Which Lili is your favourite?

  • Angry Lili

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Bully Lili

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • Benevolent Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Commander Lili

    Votes: 24 15.2%
  • Big Sis Lili

    Votes: 49 31.0%
  • Shy Lili

    Votes: 18 11.4%
  • Smug Lili

    Votes: 57 36.1%
  • Sadist Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Professional Lili

    Votes: 26 16.5%
  • Villainess Lili

    Votes: 37 23.4%
  • Suave Lili

    Votes: 28 17.7%

  • Total voters
Persona non Grata
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 98
"Persona non Grata"
[Ultima Ratio: Feature]

Yesterday was as uneventful as we wanted it to be. Nothing but the most relaxing and fruitless things: sleeping in, junk food, gossip, and lightly annoying each other. We didn't get any work done and went to bed like it was a school night.

Today is the penultimate day of our mission, and it has been fairly quiet. Obito has yet to return, and Konan is not putting any particular effort into finding out what happened to the five we kidnapped two days ago. She hasn't been seen with Pain, or Nagato, for the past day and a half. He also hasn't appeared much at all. The large chakra that kept switching frequencies appeared briefly this morning, but then disappeared again. I have to wonder how they factor into this, if at all.

"Still sleepy over in these parts, boss."

I stand at one of the piers on the lake's edge. Everyone is by themselves for today's observations. Erika has 'gone ghost' as Ino likes to say. She will reappear at her own discretion, as I can only get what I think are brief flickers of her presence as she moves through the village. And if I can't pin her location down, nobody in there should be able to. Hina is on the shore, using her impressive vision to scan the village as she has been for the past few days. She has been picking out areas of interest and noting them for the rest of us. Ino is monitoring the village communications as she did before. From what she's saying now, there isn't much more in the way of activity compared to before.

"Thank you, Ino. Anything on our transmission security?"

"If they've got anything on us, they're playing it real cool. Otherwise, I haven't seen anything and I'm not hearing anything now. These guys are efficient at clearing out intruders, but they do have intruders to clear out efficiently."

"Understood. Keep at it."

"Yes, ma'am."

We've been putting together the information we gathered from our five targets. Ino compiled them in her head before walking us through our bounty together this morning. Our targets were chosen with the hopes that they would give us information that was more than pedestrian, and for the most part, they delivered. An understanding of the intruder response, coordinated by Pain and Konan together. Real-time observation of her moving about the streets as thousands, maybe even millions, of small paper constructs. Direct proof that the war against Hanzo's elements is still being prosecuted, and the deception of the other nations concerning the civil war. Information, both real and falsified. We find out about Pain's grip on just about every aspect of society, and how he allows and blocks whatever he needs to depending on the day. The people are accepting of this, even through their doubts which are almost never openly expressed. They welcome the constant, invasive surveillance because it is better than what was before.

Then there's a very curious thing.

Erika suspected that one of these people was a specialist of some type in the medical profession, and she was correct. This person worked for one of the hospitals, and took requests directly from the so called angel to locate and prepare specific bodies, which would then be moved to a secretive, if not secret facility. That is to say, Pain's Tower. It has long been revered as a place of the dead, whether it's to honour their memories or to inter their bones. And as the place where Pain resides. Many rumours live and exist simultaneously. This prepared corpse was that of a woman, who was taken away once everything was checked and confirmed. Now the only questions are what for, and why. Corpses in the tallest tower, which is often veiled by a strange material that blocks chakra signals. To what end are they brought there, ushered in under extreme secrecy by Konan herself?

"Pain and Konan are together again," Hina says over the radio. "They are speaking on upcoming events...I can read it for you all easily enough."

"Go ahead," I say.

"Copy that, all ears," Ino says.

"They are speaking about...an upcoming mission. A long trip away from the village, though hopefully not too long. Madara...Obito, rather. He wants to ensure continued progress and seeks a way to break the cage forming around the organization by the recent alliance of the five major powers. Heading out to...Water Country. Discussing the possibility of preemptive strikes against the Hidden Mist...would send Kisame out, but he is needed for other tasks."

"They're going after the Three-Tails," I say.

"That's exactly it."

"And that's a huge problem, I'm guessing," Ino says.

"They're trying, but Mei Terumi and her band still haven't gotten themselves together enough to fight this kind of battle properly. Not to mention the resources they would need in case things go south," I reply. "I can't imagine the Rinnegan is easy to take down...these idiots went from bad to worse. That means there is no way we let them leave town right now. At the least, we force them to lick their wounds and ruin their schedules."

"They've finished speaking," Hina says to us. "I'll transcribe the rest for later, but those were the biggest takeaways."

"Hopefully Erika is scouting some good fight spots, because tomorrow is when we rumble, so to speak. Confident as I am...this is still the Rinnegan, and this Pain, or Nagato, or whatever the hell he calls himself-"

"Someone that far up his own ass probably calls himself Daddy at night. Or has his paper lady do it for him," Ino quips. "He's probably nailing her."

I roll my eyes. "Thank you for your insights, Captain Yamanaka."

"You know me, boss. Always on top of it."

"Indeed. As I was saying, someone who can use their fancy eyes to wrangle tailed beasts is more than likely a force to be reckoned with. We don't have much on them, but it has to be enough."

"And Rika will be around in case they decide to tag up. You're right, I think we've done all of the investigating we could without getting real close and poking through their dinner, or something like that. I haven't been able to scoop up anything regarding our mysteriously over-juiced stranger that we saw pop up a few times. Can't be unrelated, though. On that note...the cops and shinobi tend to stay a good distance away whenever any fighting involving Pain or Konan comes up."

"That sounds fair enough. So I won't have to worry about anyone hanging out on the sidelines, looking to be a menace. Good news."

"Of course, we have a couple of big time hoaxes and diversions in place just in case anyone gets bored and decides they want to be saucy on the big day."

"Of course you do. Lovely work, Captain Yamanaka."

"I do aim to please, boss."

"Let's keep at this until Erika gets back. She's supposed to be bringing goodies for me to cook...very spoiled of us, but we need a properly made meal and not something broiled or boiled in its own packaging. Even if it's not a terrible experience, for once."

"Ooh, are you on cooking duty?" Ino asks.

"That I am. I sense that you're looking forward to this upcoming meal, and the one to come later."

"Did she make it too obvious?" Hina chimes in. "That said, I am looking forward to your cooking myself. In times like these, it's difficult to avoid stroking your ego."

"One of the things I adore about you is your ability to compliment me in such unique ways, Hina."

"Then I am glad I could make your day."

"I'm gonna go back to work, so you two don't have to mind me. Carry on with your flirting as always. Ino, out."

"I'll be standing by, then. We can continue our so called flirting in person later, as the Colonel likes."

"Read you both," I say. "I'll be on a walk, listening to the news. Channel's open as always."




The sun has just disappeared below the horizon. Evening has become night as we walk further onto land.

Tonight's dinner will need to be cooked in the great outdoors, so having it far away from our operating base is for the best. We find a lonely place near one of the many streams in sight, and start to dig the cooking pit that will help us keep a low profile. Soon after, I get to work.

"The local conditions for most of the year make it difficult to provide the food needed for such a large village," Erika explains. "So a good deal of it is imported. Supplies are limited, and tightly controlled. This is mainly for security reasons, but those in the village seem not to have suffered as a result of this. Visibly, at least."

"There are also no signs of mass pollution," Hina says. "Disposal of waste and related things must be done securely as well...there are a great deal of water treatment plants, and multiple stages of same to ensure cleanliness. And to erase as much human presence as possible, so that no person or location can be readily traced."

"That lake is pretty deep, too," Ino says. "So you could get rid of things pretty easily by sinking them. I think there are a few passages that lead out to the sea, but the water pressure in this spot alone is probably overwhelming once you go far enough."

"You said that this body of water was shaped by human hands, Hinata?" Erika asks.

"In part, at least. With all of the rain coming down, the lake would have formed naturally over a number of years. However, with the sort of industrialization that took place, and the understanding that the current leader possesses a legendary power, I would say from taking another look that the characteristics of this lake and the surrounding area were modified extensively. By the use of jutsu, machines, or likely both things at once."

"I still can't believe that the Rinnegan is for real," Ino says. "When I was really small, I remember the clan elders talking about it sometimes. Then we glossed over it at school a few times, because it was more or less a myth to everyone. Some guy creating the shinobi world itself and then disappearing, with the power he used never showing up again. Not even once. There's the Sharingan, and the Byakugan, but those have their limits. Mostly."

"It must bring up questions in your mind," Hina replies. "I have too many to count."

"Yeah, it does. The most obvious one being, what is someone with all that power doing with it? Terrorizing the world, capturing the most powerful beings in it for some unknown purpose...if you somehow inherited the power to, like, create everything...I dunno. I keep thinking about it, and then I have questions for my own questions."

"What do you mean?"

Ino shrugs. "Thinking about circumstances, you know? How two people can grow up in the same home, but have completely different experiences and existences. If that can happen, then what about someone who lived in a village, or a country, that was constantly off balance? What do you say to someone who has ultimate power, and uses it in a way that doesn't make sense to you, but makes perfect sense to them?"

"I was thinking of that part of it myself...it's something I can understand, at least a little bit."

"This Pain could also be a victim himself," Erika says. "And what would we say about proper choices to someone like that, if we were able to? Much like Grass Country was used as a battleground by the larger, wealthier countries that surrounded it, this nation was the same. But with Hanzo's withdrawal and the increasingly isolationist stance of its hidden village, the final outcome was much worse. The grass and soil in one nation preserved memories of past struggle. And in another...all of it was washed away with the rain."

"..." There is a cruel irony to it all, when put into those words.

"However, these questions are merely for us to ponder, and not answer. That task is left to the chosen ones."

I turn my head to meet Erika's gaze.

"When you look into the many ripples of the eyes of creation...you, daughter of heaven, will grasp the answers that no other could reach. The understanding of both divinity and pain is something that belongs to a sacred few."

"You worry, but no longer mean to interfere as you did before."


"Then there is no need to ask for forgiveness. Thank you for that, Erika."

"I am forever at your side, ma'am."

"That's good. It means you'll be much easier to wrangle in the future. I've finished my cooking, only the plating left to do. You can all wash up in the meantime."

It's not as difficult to get your hands on anything you want once you get past the village's security. In addition to the legitimate markets, the underground is doing well for itself. There's no way that the upper ranks of the village don't know this, as these hidden economies and their major players are a good vector into the underworld no matter where you are. However, underground trading and rare wares are as far as it goes in the Hidden Rain. The criminal elements are either dead or relocated. All that's left are agents who don't know the real affiliation of the other, aside from the fact that there aren't any factions against Pain or for Hanzo any longer. As long as they can evade the police on occasion, their lives are happy ones.

