Which Lili is your favourite?

  • Angry Lili

    Votes: 14 8.6%
  • Bully Lili

    Votes: 26 16.0%
  • Benevolent Lili

    Votes: 29 17.9%
  • Commander Lili

    Votes: 24 14.8%
  • Big Sis Lili

    Votes: 50 30.9%
  • Shy Lili

    Votes: 18 11.1%
  • Smug Lili

    Votes: 60 37.0%
  • Sadist Lili

    Votes: 30 18.5%
  • Professional Lili

    Votes: 26 16.0%
  • Villainess Lili

    Votes: 37 22.8%
  • Suave Lili

    Votes: 30 18.5%

  • Total voters
I get the complaint, honestly. He was low but not dangerously low, and I would say there's been enough distance between Sasuke at 5 and Sasuke at 11-12 to make a difference in activation, if only briefly. That's the baseline I'm working with basically.

There's stuff the next section will get into so I probably shouldn't spoil it. But I can hear complaints after that part too.
The shift to 3rd person limited is meant to try and capture the full range of battle including the more dramatic moments and effects (since I want to really get that sort of anime feel down), but honestly I think I can do at least some of the same in the original POV. I'll do a rewrite of the fight in the regular format, maybe during the week, and post it as a side chapter so you guys can see how it looks.

Yeah makes sense. That's one of the risks of stepping away from the familiar perspective to widen the scope of things. I was debating whether or not to use that viewpoint and while I think I can tweak it, I might keep things closer for the n

One thing I would say to keep in mind it's pretty hard to capture the feel of one medium in another due to the differences between them. In anime the music voice acting and how the characters look show the emotions of a good fight while for a fanfic its all about how the actions are described. somethings I can think of is thrown in some onomatopoeias, have some descriptions of how someone's face looks as they go all out, and having a line about the impact that a character feels as they hit something, like for example how Lili fist feels as she hits Sasuke's fist.

And writing a good fight scene is the hardest part of a written story since you are limited in comparison to visual media.

So 3rd person fight scenes can work for the story and you have a solid base, just need a few details to make it shine.

And I just realized that you have made me write in crit than any other fic.
So 3rd person fight scenes can work for the story and you have a solid base, just need a few details to make it shine.
3rd person omniscient is my wheelhouse for writing fights. I was trying to compromise with limited viewpoint, because the main story is 1st person and I didn't want to stray too far from the feeling of being in Lili's head as she moved around. It's definitely an issue coming from both lack of detail and experience, so this will help with fixing it in the future.

I was also worrying that I didn't want to sort of "cheat" readers out of the spectacle that comes with the fights, something I can convey more confidently in 2nd or 3rd person then I assumed I could in 1st. So while I didn't fully intend to have this be a workshop for fight scenes, I like that I'm getting feedback on it. There are two clear solutions, and I'll explore one of them soon as I said before coming to a decision. I really do appreciate the critique so far, it's giving me ideas with everything else.
dont the acadamy kids take years to learn about chakra, as well as how to move it around? how tf did she just put her chakra into that paper when she has no idea what chakra is or how to move it?

'just concentrate really hard'? thats like... really dumb, or maybe the word im looking for is lazy? hate to crit the story, but i cant really enjoy it if massive holes like that are gonna be in it. also please dont tell me she could do it cuz 'she's the chosen one' or whatever, that would be so deus-ex machina.

i think ill fav the story and come back in a few months.

all this is just my opinion btw, so dont take it too seriously, still an interesting concept. good luck XD
all this is just my opinion btw, so dont take it too seriously, still an interesting concept. good luck XD
Sure? When you come back I guess I hope that you like what you see.

As far as your complaints go, I'm operating on the basis of everyone having chakra, and only a few able to use it properly - so shinobi. There's some play with the original concepts, like the whole red-head Western child deal. Lili was taught the basics by Emi who had also done it in her youth, she just didn't have much experience with it before the hardcore crash course with Midori (she knows what shinobi are, see her reaction early on "aren't those assassins?"). So I don't see how just flowing your chi, however small, into that super sensitive paper is unbelievable here tbh.

As for being the chosen one, well I can promise you she won't be one of "those". However she will grab hold of other titles that you might not like either.

Hope that satisfies you for now.
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Lost Courage
This was originally a rewrite of a story chapter, labelled episode 9 "Lost Courage". Within it there was a fight scene that broke away from the established 1st person POV and moved into 3rd person limited POV. After getting a lot of good feedback, and before getting to the next part of the story, I decided to rewrite the middle section in 1st person just like everything else to see how it would go. I think it looks and feels a bit better, but I'll appreciate any commentary from readers. Hope you enjoy.

e: as of 6/18 I've decided to move this into the regular rotation and put the first version into the sidestory category. All of these notes will stay where they are for historical purposes, and the chapter will be renamed appropriately.
cw: physical assault and trauma.
While fighting and violence are part of this world, simply hurting people is a different matter. This chapter will have such moments, and a character trying to make sense of things after being victimized.
Please enjoy the read.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 9.5
"Lost Courage: Lili's World"

"Alright. Participants, get ready for battle."

I walk towards Iruka and Sasuke follows suit. The rules here are simple enough: taijutsu, basic Academy techniques, and modified shinobi tools only. In these conditions we shouldn't have to worry much about lethal injury. The fight ends with surrender, knockout, or at the discretion of the referee.

I make the seal of confrontation and Sasuke follows suit. There's a pulse coming from him...he seems to have dark designs for the match.

"We'll see if you're worth anything after all," he says.

"..." Rude, isn't he. Perhaps I need to fix that.

The crowd, gathered well back of the designated fighting circle, seems to be in Sasuke's corner. I know that I have at least one supporter in Hinata, and that's more than good enough for now. It's too bad I can't see her in the mass of people...

"Ready!" Iruka calls out.

I continue holding the seal until the appropriate time.


I block as Sasuke throws the first punch, feeling its weight as it sends me sliding backwards. He moves and follows with a kick that I swiftly dodge before re-positioning myself.

Alright. I can see a few things going on.

Sasuke is strong, and quick. He outclasses me overall in taijutsu. Simple assessments.

He could really be trouble if I'm not careful. I have to focus and search for a proper approach. I know that I'm faster, and will likely have much more stamina. These can be used to my advantage immediately.

I take a quick step backwards and avoid Sasuke's next punch, then start running towards the edge of the ring before stepping to my left as he attacks again. Reaching into the pouch on my side, I whip out shuriken and pepper the ground in front of Sasuke to make him slow down.

He pauses for a moment before pushing chakra into high speed movement, crossing the gap between us. He really does have some impressive speed, doesn't he. I admire it for a moment before leaning away from another hard punch, and note him winding up for a roundhouse kick. Not good, but manageable. Time to use one of my strengths.

I quickly split my legs and drop to the ground, letting the attack sail over my head before I pop back up and cartwheel away to a safe position.

