Here's an Un-subbed video of the aforementioned no selling. (I was wrong, he no sells everyone but Star Platinum.)
There is a reason behind this:

The World Over Heaven's greatest power are manifested through its fists, and as a result HA DIO can do it as well.

What happens, is that when either of them punch something, or otherwise touch with their hands, 『reality is overwritten to his design』. When The World OH blocks Act 4 and GER with its fists, HA DIO's reality of 『THIS ATTACK IS USELESS』 takes effect and negates their power. When Jotaro manages to follow up, it is specifically shown that HA DIO doesn't block it in time and takes a bleeding hit to the head.

However』, seconds later, he touches his head with his left hand and it heals instantly with a 'warp' visual effect. If you pay close attention, you can see the same warp effect when he dissipates Act 4's projectiles and GER's punch.



And here is a subbed version of the final battle with the bracelets and "same type of stand" nonsense.
I think you linked the wrong video, there are no subs in that one. It should be...this one.
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There is a reason behind this:

The World Over Heaven's greatest power are manifested through its fists, and as a result HA DIO can do it as well.

What happens, is that when either of them punch something, or otherwise touch with their hands, 『reality is overwritten to his design』. When The World OH blocks Act 4 and GER with its fists, HA DIO's reality of 『THIS ATTACK IS USELESS』 takes effect and negates their power. When Jotaro manages to follow up, it is specifically shown that HA DIO doesn't block it in time and takes a bleeding hit to the head.

However』, seconds later, he touches his head with his left hand and it heals instantly with a...'warp' visual effect. If you pay close attention, you can see the same warp effect when he dissipates Act 4's projectiles and GER's punch.


I think you linked the wrong video, there are no subs in that one. It should be...this one.

That seemed like just a poor rip off of part three, to be honest.
You'd think that in a Crisis Crossover Jonathan, that was Dio's original arch-enemy and whose feud with Dio was the beggining of everything would have a bigger role in the climax
You'd think that in a Crisis Crossover Jonathan, that was Dio's original arch-enemy and whose feud with Dio was the beggining of everything would have a bigger role in the climax
I'd have made it a huge undertaking that needed all of the Joestars and their allies.

Maybe something like...

Jotaro attempts to defeat Dio through a time stopped ambush - since it's a different Dio who's stand has changed, he might no longer have time stop abilities. Jotaro is defeated, but barely survives...
Joseph, restored to his prime by Josuke as the most clever Joestar, figures out Dio's abilities, and forms a plan that he passes on before dying. (Echoing Caesar's own death, he carves out a message with ripple and Hermit Purple).
Josuke heals Jotaro, and the two attempt to escape. Cornered, Josuke sends away Jotaro while he attempts to defeat Dio by reverting him back to a former state - the state of being just a head...! (But it fails)
Jolyne, Jonny, and Josuke (Jojolion) stall Dio for time, while Jotaro attempts to power up Star Platinum...by going through the full ritual (perhaps modified to be less dangerous and costly to innocent people)- they're the same type of stand, so they should power up in the same way. Not just "ohlolourpowersarealwaysexactlythesametype", but taking a lot of time and effort, with the Joestars and their allies falling while Jotaro rushes.
Meanwhile, Giorno is able to stall Dio indefinitely with GER - but two conceptual abilities constantly colliding locks them both in place. Giorno pushes himself too far, and resets Dio's very existence to zero...! But without Dio, Giorno cannot have ever existed either! The paradox breaks the [Requiem], and before Giorno can use the Arrow again, Dio quickly knocks him out. He rushes to stop Jotaro, but it's too late!

The world ascended, becoming the heavens that stood above it. What stands above the stars, but the entire cosmos?
The ascended JOTARO, wielding Star Platinum [SPIRALING COSMOS] (perhaps JOTARO receives a crash course in the Spin?) battles and neutralizes the World Over Heaven, but with two stands of equal power cancelling each other out, it comes down to an ordinary human battling a vampire. As Dio is about to strike the final blow, the last Joestar left comes out of hiding - Joseph's final trump card, made possible by Josuke's Crazy Diamond and the willing sacrifice of regular Dio... Jonathan Joestar.

With the still wounded JOTARO canceling the effects of THE WORLD OVER HEAVEN, it comes down to a final battle between Jonathan and Dio...!

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We may never know.

Alright I think we've deviated enough from R+J for now, since Eva won't be implementing anything from it anyway.

Bring it over to the main JoJo thread if anyone wants to continue on EoH.
Omake time! Exploring what happens if Tsukune buses in with a different Jojo character.
Cinderella Man

Tsukune was fairly certain that the bus driver's warning that Youkai High was a horrifying place was entirely for the benefit of the other passenger. Certainly he didn't need any help to recognize scary when he saw it. The other new student, though, she just smiled.

"Don't worry," she said to Tsukune. "I'll look out for you. You can think of me as your fairy godmother." Which was a bit too weird a thing to say to be entirely reassuring, but okay.

