Which Lili is your favourite?

  • Angry Lili

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Bully Lili

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • Benevolent Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Commander Lili

    Votes: 24 15.2%
  • Big Sis Lili

    Votes: 49 31.0%
  • Shy Lili

    Votes: 18 11.4%
  • Smug Lili

    Votes: 57 36.1%
  • Sadist Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Professional Lili

    Votes: 26 16.5%
  • Villainess Lili

    Votes: 37 23.4%
  • Suave Lili

    Votes: 28 17.7%

  • Total voters
I'd advise people to read the content warnings, there's...a lot in this chapter and it will represent a turning point in the story that I've been trying to set up for a bit. Thanks for all of your support so far, and hopefully you enjoy this next installment.
intense trauma, mental breakdowns, suicidal ideation, graphic violence, sadism, potentially unsavory things involving blood, murder, homophobia

this chapter has a little bit of everything, and if you see something I missed that might be harmful, I'm listening and will add it to the big list. but this is the beginning of what might be OW THE EDGE country for the story - there won't be sustained edge, but it will be A Thing from here on out.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 20

"I'm telling you guys. We need to get back to the society we had way back when, where men had more respect for women and themselves."

Zen has cooked steak and vegetables for us, while Airi finishes baked treats for dessert. It's the first good meal in a while, and it's delicious. It seems I was right about Zen, he knows how to handle himself no matter the situation.

"What the hell, old man. This bullshit again?" Toki says.

"Yes, again. Women shouldn't be restricted to the kitchen, and men shouldn't just go out to hunt and gather all day, then trudge home and help themselves to their wives' bodies whenever they please. It's damn gross and erodes family values."

"You think so, huh. What's your ideal, then?" Kurenai asks him.

"Has to be a partnership. Not every woman is going to cook well, but she might be good at just baking things, for example. She might have a knack for home maintenance. Things like that. Figure out how to support her best. As for us men, we need to be well-rounded." He points his chopsticks at Toki. "Jokers like this are too plentiful, and a lot of bright young women have had their lives ruined as a result."

"Sorry that not everyone wants to become a housewife like you," Toki says with a smirk. "You're just mad that I pull tail like no tomorrow."

"I'm mad that you can't even take care of yourself. You're a child in a man's body. No woman should be forced to babysit guys like you, and then get themselves trapped by the little mindgames you play. It's sad." Zen shakes his head. "Men have to have a solid foundation, not only for their own survival, but that of their wives and families."

"What do you make of relationships between the same sex?" Shino asks. Jumping right into it, huh.

"Who cares about what those fa-"

"Toki. Please."

Everyone turns their head to look at Airi, who for the first time speaks. There's a stern, disapproving look on her face. Even with her attitude, it seems she can stand up to Toki's antics. She also seems very calm around Zen, where I would expect a person like that to feel under constant pressure from his intense energy at times. I do wonder...

"Thanks, Airi. Talking about gay people, then? Men?" Zen asks Shino.

"Perhaps women in this case." This guy. Seriously.

Zen shrugs. "I can't lie and say I know exactly how the roles work for lesbians, but it's the same sort of thing. Live well, gain knowledge, and make sure you can be independent. These days, though, a man's romance isn't strictly for men." He crosses his arms in thought. "There are quite a few older ladies I know that just aren't out in public. You know how people get when it comes to girls loving girls. Guys, they'll let slide a bit...heaven knows why, but they do. Girls, they're the life-bringers, so it's taken a lot more seriously. I don't pretend to understand it."

"Do...you think it's wrong?" Kurenai asks cautiously.

"Nope. Love who you want to. I'm honestly too old to put up a fuss, maybe a younger me would have cared slightly more. And I know too much as it is. Historical research brings a lot of things to light, if you know what I mean."

"I think I do."

We finish a delicious meal in peace, and I help Airi clean up. She still looks very boyish because of her precautions, but I'm fully aware of her womanhood now.

"Shino is...very lucky to have you," she says quietly as we finish rinsing our items.

"Is he..."

"Yes. Some boys aren't...very tactful." Her smile tells me all I need to know.

"So you saw that much from here, then."

"Your aura is hard to miss. Promise you won't steal my heart away before the end of this mission," she jokes.

I laugh gently. "Very well. I'll spare you this time, Airi. Do you have a man you're returning to?"

"I do. I think he's...ready to take my hand, very soon."

"Good luck, then. I hope you both have a happy union."

"Thank you, Lili."

It's getting late, so we decide to set up camp. The morning will be a good time to continue our journey properly. Everyone gets to bed, with Team Eight doing rotating watch. Shino wakes me, and I slip out of my sleeping bag to replace him. I can see the stars in the night sky, bright and shining.

I wonder what the new day will bring. Hopefully nothing but good things and high spirits. Better fortunes and stronger bonds. I long for that much at this moment.

The cool desert winds refresh me every so often, as I sit still on a rock near the camp. It's a few hours before I hear distinct footsteps and recognize her scent from far away.

"Time to switch," Kurenai says as she reaches me. "I'm going to be taking care of Hinata's part, too. She's exhausted right now..."

"I see. Thank you, Kurenai."

She nods and I head back, getting into my sleeping bag again and curling up. My head is turned towards Hinata...she has a pained expression on her face as she sleeps.


I curse my helplessness once more. But...there's nothing that I can do. Not yet.


"Just a few more hours and this shitty trip is over."

I sigh as Toki starts to complain yet again from inside of the wagon. Mid-morning in the desert, on the last leg of our journey. This brat is supremely irritating...I haven't been able to get any sleep or rest because of him, and now he's just spouting all kinds of nonsense. He should count his lucky stars that he's a listed client for the mission.

"Toki...there's no need to be rude," Airi scolds in her quiet tone.

"Shut the fuck up. You've only got one job here, and it's not to lecture me."

I start to open my mouth so I can put him in his place, but then I feel the wagon come to a stop suddenly. Zen is talking to someone outside...I can't make out who. Kurenai and Hinata are outside with him, so it should be okay. I nod to Shino and start to position myself near the door-

"The fuck is going on, old man?" Toki whines.

"There are more people inside!" a voice yells.

"You dumbass!" Zen shouts back.

I hurry outside, with Shino and the others following. There is definitely a problem, and...yes, here we are.


Lots of them.

"Shit," Zen mutters. "Alright, get yourselves ready! Airi, gonna need you at your station!"

"Yes..." She pulls out a scroll and gets ready to open it. From the looks of it...it's a standard barrier scroll. Good enough to withstand some attacks while the users remain in place. Zen draws a sword from his side as he drops to the ground, and Toki has come out with his own blade.

"We'll be able to withstand some attacks with that barrier in place. Pick these assholes off one by one, like we have in the past. Nothing to it."


Zen looks at Kurenai. "What? What's wrong?"

"These aren't normal bandits. Their stances, those odd tools on them...they're trained."

"That's...you serious?"

"Very. They're either former shinobi, academy dropouts, or they've been trained by a shinobi themselves. And the numbers...I can pick out forty of them at the least. A bunch of them are definitely lying in wait to overwhelm us."

"We can't deal with that many," Zen says. "If they're trained, and there are only, what...seven of us? With only the four of you well trained..."

"Can that barrier cover the whole wagon?" she asks.

"Yeah, without a doubt."

"Okay. The three of you need to huddle inside of the wagon and put the barrier up. We'll do our best to handle things out here."

"Shit...alright, let's go. Airi, Toki! With me!" Zen yells.

"You're not seriously gonna listen to this-"

"Toki! We're going! Airi, go on and set the barrier up!"


"Fuck that! I'm taking these losers on even if I have to do it myself! They're just bandits!"

"Toki! Dammit!" Zen tries to pull the younger man away, but he's pushed off roughly. Clicking his teeth, he runs towards the wagon alone, where a light green barrier forms a dome around the wagon and restless horses. The rest of us take position ahead, with Toki brandishing his sword dramatically.

"You're just making yourself a liability," Shino says to Toki.

"Fuck yourself, freak." He flexes a bicep and grunts. "I'm more than enough to take on some punk bandits. Just stay out of my way."

"Team, cover your angles. Keep them away from the cargo as much as possible. Hopefully they don't have much in the way of long range attacks...they seem more suited for close range. Stay defensive for now until we can gather more information."

The four of us back into a circular formation around the wagon, trying to cover each of the major directions as the bandits start to creep closer. I realize Kurenai is dead on; these people aren't moving like normal bandits would. It seems to be only marginally, but they have some sort of training, and a basic understanding of tactics. No clear leader, either...I taste the air and confirm the numbers. Exactly forty of them, and only five of us out here.

But we can do this if we play our cards smartly.

"Hey! Don't!"

Kurenai's yell comes too late. I turn my head to see Toki advancing at the same time a bandit does. He slashes at his enemy's side, seemingly taking him out of the picture.

"Take that, bitch! You're nothing!" he gloats.

But he's wide open! Idiot! "Toki!" I yell.

Hinata is closest and leaves her position to save him, deflecting the other bandit's blade with her kunai. But her stance is weak, and she immediately loses her balance. The bandit strikes again and he just barely misses, his blade cutting into the top of Hinata's shoulder.

She loses it. I watch with despair as she screams and hits the ground, extremely slow to move.

"Forgot about me already, huh?!" Toki jumps in, only to be elbowed solidly in the gut. He crumples over and falls backwards as I rush in, determined to save Hinata. Two of them at the same time, no good!


Shuriken rain down as covering fire, driving the bandits back as I launch smoke bombs at them simultaneously. They drop back and I drag Hinata and Toki to cover behind a large rock. More smoke and a few explosive tags to throw up more debris.

"Sensei! Shino! I need time for first aid!"

"I've got it!" Kurenai calls back. "I can buy you five minutes! Shino, with me! Full protection!"

I toss out another smoke bomb and then decide that it will have to do for now. There's no more time. Hinata is shaking and sobbing uncontrollably, and Toki is folded up like a wet rag. Serves the homophobe right, though I don't want him to die here. Even he doesn't deserve that much. He's unconscious, but fine.

I slip Hinata's arms out of her jacket and can see blood leaking from the wound on her left shoulder. I roll up my sleeves and then reach into her pouch for the medical supplies she always has on her, like the thoughtful person she always is.

"L-Lili...I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she cries out. "I'm so sorry! I'm so weak, so worthless...it hurts so much, I can't even...please! It hurts! I'm so scared!"

"Hinata, be calm...I'm right here." I disinfect her wound and she screams out in pain...it's making me tremble with agony, watching her like this. She's breaking down. She's falling apart right in front of me. The screaming shifts into painful sobs.

"I...I can't go on," she chokes out. "I can't d-do it...I'm so tired! He was right about me...all along, he knew I wasn't good enough!"

It hurts.

"Not as a leader, not as a fighter...!"

I want to cry. I want to burst into tears hearing this, but I have to dress this wound.

"Not as a woman! I'm nothing! I don't have anything left!"

"..." I finish with the bandage as she starts to hyperventilate. Her eyes stare into mine, and I can see nothing but despair. She loathes herself. She hates herself and everything she is. She sees nothing. No future, not a life after this moment.

"I quit...I'm a quitter," she whispers. "I'm sorry...for being a weight around your neck."


"Lili...I'm...nothing. Let me...bleed."

I can't look at this any longer.

"Just...let me disappear. Please," she pleads. "Please..."

There are words caught in my throat. A pain too deep for words.

I shove aside that pain, and force those words upwards. I won't allow this. I won't run away. I promised. I promised! I promised!

I'm going to save her!


"I know it...I know you-"

"No," I interrupt. The noises of battle are so faint, somehow. As if we're standing in a box, shielded from the world itself. This is what I need...for it just to be us. "I want you to know the truth. I want you to know the reality of everything."


"Yes. The truth is that I love you, Hinata."

"Huh...?" Her mouth flaps open, but with no sound.

"I love you, with all of my heart," I repeat calmly. I am no longer trembling and hurting. I have to believe in the love that I will give her, and I do. Right now, I believe in it more than anything. "I'll do anything for you. I'll fight for you. I'll struggle for you. I'll die for you. But I want you to know that no matter what happens, no matter what you become, no matter what path you choose...I will always be by your side."

"Love...me...? You love me? Lili?" And in the struggle she has with herself, I can see it...the faintest of lights, shining in the distance. But it's a light. And it's there.

I will make it grow.

"Yes. I love you," I repeat again. I will say it as many times as it takes. "I always will. I see myself in you...someone who worked so very hard to please her father. Someone who devoted herself, body and soul, to the first and most important man in her life. Someone who was thrown away because she wasn't good enough. Because she wasn't useful. Someone who walked through the darkness...scared to death, hurt beyond compare, and alone. You had nothing...you had no one."

She can see the reflection. "You...too?"

"Yes. Me too," I say with tears in my eyes. "Your pain touches my heart, Hinata. I've been where you are right now. I know you have a wonderful, beautiful soul. I know that you're a kind person, so determined to do the right thing. I know that you want to be strong. But you have to find your strength. You...have to stand up. Hinata, there's only so much...that I can do."

"Lili...why me?" she asks, shaking. "Why choose me?"

"Because you were the one I wanted. There was nobody else to choose," I say, feeling an echo. I remember my sister's warm smile, the way she looked at me that day among the flowers. "I see a kindness in you that nobody else has. I see a blessed strength that only you can use to brighten the world. I was lost, just like you. But someone so precious to me came and poured love into me. They filled me with it, and made me whole. I'm here because of that. I'm not just a discarded tool anymore. I'm someone special...I'm able to become my own woman."

She shakes her head. "I c-can't...Lili, I can't...I don't have..."

I place my hands on her cheeks. I...can see it. I can reach just a bit more. I have to, because I love Hinata. I have to save her. I can't give up.

"There's going to be fear...and pain...and times where you feel tired and lost, and that you can't go on. But I promise you on everything that I am...that I'll be here for you. Because you're precious, you're irreplacable, you...give me happiness. I'll be here for you, because I love you."

The explosions and sounds of weapons are getting louder.

She's trying desperately to fight.

But I can see the memories of the past are pulling at her, holding her back. The words, the actions of her father. The sleepless nights. The days filled with loathing and tears.

Please. Stand up. Please, Hinata. Stand up. You can do it.

Please, don't give up. Don't disappear. Because if I lost you...


I can't do anything else from where I am. I can only look into the slowly dimming light in her eyes, and shed tears.

"I'm scared. I...don't know what to do," she whispers.


"The...only thing I do know...is...is that..."

She places her hands over mine. And suddenly, the dimming light explodes outwards, bright and pure and true. I can feel my tears dry and my heart skip a beat as I look at Hinata, her eyes brighter and clearer than I have ever seen before. She is so very weary...and yet, so very beautiful right now.

"I love you, Lili."

And her voice is pure like crystal as she says those words. They sink into me, they fill me with a joy that I've only known only twice in my life.

From my mother. And from my Midori.

"Help me find my way, Lili. I want to be a woman...my own woman. Not for Hyuuga."

We slowly rise to our feet. Together.

"Not for my father. Not for anyone else. Only for him...the one I gave my heart to so long ago...and for you. My precious sister."


"I want to be a worthy vessel," she says with determination. "A...vessel to carry it all. Love and courage...and the Will of Fire itself. I want to find my strength."

"I made a promise. I swear, I will help you find your way. All you ever have to do is follow me," I say.

"I understand...yes, I understand. Because you gave me another chance...you placed this light into my soul, and poured love and compassion and caring onto it until it grew and blossomed into this. I will love you forever...because you loved me when I had nothing left, and asked for nothing in return."

I want to hug her. I want to tell her how beautiful she is, I want to nurture the light and strength growing inside of her. I want to hold her in my arms and soothe her soul.

But there's no time. The sounds of battle come in, full force.

"Lili! I can't give you any more time, I'm sorry!"


I look at Hinata. She nods and draws a kunai, wincing in pain but moving forward with me.

"Sensei! We're back in!" I yell.

"Thank goodness! Shino, formation shift! Get ready to cover the girls!" Kurenai calls back. "Hinata, report!"

"Injury to left shoulder! Still combat capable, sensei!"

"Good girl! Let's bring this show to a close once we meet up!"

"Dammit...Toki," I mutter. Blasted moron.

"...I'll carry him. My combat strength is down, but I should be able to do this much." Hinata doubles back and hoists Toki over her good shoulder, forcing her to carry her kunai in her left hand.

"Keep close," I say. The smoke and dust is thinning. I can tell the bandits are after the cargo and don't want to suffer losses. They're attempting to wear us down...but it feels far too suspicious that way.


We take off, only to see bandits flying around and looking for weaknesses.


Behind. There's one coming, aiming for Hinata. I turn and move. I accelerate.

I think of everything that has happened so far, everything that has driven me forward. I think about the rage I felt so often. I let it rush through me and I can feel power pour in. No bandit can stop me, and I'm upon him before he can react.

With a strong thrust, I drive my kunai into his chest. Blood shoots out and covers my right arm, and it splashes onto my face. It's warm. I swiftly turn and rip out my kunai, then kick his body away and into the dirt. He rolls to a stop.

He's lying there, lifeless. Dead.

I can feel the blood all over my arm and sliding down my face. My heart is racing. That was the first time I killed someone. I killed a man. A human being.

I'm...supposed to feel...?

I look down at my blood-soaked fingers. I lift them to my face. I...can smell the blood. It's not...it's not unusual. I realize what I want to do before I do it, and so my body takes over. I bring my hand close to my mouth, and reach out with my tongue. I lick the blood and taste it.

It's all wrong from what I'm supposed to know.

It's a delicious taste.

Everything starts becoming clearer, somehow. This...feeling. This want. The rumbling inside of me that wants to go away, but that didn't come about because of the blood on my tongue. No...I know exactly what this is.



I turn to face her. She doesn't flinch. "I'm a natural born killer. Do I frighten you? Are you ashamed of me?"

"I am...frightened. There's a terrifying strength that...I can see. Your eyes are glowing. But...you will never shame me. You're Lili. You always will be to me."

Entirely too precious. I don't deserve her. I don't deserve much, monster that I've become.

I killed someone, and I enjoyed it.

Or...perhaps this is just the dissonance in this world. Killing is supposed to be wrong. Killing is supposed to be a last resort. But what about the predators, whose function it is to hunt the prey of this world?

Is it wrong to want to kill? I don't know. I don't care about...the judgements of humans right now. But this is a thrilling feeling. It's not about being a hero, or reaching out towards justice. I didn't hurt. I didn't feel sick. And I didn't feel the emptiness that I expected.

No. I like it. No, more than that. I love it.

"If you truly feel that way, then...don't close your eyes. I'm going to slaughter all of this prey, and I'm going to take great pleasure in doing so."

"I understand."

My senses are sharper. I can feel all of the bodies through the air, the movements and sensations they cause. I activate my tracking technique and the pictures are crystal clear.

Hungry. Feels like it. I need to devour them, this prey that would dare to put my comrades in danger. But I can't lie to the world and play the part of an avenger.

I take a step forward before accelerating through the sand, towards an unsuspecting enemy with his back turned. I curl my arm around his throat and then pull back with my kunai, slicing his throat open. My body moves before the corpse can even hit the ground, shooting towards another victim; I ram my kunai into his throat and then slash outwards, blood spraying everywhere. His comrade nearby is blinded; I jump at him and plunge my bloodied kunai into his skull, slamming him into the ground.

I lick my lips. "Four down, then." A troublesome situation, thinking about it. Brutality and violence, at the flick of a switch. This murderous impulse is moving calmly...I can see and feel everything as I am. The strain, like that of anger held in tight, is not present. I feel...natural. Proper. The movement of the bandits brings more thoughts into my head, and I draw a second kunai to join the first.

An end...as my sensei wanted, I will deliver it.

"Sensei. Shino. Draw them in closer," I call out. Hinata has escaped behind me and towards the wagon, still carrying and protecting Toki.

"Kobayashi?" Shino asks, unnerved.

"Do that much for me. I'm going to devour them quickly and put an end to this...their menace, and this rumbling inside of my spirit."

"Lili...you don't sound right." Kurenai lands beside me, and her eyes widen as she notes my appearance.

"I'm sorry, Kurenai. I've developed a taste for killing. This...this is what I'm after right now."

"I see. Shino...do as she says, we're falling back towards the wagon."


