Things we've seen people do with Hamon:

- Walk on water

- Climb vertical surfaces like Spider-Man

- Kill someone just by making physical contact and then using a wave of Hamon energy to shut down their organs

- Telekinetically seize control of peoples' bodies and use them like puppets

- Make pasta capable of puncturing glass

- Create a bizarre hydraulic railgun effect that can send the top of a Coke bottle clean through a dude's finger

- Melt unusual lifeforms to death on a cellular level

- Telekinetically control soap bubbles at a distance

- Let you live for an insanely long time

- Heal people by touch

... Yeah, Hamon is actually some bullshit; we should be exploiting the shit out of it in conjunction with our Stand, not acting like the Stand will completely abnegate all need for Hamon power.
It also lets you deflect blades, like when Joseph stopped an Italian mugger's knife with his bare hand.
- Kill someone just by making physical contact and then using a wave of Hamon energy to shut down their organs
I don't remember this though.
I don't remember this though.
Caesar, in his lengthy trend of being incredibly shady, apparently already knew how to perform a Hamon-based dim mak when his Nazi friend got mangled by the Pillar Men, and used it on-camera to provide euthanasia.

Seriously, I can't really look at Caesar and not see heavy implications that he was some sort of supernatural Nazi collaborator hatchet man. What the fuck did he do for the Reich that they were willing to let him take un-vetted British people into a top-secret dig site? How did he even get far enough into their good graces that they let him know it even existed?

Considering his first thought for how to beat up Joseph involved grabbing an innocent civilian and turning her into his personal murder-puppet, combined with the "kill people with untraceable Hamon bullshit" technique, I'm inclined to answer "things that would probably have forced him to flee Europe and start living under an assumed identity after Il Duce & the Nazis were defeated, if he hadn't been killed fighting Whammu."
We really do need to see if Mizore can replicate Vaporizing Freeze, both non-lethally and lethally.
Mizore has her own damn ice powers, she doesn't need it.

Dire already did that (not that Jotaro or anyone else knows).
It's not implausible that Speedwagon could have later recounted the story to Joseph after the events of Battle Tendency (or that he could have told it to Lisa-Lisa, who in turn passed it to Joseph).

So, Hamon works best with things that flow, right? Water and blood are traditional examples. Scarves too. You know what else can be said to flow?


Also, the thing with scarves is that the specific scarves in question are made from some organic thingamajig or other (beetle wings IIRC) that makes them excellent Hamon conductors. Their basic inherent scarf-iness has nothing to do with it.
Things we've seen people do with Hamon:

- Climb vertical surfaces like Spider-Man
That requires that the surface be sufficiently covered with a Hamon-friendly liquid, though. You can't just climb up an arid stone wall, it has to be greased with canola oil or something.

- Make pasta capable of puncturing glass
That falls under general manipulation of organic matter, re: Jonathan making a hang glider out of leaves.

- Create a bizarre hydraulic railgun effect that can send the top of a Coke bottle clean through a dude's finger
He used Hamon to artificially and rapidly increase the fluid pressure in the Coke bottle. Speaking comparatively, there's not really anything bizarre about that.

... Yeah, Hamon is actually some bullshit; we should be exploiting the shit out of it in conjunction with our Stand, not acting like the Stand will completely abnegate all need for Hamon power.
Advance word of warning: I'm only going to let you overlap the two powersets by so much.

It also lets you deflect blades, like when Joseph stopped an Italian mugger's knife with his bare hand.
I don't remember that.

Caesar, in his lengthy trend of being incredibly shady, apparently already knew how to perform a Hamon-based dim mak when his Nazi friend got mangled by the Pillar Men, and used it on-camera to provide euthanasia.

Seriously, I can't really look at Caesar and not see heavy implications that he was some sort of supernatural Nazi collaborator hatchet man. do remember that Italy and Germany were allied nations during WWII, right? I mean, for fuck's sake, the Axis Powers consisted of Germany, Japan, and Italy, which I want to say was under the control of a fascist government (that being under Benito Mussolini) before Hitler's rise to power in Germany.