The village is stable and structured as it is now. Perhaps a sudden change will bring it all tumbling down, ruining the lives of many people who don't have anywhere else to go. Tomorrow, I might destroy the last safe haven for those who had suffered and lost so much already. The indifference of the shinobi powers, the civil war, the takeover by Pain...

But then, I know my answer to the questions that will be asked. I'm all too happy to play the villain, or become a monster in these people's eyes. All that is needed is the chance to deliver my justice, and save the world from falling into an eternal darkness that it could not escape on its own. I won't simply crush this next opponent in body, but in spirit as well.

It's the one and only way to move forward.


Dawn on Sunday morning. The rain has started to fall.

Pain stands at the top of the highest tower, hands stretched over the village. Konan is at his side, majestic wings spread.

A few hours earlier, Erika went out to do one last surveillance run before I entered the village itself. Ino is listening to the radios, while Hina observes the movement of people carefully. As far as everyone in the Hidden Rain knows, this is just another rainy Sunday. We are going to change that very soon.

"Your vitals are okay," Hina says, doing a final medical check inside of our base. "I don't see anything preventing you from fighting at your best. Be careful, as always."

"Thank you, Hina."

"Are we ready to go?" Ino asks. She sets down her headphones and stands to meet me and Hina.

"We are definitely ready," I say.

"Okay. Like Hina said, be safe. For now, this is all you."

"Yes. If anything does happen...be sure to bring me home, by any means."

"Yes, ma'am."

"But I expect that I'll come back to you all under my own power. Losing is always an afterthought for me," I say with a smile. "Be sure to enjoy the show, ladies."

"We will do our best, ma'am. Permission to send you off properly?"

"Granted, as always. Come."

I give them both a hug and a gentle kiss on the lips. Their eyes are filled with hope, as I wanted. I'm really not going to lose to this psychopath, no matter what tricks they might have waiting. I've been training for moments like this, and moments far beyond.

I'm more than ready. It's time to finish this.

"Captain Hyuuga, Captain Yamanaka. To your posts as soon as I depart. Be ready to leave base once the fighting starts in earnest."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Yes, ma'am."

They both stand at attention and salute. I salute back, and we turn from each other before I jump through the entrance of our base.

"Major Kotowari, situation report."

"No changes since morning. Target area clear, targets still in place on the tower. No sign of the unidentified chakra as of yet, ma'am."

"Understood. I'll introduce myself properly upon reaching the target area."

"Yes, ma'am. Continuing surveillance. Be safe."

I leave base, pull on my cloak, and start my jog across the lake. There are some looks from the handful of boats that I pass by, but nothing is said and nobody gives chase.

"The cloak should give you enough cover until you reach your destination, ma'am."

"Understood. Thank you," I say to Erika. "Stand by for final phase."

"Standing by."

The people move through the wet paths, cloaks and umbrellas shielding them from the driving rain. What would be a mighty downpour in most places registers no shock or excitement here. Streets and walkways avoid being flooded thanks to the extensive systems of pipes, drains and grates that appear everywhere. The rush of water is constant, only overtaken by the rain that falls to supply it.

Buildings are the same. Outfitted with piping and basins that collect and guide water down towards the ground. Windows glisten with thick sheets of moisture running downwards, sparkling cascades against the inky darkness of steel and concrete. The clouds are a consistent darkness that seems alien to those who routinely see them gather before a storm, but would draw no scrutiny from those so used to the rain, if they were even inclined to look upwards in the course of their day.

The roads open up and I reach a lonely area, surrounded on four sides by the outer walls of skyscrapers that are decorated with twisting, branching, multicoloured pipes. Water laps at my toes as the drains and basins try to swallow up everything that comes from above.

"This is it. I've arrived at the target area, starting routines shortly. Radio silence after this. If they want to figure out that I have a team, they won't get any help from me. Keep watch and hold your positions after migration unless we have an emergency. Passing command to you from here on, Major."

"Yes, ma'am. Please do what you can. We will be waiting for you here," Erika says.

"We're here and ready," Ino says. "Moving out. Come back soon, ma'am."

"As always, take care. I'll keep an eye on you," Hina says. "And I will be awaiting your safe return."

"Thank you, ladies. Colonel Kobayashi, out."

I switch off my earpiece and place it into my pouch. Deep breaths in and out. A few moments of stillness in preparation.

"Let's do this."

I throw off my cloak and focus my chakra, compressing it as tightly as I can. And then, I let loose.

The sphere of force cracks the concrete beneath my feet, and is enough to push away the falling rain for a few moments. Everything seems to be continuing on as it always does...and here's the shift I was waiting for. The storm is slowing. I look up to see the clouds thinning and dispersing, the rain coming to a stop and sunlight shining down on the village. Konan's presence shrinks for reasons that I can already guess. One of the fortunate things about having so many structures around is that I can use them as conduits for some of my tracking abilities. It means that I can feel her moving towards me, for an attack that would normally be inescapable.

"There it is."

From all sides and above, a swarm of flying paper arrows. Death by a thousand cuts might be a viable strategy in this case. They're not all that fast, so I can wait for a little bit longer. Every route sealed, no good gaps. Experienced and aware. It's no wonder she was chosen as his right hand.

"Mobius, Type Six...Umbrella of Artemis."

The spherical burst of lightning chakra is enough to reject those thousands of paper arrows, tearing up and scorching more than a few in the process. I ready another burst just in case, but it seems that it won't be needed. The sheets float freely in the air before gathering towards a single point, forming a body with giant paper wings. First the black cloak with red clouds, then the blue hair and the origami flower...and finally, the stoic face that I've seen in far off images and memories alone before this moment.

"It seems that your famous performance was not simply a matter of good fortune. You are an intriguing individual, Lilith Kobayashi."

It never fails somehow. A beautiful, mature woman. Everything I could want...and yet again, she's here to kill me. Unbelievably bothersome. And since I'm like this, well...we know what has to come next.

"I'm compelled to tell you how absolutely ravishing you look in person," I say. "A terrible shame that we have to stand on opposite sides like this, and that one of us will be leaving this world in a short time."

"Compelled?" she asks.

"Yes. I've always had a thing for older women."

"I see. And your words are sincere...Ishako Shigisei's colourful reports were correct in the end. Another interesting thing. It means that you've been planning extensively behind the scenes to destroy us. Erasing you is the correct thing to do in this circumstance. However...as you were compelled to express your desire for me, I am compelled to ask something of you, before the hour of judgment arrives."

"Oh? And what might that be?"

"You have drawn the interest of our executive backers, and that of God himself. Your movement through the world, the ways that you are both revered and feared...the actions you have taken, and the reports that we hear of you. Perhaps it might be foolishness in the end, but I only think it fair to ask. You should consider leaving your world behind, and joining ours. Place your strength in the hands of those who can truly comprehend and appreciate it. Change this age for the better, along with us. You would be able to serve God in grace and distinction alongside me. And as you desire, enjoy my presence to your heart's content."

"My, my. That's quite an offer to make, especially after the trouble that I've caused you recently. A chance to change this world, and enjoy its most beautiful flowers along the way. Alas...it's unfortunate for you, Konan."

"How so..."

"I have plenty of other ways to get my fix," I say, licking my lips. "And while separating a pretty head from her luscious body is something I dislike doing...it's not something that I'm unwilling to do, especially if it means achieving my goals. As I told your dear friend Deidara, I am going to decline your offer membership for your little club, tempting as it surely is. I came here to see your boss...God, as you like to call him? And give him a slight attitude adjustment before continuing on my way."

"Unfortunate. What you seek is nothing but folly. Your might is known and respected, but it is nothing compared to God's power. He controls the movement of the sky itself, as you must have seen and experienced. Whatever chance you think you stand against him, you should revise it downwards, and reconsider our generous offer to you. Lilith Kobayashi, you stand no chance against us. Not by yourself, nor with this world's most powerful shinobi at your side. All are nothing compared to Pain."

"And yet you saw fit to surprise me as soon as I made my presence known to you and your so-called god." I tilt my head. "Which is it? Am I not a threat, or am I enough of one that you wanted to see me dead before I could confront him?"

"Your choices are thus: join our righteous cause, or die. You will not be allowed to leave as long as you choose to oppose us."

I shrug. "That's just fine. I wasn't planning on leaving, anyways. Not without your heads in hand."

Another figure drops onto a set of overhanging pipes, next to Konan as she floats in the air. The edges of their Akatsuki cloak flap in the breeze.

"Your confidence belies your size, Scarlet Viper. So this is the brilliant star...of the current shinobi world."

It seems that Erika's hypothesis has been borne out...this Pain isn't the same as the one we observed in the tower before, or the one that was controlling the rain a few minutes earlier. This must be the hunter form. But the body is different, in every way. Those piercings are now in an unfamiliar arrangement. The body type, taking on a thinner and less muscular form...that isn't the same, either...but the Rinnegan, those are in place like with the last body. The orange hair is now bound into a long ponytail, and there's the headband with a line scored across the village symbol, same as with most of the other Akatsuki.

"So you're the one they call a god here," I say to him. "Pain...it really is a petulant sort of name for someone, as I've said to others before. What does someone like you mean by that, especially while possessing the eyes of the Sage?"

"You recognize the Rinnegan," he says. "A student of history...no, more than that. I can see in your eyes that you are also one of the enlightened. You do not agree with the current order of the world."

"And what if I don't? Do you think it makes me like you?"

"Not yet. Though you rise above the feeble minds of this world, you have not yet reached godhood."

"..." I restrain myself. It's not the right time...not until I hear what he truly has to say.

"The only way to ascend is to grow up. To learn," Pain says. "And pain...that is the most effective teacher of them all."

"You had a proper master a long time ago. I know him well enough, unfortunately. This isn't what he taught to you, or hoped that you would have take root in your memories."

"Oh? What would you know about my old master, serpent woman?"

"I know him as a hopeless dreamer, who believes that the world could be led to peace through cooperation and understanding."

"And you think him a fool."

"I think him a perpetually young man who has never truly grown up. A fool, yes, yet earnest and with a kind heart. His belief is sincere, and something that he works with all his might towards seeing come to pass. But it's something that only this blessed daughter could call foolishness. Not you. I believe that you've lost the right long ago."

"Jiraiya," Konan says. "He has not changed since the last time we met, it seems. I knew that he was searching for me, perhaps to convince me that my path was incorrect. I could not shed tears at his demise, but he is still someone that I think fondly of. It is unfortunate that he could never truly understand our pain. That he could never truly understand us."

