Scarlet Justice - ep. 14
"It's time, Miss Lilith. Are you ready?"
"Yes. I truly am, Luna." Luna takes special care of my hair this morning. She hums to herself as she works.
Today is the day. Nearly a year in the making.
Graduation day.
"Mistress Emi will be here soon. From our talks over the phone, she is eager to see your growth. Your father..."
She goes quiet, steadily working at the same speed with her hands running through my hair. I can tell that she's very annoyed at the least.
"He won't be able to make it. He has business to attend to."
"...yes. Of course." I feel slightly numb hearing that. But it's nothing unusual...he never was around when I needed him.
"Lady Midoriko will be here as promised. I think...this arrangement is much better."
A warm stream of water soaks my head, and Luna decides that she's finished. We trade places and I wash her back.
"Miss Lilith?"
"Yes, Luna."
"I love washing your hair. There are a lot of reasons, but...I think it's beautiful to look at. How it seems to brighten in the light, and even stands out when it's a bit dirty. Ever since I was assigned to you back at the mansion, I wanted to make sure your hair was cared for."
"I see."
"It's beautiful like you are, and I didn't want to see it neglected. If it were anyone else...I don't think they would have done the same. I realize the stigma behind it. I realize the pain that it has caused you. You must have wished at some point that you wanted a different colour."
"More than once," I admit as I move my hands across her back.
"And now?"
"I'm proud of it. And happy that my hair is so healthy. And I have you to thank, Luna. Thank you for loving me and my hair."
"You're welcome, Miss Lilith."
" shouldn't mention it to anyone else. It would come off a bit weird."
"Ah, yes. It might."
"Mm-hm." I gently pour water over her back. "Not many people understand fetishes like that. I'm sure Midori-nee doesn't mind, though."
I smile as she makes a distressed noise.
"So, what does her hair smell li-"
"You are the worst! Miss Lilith, please!"
To the Academy, as always. Through the front. The cafeteria to get my daily order of milk and milk products. One last review of tricky subjects while I drink, and then I get ready to leave.
Once more into this small world.
My final day of class begins.
I enter the large hall and take my seat. Iruka waves to me and I wave back. As soon as everyone has settled and the appointed time arrives, he claps his hands loudly.
"Good morning, everyone. Welcome to our last day of class, and your final exams. We'll start with the written test. You have two hours, and when your time is up, we'll call you to administer the practical examinations. Everything will be graded before you leave this room. Thank you for all of your hard work so far, and good luck to all of you."
A few minutes later, the test begins. The written examination is incredibly easy. Since I've placed at or near the top of my other courses, it all comes down to this for my final score. I have a feeling about what the instructors are going to ask of me.
Sakura finishes ahead of me and transforms into Iruka, like the suck-up she is and always will be. She gets her promised item and leaves happily.
I'm up next.
"Alright." Iruka places a hand under his chin, smiling as he thinks. "Lilith, I want you to combine the properties of the clone technique and the transformation technique. Become any three objects that you choose," he instructs.
"Hmph." I match his smile and weave handseals. A challenge, then...let's go for it.
It's easy. I make the clones and at the same time have them transformed into familiar forms.
All of the instructors are impressed, and Iruka folds his arms, looking at me with pride.
I've given them the most patriotic display: images of the First, Second, and Third Hokage.
After I dispel the technique, I approach the desk and Iruka shakes my hand. "Congratulations, Lilith. Perfect score, written test and all."
"Thank you, sensei."
"It's been a very long time since that's happened around here. And from someone who was once a foreigner to us." He reaches back and picks up something from the desk. Yes, the item that everyone was so eager to obtain.
A metal plate on a band of cloth, with a leaf etched into it. The symbol of the village. This is my forehead protector, proof of my ascension to the ranks of shinobi. As it sits in my hands, I feel accomplished. I have come so far in such a short time.
But this isn't it. I'm still not satisfied. I'm going to reach even further.