"Shino. That's an order. Please, just...let Lili take care of it."


With the core of their opposition withdrawing, the bandits decide to press. Their original strategy is abandoned...they mean to come at us with pure numbers since they think we're tiring. Trained, but only enough to use the most rudimentary tactics.

Feels like a corporate job.

It's almost no fun this way, but I don't mind at this point. I just want my fill.

Happiness, then. Yes...I'm happy with this. I smile. I dash forward, adrenaline pumping. I start my dance and rip through the first person that I see, cutting into them so severely that they'll die the moment I pass by. Blood sprays out and splashes onto me as I move and thrust and slice, feeling my legs carry me at high speed. I cut into and through and beyond. I duck and spin and stab, over and over. I can feel my heart racing. An excitement coursing through me. This supreme enjoyment of everything that humans would call a sin. But I love this. The battlefield is my place. My hunting ground.

This is where I will reign forever.

They don't retreat. I don't know if it's because they don't want to, or I simply don't give them the opportunity. I oppress them. I frighten them. I slaughter them. I find their vital points without fail, and I rip and tear until they fall to pieces in front of me, their lives swallowed up in the viciousness of my hunt.

I don't feel the need to reassure myself about what I'm here for. This is what it is.

At last, there is one left. On his knees before me, he is powerless. Already broken, from the look in his eyes. He waits for me. I can feel blood weighing down my clothing, wet and starting to get sticky in the desert heat. On my hair, my face...splattered all over my armband with the Leaf symbol on it.

This one in front of me...

"I don't want it."

It's enough. The hunger is gone, with the rumbling inside of me stopped. To consume more, like common trash...unnecessary.

I drop my kunai in front of him. "Sensei."

"Right." Kurenai puts him into a genjutsu and knocks him out. Shino binds his limbs, and the two carry him back towards the wagon. I take a deep breath in and feel myself relax, slowly. The impulse fades to nothing. The consuming heat in my head disappears. Adrenaline fades, and my heart calms.

I shift back from the violent snake I was a moment ago, and into a girl with calm indifference on her face, covered with blood.

It still has that sweet, alluring taste to it. I don't know yet how to feel about it, but it's not an urgent issue, I suppose. I might like spilling it more than tasting it, anyways...

The barrier comes down around the wagon. The children pulling it are restless at the sight of me, but slowly calm down with help from Hinata. Toki is rubbing his stomach as he wakes up, and Airi gasps at the sight of me as she exits the wagon. Zen looks horrified.

"Kid...what happened to you?" he asks.

"I overdid it. I suppose I went too far...bullying all of this prey," I say flatly as I gesture to the bodies lying around us. "Something like that. I just wanted to protect Hinata. She means a lot. But...it turned out like this. Hm." I smile. "They all had to die, because that other part of me woke up from her slumber. I devoured them. And I would do it all over again, because I really liked it."


"My blood boils up sometimes," I say as I curl my fingers on one hand. "And so I have to respond to challenges like this. But it's enough. I can feel the points where it needs to stop, and so I stop. Far from a regular thing, off the battlefield anyways. I want to live a vaguely human life, at the end of the day."

"Thank heaven for small mercies," Zen says with a sigh. "But...we're alive. So I can't say anything else but thank you."

"Of course. More than just being our clients...you deserve to move ahead in your life. To dip my feet into darkness for the sake of innocents is a small thing, yes?"

He smirks nervously. "You sound like an old woman. How much darkness have you seen in your lifetime?"

I look to the sky, and smile sadly.

"You would cry if I told you just how much."

"...I see."

"Got something out of our prisoner here. Fuukudou Heavy Corporation. Does that bring anything to mind?" Kurenai asks Zen.

"Fuukudou Heavy...well, we were in the same town the other day, but we made sure to steer clear of them. So they couldn't have known about-"


We all turn to Toki, who is rubbing his head with a sheepish grin.

"I might have let it slip during a night out with some broads. You know how it is, right?"

Zen stares at him a moment before suddenly bursting into laughter.

"Is that all? I see, I see. Okay!"

"Really? Is it, old man?"

"Yeah! I'll just dock your pay for the next year, and use some of the dough to pay our shinobi friends extra for their services! Sounds like a win to me!"

"Haaaaaaaaaah?! You can't fuckin' do that!"

"Hahahaha! Sure I can! It's the least you can do, after almost getting us all killed!" Zen shoots back with a smile.

Things have ended on a good note. Everyone is safe and sound. The mission will go on as scheduled. I...will need to talk to Midori about this murderous pulse at some point.

I think with her help, I can get something out of this...aside from pleasure and bloodlust.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 21

The delay and general expenditure of energies calls for another stop in the desert. There's shade to hide behind, but no oasis this time unfortunately. Some digging and the use of Water Release allows me to create a shallow pool to wash off in, which is good enough for what I need. It's cold and reminds me of the first time I took a shower in the apartment.

The water is tinted red as I wash.

So this is it, then. Everything solidifying for me at once. I'm a natural born killer. Someone who enjoys spilling blood and ripping through bodies. I enjoy the heat of battle, and the pain and suffering of my enemies.

And killing is still...something I do. Rather than something I am. A function that I am skilled at, rather than the core of my being. No, that's something else more complex that I will discover soon. From there, I will continue to grow. I still worry about my body and want to get back home so I can properly drink my fortified milk, like all healthy and growing girls should.

But then...well, I can't lie to myself. I'm looking forward to the next battle, whenever it might be. Craving the opportunity for more carnage. With a sigh, I take my bloodied clothing and start to lightly wash it. Luna will have to take care of the rest, but I don't like giving her more work than necessary.

I return to camp proper and Kurenai informs me that she's done more investigation. First, the wave of bandits we saw was the only wave and there will be no reinforcements coming. But that only makes sense, forty fighters should be enough to overwhelm most security forces. The second was there were indeed forty bandits present, as I confirmed with my technique.

I killed exactly thirty nine of them.

She doesn't know whether to be impressed or horrified. Hinata for her part doesn't dwell on the details, and Shino is clearly envious of my performance but tries to hide it as he goes about his business. Strange boy. I gather an offering for the two children that I scared a few hours before, slicing apples apart and making sure there are no seeds present.

"I'm sorry for scaring you earlier. I wasn't exactly myself."

They accept my apology and enjoy the apple slices, allowing me to stroke their heads and rub gently behind their ears.

"Thank you. You've done well today, so be proud of yourselves. You were very brave."

Dinner is quick tonight, cooked mainly from cans. We all take our time relaxing as night begins to fall. Kurenai is reading and Shino is again observing the local insects. Zen and Airi are checking the cargo together and discussing security measures for home. Toki snores away in his sleeping bag, which is a mercy in itself after what he's caused. Hinata sits on the ground, hugging her knees. She seems to be in thought.

There are things I want to talk about, but for now...I think I will leave her alone. She needs her space too. There's another important person I need to talk to first. "Kurenai. I'm heading out for a bit...I need some space to think about things."

"Alright. Area should be clear and we're looking out. Don't wander too far, though."

"I won't. See you in a bit."

I walk out into the desert until I feel like I'm a good enough distance away, standing in the shadow of a sand dune. The dusk light makes the desert look beautiful.

"I managed to do it," I say into the air.

"I see. Well done, my love."

I turn to see Midori, lying on her side in the sand and waving a fan near her face. She wears a red yukata today, paired with black tights and sandals. As always, a hazard to men and women alike.

"Thank you," I say to her. "It will take some time to fully realize, but...there's a light in her eyes now that wasn't there before. It makes me feel very warm, and very happy."

"Lili, I want you to know how proud I am of you. At your age, and with everything that you've gone through so far...to do all of that for someone else is truly amazing. You're growing up splendidly, more than I could have hoped."

"Midori-nee...aside from that, there's...something else."

"I can guess what it is," she says. "It's 'that' side, isn't it?"

"Yes." I pause a moment, gathering myself. "It's not right to enjoy killing...is it?" I ask. There is an answer already within myself, but I want to see exactly how it might match up with everything else.

Midori is silent for a while before shrugging, waving cool air over her face with her fan. "Who's to say, really? I wouldn't count on the judgements of humans. You must have thought the same."

"I did."

"Well, I'm the same as you. Every so often, I feel like playing with my food before devouring it."


"Yes. I think taking lives in battle is a sublime experience. Does that make you ashamed?"

"Of course not. I wouldn't think something like that. It's just...there's a bit of conflict, with this world at least."

"Mm-hm. I can understand, barely. Part of the reason I chose you is because you have a predator's instinct. Human beings are animals too, even if they think otherwise due to walking on two legs and eating with forks and spoons." She turns up her nose dismissively. "Amusing, that. Declaring themselves to be the peak of civilization."

"What would be the next step?" I ask.

"Accepting this new part of you, of course. Accept that you enjoy the feeling of killing, and the feel of blood on your skin. And then, you will not be consumed by it. The more you hold it in and force it back, the more your mind corrodes as a result. Balance yourself in all things, especially this."

"I see." It's that simple? Well...actually, I do remember the feeling during the last battle. Letting the murderous impulse flow through me was easier than trying to push it behind a wall. And as a result, I could control my every movement. I could see the endpoint, and understand what it was I wanted.

"And of course...there's a way to make proper use of that bloodlusted state. A bit of an advanced technique, but I'll teach you later on. Alright?"

"Thank you."

She smiles at me. "Any time, my love. Do not worry...I will accept every part of you, no matter what the world might think. And I know that Hinata will too, now that you've forged such a wonderful bond."

My worries about this are melting away to nothing. Midori is right, as she always is...this problem isn't one any longer, now that I understand what it is I'm looking at. Feeding that side of me properly when conditions are met is the key. And with this sort of control, I can negotiate as needed. My thoughts and feelings remain intact while in that state...no corruption to worry about. But I am very, very interested in seeing what more I can gain while satisfying my urges...

"You're not dwelling on that anymore, at least. Good. Is there anything else, Lili?"

"Nothing right now. When you see Luna again...please tell her about the recent incident. We can talk more once I get home, and she's fully processed it."

"I'll tell her. Make sure that you complete the rest of your mission safely, yes?" She rises to her feet and beckons me closer. I follow her command and she pulls me into one of her beautiful and warm hugs, stroking my hair gently as I close my eyes. "Lili...remember that I love you. I always will."

"I love you too."

I feel her warmth disappear, and as I open my eyes I am alone again in the desert. I let out a breath, feeling much better than before. The walk back is short, and I arrive at camp to see everyone getting ready for bed.

"Smoking is bad," I say to Toki. He shrugs and tosses his cigarette away, holding his hands up.

"Right, sure. Just don't cut me open and eat my liver, psycho. I'll behave."

There's no point in even bullying this trash. I let the comment slide away. "Surely. Thank you for your cooperation," I say tonelessly. I pass by him and find Hinata, who is preparing her sleeping bag.

"Spare a moment?" I ask.

"Take as many as you need," she replies, turning to give me a smile. "Kurenai-sensei wouldn't let me make up for all the time I missed on watch..."

"There's no need to split things like that, and none of us minded it. You weren't well, so...don't worry about it. Really."

"I'll try, but you know how I am...um, did you want to talk about anything in particular, Lili?" she says as she finishes with her sleeping bag.

"Nothing. I just...wanted to see you. A lot has happened in a short time, and you've grown beautifully. So I think it only makes sense."

"I see. I think...I have changed, a whole lot in these hours. And I won't be done changing for a while. It...feels good."

I nod. "I'm glad you're okay, Hina. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do anything but watch...and, well..."

She opens her mouth to speak but then pauses, blushing. I...didn't say anything lewd this time, did I?

"Lili...say that again, please."

I blink. "Again? That I was worried about you?"

"'I'm glad you're okay'...and you called me..."

"I said that I was glad you were okay and...oh." I feel myself blushing too, now. "I-I'm sorry. I just shortened your name all of a sudden. I sometimes think like that, and...yeah."

"It's alright. Can...you say it again?"

"I can, Hina." Wow. It...feels so natural now.

"I...I've never been close to anyone like this before, s-so...this is an experience I've never had. People who are close to each other will shorten each others' names, I remember. And it's short and cute, like your name is, Lili." She giggles softly. "Even the same amount of letters..."


"Um...can you...call me that from now on? I mean...as often as you can..." She presses her fingers together nervously. "I'd...r-really like it if you did, Lili."

I nod. "Of course I can. Anything you like, Hina."

She smiles and hugs me tightly. I hug her back in just the same way, and we stand together silently, absorbing each other's warmth. I feel such happiness just being here with her, sharing little things like this and not letting anything or anyone bother us. It's the same feeling I get with Midori...and this must be the joy that she feels every moment that she spends with me. It's amazing.

Hina pats me on the shoulders. "I have first watch tonight. You should rest, Lili. You've done a lifetime's worth of work in one afternoon..."

"I will. Thank you."

"Good night, Lili."

"Good night, Hina."

She pecks me on the cheek and runs off to her post. I head to my own area, arrange it, and then settle into my bag and close my eyes. Tonight will be the most peaceful in a while, at least for a few hours. I think I have second last watch...more than good enough.


The more I think about it, the better it feels.

Hinata...my Hina...my precious sister.


We are finally, truly in the last stretch now. Our journey has us nearing the shinobi village of Wind Country, the Hidden Sand Village. Compared to the Leaf's welcoming open gates, we have to pass through a tall, narrow corridor guarded on all sides by shinobi. Today, we will not be entering ourselves, instead handing off our clients safely before making our return.

It has been an indescribable journey.

My first mission, soon to be completed...

We stop, and Zen checks in with the guards. We identify ourselves as Leaf shinobi, and Kurenai reports the incident with the bandits.

"I see," the Sand shinobi says with a nod. "Any documentation?"

"Here," Kurenai says as she hands him a scroll.

"Thank you. We'll send a team to investigate, and to collect the bodies that are still there. And you said that you had the lone survivor here, correct?"

"Yes." Shino brings the bandit over, who has been fed and taken care of over the last day or two. Shinobi inspect the wagon and horses, and check over Zen, Airi, and Toki. They're given the all clear. Our work is finally done.

"This is where we part ways, then. We'll send a bird to your village with details once we've unloaded and put our feet up for a bit," Zen says. "It's been great working with you. Hell of a job, really."

"I feel the same, it's been a pleasure. Thank you for trusting us," Kurenai says. She and Zen shake hands. "Good luck with your business."

"Yeah, same to you. I was a bit worried at first, but you've got a good group of kids." He nods towards me, and I nod back with understanding. "We'll be making use of the Leaf again in the future, for sure."

"Thank you very much for your service," Airi says in her quiet manner. She bows and our group bows in return. "You have...a long journey head of you. Please be safe...and take this, as a small token of appreciation."

She hands me a basket, and I can already smell delicious baked goods inside.

"Thank you, Airi. Please take care."

"I will...thank you."

We all give our clients one last wave before leaving, with Kurenai leading us back across the desert.

The mission is officially a success.


Unbound by civilians, we speed across the land and back towards the Leaf, enjoying Airi's lovely treats along the way. It takes us two and a half days to get back to our home, the Hidden Leaf. Hinata's wound heals, we force our sensei to take some extra time to sleep instead of worrying, and there's a stop at a point of interest for Shino's sake.

That familiar entrance with gates reaching into the sky...at long last.

"We'll have to report in to complete our mission for real," Kurenai explains. "But you all did a good job, and I'm proud of you. Aside from those bandits, it wasn't too out of the ordinary for a C-Rank. But...well, it helped that we had a serial killer on our side," she says with a wry smile.

"That's kind of harsh," I say with a pout.

"I mean, it really seems like it. You even did the creepy smile again."

"Hm." I slowly shrug. "Well, expect to see more of it in the future."

She sighs. "I guess. Better that than you being a pervert..."

"Oh, no need to worry. I can do both," I point out.

"...you really are awful, you know that?"

"I don't mind...this new side of Lili," Hina says. "As long as we're together. And...and next time, I'll be stronger for everyone's sake. I didn't do well, and I'm sorry for that," she says, bowing apologetically as we walk.

"Rest and nutrition are key," Shino says. "As long as you have that, you'll be able to perform well on any mission. You have the ability to be great, Hinata."

"Shino...thank you."

"And I'll take my own advice on that end...because I have yet to show off my true power, too."

"Oh. You're still upset that I killed all of those bandits myself, then," I say.

Shino pushes up his glasses. "I didn't say anything like that."

"You don't need to," Kurenai says with a sigh. "It's obvious, you know. Let's head to the mission desk so we can finally wind down. You kids need to decompress, and I definitely want a drink or two..."

I take a glance at the road behind us briefly, and notice that there's another team coming in. Interesting that another group has come in at this time...hm. I flick my tongue at the air and note the scents. Some trashy women's perfume, and...noodles.

Oh. I know these people.

"So they were on a mission too," I mumble. A bit of curiosity comes on, and I stop walking. Everyone else follows suit, and looks back along the main road as well.

"Yo, Lili!"

Naruto calls to me as he comes into view. I acknowledge him with a wave, and slowly the rest of his team comes in behind him.

"Hoi, Kakashi. You look a bit worn out. Was that C-Rank too much for you?" Kurenai asks.

"Well..." The man with silver hair and his headband tilted over his left eye...Kakashi Hatake. He's known for his legendary skill, and I've heard of his brutal team qualifying methods. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura...this seemingly incompatible team is actually his first group of genin. All of the others were failed and sent back to the Academy, or transferred to another instructor.

I wonder briefly at what could have been. Perhaps instead of Sakura, I would be standing between Naruto and Sasuke. But that might be a nightmare too much for any instructor to live with. Sakura seems elated to be within five feet of Sasuke...which means she hasn't changed a bit since graduation. It's pitiful.

"We...had to punch above our weight a bit this time. I'll tell you about it later after I've given my report." Kakashi says to Kurenai. He rubs the side of his head a bit. "Escorting the old man wasn't as simple as it was supposed to be."

"I see..."

"I know we're not supposed to talk too much about certain exploits," I say to Naruto, "but I'm quite curious about how things went. I'll treat you to ramen later, and you can tell me about it."

"Eh? Really?"

"Yes. Meet me at Ichiraku when you're done with everything."

He nods and gives me a thumb up. "Gotcha!"

"That's really nice of you, Lilith."

"..." I shift one eye to the side and look at Sakura. "Yes. I'm sure you would think so."

"I've actually gained a bit of admiration for Naruto after this mission...he was pretty cool in a few places, you know."

"Hm." For once, her words are sincere. But she's still obviously pining after Sasuke. I make a point of not looking in his direction. No need to ruin the rest of my day. "Kurenai-sensei, shall we leave?"

"Yeah, we might as well. I'll see you later, Kakashi."

"Take care. Oh, right...Lilith, isn't it? If you've got some time later this week, we should have a talk," Kakashi says to me. "It's nothing that serious, so I'm not making it mandatory."

"I'll keep it in mind, Kakashi-sensei."

"Good!" I can tell it's a genuine smile beneath the mask he wears. "Take care."

"Thank you." I give him a polite bow before following Kurenai and the others.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 22

We reach the assignment desk again. Debriefing is simple, taken care of by Kurenai. She makes mention of the bandit problem, and our performances during the encounter.

"Fuukudou Heavy," the Hokage says. He puffs on his pipe in thought. "They've been causing trouble for a while now. The Sand has been given notice already about them, so they'll send a scroll with information our way soon for investigation purposes. And I'll have someone in administration make mention of this to JPC..." He looks to me. "Ah, yes. Lili...we should meet later this week in my office. Whenever you have time, just let one of the secretaries know once you come in."

"Understood, Lord Hokage." Another higher-up looking to talk to me. I wonder what's happening all of a sudden...recent news couldn't have spread this quickly, so perhaps it's going back to my Academy days?

"There was also a bird with a message for you all, sent by the gentleman who made the mission request. He sends his thanks, and has increased the mission pay for your hard work. Aside from positive general comments...he's also invited you four to a wedding in a year's time."

"Wedding?" Kurenai asks. "Well, that's interesting. Guess he was ready to settle down from the start. Have to wonder who he's marrying..."

"His long time assistant...a woman by the name of Airi."

I had a feeling, but wasn't entirely sure...no wonder she was so comfortable around him. "Hm. So that Airi was a fox after all," I say.