I take a moment to catch my breath. Sasuke quickly recovers from his attack and throws a kunai at me; it slams into my chest and makes 'me' wince before I turn into a small log in a puff of smoke. My time is now, then. I accelerate through the small cloud and hit Sasuke in the face with a right hook, making him stumble. I follow up with two rapid knees to the gut and finish with a somersault kick, sending him to the ground on his back.

It seems like I'm holding my own this time, which is more than I could have hoped for. I make sure to ready another kunai as I land, and take my stance again. Sasuke looks at me with frustration and contempt before drawing his own kunai and charging.

His strikes are strong, as expected...I do my best to dodge and parry whatever I can as our weapons continue to clash loudly. A strong swing makes me stumble as I block, and he follows up with an open palm to my chest. It hurts, but I need to focus...I speed to my left to avoid his wild slash, getting behind him, then speed up again to drive an elbow into his back, making him grunt in pain.

It's another relatively weak attack, but I can settle for breaking his combat rhythm. My combat speed has helped a lot, since I'm really not that strong yet...hopefully that will change one day soon. I settle back into position, waiting for the next movement.

Sasuke weaves handseals and makes a clone of himself, which arms itself with an extra kunai at the same time he does before charging.

I grumble to myself. With actual ninjutsu on hand, this wouldn't be an issue...for now, I will have to guess a bit. One of them is fake with fake weapons, but none have been thrown. He's probably betting on a substitution. If he does get too close before I can react, I will be at his mercy when it comes to taijutsu yet again. Pick the right direction to move, and I can go right through the clone...but that is also a big risk.

I keep my focus, looking for clues as he moves. He's not at full speed just yet.

The shadows.

Right. Sasuke's is clearly defined as he moves, coming in from the right. And on the left, his clone is winding up and ready to throw his weapons.

The safe move is to attack both with ninja tools. That way, it will at the least make him block and force a reset for both of us.


Forget all of that. I'm going to make the hard read instead.

I draw more kunai and shoot ahead, then brake briefly before shooting towards the Sasuke on my left...and stopping on a dime, much to the real Sasuke's shock. Looks like he underestimated my body control. The clone passes through me harmlessly as I whirl around, gathering momentum, and unload a set of kunai into Sasuke's chest. The impact makes him float in the air briefly before he hits the ground painfully.

"Aaaaagh!" He scrambles to his feet, visibly hurt. "You...!"


I watch as he drops his weapons and makes a single seal, huffing and puffing. "I'll put an end to this."


I can feel his chakra building at a distance. Before I can fully process what's happening, he disappeared from my sight completely. This is...I catch a blur at the very last moment and raise my arm to block the incoming strike, a heavy kick that throws me to the ground on my side. My eyes widen and I roll out of the way as Sasuke's foot comes down where my head once was, and stand up to see that he has disappeared again.

Where is he...?

Suddenly I can feel his elbow go into my back, and I can't help but cry out in pain. A moment later, he attacks from the front and drives a fist into my stomach, making me reel. He follows with a kick to the face that I escape with a substitution art, leaving a small log behind.

I catch my breath some distance away, wincing as my body tries to absorb the pain. He's going all out. Definitely. I know that if he sustains that pace for too long, I'm done for...yes, he's burning energy very quickly, but it won't matter if my teeth are all the way down my throat. He's seriously trying to hurt me. I skip back a few more steps and see him disappear again.

Alright. There is one thing to do, and only one thing.

This is no time to be scared. No, it's time to take the fight right to him.

I focus and feel the energy rush through my body. Sasuke appears in front of me.

I can easily see him coming.

He throws a punch and I step past it, elbowing him in the chest and making him fly backwards before he hits the ground. Good. I've closed the power and speed gap for the time being, and I will surely take advantage.

I take a breath in and accelerate, feeling the wind whip past my ears as I duck another punch. I gain position, then chain punches to Sasuke's body, sending him stumbling backwards and off-balance as he gasps for air. I spin on my heel and launch a kick that hits him squarely in the side. It looks like his chakra boost has worn off. I won't dare stop at this point.

He's open and I drive forward again, punching him in the side of the mouth, feeling my knuckles sting as they slam into his cheek bone. I move across with another punch and end up hitting a log, but Sasuke isn't far away as his movements start to slow. I rush forward before the log can hit the ground, charging him and sliding to avoid his swinging fist. At the last moment I pop upwards to deliver an uppercut, sending Sasuke through the air. He soon hits the ground, rolling backwards before getting to his feet.

I feel my temporarry burst wear off, and the shock makes me gasp for air. I look over at Sasuke, who has bruises and dirt all over his body. He spits into the dirt and forces himself into a stance, intending to move forward against his body's wishes.

I know that I'm nearly there. The soreness is catching up with me, so this is nothing but a good thing.

The next move...what's the right move for this stage of the fight? I ready myself for more high speed movement.

Sasuke approaches, but...as he moves, I know something is wrong. He throws punches that come out more and more slowly, and instead of attacking, I decide to take my time to dodge everything. Sasuke chases me slowly around the ring, his exhaustion making him heavier and heavier with each moment. I let him do as he pleases.

He whiffs a punch and stumbles to the ground, slow to move. I reasoned that it has to be inexperience...he had probably never gone that low on chakra before in a fight, or at any point. It's affecting his overall coordination...


There is no sense in humiliating him, or dragging things out further.

I walked over to him and place a knee on his back before he can truly get up. One hand goes onto the back of his head, and the other holds a kunai gently against his neck.

"That's it," Iruka calls out.

I nod to acknowledge him and holster my weapon as I move away, taking some time on my knees to catch my breath. A few parts of my body are definitely sore...but this has been a welcome experience. I know where I am and where I stand. A good match.

This is the time for proper sportsmanship. Iruka checks Sasuke for serious injury as he brings him to his feet. Sasuke insists he's okay, even as he glares at me. I make no move to provoke him any further; aside from his fragile ego, it wouldn't be fair to do it at this time. My victory is more than enough. For the first time, I'm aware of the crowd as they move in closer after the match's conclusion. Hinata shakily makes her way to the front and gives me a wave. I smile and wave back to her. I hope I made her happy with that performance, and that I've inspired her a bit.

There are many mutterings of disbelief, and distressed commentary after Sasuke's loss - more than my win, of course. Many are unhappy. I really don't care.

I get to my feet and face Sasuke, presenting my hand for the Academy tradition. The Seal of Reconciliation was meant to remind everyone that even after an intense fight, these were still your comrades. People you should care about, and respect, if only a little. That sounds like a good thing to adhere to.

Iruka is looking after other children as Sasuke looks down at my hand for a moment. I try to reassure him with a gentle smile, keeping my mouth closed as Emi taught me. He doesn't return my gesture, but raises his hand.

My guard is slack enough that I don't realize what's happening.

His hand is above mine.

I stare into his eyes, and can see nothing but the colour of blood. I freeze. I can see what's happening but I can't stop it. I can't talk. I can't scream.

His hand is high above mine.

I am on my knees.

The air disappears.

It's so dark.

It's so-


"I don't like people."

I remember this memory. I said it to my stepmother one day, in the midst of those training days.

She took a long drag of her cigarette, placed on the end of a stick, as she lounged on her couch. Rings of smoke came from her lips, and she gave me a smile...one that was filled with sadness and understanding.