He would have dwelled further on this weirdness, and on the general creepiness of his new school, but such thoughts were quickly superseded by, in rapid succession, "incoming!" "~pretty~" and "ohgodmyneck." Then, as if he didn't have enough weirdness to deal with, he felt the fangs piercing his neck suddenly change to perfectly ordinary human teeth and was treated to the sight of a vampire getting a lecture on proper behavior, and how bloodsucking wasn't.

Unbeknownst to Tsukune, it didn't take long for word to make its way around the grapevine that Aya Tsuji was not to be messed with. Not even, nay especially if you were looking for a challenge to prove yourself against. Nobody had any idea what kind of monster a "fairy godmother" was, but it was a good thing they were rare because they were clearly filthy goddamn cheaters. The punks, bullies, and combat junkies of Youkai High understood that if you picked the wrong fight you could find yourself dodging lightning bolts or spiderwebs or poison gas, and that was all part of pitting your strength against theirs. What wasn't supposed to happen was putting on your war face only to find yourself turned weak and human and essentially helpless against what moments ago were soft targets.

As with most local legends, the rumor mill differed on exactly what Tsuji had gotten up to. Had she really taken away the gills and tails of the entire swim club at once, leaving them at the mercy of an angry student body? Could she possibly have turned that art teacher to stone, and to add insult to injury, left her with an awful case of dandruff and split ends when she was revived? Was it true that Anti-Thesis had established a Do Not Engage Under Any Circumstances policy?

If Tsukune had known about Aya's reputation, it would have struck him as rather unfair that hanging out with her so often led to him dodging monster fist. Unfortunately for him, the aforementioned reputation largely came from Aya's habit of deciding that some lonely monster she'd run into needed a fairy godmother to meddle on their behalf. And since she was adamant that beating up whatever unpleasant types liked having a lonely monster to kick around was in no way the fairy godmother's place, Tsukune found himself appointed her enforcer whenever Inner Moka couldn't come out and play. He wasn't entirely sure how he had been so appointed, and felt that he really deserved a say in the process.

Still, one can get used to anything. Even having stolen monster parts psychically grafted on oneself so one can survive high school. So Tsukune considered it another unfairness that once he'd gotten used to his new lifestyle he ended up embroiled in Fairy Tale's terrorist plots and facing off against monstrous professional killers, rather than just gifted amateurs. And once he was almost used to that, he felt himself called to challenge Alucard himself.

Standing before Alucard was a very different Tsukune from the nervous, friendless pushover who first bused into Youkai High what felt so long ago. Now he was battle-hardened and surrounded by boon companions. (Still a pushover, though.) So too was he different from the Tsukune who had fought using bits and pieces of the monsters Aya had punished. Now he was entirely human, albeit subtly altered from his original form. Above all, now he was without fear as he cried out, "Alucard! This ends now! We, all of us, have been blessed with the fate of kicking your ass!"
Seriously, Cinderella would be a great combat Stand against the kind of enemies that don't show up by Part 4. Also, I think Aya might actually be in high school at this point in the timeline. I'm not sure how old she is.
Probably not.

I'm not convinced that I can do the character justice.

I mean, granted, I had the same concerns with Jotaro several hundred pages ago, buuuuuuuuuuuuut...... >_>
Honestly I've never been a huge Rohan fan.

I don't dislike him, but the Jerk with Honor thing isn't an archetype I'm generally drawn too, and his stand is either the most OP thing ever or the least OP thing ever and I'm not sure which.

Couldn't he just write "Will kill blank in 5 seconds" on anything and win all the time, It obviously ignores cause and effect seeing as it can launch someone 20M for no reason.

Also he insults Josuke's hair, and I can't abide by that.
Honestly I've never been a huge Rohan fan.

I don't dislike him, but the Jerk with Honor thing isn't an archetype I'm generally drawn too, and his stand is either the most OP thing ever or the least OP thing ever and I'm not sure which.

Couldn't he just write "Will kill blank in 5 seconds" on anything and win all the time, It obviously ignores cause and effect seeing as it can launch someone 20M for no reason.
Definitely most OP. Rohan's really only challenged because he doesn't spam Heaven's Door as much as he could and/or he faces Stands with a special resistance to Heaven's Door bullshit. Q.v. the Cheap Trick arc, where he refuses to use it to force the architect to show his back because that would be boring and then he can't use it to make Cheap Trick fuck off because it's become metaphysically him. In a face-to-face confrontation, Rohan could have oneshot Kira to death or geased him to spend the rest of his life atoning for his sins. Hell, he could have done the same thing to King Crimson or Mr. Ultimate Life Form.
Also he insults Josuke's hair, and I can't abide by that.
That was just for a tactical advantage, though.
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Didn't Heaven's Door have the drawback of just straight up not working on people that don't like Rohan's drawings? I honestly can't remember. It feels like ages since I've read through part 4.

[x]Investigate the disturbance.