All humans can learn Hamon, but only a few can do more than minor things with it. The Joestar line all have strong talent for using Hamon, which is why I'm sad we never see it again after Stardust Crusaders. Jotaro, Josuke, Giorno and Jolyne REALLY should have learned it; even when not fighting the undead, Hamon is too useful not to learn.
Most of them never had the opportunity. Giorno didn't even meet anyone who might have known that Hamon was a thing. Jolyne was kept far enough out of the loop that she had to learn about Stands through trial and error. Josuke didn't have a whole lot of time between learning about his father's side of the family and having his Part end. Jotaro I think was in a similar situation to Jolyne, where he's supposed to be raised in a normal life where he doesn't need to have magic martial arts and then oh whoops the plot just happened and we're on the clock.
All humans can learn Hamon, but only a few can do more than minor things with it. The Joestar line all have strong talent for using Hamon, which is why I'm sad we never see it again after Stardust Crusaders. Jotaro, Josuke, Giorno and Jolyne REALLY should have learned it; even when not fighting the undead, Hamon is too useful not to learn.
Then why couldn't Speedwagon use it?
Man who devoted his riches to improving the lives of people and making sure the Joestar family would have help even after his death: Considered incapable of hamon

Some random rats: Powerful Stand users
Fucking Speedwagon deserves like a Nobel Peace prize for being instrumental in stopping the subjugation of the human race by vampiric assholes. We cannot overstate how important Speedwagon was in saving the world, if it weren't for Speedwagon an entire army of vampires would've marched on Italy and nobody could've stopped 'em. This dude basically prevented the events of Hellsing from taking place; look if Speedwagon had a Stand, it's ability would've been something like ending world hunger or curing cancer or ensuring world peace or some shit. I hope that I some day live up to Speedwagon's example even it's just a little, truly a man we should all aspire to be like.
Fucking Speedwagon deserves like a Nobel Peace prize for being instrumental in stopping the subjugation of the human race by vampiric assholes. We cannot overstate how important Speedwagon was in saving the world, if it weren't for Speedwagon an entire army of vampires would've marched on Italy and nobody could've stopped 'em. This dude basically prevented the events of Hellsing from taking place; look if Speedwagon had a Stand, it's ability would've been something like ending world hunger or curing cancer or ensuring world peace or some shit. I hope that I some day live up to Speedwagon's example even it's just a little, truly a man we should all aspire to be like.
"A statement from a Speedwagon Foundation spokesman attributes the organization's success in promoting worldwide disarmament and groundbreaking strides in international cooperation to, ah, the founder's Stand,「Can't Fight This Feeling」. Requests that the foundation clarify this statement have thus far not been answered."
⌈Can't Fight This Feeling⌋ is the Bites the Dust equivalent to Speedwagon and Smells Like Teen Spirit.
EDIT: Wait a sec did Speedwagon just kick a candelabra at Dio?
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Hm, to badass it or to half-ass it...

Sorry, that just came to me and I had to say it.

But seriously now, while toughing it out seems like the "JoJo"-way of handling this, going down the path of avoiding pain netted us Hamon last time...
I dunno. Gonna go with

[X] Actually, taking a little nap doesn't sound too bad...

for now. Conking out here does seem like a pretty good way to end this scene, dramatically speaking.

Oh, and btw, let's remember to ask Joseph about Akasha the next time we're able. If we have any Dhampir half-uncles (or aunts, let's not say I discriminate) running around, I wanna know about it.
Indeed. Ripple/Hamon is something we see being used by less than ten people in the whole series, all of whom were taught by at least one of the others.

By contrast, the number of random, unrelated folks springing out of holes in the ground with Stands is faintly ridiculous.

That's mostly due to the fact that Araki basically threw the ripple away once he introduced Stands, doesn't helps that it coincided with when the cast started becoming much larger and the series as a whole became much more weird.

Mind, I heard the ripple got reintroduced or something in Part 7/8?