"Oh, honey. Who the hell does?"


An eternity passes.


A second split into unholy pieces.

My eyes fly open. My chest heaves painfully as I gasp for air. My hands fly to my throat and clutch it as tears come to my eyes. I can't stop coughing even as I try to breathe.

I am in pain.

I am utterly, indescribably, furious.

I am upset.

I am so terribly hurt.


A hand...Hinata's hand. I can feel it on top of mine. I clutch at it as if my life depends on it, and she lets me. I slowly calm down and breathing becomes less stressful.

So many voices...but there's one that cuts through the void and into me.

"You think you can look down on me?! On everyone here?! Just because you're fucking rich, from the middle of nowhere! I don't need your pity! DON'T LOOK DOWN ON ME! DON'T YOU FUCKING TREAT ME LIKE GARBAGE-!"

I can hear struggling and Iruka's voice ringing out sternly.

It's quiet a while. Hinata rubs my back as I keep trying to get more air. Iruka comes back and kneels before me.

"Lilith...tell me what hurts. I need to hear that you're okay," he says.

"..." I force myself upwards, shaking, and move Hinata's hand away.

"Lili...? Are you-"

"Stop. Leave me alone," I say firmly. I can feel the tender flesh on my neck as I touch it. I can feel the chill that ripples down my spine as I remember.

"Lilith, we need to get you-"

"Leave me," I repeat. "I'm going home."

"No." Iruka stands in front of me. "You have to go to the infirmary. Lilith, I am not making a request. Sasuke will be disciplined for this as soon as we figure out what happened, but you have to get yourself checked out." He turns to the crowd. "As for the rest of you, the fight's over. Leave, find something else to do."

The crowd slowly disperses.

Hinata keeps trying to get close to me, and I shake her away. I don't want her. I don't want anyone.

"Stop. Stop it, Hinata."

She clings to my back, shaking. I stop resisting and let her stay.

"I'll go with you," she whispers. "I want you to be okay...please..."

"Please look after her, Hinata. I have to take care of Sasuke first, because of what I think I saw...I'll meet you two over there."

Hinata moves me towards the infirmary as I stare at the ground. A nurse comes to check on me after talking with Iruka. I can't remember what happened.

I'm just so tired.


Luna comes to see me.

"Miss Lilith."

Her voice calls me out of my haze. I turn my head on my pillow to look at her. I have no will left to speak.

"I understand." She sits on the bed next to me, and takes my hand in hers. It's warm. Soft.

I'm eternally thankful for her.


It's night. Everyone is asleep, and so is Luna. She did her best. She tried her hardest.

I love her. So much.

But even that can't stop the tears from flowing.

In this bed. Lost. Hurt. Alone. I tried so hard. I did my best. And even then, I...


I can't do anything but cry. In a time and place where nobody will ever hear me.

Someone...tell me. Where do I go from here?
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I like it, it feels more connected with the rest of the story and I can clearly visualize the actions being taken so you've done a good job at switching it to 1st person.

So I think you could in later chapters have the fights either be 3rd person limited or 1st person and have them be fun, and very animey but I do think the 1st person works a bit better since it's less jarring than switching POV in the middle of a chapter.
I like it, it feels more connected with the rest of the story and I can clearly visualize the actions being taken so you've done a good job at switching it to 1st person.

So I think you could in later chapters have the fights either be 3rd person limited or 1st person and have them be fun, and very animey but I do think the 1st person works a bit better since it's less jarring than switching POV in the middle of a chapter.
Yeah after taking the time to hash it out I agree with you. Way easier to preserve the feel of the story and I can get more of the atmosphere I want if I make more adjustments. Feeling a lot better about the rest of the story from here.
Huh, this is interesting. The protagonist feels subdued in how she emotes to things, but that also seems to be a personal trait, as we can definitely see she does enjoy things - the casual chips question, then happy single line comments about chips from then on, come to mind. I'm mighty curious as to why the sparring match seems to have triggered Sasuke's Sharingan, however, and why he seems to think she was looking down on him.

Guess the 'ice queen' reputation didn't do her any favours?
Huh, this is interesting. The protagonist feels subdued in how she emotes to things, but that also seems to be a personal trait, as we can definitely see she does enjoy things - the casual chips question, then happy single line comments about chips from then on, come to mind. I'm mighty curious as to why the sparring match seems to have triggered Sasuke's Sharingan, however, and why he seems to think she was looking down on him.

Guess the 'ice queen' reputation didn't do her any favours?
Glad you picked up on that. I try to indicate little influences of upbringing, status, etc with the way characters think and react to things. Our protagonist has been influenced by quite a few things and she's found ways to cope; now that the world is changing she starts to change with it a bit.

As for her reputation, it's kept some of the bullying down for a while but her social standing is still sort of low for now.

The Sasuke situation will be addressed pretty soon, my whole thing is that my answer might not be palatable to everyone even if it's a reasonable explanation. Which happens, I guess.
Semper Fidelis
this is the part where I get yelled at probably

Scarlet Justice - ep. 10
"Semper Fidelis"

The morning comes. I end up examined by the same nurse as before, and she sends me home with Luna. I have no appetite and head into my room as soon as I can, sitting on my bed with my knees pulled up to my chest.

I sit. And do nothing else.

Sometimes I shudder and shake, sometimes I cry quietly. The memories move and sway inside of my head. I feel cold and numb. Luna comes in to check on me, and I simply shake my head whenever she asks a question. She leaves me alone each time.

"Miss Lilith. I brought you something."

Luna quietly leaves a glass on the table beside my bed, then exits my room. It's already night, and I have spent a long time reliving that recent nightmare. My stomach growls and I leave my position for the first time to drink the mixture Luna has left for me. I can't taste much of anything, but it feels nutritious. The glass is drained and I set it back down before lying down in my bed.

I sleep.


"Master Umino said that it's perfectly fine if you take the week off, and beyond that."

I make my way to breakfast this morning. Two more days have passed. Luna's cooking tastes like cardboard, and it makes my heart sink. She puts her love into everything, I know that for sure.

Iruka cares. I also know that. And I remember what I saw...Sasuke's eyes changing to red as he had his hands around my neck, choking off my air. It was a brief moment, enough to make my body lock up.


But I also saw...fear. And intense anger. As if he had lost something important. Did I shatter his ego that badly, or was it something beyond my understanding? The Uchiha are a clan on the brink of extinction. Only two are said to remain: Sasuke, and the man who betrayed him and the rest of his clan. Itachi Uchiha.

Sasuke's older brother in blood.

I don't know if I want to go back. I'm not sure I'm ready to face those people, or see the place where I was nearly brought to ruin. It's difficult.

"I'll go to class," I say quietly.

"Miss Lilith...you don't have to..."

"I...want to. Please. Even if it's just to find my way again," I say. "I...can't do much else."

"Consider staying another day, at least," Luna pleads gently.

I shake my head. "I'll only sink further. It's for the best."