"I didn't think that she and Zen would ever marry," Shino mumbles. Well, paying attention to bugs and not being able to read the mood would make this a shock to him.

"They make a cute pair," Hina chimes in. Of course, she would notice. "Will...we be going?"

"If we're in good health, we won't miss it. Ah, if that's okay, Lord Hokage," Kurenai says.

He chuckles at that. "I'll put it on reserve for you. A D-Rank mission, once the details arrive. Fair?"

"Fair," we all respond in unison. A wedding sounds beautiful. I can't wait.

We complete our debriefing, collect our payment through small scrolls, and are dismissed. Kurenai slips away to a bar as mentioned before, and Shino heads towards home. Hina gives me a warm hug before meeting up with the Hyuuga that's posted outside of the building. They travel back to the compound together.

"..." I think about it for a moment before leaving. She should be strong enough to withstand further abuse, now that I've helped her. Soon enough, she will break her chains completely. I know it to be true.

I head home and shower before getting into something casual. A blue sundress and some slippers will do. I make sure my clothing is put into the wash basket, and clean my armband properly by hand. Once it's dry, I put it back on my upper right arm, and strap a small weapon holster to my leg. It holds my money and the knife that Midori gave me, just in case.

"Miss Lilith! You're home!"

"Luna." I head to the front door as she closes it. She spots me and runs over, hugging me tightly.

"Oh, Miss Lilith. I'm so glad to see you again. You're safe. Lady Midoriko told me that you met in the desert."

"Luna...she must have told you, and I..."

She places a finger on my lips. "I know. She told me everything. What I worry about is...you two getting a little too into your hobby, enough so that I might have to scold you. Perhaps I can keep a spray bottle on hand for naughty snake girls. But...let me put your mind at ease. There's nothing that could make me think less of you. Not even this." She lifts her finger and smiles at me.

"Luna...you're really trying to settle it, just like that."

"You shouldn't have expected anything else. You are my everything, Miss Lilith. No matter what you might be, or become, I will be by your side. I will love you always. And I don't expect anything else but for you to grow into a magnificent warrior. My heart is cleared of any fear. And I have no hesitation within me. I will serve you until my very last breath, because that is what I want. I promise...and nothing you say or do can change that."

"Even if I..."

"Even down a path stained with blood...even down one that leads into an all-consuming darkness. I will follow you, Miss Lilith."

"I don't deserve you, Luna." I really don't. Nobody does. Someone so devoted has to be a treasure from heaven itself. I truly am spoiled, beyond compare. The way her eyes sparkle when she looks at me...it's too much. She's so beautiful, and so beautiful to me in so many ways.

"But you have me forever. Now, I'll take care of your things...please enjoy your time out, Miss Lilith. You more than deserve it."

"Thank you, Luna. I'll return to you soon."

She nods. "Of course. Until then, my mistress."

I hug her once more before leaving, feeling an extra bounce in my step. Without a second thought, she accepted me as well...all of me. I must be blessed to have these people in my life, who can watch me transform to a monster and back again, and love me to my core at the end of it all.

Ichiraku Ramen comes into view quickly. Naruto is waiting outside, his jacket open and headband in his hands. He looks at it for a moment with a solemn expression on his face, then ties it around his head again.

"Naruto," I say to him as I approach.

"Lili...oh, you look pretty nice. I should've dressed up, huh?"

"No, don't worry. You're fine as you are...I just wanted to wear something light for the rest of the day." He nods and I note that he's blushing again, much like the last time at the Academy. I really should let him down easily, if he's thinking along those lines...

"Well, let's get something to eat. I can-"

"No, it's my treat," I interrupt. "I insist."

"A-alright. You got it."

"Good." We enter the stall and take seats next to each other.

"Hey, Naruto. And Lilith, wasn't it?"

"Yes, but Lili is fine," I say to Teuchi. "I promised I would be back."

"Haha, you did! Glad to have you again!"

"Thank you. I'll have whatever Naruto orders, since it's my treat tonight. I think you'll be doing a lot of cooking."

"Just the way I like it," he says with a smile.

"Ah...my pardon, but do you have any milk?" I ask.

"Milk? I think so. Ayame, get some milk for Lili here," Teuchi calls to the back.

"Alright, coming up!"

Naruto orders the pork ramen and goes through the expected amount of bowls before slowing down some. I enjoy my own bowls at a somewhat slower pace. Ayame gets me the cool bottle of milk that I desired.

"Kakashi said you were punching above your weight," I say to Naruto. He slurps up his noodles and nods.

"Yeah. It was some drunk old man who wanted us to take him to Wave Country. Guarding him from goons and the like."

Drunk old man...so that was what the trash who mocked me earlier was there for.

"Turns out," Naruto says as he wipes his mouth, "he was too damn poor to afford the proper mission fee. B-Rank would have cost too much for him, so he lied about it being a simple escort. Apparently it should have been listed as B, or even A-Rank. Luckily we had Kakashi-sensei to figure things out, but we ran into even more trouble after we took out the first set of assassins...that old man, Tazuna, was the architect for a huge bridge that was supposed to connect Wave Country to the mainland and junk. And then..."

Naruto tells me a wild, if not very detailed story about the rest of the mission. There was the appearance of Zabuza Momochi, a former member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. His apprentice, a boy named Haku who from what I can understand, possessed the rare bloodline limit of Ice Release. Kakashi was forced to use his secret weapon and claim to fame, the Sharingan, multiple times. It took a toll on him, which explained his exhausted look from a few hours earlier.

After some dramatics including a false death - Haku seemed to also be a skilled hunter shinobi, which explains that phenomenon - and a makeshift training session while Kakashi recovered from overuse of the Sharingan, everything comes to a head with a final battle on the bridge itself. Naruto and Sasuke fight Haku, and are beaten up badly. Sasuke has definitively awakened his Sharingan by now, having activated them once more in the midst of battle. Naruto recalls himself losing control and drawing on 'something' deep inside of him, which he doesn't fully understand. I can only guess it was the strength of the Nine-Tails...which means that whatever seal is holding it in place has weakened. I have to wonder how much Kakashi knows about that.

"Haku...died protecting Zabuza from Kakashi-sensei." Yes, that's right. Those two were fighting somewhere else, piecing everything together from the scattered retelling. "And Zabuza...even though he kept calling Haku a tool, he...he cried for that guy in the end. And then he killed that sleazy Gato, and a bunch of those other thugs before he couldn't do anymore. But...he got to be by Haku's side in the end. Like he wanted."


"Hey, Lili...I know this will sound weird, but..."

"But what?" I ask.

He smiles a melancholy smile. "I...liked those guys."

I think on that a moment, reflecting on my own experience. "That's not too weird. Even if they were shinobi, and your enemies...they were also human beings. No matter how much we try to kill our emotions, we can never succeed. We are people. We're all...just a different type of animal, really," I say, thinking about Midori's commentary.

"Ah...that's kinda deep..."

I shrug. "Maybe." A few moments pass by in silence as we continue eating.

"It was...a pretty rough experience to have," Naruto says after a while. "But I'm really glad I had it. It just makes my resolve a lot stronger, you know? I want to change the shinobi world one day. Don't know how I'm gonna do it, but I will. And maybe...maybe people like Zabuza and Haku don't have to be bad guys anymore. They can find their place with the rest of us."

"Is that what you want?" I ask.

"Yeah. A better world for everyone." He rubs his nose once. It's a noble goal. Very like him, I suppose...dreaming big and thinking of something beyond what we have now. I can understand that sort of thing, in my own way.

He finishes another bowl and I slide one of mine over that has only just started cooling. With a grateful nod, he goes to work on it a bit before stopping. "Oh, right! What about your mission?" he asks me.

"Nothing too bad. We just escorted a wagon across the desert."

I tell him about the few things that happened, most of them being episodes between Zen and Toki, dealing with the antics of the latter.

"Hehe! Sounds like a good time! Well, aside from the bandits...but you kicked all their asses, yeah?" he asks me.

"I..." I pause a moment. "I killed them all, save for one."

"H-holy crap..." He gulps. "You really are a super elite shinobi, then...no wonder Iruka-sensei talked about you like that."

"Yes...it's something like that. I'm a natural born killer." I turn my head and look into Naruto's eyes. "What do you think, Naruto...of me?" I ask quietly.

"..." He takes a moment before coughing, and blushing once more as he stares back at me. "You...you still look beautiful and all...I-I mean...uh, I mean you're not any different! I don't feel like you're bad or evil or anything..."

I give him a smile. "I'm glad you think that of me. But...you must understand by now, yes? I'm not into boys at all."

"Oh...yeah. But, well...um..."


"You're...I mean, that doesn't change what I said, I think...you know?" he says as he rubs the back of his head.

"Hm. I suppose...that makes sense. Admiring beauty doesn't have to be a strictly romantic thing, after all." I close my eyes. "Even if I did want you...even if I could have you, it wouldn't be right. Somewhere out there, perhaps...right beneath your nose...someone is waiting for you, Naruto."

"Ah...yeah. That might be it."

"In the meantime...well, I don't mean to tease," I say to him. "But you can dream of me all you like."

His face turns bright red, and he goes straight back to eating to distract himself.

"Eh?" Teuchi has a confused look on his face. "I guess I put too much spice in the pork ramen that time, that's not like me...Naruto's really burning up over there..."

I feel a warmth spreading through me.

He looked into my eyes and saw beauty, like he had a thousand times before. My heart is touched by that sort of kindness...something I didn't think would happen the first day we spoke to each other. A pure child who tries to see the good in everyone, even me. Even as I present myself to the world as a girl with ice in her veins, he still reaches out to warm me up in every spare moment. It's...very sweet.

"You really are remarkable, Naruto," I say to him.

"Y-yeah? You think so?"

"I believe it," I say with sincerity. As I smile at him, he sheepishly smiles back.


We go back to eating, side by side.

"...wait. Not into...guys?"

"...?" Did he not...?

His eyes widen and he stares at me, mouth flapping open and shut. "What...what the?! You're a...you're a...you like kissing girls, Lili?!"

"..." A remarkable child, indeed. Teuchi simply laughs and cooks more noodles for us as Ayame giggles in the background.

I don't think there's enough time left in the day to explain things to this boy...
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Another Road
Scarlet Justice - ep. 23
"Another Road"

The week starts to move by quickly. We rest a day, work lightly the next, then hit the ground running with a few D-Rank missions. They're nothing of note compared to our journey in the desert, and are completed quickly with the power of teamwork. The villagers reward us with treats, and the village itself pays us in cash, as expected compensation for our time.

I end up taking some more time out with Naruto to explain my sexuality, or what it is so far. He did have an idea of how it worked before, and I clarified some other things. While he's disappointed that he can't properly court me, he's very understanding. I tell him that it's a tricky subject to talk about in public.

"So...people don't like it?" he asks, confused.

"There are enough people that won't say anything out loud, but will silently disapprove. It's...it's the same as when the Nine-Tails was kept a secret from you," I explain, hoping to relate it to him easily.

"Oh! So some people know about it, and they'll hate you a lot, and then the others that don't really know but see something is wrong will shun that person too, right?"

"Yes. Much like that. Shinobi have some minor advantages in that we're more accepting of different lifestyles in our work. But others...it's very difficult sometimes. Not everyone is accepted."

"Hmm...that's a bummer. Alright, I'll remember to keep it quiet until you say something, or it's someone I super trust."

"Thank you."

He seems to get it. I think more gentle education will help, but this already makes me pleased.

Today I'm dealing with an unruly child. It's that cat again, the one belonging to the daimyo's wife. Her name is Tora and we as a group have become very familiar with her...to the point where I know it's quite cruel to send her back to that rotund witch, Madam Shijimi.

"Oi. Get better at hiding if you don't want to go back."

She whines and I sigh, stroking her head to calm her down. We sit in a tree as we always do, with her in my lap for a few hours while the others occupy themselves with more esoteric pursuits. All of us are aware that I can find her within a few minutes, so we use this as an opportunity to slack off while on 'company time'.

Eventually, we need to return and complete the mission. I think about my upcoming errands with Kakashi and the Hokage...clearly, one is more important than the other, but I should have time for both. To that end, I will make the appropriate preparations. I really am curious as to what they both want with me.

Tora seems less distressed today as the portly madam squeezes her. It must be thanks to my earlier kindness. Hm. Perhaps if I offer her respite periodically, then maybe...


Luna will be out painting today. It's a lovely day for such excursions. I dress in my usual outfit, deciding to get the least important business out of the way first - today is a free day, thankfully. I find my way to the Jounin Commander's office, and see that Kakashi is there as promised. He's reading from an orange book, and I can make out the title.

'Icha-Icha Paradise'.

So he's a lecher too, then.

"Oh, you're here." He closes his book a moment and tucks it under his arm. "Alright. We can head to the usual training field to have our chat. What do you usually go by, in terms of address?"

"Lili is fine," I say.

"Lili it is, then. Kakashi is fine for me. It's good to be familiar with comrades, after all."

Treating me like an equal already? How bold. "I see."

"Shall we go?"

I nod and follow him across town towards Team Seven's training area. There's a stream nearby, and directly ahead of us are three wooden logs standing upright. Some distance in front of them is a monument. A memorial stone, with many names already printed on it, and room for more. I imagine Kakashi chose this place as a reminder, for his students and for himself. Training Ground Three, then...

"Well, here we are."

"Yes. What was it you wanted to talk to me about, Kakashi?" I ask.

"Well," he says as he resumes his reading, "there are a few things. The most important reason I've called for you will be last. There's something you should know about Naruto. He's mentioned your name a few times, and I understand that he has an affection for you that he has yet to understand the true meaning of."

"..." I suppose that much is true. Sharp, for a man so focused on his pornography, at least.

"He also trusts you implicitly. So I figure you should know 'that' about him. He's the Fourth's legacy...the container for the Nine-Tails."

"A jinchuuriki. Yes, I know," I say casually. "He told me himself. And I accepted him in that moment."

"Ah. That saves a lot of time, then."

"His healing factor and strong stamina stood out, so I knew he had some mysterious power inside of him. And then showing off the Shadow Clone to me, a jutsu that's listed as forbidden because of the chakra costs involved. Using it so freely means he has an incredible amount of energy to burn, especially for a child whose chakra control is...well, we can call it inadequate for such a feat normally."

"I see. The Third Hokage forbade anyone from speaking about the fact that he was a host...his intent was to honour the last wishes of the Fourth, and have Naruto seen as a hero for taking on that sort of burden. But with all of the destruction that occurred, the young people and adults who were or would become parents focused their hate and anguish onto him. This filtered down to the children of this generation, who bullied and hated him without understanding why," Kakashi says. "Sasuke and Sakura don't know, but...they look down on him for other reasons, it seems."


"I wanted to reveal that secret to you, so that I could gauge your personality. You seem distant from everyone, but you have a good heart and care for your comrades. Well, when you're up to it anyways. Hinata Hyuuga looks a lot different from her Academy days, and I know it's because of the time she spent with you. With all that said...I would like you to help keep Naruto grounded, since he has so much love, and more importantly respect for you. Sasuke and Sakura don't backbite you within earshot, from what I understand."

"Is that so..." He really doesn't need to defend me to that degree, but...well, I did note that he was a pure child, so that's his way. It's always nice to hear.

"Even if you can't return his feelings..."

"I never intended to break his heart," I tell Kakashi. "I've already let him down gently, though I know he still dreams of me a little. And you should know that I'm into girls regardless."

"Did you explain that to him?" he asks.

"I did. He has a decent grasp on the subject, at least."

"Ah. Well, that helps a bit...he's chasing Sakura, as you know, and Sakura of course is taking the opportunity to get close to Sasuke. Sasuke is in turn obsessed with only two things: gaining more power, and crushing you."


"Yes, his ego still hasn't bounced back from that time. I'm sorry to push this onto you, but I'll have to use you as a measuring stick for those boys, Lili."

I sigh. "It's fine. I understand, Kakashi."

"Alright, thanks. If it ever becomes a problem, don't hesitate to tell me."

I think for a moment. "So you want to use me as an anchor for Naruto, and as motivation for him as well as Sasuke. What about Sakura, then?"

He sighs. "There's nothing you or I can really do about that, I'm afraid. She probably resents you a bit for your earlier performances, but it's up to her what kind of shinobi she eventually becomes. Although...if you feel like applying a bit of pressure on her as well, it could help."

"I'll give it some thought," I say. Only some, though. The brat really isn't worth my time.

"Good. And now...the real reason I called for you, as I mentioned earlier."

He closes his book and looks at me directly for the first time. "Kurenai mentioned it the other day...your prowess for battle. Even if they were of inferior skill, you killed enemies at an unheard of rate, and without a scratch to show for it. As a Leaf shinobi, you're already an elite...this is why I felt that we could talk as equals, despite our ages and ranks. My talks with Iruka prior to our meeting also confirmed this. We're a lot alike in more ways than one, you know. Both of us are able to use Water and Lightning natures for our ninjutsu, as one example."

"The Sharingan puts a large gap between us," I point out. "Not to mention your archive of combat experience."

"Well, that only makes sense. I've been fighting for about as long as you've been alive, Lili. Those were compliments, after all."

"I suppose."

He chuckles. "You're an interesting girl. Nothing like Sakura at all. I suppose I can get down to it for you, since you have a grasp of your ability. Here."

Kakashi makes a few handseals, and I can see lightning chakra gathering around his right hand. It sparks upwards and makes a sound like a flock of chirping birds.

"This...is my original technique. It's not the same as the advanced version I used against Zabuza, but it's more than enough for genin. It's called Chidori."

"Chidori," I repeat as I stare at the technique. It's certainly flashy.

"Yeah. This is meant to be used as a high speed assassination jutsu. With one thrust, you can pierce through just about any target you choose. On its own, however...it's an incomplete technique." He taps his headband. "This gifted Sharingan is the key."

I frown. "So...why not teach it to Sasuke? His bloodline is more suited for it than me...even if I have the speed as you said, that might leave me open to other hazards as a result," I say to him.

But it seems he was waiting for that answer, happy as he looks. "Good! You've identified the main problem with the jutsu immediately. Much faster than I did, anyways. Saying that...there are other things you might be able to do with this technique if you think it through. The sky just might be the limit, as far as you're concerned."

"Perhaps. But I assume you have something else."

"Yes. An alternative to that sort of technique."

"What is it?" I ask, intrigued.

"It's something out of Lightning Country...one of the signature jutsu of the Fourth Raikage, known as the fastest living shinobi. According to historical records, the only person said to be faster than him was the Fourth Hokage, the man who was called the Yellow Flash. This jutsu I speak of is normally used for a fighting style called nintaijutsu. It's called Lightning Relase Chakra Mode."

I glare at him. This isn't the time for jokes. "And what, pray tell, makes you think I could learn something like that?"

"Well...it's actually on the same level of difficulty as a jutsu you already know," he says with a nod.

"..." I blink and calm down. So that was it...I really hadn't considered that angle, for whatever reason. Kakashi is intelligent enough not to offer something so far out of my grasp. B-Rank, though...it seems a bit absurd. "And Chidori? What about that?"

"That's an A-Rank jutsu, so a level above that. I would say...A-Rank Level 1, roughly."

"Sounds like it would be a bother to learn. That power would be good to have...however, I can also consider the strong and versatile supplementary jutsu. Hm."

"I won't be forcing you to make a choice on the spot. We can talk again tomorrow, or any other day you choose, and you also have the option to decline completely if you wish. To be honest with you...I'd like to see the results of at least one of these so that I can figure out a strategy for training Sasuke later."

I give him a critical look. "And you don't think it would incense that boy if he found out you were teaching his sworn enemy?"

"Eh. I don't care how he feels about that."

"You're quite irresponsible."

"That's harsh."

"I'm speaking to you as an equal," I remind him.

He sighs and shakes his head, pulling out his book again and reading. "Well, I don't have anything else to say today. Give me your answer when you're free. I'll be hanging around the usual places."

"Understood. I will see you later then, Kakashi."

He waves goodbye with one hand, and I glance at the memorial stone as I leave.


"Lord Hokage will see you now."