"Was there not one more with you?" I ask. "Nagato, followed by Konan...and another that I know nothing of."

"You have been observing us for some time, then. If you had spoken to Jiraiya, then you would have had a definitive answer before reaching this place. There was another fellow, yes...his name was Yahiko. And he has been dead for a long time."

"I see..."

"It was Yahiko who ignited the spark of revolution. The true creator of Akatsuki...as God, I use this power to carry on his mission. To bring peace to the world."

So this Yahiko created Akatsuki? It means that this wasn't something that Obito or Madara brought into being on their own. This was...a takeover. But why? Was this part of the plan? Some sort of partnership? Or was the group just taken over from the inside? But this founding would have been some time before Obito's birth, and after Madara's public death. There is a lot going on.

This one, Pain...he likes to talk. I can provoke him some more. There won't be another real chance to uncover the truth, not after we start dancing. And this diversion will give me more to prepare myself. Does he see anything? I can't tell, not yet.

Konan has yet to make a move. Either she doesn't think she's strong enough to take me out, or she's standing by until Pain gives her an order. Doesn't matter. I have plenty to get ahead of her if she tries anything.

"You seek peace, yet you throw the world into chaos by stealing the tailed beasts and killing their hosts in the process," I say to Pain. His chakra system is different from the other one. So it's not a clone. Something is going on. What is it? "What is your desire with all of that power in your hands? Do you intend to destroy the governments in your path? The shinobi and their villages? Is there a station that you seek, or is this more esoteric than most would consider?"

"It seems you have much in the way of questions, Kobayashi. But your inquiries are proof that you operate on a level beyond the mortals in this world. It means that you might be able to comprehend my goals. As Konan said earlier, your two choices are to join us or perish. So there is no harm in revealing our mission to you in full."

"Not because you like hearing your own voice?" I ask.

"You should be grateful to Pain for granting you an audience, and the chance to be enlightened," Konan says. A tremor of anger has slipped into her monotone voice. "Even life beyond the mortal plane has use for wisdom gained in previous cycles."

"How eloquently put. Perhaps there truly is merit to what you have said, dear Konan. Fine. Just this once, I will allow my spirit to be enriched by the holder of the Rinnegan. Pain, was it? Tell me your true desire for this lost, tormented world of ours. And I say those words without satire...you and I can both see the state of everything around us."

"I see. A cosmopolitan and well tempered soul stands before us...then I will reveal to you the truth and intricacies of this shinobi world."

Pain makes his way towards the ground, Konan following. I take a few steps back to give them an even berth, measuring my distance quickly and rechecking every signature that I can sense around me. Konan has paper constructs ready and waiting, both in and out of sight. Pain is now close enough that I can feel the cutting and switching of his chakra signal, buzzing and waving in every direction. Where it might be coming from, who it might be coming from...impossible to tell. A corpse puppet isn't viable under those conditions. Not to mention the irregularities from those strange piercings.

Somewhere between seventy and eighty metres between us. Not far, but not too close. Especially for me. I move everything to the rear of my mind and prepare to focus on what Pain has to say. I really am curious as to what he means to do, and what his endgame is. World domination...that was what Itachi said once about Akatsuki's final goal. But I have a feeling that this Pain is seeking something else out of it all.

"Pain is necessary...for the growth of all living beings. The children of this world are born into it. Pain changes them. Shapes them. Affects how they act and think. Ultimately, who they are and who they will become. I have grown from pain of all kinds. Through life and loss, injury and torment...I stood at the nexus of pain for years on end. And do you know what that made me?"


"It made me into what you see here. A god."

I'm tempted to say that he has lost his mind. But...I have to admit that there is truth hidden in there. That encountering pain, and overcoming it...gives those born into humanity a different perspective. Something potentially world-changing as well.

"To become a god...allows you to dictate things as you see fit," I say to him. "Your thoughts, your theories, even your musings. They can go from simple mutterings to iron clad law, on a whim."

"Yes, it is so. Because I have an understanding that humans do not. Because I have evolved, and become a higher being. So many things that you must have seen here...those only became possible once I ascended to godhood. The things that evaded me so often as a human, they became clear to me once I became a god. Once I became Pain, and accepted my role as this world's saviour."

"Saviour...you mean by conquering this world and remaking it in your image?"

"Only to have my mighty works torn down again by spiteful, unenlightened humans? No...I could not be so foolish after all of these years. And I do not mean to erase civilization, or its progress. Humans are capable of great things when they are properly taught, properly motivated. No, I am going to do something even greater than that."

Pain stares at me.

"I am going to erase the current version of this world. I will stop the endless wars and conflicts that consume and define it. I will put a stop to needless suffering. I will use my power as God to bring this world to order."

"And as said before, you cause chaos and discord by hunting the tailed beasts. You risk destabilizing the world order. Those who sit upon their gilded thrones will not cease their business, even if what has been long called a mythical power presents itself to them."

"The tailed beasts will be used to create a forbidden technique."

My eyes widen. "What..."

"The ultimate weapon of mass destruction. Something that only the power of the Rinnegan could bring into being, and control all at once. A weapon with the power to annihilate an entire country in a single burst. Nothing can match it now. Nothing will match it in the future."

No...I can see the logic in it. The most powerful weapon, in the hands of Pain and Akatsuki. But...there's something missing. With that sort of control, does he mean to hold the world hostage?

"So, you would become the unassailable masters of the world with this weapon. Under your control-"

"No. Nothing so basic. Nothing so...human."


Pain raises his hands. "Conflict is inevitable. It is part of human nature. No matter what factions change or disappear, no matter the affiliations of nation, religion, colour, creed...humans will always fight. They will always go to war. Even as God, I cannot stop the march of this world's creation. Shinobi will always exist. Fighting will always exist. War will always exist. And how are these conflicts brought to an end, Kobayashi?"

"With force. Usually of the overwhelming kind," I answer.

"Yes. And my weapon will provide a means to do that."

"Provide..." It comes to me. I feel my blood cooling. "No. No, that's not it. You don't mean to..."

"The weapon will be provided to nations who can gather up the necessary payment to use it. In a single moment, they can end conflict by wiping out the enemy. The fear, the terror...it will be embedded into the hearts and souls of the survivors, should there be any left. And the surrounding nations will tremble in fear."

"Until..." I breathe in and steady myself. I'm not hearing this. I can't be hearing this from someone with the Sage's inheritance. "Until they forget about the devastation. Or are motivated by it to seek revenge," I say. "And when that happens, and when war starts again, the weapon will be purchased for use once more. And it will kill thousands upon thousands more. The effects beyond it...ruined land, economies dedicated to raising money for war machines. Or is your hope that they will turn away from that path, somehow?"

"It is. But humans are stubborn. You know it well, Kobayashi."

"End war? End conflict? It's only temporary. Just an endless cycle...of pain. To teach the world pain, to make it grow up. Like you did. And once humans experience enough pain and suffering, perhaps one day they will see things your way. If not, then...then peace will come and go in seasons."

"The death and destruction will serve a greater purpose," Pain says. "It will give light to those who desire a better world. By experiencing pain, the world will grow. It will mature. And it will realize that war is nothing but a waste of time. And I will be here to guide it from above, as God. For as long as it will take. This is the only way that humanity, that this world will learn anything."

"I...understand your plan. Your goals. I can see what you mean to do," I say.

"It seems so. You've listened to what I had to say. As a courtesy, I would like to hear what you have to say, Lilith Kobayashi. What do you see?"

"You're asking me..."

"I see it as a fair thing to do."

I fold my arms over my chest. There's no point in holding back my true feelings at this point. "Then it's a shame that I won't give you the courtesy that you think you've earned. God? Saviour? Take these moments before your demise to humble yourself, and learn your fucking place. You are pathetic. More than even I could have imagined."

"You will not speak to Pain-"

"Do not fucking condescend to me, you frigid, glorified housekeeper," I say to Konan. "You will be quiet when I speak."

"Konan. Be patient. This woman seems quite vexed," Pain says. "I would like to understand why that is. Why do you think I need to humble myself, Lilith Kobayashi?"

"Because you are nothing but a fraud. I know exactly what your problem is. You've given up. You are pathetic, weak, and cowardly. You know exactly what you are doing. You manipulate people for your own gain, while being manipulated yourself. You, who has inherited the power of the Sage, the one who first brought this world to order. This is the extent of your ability. The extent of your wisdom. That humans will forever be in conflict...an infant could deduce as much. And your solution is to give them the means to destroy themselves and each other in mere instants, instead of through bloody battles. Cowardice, plain and simple."

"And you have an alternative, then?"

"There it is. Your game." I shake my head. "You demand that others come up with solutions superior to yours. You look down on the so-called unenlightened, reasoning that if they haven't come up with something by now, they never will. It's as I said...you gave up a long time ago. The pain you find so enriching and inspiring, it broke you. Hollowed you out. And all you could do was cling to the dream of another, someone even more cowardly than you. You haven't fought for yourself. You haven't grown up at all. In fact, you're just as much of a child as Jiraiya is."

"Really...he who chases an unattainable dream of peace, and I who has stared into the abyss of reality. You say that we are the same?"

"Fucking spare me. You don't see reality either. All you've done is retreat into yourself, justifying atrocity after atrocity. You don't care about anyone but yourself. This plan of yours is the furthest thing from salvation. It's revenge for what you went through as a child. You lived in this place, where the tides of blood were washed away by the rain, like none of it ever happened. The great powers surrounding this nation used it as a battleground, as a means of settling their scores, without thinking about what happened to its people. All of that garbage about growth...you don't expect that, do you? A weapon that can erase countries in an instant, what kind of destruction do you think it will cause? What do you think people are, Pain? What do you think their families are? Their communities, their cultures? When nations are devastated to the last man, where do you think all of that goes? Into magical boxes, set to be unpacked for the next generation that comes along? Do you think that people can just rebuild while drowning in fear, not knowing where or when the next attack will come from? Do you think that the human nature you rely on won't just make people bitter and hurt and desperate for survival, instead of immediately becoming enlightened? Do you think that someone who grew up devastated by war is guaranteed to hate the taste of it, and not embrace violence and destruction of everyone and everything around them?"

He pauses to consider.

"Do you know the way to peace, Lilith Kobayashi?"

I stare at him, looking closer into the Rinnegan that have been so revered over thousands of years. Those eyes that helped bring so much into being.

In the Byakugan, I can see confidence and pride. In the Sharingan, emotion and determination. Light, and heart, and soul. Even if I disagree with the people who those eyes belong to.