"I understand. I'll...prepare your clothing, then." She reluctantly takes away my plate of half-eaten food, and I excuse myself from the table to take a shower. After getting dressed, I gather my things and pull on my sandals slowly.

"Shall I come with you?" Luna asks. I shake my head again, and she nods. "Please take care, then...I am at your service forever, Miss Lilith. Please don't hesitate...even if it means..."

"I know, Luna." I hug her with the strength I have left. "Thank you..."

I depart.


As soon as I reach the front of the Academy, Iruka is there. He gently takes me through the halls and to a quiet classroom, away from the other students. There are already books and scrolls on top of the teacher's desk.

"Go ahead and sit. Anything you want to eat?" he asks.


"Alright. Did you want some milk as usual?"

"If it's...not a hassle."

"Far from it. The lesson plan today starts from the ninjutsu books. You remember the pages?"

"Yes, sir."

He smiles kindly "Good. I'll be back in a bit."

I open the book and start reading.

The silence is soothing and peaceful.


I return home after a short day, and Luna is out running errands. It's still hard to eat, so I shovel down a sleeve of crackers and plain tea before taking a shower. I drop onto my bed and stare at the ceiling for a long while.

The match keeps running through my head. I don't know what I did wrong. I don't understand much of anything right now, and this slow haze that hangs over me is becoming...irritating. I can feel something starting to solidify, but I don't know if it's good or bad at this point. I just know that I don't want to wallow in self-pity for the rest of my life.

"Miss Lilith?"

"Luna...please, come in."

She opens the door and bows. "I'm sorry that I wasn't home when you arrived, I was attending to an urgent matter."

"Of course...it's not a problem, Luna."

"It...was regarding you. I finished speaking with Master Iruka, and he said that before he would let you back into the regular flow of classes, he wanted to speak to us both about what happened with Sasuke. It's in part because I'm your official guardian on all the documents, but he also has a strong desire to keep me in the loop with all of these things."

"I see..."

"The meeting will be scheduled at your pleasure, Miss Lilith."

"..." I might need more time. But I want to get this done and over with. I want to move on. "Tomorrow. What do we need to do in terms of arrangements?" I ask.

"We will simply show up in the morning. He has a room ready for us, as he told me."

I nod. "Then...that is what we will do. We will see him tomorrow, and talk about exactly what happened..."

"Understood. I will prepare myself accordingly. Would you like me to mix another drink for your supper, Miss Lilith?"

"Yes. I don't...feel up to eating a proper meal yet. And I don't want to waste more of your cooking."

"You shouldn't worry about things like that."

"Hm." I allow myself the first smile in what feels like a long while. "Perhaps. But I'm within my rights to worry about my Luna."

"...you are, yes." She smiles back at me. "Then I will carry out your instructions, Miss Lilith. Please excuse me while I prepare."


Luna bows and closes the door to my room. After a long while, I get up from my bed and go towards my bookshelf. Along with the light novels and manga, there are academic books that I saw and took an interest in. Some history on the Leaf...


Something I can make use of, perhaps.


Another morning. I still am excused from classes, but from what I have been told, I have not been missing very much in terms of content. Sparring sessions still go on, and people are talking about Kiba on the boys' side and Ino on the girls' side. I'm not terribly shocked by Ino's mention - she has great perception and physical flexibility, much like I do. Our differences come from overall athleticism and talent, which I have over her. That's a bit more justification for her snobbish attitude, I suppose.

Luna has gone with a more formal look for our meeting, wearing a neat jacket over a long, dark dress as she escorts me to the Academy. Iruka is out front waiting for us, and waves as we approach.

"I have a room set up, like I said. It's good to see you again, Miss Daidouji."

She smiles and curtsies for him. "Thank you, Master Iruka."

"Lilith, I'm glad to see you most of all. How are you feeling?" he asks.

"Better than before," I tell him honestly.

"I see. I really want you to take it easy, but it looks like you've insisted on doing this...so I won't stop you. Please, this way."

Iruka takes us down the halls and towards one of the fancier offices, which I can tell isn't his. We sit in the luxurious leather chairs, and he leans back against the polished wood desk. It has several drinks on it already and some snacks, in case we get parched or hungry in the time we're here. He's far too much sometimes.

"The reason I wanted you both here is because of the sensitive nature of the information that I'm going to provide. There's a lot that I probably shouldn't be talking about, especially to people still considered outsiders to the village. But...I'm not going to let something like that stop me. Even if it means my career, I'm going to do the right thing."

"You really shouldn't speak like that, Master Iruka. If I might speak out of turn, you do have a sort of boyish recklessness about you," Luna says.

Iruka laughs heartily. "You're right about that. I was a troublemaker in my youth, a big one, too. Just like someone else we know, right Lilith?"

So that's what it is. He sees himself in Naruto, and so...well, it explains a lot. "You really think he can change, then."

"I know he can. That's why I put up with him all day...he's really a good kid, just a little lost sometimes. A person to help him on the right path, even if it is a little bit...well, I know that can make all the difference in the world. For me, it was the Third Hokage. He cheered me up a lot, and I thought that I wanted to be like him one day. That's how I got into teaching, you know?"

"That's a remarkable thing," I say. "You're right, simply showing someone that they're cared about and valued...it can change their lives. I know the feeling very well." I would be in a completely different place if not for Midori loving and recognizing me. That was what set off everything else. The discovery of these talents, my stepmother's acceptance, and making my first friend in this world. Everything started from that moment, that pure expression of love in a garden of flowers.

"I can tell," Iruka says with a smile. He coughs into his hand and I can see his expression change a bit. "Well...to business, as they say. The results of your examinations show that there was an aberration in your chakra consistent with the effects of being hit with a genjutsu. Physically, you've recovered fine from the attempt at strangulation. All of that combined with the other things I saw told me that it was a Sharingan genjutsu, and that Sasuke took advantage of that to hurt you."

"Sasuke is the last of his clan, if I've been hearing correctly," Luna says.

"That's right. And based on that...there's a hypothesis that I've constructed. Sasuke hasn't been talking much about what happened on his end, and as much as I would like to give him a proper punishment, there are a lot of outside forces that make it difficult to apply more than a slap on the wrist. Even then, there's a lot to consider with the Sharingan."

"Sensei...what is the hypothesis you've constructed?" I ask.

"This is where the sensitive information comes in," Iruka says. "Sasuke was purposely left alive by his older brother Itachi after the massacre of the entire Uchiha Clan. Even the children were killed. Part of Sasuke's motivation to continue being a shinobi, ever since that day seven years ago, was to track down and kill Itachi in order to avenge his fallen clan. While we can make as many suggestions as we like and bring down our authority, in truth we can't actually stop Sasuke from choosing to pursue his brother at any time if he makes the declaration. We would be bound to provide him as many resources as he needed, and then he could be on his way. That's clearly counterproductive, and Sasuke has made no such demands since he knows where he stands. This...creates the issue that boiled over with Lilith."