"Thank you for taking care of me, Iruka-sensei," I say with sincerity. "I'm grateful for you and your kindness." For the first time, I feel his hand come down on my head, rubbing it gently.
"The honour is all mine, Lilith. You've been a wonderful student, and a blessing to me. Good luck, though you don't need much of that, it seems. Have faith in your ability. And remember, no matter what happens...I will be right here for you."
"Iruka-sensei...thank you."
"I know your family's waiting, and unfortunately I have some more tests to do. Take care."
"Take care, sensei." I give him a salute before leaving the room, and then the academy altogether. The other children who passed are meeting with their parents, proudly showing off their headbands and celebrating.
I think about how I want to wear mine. The intended use is on my head, but...I think I could try something else. But I see someone familiar nearby, and go to meet them.
My stepmother, Emi. She stands out as usual in one of her thin silk dresses, drawing attention and thirsty looks. Some of the wives are clearly annoyed. She carries a parasol to keep the sun away, and to protect her silky black hair. I walk up to her and present my headband as proof of my accomplishments.
"Oh, so you've done it. Good work," she says. Her words seem to lack enthusiasm, but they're sincere. I can rest soundly with that much. Oh, but...maybe.
"I've graduated, and beyond that...I have placed within the top three students of all time," I tell her.
"Oho..." Yes, there it is. The haughty smile that I longed to see. "So my daughter is a genius as well. Even better. We can add this prestige to the Kobayashi name. And it will provide a good foundation for your sibling, if they should come here as well."
I blink. "Sibling. You're pregnant."
"Yes, yes...shocking, I know. Especially after those half-hearted displays of his." She sighs and rolls her eyes. "At this point, I really will have to cheat with someone outside. Or satisfy myself with the help, whichever ends up being more convenient. After I have my child, of course."
"Would you really?" I ask.
"When it comes to carnal desires, I'm not terribly picky," she says casually.
"..." I really am surrounded by perverts. At this rate, it's only a matter of time before I transform into one myself.
"Hey, Lili~!"
Midori and Luna arrive a moment later. I show them my headband proudly, and they're visibly excited.
"Congratulations! You've done well, just as I thought you would!" Midori says as she gives me a hug. "She certainly is your daughter, Emi."
She preens at that. "Of course. She's a genius through and through."
"Congratulations, Miss Lilith. I'm honoured that I could be by your side this entire time. You are going to be a fine kunoichi, I know it," Luna says.
"Thank you for being nearby, Luna. You've done more than you know." I hug her tightly.
Midori flips open one of her fans. "I will make the extra arrangements as promised. Is that alright, Emi?"
"Perfectly fine. I can see that our Lilith wants to continue," Emi says as she looks at me. I nod and she nods back. "This has progressed beyond a mere experiment. I will inform the master of the house of our decision. Though I must admit...I didn't think a woman with so much sex appeal would be so good at fighting. But it's a very pleasant surprise. Please, continue taking care of my daughter and Luna. I would be out of my depth here."
"That is a strength too, Mistress. Knowing when and where to delegate is important," Luna points out. "And you do have a fine grasp on human character..."
"You shouldn't flatter me too much, Luna." Of course, there's a smile on her face as she says that.
I suddenly notice something out of the corner of my eye. Naruto is moving away from the building, trudging more like. He is slowly going somewhere, his head down as he walks. I wonder where his parents are.
I know that Sasuke is definitely an orphan. Hinata would have been picked up by her family's servants, which I've caught glimpses of once or twice. Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji all have fathers who are high ranking officers, and they've met up already.
But Naruto...he has some sort of mysterious ability, and is actively shunned for some reason that I haven't figured out. It's strange.
Midori picks up on my gaze and silently questions me. He is a strange child, but...I have already made my decision.
"I'll be back in a moment."
"Take your time," Midori says with a smile. I nod back before heading towards Naruto. As he notices me, he puts on what is obviously a fake smile. I think I know what happened.
"Hi," I reply. "What happened with your exam?"
