Sorry, which Diego is the (bigger) asshole? Dino-Diego, or World-Diego?
World-Diego. Dino-Diego only killed one person I can recall, even if it was still a pretty big dick move, and considering his childhood was in some ways even more emotionally damaging than Dio's (his father abandoned them before he was born, leaving them destitute, his mother slowly died in front of him just trying to keep Diego fed - to the point of suffering hideous burns on her hands when a sadistic server at the poorhouse found out she'd accidentally broken the bowl assigned her, so if she wanted food for herself & her son, she'd have to carry the boiling-hot soup in her cupped hands - and after she passed, he became obsessed with achieving as much as possible and being as acclaimed as possible, so her sacrifice would be justified), he could have been leagues worse and I wouldn't have blamed him.

Meanwhile, Diego From Another World was a complete bastard. We don't know too much about his timeline of origin, but he was every bit as ruthless and sociopathic as the man we got acquainted with in Phantom Blood. Complete with mowing down innocent civilians to try and slow up the hero.
If the planet no longer exists, you can't live on it.

Sounds like a pretty serious drawback to me. :V

Then you clearly think to much

By the time you have reached that conclusion, you should have already charged tge spirit bomb half the way and decide that a destroyed planet is still better then one with your enemy on it :V

Most of the time, Moka beats people with a roundhouse kick or heel kick; I can't think of a single instance of Moka defeating someone with a drop kick

I'm pretty sure she also used drop kicks during her fight, but that isn't my point anyway

My point is that if you use a kick based fighting style and then decide to wear a skirt, that you are commiting youself to the path of a panty flasher, because at some point you will flash somebody, wheter that person now is the reader, your enemy or the random backround character of no importance doesn't matter, only the fact that you do does matter :p

And thus I proclaim Inner Moka a 「panty flasher 」,

always knew that she was a pervert :V

As explained in the first Totally Superfluous Anniversary Q&A Special, ice does not conduct Hamon. What does conduct Hamon is the liquid condensation on the ice.

Yeah, no the ice kunai wasn't my point, more the liquid inside, however, I considered it again and came to the conclusion that my idea is useless, because, how would the hamon reach the liquid core if it can't be conducted through the ice, so yeah there is that

There have been multiple cases of implicit/explicit QM confirmation that Mizore can AOE with her ice/cold powers.

And you have totally missed my point, my point was that in most fight Mizore, at least in my headcanon, has to hold back and fight more carefully, least her attacks end up affecting her allies as well,

SO my question was if we could develop a technique that allows us to become more resistent to ice, which in turn would remove or at least loosen that restriction that Mizore places on herself because she doesn't want to acciedently freeze and maybe even kill us with her aoe attacks

Dio has equal odds of getting the same kind of Stand or being a dinosaur.

Then I want the dinosaur one, only because dinosaurs are awesome
Yeah, no the ice kunai wasn't my point, more the liquid inside, however, I considered it again and came to the conclusion that my idea is useless, because, how would the hamon reach the liquid core if it can't be conducted through the ice, so yeah there is that
It conducts it enough IIRC, since Caesar made a rope of icicles with the water dripping from the tips as a conductor, but it won't work as a throwing weapon since as was said before you need organic material to retain a charge.
Yeah, Solid Diego might be antiheroic teetering on selfish neutrality, but at least he only killed like, one guy who didn't have it coming, and his goals weren't particularly objectionable; he's very much the best Dio of all possible Dios to have a childhood as fucked as the original's.

Liquid Diego was just an ass.
Solidus Diego when?!

Then you clearly think to much
Can confirm. I also have a long-standing habit of (mis)interpreting playful teasing as malicious attacks, and I easily get annoyed at people when I'm trying to have a straight-forward conversation and they keep trying to "lighten up the mood".

But I'm sure we won't have any of those problems here. Right?

By the time you have reached that conclusion, you should have already charged tge spirit bomb half the way and decide that a destroyed planet is still better then one with your enemy on it :V, I'd rather still have an un-destroyed planet.

