Thinking about ot, if we're accidentally activating "Star Platinums : The World" won't DIO eventually realise we have time stop as well?

Or at the very least that someone other than him has it. I'm worried it might make him fight more seriously, a DIO who fights without his arrogance is nearly unbeatable.
Thinking about ot, if we're accidentally activating "Star Platinums : The World" won't DIO eventually realise we have time stop as well?
"Star Platinums : The World"

Jotaro using DIO's timestop quotes in Parts 4 and 6 was STUPID! the sense that I really hated that, and can't think of a better single-word explanation for why!

There is no "Star Platinum: The World". Ever! THERE IS ONLY STAR. PLATINUM.

<spends the next several seconds de-escalating>

To answer the actual question: maybe.
.....oh, that's right, I did say that, didn't I.

Nevermind then. Shameful ZOMG regret has evaporated.
Any chance of Jotaro achieving Over Heaven? Rewriting reality with our fists sounds awesome, but I have the feeling that even if it happens it will be a reactionary development just like Time Stop. Why do Jotaro's upgrade always follow DIO is what I want to ask Araki.
Any chance of Jotaro achieving Over Heaven? Rewriting reality with our fists sounds awesome, but I have the feeling that even if it happens it will be a reactionary development just like Time Stop. Why do Jotaro's upgrade always follow DIO is what I want to ask Araki.
The common fan theory is that The World's actual ability is "access to abilities of the descendants of the user", hence why he can use a lookalike of Hermit Purple, stop time, and so on. :V
Any chance of Jotaro achieving Over Heaven? Rewriting reality with our fists sounds awesome, but I have the feeling that even if it happens it will be a reactionary development just like Time Stop. Why do Jotaro's upgrade always follow DIO is what I want to ask Araki.


More seriously, because, "Jotaro is another Dio" wait that didn't come out right.

Cause reasons
Any chance of Jotaro achieving Over Heaven? Rewriting reality with our fists sounds awesome, but I have the feeling that even if it happens it will be a reactionary development just like Time Stop. Why do Jotaro's upgrade always follow DIO is what I want to ask Araki.

More seriously, because, "Jotaro is another Dio" wait that didn't come out right.

Cause reasons
Stand powers, son.

The answer's always Stand powers.

They just work.
Any chance of Jotaro achieving Over Heaven? Rewriting reality with our fists sounds awesome, but I have the feeling that even if it happens it will be a reactionary development just like Time Stop. Why do Jotaro's upgrade always follow DIO is what I want to ask Araki.
Villains act, protagonists react.

More seriously, Jotaro never trains with Star Platinum, so all its improvements are reactions to situations at hand. Not that he really needs to train with it, considering that he pretty much steamrolls everyone he encounters as soon as they get within ORA ORA ORA range. Up until Dio, anyways.