"Sasuke was the class number one, by leaps and bounds. He was respected and admired by everyone, he was held up as a shining example of an academy student. But then you arrived, Lilith. You weren't much of a threat before. You were very much a 'nobody'. But you worked hard, leveraged your talents, and started to climb the ranks. Instead of trying to gain favour with the other students like Naruto with pranks and antics, or bowing to pressure like Hinata used to, or simply going with the flow like Sakura perhaps, you stood up for yourself. You walked alone, confidently. Showed off impressive strength and technical ability, did great in academics and athletics. And you did all of that without associating with anyone. Yes, it doesn't make sense - they were the ones who shunned you in the first place. But to him, and to many of these children, you are the picture of arrogance. A foreign, rich girl who bought her way into the shinobi world and was looking down on everyone from her perch."

"I see..."

"But that might have been it, if not for the fight," Iruka says with a sigh. He rubs his temples with one hand, a distressed look on his face. "Sasuke wanted to challenge you and put you in your place. You were just a small girl with no actual combat experience. He thought he would crush you. He thought he would take you down as many pegs as needed, and that you would learn your lesson. That didn't happen. You outclassed him. And though you did everything you could to be a good sport, to show him respect, to follow the social contracts laid out before us...he still saw you sneering at him. Being so thoroughly outclassed, and more than that, surpassed in such a short time...it must have made him frightened beyond belief."

"Frightened?" Luna asks. "Whatever for? What has Miss Lilith done?"

"No, no...I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. The fear comes from the gap between them...between him and Itachi."

"He was frightened that all of his work was going to come to nothing. That he would never become good enough to complete his mission," I conclude.

"Yes. All of that pain and frustration and fear must have mixed together...it must have overwhelmed him even as he tried to control it. And that sort of grief..."

"...unlocks the powers of the Sharingan," I say.

"We tried to get him to do it manually, but he can't. It must have been a temporary burst, which is a thing that happened with Uchiha. Sometimes their Sharingan would activate in dire times, before shutting off until they experienced enough to have it stay on permanently. I...really don't know what his actual feelings were. I don't know what he could have been thinking, or if he was hallucinating, something like that. With all of the grief and chakra running through his system, it could have put him into some sort of psychosis and he would have been attacking a nightmarish enemy. I don't want to sound like I'm making any excuses for what he did - Sharingan or not, it was unacceptable. But it's been largely out of my hands...he's said to be fit for the rest of his classes, and I have to accept that much if it's what the higher ups will tell me after all the examinations. I can't..." Iruka rubs at his hair in frustration. "I can't promise that he'll be perfect. Or that things similar to this won't happen again. I turned my back for a moment..."

"Don't blame yourself," I say. "Please."

"I feel responsible even if you say that. I was supervising you, I was supposed to keep you safe."

"You are. Right now, you are."

He looks at me with sadness in his eyes. "Lilith. I..."

"It's not your fault. And I won't let this stop me from moving toward a better future. Sensei...you risked a lot to try and soothe my soul. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart."

"I echo Miss Lilith's sentiments. Master Iruka, you have done us a wonderful service, one that most educators would shy away from," Luna says.

"You will be paid back a thousandfold for your faith," I say. "I promise you."


"I promise you," I say firmly, staring into his eyes. "And I will not turn back on my word. That is what it means to be a Kobayashi woman."

"...understood." He relents, giving me a relaxed smile. "No sense in fighting someone so stubborn, anyways."

"She is a handful at times, yes."

"Oh?" I say with a brow raised. "Is that so, Luna?"

She has a smug look on her face. "Without a doubt. But you wouldn't be Miss Lilith otherwise. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Hmph." I close my eyes and smile. "Well said."

We work out what will happen next, and it's decided that I will take more time off until next week. Classes will be going at the same speed, and I will easily be able to catch up to anything that I missed. Iruka is forcing Sasuke to work on an apology; it's slow going but should be ready by the time I return. He will tell Hinata that I am doing well, and inform the rest of the instructors of my status.

The Third Hokage is also aware of the incident, but as usual, there is all kinds of politics that ties his hands in these matters. I see no reason either way to hold him in contempt...Sasuke is an important figure within the Hidden Leaf. My feelings don't change any of that.

Luna and I bid Iruka farewell, properly, with warm hugs for him. He still fusses over how it might look if he was seen 'inappropriately' touching a student, which is the same as ever with him. I hug him tightly anyways to show my appreciation.

We head home, and though I feel a bit better, food still doesn't taste the best. I settle for one of Luna's blended drinks and go to work on my studies a while. Luna and I watch an old movie on television together at the end of the night.

"Your eyes have changed, Miss Lilith."

"Have they..."

Luna turns off the television as the movie ends. "Yes. I saw the strength in them when you made that promise to Master Iruka."

"It took a while. Dark nights, ones filled with tears and suffering. But I have found myself." I turn myself to face her on the couch. "I have come through too much, and I have come too far to give up. I don't want to waste the faith that my stepmother has in me. I don't want to waste the love that Midori poured into me without fail. And I don't want to waste your sacrifices for me, Luna. I cannot let any of that disappear into nothingness."

I hold my hand up to the light, and slowly close it into a fist.

"I am strong. I will endure."

"Yes. I believe in you," Luna says. "I will always believe in you."

"That is all I will ever need from you, Luna. Thank you."

"Forever and always, Miss Lilith." She hugs me tightly, and I hug her back.

No matter what happens, I will not run away. I have already overcome this darkness.

Now, I will overcome the world.
why would we yell at you? even though i think most of us wish that what Sasuke did had harsh consequences, your reason as to why that didn't happen makes sense.
As soon as I reach the front of the Academy, Iruka is there. He gently takes me through the halls and to a quiet classroom, away from the other students. There are already books and scrolls on top of the teacher's desk.
Iruka's awesome, here. Very supportive of his students, going above and beyond what most teachers would do. Interesting that Sasuke can't toggle his Sharingan on or off yet, despite activating it, though.
Interesting that Sasuke can't toggle his Sharingan on or off yet, despite activating it, though.
So my baseline here is simply the event in canon where it's revealed that Sasuke had his Sharingan blink on when he was 5, and then it went to sleep again. I reason that enough stress can force a Sharingan on for a moment, but not enough that it will stay on - it has to be an event where strong emotions are sustained. No need to complicate it beyond that, I think.
Iruka's awesome, here. Very supportive of his students, going above and beyond what most teachers would do. Interesting that Sasuke can't toggle his Sharingan on or off yet, despite activating it, though.

Yeah Iruka was probably the best teacher shown in part 1.

And I expect Iruka will get either a mysteriously large donation of money, or an eager assistant teacher one day.
Even if he does not get any real punishment, I assume this incident will get marked down in his file for all future teachers/superiors to see, because "tried to choke a comrade/fellow student after losing a spar" throws up all kind of red flags.
Even if he does not get any real punishment, I assume this incident will get marked down in his file for all future teachers/superiors to see, because "tried to choke a comrade/fellow student after losing a spar" throws up all kind of red flags.
Dr. Snakes is definitely the golden boy of the village so I'd assume it would get some attention. Whether anyone will talk about openly or just feel sympathetic towards him (he's a traumatized kid etc) is less known.
Semper Anticus
Scarlet Justice - ep. 11
"Semper Anticus"

It's slow going, even after I gather my resolve. Luna's cooking still doesn't have the taste it should, so I stick to simple foods, vitamins, and drinking liquids. I do my stretches and exercises at home, staying there until the beginning of the next week.