In these eyes, I see nothing. I can only see them for the tools they are. That they always have been. It took more than the Rinnegan for Hagoromo Ootsutsuki to change existence. I always knew, and this is just confirmation.

I'm done talking to this fucking wretch.

"Since you've asked...yes. I know of a path. One that will be convenient for all of us. We might even walk it together, if you were open to it." I take a kunai and twirl it around my fingers. "And it involves a very simple process."

Pain and Konan look at each other a moment.

"And what might this process entail?" she asks.

I throw the kunai so that it lands just ahead of Pain.

"See that? All you have to do is pick that up. Take it in hand. Then draw it through your useless throat, and kill yourself."

He looks down at the kunai before looking back to me.

"It seems our discourse has come to an end. A shame...I would have liked to hear your plans for bringing peace to these lands. Konan, sweep the village for other intruders. The serpent is mine."

"Of course." She flaps her wings and takes off.

"It is unfortunate that I have to erase such a bright light from this world. But you have placed yourself into this position, Lilith Kobayashi."

"There's nowhere else I would rather be," I say to him. "Especially while trash like you continues to draw breath in this world."

"So be it. Summoning Jutsu."

Pain claps his hands, and in the next moment a summoning circle appears on the floor behind him. Out of the smoke comes a giant red crab, with massive pincers. Instant summoning...a power beyond most beings.

"I understand now why Jiraiya stayed behind to train you, and put his faith in you so long ago," I say to Pain. "You've inherited the eyes of the progenitor of all shinobi. And you had the potential to change this world forever. But you...are nothing compared to the true children of the divine. Here and now, I will show you the true strength of the heavens."

I call Murakumo to my hands.

"I will show you the true hand of God."
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Circulus Vitiosus New
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 99
"Circulus Vitiosus"
[Ultima Ratio: Feature 2]

Pain claps his hands again, summoning another creature to the field. I've already jumped away as the massive crab starts to launch an attack.

Quick assessments will be key. Time to get to it.

The crab starts to sweep a stream of bubbles towards me as I run. People have evacuated, some are sheltering in place. I can see the form of the new creature as it barks and snarls while rushing at me. A giant brown dog with two heads, and...what's happening here?

"This is certainly something...well. Too bad for you. Chew on something in your next life, mutt."

I line myself up so that the crab is blocked by the charging dog. Easy enough.

"Mobius: Double Barrel."

The burst rips through the dog's legs and the crab all at once. But I suppose it wouldn't be that easy with the Rinnegan in play, would it. The massive dog reels briefly before splitting into two separate dogs, continuing to rush me from either side. I wait until the last moment before squeezing through the gap as they attack, hearing their yelps as they hit each other before crashing into the building behind me. Pain isn't concerned one bit by the collateral damage. It must make sense in his mind...that, and he can just blame it all on me later. Another clap of his hands, and another creature takes to the field in order to attack. A grey rhinoceros, with what seem to be small black wings on its back. I can't be too concerned about what for as it charges me. I turn my head to see the dog coming back again, as one dog with four rabid heads.

Resilient, eager...and easily duped. I dash towards the rhinoceros and clear its head in one leap, the dog yelping again as it slams into its new partner. Pain claps his hands and summons the crab yet again, which opts to leap at me and start close combat with its massive pincers.

"You again, then. One more time?" I gather chakra in my mouth and run forward, jumping over one pincer as it comes for me on the ground and parrying the tip of the other while in the air. In my sights, but I have more than one target in mind here. "Lightning Release: False Darkness."

The two jagged bursts of lightning leave my mouth as I open it. One pierces through the crab's head to dispatch it again, and the other races for Pain himself. He dodges the attack, but that was just the first step. Now he's right where I want him, out of position and out of options. I cross behind him and fix my grip on Murakumo while closing in. Wait until the last moment, and...


He ducks just as I swing at his head, and I react quickly to the drop kick that comes for my chest, blocking with my other arm. My feet slide back against the wet concrete before I bring myself to a full stop.

"What was that? Just how did he..."

My mind files through all of the possibilities. Was there something we missed? Perhaps we were mistaken, and the Rinnegan has some extra ability that allows him to do things like that...but then, that doesn't fit with the observations we all made of his operations with Konan. It has to do with what's happening here and now. It's not a sensing ability. No, his evasion and counterattack was far too precise for any of that. Sensing doesn't allow anyone to do things that precise, at least not to anyone's knowledge. But since it's the Rinnegan, maybe...

There's also something else. The summoned creatures, aside from being able to appear and disappear in instants unlike other summons...they're pierced through with the same black material that decorates Pain's body. More than that, they also have the Rinnegan. That's not possible, it shouldn't be. This must be something like projection.

"It means there's something I need to test, before the hour gets too late," I say to myself.

The dog starts barking before splitting itself up again, into four separate dogs that start running after me. Rinnegan and black rods, in plain sight. Fine. Let's play with this a bit to help confirm my theory. Pain meanwhile summons another creature, this one a chameleon with a serpent for a tail, and ragged wings that I suspect have no use for flight. One long horn extends backwards, pierced with black rods, and the other is snapped off and wrapped in bandage. Both eyes reflect the Rinnegan, just like the other creatures. The rhinoceros charges after me as well, giving no regard to the structures around it as it rips through a building while missing me.

"Disappeared. Interesting."

I look back to where Pain is to see that he and the strange chameleon have vanished into thin air. Probably setting a trap...or something else. If this chameleon is like its non-summon counterparts, then I have a feeling I know what Pain's game is. Hiding away helps me more than it does him at this juncture.

"No need to advance just yet...actually, I'll see to something else now."

I run up the side of the nearest building, and turn my head to see something burst into being from the clear sky just ahead.

"Of course you would have something to cover that angle."

I cut the chakra flow to my feet and fall away from the building, just as a giant green bird with a jagged yellow beak dives through it and to the other side. I'm putting the pieces together...still need one more thing to confirm. The dust and falling debris covers my escape as I go back towards the village streets, weaving around buildings and sensing for Pain again. I suppress my chakra while running, just to be certain I go under his radar. His little vanishing trick erases his visual presence, but unfortunately for him, I happen to be a pretty good sensor type on top of my already stunning array of abilities. I know where he is, inside the chameleon's mouth a few blocks away on the side of another tall building. Unaware that I already have his location.

"Time to take advantage. Here we go."

I make sure I'm out of sight before running up the opposite side of the building, making seals all the way. I hit the roof, and see that the bird is flying around again. Hm. It has three legs, like those mythical crows. Before it can properly notice me, I drop down the side of the building, weaving more seals as I fall towards Pain.

The bird swoops overhead, and then the chameleon quickly stops its walk.

"A worthy attempt," Pain says. "But none can escape the sight of God."

The invisible serpent tail lashes out and grabs me in its jaws...before I turn into liquid, splashing everywhere as a spray of water.

"I did it easily enough, though."

I emerge from the far side of the building and dash through the air, drawing back Murakumo before slashing outward with a crescent of lightning chakra. The chameleon tries to swerve and I slice its head clean off, knocking it out of camouflage before it disappears in a puff of smoke. Pain de-summons then re-summons the giant bird beneath him as he drops, flying through the skies with it while I land on the side of the building and look out at his retreating form.

"How curious that 'God' would be so badly in need of bifocals," I taunt. "I have lovely friends who would have been happy to recommend some stylish frames for you, but between your terrible ego and the whole impending death thing, I don't think it would have worked out. In any case, thank you kindly for allowing me to conduct an experiment at your expense."

He continues to fly away, and I can sense that the other summoned creatures have left the field again. Pain is definitely up to something. I make my way down to the street again and start weaving through the village to follow him. Whatever this is, he's keeping it away from Konan. He doesn't want her involved. Sentiment, pride, or fear? I have to wonder. In any case, I've figured out this one's little secret. The projections of the Rinnegan allow him to use summons to survey the field, in the same way that a security officer looks over a property with numerous installed cameras. A reaction to what could be directly seen...it's why he lost me in the dust from the damaged building, attacked my water clone first, and only barely reacted to my attack on the chameleon. It also explains the precision with which he countered me earlier: he saw my attack in real time, through the eyes of the other animals looking right at me. When it wasn't the case, he had no such luxury.


And it makes me wonder if he's just buying time to change into another form. Because it's also extremely curious that someone with the Rinnegan, the Sage's eyes that are said to grant control of every chakra nature in this world...has only been using mid level taijutsu and the summoning technique, over and over again. It's beyond suspicious. He's not just conserving power or something similar.

One option is to bait him by going after Konan...but that probably won't work. Not only would they likely be prepared for that sort of move, Konan can make herself impossible to catch with her paper techniques and a small amount of lead time. It's far better to focus my efforts on crushing Pain. I can deal with her later.

"More targets coming from the tower's direction. Looks like that place was a hub after all..." Pain is still on his bird and is continuing north, away from Konan as she sweeps the village for intruders. I can't pin down Erika, which is for the best at this moment. She's unlikely to be spotted by visuals alone and has no reason to expose herself.

Suddenly, three figures drop down from the sky just ahead of me, and the dog appears again with its three heads to harass me. I keep an eye on the bird as it circles, then comes back down for a dive. It slams into the ground, throwing up dirt and dust as I jump away to one side. The dog bursts through the veil behind me, and I take a step through the air to go over its heads as they snap away. With this, I can get a look at the newcomers. One large, stocky man with orange hair tied back. And another with...no neck? Or rather, it's an impossibly thick neck, complete with massive jaw. He has no hair anywhere on his head, and spikes coming from the top of it. Both are dressed in Akatsuki cloaks, both have the slashed through Rain headbands, both have the black piercings on and through their faces, and both also have the same eyes as the first Pain – the Rinnegan. But their positions were transposed awfully quickly. Did the other two use a Rinnegan art to move over here?

Something to worry about later, maybe. Since I've already done my investigation, I don't need to wander in confusion: all of these doujutsu are copies of each other, linked together to give a wider and more mobile field of vision. The dog comes around again as I land, and I focus chakra into the seal on my left arm.

"Let's run our own interference, shall we?"

My chosen summon bursts up from below the ground, using his massive body to wrap around the rabid dog and constrict it with little trouble.

"At your service, my lady."

"Immaculate timing as always," I say with a smile. "Aoda, my love. Thank you for your help."

"The honour is mine as always, Lady Lilith. Please tell me how I can assist you today."

One of the most trusted summons in Ryuuchi Cave, and for good reason. Strong, swift, and as a treat, very respectful to his summoners. A massive blue snake with focused green eyes, Aoda is one who is formidable enough to have challenged Manda back in his prime. While he could not do much from the inside as the old boss roamed, he was invaluable to helping the regime change hands with secret activities. His loyalty is to the White Snake Sage first and foremost, but he refused to remain idle in the face of injustice.