What the fuck did he do for the Reich that they were willing to let him take un-vetted British people into a top-secret dig site? How did he even get far enough into their good graces that they let him know it even existed?
The Nazis considered the Pillarmen their enemy, and Caesar was skilled practitioner of the only martial art known to be even slightly effective against them, on top of being a citizen of an allied nation.

It's like asking why the British Secret Service would cooperate with Batman, when the goddamn Joker and Harley Quinn have kidnapped the Queen? You find a fucking expert for your problem, and then you try to get them to help you.

Considering his first thought for how to beat up Joseph involved grabbing an innocent civilian and turning her into his personal murder-puppet,
That had more to do with specifically trying to humiliate Joseph, as per "You're so pathetic, even this untrained woman could beat the shit out of you!"

Now, Caesar does show himself to be a bit skeevy there (placing/removing his Hamon spell with a kiss, on a cute-at-minimum girl), but not so much "psychopath" as "jerkass".

combined with the "kill people with untraceable Hamon bullshit" technique,
I see no reason to believe that Lisa-Lisa, Messina, or Loggins can't have had some hand in teaching the technique. I mean, it sounds damn useful for dispatching vampires/Pillar Men, which is what Hamon originally is meant to be used for.
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Mizore has her own damn ice powers, she doesn't need it.

It's not implausible that Speedwagon could have later recounted the story to Joseph after the events of Battle Tendency (or that he could have told it to Lisa-Lisa, who in turn passed it to Joseph).

Also, the thing with scarves is that the specific scarves in question are made from some organic thingamajig or other (beetle wings IIRC) that makes them excellent Hamon conductors. Their basic inherent scarf-iness has nothing to do with it.

That requires that the surface be sufficiently covered with a Hamon-friendly liquid, though. You can't just climb up an arid stone wall, it has to be greased with canola oil or something.

That falls under general manipulation of organic matter, re: Jonathan making a hang glider out of leaves.

He used Hamon to artificially and rapidly increase the fluid pressure in the Coke bottle. Speaking comparatively, there's not really anything bizarre about that.

Advance word of warning: I'm only going to let you overlap the two powersets by so much.

I don't remember that. do remember that Italy and Germany were allied nations during WWII, right? I mean, for fuck's sake, the Axis Powers consisted of Germany, Japan, and Italy, which I want to say was under the control of a fascist government (that being under Benito Mussolini) before Hitler's rise to power in Germany.

The Nazis considered the Pillarmen their enemy, and Caesar was skilled practitioner of the only martial art known to be even slightly effective against them, on top of being a citizen of an allied nation.

It's like asking why the British Secret Service would cooperate with Batman, when the goddamn Joker and Harley Quinn have kidnapped the Queen? You find a fucking expert for your problem, and then you try to get them to help you.

That had more to do with specifically trying to humiliate Joseph, as per "You're so pathetic, even this untrained woman could beat the shit out of you!"

Now, Caesar does show himself to be a bit skeevy there (placing/removing his Hamon spell with a kiss, on a cute-at-minimum girl), but not so much "psychopath" as "jerkass".

I see no reason to believe that Lisa-Lisa, Messina, or Loggins can't have had some hand in teaching the technique. I mean, it sounds damn useful for dispatching vampires/Pillar Men, which is what Hamon originally is meant to be used for.
This is why I dont let people that aren't me suggest custom powers in Quests.
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This is why I dont let people that aren't me suggest custom powers in Quests.
Eh, sometimes they come up with something vaguely half-decent.

Oh. Confirmation that Hamon doesn't work on Stands?
Not unless transmitted through Hermit Purple, anyway.
Stomach's, actually. Just watched BT a few days ago.

Yeah, it's stomachs. How they stitch the damn things together is beyond me.
With a level of patience and care that I do not possess.
So, given that Hamon is iirc conductible through organic materials, what's wrong with plain old cotton? Or if it has to be animal material, wool or leather?
Some materials are just better hamon conductors than others. Like, Lisa-Lisa's scarf could conduct Hamon with 100% efficiency. So something like cotton would probably conduct Hamon, but maybe do it at only something like 60% efficiency. Ish.