I'm pretty sure she also used drop kicks during her fight, but that isn't my point anyway

My point is that if you use a kick based fighting style and then decide to wear a skirt, that you are commiting youself to the path of a panty flasher, because at some point you will flash somebody, wheter that person now is the reader, your enemy or the random backround character of no importance doesn't matter, only the fact that you do does matter :p

And thus I proclaim Inner Moka a 「panty flasher 」, always knew that she was a pervert :V
This particular line of discussion has now gone from amusing to annoying. I ask that you please cut it out.

And you have totally missed my point, my point was that in most fight Mizore, at least in my headcanon, has to hold back and fight more carefully, least her attacks end up affecting her allies as well,
Mizore actually doesn't usually seem to use much AOE in her battles post face-turn. For the most part it looks like she prioritizes melee, with the very occasional "drop a giant f***ing ice block on their head". About the only time I can remember Mizore actually employing her powers over a large area was in the anime's second season finale, when she ambushed her own mother to keep the latter from interfering with Tsukune's one-man invasion of Castle Shuzen in order to get a backup rosary with which to bring back Outer Moka.

......<rereads above string of words>

............holy shit, the anime production team actually came respectably close to predicting the closing arc of the manga, and somehow managed to almost-sort-of-kinda pre-emptively adapt it with the limited characters and continuity they had to work with at the time. Damn, now I gotta give them more credit than I have been, even if it was completely accidental on their part.

SO my question was if we could develop a technique that allows us to become more resistent to ice, which in turn would remove or at least loosen that restriction that Mizore places on herself because she doesn't want to acciedently freeze and maybe even kill us with her aoe attacks
This will be addressed in-game. Be patient.

Then I want the dinosaur one, only because dinosaurs are awesome
This line was almost insightful enough for me to overlook your obsession with Inner Moka's lacy unmentionables.


Look, Hamon, in the hands of anyone with a high enough IQ to give all of MENSA pause and in possession of an organic items only shop (like a hippie Einstein) is very, very potent, and when multiplied by things such as the Red Stone of Aja even more so, but it's not omnipotent and it's nowhere close to what the pure insanity that is the Stand system, the most balls out insane magic system in recent history.
Yes, and three of those parts are already completely animated, with the fourth part being animated right now. So there are only three parts that have not been animated at all yet.
I think he's Saying he needs to watch JoJo, at all.


Yes, and three of those parts are already completely animated, with the fourth part being animated right now. So there are only three parts that have not been animated at all yet.

......if you're jerking my chain, I'm not amused.
I'm making a joke dude. Basically saying I ain't gonna touch Jojolion 'till they make an anime of it.
Thus, all seven previous parts would need to be animated before I can watch Jojolion. The fact that they're roughly halfway there doesn't change that.

...And now you've made me explain the joke and it's not funny anymore. *pouts*
I think he's Saying he needs to watch JoJo, at all.


Seen PB and BT, need to start on SC.
Just gonna say you're all missing out by not reading the monthly updates of Jojolion, it's honestly some of Araki's best art/character writing/fights/ bullshit.

Also Joshu is a wonderful asshole I love it, like a more asshole, less morally evil Diego.
It involves an amnesiac super smart man child with 4 testicles, a conspiracy of rock monsters, a teleporting motorbike, and a fusion of Yoshigake Kira and Jotaro Kujo. No, really. It doesn't live up to the shapeshifting plankton arrested for kidnapping or the telepathic chain-smoking infant or the pedophiliac orangutan, but still.
It involves an amnesiac super smart man child with 4 testicles, a conspiracy of rock monsters, a teleporting motorbike, and a fusion of Yoshigake Kira and Jotaro Kujo. No, really. It doesn't live up to the shapeshifting plankton arrested for kidnapping or the telepathic chain-smoking infant or the pedophiliac orangutan, but still.
I still think the maid was Jotaro personally
I'm making a joke dude. Basically saying I ain't gonna touch Jojolion 'till they make an anime of it.
Thus, all seven previous parts would need to be animated before I can watch Jojolion. The fact that they're roughly halfway there doesn't change that.

...And now you've made me explain the joke and it's not funny anymore. *pouts*
It was never funny in the first place.

I still think the maid was Jotaro personally
I am also convinced that the maid was Jotaro.