"You may start by intercepting these summons as best you can. Do not worry about any ones that you miss, I will be fine dealing with the strays," I say. "The strange mutt in your grip, it apparently splits apart in response to direct damage."

"Understood, Lady Lilith."

"Be careful regardless...we are up against the samsara eye this time, and in multiple bodies to boot."

"The Rinnegan of legend...I see. The Great Mother Sage spoke of this, but I did not expect them to appear again in this world. I will be careful, and do my best to clear the battlefield for you, Lady Lilith."

"That is all I ask. Some time to prepare the advanced arts will be necessary soon...after all, this Pain fellow has invited two more to join us."

Pain has the dog disappear, and Aoda uncoils his form to settle next to me.

"It would have been nice if you told me you were bringing along friends," I say to Pain. "A girl needs a chance to prepare herself when entertaining so many at once..."

"It matters not what you do, serpent woman," the large man says. He has the same voice as the first...is someone truly projecting themselves onto these bodies? A split consciousness, perhaps? "We are Pain...we are inevitable."

Lady Lilith.

Yes, darling. Have you come upon something?

I have. The many exotic piercings in those men are reacting strangely. Their body temperatures are somewhat below the normal human average, which makes them stand out. The piercings are giving off significant amounts of heat.


Now that I have time to stand still, I can feel it clearly through the ground...many sources of vibrations, coming directly from each of those bodies. Combined with the strange, frequently changing signals...

I think I've come to an understanding now. Thank you, Aoda.

Of course, Lady Lilith. I am here to serve.

The one with the ponytail is the summoner. That seems to be his only technique in hand, but be cautious just in case. The others are still unknowns. I'll take care of whatever threats they pose by escalating.

I'm starting to put all of this together. Means that any moment...

"It's time to put an end to this," the summoner Pain says. "Now that I've seen your skill in person, it will be all too easy to neutralize you."

I narrow my eyes. "Stay sharp, Aoda."

"Yes, Lady Lilith."

"As for what you've seen, Pain...it's nothing compared to what I'll deliver to you next. Like I said before...I know how to entertain some fellows looking for a good time. You just need to give me a bit to get ready, of course."

"Of course. Your desire for decorum is understood. But we are fine with the current arrangement." The neck-less one starts forward before flames burst from the bottoms of his feet. His hands transform into blades as he charges me. Fast, but not all that fast, is he.

"Suit yourself. I can make do with this...how about you?" I wait until the last moment before flipping forward and over Pain, rotating quickly enough that I can come back around with Murakumo in my hands and ready. I slash outward and into his torso while he flies by, only to get an unusual feeling and sound. "That's not a normal human body, is it...how did he manage that all of a sudden?"

The summoner calls out the rhinoceros again, and Aoda charges to knock it off its feet before squeezing it tightly. Meanwhile, the stocky man is in tight formation with his partner, and the neck-less, metallic man is already on his feet again, exposed metal showing through the sliced away part of his cloak. He discards it altogether, and reveals more curiosities in an already crowded matinee of them. Two additional faces on the sides of his head, a serrated blade that unfurls from around his waist like a tail, and four extra arms.

"This is...an asura?" Of all the forms, what does this one mean? Is there a theme going on here? Whatever the case, it seems that this man is a mechanical beast. He raises two of his six arms and points the fists at me.

"Only one way to escape," he drones.

The fists leave their arms in streams of flame, winding through the air in unpredictable paths. I jump to avoid them, and turn to see the bird with the drill beak already hurtling towards my position.

"The end."

"Misread the scouting report, did you?" I smile and push chakra into my feet, before stepping through the sky to dodge the bird completely. It crashes into the ground once more before disappearing. Drifting through the air, I see that the rocket fists are being drawn back towards the asura man, like magnets. Another split second, and I can map out my targets clearly. Because of their shared vision, they can see me dropping in behind the large Pain. But they can't stop me from taking him out.

"One down. Double Barrel."

I aim and fire at his head.


And the attack...hits something and disappears. It almost reached him, too. Is that a barrier?

"It negated my attack...no. I can see it. He absorbed Mobius entirely. Some sort of counter rotation to ensure that it's dispersed." But then, that explains why this one has been hanging back. And that little quip earlier...I get it now. These two new forms, or bodies, or what have you. The metal man is meant to counter my speed. The large man, my ninjutsu. And the summoner, his specialty is meant to overwhelm me with constant surveillance and sheer numbers. The latter alone seems to be enough to take care of most cases along with Konan, and the other two are for insurance.


Okay. Then...combining these advantages would make any one of them nearly unstoppable. The summoner being able to modify their body, or the metal man able to summon multiple creatures while causing chaos with their rocket shoes or rocket fists, or...

"Wait. Are those..."

His arms split open, and inside of them are dozens of what look to be small missiles. They all explode outwards at once, racing towards me and Aoda.

"Aoda! Slip through!"

"Understood." His large body moves with the same impressive speed that I've witnessed before, allowing him to weave through the village streets and leave his part of the barrage to blow apart buildings in his wake. I jump backwards before stepping through the air, the missiles giving chase relentlessly. I make sure they're on my tail before I rush downwards, past the metal man and towards his friends.

"Feeling lucky?" I ask.

The summon body claps his hands as I bounce over his head and to the ground. Some kind of animal appears at the last moment and takes the missiles head on, waves of heat washing over us before I charge forward. The large one doesn't turn and activates the barrier again as I fix my right hand around Murakumo.

"A quick learner...and yet, a bad student."

A mass of snakes bursts from my sleeve as I extend my hand forward, binding him immediately.


I can feel something being pulled from me, and all of the snakes I summoned immediately disappear. Something is terribly wrong. Need to make an extra move. I gather chakra into my right hand and charge it to the limit.

"Valkyrie Bullet!"

Again. I felt it clearly that time. The punch drives itself into his gut, throwing him past what I can now see is a giant panda that looks like it's made of stone. But the chakra that adds the extra force behind that attack was absorbed once more by the strange barrier. He felt that blow, but not like he should have.

Annoying fat bastard. He can absorb chakra through contact, too. He drained the snakes I summoned and got something from me since we were all physically connected. But again, he didn't shift forms. He didn't take advantage of the close combat situation. It means that what I've been suspecting is true...each of these bodies only occupies one domain at a time. And since these aren't transformations of one man, it is likely that they're controlled from afar. More than a projected consciousness. Multiple bodies, with shared vision. The ultimate task force. With these three, that makes four total. The remaining body, the one that Konan converses with regularly, and is presented to Obito for meetings, that one has yet to appear.

I can see the metal man's head unfold like some sort of twisted blossom, revealing a strange and hollow compartment that starts to glow with light. The concentration of chakra here is no mystery.

"You claim to be making this world a better place, yet you refuse to take care of your own people," I taunt. "At this rate, the only terrorist this village will ever know is you."

"The people will understand. Those who do not will suffer of their own choice. God's will is not meant to be soluble by mere mortals," Pain replies. The light glows brighter before it is aimed in my direction. I activate my chakra mode and body flicker to the area behind him, watching as buildings ahead are torn apart in the blast. The handful of people in the area didn't stand a chance...at the least, they didn't feel anything before disappearing.

The absorbing Pain is too far to intercept. I can do this one.

"Mobius: Double Barrel."

I have the burst tear through the left side of the metal man's head, sending debris flying outwards.


He rushes in from the opposite side at my command, right past the other Pains who jump backwards to avoid his charge. In a moment, his form coils around the vulnerable Pain and crushes him with prejudice. Nothing but a mass of spare parts now.

The summoner calls out the strange panda again to block me, and the absorber sets up shop a fair distance behind him. The rhinoceros returns again, and Aoda quickly engages. I wrap tags around two kunai and send them on their way, aiming over the panda's head. My wrists flick out again and the faster shuriken arc high before coming downwards, spiking the kunai into their target.

"Got you." An explosion sounds out not a moment later.

"An audacious attack...but effective all the same," the summoner says. He turns to see his now headless partner fall quietly to the dirt.

"Aoda, come."

Aoda slaps away the rhinoceros and quickly moves back to me. I hop on top of his head before we speed out of the area.

"Are we alright, Lady Lilith?" he asks.

"Very much so. I think I understand the intricacies of their little dance well enough...but several things don't sit right with me. More than the fact that their bodies are alien in nature, I'm sensing that there's something even more sinister that they're hiding."


"I will tell you when we need to change course. We're far from done, so I want to gather up whatever advantages that I can before things escalate further."

"Anything that you desire, Lady Lilith."

"Thank you, Aoda. You've been a tremendous help today, and I will see to it that excellent report is made with Ane-ue and Baa-sama."

"I am truly humbled, my lady. Thank you for your kindness."

Konan is holding her position, a good distance away from where we were fighting. I can sense Erika again, keeping a good eye on her. Someone else has migrated to the battlefield as Aoda and I move. Make that two someones. Getting there that fast...a time space technique. Has to be. Now there are five of them, and with the last one...that makes six. A nice, round number. Is that all of them? Maybe there are ones that use one element each, and have a mastery of such. A taijutsu oriented one, with the power of the Eight Gates. And with Aoda's report...these could be modified corpses, meaning they might be without limit. One could have dominion over all genjutsu. Sealing, perhaps.

"Too many possibilities. I hate thinking about it. And I hate thinking about him. Someone with this much potential power...using it for these purposes," I mutter. "Wretched. Worthless. Aoda, I'm ready. Bring us back in."

"Yes, Lady Lilith."

He turns on a dime and brings us back to the previous area at speed. I hop off his head and onto the ruins of a collapsed building, looking down at the five Pains that now stand before me. Aoda places himself between us, coiled and ready to strike at a moment's notice.


It wouldn't make sense to have him in the middle of what's coming next. As my lovely Fuu said so elegantly once before, it's time to get mean and nasty.

"Aoda, my love. Thank you for your help. I will carry out the rest myself."

"If that is your wish, Lady Lilith."

"It is. And when you see Ane-ue next...tell her that I am just fine. I know she worries."

"As you command, Lady Lilith. Please, be safe."

"I will. Thank you."

Aoda disappears in a cloud of smoke. And when it clears, I can see another presence. The one I've been waiting for.

"You must be the true Nagato...the one in charge of these bodies," I say to him. "And I see that our previously destroyed friends have somehow been restored to perfect health, fashionable outerwear included. I take it that's the work of one of these newcomers." One has a visibly blocky, strong sort of jaw and facial structure. And compared to the others, his face looks significantly more aged and austere. The other, by far the tallest of the lot with very long and silky hair, naturally coloured orange like all the rest.