I get up from my seat in the lobby, and follow the secretary to the Hokage's office. It's spacious, without much in the way of furniture, and oval. There's a large window behind the main desk, allowing a view of the entire village. This place is also located in the Academy complex, which explains how the old man could visit classrooms and students so frequently. There are comfortable looking chairs in front of the big wooden desk, which has stacks of paperwork on it.

"Please, have a seat," the Hokage says. I nod and do so. "Now...the reason you're here. On the last mission, you managed to kill thirty nine of those bandits without harm to yourself. Quite an impressive feat, to say nothing of your quick application of first aid and delay tactics."

"Thank you, Lord Hokage."

He nods and puffs on his pipe a bit. "Tell me...did you enjoy yourself that time?"

For a moment, I think about what the correct answer is supposed to be. But only for a moment. "I did, Lord Hokage. I enjoyed myself quite a bit."

"Hm. And now? How do you feel, looking back on that incident?"

"I...think about the possibilities of the next challenge ahead. With the heat of that moment gone...I do not dwell on it. And I do not worry about replicating it."


I gather myself and stare directly into his eyes. I want him to see me. "That is the type of person I am, my lord. I eat until I'm satisfied. No more...no less."

"...I see." A few more puffs on his pipe as we both go silent. He studies me, and seems quite interested in what he's reading. "You carry yourself in a way that most adults are unable to. Some crack under the strain of killing, others lose their minds completely. Still others struggle to draw the line between their feelings in battle and their feelings in life. There's a switch that exists within your mind...I see that you can reach it at will."

"..." That much should be expected from the Hokage. He sees a lot at once.

"You almost remind me of a former student of mine. A genius, and very clinical with jutsu. He took a cold, pragmatic approach to battle. But the reason why I say 'almost'...is that you carry a love for your comrades that he never did. He tried, but he never could truly understand those feelings...there is something I want to consider. After that event, you should think about advancing up the ranks."

"In what way, my lord?"

"Hm." He strokes his chin in thought. "Ah, yes. Do you have an interest of some sort? A dream that you would like to see come to pass in the near future?"

"...well. I would like the opportunity to travel the world one day. And also...find a wife in that time," I say. If he's as connected to the village as people say, he already knows about my preferences.

"Travel and women," he says with a smile. "That sounds like a man's romance, alright. It would be easy enough to get you there, but I don't think I can give up a genius like you to the winds just yet."

I expected that reply. It's not an issue, as I still have plenty of growing to do. "Understood, sir."

"The options that I have in front of you are simple...first, since I have no doubt that you will soon become a chuunin, I would like to put you on the track to becoming a jounin once your promotion is finalized. And the other option...is for you to become a member of our Black Ops."


"Yes. You'll be given a code name, and you will deal with the usual things in covert operations. As such, you will be unable to mention anything about your new position to your team, if you should choose to stay with them in addition to your extra duties. Some choose to live a double life, since the schedules are quite flexible. ANBU members vary, some are more specialized in one area more than others. But generally speaking, all of them have strong individual skills and can handle themselves in most situations."

"I understand the recommendations for jounin pass through you, but...you wouldn't consider my age when speaking of the ANBU?"

"The organization has no regard for age. Only ability," the Hokage says with a smile.

So it's like that, then. "How this works...if I have it correct, sir. In the one case as a chuunin or jounin I would be able to function as I normally would with my team. As ANBU...it would be possible still, but more difficult. Thus it would be more prudent to work alone, especially with the difficulty and danger present in these sorts of missions."

"Yes, that is all correct."

"And these are things I should consider for my future...meaning I should think about the time that I have left." I take a breath in. "Lord Hokage? May I...have some time to think about these things?"

"Of course, of course. I wasn't planning on making you choose right here, or anywhere near that soon."

"Thank you, sir."

"That was all that I needed from you, Lili. Please take your time with this decision, and thank you for coming to see me."

I nod and leave my seat.

"Oh, and a favour, if you would."

"Yes?" I ask.

"Please send my greetings to Princess Midoriko," he says with a warm smile.

'Princess', then...how curious. "Hm." I give the Hokage a smile back. "Of course. I will promptly send onee-sama your greetings, Lord Hokage."
Airs and Graces
Scarlet Justice - ep. 24
"Airs and Graces"

As part of my plan, I pay a neighbourhood child 1000 ryo - a queenly sum, for her - to set up a checkpoint for Tora. If this works, it will slowly bring an end to a proud Leaf 'tradition', but some sacrifices must be made for the good of all.

D-Rank missions for the day include trash collection, lawn cutting, and document transport. All easily done within a few hours, and Kurenai dismisses us for the day as a result. She has a maximum mission load set out for us and these days we've consistently met it before afternoon can arrive. Naruto tells me he's bored with these, but I find them relaxing and sometimes fun. Connecting with thankful people is always nice, and I have a feeling that these little things will help me in the future.

Now that the day is free, I think about what I would like to do for the rest of it. Spending all of my time at home might not be the most productive thing...hm.

Actually...I do know what I want to do. It's not very nice at all, but it's something before I turn in. Naruto can help me with this...ah, just as I think of him. There he is.

"Hey, Lili!"

"Good timing. I was looking for you," I say as I cross the street to meet him.

"Y-yeah? What for?" he asks eagerly.

"I was wondering if you knew where Sakura was."

"Eh? She's having tea or something with Ino. I guess she's gonna brag about Sasuke, or whatever," he says while making a face. "Bah. Who needs that idiot loser anyways...I'm the heart and soul of Team Seven! Oh, sorry. I actually gotta go, Kakashi-sensei said he wanted to see me about something today. Those two are down the road to your right," Naruto says as he runs off. "See ya, Lili!"

"Yes, goodbye. And thank you," I call after him. He seems to be staying out of trouble for the most part. Good.

Now that I have my target, it's time to begin.

I head down the street as Naruto instructed, and look over to my right for the place mentioned. Ino's blonde hair is visible as I approach; she sits on a patio with Sakura across from her at a table. Oh...and there's a third chair, sitting empty.

How deliciously convenient.

I suppose it's time to really lean into my persona...seeing as everyone already has their own thoughts on me, it certainly won't hurt anything. "Sakura, Ino. It's nice to see you both again," I say as I approach.

"Lili? Wow, it's been a while!" Ino says in greeting. "What are you up to?"

"Nothing at the moment, we finished our missions for the day. I did have a few meetings yesterday, though. With Lord Hokage and Kakashi-sensei."

"Ooh, look at you. Moving up in the world already, huh?"

"What did Kakashi-sensei want to talk to you about?" Sakura asks. She's trying to hide it, but I can read her easily. She's bothered by my presence.

"It's mostly between us. But a bit of it was praise for my abilities."

"Hey, if you're not doing anything right now, sit with us!" Ino says.

I watch Sakura's face twist up for a moment before settling into a sunny, welcoming smile. "Yeah, like Ino said...come sit with us for a while."

"If you're insisting, then I shall." I go around the barrier and seat myself in the empty chair, between Ino and Sakura. Putting my elbows on the table, I rest my head on my folded hands. "Have you both ordered already? I'll pick up the bill today, if you don't mind."

"Really? But this'll be coming out of your mission pay, so we should split it up, at least," Ino says.

I shake my head. "It's fine. I haven't touched my payment yet, and it was rather large...worth a B-Rank mission at the least."

"Oh? Your mission was supposed to be a C-Rank, right? That sounds super generous. We haven't been going for anything too difficult just yet. Asuma-sensei is starting us off slow. He's the Hokage's son, you know."

"Hm. Interesting."

"He's pretty nice, if a bit rugged sometimes. You know those sorts of guys who look like they go fishing every weekend and drink beers on the dock? That's what he looks like, I think. But all I know so far is that Shikamaru is a lazy bum, like the worst, and Choji can't stop eating. Ugh. It's just so much..."

"Seems like your team is a handful."

"You can say that twice. Sakura was telling me about her wild mission, though. We were going on about it before you got here, Lili."

"Naruto told me about it the other day," I say to her.

"Neat. Speaking of him...it's crazy how he managed to get this far. I mean, not only managing to graduate, but going up against powerful enemies and stuff. I dunno...my opinion on him's changed. I'm starting to think that he's not that far behind Sasuke..."

I can see Sakura twitch a bit at the edge of my vision.

"Then again, the year's been full of surprises. Look at you, Lili. You came out of nowhere and beat the daylights out of him. Oh, let's make our orders now." Ino nods to the waiter who appears before us, and we all select our teas and treats.

"An extra bottle of milk, also," I say before the young man can leave. He nods and adds it to the list before going.

"So, yeah...Sasuke. I think he's cute, but...well, I'm really not as obsessed with him as I used to be. Ehe...maybe I'm a bit bitter that Sakura gets to spend like, every day with him now! Totally unfair!" Ino says, pouting playfully.

"It was a lucky draw, I guess," Sakura says with a smile. "But I'm okay with a bit of luck..."

I lean back in my chair. "You can't rely on just that, you know. Talent can be overcome with hard work, and hard work can be defeated just as easily with pure talent. There are gaps that are sometimes too big to cross...I'm sure you understand more than most, Sakura."

"..." She stares at me but says nothing.

"Although, from what I know...you did a very good job protecting that old man. Teamwork is key, and you played your part," I say to her sweetly.

"That's true," Ino adds. "I mean, our team relies on teamwork, pretty much a matter of life and death in the field. Sensei says as much anyways, and my dad loves to remind me these days. I wonder how long it'll take for us to get even half as good as our parents. Heh. Aside from all the dumb training and drills and stuff, I'm pretty into this shinobi thing. I get to use some of my passions, too! That's exciting, right?"

"Very much so," I reply. "Sakura, what about you? Would you say the same?"

"I...guess I would, yeah," she replies timidly.

"Mm...going back to silly boys for a moment," Ino says with a smile, "I have a question for Lili."

"Yes, Ino. Whatever your heart desires."

"You're too much sometimes. Okay, then...have you ever been confessed to? Here, or anywhere?"

I close my eyes and think, knowing the answer but making sure I didn't miss anything. "No, never. I was quite lonely as a child...I think it was my disposition. That, and I could never smile properly."

"Oh, yeah...that creepy smile you gave us at the beginning of last year. Sheesh. I can see why people would avoid you in that case. But what about here, has anyone said anything?"

"I know that I have a few girls that admire me from afar, for certain reasons. But they were never open about it because of my status. I guess...there's one person who I know likes me."

"Ah? Tell us, tell us!" Ino demands.

"..." Sakura is interested as well. Our tea arrives and Ino eagerly stirs in her sugar while waiting for my answer.

"I know that Naruto...has a thing for me. Just don't mention it outside of here, alright?"

"Naruto? That makes sense, he does talk about you a lot and always seems really happy to see you. So? Will you...?"

"I let him down easy."

"I see. That's good of you, Lili. He's a weirdo, but...sort of sweet in his own way, I think. It'd really suck to see him moping around."

"He's free to dream of me as he likes, but...I can't oblige him as I am," I say pointedly to Ino.

"Eh...eh?" Ino stops her stirring and looks at me oddly for a moment. Then her expression changes, eyes widening as she comes to an understanding. "Ehhhhhh?"

"Yes, that's right."

Sakura is confused. "Ino, what are you on about?"

"That makes sense...that all makes sense. So you're a lesbian, I get it."

"Wait, you mean that she...she likes..."

"Yes. I like girls," I say plainly. "You personally don't have anything to worry about from me." I stir milk into my tea. "As for guys...even if I did have any interest in them, I wouldn't dream of choosing someone like Sasuke."

Sakura glares at me on cue. "And what's wrong with Sasuke?" Predictably defensive of her dream boyfriend.

"He would never be my type, even if I was a masochist...which I'm not." No, I'm very clearly on the other end of that particular spectrum. Well...as far as I know...

"Why don't you speak plainly?" Sakura demands. I let her rant and stir sugar into my tea leisurely.

"Honestly, there's no need to get so worked up," Ino says. "And with the bad blood between them, can you blame her for being harsh?"

"Sasuke is my teammate, Ino. I don't think it would be right to let some girl talk trash about him in front of me." As opposed to talking behind someone's back. Classy, Miss Haruno.

"You're clearly more upset about my remarks towards him than you are about your lack of skill."

She flinches. That one hurt. "Insult me all you want...you're just proving him right."

It seems she wants more. Fine. "Oh? So you're deluded as well. You think that I'm looking down on you because I have the ability to display my strength. Do you want me to show you what arrogance truly is?" I say, staring at her. If she wants to dance, I will make this useless doll dance until her feet swell up.

"Sasuke risked his life on that mission, which is way more than you could do. You think that because you looked a little cool and beat him in the Academy one time, or got really high grades, that you can demean him and insult the rest of us? Who do you think you are?"

"Sakura, seriously. You're getting way too worked up over this. All she said was that she wouldn't pick Sasuke if she was into guys at all. And we know she isn't. Okay, let's simmer down and change the subject a bit. You can still appreciate a cute guy, right, Lili?"

"Of course. Good aesthetic has no boundary."

"Aha! I like that. For example, our waiter definitely has a nice face...and other things I've noticed, but would be a little rude to mention in public," Ino says with a wink. "So. Who out of the guys do you think is the cutest?"

I turn my head and make sure to look at Sakura as I speak. "The person I'm thinking of...someone very sweet. Naruto would be my first choice."

"Naruto...wow, that's an interesting choice. How come?" Ino asks.

"Well, when you really look at a person...you can see them for who they are. He's a charming boy, a little rugged, but cute to look at. And good, lovely eyes," I say. "Very sincere in everything he does."

"Hmm...can't say I disagree. Give him a few years and some styling tips, he'll knock the ladies dead. Yeah, I think that's a solid pick on the whole."

"Do you have anything to add, Sakura?" I ask. "Or have you not looked at him once? You seem to be quite preoccupied with Sasuke and getting his attention. Haven't you realized that someone like that doesn't care about you? He has other things on his mind."

"You take that ba-"

"And you...especially someone like you. How can you ever question what I've done? How much blood have you spilled, Sakura Haruno?"


I lean forward in my chair. "I can recall...all of it. Every. Single. Drop."

She shrinks backwards.

"Know your place," I say firmly. "You speak too much and are far too arrogant for your station. I stand above you in every, and I do mean every aspect."

"..." She can say nothing, only glaring at me and stewing in her seat. There's nothing she can say to counter me. Pathetic. How dare she even think of pushing herself against me.

"That was a bit harsh, wasn't it?" Ino says. "Sakura might have gone a bit too far, but...mm." Sakura is her friend, but it's clear that she's fallen to my side this time.

"Ino, you know better," I say gently. "Nothing I've said was a lie. If I wanted to, I have many other methods of tearing someone apart."

"She's got me there, Sakura. This isn't even close to how sharp she can get."

"I'm...I'm not the same person from the Academy," Sakura growls at me. "Your words don't mean anything to me. Sasuke is a much stronger person, and so am I!"

She's going to say something she will regret later. Blinded by her pain and wounded ego. The next move is...

"Why don't you put your big money where your mouth is, then?"

And finally, the climax.

"I'm challenging you, you stuck-up bitch!"

Yes. There it is.

"Sakura! Think about what you're saying for a second, you idiot forehead!"

"Cram it, piggie! I've already made up my mind!"

Ino huffs and waves her away. "Fine, whatever. Your funeral."

"What is it, rich girl? You gonna run away? You probably think you're too good to fight me. Go ahead and say it. Give up before we even start, like little princesses always do!"

I didn't think things would escalate to this level...well, alright. That's a lie. I was eagerly hoping they would get to this level, and I would have an excuse to bully this trash. I'm having a lot of fun right now.

I take a long sip of tea and sigh for effect before answering. "I'll think about obliging you. I have some more errands to run during the week, so..."


"I'll have to show up to this too, won't I?" Ino yells, interrupting us. "Ugh! The worst! Fine, I'll even drag my lazy idiot team with me to supervise. Just make sure it's actually happening, alright? I gotta wash my hair properly after all these missions, you know?"

"I understand your struggle," I say to her. Draining my teacup, I dab at my mouth with a napkin. "Well. I won't agitate you any further, Miss Haruno. After all, you're Sasuke's number one fan...and he does need a cheering section, from what I understand."


"I'll let you know what's happening soon. Thank you both for having me. Sakura," I say dismissively as I stand up. "And...Ino."

"Hm?" I lean over and plant a friendly kiss on her cheek. She blushes a bit.

"See you in a while, then?"

"Yeah, for sure. Take care, Lili," she says with a smile.

I give Sakura a side eye look as she stares at me, confused and vulnerable. I want to push her. I want to make her tremble. I want her to look at me and think it...that I could steal away her best friend any time that I want.

She's too easy.

With a smile, I flip my hair over my shoulder. And I keep my promise, leaving more than enough money on the table to cover their expenses as a gift before leaving.

Yes. I'm an awful girl. But...I'm also awfully satisfied right now.

Ah. Such is life.


Luna isn't home as I return, so I decide to finish up my manga reading. It has a good looking heroine as the lead character, and balances everything with its action. I like it a lot and resolve to buy the next volume soon.


Although I also wonder about that book Kakashi was reading. I suppose I should look into it...for research purposes, of course.

The next day comes, and Luna is off. She sleeps in and I make myself breakfast. Kurenai has scheduled a quick D-Rank for today, planting flowers for an elderly woman. We end up in front of a modest wooden house with a front yard.


These flowers are all the same, and it's mainly the girls carefully planting while Shino gathers and moves supplies. The garden is well set up, with a system for delivering water and semi-moist soil that we dig into while planting. We finish fairly quickly and step back a moment to admire our work.

Camellia plants.

"Thank you for your hard work. There isn't much money here," the old woman says.

"..." I think for a moment. "Oba-san, if I could make a request."

"Yes, dear."

"In lieu of money...oil will do for me." The camellia plant, aside from its beauty, has many practical uses. One of its products is good quality oil from its seeds, which is used for cooking, to maintain blades, and to help grow strong and healthy hair.

"I feel the same," Hinata adds in.

"Same here," Kurenai says.

Shino seems confused as the old woman nods and heads back inside. She gives him his payment, and hands bottles of oil to myself, Hinata, and Kurenai. After exchanging bows, she waves us goodbye.

"You requested oil. Why?" Shino asks me. I look over to Kurenai and Hinata, and we share a knowing smile.

"It's a girl thing," we say in unison. Shino pushes up his glasses.

"I see. We all have our secrets, then."

Ino did say she was worried about her hair...hmhm. This will make a nice, luxurious present, and serve my ulterior motives quite nicely.
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Hard Knocks
timely chapter or some sort of dark magic, you decide

Scarlet Justice - ep. 25
"Hard Knocks"

Another day passes. We train in shurikenjutsu and chakra control from early morning until noon. Hinata is working at a steady pace, determined not to drag anyone down ever again. Kurenai makes her slow down, while Shino is his usual self and chips away at his weak areas.


As for myself, I wonder if I'm ready for the upcoming challenge. There's a lot to consider here...a lot that could go wrong. Perhaps my growth might be stunted, or altered badly. But I also have faith in the training that got me to this point. I feel that if anything does go wrong, I will be able to fix it, and make something of myself no matter what.

"Have to wonder what Kakashi's up to this time," Kurenai says to me as we cool down. "He's definitely a pragmatist, so him taking an interest in you is for a simple enough reason. Well, to him anyways. I wouldn't know what he's thinking at any given time."

"Hm. You seem to be okay with this," I say to her.

"It's normal. If there are specialists available for kids, or there's a teacher that sees some sort of potential in you, we encourage you to go out and train with them. Guys like Kakashi, especially. Dunno about how good he really is as an instructor, but when it comes to individuals he has plenty of tools to hand out. I suspect that's why Sasuke ended up with him in the first place."

"Ino was telling me about how the team system worked."

"Yeah? Ino's a good kid, very observant, too. Takes after her dad, which is a great thing. If she doesn't follow in his footsteps, she could be a really great covert operator. And there are people in ANBU that you don't know are in ANBU, so I think that could suit her, too. She has the work ethic."

"I see."

"Alright, kids. That's enough for the day," Kurenai calls to Hinata and Shino. They gather their weapons and hustle back towards us. "Still can't tell me about your secret thing with the Hokage?"

"No. But I have already come to a decision on that end. It will make you happy, I assume."

"Lots of things can make me happy."