When the time finally does come, I feel up to eating breakfast. Not where I want it to be, but...it's a start. I think the short depression did more to me physically than it did mentally, somehow.

Luna hugs me tightly before I leave. The air outside feels heavy and moist, which only makes sense...being able to afford central air helps a lot with comfort in this type of climate. I walk to school through the usual morning crowds, along the same route, towards the same entrance. Iruka is there waiting, and he looks at me carefully.

"Are you ready?" he asks.

"Yes, sensei. With your permission."

He nods and steps aside, letting me through. I go to the cafeteria first, where the cook hands me my usual order of dairy and asks how I'm doing. It seems she hasn't heard about the incident in full, so I deflect a little - there's no need to cause trouble on my return. I think the entire saga has been filed away under 'need to know'.

I drink down my milk while doing a bit of extra studying, then head for the big study hall when I'm ready. There are more people than I remember, and it must be because of the proximity to the final exams. I walk in quietly and take a seat in one of the distant corners, electing not to interact with anyone for now. Heads turn to look at me, and...it's strange in a lot of ways. How their eyes look.

They're pitying me again.

Even though I won, and I was the victim in the end...but then, I realize it makes sense. They don't realize a thing. They don't understand. Perhaps my eyes have changed more than I realized. They look so...trashy. So fake. So plastic and useless, these people. Who are they to me? What are they to me? These fools who wrapped my name in dirt and curses, over and over and over again.

This is what Emi sees. Why she chose to protect herself above all else. Now it makes perfect sense...she must have been attacked like this in the past herself. Experiencing this kind of ridicule would make anyone curl up into themselves. But I have already decided that I am above all of that.

Today's lesson is a review of tool application. I barely give the lesson any thought and daydream a while about the future. What sorts of missions would I be sent on? Hm. Probably small tasks to start. Deliveries and odd jobs. Handling responsibility, I suppose.

Class ends and I watch everyone file out before starting to do the same.


I reach the door and turn. There is a welcome, familiar face.

"Hinata. It's good to see you again," I say with a smile.

"Y-you too...I'm so glad...so glad you're okay." She clasps her hands together as she smiles at me. I open my arms to her, and she comes running, squeezing me tightly. I hug her back.

"I know that you sent prayers my way. Thank you for worrying so much, even if I don't deserve it..."

"That's...not true." I feel her squeeze me tighter. "Lili...thank goodness."

"..." There are still people in this world that I feel an attachment to, after all. I can't turn my heart to ice completely. Not yet, anyways. And certainly not towards Hinata. "Shall we head to class? We shouldn't be late."

"Yes." We let go of each other, and I can see her happy smile again. She really is too cute to handle at times.

The next class is for the tea ceremony. An easy enough thing, but the proximity to people irritates me today for some reason. I don't know why exactly it is...perhaps my body is reacting again before my mind can process it. It's easily overcome, though. I work with Hinata and start to brew our tea as part of today's lesson.

Footsteps come towards my table. I pay them no mind.


I lift my head and give my visitor a side-eye look. I am already wearied at this point.

"Ino. How may I help you?" I ask. She flinches, feeling the bite in my voice.

"I...about the other day...I'm so sorry about what happened. It wasn't right. I just...wanted...wanted to..."


"I just wanted to say that I'm not okay with it, at all. Even if...it was Sasuke. It was bad, it wasn't...um..." She nervously brushes back a strand of hair. "I know that I've been...I haven't been..."

I wish she would hurry up. But...she's trying, at least. Which is more than could be said for any of the other trash she hangs out with.

"I know that I've been indifferent to you, and just...not nice. I'm sorry. I was wrong."

"Are you pitying me?" I press. She stiffens and rubs one of her arms. The poor thing might burst into tears any moment now.

"N-no! No...I didn't mean to...imply..."

I look back into my tea, watching the ripples that move across the surface.

It's enough.

"Lili is fine," I say without looking at her.

"O-okay. I-I'm sorry again...Lili. Thank you."

"Understood. Be well, Ino."


She bows quickly before walking back to her table. I watch her leave, thinking about her approach, and her apology to me. Is it really enough?


It is. That much is good enough, for now.

"Lili? Is it...really okay?" Hinata asks me.

"It's perfectly fine. Ino is simply a girl...but she has her heart in the right place."

"I see...um...it's hard to connect with that type of person...for me."

"It will come in time," I assure her.



I feel my loathing of humanity build, despite earlier performances.

I really am selfish. Oh well.

Hinata presents me a bottle of milk at lunch. I gently take it from her, and note her expression. It's heavy, as if she's in pain.

Still thinking of me, to that extent. She really is silly sometimes.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

She sits and looks at me, confused. "Y-you're worried about me?"

"Yes. There are very few people in the world that I care for...and you are one of them."

"Lili..." She rubs at her eyes. "I'm fine...I was..."

"Frightened for me."

She nods slowly. I let out a breath as I flick open the bottle lid with one finger.

"I might be damaged. Deeply, at that...staring at death as I did is more than a small blow to the psyche. But I have overcome the first hurdle, and I will be fine. I promise you, Hinata."

I sip from my bottle and lick my lips.


How curious. Milk tastes as delicious as ever.


The day is nearly over, and I welcome it. We have free study today for the last block of class. I make use of the time to practice my balance on a suspended rope in the yard. It's quite easy...I did have a knack for it while training at Midori's place.

I think of her as I walk back and forth across the rope in silence.


It's suddenly noisy. Surely it will pass.

"Oi! Down here!"


I turn my head to see a certain blonde idiot on the ground below. The same dumb orange clothing, the same silly goggles perched on his head. The same stupid voice. I had gone all day without experiencing his antics.

His look is determined this time around. As if he might have business with me.

How absurd. This nonsense is the very last thing I need. I am almost done with the day. I can go home, I can hug Luna and take a warm bath. I can lie in my bed and read manga before I go to sleep. So close. It's so irritating...

"Listen! I'm challenging you to a fight! You got that?"

I drop down from the rope and glare at him from afar. There is no way he said that.

"I ain't Sasuke! I'll give you a proper fight this time!"

I tilt my head, incredulous. Is this child...brain dead, possibly?

His skills are rudimentary at best, and he was there to see what happened the other day. Did he think this was some sort of joke? A game? A competition, just another long line of challenges between himself and Sasuke? I can feel my chest getting hot with anger.

No. Calm down. I have to slow myself, even if he's asking for it.

"No pressure, yeah?" Naruto says while folding his arms. "You can back out any time you like, but I've already told everyone that I'm gonna beat you! I'm better than that loser Sasuke, and I don't choke people out or kick 'em when the match is over, ya know?"

"..." The more he speaks, the more genuine he seems.

"So how about it?"

I would lose nothing by declining. And it might be better for my mental health if I simply walk away right now and head home. This can be safely brushed off as a bad joke, and the only one laughed at would be Naruto.