"That might be correct," the leader says. He really does look similar to Naruto, from this close. Terribly uncanny, but nothing that would induce me to be merciful. "Who can say?"

"Truly, the whims of God are mysterious."

"You are starting to understand."

"Yes. I am, unfortunately. The more I understand, the more I loathe you. And the more I understand...the less chance there is that even one of you will escape. You said that you wanted to put an end to this? Allow me to take you up on that."

"So be it. I will acknowledge you as one of this world's elites, Scarlet Viper. But this is where your journey comes to an end. Now you stand against the power of the divine. It is time for you to witness..."

They get into formation around the leader.

"The Six Paths of Pain."

Six paths...now I can see it in full. The Buddhist cycle of reincarnation, split into six paths. The realm of devas. The realm of asuras. The realm of manyusha. The realm of tiryagyoni. The realm of preta. And finally, the realm of naraka. All remain inside samsara. That was the theme my mind was trying to decipher earlier.

Six forms of the same person. I have a feeling I know who it is. And each of them is identified well enough. The arrogant spiky haired leader, that must be the Deva Path. The mechanical man with a metal body and advanced weaponry is the Asura Path. The fat one, though it might seem at odds with the theme, is the Preta Path. The summoner has to be the Animal Path. Which leaves Human and Naraka for the remaining ones. I can't tell which is which out of the two of them. It doesn't matter much.

"How interesting...truly. To see the Rinnegan, the eye of power and creation, represented like this. A strength focused on and built around perpetual cycles. What an amusing thing this is."

"We are Pain. And we are God. What say you, child of serpents, before we take you from this world and into the next?" the Deva Path asks.

"I say that you are the one who will bear witness, to a power and force that you have never seen before...and never will again. Allow me to reintroduce myself, holder of the samsara eye."

The power flows through me, flooding my body with the pure energy of nature. I can feel it all. Everything, everyone. The very taste and texture of the air around us. Strength is infused into my body, from crown to sole. I have powerful jutsu and transformations, but this...this is when I've always felt the most strength. I am connected to nature once more, wedded to it as its faithful bride. The creation of the Supreme God, in all of its reverence and glory.

In reality and truth, I am now the ideal living being. A true agent of heaven, and precious steward of the Earth.

The Rinnegan, and everything it is or has ever been...is nothing beneath my gaze.

"I stand here with the blessings of the Great Mother Sage. My name is Lilith Kobayashi, honoured Sage of Ryuuchi Cave. I am the one who is worthy of all praise, blessed by heaven and earth. And as the favoured child of heaven, I will drive the truth and power of the cosmos into your feeble, deluded shell. How are those for last words, you arrogant son of a bitch?"

"In your final moments, you will realize the error of your ways, serpent woman. The strength of a Sage is formidable, but pales in comparison to the power that shaped this world once before, and will once again. You will understand your futility..."

The six bodies leap towards me, all at once.

"And you will know pain."
Agnus Dei New
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 100
"Agnus Dei"
[Ultima Ratio: Feature 3]

This is it. A world's future, bound to the outcome of this lonely fight.

First thing to do is have something in reserve. The leader who represents the Deva domain stretches a hand towards me as he and his five compatriots descend.

"This is the truth of God's power. Bansho Ten'in."


Some invisible force takes hold of my body and pulls me through the air towards him. I'm not completely disabled, but it's dragging me down a fixed track. This...I think I can keep it in my pocket for later. And in response, the other bodies have black rods extend from beneath their sleeves, meant to run me through.

This was what Hanzo must have faced down. No wonder...even against three opponents, just having to deal with someone who has control of gravity, on top of the other powers would be near overwhelming. Without knowing Pain's secret, every attack and movement would be part of the steepest fight any shinobi would have ever known. Then you would have to factor in that Hanzo's skills had rusted beyond repair. What a terrifying opponent.

Well. For everyone else, that is.

"Farewell, serpent woman."

"Oh? We've just started our dance. No need to pack it in so soon, sweetheart."

The rods get close, and I unleash the chakra built up in my body.

"Artemis' Umbrella."

The nature chakra adds a bit more violence, not to mention power, to the usual attack. It pushes away all present opponents and gives me a chance to float in the air before coming to the ground.

"An array of abilities to suit any situation," Deva Pain says as he and the others surround me again. "Much like Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan, also known as the Copy Shinobi. Somehow, you have become even more fearsome than him. I was always aware that I would have to confront you personally, but I did not expect you to come to the village to offer yourself up."

"I hope that you're appreciative of that fact," I say to him while standing still. On dry land, this is an easy enough task. Every second that I can gather nature energy is used to walk back multiple on my Sage Mode timer. Starting out, the limit was five minutes without replenishment and moderate use of techniques. Now I can hold it for a lot longer under those same conditions. But as I am wont to do, I've created new variants on techniques that consume a fair bit of senjutsu chakra in order to be more effective. This dips into the timer as well.

Running out won't be the end of the world, but it might end up hurting a lot more than I want. So I'm inclined to make sure it doesn't happen. Especially not with someone who killed Hanzo, no matter how off his game he might have been that day.

"You can rest assured that I will treat your form with the respect it deserves after its death. Unless you mean to volunteer yourself as one of these Six Paths ahead of time," Deva Pain says.

"A kind offer, but one ultimately unnecessary. Even if it were possible for me to fall here, I have arrangements of all kinds for the handling of my earthly form. As for you...well, I suppose I can get your final will and testament from your delectable little assistant." No hierarchy or formation just yet. Probably trying to feel me out some more. In that case, I'll try to pick up some goodies for myself.

The Asura Pain moves first, transforming both of his arms into what looks like the cannon that was inside of its head earlier. I can feel his chakra peaking as the Animal Pain summons from behind me – the stupid dog again, because of course – to cause chaos. The tall one is moving, trying to anticipate my next position while dual wielding the black rods. Leaves three not moving.

"Time to satisfy my curiosity. What might your power be..."

I skip forward and dodge both of the chakra blasts coming from my right, while the dog times the gap perfectly. I cartwheel to my right to evade it, and then shoot ahead through its legs towards the tall Pain with their black rods. They're made of the exact same blocking material as the piercings, so...there has to be something to their offensive use. I summon Murakumo to my hands and flow chakra through them before slashing at one of the rods. It digs in, but doesn't go right through.

"Very interesting..."

I use the leverage to flip over his back, lashing out while upside down. Without turning, he blocks each of my incoming strikes perfectly. Shared vision in effect, then. We face each other again and clash, my senses reaching out to keep an eye on the others as they watch. I should be able to overwhelm their shared vision with a little something, but I also want to see exactly what I'm dealing with before making any risky moves. This one isn't using any fancy powers yet. I would think that this isn't a time to hide them...or perhaps they're not quite as useful in a fight as the others.

Okay. Time to force their hand some.

"This might be a good time to try something new, yes?"

"Your arrogance won't last much longer," he says.

I smile and push him away, Murakumo vanishing from my hands. "You think so? Let's test that theory now, then."

"As you wish."

If I couldn't already sense it, I can hear the Asura Pain coming in like a missile with those rocket shoes of his. The goal is to seal me on two sides...that's too bad. It was almost a good plan.

"Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation."

It takes less than a second for my chakra to flow into the ground. The same fraction lets me bend it to my will, and one more has it rise up to form a spiked wall that the Asura Pain slams into uncontrollably, obviously head first. I gather chakra into my right hand and have it flare up dramatically before I make a fist.

"Lightning Release: Valkyrie Bullet!"

If this idiot had an ability, he didn't get the chance to use it. I weave under his counter attack and cave his chest in with my fist, sending him through a building on the far side. The concrete wall behind me retracts at my command, and I see the Asura Pain lying with his head crumpled up from the earlier impact.

"And I almost forgot about you. I haven't tried this just yet, so..."

I weave a few seals and breathe in, facing the incoming dog and the other Pain bodies. A little distraction shouldn't cost too much chakra.

"Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave."

The addition of nature chakra serves me well once more, transforming the normally massive surge into a tsunami that towers over the summon before crashing into it. Dividing and yelping doesn't prevent it from being washed down the nearby streets, and the other Pain bodies have either vacated by air or are standing behind the Preta Pain as he absorbs the technique with his barrier. I take the time to casually remove a piercing from the Asura Pain, then crush his head with my foot to make sure he can't plan an ambush. That should do, for now.

"The Sage Techniques. Intriguing," Deva Pain says as the last of the water is absorbed. "The ability to use the earth itself to do your bidding. I did not know the serpents had access to such abilities."

"It seems there are mysteries even where you are concerned. How amusing to know. There's plenty more in my pockets to give you a fit, so look forward to those." The other unidentified Pain is flying off on the bird, while the Animal Pain drops down and summons both the rhinoceros and ox to charge me. Trying to identify a pattern, or baiting me to come down the middle right at him...let's try neither. I know just what to do.

I grab shuriken from my pouch and throw a dozen of them in a wide spread.

"Shinobi tools. What is it you mean to do?" Deva Pain asks. "A futile diversion..."

I weave seals, infusing a bit of senjutsu chakra into my attack. Something that I learned personally from my loving grandfather.

"Hidden Leaf Secret Art: Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu."

A technique that could turn one shuriken into a thousand, each with real mass and deadly effects. It means that the dozen I've thrown and enhanced...

"This is...!"

For the first time, Pain seems shocked. But then, about twelve thousand shuriken coming for you at once tends to do that. The summons are torn apart before the remaining waves punch through the clouds of smoke they've left behind. Deva Pain steps in front of the remaining bodies, while I make another useful discovery with my enhanced sensing. The tall Pain is back in commission, flying in with the other Pain on top of the three legged bird.

"Shinra Tensei."

All of the shuriken are deflected by a wall of force, one that properly sustains itself until all of the weapons are on the ground. It makes sense to me. The powers of attraction and repulsion. Pompous names for those techniques...though one could argue that you need some level of arrogance to make it this far in the world.

"I suppose that makes the reviving Pain...Naraka. And the other one would be Human. Good to get that out of the way," I say to myself. "It also makes it obvious as to who I need to attack first to put a dent in Pain's plans." The bird swoops in from behind one of the buildings and starts to circle the area. A sharp activation of chakra and the other Pains leave its back before appearing next to the Animal Pain. Summoning technique...so it means the Pain bodies are valid summoning targets, then. Explains their rapid movement before.

"That's a pain in the ass."