"Hopefully ones that can be discussed in polite company?"

"Shut up, seriously." She rolls her eyes as my teammates join us.

"Sensei...I think I can-"

"Out of the question," Kurenai says, interrupting Hina. "Pack up, go home, and rest. That's an order, Miss Hyuuga."

"Yes, ma'am. I'll see everyone tomorrow, then." She smiles and bows for us before heading home. Shino quietly salutes before doing the same.

"Mission coming up later. Nothing too big, fortunately...should be done by the end of the day. I'll see you tomorrow, Lili."

"Of course. Take care, sensei."

We part ways, and I head over to Training Field Three. Kakashi is there, reading his book while leaning against one of the logs used for training exercises. He doesn't lift his head even as I stop in front of him.

"I'm going to learn the Lightning Release Chakra Mode," I say.

"Yeah...I figured as much. Here," he says as he tosses me a scroll. "This is the research that's been done on it within the Leaf. It's pretty detailed. I personally can't help you too much with it, at least when it comes to fine mechanics and the like, but if you show up around this time next week, we can check out your progress together."

"..." So it's all up to me, then. If I learned one B-Rank jutsu, I should be able to learn another. Believe in myself. "Understood, thank you."

"Also...I heard about something happening later on. You and Sakura are going to get into it?"

"Something like that," I say. "Are you going to stop us?"

"No. In fact, I didn't hear a word about any of this from you," he says casually.

"Hmph. Trying to avoid trouble?"

"You could say that."

"You really are irresponsible. Ino and her merry men are going to be there anyways, so we'll be well supervised without your presence. I don't mean to make a spectacle of her."

"Right. Hopefully this will be a bit of motivation for Sakura."

"You're expecting her to lose."

"Naturally. She's my student, and she's done well recently. But I'm not deluded about her progress. That girl is nowhere close to an elite."


"Anyways, if you want to use the field here, go all out. And again, I heard nothing. Good luck with your lesson, sensei."

I shake my head and walk away. What a guy.


"Lord Hokage will see you now."

The secretary lets me into the office. I take a seat and clear my throat.

"I will be concise, Lord Hokage."

"Please, go ahead," he says as he sets down his pen to look at me.

"I've spent too much of my life in the darkness, alone and fighting to find myself. Becoming a member of the ANBU would be an honour and a great opportunity offered to few others. I understand the weight of responsibility that comes from the position. But...right now, I want to walk in the light with my comrades, and the people that I love dearly. I want to let them know how my days went, and hold them close to me at nights. I want to live life as myself, and not partitioned between 'Lili' and a given code name. The shadows are not the place I belong. Not any longer. Since you're not willing to let me out of your sight, I'll instead become a leader that you can be proud of."

He nods. "Very well. All I ask is that you continue to grow in strength, and remain as spirited as you are now."

"Yes, Lord Hokage." I incline my head. "If you should choose to make me a jounin of the village, I will accept your recommendation wholeheartedly, and give my all for this home and the people who live in it."

"Good, good. I appreciate your courage and commitment, Lili. Please remember that. Do your best in the upcoming trials, and show everyone what I see in you."

"I shall, Lord Hokage."

With a deep bow, I leave his office. I let out a breath the moment I get outside.

Turning down an offer to be a true elite...well, it's not all glory and fame, anyways. So that might have made the decision easier. But even so, I've committed to this life now. The first step is becoming a chuunin, and bringing my friends upwards with me. Stronger comrades for a stronger village.


I'm not perfect, however. I still have my sharp angles that will cut those who don't approach with caution. Balancing the person I am with leadership...that is something I will also have to work on. It doesn't matter how strong I am if I can't foster cooperation. This upcoming fight with Sakura could be a means to help with that sort of thing, if I play it right. Or I'll simply beat her senseless and look like even more of a bully.

"Troublesome, honestly." I sigh and spin the scroll from earlier on my finger as I walk home. Hopefully Luna is home to cook something. Chakra control training always makes me very hungry for some reason.


We take a proper C-Rank this time to guard a shipment of iron that's come down from the northern part of the country. It takes a little over half a day total to go, escort the merchant and his shipment, and reach the village again without incident. We debrief, get our normal rate of pay, then are dismissed for the night. Feeling a bit adventurous, I slip out to the training field, drop my bag, and unroll the scroll that Kakashi gave me.

"Let's see..."

I definitely feel nervous. I wonder if I should...no. No, I'm going to do this on my own. I have to.

I can use handseals as a starter, so I make the few listed and focus my chakra at the same time. What feels like the technique activates, and I feel...pulled out of time for a moment, like everything has simply slowed to a crawl. There's a pop and surge as the tingling explodes into something else, making me lose my place for a second before the world starts moving normally again.

"Sh-shoot..." I can feel myself buzzing all over. It's hot and some of the electricity is still jumping away from my skin for a while. I don't think I electrocuted myself, though I wouldn't be surprised. Okay. That was an...interesting first experience. Next time, I will make proper preparations, and make sure that I'm well rested before attempting this technique. It's...it's something, to be sure. An incredible amount of stimulation that ended up altering my perception of the world, even if it was for the briefest of moments. No wonder the Raikage uses this technique...someone who has been described as 'faster than thought'.

Shino would say that sounded cool. I can't help but agree. It does sound fantastic and legendary.

"A new goal, then..."

I feel a smile come on. A new challenge...this is getting me quite excited.


The call has been put out. It's morning in the Hidden Leaf.

I sit at Training Field Three, on top of one of the logs standing upright in the middle of the grounds. There are a few figures approaching. They're well within the range of my tracking art...I press my tongue against my top lip, and get a taste of the air as if flows towards me. Midori said that the technique would grow stronger the more that I used it, and true to her word, it has. I have more control than ever, and it's very good.


The scents and feedback are sharp. Familiar, too. Naruto and Ino I recognize immediately. Sakura, with her silly scented shampoo. There are others...pork. Specifically, the smell of pork rinds.

He's always eating!

Ino said that the other day. "Choji," I mumble. The next smell is a bit faint, but I know it. Similar to the Hokage...tobacco smoke.

Oh, you noticed that. I was talking to Asuma, and he has that smoking habit of his...

I recognize this smell mainly from Kurenai. Asuma-sensei, who is the instructor for Team Ten. Ino doesn't have the same level of smoke on her, if at all. Choji doesn't either. That leaves...Shikamaru. So he spends a lot of time with Asuma, then. Interesting.

Another scent...reminds me faintly of burning wood.

The Uchiha are known for their prowess in Fire Release jutsu.

Iruka's voice echoes through my head.

"Sasuke. What the hell could he want..." I feel agitated at the very thought of him. Almost enough for me to awaken 'that' side just so I can start some proper bullying.

I still haven't gotten over that time at the Academy. That sort of despair...almost fading into oblivion. It will never leave me. It was fear on a level that I never want to experience again. And all because I trusted him. Because I tried to be a good girl. Because I let down my guard against that...trash.

"Lili! Are you really gonna fight Sakura?!"

"..." Naruto. I almost don't have the heart to answer him. I use a body flicker to leave my perch and appear in front of Sakura's face, startling her. She puts on a brave front a moment later. "Yes, Naruto. This is what she asked for, with her own mouth."

"I...I see..."

"Stay out of it, Naruto. This isn't something you would ever understand," Sakura says.

"Don't you try to speak for him," I snap back. "He's gone through enough hardship without you piling it on. Now...I know that Ino was bringing guests, but I didn't hear anything from you about spectators. What's your game?"

"I'm allowed to bring my teammates to watch, too. There wasn't any rule against it."

"You foolish little brat. Do you understand why I came on my own, and why I agreed to Ino's team coming to spectate? I didn't want to involve more people than necessary. Did you want to make this a public massacre? Did you want to be humiliated and destroyed in front of others? Because I could have easily obliged you," I say. I then take a breath in and calm down a little. "But what's done is done. We'll settle it here, as long as nobody opens their mouth about it to anyone else. This is between us, and us alone."

"..." She slowly nods.

"Oh, and one more thing...I suggest you fight for your life, Sakura. Because if you ever get the idea to sit there and sandbag so that your boyfriend can collect data on me, I'll make sure to tear your pink hair from your empty skull strand by strand."

She flinches, her eyes flickering to Sasuke for a brief moment.

"Do you hear me? Don't you dare fuck with me, or I'll really kill you," I growl.

"Ah, geez. This is why women are so troublesome," Shikamaru whines. "They'll kill each other over the smallest things."

"Shut up, Shikamaru. Alright, let's start the fight before we all drown in the bad blood," Ino says. I move a fair distance away from Sakura as Ino holds one arm in the air. "Okay, here we go! It's a no...well, some holds barred showdown! Use anything you like to take down your opponent! The boundaries are the edges of the training field, and the fight ends when one fighter is unable to continue or surrenders!"

"I'll have eyes and ears all over!" Naruto announces. "It's the greatest referee crew assembled! My Shadow Clone Jutsu is ready to go!"

"Awesome! Remember, no maiming! And especially no killing!" she says with a look towards me. I roll my eyes and nod. "Good! Fighters ready?"

"Ready!" Sakura yells drawing a kunai.

"Ready," I reply, crossing my arms.


As Ino throws her arm down, Sakura charges with a body flicker. She draws a second kunai and makes seals, producing a clone on either side of her.

Regular bunshin? Here? I grit my teeth in frustration. Seems it's time to teach this air head a lesson she won't forget.

She has her clones weave in and out in a pattern, trying to fool me. I hold back a bit, adding more difficulty by not using my tracking art to find her in an instant. Okay, which one...

The first crosses in front of me, and they all simultaneously slash away. I step through the first image easily. There's one coming in from behind, and I let it run me through as a ghost, exiting my front side. And the third...accelerates towards me before passing through. Three clones? So, then...ah.

I draw a kunai and raise it into the air, clashing with Sakura as she comes down from above.

"Well, you're more clever than I assumed," I say tonelessly. Not a lie since it was a decent feint, but I'm intent on riling her up. "Congratulations."


But it's useless against me, and she should have known that much. She drops to the ground and tries to flashily attack with both kunai in her hands. I use my one hand to easily block each strike as it comes. Her taijutsu is...

...it's not special. That much is a problem. She seems like she's scared of fighting, or doesn't know how. But she's not stupid. She's studied this.

And she's slow. Her movement speed and attacking speed are worlds apart, which is why she uses movement and momentum so often in time with her attacks. This girl is strange. Has she not picked up anything since the Academy?

"Is this all you have?" I taunt.

She growls and her speed increases a bit. This is her wheelhouse, chakra control. She was always good at it, I noticed. This time she's trying to use it to get around me. Not a bad thought, but...it's useless when there's an ocean between us. I automatically parry her strikes, then start to drive her back. With a swift movement, I spike one of the kunai out of her hands, leaving her with just the one. She flinches and is helpless as I evade her strikes, cutting into her bare arms over and over.

Sakura eventually drops her remaining kunai because of the pain. I slap her across the face with the handle of mine, making her tumble to the ground.

She has to know where she is right now. I'll see if she indeed has a brain inside of that cotton candy head. "You do understand why you're on Team Seven, yes?"

Sakura pants and rises to her feet, glaring at me. Small drops of blood leak from the cuts that crisscross her arms. With no answer, I start my lecture.

"Each of the squads are constructed in a way that complements each member. Not just in terms of scoring, but in terms of ability. Naruto is, simply put, not very good at academics. Sasuke, for all his effort, is middling in that area at best."

"I told you...stop talking about Sasuke like that!"

I ignore her and continue, twirling my kunai on my fingers. "You seem to have a good amount of general intelligence. In other words...you are supposed to be the anchor of the team on that front. Using your academic and observational skills, you would pass your wisdom onto the other members of your team. In return, you would learn how to improve your combat skills from watching Naruto and Sasuke, as they are both more adept on that front than you are. The skills of each teammate are meant to help the others grow. That is why you were arranged that way."

"That's some analysis...go, Lili," Ino says.

"What's that have to do with anything, or any of this?" Sakura snaps back at me.

"I'll spell it out for you, bimbo. What have you learned from watching Naruto and Sasuke? And what have you taught them since you've come together as a team?"

"I...I haven't..."

"What have you accomplished in this time? What have you done other than become so rounded that you're not good at anything other than balancing your chakra to a fine point? While you sit and play housekeeper, Naruto and Sasuke push themselves on your behalf."

"That's not true!" she protests. "You don't know anything about us!"

I grip my kunai properly again, narrowing my eyes at her. "Then prove it. Go ahead and crush me like you promised."

"You...!" She rushes forward and makes more handseals before picking up the kunai she dropped earlier, engaging me. I quickly stab forward before she can react, and she reels.

"...hmph. Right."

Sakura transforms into a log. I can hear her diving into the trees nearby...certainly, if there's a place for a book loving nerd like her, it's the forest. All sorts of nasty traps and other things will be at her disposal. Hopefully she doesn't bore me like she has this entire time.

"They're taking the battle to the tress," Ino announces. Her entourage follows, some more reluctantly than others. "Sakura's holding on after a really rough start! Can she make headway with all this room to hide and plan? Or is Lili too much of a monster to be contained? Let's find out!"

Nothing I can't handle from the likes of her. I walk into the trees and can't immediately make out her presence, so...

"Mm?" I hear a snapping sound. A log rushes towards me...it's laid out horizontally, so that means I should-

But there's another sound and I look down to see that my foot is on top of an exploding tag. And now there's a log swinging in from my left vertically. And as I quickly glance over to my right...

"Why don't you just shut your damn mouth!"

Sakura throws a wave of senbon at me. If those land, they're going to hurt no matter what. Two logs closing in, exploding tags at my feet. Staying in this position means I can avoid the logs, but the lit tags will blow me up. Dodging away means either confronting a log or becoming a living pin cushion. Possibly both.

Only a small margin of error allowed...this is a well constructed trap.


It's too bad she obviously snuck in and prepared this beforehand, but there's nothing wrong with that in the end...rules are rules, and there was no rule against this. Clever when she wants to be. A shinobi, at least in spirit.

Oh, but I'm still going to make her cry bloody tears.

I wanted to hold back a bit more, but this is getting serious now, what with her trying to blow me up. Ino said no maiming, right? I'll let it go since the pink brat is obviously desperate and panicking.

Right. Sort of in danger, still. The logs are in close, and the exploding tags have started burning. I stomp the ground with one foot, pushing chakra into it. Ready.

I accelerate, jumping onto the log coming for me from the front and laid out horizontally. The other log swings by behind me as I jump, sticking the landing and running up the log to my right. As it swings upwards, I use the momentum to launch myself into the air, doing a quick twirl and spin as I remove the exploding tags from the bottom of my foot. I wrap them around a kunai and throw in a single motion as my spin brings me back in line with Sakura. She barely dodges in time as the tag goes off, destroying the base of the tree she was hiding behind.

It creaks loudly before starting to fall, and this is my chance - it's falling towards me, like it was all planned out. I keep my momentum going while in the air and flip a few times while the trunk comes underneath me, then stop and drop onto it. It's still falling; I accelerate down the surface with my foot speed and locate Sakura, jumping off early towards her as she stands away from the path of the falling tree. She raises her arms to guard, and I pass through her like a ghost.

"Clone...?" she mumbles. I've already hit the ground, and I shift forward.

My turn.

A punch to her unguarded midsection before she can react as the tree crashes down behind us. She gasps for air and drops her arms; I follow with a three punch combination to the head, making her stumble around like she's drunk as wings beat above us. Next move. A solid left cross that sends spittle flying from her mouth as her head snaps to one side. Next move. An open palm thrust that makes her cry out as she's sent back first into a nearby tree, sending more birds away with the tremors. Leaves fall slowly to the ground as she bounces forward; I plant my feet and turn viciously into a roundhouse kick, slamming her into the tree again and ripping the bark apart.

She starts to land before I move forward and knee her into the air, making her gasp loudly, then accelerate into an elbow strike to the stomach that sends her flying out of the forest, back into the open field. I follow her slowly, watching as she struggles to get to her feet.

"Sakura...listen, you don't have to..." Ino looks concerned.

"That was a nice try with the traps," I say flatly. "But they're useless against someone like me. I didn't have to use ninjutsu to escape that time, so I think you should work on it some more."

"Don't...don't get arrogant," she says, coughing and wheezing.

"You should worry about yourself, sweetheart. Are we done, or do you want me to grind you into the dirt some more?"

"I'm...not giving up! Just bring it!"

I shake my head as she charges, missing a punch. My hand goes around her throat and she struggles to force it off. She's done. I might as well end this mercifully.

"I told you. Know. Your. Place. You are not a warrior yet, don't play as if you are one. Know what you mean to your team!" I yell. "Know your function! Learn about yourself and decide who you want to become! Do you understand, or do I have to beat it into you?"


"Don't what? Lecture you? Tell you what to do? Open your damn eyes..." I raise my fist, intending to knock her out and end this farce. It's gone on long enough.

"Stop, villain!"

"...!" I throw Sakura to one side and lean all the way backwards as someone passes right over me. A burst of wind rushes by shortly after, and I quickly pull myself upwards before getting into a battle stance.

That was dangerous. I could only feel danger from that last move. Fast, powerful...no release of chakra, either. I stare down the idiot in front of me. Black hair in some sort of bowl cut, a green spandex suit with his headband around his waist, and yellow leg warmers. Bandage is wrapped tightly around his arms, and I can smell a bit of blood.

"Sakura! Are you okay?" he asks with concern.

"..." And his eyebrows are terribly thick.

"What are you doing? Sakura is by no means weak, but it's clear that she's not on the same level as you! If you would like a fair fight, then I will be your opponent!" He makes a sort of...pose. "I am the Leaf's Handsome Blue Beast, Rock Lee!"

"Rock Lee," I mumble. The child with only taijutsu in his arsenal, spoken of from time to time at the Academy. "So you're him. Well...you should know that Sakura was the one who challenged me to this fight. She insisted on it, in fact. Ask Ino."

"That does not matter!"

"Oh, but it certainly does, Rock Lee. Anyone arrogant enough to challenge someone out of their league deserves what she gets. And this was doubling as a teaching moment," I explain. "Sakura needs to pay attention to the strengths of her teammates and learn from them. White knights like you will only stifle her growth."

"This is still unacceptable! All you were doing was bombarding her with your own frustrations! This is not a fight, it's humiliation!"

"I had the decency to do this in private!" I scream. "I did all I could to give her what she wanted, and still protect her at the same time! None of you did the same at the Academy, you shunned and shamed me in full view of everyone else!" I take a breath in and slowly wind down. "Take your arrogance and shove it back down your throat. You don't get to tell me what humiliation is. You've walked into something that you have no understanding of." I take another breath in. "And I assume that you're not going to leave as long as I want to continue this fight."

"That is correct."

"You're a fucking piece of work," I growl. "Then that's it. I'm done. If it soothes Sakura's ego, call it a concession on my end. I couldn't care any less. I am not going to fight two on one, especially with someone who outclasses me to that degree in taijutsu. I would have to resort to decidedly unpleasant methods...and none of you want to see me when I'm feeling unpleasant."

"..." Lee slowly drops his stance and stares at me with curiosity.

"I'm going home. Enjoy the rest of your day."

"Running away?"

I feel my blood freeze as another voice calls to me. "What...?"

"I asked...if you were running away, Kobayashi."

I twitch. My head turns towards Sasuke, and I can see his Sharingan are on. I'm shaking. I'm shaking from anger, and I can't stop. "You...fucking trash. You fucking trash. Don't push me..."

"Why don't you-"

"Sasuke! Stop it!" Naruto puts his arm in front of his teammate.

"Stay out of this, idiot!"

"I said to stop! Leave her alone!"

"You should really listen to Naruto, Sasuke." The shaking stops, and I calm down slowly. Kakashi steps between us. "Don't get carried away. Even if you're recorded a few things with those eyes, you're still not on her level yet. And you know it."

"..." He has his bloodline limit shut off.

"You've used that brain of yours for once." He turns to me. "Feeling okay?"

"Yes...I should be okay. It was just...a bit stressful now."

"I'll handle the rest of this. You should go home and rest, Lili."

"Yes. Thank you, Kakashi."

"Yeah. I couldn't be completely irresponsible, after all."

"I appreciate that. Until the next time," I say quietly.