"Oh, uh...I kinda flunked it." He shrugs. "No big deal, yeah? I'll just try again next time."
"Next time..." He's said it almost too casually. "How many times?"
"You heard me," I say firmly, hands on my hips. "How many times does this make?"
"Ah, geez. You're worse than Iruka-sensei, you know?" He puts his hands behind his head. "This makes...the third time."
"You idiot." I sigh. "What do your parents think?"
His expresson turns solemn. "Never met them. The old man and Iruka-sensei, they're the only ones who really look after me. And they never have enough time. I get bored, and you know...gotta occupy myself. That's where the pranks come from."
"..." I'm...starting to see.
"I really wanna be a ninja, you know?" His face brightens. "Like the Fourth! He saved the village all that time ago from the demon fox."
"Right. The Nine-Tails," I say.
"Yep! And he got the top score in Academy history. You were pretty close, I heard." He pouts. "I'm not trying to be on that's not my thing. dream's to become Hokage one day. I'll get there, just...slowly. And then I'll stick it to everyone in the village! They'll have to respect me then!"
"You haven't even passed your exams yet. I bet your written score was awful."
"Yep, yep. I kinda just wing it and bet the farm on the practical..."
I shake my head. This guy really is an idiot...still. His honesty is refreshing. He has a goal...of sorts. But he's capable of identifying his own flaws, given time and space. He can carry on a normal conversation like everyone else. Seeing this side of him is refreshing. It reminds me of the time I spend with Hinata, where she's more confident and can better verbalize her ideas. I really enjoy this feeling.
"I don't really like it," Naruto says as he kicks at a stone. "I mean...I feel like I'm always letting Iruka-sensei down. He cares a whole lot, and I'm not trying to take advantage of him or anything, just...I dunno."
"My father has only ever cared about work. mother died a while ago."
"O-oh. I'm...really sorry to hear that, Lili."
"It's alright. I've built a new family.'re not alone. You...have me, I suppose. And people like Hinata."
"Hinata?" He furrows his brow in thought. Right. Idiot. Didn't realize he was being crushed on.
Hinata is a remarkable girl, to be sure.
"Forget it. You'll remember what she looks like the next time you see her." An idea comes to mind, and I decide to act on it quickly. He deserves something, even if he didn't succeed today. "Here. Come with me."
"Wha? We're going to meet her?"
"No. My family is going to have dinner to celebrate my graduation. What do you like to eat?" I ask.
"Yup! I have it every day, almost!"
"Hm." A strange diet like that might explain some things. In any case, I take him by the arm and towards our little cabal. "Here."
"Ooh! Are these all your sisters?" he asks.
"Who's this? A friend of yours?" Emi asks curiously. "Have you captured a man already?"
"No. I'm not into blockheads," I say flatly.
"Too bad. Blue eyes are an attractive feature, even if he does look like a ragamuffin."
"This is Naruto Uzumaki," I explain. "He's a three-time failure with this year's pitiful performance at the exams. He's also a pervert with an interest in cross-dressing, so I thought that being in the presence of beautiful women would lift his spirits."
"Aw, come on!"
"So this is the Naruto you've been speaking of," Luna says. She looks him over curiously. "Certainly interesting. What of his parents, will they be okay with the excursion?"
"He's an orphan."
Midori looks at him for a moment before realization comes over her. It seems she's figured something out, but I will wait for her to reveal it if necessary. "I see. Naruto's certainly a pleasure meeting you."
"S-same here," he says while blushing. It's obvious where his gaze is falling, but Midori doesn't mind.
"He really likes ramen," I say. "Stepmother, may we make a change to our plans?"
"If you so choose. This is your day, Lilith."
"Thank you. Naruto, when you're finished your ogling, show us to your preferred establishment," I instruct.
"I'm not-eh? Es...tablishment?"
"The place where you like to eat," Midori explains.
"Oh, that makes sense! Okay, follow me! I know a great spot!"