I turn my head to see nothing but bits of metal and blood where a body once lay. The Asura Pain is in the back with the others, still incapacitated. Those bodies really are connected in some strange manner...but the piercing I removed is still in my pouch, and responding to chakra signals. A loud, familiar barking interrupts my thoughts. I roll my eyes.

"Unsurprisingly, you return once more."

The dog jumps over what remains of a building in the distance before splitting apart into ten smaller but equally rabid beasts. Obviously eager to play with me again. Well, I have other plans. And they're filthy things to boot, running around in the dust and dirt. It's a good thing I'm such an animal lover.

"Here. All of you can have another bath."

I focus my chakra before snapping my fingers. Two orbs of water form for each mutt present, so that they might be properly washed from snout to tail.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet."

The orbs shoot forward before twisting into large dragons. A chorus of yelps sounds out a moment later as each mutt is slammed backwards in sprays of water. I can see something else happening as the dogs fly away, crashing into buildings and their remnants. Naraka Pain is standing next to...something. A giant head, with a massive mouth and a strange crown that has the character for king on it. It is surrounded by strange black flames, seemingly like Amaterasu, and also has eyes reflecting the Rinnegan. If I recall, this is supposed to the judge of the dead, is it not? Power over life and death...I see now. Asura Pain emerges from his mouth as it opens, looking brand new and with yet another immaculate cloak. I can swear his bald head is even shinier now.

Very bothersome. As long as that Pain is in play, it means that even if I take out the leader, he can come back to life and harass me again. But as it is, that's just one piece...the ability to spirit each Pain away is a problem, too. Judging from the change in formation, these ones might be preparing for me to try and solve said problem. My conservative use of Sage Mode means that I have plenty of room to cut loose. I think I'll try that now, and remove some of these bodies from the picture before they wise up.

"Her ninjutsu is both varied and potent," Deva Pain says. "We need to close in now, before she becomes too much of a problem. Let's begin."

They can coordinate within themselves without saying a word or sending up a signal. All I can do is read what comes my way. The two offensive and presumably expendable Pains surge in, Asura and Human. Our earlier recreational activities mean that it's a wide open field, and I have room to move as I like. They're going to use their shared sight to track me...in that case, the answer is simple.

I accelerate towards the Human Pain, then jump over his head and push off the back of it before he can react. The Animal Pain is in my sights, and I draw Murakumo as I near him.

"Bansho Ten'in."

Thought so. I put in a little extra resistance and have my feet slide along the ground. Getting closer at speed, the Preta Pain slides in front to intercept me. Interesting combination.

"Muki Tensei."

A short wall rises up ahead of me, and I slam my feet into it to arrest my movement. Deva Pain exerts more pressure with his attracting force, to little effect. The wall with its senjutsu chakra cracks slightly, but holds firm beneath my feet.

"Time to show off some. Introducing the most devastating technique in my arsenal." The senjutsu chakra flows into my right arm, compressed in the same way that I've done thousands of times before. Thick, dense, and extremely stubborn to compress at first. But eventually, it became second nature. "This is the next level. Bear witness." I aim at the Naraka Pain, who has started to move a hundred years too late.


"Sage Art: Zero-Type Mobius."

The chakra bursts forward from my two fingers, a luminous white that creates a halo of light around my hand. If Mobius moves at the speed of thought...this exceeds it by leaps and bounds. A deadly burst of light that has erased the Naraka Pain's top half, and put holes in buildings a long way behind him, one after the other.

"Truly a waste. To retain that sort of power would be the dream of any ruler..."

Pain yammers on, presumably to distract me as the Asura body launches a barrage of missiles into the sky while the others clear the area. They start to rain down, moving in erratic patterns to try and confuse me. Blocking or dodging is easy enough, but I have an even more fun idea. I gather chakra in my stomach and breathe in while making seals.

"Sage Art: Starch Syrup Gun!"

I blow the chakra infused water upwards, creating a fountain that snags every one of the missiles as they come down. With a wave of my hand, the trapped missiles form into a giant, viscous orb.

"Here. Hold this."

I jump into the air and land a bicycle kick on the falling orb, sending it straight at the Deva Pain. A few options, but the most obvious one is...

"Shinra Tensei."

There we are. The water orb and all its explosive contents cease to be immediately, washed out in a wave of force. That attack wasn't just stopped, it was dissipated entirely. It means that this Shinra Tensei can stop ninjutsu, so that brings up another question. Namely, the reason for the Preta Pain's positioning. Since they're not fast enough to catch me properly, I'll inquire at a more suitable distance. As soon as my feet touch ground again, I take off towards Deva Pain.


He immediately responds by charging back towards me. Content to play defensively up until now, and doesn't he have his attraction jutsu? But this is a perfect time to go for his head. Just need to keep my eyes open.


Of course. Should have counted on that. Deva Pain is pulled to safety, reappearing next to Animal Pain. I flare on my chakra mode and race towards his new position, intending to engage him again. At the same time, if what I think is happening is actually happening...

Animal Pain starts to make a move before backing off. Deva Pain charges in again, foregoing his technique...or rather, charging it up. I need to see where this goes, even if it might sting a bit. We near each other, and I call out Murakumo while accelerating. As soon as I reach him-

"Shinra Tensei."

It's more forceful than the others, lifting me off my feet and sending me into the air. I should be able to track him with this one.

"Water Release: Water Shark Bullet."

I snap my fingers while flying backwards, and the shark shoots forward from my last position. Closer and closer and closer, until the Preta Pain drops in and negates it with the barrier. I arrest my movement through the air and bounce safely to the ground, taking in what I just saw.

"You sneaky little prick. That technique...you can't use it in succession, can you? You can't use any of your powers multiple times in a row. That's why you need the fat boy close in your formation...managing your jutsu cool down." Pretending to engage me in taijutsu, then having the summoner whisk him away to another position. Buying time for his jutsu to come online. Using the other bodies to split my focus so that I wouldn't register it.

But that's the thing about jutsu, isn't it? The more you use them, the more chances your enemy has to figure them out...and eventually, put an end to you.

Pain must have realized, or maybe sensed, that I've come to some understanding of their secret. They've moved ahead with a full scale assault. In that case, I'll use one of my most precious assets, provided by these most alluring legs of mine.

"Time to show off some speed for you. I would say that I hope you all can keep up...but I don't. And you certainly won't."

Human Pain is up first. No special gimmicks to be seen. Dealt with easily enough.

"Let's go with a classic."

I measure my distance as I run, then shoot forward at just the right time. This one should be perfect.

"Vanished?" he utters.

The chakra flows through my leg, and I turn while planting my opposite into the ground. All of the energy flows upward as my foot rises, slamming into the enemy's chin. And all at once, everything explodes.

"Jayoku Houtenjin."

I can feel his jaw turn to dust beneath my foot, before his body shoots into the sky like a rocket, blue sparks of chakra following. Corpses or not, those bodies have limits. I just burned through that one's.

"Let's try this one next. A little faster, now."

I draw Murakumo and rush towards my next target. The Animal Pain summons the bird again and takes off into the skies. I can sense the Asura Pain following me in flight, preparing missiles for another barrage. He's not firing, making sure that the other body is out of dodge...the Animal Pain wants to drop down and leave us alone, but he's also wary of my aerial movement and doesn't want to risk getting slashed out of the sky.

He comes to a compromise, clapping his hands and summoning someone else to his side. The Preta Pain.

"Guarding against ninjutsu. Or maybe...something more clever than that."

The three Pains weave through the sky, one giving chase and two being chased by me. They head towards a set of tall buildings. I really don't want them to escape, not for a second.

"Spending time in your own head, serpent woman?" I flip backwards over the blades aimed at my back, and let myself fall from the sky. The Asura Pain accelerates downwards to follow me.

"Very rude to show up unannounced, isn't it? And at a girl's backside, too. Scandalous of you! I know that I cut a very striking figure, but it's always best to ask permission before you try and touch. I know...I think that I'll pay your leader a visit instead. He's shown that he knows exactly how to treat a lady."

I stick my tongue out at him before quickening my steps towards the ground, and the Deva Pain. He's waiting for me, as predicted, while I can hear the sound of rocket boots coming to life behind me once more. A few more strides, and I go over the Deva Pain's head completely...but not before he's pulled away with another summoning by the other Pain. Suppose they didn't want to take any chances.

That works out just fine for me.

Asura Pain swoops up into the sky again, and the drill beak bird nears. I make a series of seals and prepare my technique. Bird, rat, bird again. I remember how devastating this one is...years ago, I felt it first hand as Midori fought Manda in the Leaf Forest. It was enough to even overwhelm that trash Orochimaru.

The bird nears, and swoops low to allow its passengers to jump off.

"Sage Art..."

The Pain bodies get ready for an attack. But this will be something they've never seen before.

"White Rage Technique."

I've worked on this technique to have it activate the same way every time, with ideally no variations. The chakra level, the speed, the duration. It's effective, but it's also dangerous for those without the characteristics of a snake, and troublesome even for those who have a few.

The chakra exits my open mouth in the form of a red, long bodied dragon, that carries a purple orb in its left claw. It rushes towards the Pain bodies, and the Deva Pain stretches his arm out. But then, it stops before it gets any closer. I put my hand over my chest to get ready, while they pause in confusion. The dragon roars before going into a spin in the air, coiling itself tighter and tighter around the orb. And then, I close my eyes right before it detonates. That would be the easy part, as I can easily use my other senses to navigate without losing a step. It's the other part, the horrible and painful vibrations, that I would need to get around each time.

"Activating counter."

Using lightning chakra, I can balance the vibrations in my body against those coming from the jutsu...and I'm able to shrug off most of the paralysis. Enough to concentrate and tear through a target. Can't chance one of them fighting through and putting up a defence. The bodies are on pause, but still active...so the most troublesome one can disappear first.

"Mobius Zero."

I fire at the Animal Pain, putting a hole through his torso as he's thrown backwards. The jutsu comes to an end, with the light fading and vibrations stopping. Just as I drew it up.

"Another," the Deva Pain says as he recovers.

"And then, there were three. How lovely. I suppose since you can't fly around on birds and revive each other, it's just us now. Feeling confident?" I ask.

"Your strength is laudable, serpent woman. None in this world have ever pressed Pain to this degree..."

"Oh, don't speak as if the party has come to a stop," I say with a flip of my hand. "I've still got treats for you three fellows...see, I can guess that the large one loves to devour things. Shall I hand him a full course meal? Or would you like to try it out first?" Standing here has added a bit of energy, but I only have so much between those attacks from just now...

"I doubt you have enough for us both. Those attacks are taxing, it seems. Especially in succession."