I walk away from the training field, for good this time.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 26

I walk home, feeling bitter and upset.


I really hate to admit it, even a little...but there was something to what Lee said. I was frustrated, and I was using the fight as a bit of an excuse to pay Sakura back. But it wasn't just for fun...I was honestly trying to get her to learn something.

It all turned into a mess.

As I reach the stairs leading up to my apartment, I see that Hina is sitting at the bottom. She's staring out into the world, thinking of something. I know that she's been focused on training lately...

"Oh, Lili. I was...waiting for you."

"Hina. Is everything okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine. I just...wanted to see you. Um...do you think we could go somewhere together? For a while?"

"..." I'm not too sure. I feel tired and like I don't want to do much. But...I want to be there for her, even if I'm not at my best. This time, a compromise should work. "Come upstairs with me."


"Come on," I say, taking her hand in mine. We go up the stairs and I unlock the front door before opening it. The lights were off just now, so that means we're alone. "Luna isn't home yet, which means Midori-nee isn't here either. We have the place to ourselves for now."


"Want something to eat? Some milk?"

"Milk is fine..."

I nod and grab a cold bottle from the fridge, along with a packet of sweet biscuits just in case. "Sorry. I'm going to take a shower...you'll be okay while I'm gone, right?"

"Y-yeah. Take your time..."

"Okay, thank you." I head to the bathroom, get undressed quickly, and turn on the water. It's ice cold to start, but refreshing all the way through. I needed this, more than I realized. I simply stand where I am and let the water fall over me for a while, before starting to wash thoroughly. Some of the stress from earlier is disappearing, and I feel much better as I turn off the faucet. After making sure my clothing is put away, I put on a bathrobe and head out to check on Hina.

The biscuits are on the table, but the milk is gone...I see that the door to my room is open. Heading in, I see Hina with the milk bottle in her hands, staring at the bookshelf that consumes the far wall of my room.

"That's where I keep all of my stuff," I say, making her jump a bit. "Don't mind me."

"You didn't seem yourself earlier," I hear her say from behind me. I rub moisturizer into my skin and sort through my underwear drawer before finding what I wanted.

"I had a fight with Sakura earlier. It didn't go well."

"Didn't...go well?" she asks, confused. I see her head turn towards me before she pulls it back, blushing. "Did you...lose to her?"

"I beat her soundly. It's just that some child named Rock Lee wanted to play as a knight, and then Sasuke was there...I feel like I tried to do the right thing, only to have everything tumble down again. It felt like I was back at the Academy."

"I'm sorry..."

"Thank you, Hina. I'm simply tired today...but please, don't take it the wrong way. Whatever you need, I'm here for you," I say as I finish getting dressed. A light shirt and bottoms will work for the evening. I have no plans to head out after this.

"Yes. I'm thankful for that, Lili...um, why did you two fight? She's not...on our level, I mean."

"I know. It was her request. Everything that happened was really her fault, from bringing people along that didn't need to be there, to being stubborn and obstinate, to...just a lot of things."

"I see...I'm sorry again that it didn't go so well. I don't think Sakura is a bad person, either..."

"I feel the same," I say as I stand beside her. "But that doesn't mean I have to like her."

"It doesn't, no. What I see with her...I think, based on her relationship with Ino, she's the type of person that will get sucked in. To more easily cope, I mean. The type of person who thinks that if they work hard enough and apply knowledge, they can fix a situation...or a person." Hina takes a sip of her milk. "It's noble, I think...that sort of thing. Certainly better than being cowardly like I was."

"Her family clearly treated her better," I point out.

"Yes, but...still. It's something good in her, but it's also a weakness. Rather than...the type of person who has enough will to pour our love freely, like you and your elder sister can...she will use herself as a means of healing. It presents a danger if...if that person ends up using her until there's nothing left."

"Referring to Sasuke, then."

She nods. "Yes. I don't think he is purposely hurting her. From the last mission, he looks different. But he is also fearful...somewhat of you. It's tragic, I think. This sort of thing that is nobody's fault, but still hurts so badly. And even if it isn't anyone's fault to start with, this harmful cycle is continuing because he wills it. I...won't abandon you out of compassion for someone else," she says as she looks at me. "I love you too much for that. And you have given me too much for that."

"Thank you, Hina. I love you, too."

We give each other a smile before she returns her attention to the bookshelf. "It's really big, Lili. There are...sections, I can see. Is that right?"

"Yes. Furthest right is where I keep my manga collections. Left of that are the videogames. Left of that is the light novels, and the left of that is the section with long form novels. I have non-fiction in its own section next to it, and then all of the academic material and shinobi stuff."

"That's the biggest section. You really do take it seriously..."

"There's an art to the things I like to do, and much to read so that I can properly experiment."

"Ah." Her eyes fall on a small section furthest left. It's locked and has a door over it. "What's...over there? Furthest left?"

"That's secret," I say. "There are...things inappropriate for little girls in there."

"I-is it...lewd?"

"Not necessarily, though that might be part of it. Secret...personal things," I say quietly. "Dark things. Things I want to keep hidden away for a while, even from my loved ones." I run a hand through my hair. "Not even Luna knows what's inside, and she hasn't asked."

"I...I see. I understand, Lili. I'm sorry if I was too pushy."

"No, no...it's fine, Hina. You were curious. It's natural to want to know. Perhaps one day, I'll show you everything in there..."

"I can wait until then."

"Good." I smirk. "Besides, all the lewd stuff is in plain sight anyways."

"A-ah?" Hina fumbles her bottle a bit and I laugh softly. "Lili...you really are, sometimes..." She frowns and pouts at me a bit. "I don't really understand it. You're a bit..."

"What? Perverted?"

"Maybe that's not the exact word I want to use..."

I shrug and steal a sip of her milk. "My stepmother flaunts her body all the time, and she's probably sleeping with the help. Luna is in a relationship with Midori-nee, and they both have pretty great bodies. I don't know. It seems inevitable that I'll get worse from here on, with those sorts of influences."

"That doesn't have to be the case...I think."

"I think it's too late for me." I pat Hina on the head. "You can remain pure, though. I just hope I'm not too much for you to deal with."

She smiles. "Well, it's...a little racy at times, but I don't mind. I'll always love you for who you are, Lili."

"I'm happy to hear that. So...you wanted us to go out earlier, and I decided to pull you up here instead. What did you want to do, Hina?"

"I really wanted to talk...more than anything. And ask something of you."

I take a seat on my bed and motion for her to follow. She sits next to me and takes a breath in.

"So, what is it you need?" I ask.

"I...I know that you have your own things to take care of. But I was...wondering if you would...h-help me with training."

"Help?" I make a face. "Hina...your specialty is taijutsu, and you make use of a bloodline limit. Not only do I not have a Byakugan, taijutsu is one of my weakest areas. No matter how bad you think you might be, I'm worse."

She looks at me with surprise. "Weakest? But...you move so gracefully and you're so quick, and..."

"I offset that weakness with my speed and chakra control, yes. Which is something that Sakura also did well earlier today. Otherwise...I'm not very good in a straight fight. If we went head to head with taijutsu, you could beat me as you are now."

"I don't..." She shakes her head. "E-even if that is true...I...want you by my side..."

"Listen, I don't think I would be much help-"

"I just think...I think that if you were nearby, I would have some extra confidence!" she suddenly says. "Ah...I meant...I just meant that..." She hangs her head. "Sorry. I..."

I wonder what it is I'm doing. I said that I would help her, didn't I? I said that I would listen, and...did I suddenly lose confidence after things slipped out of my hands earlier today?

I need to focus. Believe in myself, like I said I would. Maybe I'm not good enough to help directly with taijutsu, but I can still do something. I can still help my sister grow. It will cut into the time I have to learn the chakra mode...but Hina has shown me resolve. With that, and such a cute face, how can I possibly turn her away? No, I'm going to find a way. I can be honest with her, and do it for sure.

"Hina, I'm sorry. I don't think I can help you all the way with your training."

"I see...y-you're probably busy with something important..."

I nod. "I'm learning a new jutsu. I'll have to do it on my own, and it'll be tough."

Hina puts her hand on top of mine and nods. "Please...do your best, Lili. I'll be thinking of you."

"Don't talk like that. I'm not abandoning you, Hina. We're going to work together, and help you grow. Just like you wanted. I've been watching you the past few weeks, and I know that your family has left you to work on your own. So we're going to start a new journey together. Encouraging one another as sisters."

"Yes...that sounds wonderful," she says with a smile. "We...we can start with exercise. Together in the mornings before we meet with Kurenai-sensei and Shino. Would...that work?"

"I'm used to getting up early by now. That would be fine."

"Good...that much will make me happy. As long as I can spend time with you, I can work hard. I want to make you proud."

"Your specialized training will be more effective without me," I say. "For that, you need to look inside of yourself. But...Midori-nee taught me a bunch of things that I do on my own already. We can train your footwork. It connects to what you've learned as a Hyuuga and should help. Also, extra things to do with flexibility, and..."

We spend a while talking about possibilities. Hina talks to me about her fighting style and I adjust each idea I get for her sake. The beginnings of a training schedule are in place.

"Anything else that you can think of is fine with me. Lili, thank you."

"It's no trouble. We can start tomorrow. Let's do laps across the village."

"Yes. I'll be ready, then." She smiles and gives my hand a squeeze. I smile and squeeze right back.


The next morning is where it all begins.

Hina's stamina is a bit on the lower side. I don't get much out of the run this time, but she's encouraged to go further with my presence. The time at the Academy comes back to me, with our first partnership. That run through the obstacle course which turned into our friendship.

I really do need to stop coming down on myself. I can be useful to her, just like this. I always have been. Now it's time to help her grow, and become strong like I am. Midori didn't just love me, she trained me and helped shape me. It's my turn to do the same.

Kurenai moves around the D-Rank missions that we're still doing so that they're occurring daily, and are more spread out. This means that we have something every day of the week, but that's far from bad because it leaves more time to train as a result. I can work on the chakra mode every day before taking time off.

"Routine and endurance," Kurenai says before each mission. A test, meant to make us stronger. Managing time and resources, growing as people.

Shino's bug constructs are improving. He seems friendlier now that we've spent so much time together. Definitely taking more pride in the team.

We finish working on substitutions during the week, and he takes time out to talk to me.

"Hinata is growing a bit, I noticed."


"She seems to be finding herself. Improving, I would say."

"She is," I say to him. "Please watch over her...she does push herself too far sometimes. Her desire is to escape her family's shadow."

"I see. That's...a strong want." He focuses on me. "You're working on your own technique in the meantime."

"I am. Unfortunately, I can't show you the results just yet."

He nods and adjusts his glasses. "Understood. For the sake of my comrades, I'll have to evolve as well..."

I smile and take a sip of water. Shino's a funny sort of guy, but reliable. I'm glad he's with us.

Weeks start to pass. Kurenai throws wrenches into the routine to keep our minds active. I continue running with Hina in the mornings, and she is becoming stronger with each passing way. When she exhales, there is weight on her breaths. She can keep pace as I increase my speed a bit each week. We share a sort of serenity during our runs, where it seems like there's nobody else in the world around us. Our stretches improve her flexibility, too.

All of that hard work has made her first attacking step much faster than before. And to a Hyuuga, that's quite a big deal. Kurenai says as much during our observations, where Hina practices her Gentle Fist forms.

"That's really fast. Even for their clan."

"Really, now."

"Neji is...definitely an outlier, especially for a Branch House kid. A real genius like you. Hinata has really changed." She smiles at me. "Lift your head a little, okay? You've done a better job than even I could."

"Kurenai. Don't fill my head with nonsense."

"Oh, shut up."

"Your training is important, too." I watch Hina move gracefully across the field, breathing in and out in time with her attacks. "She's determined on all fronts. I might be a good motivator, but I'm not the best teacher."

"You don't need to be. You just need to be Lili right now. The rest will come later."

"And if it doesn't?" I ask.

She shrugs. "You'll be like Kakashi. That's a compliment, by the way."

I think of him and his orange book. Well...she's not wrong to call it a compliment. If I can grow up with that level of restraint, I'll be happy.

"Thank you, Kurenai."

"Yeah. Lili...I'm here if you need anything. On and off the field. Life isn't easy, and I know how much a good adult can change your world."

"That's true. I'll be sure to reach out, nee-san."


Hina completes her drills, and bows towards the three of us. We clap for her, and she gives us a beautiful smile.

Something that I will always fight for.



It's today while shopping for for frozen treats that I hear her call to me. Today is an off day for Team Eight, and it's warm out. I want to have a day out with Luna and treat her a little bit, as I usually do. She's surprised me in the same way, though our schedules don't always line up properly. It's still nice to do with the limited time that we get.

"Sakura." She's wearing her regular outfit, which means it must have been a work day for her and the others.

"I wanted to talk."


"The other day. What you said. What I said."

I move away from the frozen dessert section and into a more open area, then gesture for her to speak. I might as well entertain her attempt at conversation.

"I didn't want Lee to interrupt. I didn't want any of what happened to happen."

"But you created the conditions. Right?"

"...I did. I want to apologize for that. But at the same time...at the same time, you really went too far. Sasuke...Sasuke risked his life for us when we went to Wave Country. I thought...I really thought he died. And Naruto did, too. I don't think of them as bad people, especially Naruto. I just..."

"Slow down. Gather your thoughts," I instruct. She nods and takes some more time to think.


"It's fine. Continue," I say patiently.

"Sasuke...you should give him another chance. Try to be nicer to him...please, hear me out when I say this."

"You have the floor," I say. "Continue."

"He's not...the person you think he is. He's not violent or bad or anything like that, he's just...alone. And scared, just a bit. Like I said before, he really did his best at all times to protect us. That's why I got so mad when you bad mouthed him, and said all of those things about him. Maybe I'm not as good as you, and maybe I am weak, but Sasuke...he deserves better. I thought that you knowing that might...change some things."

"..." I look at Sakura, processing what's she said. It's all sincere, but...nonsense to me. I don't care. I don't feel anything. Sasuke being hurt, almost dying...experiencing what I did, and still choosing to act that way the other day. That makes it even worse. Why would she...?

She's the type of person to get...sucked in.

Hina's words come back to me. I think I understand...this is how she's expressing her love. Trying to fix someone wounded with the strength of her support. Figuring that this is the best she can do, even if that might not truly be the case. Kakashi has been looking at this, too. It's a hard web to untangle. I feel sorry for her.

I don't feel anything other than that.

"What does he say about this?"


"Sasuke. What has he told you about our relationship?" I ask.

"..." She looks towards the ground. "He's...he hasn't..."

"You don't need to say anything. I understand. Let me...tell you what I said to him, the day I rejected his fake apology." I reach past her and open the door, grabbing a bucket of ice cream. "I told him that the only way he could pay me penance is by spilling his blood at my feet. Do you understand why I said something like that?"

"It..." She gathers herself and raises her head. "It was...an accident."

I stare at her for a moment, making her wonder what I'm actually feeling. With a finger, I push the freezer door closed, and glance at the label to make sure I have the right product.

"Yes. Of course it was. Take care, Sakura."


"I really should be going. And you should go too. Please understand," I say clearly. "Until the next, Sakura."

She nods and backs down, then turns and walks away. I head to the counter, pay for my ice cream, and head home.


I wonder how Naruto is doing. He should appreciate these sorts of outings...I'll make more time for him on my schedule.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 27

As time passes, I feel my speed rising.

I can string together seals a bit faster for all of my jutsu. My ability in dealing with illusions has improved. And of course, I have better movement speed. These all happen to be areas affected by the chakra mode that I'm training for, so my regular training is especially fruitful recently. There's less time spent resting and I can leave Hinata to her own work at least some of the time. Because of that, I can work a bit harder on the new technique. It's working out well.

Some more downtime, and I decide to pay someone I know a visit. It's been a long while...

I reach the Academy complex and walk towards the schoolhouse. Like a trip through my memories, almost.

"I guess you wanted to relive those old days, then."

"I might have," I say to the man in front of me. "It's good to see you again, Iruka-sensei."

"Same to you."

"Can you spare a moment for a former student?"

"Always," he says with a smile. "Drinks are on me."


We sit together in the cafeteria. He has his coffee, and I have a cool bottle of milk. There's nobody else in at the moment, which makes for a relaxing sort of atmosphere.

"Sorry that I wasn't there when you got back from your first mission."

"It's alright," I say to him from across the table.

"How have you been doing otherwise?"

"Very well. Hina and Shino are great teammates, and Kurenai has been taking very good care of us. A proper schedule and everything, enough time for us to train and rest. She's taking her work seriously, while not being as uptight as expected."

"Asuma has been showing her the ropes, I think. They've been good friends for a while. And we used to talk about promotions and possibly becoming instructors. Kurenai has always been good about work, level-headed, and really steady when push comes to shove. Of course," he says with a smile, "having a genius on her team would be relaxing, you know?"

"I see."

We sit in silence for a few moments. It's possible we're thinking of the same thing, so...I should get on with it.

"I...you're probably aware of the reports from my first outing," I say.

"I had a read, yeah."

"You must have wanted better for me, Iruka-sensei."

"I don't know if that's-"

"It wasn't something noble. We should get that out of the way quickly. It wasn't...just a simple response to danger. It wasn't something good. I accept all of that, and the person I am." I look into his eyes. "I really did enjoy myself."

He nods. "We have different ways of dealing with life on the battlefield. Lord Hokage must have said as much to you."

"He did."

"We all want the ideal for our students. To be strong and skilled, yet at the same time friendly and compassionate. Beacons of light for the village. The Fourth was like that. A person you could firmly call good, who was also firmly on our side. Beloved by all. That's why his death hit so hard, and why so much fury was turned towards Naruto, who became the Nine-Tails' container. One of those things that isn't anyone's fault to start, but spirals out of control. As a community, we should have done better by him from the start. And...the same goes for me."

"You lost...people."

"My parents. They died protecting me in the attack."

Those are heavy scars. It explains a lot...and it explains why I feel this way about him. Naruto became someone he was willing to give his life for. That ideal warrior. He doesn't seem to realize that he's one of them. Perhaps because he's not as strong in battle, but he has the resilience part down, at the least.

"I know the truth, Iruka-sensei."

"The truth?" He blinks.

"Is your back okay? From the Fuma shuriken."

"..." He takes a sip of coffee and sighs. "My back is perfectly fine by now. He told you everything that happened."

"He told me everything that happened. And he told me what he was."

"You accepted him."

"Yes. All of him."

He chuckles lightly. "As you would, Lilith. Without a second thought."

"And you accept me, don't you?"

"I do. I talked to the Hokage, and he...made mention of your attitude towards the whole thing. I was looking for things...detachment, indifference...little sorts of indicators that pop up through the years as an educator. Things that might say this or that person isn't coping well with the stress. I didn't get any of that, so...I left it in Kurenai's hands. Seeing you now just confirms all of it. It's uh..." He smiles nervously. "A little bit scary, though. One of those sorts of, uh, apex predators, in the form of a little girl. I'm guessing your sister and Miss Daidouji...I mean, Luna. They're okay with this?"

"They are."

"Hm. That makes sense, too. The world of the elites has that sort of...animal kingdom thing going on. You know, with the flashy colours and signalling and all that."

"...hm." Thinking about it, it does put a spin on my stepmother's style of dress. Asserting dominance, perhaps? Interesting. She seems to get more complex by the day, that woman. "A compelling argument, sensei."

"Right? But...well, listen. I don't think any less of you, or see you as any...no, that's not entirely true. You are different now."

"How so?" I ask.

"Well...I would say you're very much a woman now. Not legally, of course. But you're all grown up, Lilith. That much is visible."

"That's quite a thing to say, sensei. A woman, now. What does that mean for us?" I ask playfully.

"Nothing that extreme, to be clear."

"Hmph." I pout at him. "So much for that."

"I don't want to know what 'that' is either," he mumbles, taking another sip of coffee. "Though, if you want the mature experience...I guess we can start small."

"What do you propose?"

"Adults call each other by name, right? I wouldn't say we're equals, what with you being so much stronger than me...but it's a good way to start off."

"That means you'll call me Lili from now on."

He smiles. "Right. Lili it is."