This place is called Ichiraku Ramen. It's a modestly sized stand. Three well-dressed adult women stand out here.
The prices are relatively cheap, so it's fine to go at a good pace...or even the ridiculous pace that Naruto sets, which the shop owner doesn't even blink at. He cleans out bowls at a steady clip. Well, it's fine. The family's pockets are more than deep enough.
But this ramen really is exquisite. I will have to visit more often. The old man who owns and runs this place knows Naruto by name. His name is Teuchi, and his cute daughter Ayame helps him run the business.
"Goodness, I can't believe I missed this place in my visits," Midori says happily. "I have to make sure to go off the beaten paths more often."
Emi says nothing and eats silently. She seems to be enjoying herself as well. Her gratitude is shown by cleaning out two bowls of pork ramen, and leaving a very generous tip. Midori does the same after four bowls, and Luna thanks the owner on our behalf.
"Oh, so you're a genin now?" Teuchi asks me.
"Yes. I'll stop by again soon, with my own money."
"Haha! Looking forward to it. Not every day you get to serve a genius kunoichi! Oi, Naruto. You should follow her example."
"Yeah, yeah..."
"He's a good kid at heart, but full of mischief and way too dim," Teuchi says as he cooks. "If he's going to become Hokage, I doubt it'll be in my lifetime."
"Go ahead and pile it on, why don't you!"
"I'm not telling any lies," Teuchi counters. "You gotta get your act together, kid. Maybe not today, but someday soon. Sometimes dreams don't wait forever, you know."
Teuchi is right. Naruto seems to get annoyed with the criticism, but even he knows it's true...Teuchi and Ayame seem to be part of the few people that bother to interact with Naruto at all. From what I've seen and heard, there's some sort of secret going around about Naruto that makes the adults hate him and the children keep their distance, when they're not bullying him.
It almost certainly has something to do with the mysterious power that I saw. Perhaps they think that he's some sort of demon or evil spirit? Hm. I would ask, but apparently it's not a subject to be breached by any means.
We finish at Ichiraku's and leave after a round of goodbyes - Teuchi insisted the tips were too much; Emi and Midori would hear none of it, with Luna mediating. Ayame handled the money and everyone parted amicably.
I walk side by side with Naruto, ahead of my stepmother, Midori, and Luna. They're having a lively conversation, and the parts of it I catch suggest that it's something very lewd. Best to keep away for now.
"So...your family isn't blood-related, then."
I turn my head to Naruto as he speaks. "Yes, that's right. We're not."
"But it's funny, you know? Your big sis Midori really loves you, and your stepmom Emi is super proud of you and looks really smug and stuff, and even Luna's way more like another big sister than a maid."
"Family is far more than blood," I say to him.
"Yeah, you're right. Maybe one day..."
"You'll have to work hard to open people's hearts." I say that with him having gotten to me in the space of thirty minutes, but I feel as if I'm more open to change than most.
"..." He looks to the sky in thought. It's evening by now, and the clouds roam the skies above the Leaf. "Hey, Lili?"
"Thanks. I...really had fun today."
I stop and give him a hug.
"It's fine. Just...stay out of trouble from now on. Work hard on your studies." I have a feeling most of these words will fall on deaf ears, but it's worth a shot.
He ends up giving me one of his silly grins. "Yeah, definitely. Hey, once I start going on missions and stuff...we can go on a date or something, yeah?"
"Hm. Probably not. It wouldn't work out."
He blinks. "Eh?"
"I'll explain it one day. I promise."
"Alright, alright. Uh, anyways...I'll see you around, then. Thanks again." Naruto heads for home as everyone else catches up to me.
"You two would make a cute couple, I think," Emi says.
I see Luna and Midori give each other a knowing look.
"Mistress Emi," Luna says carefully, "I don't...think it would work out the way you would like, unfortunately."
"Hm." Emi shrugs lightly. "Maybe so. Shame, that."
I make myself promise to tell her the truth. One day soon.