I don't recall there being a whole lot of explanation for the exact mechanics behind that.
Things we've seen people do with Hamon:

- Walk on water

- Climb vertical surfaces like Spider-Man

- Kill someone just by making physical contact and then using a wave of Hamon energy to shut down their organs

- Telekinetically seize control of peoples' bodies and use them like puppets

- Make pasta capable of puncturing glass

- Create a bizarre hydraulic railgun effect that can send the top of a Coke bottle clean through a dude's finger

- Melt unusual lifeforms to death on a cellular level

- Telekinetically control soap bubbles at a distance

- Let you live for an insanely long time

- Heal people by touch

... Yeah, Hamon is actually some bullshit; we should be exploiting the shit out of it in conjunction with our Stand, not acting like the Stand will completely abnegate all need for Hamon power.
You forgot the time Joseph made a Hamon barrier out of several Hamon infused strands of Stroheim's hair. Hamon can also be conducted through iron, but Jonathan was the only one to ever do that, so I assume a certain amount of Hamon needs to be generated for Metal Silver Overdrive to be successful, let alone do significant damage.

As for everyone else involved with the Hamon discussion, I see it as a stronger, more versatile form of static electricity. Static electricity can be conducted through metal, it makes some substances stick together (balloons to walls, my sheets to themselves, polyester to body hair), and it stings when it comes into contact with skin.

Right before Lisa Lisa explained the Red Stone of Aja. They left it out of the anime since all it did for the story was show how much Joseph had progressed since his training.
Uh, those pictures only show as small blue boxes with question marks in them for me. Could be because I'm on an iPad.
You forgot the time Joseph made a Hamon barrier out of several Hamon infused strands of Stroheim's hair. Hamon can also be conducted through iron, but Jonathan was the only one to ever do that, so I assume a certain amount of Hamon needs to be generated for Metal Silver Overdrive to be successful, let alone do significant damage.
I don't remember Jonathan using it on explicit iron, just Bruford's sword which could have been steel. Straits and Joseph also both did it with metal, Straits with a chandelier and Joseph with his clackers and possibly those crossbow balls.
and it stings when it comes into contact with skin.
I don't think it automatically stings anyone besides the undead.
I don't think it automatically stings anyone besides the undead
Well, I was talking about static electricity at that moment.

Regardless, those mermaids were in pain when we charged the water with Hamon. I think Hamon works on Youkai in general. The reason I believe that is because most Youkai are traditionally nocturnal creatures. It's rare for Youkai horror stories to take place in the middle of the day or a sunny field. In Rosario + Vampire, Youkai having human sleep cycles can be explained with the assumption that the habit was developed several generations ago in order to better fit in with humans.
That definitely seems the best out of the 3 suggested ideas

3rd idea is the best=better then the other two= 「a good idea」
=> the other two are not 「a good idea」= are considered 「a bad idea」= says that developing a technique that allows the creation of a planet destroying spirit bomb is 「a bad idea」
=> *outraged voice* How dare you to say that is a bad idea !?!:mob::mob::mob:

Actually, in the manga it is exceedingly rare for Inner Moka's kicks to result in a pantyshot.

The anime production team just went into Rosario with the mindset of making a more-actiony-than-normal ecchi harem series instead of a more-haremy-than-normal shonen action series. And then when it came time to do a second season, they looked at where the manga was going, said "fuck it" and then wiped the massive amounts of egg off of their face and into a frying pan in an attempt to get some kind of use out of it.