But then...I think of all the ways I can use this to my advantage. This irritation needs to go away somehow, and working out my stress...


I'll make use of this child. I walk up to him and stare him down.

"Make sure you don't regret your decision," I say firmly. Naruto grins and pumps his fists in response.

"Yosh, got it! I'm gonna tell Iruka-sensei the good news! Be back soon!"

I watch him run off towards the main building. In the meantime, I gather my things from my bag, and make sure they're secure on my body. It seems I'm ready.


That boy is going to be my punching bag today. I feel sorry for him.

Well, Naruto's going home with bruises tonight. Kid's lucky he has a healing factor, courtesy of being Kurama's host.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 12

We return to the same field as before. I walk casually towards my position, putting on the icy mask expected of me for my spectators. For Iruka, a brief melting as he looks towards me, trying to gauge my readiness.

"Just say the word," he reminds me. I nod and give him a reassuring smile.

The same rules as before apply for this, my second spar at the Academy. Taijutsu, basic Academy ninjutsu, and modified shinobi tools. Surrender, knockout, and referee discretion will end the fight. The crowd seems slightly bigger today, possibly because this is taking place near the end of the school day.

From what I can hear, their loathing of me is still strong. They back Naruto. Some even whisper that I provoked Sasuke into attacking so that I could make myself look better. Children really can be cruel.

Iruka firmly explains the rules and is ready to step in at the slightest notion of foul play. I see Hinata, who had decided to come after all. Seeing her best friend and her obvious crush fighting might have been too much for her, I assumed. But she's here, nervously watching us both from the front.

"Before you both start...we have some business to take care of, since everyone involved is here. Lilith, a moment," Iruka says to me.

"Yes, of course."

He nods and beckons someone closer. It's Sasuke, who looks none the worse for wear after our skirmish the other day. But given all of the examining done, it would be a crime if he didn't look perfectly fine. The Hidden Leaf's golden child, indeed.

"Sasuke has something he's been working on. Go on," Iruka says, backing away a few steps and taking a fidgeting Naruto with him. Sasuke stops in front of me and lets out a breath.

I'm waiting with the understanding of what is about to happen. Once this is done with, I should be...better. Not yet well, but better. I will settle for that.

"Lilith...I'm sorry for what happened to you during our spar. I may have gone too far, and I apologize for that." He extends his hand with the Seal of Reconciliation towards me.

My head is filled with noise.

"What was...it? You're sorry for...?" I ask slowly.

"I'm sorry for what happened. It was an accident, and it won't happen again."


Iruka is too late.

I extend my hand towards his, and all is quiet.

"Do you remember what you said? About...me looking down on you, Sasuke?"

"..." He stares at me, confused.

And I slap his hand away with my own.

"Here's me looking down on you right now. Just as you wished for. Get out of my face, I have a fight to take care of."


"Iruka-sensei." My blood is like ice. I speak with the same authority that I delivered at our meeting. This absolute conviction that if cultivated, will move mountains with but a single command. "You have every right to demand that Sasuke give me an apology. And he has the right to present it in any way that he sees fit. But I am by no means obligated to accept that fake, flimsy, useless apology. Something that would lower the value of any paper it was printed on to less than that of dirt. There is an anger, a loathing in my chest for humanity that cannot be erased. A fury that could have been quenched, if only a little, by a decent apology, by something with some sort of meaning. Sasuke Uchiha, you have apologized for nothing. Leave. Me. Be."

"You...!" Sasuke tries to control himself. "I'm trying to apologize, and you-"

"What's this? Are you feeling humiliated? Breathless? Let me tell you something." I step closer and speak into his ear. "The only way that you will ever pay penance to me now...is by spilling your own blood at my feet."

I withdraw and see his face pale. Iruka doesn't know what to make of my words, and at this point, I don't care if he ever does.

"My name is not bitch, or ice queen, or runt, or girl. My name is Lilith Kobayashi. And you will not forget it. Sensei, get him out of here and start the match."

"R-right. Sasuke, make your way back."


"Sasuke, go," Iruka orders. "We'll talk about it later."

Sasuke's face twists up in frustration. He eventually does turn away from me, complying with orders and heading back into the crowd. Conversation ripples through the air...this is the second time I've humiliated him publicly in as many days.

But he asked for it. It didn't have to be this way. He chose this.

I wanted nothing but to be comrades. To work harmoniously, even if we were sometimes at odds. But he never gave me the chance. None of these pitiful humans did. I am doing the only thing that makes sense. I am protecting myself.

And I will never, ever apologize for that.

"Fighters ready," Iruka says as he returns. Naruto steps in front of me and makes the Seal of Confrontation, which I mirror.


Something like that...I see a reflection. Iruka's words come back to the front of my mind.

A good child, looking for attention. That was this fight, yes. Another chance to be seen. But why? The pranks, the foolish outbursts...

The...other side of the mirror. I dove inward, and he...dove out.

"You're alone, too...aren't you?" I hear him ask me.

And suddenly, I understand. Something to prove. Something to strive for. But on his own terms, for his own reasons. More than chasing Sasuke, he wants to see if he can reach me.


It seems I didn't judge this boy correctly. Still...I will have to crush that ambition of his. We're still worlds apart. He will have to learn his place today. Painfully.

"You're not like Sasuke," I say, to his surprise. "You understand. But...the result will be the same."

He blinks before responding with a stupid, cocky smirk. "Yeah? We'll see about that."

Iruka makes sure we're both ready.


Naruto immediately jumps into the air and comes down with a punch as I retreat.

"Come ooooooon!"

More than what's on the surface, then. Fine.

Time to move. First, a sidestep to make him miss. He predictably drops from the air and whiffs, stumbling before whirling around with an awkward looking kick. Naruto quickly recovers and starts throwing punch after punch at me, but...they're all woefully slow and easily dodged.

I...am not sure what to make of any of this. At all. His taijutsu is bad. Disturbingly bad. How is it that he has no form whatsoever?

It goes on like this. He mixes in kicks, presumably trying to catch me off guard, but none of those land either. He only succeeds in throwing himself off balance every few moves, missing as I sway from side to side easily. It's very much light exercise at this point. The others are cheering him on, quite reluctantly.

"Dammit! So...fast!"


I use a quick body flicker and move to his back, tossing a wave of shuriken at him before he can react. All of them hit him in the back, and as he falls over, I tense for a substitution.


One that never comes.

"Gaaaaaaah! That hurts! I forgot you could use shuriken!"


I am currently perplexed.

He gets up and dusts himself off as I look on. "At this rate, I'm not gonna do much better than Sasuke. Alright...it's time to get serious!"

Naruto roots around his tool pouch and pulls out a rather large amount of shinobi tools at once. No. He wouldn't.

"Here it comes!" he yells. "The Uzumaki Ninja Tool Barrage!"

He's really doing it. God, what is wrong with him?

Running towards me, he throws all of the weapons in his hands at me at once. He then comes to a sudden stop, making a seal and focusing. Definitely up to something, but...with his limited repertoire, what could it possibly be?