"I might still call you sensei from time to time...but Iruka sounds good as well. And since we've reached the moment where we're no longer master and student...where we're just two people, together in the world..."

I place my hands on the table and look up at him.

"This is something entirely serious, Iruka."

He nods and gives me his attention. "Please, go ahead."

"Thank you for everything you've given me. Your guidance, and your kindness. The understanding and gentle nature you showed me, over and over. And for seeing me as a woman, here and now. I will surely protect this village, and all of your dreams."

I smile for him. I hope it's as beautiful as he has been to me.

"Thank you, Iruka. I love you."


Time continues to move.


Kurenai and I work in one of the village's many weight rooms, all tended to properly with the amount of people that pass through them. It's the same as the mansion back home - the help did work out regularly, for some reason. Perhaps Emi had something to do with it...

"I guess this was a good thing in the end," Kurenai says from beside me. She's spotting as I use the leg press this time.

"What was?" I ask.

"Getting out-hustled by a twelve year old girl. Keeps you humble," she laughs. "Not often I feel like going all out, especially on off days." She wipes at her face with a towel.

"I see. There's never been a sense of competition in these things," I say to her. "Just focus on completing any objectives set."

"A marathon instead of a race."

"Not even that. A light evening run to clear my head."

"A little haughty, no?"

"A little. But it is my way."

"It's no wonder you're this strong."

I grunt before settling into the last set of my repetitions. "You're not a believer in being born talented and rising from there, as many greats did?"

"From one girl to another? Bullshit. That's never the whole story. I can name plenty of people who were born in the so called lower clans, or just clanless outright that rose up the ranks. Faster than people who have been groomed their whole lives, even. Only thing genetics determine is how high your ceiling is, and even that's not something conclusive."

"Lifting your limits, then?"

"Asuma and I were talking about it the other day. It's possible, at least I think so. But you can start off talented and then just squander it, pretty easily too. Then there are kids like you, who come from outside of every shinobi circle and blow all the boys and girls steeped in tradition away. You have to wonder. How many people with even half the stuff you have are out there, just tilling fields or making soup, something like that?"

"I assume you try not to think about it too much." I stop and Kurenai locks the machine in place while I exit. After catching my breath, I find the rack with clean towels and a provided spray bottle.

"Yeah, I don't. It's a little overwhelming at times. For me, at least."

I nod as I disinfect the work area. "We are not designed to worry about everything under heaven and earth."

"Yeah. But a few things here and there, at least."

"We change our worlds, and then our world together."

Kurenai ruminates on that as I wipe my face with a clean towel.

"There's a little cafe nearby, out of the way. The chicken is good," I say to her.

"Feeling like steak today." She rubs her stomach.

"I see. The usual place, then. After our showers."

"Good. See you out front when you're done."

I nod and rest on one of the benches nearby, sipping on water. Today was good.

Still much to do, but it will be done in time.


"It's been about a month since I gave you the scroll. Any progress?"

I meet Kakashi at the usual place, which is the training ground where he and his children work. Apparently their teamwork hasn't increased as expected after the Wave Country mission; they're cohesive when they need to be, but have reverted to some of their usual bickering and antics. Individually, they are all improving...some more than others.

Kakashi and I have been doing checks every so often to monitor my progress. Last week, we didn't get to meet. That was coincidentally the same week I made the biggest strides.

Well. I'm ready to show off a little. I roll my neck from side to side and let out a breath. "Shall I show you, Kakashi?"

"That would be nice, yes." He turns another page of his book.

"Oh, Lili! What's going on? How come you're talking with Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asks as he enters my view.

"I thought you were going with Sasuke and Sakura to eat," Kakashi says.

"Eh...they both blew me off again. They're getting kind of close for some reason...it's weird, ya know? Normally Sasuke would tell her she's annoying and just walk off all surly-like. These days, they just...I dunno, whatever. Kakashi-sensei, you're supposed to be teaching me a technique, and I know you have time now! It's been more than a month!"

"You're not ready. Ask me later," he says while continuing to read.

"Aw! You always say that!"

"And there's a reason for it. Actually..." He closes his book and looks at me, lifting up his headband. The Sharingan in his left eye is already active. Or...ah, I see. It doesn't turn off, does it...

"Eh? Kakashi-sensei, what's-"

"You want to see a cool technique, right?"

"Uh, yeah! Yeah, I do!"

"Good. Then shut up for a moment and watch." He gestures towards me. "Let's see it, Lili."

"As you wish."


"Be still, Naruto. Watch me work," I say gently to him. He nods and takes a spot beside Kakashi.

I hold my arms at my sides and clench my fists. The chakra flows through me, filling me with warmth. I can feel myself vibrating slightly. This is my control. I have it down...so there's no need to delay things.

And I shift.

A quick twitch of my muscles makes the chakra burst outwards from my body, surrounding it in a blue-white shroud that flows upwards. Arcs of lightning jump across my body and flare up from the chakra shroud itself. I feel...like I'm control of the world around me. I feel good.

"You managed to do it. That's...seriously impressive," Kakashi says.

"W-whoa." Naruto can't find his words.

"..." It wasn't enough to just reach this point. It would never be enough, anyways. "The daughter of heaven saw fit to love me, as someone closer to her than one born with the same blood. And so, I allow you to bear witness to the strength she has gifted to me."


I remember now, clearly. I was born Lilith.

But my mother called me...always called me...Lili.

"A flower of heaven." I can hear her voice, even now.

"Hold on," Kakashi says as my chakra builds. "You can't mean..."

I grit my teeth and focus further. I can feel my body being flooded with energy, making my weight shift and my vision blur for a moment. The hair on my skin is standing upright, the arcs of lightning are brightening and lengthening. Energy is rippling outwards to the point of pushing away the grass at my feet.

And then the excess energy explodes outwards, in a shower of lightning and sparks, before settling down around me. Another level...another step closer to the place where I belong.

Kakashi looks at me with awe before gathering himself. "Naruto. I want you to throw a few shuriken from where you're standing."


"Aim high, too."

"What?! Kakashi-sensei, if I throw from that close, I'll-!"

"Listen. It's perfectly safe. Just do as I say, alright?"

Naruto looks to me, and I give him a reassuring nod. He nods back and takes three shuriken out of his pouch. This form is...actually a bit difficult to hold at the moment, but with time it won't be a problem.

"Here I...go!"

He throws the weapons at me...from this distance, I normally wouldn't be able to dodge, and blocking would be extremely difficult, even if I could react in time. Even if Naruto's throwing speed isn't the fastest, this is deadly territory for most shinobi.

And yet.

Everything is...so slow as I focus. I can dodge easily, and I watch as the shuriken fly by. I can count the points on them leisurely, even as my energy burns away. Letting them fly away would be a waste, though...


I focus further and swipe the shuriken out of the air. One, two, three. They're in my hand and I feel like I've had enough of the chakra mode for today. I have it shut off and the world returns to normal as I stop.

"How...but...the...it's weapon...buh...fast." Naruto waves his arms in the air. "Fast! How! So fast, how did you move so fast?"

"Ah...alright." I hand Naruto his shuriken back and pat him on the shoulder. "So. How did it look, Kakashi?"

"Well..." He rubs his chin. "A bit more work on it would do the trick."

"Work?! More work?! What are you talking about! Kakashi-sensei, didn't you see the way she-"

"Naruto. Relax a moment," I say to him. "Kakashi is right...it does need some more work. I can go further and improve the second stage. And...if I increase my stamina more, that will make things even easier."

"You...can go faster? Than that?" he asks in awe.

"I can. That was just pure foot speed...if I were to use a body flicker in that state, then...mm. Things for later, I suppose. Thank you for supervising my progress, Kakashi. You've been a great help."

He lowers his headband and opens his book again. "I didn't do much of anything aside from give you the scroll. This was all your power, Lili. But see me again if you ever want to learn that other jutsu one day."

"I'll consider it. Perhaps with this in hand...mm. I'll see you boys in a while."

"Nice girl. I guess I understand why you have a crush on her, Naruto," Kakashi says as I leave.

"I...I mean she's...we're...ah, shaddap!"


Ino and I run into each other later in the week, after another routine D-Rank mission in the village. She has something on her mind, so we find a tree nearby and climb into it to sit.

"It's about Sakura. I'm sort of worried about her."

"Did something happen?" I wonder if it's about our meeting the other day.

"It's not about you, if you're wondering. Though...it kind of connects to how she handled it." Ino tilts her head back. "She and Sasuke are getting close."


"You'd think. I mean, that's what I assumed myself off the bat." She pulls her head back into position. "But it's not. It's genuine worry, and I dunno where exactly it's coming from. I just have the feeling that they're...not in a good place, and are sort of pushing each other forward in an unhealthy way. You know what I mean?"

"Hina was theorizing on that the other day."

"Hinata? Huh. Well, she's no dummy, but...yeah, that's some insight from her. It was about...um, Sakura sort of trying to fill the gaps in Sasuke's heart, or something like that?"

"Yes. Using herself as a method of healing."

"Right. I'm...worried about things like that. Sasuke is a lot. I mean, he's handsome and junk, but the deeper I look, the more comes up. I don't want Sakura to hurt herself. As opposed to Sasuke hurting her, I mean. He cares a lot, but he's still just a...scared kid at the end of the day."

"So I've heard."

"It's hard to believe from your end...which is why I'm confused there, too. Why does he...go after you like that? You never spent that much time together at the Academy, you never hurt him from all we've seen, so...is it some kind of trigger, or a psychosis? I wish I knew. It's hard to do all of this analysis without making excuses over and over..."

"I suppose. Ino...I have my own bias, too."

"I know. I can't just make that pain go away. I just wish we could start, you know? Untangle all of those webs. Geez, I'm sorry. This is depressing."

"It's what friends are for. Though...it must be tough like this."

Ino laughs. "Two mutual friends who hate each other? That's easy mode, sweetie. You don't need to worry about me getting torn between loyalties...life finds a way, and so do I," she says with a wink.

"Shrewd, aren't we?"

"And that's what makes me so lovable."

"You would say that." I pause. "Ino..."

"If I do need anything, I'll let you know. Seriously. I just...wanted to vent. I hope things will be okay on their own."

"I understand."

"Well...I'm gonna meet up at the shop with my dad. Come by for some flowers one of these days, yeah?"

"I'll be sure to."

"Holding you to it," she says as she drops out of the tree gracefully, blowing me a kiss as soon as she lands. I watch her leave for a moment before turning my attention to the afternoon sky.


Time. It's supposed to be a great healer...but I realize some things will need more than just that.

Today is a splendid day though, and there's no need to work myself up.

Luna is making my favourite for a late lunch: grilled salmon, and spicy curly fries. I can't wait.
Above Charity
Scarlet Justice - ep. 28
"Above Charity"

Another day. Another easy C-Rank mission, escorting a small caravan to a town in the nearby countryside. Nothing like the excitement of my first mission, but...it's not exactly disappointing, either. I get the chance to bond with my team. Kurenai tells us about her younger days, doing roughly the same missions, partaking in Leaf tradition, and trying her best to balance being a young girl with being a kunoichi.

With the mission being easy enough, it means we make it back with plenty of time to spare. Kurenai tells us something after we leave the mission desk.

"Asuma suggested a joint lunch with our teams. Just to get familiar and unwind a bit. If you guys decide not to come, then that's okay too. No pressure."

She means that, but it might be bad form not to show up. I think about it while soaking in the bath.

Comrades and friends. What did they really mean to me? Could I possibly get close with more people, especially those in my year? The 'ice queen' reputation has spread far and wide by now. Although...it reminds me that our team has already been together for a few months. But it feels like much, much longer than that. Hina is growing up more with each day, and I train with her in response to her wish for strength. Kurenai has definitely taken on the role of big sister in our group, teaching us and nurturing us at the same time. She looks after us as a group and individually whenever she can. And Shino is much easier to read than when we first met. He still has that way of talking and expressing himself that would be a bother to others, but we're all over that now. As long as we can communicate with him, it's fine.

There are obviously things to improve along the way, but this feels good. It feels right.

"Solidarity..." I get out of the bath and clean up, then head to the kitchen for a refreshing glass of milk. The clock tells me there's still plenty of time in the day, and Luna is at her dance classes. She has been slimming nicely, and a touch lighter on her feet, I notice...

I suppose I should show my face at the gathering. There's no harm in it, and supporting my team is well worth the effort. I decide to go with a very casual look; a shirt with 'hime' written on the front in Western script, and a pair of jogging pants. It's not a special occasion from what I've been told, so...this should be more than fine. I finish freshening up, put my armband on, shuffle into a pair of comfy slippers, make sure the doors and windows are locked, check for my pouch with money and essentials, and then clear the apartment stairs with a light jump. Okay, good to go.

I walk down to the restaurant where we're supposed to meet - the barbeque place that Kurenai took us as a reward for our performance during team building. It's called Yakiniku Q and is frequented by Asuma and Team Ten; they go here after missions and to celebrate special events. Shino has arrived ahead of me, waiting at the front. He spots me and nods.

"Kobayashi. So you decided to come."

"I didn't have anything else I was going to do," I say with a shrug.

"Maybe reading one of those novels you like so much?"


"Did you complete it?"

"Yes, I did. But I'm not going to show it to you here," I reply. "Perhaps some time this week during training."

"I look forward to it. In order to be an effective teammate, I need to be able to measure and compare our levels of skill. Why? Because it's then easier to make ourselves compatible on the battlefield, and achieve greater success."

"Oh? Sizing me up, then."

"Well..." He pushes up his glasses. "Who knows?"

I smile. Definitely stubborn, this boy. Well, it's fine. A little competition fosters growth, after all. Hina and Kurenai come in next, with our sensei wearing a silk blouse and jeans in place of her normal wear. She sure knows how to dress.


"What?" she asks me.

"Nothing," I respond. "You look really nice."

"Thank you, Lili."

"I'm sure Asuma will appreciate it, too."

She scoffs and rolls her eyes. "I knew it. Listen, we're not dating as I've told you a thousand times before. We're just good friends and I wanted to be relaxed for this outing."

"Uh-huh," I say lazily. "Well, since we're all here...shall we head inside?"

"Yeah. Everyone else is already waiting."

We step inside and have a look at the interior. Certainly spacious, with plenty of tables and chairs, as well as more open areas so that people can rest on the floor if they like. This is also one of those places that has us grill the meat at our tables...the food is quite excellent, and it's good to come back here after the first time. Asuma waves to us with his team behind him.

"Good that you guys made it. The booths usually seat six at a time, and we're a big group. Maybe we can get a long table?" he suggests.

"Sure, that works," Kurenai says. "Lead on." Asuma nods and we all follow him to once of the longer tables, with cushions placed on the floor where we're supposed to sit. The table has two charcoal burners embedded in it, with pairs of tongs nearby for cooking our meals.

"Already ordered up, so the food will be arriving soon. Go ahead and have your seats," Asuma says. Kurenai predictably takes a spot beside Asuma, the guy she surely isn't dating at all. Yeah, right.

I don't commit to any place right away, and let everything fill up before taking the empty space in front of me. It's near the end of the table, with Shino on my right and Shikamaru on my left. To the left of him is Choji, who is impatiently waiting for the food to arrive. The boy does love his nourishment, from what I know. I'm in a decent mood right now, so I suppose I should introduce myself politely to Shikamaru. Not my first impression, but hopefully a good one. We have yet to talk formally and-

"Ah, this kind of thing...gathering with a bunch of stiff people on my day off. Honestly, what a pain in the ass."

"..." So this is all he knows. I see. "Oi, Ino. This guy's your teammate? This loser?"

"Yeah, I know. Annoying."

I drop all pretenses, since this is how he seems to want it. "Men-do-ku-sai, men-do-ku-sai, yah-yah-yah. It's always the same for you. Everything is mendokusai. Class is mendokusai. Training is mendokusai. You're beyond annoying. You're the worst."


"Hey. Why not shut up for a moment instead of complaining. You see? It's so called men like you that drive women into each others' arms," I say with an icy tone. "Let me guess what you were going to say...that women like me are troublesome. Good, it's much better that way. It means we're out of reach of slackers like you."

"Why is your tongue so sharp?" he complains. "This is supposed to be a bonding event."

"Shut up. Who was the one saying that all of this was a pain in the ass and a waste of time?" I shoot back. "Learn your place."

"..." He's quiet after that, letting out a sigh.

Asuma and Kurenai are enjoying themselves, which is nice to see. Shino is being quiet as always and keeping to himself completely. Ino has given up trying to carry conversation with him and has turned to Hinata. They're hitting it off, but that's expected after spending some time together in the Academy for flower arranging.

"Someone anti-social like you...why would you come out to this kind of thing?"

I'm tempted to ignore Shikamaru, but I also figure it won't hurt to talk. At the least, bouncing back so quickly from my earlier verbal thrashing is a welcome surprise. He's laid out on his side now, propping his head up with one hand.

"I'm not anti-social," I say as I lean back on my hands. "I'm selective in who I speak to."

"Yeah, well. A lot of people think you're an icy bitch. I can see why they think that."

"Hmph. It seems better that they think of me that way," I reply. "I don't care for most people. It's always been that way."

"I realize you're not actually a bad person. Just a vicious woman."

"Yes. Your compliment is noted."

"You're really troublesome to talk to."

"Yes, I know." I pause a beat. "May I ask a question of you? Or would a reply consume too much of your remaining energy?" I ask.

"Did you really have to add that in?"


He grumbles before letting out a breath. "Fine. What is it..."

"Why do you not put effort into anything that you do?" I ask him.

"..." He's annoyed at the question. I don't care how he feels, frankly. "I'm not sure what you're trying to get at."

"The only person in our graduating class with worse grades than you was Naruto. He's a natural-born meathead." But he's definitely lovable. Quite stupid sometimes, but very lovable. "Your father is the Jounin Commander. What's your excuse?" I ask firmly. "Don't tell me it's bad parenting, either."

He winces before answering. "School just isn't my thing."

"Yes, I suppose. It must be hard finishing tests if you sleep through most of them."


"You could stand to be more responsible. I don't know if you're also secretly a genius, but you can do much better either way. And for the sake of your team, you should become more competent."

"..." He sighs in his usual manner.

"But I'm not really here to lecture you. And I don't claim to understand you, either."

"Why say something like that?" he asks.

"We come from inverted worlds. You, born into a world of shinobi that you would rather escape for a life of leisure. Myself, born into a world of leisure that I've escaped to take on a shinobi's life."

He raises a brow. "So...you're not going to bail at the next opportunity."

"Why would I? I made promises to loved ones. I'm going to become a jounin one day soon."

"You're really insane, you know that?" he says. "You're rich. You're a noble. You can spend your days in the countryside, you can do whatever you want."

"None of that means anything to me. Before this place...I only had myself to rely on. I was alone, and tired of life. Here, I get to feel the warmth of loved ones and comrades...it feels a lot like lying in the sun. I just want to feel that sort of warmth forever. Experiencing pain and loss, making bonds and even losing them one day...those are all better than never living at all. Than never getting the chance to...be someone."


"I know it doesn't make sense to you."

"No...no, it makes perfect sense," he says. I give him a surprised look. "It's definitely a pain in the ass, but it makes sense. Those sorts of feelings...it's no wonder you got so strong. And you've helped Hinata grow a lot as well."

"So you noticed after all."

Shikamaru makes a face. "Yeah. My eyes are sharper than I'd like...it means I have the responsibility of looking out for danger when I can. That really is a drag." The way he talks is more annoying than Shino at points, but I can clearly understand what he's saying.

Though he thinks of himself as a coward, he cares deeply for his teammates. He cares about a lot of things, and when push comes to shove, he would jump into action. Those strange quirks and his laziness don't change who he is as a person. I suppose...this is the true value of getting to know people. Discovering the goodness inside of them.

"You're not as bad as I thought," he says, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Actually, you're not bad at all." A smirk. "Just a huge bitch, honestly."

"Sincerely, this time...I appreciate your praise, Shikamaru."

He shrugs and gives me a lazy smile. "Yeah. I guess."

"Finally...food's here!" Choji yells. The plates are set down on the table, with our large companion practically salivating.

"Ah, that's the only thing he really gets excited for," Shikamaru mumbles. There's a faint smile on his face as he says that.

"You would know...what it's like to pick up a fallen friend," I say to him.

