to do is pour my love into her, just as it was done for me. It's going to be difficult. She's scared that she will break into pieces, and...even as much as I want to believe, I'm scared too..."

"But you don't want to see her like that anymore," Kurenai says.

"Yes. I can see it inside of her. I can see strength...the heart of a lioness. I want to draw it out of her, but only she can let it happen. I can't do it all. It has to be her."

"That's why you worry about her so much...I see now. A reflection of the pain you've experienced your whole life," Kurenai says sadly. She looks at me with resolve a moment later. "Lili. We'll help her for sure. She's already come such a long way, but it's these critical points that test a person. Many people run into walls and just...give up because they seem too high to climb. I want to say that it won't be the case, but...I've seen a lot of people who seemed to have it all together just crumble in the face of a challenge. There's no way to tell what will happen in the end."

"..." I ponder Kurenai's words.

"Lili, I think...you can reach her."

"I want to believe it. I want to believe that I can, because...she doesn't deserve to wander in darkness. Not like I did for so long."

"Then believe. And follow through. You'll have my support...after all, we girls need to stick together, yeah?"

I smile. "You're right. Sticking together...like this, maybe~?" With a turn, I move ahead and hug Kurenai tightly.

"Ah? Hey, what'd I say earlier?"

"Soft, too...I like it."

"You...geez. You're too much." I feel her hug me back. "Thanks..."

"For what?" I ask.

"Nothing...just for choosing to trust me, I guess. I'm happy that you can do that, after this amount of time. It's...it makes me feel good. That's all."

"..." I look up at her and tilt my head to one side.


"Tsundere?" I ask innocently. She blushes and turns her head away, but still strokes my hair gently.

"You need to stop saying weird things...you dummy."