No sense in waiting for an answer. I'll take him seriously, just like he wanted.

I tense my legs and accelerate, weaving through the wide spaces left by his spread of shinobi tools. He's depressingly inaccurate, as he always is, and so it's easy to go past his so called barrage and race towards him.

Now or never.

"Here it is!"

I take one more bounding step and reach him. My options...I don't know what to expect, so I'll reach out and try to disrupt whatever he might be doing, breaking his concentration, and maybe I can pin or throw him with my momentum.

A cloud of smoke bursts forth as I put my hands on him and-



...what. What is this.


My hand is...gripping something that I know is supposed to be soft. But it feels like a water balloon, filled to the point where it might burst. The smoke starts to clear and I...can't believe what my eyes are registering. One of them I can feel twitching as I come to an understanding of my situation.

This is the 'secret' jutsu.

A blonde woman in twintails, completely naked, with smoke still lingering over her most sensitive areas. My hand is gripping one of her breasts, caught in my intended grab from earlier. She looks at me with a nervous smile.


I feel like I should be impressed. Even the voice matches a woman's perfectly.

There are far too many questions. Iruka looks like he's about to lose his mind.


Seems we've definitely crossed some sort of threshold for nonsense.

"You," I say calmly.


I squeeze. Hard. The woman in front of me lets out a yelp, and in the meantime I spin and drive a kick into the side of her head. She flies backwards and slides along the ground before reverting back into Naruto.

I face him and sneer, looking down on him. "Absolutely disgusting," I growl.

"G-geez..." Naruto is slow to get up, wobbling on his feet.

"You're a damned pervert. But more than that...I don't know what the hell you could have been thinking with that pathetic display."

"S-shut up! You don't have to go that far!" he shouts back at me, embarrassed.

"Foolish. Anyone who misses the mark by that much should be shamed."

"You...eh?" He stops.

"It seems you don't understand," I say with a flip of my hair. "A woman's body has nuance to it. The feeling of her soft flesh. The curvature of her healthy frame. And the lovely comfort and bounce of her chest. All of these things and more need to be considered if you're going to imitate it. Otherwise, it's just cheap trash. I suppose you've never even touched a pair of breasts, so I wouldn't expect you to understand."

"But...but-but-but...doesn't that make you a pervert, too?" he whines.

"A pervert? Don't be even more of an idiot. I simply know what I'm talking about as a woman. Your useless imitation is only good for luring in the most egregious perverts from a distance. And leaving all of that aside, doing things of this nature shouldn't be the only thing you know how to do with the transformation technique. If you're that limited, you might as well drop out of school now," I say with a hand on my hip.

"Hm..." Naruto rubs his head before taking a stance. "Alright! Then all I have to do is beat the secrets for the perfect Sexy Jutsu out of you!"

I blink at him. There's a realization, somewhere. Clearly he's a single-minded idiot. A massive pervert. A buffoon. Lazy. Loud. Supremely annoying.


He is...a lot of things.

And today, he helped me forget about a lot of things. It's depressing that we have an interest in common, but...well, is that so bad? Is that so terrible? Perhaps not. Within this fight, I've forgotten the anger that stung me. I've forgotten how alone I was in the world.

I can see him waiting for me.

"Beat me..."

I give him a smile.

"I suppose you can come and try, Naruto."

"Lili! Make sure you beat up that stupid pervert for women everywhere!" Ino's gotten into it, it seems. One more for my side, then?

"Oi! Shut up!" Naruto yells back.

I glance over at Hinata...who predictably has her blushing face in her hands. It figures.

"Alright, Miss Genius! Let's do this!" Naruto draws a kunai and charges me head on. Another idiotic move, but I expect nothing less at this point. I charge back, abandoning strategy to give him what he craves as I draw my kunai in turn. Our weapons clash and bounce away from each other before we bring them back.

This is a pure, welcome feeling. We're not at the pinnacle of combat, but we're fighting. I think this is what I wanted all along.

Naruto puts effort into his swings, striking out with that boundless energy I would always see. I block his every movement, manually tracking him and reacting at the last moment to test myself. From this point on, it won't be easy. I will have greater tests, greater missions to take on. But these victories have given me some confidence. I've taken on the top of the class, and the very bottom. I've handled myself well with both ends of the spectrum, showing my skill in every situation. I think that will do.


The boy in front of me is fighting valiantly. His resilience and his courage...both impressive things. He refuses to give up. He is slow...perverted...and supremely stubborn. And he has come up like this alone and isolated. He pulled pranks to gain attention, even for a moment.

Such an energetic child...so why was he so ostracized? What could it be?

Questions for another time and place...hopefully soon.

"Sorry. We'll bring this to an end," I say gently.


I jab my kunai into the back of his hand, making him drop his own. He responds quickly and throws a punch with his free hand that hits me...right as I transform into a log. From behind him, I step into an elbow at full speed and hit him in the back, then speed up as he's reeling and kick him in the head from in front. He's stunned for a moment - he has incredible endurance, this boy - and I take the opportunity to make a clone.

As he gains his bearings, he throws a shuriken through my clone and into the air. I quietly sneak up from behind him and take him to the ground, straddling his chest, pinning his hands above his head, and pointing my kunai at his throat.

"That should be enough. It's my win...pervert."


Iruka approaches and gives me a nod. I nod back and rise to my feet. Naruto follows a moment later, having regained his senses completely. He pouts and rubs the back of his head.

"Sheesh. Thought I had a good shot..."

Iruka grumbles and hits him in the back of the head lightly. "You didn't. At all. Lilith is at the top of the class. You can't even make clones properly."

"He was admirable today," I say sincerely. "Perhaps...if he were to focus on his studies, he would eventually make a fine shinobi one day, sensei." Echoing the same sentiments as Iruka wouldn't hurt, I think.

"Saying that much...well, that's a really nice compliment. Isn't it, Naruto? Naruto?"

"E-even if you say that..."

I blink. Is...is he blushing?

"Don't get the wrong idea!" Naruto yells, pointing at me. "I'm gonna beat you one day, Kobayashi, believe that!"

"Hm." I close my eyes. "Lili is fine."

He's quiet as I open my eyes again. I make the Seal of Reconciliation and extend my hand towards him. "I appreciate your effort, Naruto Uzumaki."

A small bit of kindness...

I watch as he grins at me, and wraps his fingers around my own. The seal complete.

And a moment of peace.

"Yours too, Kobacchi!"

I sigh. "Don't give me weird names. I said that Lili is fine."

"Ehh~!" He puts his hands behind his head. "Hey, make sure you show me how a girl is really supposed to be. One day soon, okay?"

Iruka hits him in the head again and he complains loudly.

I do notice something. There were some scrapes and bruises on Naruto that I know were present during the fight...they're all gone now. Aside from the dirty clothing, it doesn't look like he was in a fight just now. And he's bouncing around like usual, like he hasn't used a drop of energy.

I decide to keep this to myself for now. But yet another curious thing...hm.

Another strange comrade, then. Well. For once, I don't mind it at all.