"They always said he was too fa-...I mean, plump, to do much of anything. Called him stupid and all kinds of names. But he ate those chips that Mom kept putting in my lunch, even after I asked her nicely not to. Choji is a reliable guy, so I want to keep supporting him no matter what. I know that Hinata feels the same about you. Well, actually...it has to be a stronger bond between the two of you. She's been abused since she was small..."


"And it resonates with you because of what you must have gone through. It's more than words between you, I guess."

I laugh softly. So he saw all of that at a glance...full of surprises, this one. He's grown on me already. "You slacker. You'd better put that brain of yours to use the next time that I see you."

"Ugh. You're gonna kick my ass if I don't, aren't you?"

"Yes. I'll have Ino arrange for it." I pick up my tongs and decide what I want to cook first.

"Shit...you really are a pain in the ass, Kobayashi."

"Yes. Naturally," I say.

He shakes his head and picks up a piece of meat with his tongs, putting it on the grill nearby.

The rest of lunch goes well. Our food is excellent yet again, conversation is decent, if a bit stilted at times, and there are no fights over food or anything else. Team Ten seems reliable on the whole. The latest Ino-Shika-Cho trio...I wonder if Asuma training them was the luck of the draw, or it was by design as the Third Hokage's son. Anything is possible.

Shino disappears like the wind - social outings don't seem to be his thing. Kurenai follows Asuma and Team Ten down the road. And I decide to walk Hina home today.

"It was nice today, wasn't it?" I ask her.

"Yes. Though...I didn't expect you to talk to Shikamaru so much."

"He has some interesting insights...the problem is that he needs a lot of motivation, or to just be tricked into doing something of importance. Somehow he'll survive, despite being such a slacker."

Hina giggles. "You do seem to bring out the best in people, Lili."

"Somewhat...I guess more comrades are nice."

"They always are." We reach the gates of the Hyuuga compound. "I'll see you soon, Lili."

"Of course, Hina. Please take care."

We share a hug before Hina approaches the gate and is escorted inside. The Hyuuga posted outside give me their usual dirty looks.

I show my appreciation for their kindness by flipping them off once Hina is out of sight. My blood starts to heat up slightly, thinking of her worthless father and what he might be doing to her. But...there's no point in giving into anger right now.

I'll deal with them in time.


Today features another visit from Midori. With Luna's appetite satisfied for the night, she sleeps soundly in her room, mumbling lewd things through her dreams. We leave her to her sleep and cuddle up on the couch together after dinner. I always love times like this, and there are never enough of them. I wish that Midori could stay here all the time, but she has business in her world that's very important. It seems to be heavy at times, and draining...sometimes she falls asleep in Luna's arms soon after her arrival, and we found out she's gone for days without rest.

I want to protect her like she protects me. One day...I will.

"Midori-nee? Can I ask a question?"

"Yes, my love. Anything you want." She holds me close and strokes my hair gently, just as she always does. I always feel like melting away in her warmth...sometimes I do fall asleep like this, and she doesn't do a thing to disturb me.

"I...it's a difficult question..."

"Please. Tell me what it is," she says soothingly.

"What are you afraid of, Midori-nee? What scares you the most?"


"Hurting...? Do you mean pain?" I ask.

"No. Pain to me is...different. All of us can deal with pain, I think, but hurting...hurting is something else. When I hurt, it...paralyzes me. Makes me completely useless. Hurting is the thing I fear the most." I feel her squeeze me a bit tighter. "I do many things to avoid hurt. I change the feeling into anger, and deliver retribution. Or sadness, that turns to resolve. Compassion, that turns into determination."

"Why do you not like to hurt, Midori-nee?"

"Because...I blame myself for a lot of things. If I had been able to overcome it all earlier, I feel like...things would have been better."

"I..." I feel badly now. "I'm sorry..."

"No. Don't apologize, Lili. I said that I would answer you. I promised."

"You're right. I just wanted to know," I say quietly.

"...there were two beautiful beacons of light, long ago. When I was abandoned to the winds, by a family that has lost all of their faces in my memories, those two gave me hope. A reason to continue to exist. They taught me how beautiful humans could be, and I learned how to look into the soul itself because of what they instilled in me."

"Please...who were they?"

"Imperfect, loving humans. My uncle and auntie...Hayate and Ari. Both fragile, hard-working and joyful people. They protected me. They raised me. And they...gave everything for me. It was because of that hurt, that paralysis that I could only watch them disappear. And even though...it was what they wanted. Keeping me safe from harm. I still curse myself because of it."

I know that feeling. That sort of hurt, from being there and still being useless, unable to do a thing as someone so precious to me slipped from my grasp.

"Did they have a wish for you?" I ask.

"Yes. To never go back to the person I once was...and to become a beautiful, shining empress."

"You're making their dream come true." I lift my head slightly to look into her golden eyes. "You are a beautiful daughter of heaven, who has blessed me with love and strength, Midori-nee. You're a person to be proud of."

Sometimes...even those who shine brightly need reassurance and comfort. Her smile is beautiful and warm, and I'm glad that I can be there for her as I am. I want to keep growing, so that one day...

...she will never have to hurt like that again.
Say My Name!
Scarlet Justice - ep. 29
"Say My Name!"
[Chuunin Exams: Prologue]

A few days have passed since the lunch outing. Hina and I add another to our exercise group.

"Running this early is a good idea. I don't know why I didn't think of it," Kurenai says. We're doing our daily criss-crossing of the Leaf, which started as part of our experimental runs in the early days. The local support gave Hina a bit of confidence, and people have expressed to me that they find it inspiring to see a member of the Hyuuga Main House working hard every day. They don't get out much or mix with what they like to call the rabble. Logically, it makes sense. Socially, it's stupid. Personally, it's what I expect from a clan filled to the brim with savages who pose as human beings.

"It's too bad that...Shino couldn't come with us," Hina says as we run. "It would be nice to have us all together..."

"You're too concerned about that idiot," I say. "If he wants to stay home until the official time, then let him. A good child, but clearly a hassle when it comes to anything social."


I sigh as we continue moving through the Leaf. It's just past dawn by now and we pass other regular runners who greet us as usual. Something...has been bothering me, though. I've taken note of people who aren't from around here, specifically from other villages. If it's not their clothing that makes them stand out, it's their reactions to the weather. Some seem to find even this day far too cold, which says a lot.

"Sensei...there are a lot of foreigners in lately, no?" I ask Kurenai.

"Something like that. Seems like an event is coming up soon...I'll ask Lord Hokage about it later, since I'm not sure what it's about either."

"I wonder...what it could be?" Hinata asks. "This time of year has a lot going on, I think..."

I shrug. "Who knows. Hopefully it's not a bother for us."

I see Kurenai glance upwards briefly, before returning her focus to the road ahead. I wonder if she's expecting something after all...maybe. I don't want to worry about it.

"Let's speed up a bit, ladies."

I take the lead and accelerate, feeling them fall in line behind me. The colours of the Hidden Leaf start to blend in the sun's light.



"So this is your power, Kobayashi."

I show off the first stage of my chakra mode today. Kurenai has left us to train on her own, citing a sudden errand she needed to run. Now that I've had plenty of practice, it's much easier settling into this form. The second stage will be reserved for emergencies, but...with time, that too will change.

"I wish...I had that kind of talent," Hina says. She straightens up a moment later. "But I can work on my own craft..."

"You're doing well, Hinata," Shino assures her. "Because not all of us can be geniuses like Kobayashi here."

"Thank you, I appreciate hearing that. Um...Shino? I wanted to ask a question."

"Of course. What do you require of me?"

"I wanted to know why you always call Lili by her family name. Is it...something you do as a custom? In the Aburame Clan?"

"Nothing like that. I simply do it because...it's cooler that way. Having a teammate that you call by their family name exudes prestige and mystery. It makes our team look a lot cooler."

"Mm...I see..."

"Boys are complicated like that," I say as I release the jutsu. "So don't worry about it, Hina. Although...I guess according to that metric, it means I have a masculine aura?"

"Correct," Shino replies confidently.

I give him a wearied look. "You really can't read women, Shino."

"Perhaps." You're not supposed to admit to that. "But I can read you and Hinata well enough. You don't mind those kinds of labels as much as Hinata and Kurenai-sensei do. Image isn't something terribly important in the eyes of the world to you, Kobayashi."

"..." He's not wrong, at least. And I admit that being called by my last name in that stoic kind of voice does add cool points. Hm. Maybe boys aren't terribly hard to understand after all. "I guess I'm fine with that."

"Right." He pushes his glasses up. "And I've been thinking for a while...you should also have a nickname. Something to be feared."

"Something like that...does Lili need one?" Hina asks.

"Yes. It increases the power and range of her aura. Something like...the Red Tornado of the Hidden Leaf, for example."

"I-Is that really that powerful?" She already seems like she's believing it, so most likely.

"Who knows. Maybe you can try it out while introducing me, Shino." I think on it for a moment.

"Alright. I'll find the proper opening."

"Is that really okay, Lili?" Hina asks me.

"It's fine. We'll work something out," I say with a lazy wave. Well, now I have to figure out a super cool name or else Shino will do it for me. And his sense of aesthetic is nothing compared to mine, so I have to make it in time...I'll consult with Luna and Midori as soon as I get home later today.

This is a matter of extreme importance.

"Oh, you're still here." Kurenai has returned, with paperwork, apparently.

"You're still running errands," I say to her.

"Almost done. This is one of my last stops, and these are for you."

She hands us a piece of paper each. These are...

"We just had a meeting regarding the Chuunin Selection Exams. I know it's early, and it might seem like a bit much...but you've all progressed nicely and made many great strides so far. As a result, I've nominated all three of you for these examinations. If you choose to decline, they take place twice a year. So...you can back out, if you want. Room 301 in the Academy, 4 pm tomorrow. That's the deadline for you to hand those papers in."

"You're sure about this?" Shino asks.

"Yeah, I am." She gives us all a sunny smile. "I believe in each one of you. Don't forget that. Well, I've got a bit more work before I can turn in. Make sure you're ready for tomorrow, and remember...it's all up to you now. I'll be seeing you."

She disappears in a cloud of smoke.

"Dramatic exits at this hour," I mumble. "Hmph."

I'm terribly excited right now, though I don't let it show on my face. The place where legacies begin: The Chuunin Exams.

Finally...it's time to get started!


The day shifted as soon as we left the training field. It became unbearably hot for some reason, and hasn't cooled down much since. I thank the heavens for this wealth of ours, because it allows us to bless ourselves with the wonders of central air.

It's still hot, though. I take a shower as soon as I come in, and Luna is dressed lightly for the day. Midori is visiting again, and she's laid herself out on the couch in her underwear. Her fan waves back and forth in one hand. I wear a light shirt and shorts on account of the heat.

"Ah. So the examinations are happening this soon...very interesting," she says.

"We had an important discussion earlier. I need a cool name. Shino will ruin it if I don't find one first."

"Oh, we can't have that. Hmm...need to think of something."

"I have ideas," Luna says as she wipes down the kitchen table. "Something flashy...how about...hm. What about Crimson Flash?"

"Something with snakes in it," Midori says. "Bloody Fang."

"Red Devil, maybe."

"Blood Serpent."

"Flame Tyrant!"

"Sanguine Sidewinder!"

"Maroon Marauder!"

"Carmine Cobra! Luna, what the hell?"

"What? What's wrong?"

"Your naming sense is horrific!"

"Horrific? Me? What are you talking about with...Blood Serpent? What even is that?!"

"Maroon Marauder? Are you drunk at this time of day, or what?"

"I was just saying the first thing that came to mind!" Luna yells.

"Maybe you shouldn't next time," Midori says.

A huff. "Well, excuse me. What should I come up with next, something you'd like, right? Why not Deathstroke the Terminator? Is that edgy enough for you?"

"You've got a mouth on you-"

"Don't get smart with me-"

The two of them can really get into it over the silliest things. It isn't a serious argument - it never is with them, far as I know - but I'd like to settle it soon. Something cool...flashy, yet not too much so. Something that's definitely a bit scary, and adds to the power of my aura. An intense feeling that builds each time it's uttered by people in this world and the next.

I want them all to say my name. And I want them to tremble as they do it.

Midori wants...something with snakes.

Luna wants...something with colour.

They're two parts of me. Important pieces that I want to carry with me always. I want to honour them as well.

Midori sees me as...a predator. Someone dangerous in the most beautiful way. Striking and withdrawing in an instant, before my prey can react in time.

Luna sees me as...a princess. A girl with a head of beautiful scarlet hair, that should be cherished and protected. Someone who deserves to be waited on until the end of her days.

I understand who I am now...so it's time. The world will soon know my terror.

"This is my time...to show everyone what I'm made of."

Luna and Midori stop their bickering to look at me. I cross my arms and stand tall.

"I will lead my comrades through with my strength. For those who believe in me, and for those who have supported me, I will become fury itself. My name is Lili Kobayashi...the Hidden Leaf's Scarlet Viper!"

They both clap happily.

"What a powerful debut! It's perfect!" Midori says.

"You look amazing! So cool!" Luna says.

I allow myself a smile and toss my hair back dramatically. Yes, that did sound cool, didn't it? Mission accomplished.

"So you're going to sign the form, right?" Midori asks me.

"Yes. Of course I was going to do that," I say. I really was...I mean, eventually.

"It should be a foregone conclusion, you passing the exams, but Kurenai did say you don't have to do this right away. You're still young, you know."

"Trying to discourage me?" I ask as I sign the form properly.

"Goodness, no. I'm just thinking out loud...hopefully your teammates don't have similar thoughts. It would be bad if they did."

"Hmph. I wonder who you think I am, Midori-nee. If there's a problem, then all I have to do is show my face to them, and calm their hearts. We fight this fight together, or not at all."

"Ha, well said." Midori points her fan towards the door. "Then show them your strength, Lili. Onward!"

"Onward!" I call back. I head through the door and to my next destination.

The Aburame District is familiar enough to me, and I find Shino's home from memory. Modest in size, yet with an interesting look. It's isolated, and surrounded by trees. An ideal spot for the Leaf's premier bug-using clan.

Shino is outside, and there's a man with him who looks a lot like him, save for the moustache. His glasses are also different, and seem quite expensive despite the simple look to them. Interesting. The two spot me, and I wave as I approach.

"Shino, is that your teammate?" the older man asks.

"Yes, Father. Shall I introduce you, comrade?"

"No need," I say with a wave of my hand. "I'm the Scarlet Viper of the Hidden Leaf," I say confidently. "Lilith Kobayashi. But Lili is also fine."

"So you're Kobayashi," he says. "Interesting aura..."

Yes. There's no doubt that this is Shino's father.

"I am Shibi Aburame, the current head of the Hidden Leaf's Aburame Clan."

"It's an honour meeting you, sir." I shake his hand without hesitation.

"You have good eyes, too. So what brings you here, Kobayashi?"

"I came to reassure my comrade of my participation in the Chuunin Exams. My paper is already signed."

"You don't need to worry about that. I have things to prove as well," Shino says.

"Then I will see you at 3 pm tomorrow."

"Of course."

"Good. I'm going to check on Hina. Shino, Master Aburame...until the next."



Shino gives me a thumbs up. "It's a good name." I see Shibi nod in approval behind him.

I return the gesture before taking off.


I arrive in front of the Hyuuga estate and wait for Hinata to come out. The guards give me dismissive looks as I stand in front of them with my arms folded. As said before, I will deal with their arrogance in time.

Hinata emerges wearing a pure white robe, trailed by several members of her family. They seem displeased at the sight of me.


"Hina. I've come to check on you..."

"I know. I...was thinking about whether or not I should take the exams this time. I wasn't sure if I was ready. But...standing here, looking at you...I know what I have to do."

She produces the form, and I can see her signature on the bottom. I smile.

"Together...we can do anything. That's why no matter what happens, I'll follow you. To the end of the world, to the many hells and back again if need be. I will follow you, forever and always, Lili."

"Hina...thank you."

"I should be thanking you. You're the one who gave me life again. My precious family."

"I promise we'll make it through to the end. Count on me."

"I will."

"3 pm tomorrow. Shino will be there with us. We'll prove ourselves as Team Eight!" I shout.


"See you then, Hina!"

I wave before taking off again. The stage is now set...all I have to do is make a few more preparations.

Upon my arrival home, I smell steak. And my favourite curly fries, now in a spicy hot flavour. Luna can't handle it, but she thought I would be able to.

They're great. Delicious. A new dimension of heat and flavour.

"It must be because you were born a western child...I can't handle that sort of heat," Luna says.

"So you've assembled your team," Midori says to me at the table. "Well done. The first hurdle is cleared. Now you simply have to take on all challengers, but that won't be a problem, will it?"

"It won't be, Midori-nee."

"Do your best...and no matter what happens, I will always be proud of you, Lili."

"The same for me," Luna says. "Be strong, and come home to us as a proud kunoichi. We'll be waiting."

"Thank you both." I give them a grin. "This Scarlet Viper won't let you down."


It's 3 pm.

I arrive at the Academy building as planned. Shino and Hinata are already waiting for me.

Time to take the lead. For honour and glory.

"Shall we go?" I ask.

"Yeah," Shino replies.

"I'm ready," Hina says.

"Okay. As soon as we get inside, we can..." I trail off as I notice something ahead. It's...a box. With eye holes.

"It seems there's an obstacle in front of us," Shino says.

"Ah? You're right. Looks tough, too...maybe I should use a technique to get rid of it..." I have a few snakes poke out of my sleeves.

"W-wait!" Confirming my suspicions, the box rises up to reveal three idiot kids inside. One with goggles, another with glasses and yet another stupid bowl cut, and the last is a girl with her hair tied upwards into twintails.

What even is...

"Devil-nee-san! What's your plot this time, huh?" the goggle-head asks.

"Hm? Devil sister...what's with that title?"

"You're trying to tempt Naruto-nii, aren't ya? I know you are!"

"Tempt? Naruto?"

"Yeah! We saw you with him at the ramen shop! Don't you know he already has a woman?!"

I sigh. Hina isn't taking it well, either, what with her crushing on him. "We're just friends, idiot. I could care...I mean, it's no business of mine who he dates. I'm not interested in guys."

"Not...interested?" He looks confused.

"Not interested. You'll find out what that means when you're older. Let's go, team."

"Wait! Devil Sis!"


He stands proudly and points towards me. "Remember the name! I'm Naruto-nii's rival and future Hokage, Konohamaru Sarutobi!"

I raise a brow. This kid is the Third's grandson? Well, I'm sure he would forgive me if I gave him a few bruises for his idiocy...but that's good to know. Interesting, too. Might as well give him something for his trouble.

"My name is Lilith Kobayashi, the Scarlet Viper of the Leaf. I'll be sure to remember you, Konohamaru Sarutobi."


"We really should get going," Shino says.

"Plenty of time. No need to worry," I reply. I give Konohamaru one more glance before moving ahead.

Spirited little child...and Naruto's apprentice, apparently. With the same amount of meat to brain ratio. Which means he's probably learned that transformation art too. Annoying.


But then, it's nice to see the next generation already being nurtured. Hopefully Naruto's better traits rub off on him.

We enter the building on the bottom floor. Some teams are still milling about.

"Alright, Hina."

"Yes." She activates her Byakugan without a sound and scans the area. "There are...a lot of people on the second floor for some reason. I think there's a genjutsu there...the third floor where we need to go is mostly clear. I think we should...avoid trouble..."

"On the other hand, we can scout a good deal of our competition," Shino points out. "Information is king."

"Um...it's up to Lili, as our leader."

I close my eyes and think. Hina has a good point in that we could avoid problems, but Shino brings up an equally strong point in that we can gain information about our possible foes. We still have forty five minutes before the deadline.

No...I know what I want to do. Have a little fun at someone else's expense.

I turn to Hina and grin, making her sigh in response. She knows my answer just from that.

"Time to stir up some trouble on the second floor~"

"P-please don't do anything too dangerous..."

"We should be fine, Hinata. After all...the most bloodthirsty person in the examination is probably in our group," Shino says.

"Oh? Is that how people see me?" I ask.


I shrug. "Well, I guess it fits. Let's head up while we still have time to waste."

And so, up the stairs we go.

The game is afoot.
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