"Getting cheeky, are we?" I set my feet and give him a cruel smile. "It seems you know just how prideful I can be...so don't cry when I come for your head. This is what you asked for, you fat mouthed prick."

He beckons me towards him with one hand. I take off and oblige him. Sage Mode is primed to end soon if I fire off too many attacks, and with fewer bodies to keep in line, I might need to keep a closer eye on my movements from here on. Asura Pain strides ahead and throws off his cloak, revealing his many arms and serrated tail. He seems determined to engage me in close combat.


Decisions to make. Do I think that I can deal with the last one on my own, without enhancements?

"Let's find out. I'm pretty proud of my speed...how about you?"

He's taking the bait...and so I can put this one to sleep for good.

"I suppose that answers that."

"You're finished, scarlet woman." The ground cracks apart beneath his feet, blue flame streaming up and outward before he takes off at top speed towards me. "The end."

"Unfortunately for you...that's my line. Try this one, metal man. White Snake Sage Art..."

I match his speed, drawing Murakumo as the green aura envelops my body.

"Jakyou Messenga!"

The shell takes form, jaws in the form of a snake out in front of me. I rush into him and follow through, slashing forward and through his form entirely. Three distinct pieces hit the ground behind me as I slide to a stop.

"Bansho Ten'in."

"This again! Whoa...!"

He's put more into this one, and in a strategic fashion. My feet can't touch the ground, and I'm moving much faster than before. He's got the Preta Pain in position to catch me, and likely drain my chakra. Draining me out of Sage Mode seems like an interesting experiment...but these ones don't seem like they would be willing to further their scientific knowledge alongside me. Truly a shame.


I use Sky Grasper to flip myself over while moving, and dig Murakumo into the ground so that my travel is slowed. Preta Pain stretches his arms out to get me...


...and I push off to flip myself over, letting go of Murakumo at the same time. The timing is thrown off enough that the Preta Pain grabs air, and I get my legs neatly wrapped around his head from behind.

"I'm about as practical as I am vain, believe it or not. There's more than one reason I opted for a good, strong pair of legs. Moments like this, you know? I think it would have been nicer if this weren't a corpse..."

I grab his head as he reaches up and tries to drain me. My legs cross over each other, and I quickly squeeze them together around his neck.

"But I suppose beggars can't be choosers, mm?"

That beautiful cracking was all that I needed to hear. I hop down from the now twice dead body as it goes limp, falling to the ground next to me.

"Always wanted to do that. And then, there was one," I say while turning to Deva Pain. "Not recharged yet, or are we waiting for the right opportunity? Thank you for that, by the way. I might have had to leave Sage Mode entirely, but you saved me the trouble. So...would you like to continue this game of ours? Or do you want to finally take me to who's really running the show?"

"You truly think this is over, don't you?" he asks. "Despite your stalling, you still don't have enough to do anything significant before your Sage Mode runs out. What chance do you think you have without that power in your hands?"

"Wouldn't you like to find out..."

It's obvious. I have to bait his next attack, and then finish him as quickly as I can with something in rapid succession. He knows that as well, so he'll obviously be plotting something.

"Why not make your next move, serpent woman?" he asks. "After all, I don't intend to let you restore your sage power to full."

Now he's trying to bait me. But...he's also drawing on a lot of energy and storing it. And since he doesn't need that much to pull me in...he must be intent on using a large scale version of the repulsion technique to bury me. Maybe even retreat, and get replacement bodies to continue the battle. I can't be scared since I've crushed his power already, but there's really no telling what tricks he could come back with. No, this really has to end. Here and now.

The village, the people...he doesn't care about them. Only erasing me. It can all turn to dust, far as he's concerned. Now or never. Once I'm blown away, all bets are off. All physical and chakra based attacks are done for, probably no footholds...something I can do, has to be.


I end the standoff and run forward, right at Deva Pain.

"Foolishness. Shinra Tensei!"

He focuses the attack and saves the rest of his energy, allowing me to summon a clone to brace myself. I dispel her and give chase as Deva Pain moves through the village. This direction is Pain's Tower...he can't be thinking of summoning new bodies, can he? And Konan is there, at the tower itself. Maybe they've been communicating in secret somehow, and the bodies are already prepared. If I stop to replenish Sage Mode, that gives them even more time to plot. But if I keep going, I might be walking into an ambush.


We're midway, and Deva Pain has come to a stop on top of a skyscraper. I join him on the other edge of the roof.

"If I cannot kill you...then at the least, I should be able to contain you. I was wrong to think of you as a mere human. You are as much of a beast as the ones we draw out of the jinchuuriki."

"Contain? Me? A fine job you've done of that so far," I taunt.

"This is the end, Lilith Kobayashi." Deva Pain forms a black sphere in between his hands, dense with chakra. He grunts and hurls it into the sky above, where it rises before coming to a stop. It pulses once.

Then, I feel it happening.

"Behold, the almighty power of God. Chibaku Tensei."

All around me, trails of dust and loose debris are rising into the sky. Towards the sphere. The force grows stronger, pulling larger chunks away and shaking our foothold as pieces of the building are pulled upwards. It's an artificial gravity well...creating a satellite. Trapping and restraining tailed beasts would be easy with this kind of power.

"The village...this is going to devastate everything!" I yell. "What is it you mean to do, Pain?"

"My justice must be brought to mankind. If this village and its people must become a sacrifice to that end, then I do this with great sorrow. The tragedy of this shinobi world permeates all facets of life."

He's not affected somehow, but I am. The gravity is pulling me off my feet. There's already a layer of rubble over the sphere...wait. That must be it. Aiming for the core might do it. I probably won't have to aim at all, in fact. But I have to hurry before it becomes too dense to get through. Conserving Sage Mode isn't a priority now, but I need something good...

I know. I have something for this situation.

"That one. It's the best insurance policy I have right now."

I draw both of my hands back, towards my right side. My feet leave the roof just as it buckles in on itself, its pieces pulled into the air and towards the sphere. With each second, its gravitational power grows. Buildings are being pulled into pieces, from top to bottom.

"Getting close to the edge." Sage Mode is nearly gone and I don't have a chance of keeping still in these conditions. I can't bet that I'll get towards the core before it runs out. This has gotten desperate all of a sudden. "Rika. Where is she..."

I sense for her in between dodging the flying rocks and charging my technique. She's already run towards the edge of the village, thank goodness. Alright, time to end this before it gets too late.


I stride through the air and find a large piece of rubble to settle onto. All of the moisture I can gather is being pulled into my hands, and there's more to come as soon as I cut loose. Burn through the last of my senjutsu chakra. And now...

"Here we go! Sage Art Water Release: Great Water Shark Bullet!"

I thrust my hands forward, and the orb explodes outwards into a gigantic water shark. The pull of the sphere does its work, drawing the shark in at high speed. The reason this jutsu is my insurance policy is that it's special.

The stronger the enemy's technique, the stronger mine becomes.

I watch as the shark tears through the layers of rubble before latching onto the sphere with its watery teeth. And then it swells in size. Again. Again. Getting even more massive than before, absolutely ballooning. The sphere cracks under the pressure of the shark's growing jaws, until it shatters completely, exploding outwards. The shark follows suit, creating an instant downpour as the mass of dirt, dust, and rubble falls in a heap towards the earth. I make a series of hand seals and hold my breath while floating through the dust.

"Something like that...impossible. To destroy even that technique."

Deva Pain stands across from me in the newly formed crater.

"Was I wrong? Mistaken about the nature of things?" he muses. "Even so..."

He has two of the black rods extend from his palms.

"I cannot abandon my mission. Not when we have come this far. Serpent woman...you should know where you stand. Your technique has ended, and you are at my mercy."

"Is that what you think?"

"I can see how exhausted you are after all of those stunts. So I will do you a kindness...and put you out of your misery now. Bansho Ten'in."

"!" I'm pulled off my feet, into the air and downward in an arc. Deva Pain advances towards me and jumps up to meet me.

"A valiant effort...but futile."

He throws the rod at me, piercing my chest before I explode into a cloud of smoke. Then he lands, and I emerge from the shadows to trap him.

"Muki Tensei!"

The concrete warps around his feet and traps them, while long sheets peel up from the ground and bind his arms in place.

"You have me..."

"It seems so. And now, I'll finish you off at a safe distance. Can't be too careful," I say. I make seals and have a clone appear next to me, who runs forward and pulls a kunai from her holster. Deva Pain calmly waits as she approaches.

"You still haven't learned a thing, little woman. Bansho Ten'in."

"!" He pulls me off my feet and has me slam into the back of my water clone, dispelling her and slamming my face into my own construct. My head is spinning, and by the time I recover, Pain has already erased his restraints to send me flying again. I feel something tear through my hands a moment later, then a shadowy figure with Rinnegan appearing in my mind. I can't move...my body isn't responding to anything I tell it...

"All for nothing. How unfortunate."

Deva Pain stands over me, holding a black rod over my neck. Two more are pinning me to the ground. I can't focus my chakra. Can't...do anything.

"What is your final will, Lilith Kobayashi? I will do my best to honour your memory...you were a formidable opponent, despite our differences. The world will never see one such as you again. If it would...perhaps my hand might be stayed."

"There's no need for that...I made a promise to you, earlier..."

"That I would see the true hand of God. What of it?"

I smile. "One thing you should know about me...I always keep my promises. And as for my final will...that's nothing you have to worry about, friend."

My body turns into a mass of lightning, and he reacts.

"Shinra Tensei."

"All you need to do is...know pain."

His head turns to see me standing behind him, arm raised.

And with the countenance of a Sage.

"Mobius Zero."

Not a chance at all. Through the left side of his back, obliterating the space where his heart would be. He floats in the air briefly before coming down to earth face first. He doesn't move an inch.

It's finally over.


I go over to the corpse and pull one of the piercings from his ear. Comparing it to the sample I took earlier, I can safely say that they're the same. And both are still receiving chakra signals. Since I'm still in Sage Mode...this should be simple. Though I think it's just a matter of confirming what I suspected already. I take one of the piercings and wipe it on my sleeve before putting it into my mouth. My tongue wraps around it, absorbing the heat and chakra.


A small flash, like when two sensor types discover each other. I turn to face a certain building. The tallest on this side.

Pain's Tower.

On the top floor, which has been shrouded to prevent anyone from discovering what's inside. Well, I know what's in there now. And who.

The real Pain. A man named Nagato.


And I can feel through this connection...how he got to this point. I take the receiver from my mouth and put it back into my pouch.

"It's time for us to meet, face to face. Nagato...let's put an end to this for good."