No it is just 「exceedingly rare 」for us the readers to see it, that however doesn't mean that nobody else is seeing them, in fact technically everybody who moka 「shows their place」 with a drop kick is bound to see her panties
Makes on wonder what kind of place moka has in mind when she flashes her enemies into oblivion :ogles:

That said, what you're suggesting there sounds pretty much like Dio's Vaporizing Freeze technique

Oh, really, now why don't you tell me more about that ;)

Actually what I imagined was probably are much weaker version of, that in mind would have worked akin to a stun gun or knock-out gas and where we would take only enough energy/heat, to make them incredible tired and thus unable to fight

However I also have no problem with us developing a stronger certain kill version of it, if that is what you guys want :D

The problem is that Hamon typically doesn't play well with projectiles, unless you're channeling a bunch of energy into an organic flower spear or something. No hadokens for Jojo!

Would Ice-kunai / weapons in general with a liquid core work?

Then it's a good thing that Star Platinum is getting closer and closer to fully awakening...

Would we even get Star Platinum?
I mean I have no fucking clue about JoJo, but aren't Stands fighting spirit/personality/ character based ?
So shouldn't it be for us who are in a different setting, who developed their own character and own resolution be more likely to end up with something other then the canon power?

- Heal people by touch

Now that is something that I would like to learn and since our friends and GF just got trashed we certainly would have the right IC motivation to learn it,
Not to mention it would probably be really useful later on, when certain members of our friends *cough*tsukune*cough* are bound to get wounded again

- Make pasta capable of puncturing glass

Oh do tell and better keep on talking because if I learned something from Don't Starve then that food based weapons are the best :D

I don't think a scarf will fit our outfit

You just want a long coat.

I think both would fit us wonderfully let's just take both for our winter/mother-in-law outfit :lol

Mizore has her own damn ice powers, she doesn't need it.

Attention please, herby I warn you that the following post is written by somebody who has no fucking clue about JoJo

Actually would it be possible for us to develop a technique that allows us to lower our body temperature without affecting our body or develop something that makes us less affected by ice, cold and being frozen?

Because as I see it, mizore could be much better/ efficient at freezing our enemies if she wouldn't have to worry about acciedently freezing us as well

In fact if we were to pull off the technique about the lower body temperature, then mizore could gradually lower the temperature of our surroundings, which would affect our enemies and make them tire out more quickly

And before somebody says that mizore can't do that on that scale, freezing things is exactly her power and something which we see her pull off, not only in the manga and anime but here in the story as well

Their basic inherent scarf-iness has nothing to do with it.

I contest that on the base that excatly that inherent scarf-iness, would make us look even more badass and that by the rules of the holy book of shounen-manliness it makes us by default stronger :p

It's why Joseph was able to defeat ACDC using his wool hat.

...Do I even want to know why he felt the need to beat up ACDC?
Would we even get Star Platinum?
I mean I have no fucking clue about JoJo, but aren't Stands fighting spirit/personality/ character based ?
So shouldn't it be for us who are in a different setting, who developed their own character and own resolution be more likely to end up with something other then the canon power?
We've already awoken our Stand partially, even if we could affect our personality enough to get a different Stand Joseph still had Hermit Purple after going from go-getter bara grandpa to slow go-with-the-flow humanoid dust pile.
...Do I even want to know why he felt the need to beat up ACDC?
ACDC poisoned him and kept the antidote in a nose ring.
...Also, Jotaro's expressionless face is probably not something that'd be exactly comforting to see if you'd wake up, to put it mildly.
Unless you're Mizore.
...This is quite a good point.

[X]Check on your injured/unconscious underclassmen.
Now that is something that I would like to learn and since our friends and GF just got trashed we certainly would have the right IC motivation to learn it,
I have my doubts about how effective the monster-killing energy would be at healing monsters.
...Do I even want to know why he felt the need to beat up ACDC?
Welcome to Jojo. When the plot turns to that side of the crossover, Paula Abdul is going to recruit us to go take out Ronnie James Dio. We will be joined by Michel Polnareff, who's hunting down the J. Geils Band to avenge his sister, and Iggy Pop, who's basically just an asshole until he saves that kid from the Pet Shop Boys. Eventually we will have to storm Dio's fortress, guarded by Terence Trent D'Arby, Kenny G, and the terrifying murder machine that is Vanilla Ice.

Basically, naming all the characters after whatever Araki had on the radio is one of Jojo's things. You get used to it.